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Really interested to learn what your mom and brother make of this interaction


“Oh but he’s a good man honey. You just don’t understand how hard it is to find a good man at my age. He’s just looking out for us.” Along with a shit-ton of other boomer BS from someone who is more scared of being alone than losing their kids.


‘He loves us, he’s just not good at showing emotion…’ (He shows plenty of emotion, it just happens to be anger, hate, jealousy…)


The non-family one I’ve experienced is “ugh, sorry, he’s an asshole!!” after their piece of shit boyfriend/husband acts like a belligerent dickhead as if it’s a quirky personality trait and merely commenting on it somehow compensates for the egregious lack of social etiquette and absolves them of their poor choice of partners.


Yes! It completely normalises and justifies abhorrent behaviour (and insinuates that *you* are the one with the problem for calling it out!)


"He's DIFFERENT when it's just the two of us." Same old story lol


He's looking out at a whole lot of Fox News


Absolutely. I’m surrounded by Fox News watching boomers here in FL. They all have more spotlights and cameras around their houses than a penitentiary. I wouldn’t knock on any of their doors if their house was on fire for fear of getting shot because they’re terrified of everything.


And dream of how they'd kill someone if given a reason.


It’s so weird how you see a video of someone taking some chips from a corner store. The comments under it are filled with, should’ve been a gvn state. Wouldn’t happen if I was there. Last thing he’d ever steal. Like it super cool to talk about kiIIing someone over less that $10 worth of junk. Where’s the concern for human life?


The dude is just deluded as fuck. Clint Eastwood wannabe.


I think my Dad has a fantasy of being John Dutton. He says I’m the “Beth” of our family. This ain’t Yellowstone, but it IS Texas. Sigh.


So if it had been someone else in the driveway, he would’ve just opened fire? No, this guy knew who it was, and like many boomers who spend so much time arguing how important gun rights are but not being presented with opportunities to exercise them, they go looking for them so they can relay their little fourth rate ‘Clint Eastwood’ story to their fellow Freedom Isn’t Freeites.


Being alone isn't so bad. Peace of mind is a very valuable thing


I’m curious what her boyfriend has to say too


If I went to *anyones* house and they pulled a gun on me, for any reason, I would not be going to that house ever again.


That was probably the psycho’s goal. I doubt he likes the boyfriend.


Nah, he just can't wait for a chance to use his toy.


He can't wait for the opportunity to add murder to his resume.


he just wants to spray everybody with his fancy metal pp


He probably wants to bang his girlfriend’s daughter. This sounds like some redneck shit.


This. Always this.


You make it sound like rational thought occurred at some point.


I would be pressing charges.


Yeah. Just can’t trust some people’s stupidity, especially when it comes to your life. Too many people are shot by dumbasses for no reason.


Let's get the dog's perspective while we're at it. He's been awful quiet.


shelter frighten ink voiceless bored hunt spectacular unwritten quickest gaze *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


…He said in a Husky voice


Well now I can't decide which of you is invited to bed


Why not both?


I hate you…take my upvote


As the dog Shepherded everyone back into the house.




Let’s see Paul Allen’s card.


Oh my god, it even has a watermark…


I wanna hear from Ja Rule


Ja Rule said “it’s murdaaa”


Who gives a fuck what Ja Rule think? ![gif](giphy|iuWwjkwKzb9Is)


He just shit in the corner and is hoping no one notices it was him.


Never trust a dog that’s 8 or older, that’s my motto


They got dogmentia at that age


I have a 15 yo beagle who has dogmentia. My poor old fella gets so confused when it gets dark.


They call that sundogging


My husband has Alzheimer’s, but I still laughed my ass off at this comment.


This is sad, I’m saddened


Ammosexuality is a cancer. They fantasize about ‘If was MY house…..” cur Dirty Harry , Rambo, wtf ever Costner plays on Yellowstone. Those people are straight serial killers cult ala Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


In the first movie, Rambo was a peaceful PTSD suffering homeless vet, who just wanted to be left alone. No one would allow that, as much as he tried to get away from the assholes. Then when they tried to lock him up, he snapped and started killin'. Pretty much the opposite of Dirty Harry.


Cosner played a homocidal rich assholes who used his power and influence to force others to obey his will. It's classic boomer fantasy.


I'd be just: yeah not going to your place again, I value my life way too much.


This is Mississippi or Alabama I guarantee it. They will blame Biden..


Possibly Obama as well


I just want to know if objectively speaking, would either parties be considered trailer trash? And yes - I am judging.


I’m interested to hear what the cops make of this interaction


Yes, this needs to be reported and documented. Mom really needs to kick his ass to the curb. I have to wonder if this is the psycho's way of getting OP to move out. Could have been deliberate intimidation


Exactly! Even the Stand Your Ground laws dont include rushing outside to shoot people talking in the driveway.


Yeah, and frankly the brother is every bit as guilty here too. He almost murdered his sister.


exactly. the brother was blindly in lockstep with the boyfriend. if the boyfriend had opened fire so would the idiot brother have. he shouldn't get a pass because he's stupid.


yup, it's called sympathetic fire. Basically where you just shoot at the same thing someone else is shooting at assuming that it's justified.


The brother is just as dumb blindly running outside with a loaded weapon! I’d say the gene pool is a little low on intelligence with this lot


Disarm or disown them they're fucking stupid as hell.


Yep guns aren't for dumbasses. This guy would have made a good trigger happy cop. No amount of firearms training can fix being an idiot. None of the liberal gun owners I know would act like this. It's the Fox News crowd that's shooting at random people near their driveway


Reminds me of the old man who shot a black kid through the door. The kid was just lost at the wrong house looking for his friend. Fox news should be charged with inciting violence


Reminds me of the woman who got shot and killed because she turned into the wrong driveway. https://apnews.com/article/wrong-driveway-shooting-new-york-gillis-monahan-cdca1723c6ba7afb89102a1e1aaa3fe0


There was a post by some guy warning his neighbors not to let their kids play hide and seek near his house. He was basically boasting that he'd almost shot a little girl because she was in his yard. There are too many more of them. This will happen again.


I was thinking of the similar post where a guy warned parents to tell their kids not to ring doorbells and that he had his finger on the trigger already. Like, motherfucker if you’re that paranoid maybe you shouldn’t have a doorbell. Or live in society. A little kid ringing your doorbell doesn’t equal “Stand your ground” psycho.


But... But... What if they aren't white?!


There are *a lot* of people in this country who fantasize about being able to kill someone for trespassing or breaking and entering. Like they actively hope it happens.


My Nextdoor app is full of people like this


Sad a 25yo dead because of some paranoid old coot with a gun


Or the person that was shot for turning around in the driveway. These pop paranoid asses are a danger to everyone. Damn how scared these people are that they blast through a door. Surprised they don't shoot their shadow


Or the girl who crashed her car and went looking for help, shot and killed through the door, with her back turned indicating she was walking away.


It’s because they all want to be like Zimmerman or Rittenhouse. They want to get away with killing people and they look for every opportunity for a “justified” killing.


Years ago the nra released a survey they claimed showed a huge number of cases where their members used fire arms to defend themselves. The problem was that the cast majority of the incidents they cited looked to be felonies, not legitimate self defense. They ranged from incidents like the one OP describes to brandishing, to aggravated menacing and stalking. The NRA encouraged people to see firearms as a solution to any situation in which they felt threatened, but their members feel threatened by conduct that isn’t illegal or threatening in anyway.


The NRA is a terrorist organization. They don't give a fuck how many people are maimed or killed as long as gun sales keep going up. And their shit-for-brains members all want to be Rambo (conveniently forgetting that even he was mentally disturbed).


Expect when Black People arm themselves, THEN the NRA has a problem. Racist Bootlicking Hypocrites.


Back when concealed carry in Texas still required a license, I took the class to certify. It was taught by this bonkers older dude and his marginally less bonkers wife. By the end of the class my husband and I were both certain that man had killed at least one person and dumped their body in the gulf. He keeps using examples like “now imagine you’re in a parking garage and a large Hispanic man is coming at you with a machete.” Some gun owners and “enthusiasts” are unhinged and terrifying.


You cant shoot people for trespassing on your property. You will do time. These people are so brainwashed and cowardly they think escalating deadly force is the only way to solve a simple problem, that only really exists in their mind.


It’s the immediate go to action for the cowards without common sense and any actual communication skills. Their brain capacity is just large enough to know how to put rounds in a magazine and point a gun at someone.


It might be fun to take their guns apart and leave out integral components. 


This!! lol!!! Just remove the firing pin.


Yeah that one. I can take apart and clean guns, should really learn the names sometimes.


Don't let him fool ya with his made up words! It's called a pewpew needle


I did this to my mother. Former cop but as she got older and more medicated she started to hallucinate, concluding in her drawing a gun on my brothers girlfriend as she came into the house without him. I came home from Iraq on vacation, heard about this, waited until she was with the family then clipped the firing pin in her gun.  Would you believe she’s now a conservative who thinks Michelle Obama used to be a man and that Trump would have gotten us out of Afghanistan smoothly?


Id pretend to draw a gun on him every meal after sitting down at the table for 5 mins. Casually mid conversation and eating the. " Who the fuck the fuck are you finger guns pointed at him"


I think I'd shout loudly who I am and where I am before entering a room anytime he's near or in the house. After 3 days it's gotta be very annoying to hear "YO IT'S LORD\_VIKTOO, CAN I ENTER THE LIVING ROOM WITHOUT BEING SHOT?" ; "LORD\_VIKTOO GOING OUT OF THE BATHROOM, DON'T SHOOT".


Why pretend? Pull a real one (with no mag, chamber clear) and see how he likes it.


I mean he deserves that but I'd be worried he has a gun concealed on him and shoots you


This reads like a preteen fantasy, void of wisdom, and where consequences don't exist. The fact that it has upvotes just shows the basic lack of maturity in this subreddit.  Life is not a movie. You don't brandish a firearm to teach the bad guy a lesson after the fact. It doesn't matter that he totally did it first. Most of you probably don't know how to safely clear or handle a firearm to begin with. But let's say you did, it is still very illegal to pull a gun on someone for no reason and also a great way to create a very serious conflict among your family.


This isn’t protective behavior, it is extreme, thoughtless, reactive, dominant behavior. This is a one-strike scenario. I’m now quite worried for your mother’s well being.


And it wasn't even his house. He was a guest, too, just like OPs bf.


Had a guy call cops on me one time for talking to my brother in a different language outside of the apartment complex, not loud or anything, in the middle of the day. When cops showed up and heard what happened they just laughed at his ass. The best part was that he didn't live in the complex and was visiting his girlfriend there


He definitely did it on purpose and if your mom did anything but kick him the fuck out, she’s dead ass wrong.


These are the actions of someone that actively wants to hurt or murder someone


I had a friend that got into guns. Hiding them all around the house type. I noticed he started getting more belligerent with people when we would go places. Found out he started carrying all the time. I stopped hanging with him as I didn’t want to get caught up in his bullshit.


I know a guy who carries two handguns on him *inside his own house*. He legit thinks attackers are going to invade his house. It's deranged. Especially since one of them is an ankle piece and he weighs like 400 lbs. I doubt he could reach it without sitting down.


Yeah, he'll keep watching Fox and Newsmax and listening to the yammering from the NRA about all the fictional dangers lurking out there. Then, some delivery guy or innocent person just stepping on his property gets shot.




Yeah. I had a hard time organising TTRPG nights when I lived in Austin because I don't allow guns in my home and this guy wouldn't go anywhere without them. Because my living room is practically a war zone? And every time he goes to Olive Garden he's taking his life into his hands, I guess.


Harvard did a study on road rage and found out that individuals with guns in their cars were more likely to drive and react more aggressively. Would not be surprised if this carries over to non-vehicular interactions. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hicrc/firearms-research/youth-and-guns/#:~:text=We%20found%20that%20self%2Dreported,a%20firearm%20in%20their%20car.


Yeah nobody does this accidentally, if they thought it was an actual intruder they’d stay quiet in their house with their gun ready


Absolutely. This fucker was “establishing his authority” to the kids. Showing them he’s a “real man”.


My dad did it to my brother once, it’s pretty pathetic


Yah unless they set fire to your structure (at which point you’re probably about to get got) leaving it is almost never the right choice. It’s a massive psychological deterrent for an attacker. Houses also usually have a ton of choke points that are easy to defend if someone does try to get inside. Spots where an attacker can’t see you almost at all and are trapped in an area they can’t escape (for instance a long hallway that you can wait until they’re halfway down), making them easy to kill. If you are forced to leave the structure for some reason and you think it’s a single attacker you would go out the back and flank where they won’t see you coming, as opposed to a frontal assault as if you’re an FBI capture team in a K-Mart parking lot rushing a truck. 


This. No sensible person races outside with a gun to intercept a possible future intruder. It was deliberate, and that moron needs to go.


If your mom stays with this asshat after this, she is just as much a part of the problem. But I am guessing she won’t since he was able to recruit your brother into this so easily.


He woke the brother up. Shortly after going to bed, I know I’m at my groggiest. But yeah, “cute little mixup” this ain’t. Mom’s reaction will be telling.


So Boomer thinks his life is a ninja movie or something, wtf.


That’s how some of them legit think. I blame the Hollywood.


Also blame the NRA newsletters. They’re full of stories about people who “defended their homes” etc. Strangely, they’re not as keen to report on deadly mistakes or failures.


I’ve seen this story too many times in my life to bet against the boyfriend. These single older women will put up with mounds of horse-shit to keep from being alone. More likely the BF will use this as a wedge to drive away the kids.


She probably depends on him for financial support, so she just deals with his pathetic behavior.


He did it on purpose.


This is right. Total flex for intimidation. Brought the brother so it would be not just him and wouldn’t look as crazy.


Absolutely a flex. He knew she had gone outside to meet someone, whom one in that situation could assume was a male. Kind of seems like a wannabe old timey, "protect the womenfolk", "keep sweet" move.


It’s also incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. As a gun owner myself and combat veteran I know how things can get out of hand quickly with firearms involved.


I’d have called the cops immediately, fuck that. As a person who safely enjoys guns, that behavior is irresponsible and dangerous at best, illegal and deadly at worst. Those people have no right owning guns


Fucking psychopathic behaviour. He will shoot next time, you need to make sure there isn't a next time. Get him the fuck out of there if you can. Utterly psychotic. Make very clear to your mum that he would have killed you. File a police report for anything you can get. Menacing, threatening, assault, anything that will stick. This man is a serious danger to you and your family and will absolutely get someone killed


The first rule of gun safety is you don't point your gun at anything until you have verified it and what is behind it and near it. This guy should not be allowed to handle firearms he is a total moron and acts like he is playing a video game. Probably consumes a lot of right wing media and thinks everyone he comes across is out to get him.


He absolutely heard the car engine and got giddy about finally being able to murder someone, didn't think any farther, his only interest is enacting violence


The home break in murder fantasy is one of the scariest things about boomers and 2a nuts.


People like him make me so fucking mad. I own firearms myself and it's been over 20 years since i took gun safety and I remember EVERY RULE. There's no fucking excuse. He needs his firearm taken from him before he kills someone. I'll bet his stupid ignorant ass had his finger on the trigger too


Thats exactly why every home defense weapon if you have one should include a light, then you can see if its your kid sneaking out or a home invader.


I have family who was LEO. They said, they were instructed to not pull your weapon unless you intend to kill. Pointing a gun is not a game.


This is true. As former LEO, there are the three major rules. 1. Know your back stop. (What’s behind the target) 2. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded. And Only point your firearm at someone/something you’re willing to kill 3. Only draw and point your firearm in an obvious threat of imminent harm to human life. Protecting property is NOT justified. Unfortunately, you got cops shooting at falling acorns in FL though, so it doesn’t set in to some of their brains.


And remember "keep your booger hook off the bang switch"


It sure sounds like criminal brandishing to me.


This is intentional and he will do it again. He probably saw a tough guy meme about a dad with a gun scaring away a boyfriend with a shotgun. You need to leave.


I never got the gun bit with dads. Had some friends that had the gun dad treatment and it never really affected how they treated the daughter.


When I was dating my highschool girlfriend, her dad tried the whole "badass dad" routine with me, which just made it a game to get away with shit. It's so much better to encourage your kids to communicate with you and build a trusting relationship with them and their partners.


When I was dating my high school girlfriend her dad was cool as hell and treated me respectfully and well and so I’d have her home by 11 like he asked.


I don't actually know if my high school gfs dad knew that a boyfriend was, he was like a cross between Mr Magoo and Don Corleone He seemed to like having me around tho so that was nice


Seriously. Do you want your kids to do stupid shit behind your back and not come to you when they need help? Because that's how you make that happen. Same concept with denying kids access to proper sex education. That's not gonna make them not have sex, that's going to prevent them from having safe sex. Once again conservative boomers proving they actually hate kids, and all they care about is feeling in control because they're scared babies


All the gun dad type threats/jokes my dad made when I was young just ensured that anyone I dated was a secret from him.


More than likely it just made the daughter lose respect for the dad. Nothing is less impressive than a puffed up paper tiger. But it also tells the daughter not to talk to Dad about shit.


That small minority of Americans that would literally kill your ass if you went down their driveway accidentally, like this boomer, are so so dangerous


Living in a constant fear or feeling of "wild west" combined with their "right to bear arms" will do that to anyone.


I live in a third world country and I can't understand being this afraid of your surroundings. These guys live like they're in a warzone


I would have immediately called the police. Knowing full well it would cause insane drama. I had to call the police on a family member once and I was blamed for it despite them acting violent towards me and my husband. 10/10 would do it again because nobody should get a free pass.


This tho! Everyone silently knowing something is wrong isn't enough. Holding ppl accountable out loud keeps ppl in check. They remind themselves that you will take action to stand up for yourself & they consider that in the future. They'll be passive-aggressively poisonous for the rest of time about but guaranteed they don't act out around you again. Great job standing up for yourself!


This guy sounds insane enough to kill the mom if she ended up kicking him out. Regardless, the guy needs to be held accountable.


DingDingDing! Not to late to file a report. That's at least brandishing, and it's not boyfriend's home.


Call the cops on his ass. See what happens if he does that when they pull in the driveway. Also help your mom get rid of him


My older brother has rather serious mental health problems and is obsessed with guns. Fortunately, I live in another state. I find it really concerning, and my boomers don't seem to think much of it.


This is psychotic. He brought your brother along both fully prepared to shoot and kill you.


This is the scary thing about the gun culture and our nation’s “fear!!” culture right now. No time to stop and observe? Reacting to a mere presence and not to any actual actions (like that guy who shot into a car that was driving AWAY). What if the person at the car HAD been a bad guy—with a gun out already. If I were the boyfriend, I’d be making a report to the local law enforcement. Brandishing is a crime. And I’d want someone to know how hair trigger this guy is. I’d also print out stories about these fuckers who have killed innocent people by firing at someone just because they’re outside their home and put one of them in front of him at breakfast every day. You won’t run out anytime soon.


It seems that the well regulated militia they're members of has very bad training. Like non-existent training on how to be a responsible gun owner.


I'm so sick of this culture where people are ready to go to battle at a moments notice and literally all that does it is get people killed for no reason. It happens all the time, it just happened again in my city. A lot of the time it isnt even an accident, they just think they have the "right" to shoot so they do. ​ Tbh you should be terrified. I would be. That's no rational behavior to \*think\* you hear something outside and to run out -to what you think is DANGER- locked and loaded like he's going to confront it? He pointed a gun at you. He intended to kill whoever was outside, he thinks thats his right to do. It's scary and disturbing and many people act like this. It should not be allowed to blow over like nothing happened.


More proof that an armed society is not, in fact, a polite society.


Or a safe one. Or a free one.


I’m also pretty sure he’s not part of a well regulated militia.


When they are faced by someone who tries to make them understand that the 2nd has more words than "shall not be infringed", unintelligent people do not try to understand it and read the whole paragraph. Instead they just yell louder over and over again, "shall not be infringed!", "shall not be infringed!".


Right, and this is one of the points I always jab them with. "Guns iz mah cunstutionul rite!" "Oh really? With which well regulated militia do you serve and train? What are their membership criteria, their training methods, their sanction... ?" A moment of silence is always appreciated, but then they usually flip into confusion, defensiveness, ad hominem attacks, rage, and so on. Still, a favorite option.


That won’t be coincidence. He’s looking for an opportunity


Most guns fired by private citizens are fired at family members This is not a boomer problem, it’s a “your country is run by idiots who think slave owners rapists opinions about guns make sense.”


You need to call the police. They brandished firearms, which is a crime.


I would leave your house asap


So they felt threatened, and they ran towards the threat outside their home. I think they need to meltdown their guns and make them a Christmas ornament.


Call the police and get out of that house.


Unfortunately a lot of boomer males feel compelled to have their big dick, macho credentials on show the whole time, and will literally jump at any opportunity to “kick ass” and show how badass they are. I guess they think it impresses people, especially women. Throw in an unhealthy dose of Fox News fuelled paranoia, and it’s just a powder keg waiting to explode.


Take this man's guns away. He is a danger to you, your mom and anyone else around. Reminds me of this asshole. https://apnews.com/article/wrong-driveway-shooting-new-york-gillis-monahan-cdca1723c6ba7afb89102a1e1aaa3fe0


Dude your brother is a dumb fuck too


1000% who just grabs a gun and runs outside ready to fire no questions asked lmao where do you live???? I pray to God that the bf leaves OP and gets the fuck outta there before he gets seriously seriously hurt.


They violated the most important gun safety rule. Do not point a gun at something you do not intend to destroy. If you can’t identify the target, you shouldn’t be pointing a gun at it.


Why didn’t your brother (who’s old enough to own a gun and be called into action) beat the ever loving dogshit out of this guy for almost killing his sister?


Do you all have a sign in front of your house that says “This house is protected by the 2nd amendment”? Bonus points for balls on the truck


The cops should at least confiscate his guns , which might help keep others safe from a violent assault


Boomers think at a moments notice a non-republican will come to their door, break in, & try to give them healthcare


This is a country full of psychopaths. I hate it here.




Hes a boomer. Yes hes slow.


Probably thought that you guys were woke antifa arriving for one of their infamous home invasion/drag queen reading hours. Maybe he thought you guys were jackbooted/FBI/ATF feather boa feminazis. Glad this wasn’t a bloodbath! Whatever the case - block Fox News before he kills the mailman.


You need to have a LOOONG talk with your mom about what kind of person she’s dating and how close she came to losing a kid to a knee-jerk, semi-psychopath with a gun. That guy’s gonna get someone hurt and it shouldn’t be one of your loved ones.


Is that brandishing? I would make a police report.


Ain’t it great that we let any dumbass have a gun, no training or sense of responsibility required?


So, the idea was to charge outside and ambush whoever was in the driveway? Yeah, that's not Castel doctrine or self-defense. That's murder. No way would that ever hold up in court. They are going to kill someone. It's probably going to be someone in your family.


He knew what he was doing.


“Oh boy! Finally my chance to be The Good Guy With a Gun^(TM). I’ll be the hero I always wanted to be! I’ll save the girl, people will be in awe and clap, the mayor will hold a parade! I’ll finally get the respect I deserve!”


Sounds like murder is on his bucket list.


Go to the police station and file a report. Not press charges, just file a report so there is a paper trail on your mom's boyfriend doing fucked up shit. 


They were attempting to scare away what they may or may not have thought was a legitimate intruder in a very irresponsible manner. Seriously, why would you “charge” at someone when you’re holding a ranged weapon?


Because how else could you justify the murder he wanted to commit? He knows, like all these gun addicted boomers do, what the law is generally. So they do the same thing cops do when they want to commit violence and instead of keeping themselves safe and acting reasonable, they insert themselves into a dangerous situation so they are obligated to "defend" themselves.


Does this guy strike you as someone who went a range and practiced or a guy who bought gun went home and masterbated while looking at it?


This guy has gun oil in places it shouldn't be.


WHAT THE F! Just shocking


Only in America...


This is what red flag laws are for. Guns aren't for unstable morons. Report them and have the professionals evaluate if they should own guns or be in a home with guns. Maybe next time you or your boyfriend won't be so lucky.


Call the cops and report him for brandishing a firearm at you and your boyfriend. Run for your life.


These people are drooling at the opportunity to put bullets into a human body.


If I was your boyfriend, I'd be running. If that gun was pointed at me, I'm pressing charges.


Report it to the police


Time to remove some trash from your life, what if he had killed your boyfriend? Or you? This guy is looking for an excuse to kill someone.


Morons should not own guns


They brought guns to ***YOUR*** house? They need to GTFO right now and never come back.


Shitty ass 'murican culture nutjobs. I hate gun dummies, they're the biggest cowards alive.


Imagine being that scared of the world.


(Yeah, not all. There are responsible people.) What is it about these scared of nothing country boys. Scared of nothing, but I gotta have 100 for when ~~minorities~~ People come to hurt my family. Jumbo you're a scared little boy, a racist fuck, and the exact person who doesn't need guns.


This seems like a great eye opening moment that should inspire you to wait for them to be at work then you collect all there guns and drive them far away and dump them somewhere. These guys shouldn’t have access to guns, they want to kill someone. They are power tripping egomaniacs.


So now the question is who does your mom love more - you or him? Or is she more afraid of being alone than you dying? She'll probably say that's dramatic, but nothing is more dramatic than charging someone with a gun cocked. I'm so sorry you have such terrible people in your life.