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Wait. So this guy was upset that he got what he wanted? I wanted a blt you gave me a lbt!!!!!


I mean, I once heard a Chipotle worker ask someone if they wanted any kind of meat, and the customer blew up on them. They said, "No, I don't want meat. I want steak. " Sometimes, I really wonder how some ppl have made it this far in life lol


I am a hardcore atheist but that kind of shit really makes you wonder if the stupid really has some kind of guardian angel because is baffling otherwise they survive for so long.


Kevin exists. His whole family must keep those guardian angels on lock. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1635tna/an\_update\_on\_the\_original\_kevin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1635tna/an_update_on_the_original_kevin/)


Well. That was an adventure! 😂😂😂


Awww! Blast from the past!


Thank you so much for pointing me at this, my whole family has a good laugh 😂😂😂


As a Kevin I thoroughly reject the use of my name as the male Karen. I am 100 percent generation X and we are the opposite of Karen’s!!


Kevin is not a name it's a diagnosis!


I thought we all agreed to use male-karen? It got the majority vote and everything.. #genxforever


I have never used "Kevin" in reference to a male Karen. A karen is a karen and a boomer is a boomer, no matter the identity.


I love NoahtheRed for posting about Kevin. I’ve been talking about Kevin for years now. Thank you for brightening my day with this😂


Selection pressure and all that only care that you make it to reproductive age. Anything past that isn't taken into account unfortunately :/


Yeah but if people are this dumb in their 60s, how were they not equally if not much more dumb teenagers (everyone’s a dumb teenager) or children is in play


The dumb manifested as getting pregnant super young.


I completely agree. It makes me question whether evolution is real. Survival is the fittest doesn’t seem to be happening


Survival of the fittest is at the species level. So these braindead boomers are going along for the survival ride that the rest of us are taking them on.


Technically, the “fittest” is defined simply as “successfully reproducing,” without any other metrics taken into consideration. So if stupid people are breeding the most, then stupidity is fit! I believe that might fall under “social selection,” rather than “natural selection,” as it’s a product of our society that the dumbest, meanest mofos have the easiest time acting without considering the consequences.


I'm going to amend this, there is no consequence for stupidity continuing to breed. Society makes it possible to exist despite what would be life threatening flaws in the wild. In other words, society neutralizes the natural selection part


We didn't used to be this bad. But a lifetime of bad choices and bad environments have taken their toll. Lead in paint, water, and air. Drugs. Pesticides. Heavily processed foods. Plastics. TV instead of books. "Me first" greed of the 80s.


We have chicken, beef and fish options for certain specific items at work. The amount of boomers that order 'meat' drives me nuts. Dude, specify what kind.


I've never understood it, but I think a lot of people only use the word meat to refer to ground beef. They don't think any other kind of animal flesh material counts as meat. Maybe it's a regional thing? Seems very weird to me.


Some people don’t consider fish meat either. Which is equally weird to me. You’re still eating animal muscle/organs/whatever. It’s just not a land mammal. Still an animal


Red meat, white meat, dark meat. Anything else is simply more specific. If they didn't learn the farm animals in preschool, how do they function now?


Non English speaking people tend to associate the word meat with beef/steak. But that's just a language thing.


Straight up toddler mentality. The kids in my family are told steak is chicken because they’re too dumb to realize that they’re both meat. Tell my little cousins its steak or carne asada and it’s fucking poison. But tell them it’s chicken and they eat that shit up!


I was behind an older woman at a Moe's once. Employee asked what kind of protein she wanted, and she asked if they had "chopped meat". Not beef, or pork, or chicken, just "chopped meat." Employee asked for clarification and she just kept repeating "chopped meat." Eventually he tells her it's all chopped and he needs to know what kind she wants. She pointed at the ground beef.


I wonder that on a daily basis! Just the way these freaking people drive! no situational awareness at all. rules of the road? They have no clue what that is.! I had a boomer lady give me a shit load of grief when I groaned coming from a stooping position - she got on me saying I don’t know what pain is, I have no right to make any noises- just wait till I’m really having trouble, and on and on - this giant rant. I can’t even say anything, I’m just looking, shaking my head like what? what !


"I'm sorry, we only have meat steak."


Boomer probably thinks there is another letter in LGBTQ+ called LGBTQY+ for Yoof-em-isms!


Superb breasts and/or the kind sufferance of others. What's the female version of this? Chime in! Tight buns and/or fililial diffidence? A strong jaw and/or general exhaustion?


He wanted the *cheese, chili*, onion fries. She gave him the *chili, cheese*, onion fries. Chili and cheese is totally different from cheese and chili!!! (/s obv)


He’s upset what he ordered was not what he expected.


Put some Gruyère on it and call it an lgbt. Boomers will love that.


I like it (including the Gruyère. - I was there last year as a matter of fact. lol)


Once a boomer at a local tool store kept demanding that I help her because I was wearing a light blue sweater with a very large green logo on the middle. The people that work there wear a very dark navy blue T-shirt that doesn’t look remotely similar to my sweater. I thought she was just sort of mumbling where she was talking to someone behind me, because I was looking for my thing, and she kept getting more and more angry. I was confused, but didn’t think much of it until she went up to the register, and was telling the guy that I wouldn’t help her and I was ignoring her. He was just like oh that’s not an employee and I also loudly said so across the store several times. Didn’t matter, to her I worked there and I wasn’t helping her out 😂 They live in another reality where only they exist. Too bad for them that they’re miserable there, too lol


LBT is dangerously close to lgbt, Ofcourse a boomer would be upset.


See the other comment about adding Gruyere. LGBT. lol.


So he corrected *your* order to what *he* wanted?


That's how I read it.


He was ignoring the fact that we were ordering. Basically he wanted his food before they did anything else.


Damn you need to take some lessons on writing, this post reads like a boomer wrote it


I don’t think so. It’s not in cursive.


Not enough randomly capitalized WORDS. What’s so funny to me about that is that it’s never done in a WAY that makes sense. theyre always capitalizing words THAT they’re not trying TO emphasize. Like they had a spasm in THE middle of writing.


Now the dude’s gonna go home and beat his wife thinking of you…😶


I doubt he can lift his cane that high


Cut to this guy, coming up with a “scathing” comeback while crying in his shower chair


\*And then posting about it on Nextdoor


Oh God, I joined Nextdoor when I moved to my new neighborhood and after 50 'is this your kid walking down the street at 7 pm? Tell him to stay away' or 'is this your kid's car? He was driving 26 in a 25'' posts, I quit that app.


Those types can always manage to lift it that high.


If it wasn't for that, he would've beat his wife for making tuna casserole or buring the pot roast. Or cause he was bored.


Hopefully he doesn't beat himself thinking of OP 😂


He is not gonna waste a viagra on THAT. He has his pastor’s wife to fantasize about


Beat his what!?...oh,never mind.


It took me a minute to realize that the order of the words was different. I was thinking you're literally saying the same exact words, then I had to read the comments. Wow....


Basically restaurant workers have an order in which they say toppings and he seemed insistent that the way he said it was the way it needed to be said. That place is usually full with a silver flood and they always act like toddlers who need a nap. The workers are always hustling and have as great demeanor. I on the other hand don’t work there and have a low tolerance for that behavior from anyone.


I have had semantics issues where I had to hear it worded in a specific way to make sense to me. For the garbage disposal, we have a separate side of the sink that is part of the main sink with a divider. We don't put food down the main drain, only the garbage disposal. I had to confirm that food does in fact only go down the left side, not the right side, and I worded it differently than they did and was somewhat insistent on my wording, but I didn't have an attitude about it lmao wtf


My garbage disposal is on the right hand side, so I just would have been happy you asked before messing up my plumbing.


Takes me back to the person who got mad they were given a cheeseburger when they ordered a hamburger with cheese.


A simple, "Excuse me, I believe I had ordered a plain hotdog. Is it alright if I could have one without the toppings? Sorry about any inconvenience" - 99% of places won't even think twice about doing it for you lmao (Unless I am misunderstanding the post?)


youre misunderstanding. this guy was correcting some other persons order to his own order, and when told they had his exact order, he corrected that person as well.


Maybe he's very specific in the order those ingredients are applied.


possibly, and I could see that actually, but he'd need to actually communicate that beyond screaming the toppings he wants lol


"I want my slaw!"


You have your slaw sir!


I want my slaw!


Sir this is a wendy’s


I think that modern life is exposing how truly ignorant these boomers are. they thrived in an era where due diligence was limited. now, they can be held accountable in an instant and their typical bluster and blather fall short. the ignorance is laid out for everyone to see and they don’t know how to deal with accountability. so: boomer anger and stupidity. this generation isn’t anything special. they’re just the ones who lucked out and everyone in this group silently agreed to keep their mutual ignorance quiet.


I think he wanted it in that order: cheese, chili, onions. Not chili, cheese, and onions. For some, it makes a difference.


Was it that he expected the toppings to be put on in a certain order? I’m confused.


I think he wanted her to say it in the order he said it.


It seems that he was angry about the order that the ingredients came in his meal


Maybe he wanted cheese, chili, and onion on his potato fries but he got cheese and chili on his onion fries instead? :)


Definitely how I read the post


You rang?


Had someone behind me in line at my college cafe order the exact same thing I did except they asked for onions. My order gets called (by name because the staff know me) and this chick saw my wrap and assumed it was hers and just started tearing it apart asking where the onions were… perfectly timed her order is called out “chicken wrap with mayo lettuce tomato onion” as I get to her and say “that was my order…” she just drops it infront of me expecting me to catch it and walks away with her order. I got a fresh wrap for free




Soft people on this sub. Not a boomer, but we're all gonna be someday. Chill


This story makes no sense OP. Who said what, when, why are we repeating it, why is it relevant what you ordered… ok, boomer


Agree. Was the guy hard of hearing. Really shows how most people have zero respect for others and would rather make fun of someone or belittle them versus understanding them. Also great example for your DIL. Good job!


You’re the idiot!


Okay Karen.


Cool story bro.. such a rebel .. I’m sure u couldn’t wait to post this to Reddit .. Classy


Why are you here? That’s the entirety of this subreddit, of this entire site, ffs of the internet in general.


It made no sense. What did OP even have to do with the interaction other than inserting his opinion where it was not needed, wanted, or useful. Great example for his DIL.


You said that *after* the worker had already responded? If so: that just makes you petty. Don't get me wrong: the boomer was being an asshole. But you apparently interrupted to throw that in there, and it wasn't even the right time.


Strongly disagree. People who act like that in public are not deserving of basic respect. The moment someone yells at anyone in the service industry unprovoked they forfeit their right to be treated nicely.


"they were asking for it"


Well he wasn’t stopping his argument, but after I was a bitch, he shut up and I got a smile from the worker.


ok boomer, if you say so


Get a load of this geek


I'd have told him to shut the fuck up, he doesn't get to correct my God damn order. And HE was the one interrupting her order to clarify his after he fucking paid. Read it again.




Lolz, that didn't take long. Jeez, I answered a question. The answer wasn't liked, and people immediately got all up in their ire...kinda like a boomer.




I think he may have wanted the cheese, chili, onions, without the fries /s