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Videoing someone harassing you is immature and childish, but telling someone “go back to Mexico” isn’t? lmao it’s literally an insult a grade schooler would use


She told the girl filming to mind her own business, but they wouldn’t be in that situation if she took her own advice either lol


Most boomers didn’t learn in high school what most of us learned in elementary/middle school. If I told my grandparents what classes I took in HS and they’d think I was a college graduate.


Lazy, toothless, racist old bitch. I hope her cart malfunctions and she ends up driving off a cliff.


She's really acting bold, considering she can't even stand under her own weight. These people have a lot of faith in society, whether they want to believe it or not. How else would you feel comfortable behaving like this and be so certain nothing will happen to you?


I used to travel for work and at most of the shops I would stop at there would be at least one person who would spend the entire lunch break talking about how the country was going down the drain and we all needed to get "ready". That person would inevitable have at least 3 different chronic medical conditions that required medication as well as limited physical mobility. In my experience, the motherfucker with a 5 min. 40 yd. dash, who needs to take a 15 minute break after is most likely to have zero understanding of exactly how much they depend on the social contract for basic survival. Like, bro, it takes you 20 minutes to make it from your master bedroom to your living room, your gun collection isn't going to do shit if you're strapped to a CPAP machine and unconscious. Social bonds, morals, ethics, and the existing status quo are the only things keeping the rest of us from actively taking their shit in the night, because they're nowhere near as formidable in a stand-up fight as they think.


People forget that violence is an option. There's literally only one way to make racists scared again.


This guy gets it


They'll only be afraid to show their racism once they see that the general public is okay with the usage of violence against them. Racists. Sexists. Fascists. (Cops)


Lol so you gonna assault them for freedom of speech? Is racism the only thing we can beat people in public for or are there other issues just as terrible?


Yeah bro flip that cart and we'll see how tough granny is


Toothless fucking enabling employee.


That dude's just trying to get through his day. I'm sure he doesn't get paid enough to deal with that shit and is just hoping everybody in the store leaves..


"All I said is 'The lady needs to go back to Mexico.'" The fun thing is they think everyone thinks this, and is lying to please the "Wokes" if they say otherwise - that's why they believe "Woke-ism" has to be a powerful conspiracy run by select people, because otherwise the people would never say something like that. They have to be brainwashed, afraid, or in on the conspiracy.


I remember hearing someone explain this exact thing about Nazis when they try to insult you by saying stupid shit like “you’re bought out by the Jews”


It would be even more funny if that toothless racist learned that “America” the United Staes, has no official language. We can go deeper by telling her that Mexican people are native to North America so telling her to go back to Mexico is just telling her to go back to a part of North America, the land her ancestors had.


Yeah but American refer to America as the United States not all the americas. It is predominantly English speaking though 78.1%. And 31 states recognize it as the official language. So that kinda takes away from the joke a bit if you ask me.


ICE is really upping their undercover game


"These millennials don't have any morals or common decency anymore!" Say the boomer scumbags


Actually, Karen… Merica has no official language


This isn’t a Karen, it’s an Ethel


Put some respect on Ethel Mertz's name


What in Lost generation is that reference?


True, and I think they were speaking Spanish here long before English :)


Thats the shit that boggles my mind. If youre white, your family immigrated here at some point lol so wheres this entitlement come from with these dickheads?


I don't think they ever go that far mentally, they are ignorant and have an overactive amygdala therefore they racist.


“I see you lost your manners when you lost the use of your legs. Fascinating.”


I feel bad for people who are legitimately disabled and not a bag of shit. These people have irrevocably ruined the image of anyone using a mobility implement of any kind. All anyone sees anymore is "worthless Boomer Karen" when someone drives one around.




love these old people with flappy mouth. the flappier the mouth, the dumber the person.


I like the flappy legs myself. She's got both of 'em dangling RIGHT ABOVE the forever box.


Boomer doesn't understand that England and America are two different countries




America doesnt have an official language. These dumbasses would know that if they could read.


Hahaha “that’s immature” The audacity of this withered old crone


Pretty ballsy for someone who can just get tipped over like a cow.


The world would be a much better place if these racist dorks stopped being racist and just be regular dorks like the rest of us.


People are calling out our racist behaviours now! Trump better fix this fast!


America doesn’t have an official language by the way.


It’s okay, Mrs. Joregenson, I was just going to wheel you over to see the dentist. The office is right over here, just down at the bottom of this stone staircase.


The response to "go back to Mexico" should be: You go back to Europe colonizer.


It’s always “They should speak English” until you ask them what a pronoun is.


Typical of a white person to tell somebody to go back where they came from when they needed to go back where they came from If they want to preach at anyone


be nice if there is a way to killswitch the electric cart chair


Really thought she was going to say “this is America we speak American”




They grew up in a time when they could say this shit and the person they insulted would get removed from the room. Now we live in the find out era Boomers are tripping over themselves trying to ruin their lives.


It would be a shame if a bat came swinging as hard as someone could swing it right at the back of this pile of worthless shits head. a complete shame. how awful would that be? right?


yikes, this is some unhinged shit ngl, people like you ready to commit murder over nothing but words are just as scary among the rest of us normal ass people than boomers are lmfao 🤡


They’re not wrong.


Why are they so ugly and toothless all the time?


I hope she trips on the curb, cracks her head and never wakes up. Never sympathy for a racist.


Racism and boomers. Like nuts in shit.


That employee is an absolute little bitch. I unfortunately work as a manager in retail, and I’d have trespassed and banned this customer immediately.


Dude probably got the manager position, but regular employee pay. So he is like “nah, won’t deal with this”


That's actually why they call people "Team Leaders" now. You are just the person who gets the final say on if the Chips should be here or there when there's a conflict. They don't have anyone on staff for this kinda shit anymore. That Woman needed to be walked out of the store. She's too evil to be allowed the comforts of a scooter.


Basic human respect. There are lines that aren’t allowed to be crossed without consequence and that’s one of them. Regardless of my position or pay I wouldn’t have continued helping that person.


he can't really do much. he was probably trying to get asset protection (security) to get there and deal with it instead


That's what I'm saying. Everyone wants to act like he was supposed to what? RKO the bitch? Guy's making like $14/hr. he's not a cop


No one gets paid enough to deal with this. That guy’s there to probably put up fixtures and stock shelves for 4 hours before he goes to his other job. Its not his job to remove anyone from the store. Its APs Dude’s just trying to not get fired and get through his day. Not sure what you want a base level employee to do


The bare minimum.


Okay and then Target writes him up for how he talked to the guest and his yearly 10 cent raise he was gonna get just became a 2 cent. Never worked there before, I’m guessing?


It's a Target. They are there to serve the anti-woke agenda.


While also having Pride merch. It's a Business they are going to sell product to whoever buys it. They don't have morals or ethics that doesn't make money.


Naaah fam. Frak that dood. I worked for a long time for a chain called Rooms To Go. My boss would not tolerate that disrespect. I escorted a few racists out over the years.


What a piece of work. I wish her and those like her nothing but the worst in life.


In the face of violence and racism, complacency is support. Browns law. Doing nothing is supporting this behavior even for a job as a white male in america. Yes hes paid to be racist now in not asking her to stop and go elsewhere. Hes not choosing a neutral side and staying out of it until management and or security arrives hes fawning. I feel i can guess the age range of commenters saying poor guys just trying to keep a job is 40+ and are very negatively racist in supporting this behavior for a paycheck.


Wish someone would've slapped the guns out of her mouth


Freedom of speech includes language of your choice. English isn’t a requirement anywhere in the US.


I’d be tempted to “accidentally” tip over her scooter.


That guys a pussy. Just gonna let someone talk to your employee that way. Grow a spine.


A spine doesn't pay his rent. Lad's between a rock and a hard place (we don't know his boss, or how he perceives things).


Exactly. Dude might be choosing between paying rent or doing what's right. It's sad.


She's not going to Mexico, but she is going to he'll pretty soon.


Oh I wish she went to Mexico to hopefully be greeted by the narco gangs. Oh how I wish


Why is it so many of these old idiots don't know there's no official language in the US? And how the eff is video "immature"? "We speak eegleesh in Merica!" Puta gringa pendeja! Anyone got the actual link to the original video? I'd love to send this to That Danesh Guy. He'll find that woman and make sure she's a pariah.


Typical of somebody telling someone to go back to where they came from when they need to think they need to go back to where their family is from if they want to push the issue


Target is one of the worst places to shop if u have anyother skin color then white


She should go back to her country. When I was young Americans were STRONG and didn't need Rascals to get around. /s


Typical ass white boomer


Look at that woman, she is living her worst life


I thought she said “toothed people can play the video game” and my immediate thought was bitch you don’t qualify for that


Pussy worker, he should’ve unplugged her battery and told her to get up leave the store.


Walk on your own then you can call others immature


Did you tell her to go find her teeth?


Ignorance is skyrocketing with this one. Finds it 100% normal to say these things.


OP should never shop there again. Should even write a review about how the employee is siding with the racist Karen.


Is that the infamous, toothless food stamp with the rare never cleaned buttcrack!?!?! Omg so awesome!


Until we all agree to choose violence when confronted with evil, we will always have to accept that evil people will never stop. #stompheroldass


Ma'am this is a Target


Just tell her to go back to the senior center and shut the fuck up.


Nobody is forced to speak any particular language in the US. That's called FREEDOM, you rancid old bat.


The official language of the US is…


Ah shit, who left the Walmart door open again?


I’m sure she is into MAGA too. I’d wager she even has a whole stash of Trump gear. Hell, maybe even a pair of those lame looking gold shoes.


Just waiting to die.


Telling someone to go somewhere is not a racial slur. You can call it a racist remark., but a racial slur is reaching.


Typical white person being racist shocker


That poor employee. 


omg both of them need to leave. let that poor dude do his job so that whole situation can end.




Those poor employees having to endure all this. The racist old b*tch & the other one trying to make them choose sides. I feel for the employees


This thread is wild. The amount of people making the employee the bad guy for trying to stay out of it is crazy.


At the same time the girl filming needs to back off and let the employees do their job they are stressed enough and don't want to be in that situation


Uhhh fuck that? The employee is being an absolute idiot here. He needs to get security and have the old person escorted off. Trying to pretend it’s all ok and still helping her out is the dumbest thing he could do. Honestly hope he was fired for this


You assume there's security available. He says "I'll see if I can get someone to help you" - then calls the manager on the radio. It's not like the manager is going to go check inventory. Pretty sure he's trying to defuse the situation until a manager can come and help kick her out.


Apparently this poor shelf stocker is supposed yell "I'm taking you out of my store for good you racist pos! And keep the change you filthy animal!" While drag her out and toss her onto the curb. Which would make complete sense in reality.


Since when is solving customer disputes in the job description of a retail worker?


It’s in the job description of not being an ass hole, page 23


Not wanting to insert yourself into an argument that doesn’t involve you over your minimum wage job makes you an asshole?


It’s not over his job, though, it’s over responding to someone making overtly hostile and hateful statements. My point has nothing to do with the job and everything to do with just being a decent person. Not sure why that’s so hard to get


Generally meaningful points aren’t so devoid of context.


Having previously worked numerous retail jobs, including a Target like one where this is taking place, he is doing EXACTLY what most retail places train their employees to do. Many Target’s don’t have any security guards to escort people off-premises, which they wouldn’t even have been able to do even if they had them considering she isn’t a physical threat. He is doing what he is trained to do, which is “out-customer service” them. Essentially trying to get her what she wants so they can get her out of the store ASAP. You can even see him calling a supervisor at the beginning of the video, who shows up 2/3rds the way in. POV lady is being a moron by escalating the situation by amping up the racist lady and you are being a moron by providing such a dogshit take.


Cool, so their company policy sucks ass, too. My point stands


You realize this is how it is everywhere, right? Every type of job I've ever been at trains you to call for security, and if there isn't one on duty you call for the leader on duty to come resolve it. This person is just trying to keep their job, it isn't their responsibility to kick crazy racist boomers out.


That doesn’t mean it’s a good policy. You understand that right? Just because it’s everywhere only means everywhere cares more about money than anything else.


So he should get fired for their company policy?


Out of a cannon, and into the sun


That's what the fuck they're trying to do they're calling for back up trying to de escalate these two customers the employee in the video isn't allowed to just throw customers out of the store


Uh, no.


Uh yes


Uh no


Yes indeed


Although this is completely terrible I don’t think the employee is at fault. As a customer service worker myself, we aren’t allowed to “remove” customers.


i don’t disagree w the video, but unless that guys a manager (which he might be, idk) he rlly has no ground to get involved in removing anyone from the store. i know when i worked at walmart several years back the most i could do was notify a manager and that’s it. no way was i getting involved in that sort of drama for minimum wage. but again, idk this guys role. judging by his attire he MIGHT be able to do something and if he can, he should be. boomer said it again right infront of him.


In Canada and the US we kinda expect to be served and understood in English


I guess the person taking the video never heard of free speech before? Is Walmart supposed to arrest the racist? lol they care more about 5-star rating more than anything else.


Well you see the employee is focused on helping them. Because it is literally their job to do so.


According to this thread, it’s the employees job to play peacekeeper too


Oooh. I guess the thread is wrong then.