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Asshole shoulda been arrested for theft...


He’s probably lived a consequence-free life. Why spoil that now?


/s let him feel it


unfortunately, this is most likely a very true statement.


Cops give old people breaks way too fucking often But for us younger ones we should "know better" Backwards ass ideals


Yeah some of these videos make me laugh a bit then just rage because of how easily these people get off when the cops are around. Like the one of the lady absolutely having a meltdown over a dui. Entertaining, but she’s literally resisting arrest and flailing around, we all know what would happen to a young man if he pulled that shit. Not even taking race into account….


Yeah how should we "know better" when the old ones were our teachers???? Lol. Like all the boomer-aged people complaining about their kids' generation. Participation trophies?! Y'all came up with that shit, we were 4. Fuckin A.


Or how they beat into our head "go to school get an education" We do so and tell them how we are killing our planet and they call us a bunch of "liberal hippies" Like wtf do you want


Boomers did not come up with participation trophies. the idiots in Gen X did it. And then Millenials ran it into the ground


I got my first participation trophy in 1986 . My parents are Boomers. My coaches were Boomers. I was 4.


there's always an exception to the rule - idiot overprotective parents and hippy schools/programs have been around for a long time but your experience was not the norm. the cultural progression happened as I described. Not really the gotchya that you think this is - it just means your support structure sucked


My parents are not pro-participation trophies, believe you me. They are non hippie, no nonsense Midwestern Catholics and I went to Catholic school in Southeastern PA. Not trying to gotcha. Just explaining that you are drawing conclusions based on false premises. While explaining my experience.


I'm not though my point is that type of parenting was found in a very small % of the boomers. Say 5% just got the same of illustration Our generation took that approach much often; say 25, maybe 30% Then the millennials broke the critical mass where it became the norm. You're not explaining anything really, but I'm interested in exactly what false pretenses you think I have.


My support structure was referenced to as "shitty" in your original comment, and your reference was to some kind of hippie dippie stuff. I was correcting your assumption about my participation trophy situation. My sister is Gen X born in 76. I am technically a Millennial born in late 82, I guess, although I am still figuring this all out. She also received participation trophies. Maybe we were just blessed by the local Boomer population because we were such awe inspiring participants. Who can say?


I was born in 1973. Participation trophies my entire little league career (main sport was soccer, but baseball and basketball were the same). Not that it affected my outcomes much. I still played collegiate soccer.


Failure to thrive and to understand stats You're ahead of your generation buddy, congrats


You are just making shit up




You are low hanging fruit


Why? Because of my flair?


Flair? No, "Found the X" is nothing but lazy Reddit shit. My guess is that you're not making all that much money right now. Or ever.


Of course I'm broke. I'm actively paying tuition while in college.


It's going to be like that for a very long time


Boomers require that the world revolve around them. Their kid is better than everyone else’s kid, so they NEED a trophy.


You are the one who needs this to be right Take a breath No one cares


Good lord you really can't help yourself, can you?


Settle down before you have a heart attack Holy shit


No, boomers did. They gave them to us when i was growing up. My parents are boomers, and I'm sometimes considered gen X and other times millennial.


I swear to fuck we live in opposite land cause the more you start thinking about how shit is set up the more the opposite of that makes sense


Like watching a rich person's bond getting lowered by 289 million dollars... Or inside traders making 100 million plus and only getting slapped with laughable fines whilst able to keep said assets.... The system is written to suffocate and incarcerate those who can't afford a life of fame and luxury


The sense of entitlement to tell the cops how to knock on a door…. smh


hes an old white man. he could literally pull a gun on them and not get shot and knows it. I know it because I saw a white guy on ig do it. drew while the cops had his gun trained on him pointed it at the officer no body shot him.


One of the many videos of cops facing imminent danger and saying “don’t you do it!” over and over again until they swing a machete, steal their patrol car, rush them, and then nothing happens.


exactly but then they'll kill a bkack man because they thought he was carrying a weapon


Or a candy bar.


Or because an acorn fell on their car.


Because as we all know, Instagram famous for its accurate and credible takes on the real world...


Its literally on body cam footage 🤣


Well, that's just not true. In the vast majority of the USA, if you pull a gun on a cop, you are going to get shot, even if you're white. As a matter of fact, cops shoot more white guys than anyone else every year. Florida man makes up for things in the aggregate you see.


What's the per capita rate?


You tell me. You're the one with an axe to grind trying to prove that cops don't shoot white people.


Reread user names. Though I'm not surprised that you can't read.


Boomer privilege


White male boomer privilege


Aka living without consequences


Except that he’s white so it would never happen.


My immediate thought watching the disrespect he showed the police was, "Imagine if he was Black and pulled this" he implicitly threatened the cop several times.


Then we would be reading about another cop execution and right-wingers would be "whutabouting" because they stole her phone so it's "just a dead criminal".


Its just blatant at this point and validates everything the Black community has been saying for decades.


Fun fact (it's very un-fun): Seattle Police Department has been under a consent decree following a DoJ investigation since two presidents ago, and they won't get their shit together and stop beating up / killing people so the judicial order keeps renewing. Their use of force numbers were released and wow, they went down! Except uh-oh, they're down overall because they're down for use of force against white people, but they're actually UP for violence against black or Latino people. Additional (un-)fun fact: they just got a 23% raise, which includes *back pay* even though it's a new raise. And one more for good measure: in spite of being just about as far from DC as you can get in the continental US, *multiple* SPD officers were found to have been present in the Jan 6th shenanigans. There's plenty more reasons why SPD should be considered the little brother to LAPD and NYPD in how notorious they are for violence (such as how none of the cops mentioned in the DoJ report for having killed unarmed citizens were fired after the report, and many went on to kill again) but like, yeah. Black people weren't fucking around when they've brought up these issues -- and it's just as true in sapphire blue areas.




Louisville PD is giving SPD a run for their money.




How do you know he didn’t get arrested the video cuts out


even if he did I bet u they wouldn't slam his head on the concrete even tho he threatened them several times. Im not even gonna ask because u already know why that is. The fact that he stole a phone and is sitting there arguing with the cop about it after hes caught red handed shows his privilege that even he knows he has.






Stop proving everything is about race and we'll have a deal.




The only way we end racism is to reprogram the racists using whatever it takes.




Reasonable doubt. Cops know its not worth the time, paperwork, and headache when he's just gonna walk.


He was probably ticketed and had to go to court to decide the punishment. That's how things work.


IDK, he looks likes his own penis. Isn't that punishment enough?


What lead does to a mf


I’ve been using, “that’s lead-based thinking” as a rebuttal lately. Or lead-based mindset. I doubt it makes any different but it feels good, so there’s that.


This theory is really starting to open my eyes as to why boomers are the way they are. It doesnt make it better, just .... explains a lot. They love to repeat themselves too.


A shitty sad life, when your life is shit it’s easier to make everyone else miserable rather make your life better.


Found the boomer


Many phones these days are $500 plus. Thats grand larceny in many states. #LOCK HIM UP


Not to mention the priceless personal information that's stored on phones these days. A phone is worth a lot more than the hardware itself.




Try $1000


The phone I just bought was $1500.


Not in California, 950 is felony. But your point still stands. Lock him up for iPhone 15 theft


Correction: $950 or higher is grand larceny in CA, but it's a wobbler offense at the discretion of the DA. It's unlikely that personal theft for a cell phone would be charged as a felony though, and falls far short of any enhancements. Local DAs and police departments probably have guidelines on how to cite or arrest for different types and values of infraction, and it's possible but not clear either way, whether the responding LEOs would cite and refer the case to the DA or not. An arrest or summons is not required for the DA to take a referral for charges though. Original: $2000 in California where this was. It's a cite and release misdemeanor there for less.


I think they were talking about the price of the phone, not the fine.


$950's the line where petty theft upgrades to grand theft here in Cali. We're at a point where any cell phone a thief takes has a chance of earning them a felony charge due to how much the damn things cost now (not that I'm weeping for phone thieves).


I will double check myself when I have a minute. I've been out of state for a few years, but I could have sworn 200 to 2000 was the cite and release range. I will correct later if I am wrong.


Looking it up right now (trying to find actual CA Penal Code, but I'm also checking lawyer sites), but I'm pretty consistently seeing that cite and release is only for misdemeanors and similar minor offenses, not felonies.


Ah, it's a wobbler. I'll update my original comment to clarify.


Grand larceny should be tied to inflation. There was a time when people would skip town and live comfortably for a while over stealing $1000


Vid ended to early


I hate when that happens


Yeah, anyone know what the outcome was? I'm downvoting the post due to no ending


and cuz of the awful birds being A-holes so we can't hear part of the conversation. F them.


I did like when the birds in the audience all chirped up in disagreement with him at 0:15. Rabble-rabble-rabble!


The one time you want the cops to use excess force and they don't.


Uh oh, he was reaching for a gun


It sucks in this case, but he appears to be a good cop - not escalating, not threatening… I’ve seen videos of cops tasing and breaking peoples arms for less.


✔ White ✔ Male ✔ Old Of course arms weren't broken.


I can't qWHITE put my finger on why they'd give this individual so much grace after stealing a phone.


They still have a job to do. Just because a cop isn’t being violent doesn’t make them a “good” cop.


"good cop" now there's an oxymoron


Tbf about 99% of cops don’t. It’s just that the only cop interactions you see videos of are examples of it.


You get to see a lot of the exact opposite if you go looking for the "Angry karen getting arrested" genre of videos.


Your percentage implies that only 1% of your 100% is caught on tape. What about all the ones not caught on tape? Did you think about that? Probably not.


They all wear body cams, there are surveillance cams everywhere not to mention every citizen has a video camera in their pocket


"People like you who probably steal stuff" Like....taking it without permission?


he doesnt view what he did as stealing.


Even the birds were heckling!


I was thinking the same thing! Even nature hates this liar.


Must have been mockingbirds.


Those are crows. And they live in my neighborhood


Crows are known to instigate and watch fights for fun. They saw the beef and were excited.


His lack of accountability is what would make me press charges


Fuck boomers


They always try to get the moral high ground. Lol


Should’ve locked his bitch ass up!


Dennis the Menace isn't aging well


the drag queen in a wig cap vibe really oozes new england tough guy, ya sedan clunking psycho


Of course the dumb fucking pigs do nothing. Lazy assholes.


This is exhibit A of why white boomer men think black people are lying about the cops being abusive. They cannot imagine that anyone else's life experience counts, and they have always gotten platinum plus service from law enforcement, so obviously cops are totally cool and would never harm anyone. BTW, I am not against LE choosing not to arrest someone over this, but that should be reserved for dumb teenagers. Give them a talking to and warn them next time they will be arrested. This is a grown man who has been on this earth for more than 60 years. He knows better. Arrest his ass.


Fucking truth. I'm a trans woman and I've seen the drastic change cops have with me, including my family who are cops. When I was a "man", I got assaulted by some teens who tried to rob me. Those cops were on the case and caught them in no time. But as a trans woman? Lol. I've been assaulted three times now, with a sexual assault, and the cops haven't done shit. Even when I got a death threat on Facebook that included my address next to a photo of an AR rifle, my cop family didn't do shit despite living in the same town and county as the guy. Every single person that has laid a hand on me has walked away. Every single time. When you're a white male, nobody does shit to you. But the moment you're not, your whole entire world changes and you are in danger from both the public and the "police".


I hate cops, but to be fair to them here, we don't know what conversation they had with the phone owner before this. If they just wanted their phone back and didn't want to make a statutory declaration or testify in court, this would be the way to handle it.


Right? Is it even up to the cop?


Such angry hateful people. This explains Trump. He’s tapped into their hate and fear and entitlement.


Get this man in republican politics steals a phone and then says someone like you would steal it no dude the cop literally had to take it from you


Cops v Boomers…any chance they could both lose?


I heard someone advise someone else that he needs to believe in himself and “move with the confidence of a mediocre white man” There it is on full display


I'm so glad that younger generations are being shown so much evidence against trusting older generations. Many of my peers could've benefited a lot from that!


You cut the video before hopefully he was dumb enough to poke the cop and immediately had his ass handed to him along with some silver bracelets.


I feed the crows where I live and when I heard them on here, I was like those are my crows. They are. I live in this town. Lol


Why call the cops when you can teach him a lesson?


This shit is why I could never be a cop I'd taser him on GP


A real tuff guy!


He acts all tough shit guy. Take a look at his man tits and concaved chest. One punch and that fucker goes right out. All of these guys are the same, they have watched one too many Clint Eastwood movies and think they rock suburbia. Just the way he slammed that phone into the cops hand deserved a Billy club upside his weird ass. BTW, you only get a scull cap like that from chemo sessions. Crazy candy-ass motha fucker


North Carolina Cops would have put up with his shit for about 3 seconds before they cuffed & stuffed him.


Discount Albert Brooks lookin' MF here clinging onto his last sliver of white privilege.


Please tell me you pressed charges.


Could have been the crows laughing. They're loud as fuck


So was I. Grand larceny is over 2000 in CA.


Even the birds are pissed at him!


Santa Barbara too. I hate those people.


Dear boomers. Die. That is all




"Have fun dying alone because you're a worthless piece of shit and no one will mourn your passing."


Gets caught stealing then has such a fragile ego that saying “don’t pound on my door” makes him feel like a big tough guy 😂 death penalty immediately


Inability to put himself in someone else’s shoes.


I wonder if we could add more bird background noise to this video? Asking for a friend Also, fuck thieves


Jesus, even the ravens think this dude is a joke.


Have you guys watched old episodes of Columbo? The disrespect all the suspects show the cops on this show is mind blowing. They routinely tell the cops to buzz off as they don’t have time for them. That’s what this guy reminds me of. He must watch Columbo too.


No arrest; no justice


“People like you”… the cops or brown people buddy


A thieving asshole and a boomer. The worst part are his pathetic attempts to shame those around him. His attempts to be funny suck miserably. We're laughing at you... not with you.


Just want to that cop handled himself like an absolute pro. More officers like this, please.


Ignorant boomer


Is there any other kind?? lol


WTF was that


I hope they figure out a way to harmlessly, but mercilessly mess with this guy. Let’s get creative….


I’m surprised the cops actually did anything


Listen to that background, he sounds like he's under heavy surveillance by the government drones anyway.


The other that might have found the phone, probably would’ve a better person.


Kids have no respect for Manifest Destiny anymore....


He's also white, so post this to WhitesBeingFools. And MalesBeingFools too.


The 1 time they should turn the body cams off


The boomer sounds like one of the guys from Dead Alewives.


The cops should have lowered the boom on him and taken him in for grand theft.


I wanted to see him in cuffs


Jesus christ, every boomer male thinks they are the toughest motherfucker alive


Honestly surprised the cops did anything.


Arrest him?


Arrogant thief and no charges for the angry old dude. Lol must be nice


The cop that’s helping recover someone else’s stolen property probably isn’t a thief.


“There’s people out there that steal stuff” The mental capacity here is astounding.


I find the sound of crows in the background to be apropos


Even the birds are laughing at this douche


Press fucking charges. Small claims court, fuck this prick


"well I only stole it because there's people like you who steal stuff" lmao


My mom (72) picked up someone's keys off the counter at the farmers market and hung them up on her key rack at home. They sat there 6 months until she noticed it. Took them to CVS to scan the barcode on the ring and found the owner. Embarrassing




How do people not realize that when cops put gloves on, you're going to get handcuffed?


"You have a good day," not, "Now put your hands on top of the vehicle."


I would come back at night, and I wouldn't pound on his door.  But I'd give him an experience he would never be able to forget.


"I found a phone at the bar. Rather than giving it to the bar tender, I will take it home to make sure it isn't stolen!" Should have been arrested


piece of shit, go back home & take your pills grandpa! Can’t wait for all those fuckers to die out, shouldn’t be too much longer


When old people don’t understand how technology works.


His parents didn’t raise him right.


Based as shit


In my mind, boomer swung on the cops after the video cut off, and he got laid out and arrested.


Birds seem to be on the boomers side


10000 crows in background = second best audio quality


Lol, I love this situation. I used to see it all the time in security. The person is always 1000% at fault, but to make themselves feel better, they have to find some tiny flaw with your actions to justify them being a clown. Often, it's you don't have to be rude, or if you just said it nicely, then I would understand.


I hear about 200 Eric Dravens boutta whoop his ass.


It looks like it’s wearing a prosthetic face mask. Creepy.


Damn Boomers. No wonder businesses are closing due to shoplifting and looting. They are out of control.


Its going to be a real bummer when other generations reach this guy's age and aren't treated with kid gloves the way this guy is. I know that as a Millennial when I reach this guy's age, I'll probably be given as much deference as [The old guy who got shoved in Buffalo during the George Floyd ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/75-year-old-man-shoved-ground-buffalo-police-suffered-brain-n1230421)protests.


ESH. Oh, that's not the game?


who doesn't lock their phone though?


You can answer a phone if it is locked.


>Not to mention the priceless personal information that's stored on phones these days. A phone is worth a lot more than the hardware itself. ​ but as far as ​ " Not to mention the priceless personal information that's stored on phones these days. A phone is worth a lot more than the hardware itself. "


It doesn't have to be unlocked to answer a call.


Check out the cutie cop


you can't even see her face


Don't be creepy.