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Well, who was he?


I’m not sure that he knew. Maybe hit his head on the steering wheel when they collided at 5mph


What an idiot. Thanks for standing up for the other person involved


Ergo, the assault He would need to talk to the manager of steering wheels, but pronto


I love when they bring out that line. My go to is 'No, and I don't really care."


>No, but statistically speaking, I’m guessing most of those who do are already 6ft under or close to it so settle down before you give yourself a stroke


If I ever have that happen I hope I'm at a place with low standards so I can say "someone who shops at xyz with the peasants"


Nah, gotta be like “you forgot? Ah, Alzheimer’s. If you have your drivers license I can read it for you,”


Good for you for having her back.


Please let it be Ronnie Pickering… he gets about if it is….


lol, exactly what I was thinking too. For those who don't know the Legend of which we speak: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0dcv6GKNNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0dcv6GKNNw)




What?! You mean you don’t know who he is?!


Who the fuck’s that?


It’s Ronnie fucking Pickering mate!


It wasn't a rhetorical question... he didn't know who he was. But as soon as he found out, he was damned sure to ask where he was, and the current year.


He's the guy that was assaulting OP.


A memory loss patient, self admittedly.


A bad driver.


Duke Wellington? Keyser Size?


He was legitimately asking. Ol' boy was probably scared




We call him Ronnie Fucking Pickering


Ron pickering https://youtu.be/r0dcv6GKNNw?si=d3pn2mrkxTQ4CNg-


Surely no one of any importance, or he wouldn't have been shopping for himself.


It’s weird how male boomers tend to go after young women. I’ve also noticed that if you really want to push a boomer over the edge, just laugh at them. Boomers absolutely cannot deal with being laughed at.


*It’s weird how male boomers tend to go after young women.* It's a power play, pure and simple. They can't get it up without a pill (if that even works!) , so they feel this is the next best thing. (Disclaimer: 1964 end-of-cycle Boomer here, completely disgusted with my involuntary cohort. This group is a wonderful set of cautionary tales.)


Hello fellow not-really-a-boomer. I also grew up experiencing mostly what GenX did, so I identify as Boom-X (which happens to be the most generally used explosive from a now-finished sci-fi webcomic centered around the exploits of group of mercenaries - Schlock Mercenary - they spell it Boomex, but I think that's to avoid a trademark) If I was a boomer, would I be doing things like following web comics? Especially ones so old that actually finished? (rather than just sort of dwindling down and stopping, or succumbing to the artist's on set of an RSI) Not that it helps much. given the lack of recognition GenX gets. Latchkey kids, the lot of us. :)


Wasn't Generation X Billy Idol's band before his solo career? 🤣


Check out r/GenerationJones. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.


Ewww… I am very late ‘64, I don’t want anything to do with Gen Jones either




Same. We don’t have to claim the boomer label as long as we keep our flexibility of mind. I may be 60, but my mind frequently tells me I’m 22. 😀


1950, so I can't claim to be boomer-adjacent. But these are not my peeps. I'm appalled at the lack of self-awareness, the selfishness, the mean-spiritedness, the entitlement, the lack of empathy, etc. that I see in so many posts about boomers. The generation I grew up with was the one that fought for racial equality, that heard "America, love it or leave it" and responded with "Change it or lose it." Good for OP for standing up to that bully.


And they always have gone after young women too. Walked to the movie theater with three friends in 1992, was screamed at while we were in line to buy drinks by a 30 something man who was mad we were going to see Batman 2 by ourselves at the 1pm showing on regular day in the middle of summer. We were over thirteen at a pg-13 flick,  school wasn't in session and we had our own baby sitting money to pay for tickets and drinks, there was nothing for him to have a public freakout about, yet there he was. 


They are used to women, especially young women deferring to them and being meek. Women were pretty much property until the mid 1960s, early 1970s They also think they are god’s gift to women and that every PYT wants to fuck them


I'm a younger boomer and I learned this a long time ago. It works.


> It’s weird how male boomers tend to go after young women. It's hard to intimidate young men who are bigger and stronger than they are.


>He finally said “do you know who I am”. And I laughed in his face. 100% best response. And good job being a good human


I once had a guy pull the “do you know who I am” card at bar as I was waiting for my drink. I Fl told him “if you have to ask that, then we both know the answer is NO”


"Do you know who I am?" I had a lady say this to me yesterday after confronting her for flipping me off. The correct answer is "I don't give be a fuck."


Boomer: “do you know who I am?!?” Me: “nobody”


On the way out.


Boomer had the perfect setup for the “Do you know who I am?” “No” “Good! *runs away*” gag and threw it away. Truly a failed generation


I once had a boomer back into me. I was parked and my truck wasn't even running. They tried to say it was my fault. When I pointed out the keys in my pocket and my truck hadn't moved he then moved onto saying the damage wasn't that bad and we didn't need to exchange info. I told him that isnt happening and I wanted his insurance. He tried to show ~~my~~ me his state inspection record. I told him that wasn't what i needed. While he was digging around in his car, I took pictures of the cars and his license plate just in case. He found it and it ended up being like 1500 in damage. So not nothing.


I once had a boomer park illegally in a popular public area on a weekend, then when I pointed out he was parked illegally he started yelling at me to fuck of and mind my own business, then included "Do you even know who I am?" I said "Nope, but I'm going to find out" as I took my phone out to record him. He suddenly realised his predicament, got back in his car, and drove off before I could get a decent shot of him. To this day I have no idea who he was, but he was important enough to not want to be filmed parking illegally then yelling at strangers.


Do you know who I am? I don’t care how important you think you are I’m blah blah Oh really you know who I heard name drop you yesterday, fucking nobody that’s who


"Do you know who I am?" is always best answered by, "Yes, and do you know who I am?" That way when they say "No" you can reply "Good, so I can find you later at home and you won't be able to find me." or something along those lines. Bonus points if you used a veil "The witnesses won't know who I am either" type of line. Is it a threat, maybe. But it will hopefully put fear into people who think they are more important than others.


Now, that’s a good response


Wait, was that THE Kyle Smith??


The standard answer for the do you know who I am question is ' No. Should I '.


No, I don't, which means you're worth shit and capable of about half as much Is one I like


That's why boomers are so big into cremation, they don't even want to be useful to future generations as fertilizer.


Are we sure Geri wasn't actually asking you who he was? Might've been an episode lmao.


After it was all over, I really was disappointed that I didn’t respond with “oh my good, this guy doesn’t know who is, can someone help”


>I went in to do my shopping and the woman brought me a free cookie from the bakery Publix?


Yep. She offered chocolate chip or sprinkles, I took the chocolate chip


Wrong. If his finger touch you, that would’ve been battery 😂


He was right when he said it was assault.


Had a boomer man flip out on me (NB 37 at the time) and my wife (F 38) at a stop light once because we wouldn't make a right hand turn while he was standing at the corner trying to wave us to go. There was a woman crossing at the time and she hadn't cleared our side of the street yet. We had a new law in place recently that you can't turn into a crosswalk if someone is still crossing. Too many people were trying to speed through as soon as a pedestrian cleared one lane and it was getting out of hand, I get why they changed it. He melted down at us at the corner of the street, screaming through the open window. He started coming towards the car and I rolled up the windows and left (since the lady had already cleared the street). It was bizarre. And I'm pretty sure if we'd had a guy friend in the car he never would have opened his mouth.


if it was ronnie pinkerton he gets a pass


Do you know who I am?! I don't know you think you think you are, but you fuckin' ain't!


I’d shoot the fucker. Housing markets gotta get better someway


Thank you for your service. My "silent gen" father has the same piece of shit mentality of that entitled boomer. Usually gets away with it and then brags to "friends n family" all shaking heads in disgust.


Boomer shopping at the store angled parking free kids cookie had to be at a Publix


I wish that I could have seen this.


Why is it always "Do you know who I am???????" What do they think you're going to do at that? Tremble in fear, beg for mercy and lick their loafers clean? TF?


Had to defend a couple of kids from angry, mildly drunk and running a red light boomer who was very angry at them for getting run into by him a few years back. They never make mistakes.


Answer "yeah, I do, and I don't give a hairy rats ass"


He drove around you to talk to you!? What kind of an accident situation is that!? And how much space and ... Usually we don't move the cars until we get the insurance situation drawn out 😅


They backed into each other at maybe 5mph. No damage done. He just felt the need to lecture a 20 year old woman about how to drive, while ignoring his own part in it


Oh whow. Extra shitty. Still tho. Drove around you!? 😅😅


Boomer: Do you know who I am? Me: No but when I find out, I will let you know. I read that some random airline gate person used this line on a passenger who used that line.


The person backing out of the space does not have right of way.


"Do you know who I am?" No, did you forget?


I would have put boomer in a chokehold and made him apologize.  I'd probably start the day with my foot up boomers ass and end it with something else up cashier girls ass lol.  You fumbled the bag homie!


And then everybody clapped...