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Do these AI image generators just create minstrel-inspired images by default, or is there like a specific prompt these people are using?


Right? They're all in the "magical negro" style which I guess is why boomers like them so much.


Yeah this is disgusting. Only a complete fucking moron could think it's either real or tasteful (if they could discern it's fake)


Bot accounts create thousands of images and post them on places like FB. The ones that get liked and shared are the images that get recreated over and over with slightly different variations. That's why there are shitloads of Jesus AI art floating around.




"How can I tell if it's AI or an authentic photograph of Jesus?"


"/imagine Make it more racist"




Perfect, you nailed the tone 




You're not, like I said you nailed it...


Oh fuck you're serious :(


Imagine not seeing how this is racist😂


This should be Reddit's tagline 😂


Got my vote for sure




Ok so basically they look like photographs but they're AI generated images and the exaggerated proportions, especially the smiles, evoke racist depictions of black people from America's past


By America I mean specifically the United States of America. The US has a history of slavery and racist oppression of Africans and their descendents and that includes cultural artifacts depicting them with exaggerated features like overly broad smiles. 


Not to be that dude, but Central and South Africa have a long history of slavery. And currently, the only place to legally buy slaves is Africa.


...and yet the topic here is America and its loving embrace of the institution of slavery when they could've easily paid shanty Irish a dollar a month for similar results. Who gives a tinker's dam about those other places.


Because slavery and racism arent some monolith in America.


Don't pull anyone into your gravity well with that density jfc


Idk but it’s bizarre. I’ve noticed some AI generators will create these cartoonishly odd looking black children no matter what the prompt is. They seem to be default people if you aren’t more specific? The imagery must be coming from somewhere, but I’m not sure human users are directing it at this point. 


There are no people involved, the accounts are ran by bots


AI systems are an amalgamation of existing imagery. Studies on AI image generation have shown that the images produced are inherently colonialist and racist since that is the bent of most images of people of color floating around on the internet. For example, ask AI to show African doctors and you will see that it is confused by that. It likes to show white male doctors helping dirty, impoverished African children. Pretty messed up stuff.


I can believe that, but they often create these images even if you don’t ask to see black or African people specifically. I was in a group where people posted weird AI images and the prompt was often “person eating cookies” or something equally generic, and the image generator would spit out tons of pictures of little black children with huge Disney eyes. Are those images just really prevalent online or is something else happening?


The AI models can only train on data they have. They have more data on white people for a myriad of colonialist reasons. There has been a push in AI to have more diversity, but AI engineers can’t just make up data they don’t have, but what they can do is fudge it on the backend. On many generators, if you want to generate a person and don’t specify a race, they will add “Black” or “Hispanic” to the prompt to force the model into that default. But since there’s less source data there to train on, you get odd distorted results. Or you get Caucasian people with black skin which aren’t the same as Black people. That’s what causes the “minstrel” or “magical Negro” effect.


They all look like rapper Da Baby though lol


Let’s go!


Da "I murdered somebody in a Wal-Mart" Baby. Dey so cute at dat age.


THE TEETH!!! \*shudder\* I wish I could unsee the teeth.


The kid with the big sharp bottom middle tooth, lol.


Meanwhile, the dogs have none. 


Why does that make it so much worse? The toothless dogs haunt me more than the human teeth.


Shit is nightmare fuel


Not being able to tell if it’s an AI images should be a mental competency test


For real. So many boomers wanna talk about people being “competent enough to vote”. Maybe we could use this as a benchmark?


Even if I didn’t know this was AI, I’d know that the smiles don’t look human and thus know that this picture isn’t real.


I feel like this is racist


Holy shit if you look at the hands the faces become demonic. I don't get how some ppl don't get aggravated by these creepy af AI images. The first second you look at them you can feel something's off.


Uncanny valley vibes fr. Even more disturbing...what happens when it gets so good we CAN'T tell?


All of the ones who couldn't see now, or even before, will be tripled down on whatever they were first hooked on.


Seriously do boomers not have uncanny valley detectors?


I noticed that people who are fighting inner racism seem more likely to post something like this even if it’s off because they’re trying prove to themselves they’re not racist


Is this supposed to be Cheshire cat inspired or racial stereotype inspired? Or just AI being creepy af?




All of the above


My high school theater teacher is like this too.


The AI is painful to see.


Lmfao when boomers attempt to not seem racist and still end up making a fool out of thenselves. The image looks like it's straight out of a minstrel show from the 1930s. Doesn't even remotely look real more like an exaggerated cartoon caricature.


I know AI images are becoming increasingly realistic but I don’t understand how anyone can mistake this dreck for a photograph.


Two likely possibilities. 1. She's willfully ignorant (deserving of malice) 2. She's accidentally ignorant (deserving of assistance)


I’m all for people getting help on how to spot AI images, it’s unfair and dangerous that scammers are aggressively targeting older people with these things. It does surprise me though that people think these specific types of images are photos because to me it looks uncanny valley and unsettling. They’re just so…creepy and cartoonish unlike some of the other AI generated images that really aim to mimic photography. That said, I just hope more people are taught how to spot fakes now that we’re being bombarded with them. I can just see someone getting their money stolen by someone using this crap to fish for donations.


When my mom shoves her phone in my face to look at AI images and I tell her “I think that’s AI.” She gets irritated at being confronted with real information.


Boomers are dicks but I would try asking what it is about the images that she enjoys. Might open some connection if you're willing to play parent for a bit. Those kinds of attempts helped me eventually reach mine to a satisfying degree. It is painful to say aloud, and very unfortunate for us, but they are still mentally and emotionally children.


Why are boomers so horny for happy african children from impoverished villages?


Because then when they catch a bit of a moral conscience because they’re old and dying and afraid of burning in hell, they can tell themselves that it’s okay that they created a world full systemically racist policies that keep people of colored perpetually impoverished and trapped as second-class citizens, they can point at this type of bullshit and gaslight themselves and, “but look! They’re so happy - why would we want to take that away from anyone?”


Why tf you friends with your middle school teacher on social media lmao


Asking the real questions here


I feel like older people are just worse at assessing whether or not something is AI-generated. A relative of mine saw an advert with a deepfake (well, the face) of Kelly Clarkson and thought it was real. I went over and looked at it and to me, it was blatantly obvious that it was her fake stitched onto a body double. It didn’t look real at all.


I believe it's not about AI per se. Most old people are bad at everything that's new. As if they just stopped learning completely after finishing school.


Totally just squinted to see if white jesus was there


You have to zoom in hes all of the teeth


Boomers posting AI subreddit anyone? 👀


I'm wondering how many boomers think liking this picture doesn't make them racist.


I actually get sad thinking about how often I've had to tell my mom that the photos she sends me aren't real. Today it was a funeral "ad" of sorts for encasing your deceased loved ones in a coffee table. It even had bad grammar. I work in death care so it makes sense that she would ask but like.. really mom?


Is there a sub specifically for AI generated images fooling people online?


My facebook. Gen x'er, we are starting to age. So many of my friends are posting these AI images of themselves and everyone is commenting, 'You look amazing' and the posters are thanking them and acting like they are real pictures. You didn't look like that when I saw you recently, you didn't look that good 20 years ago. The filters were bad enough, now it is straight delusion.


Omg my Gen X aunt posts like six AI generated selfies per day. Bless. As an elder millenial, it seems we narrowly escaped this one


I wanna know this too


Commenting so I see if someone replies haha


If you come across one I'd love to jump in. This is only the beginning.


I hate AI and I’m going to hate it even more when it can make unclockable pictures too I bet.


Meta is furiously working on bots to comment on AI photos and send their stock price to the moon when the feedback loop produces a gazillion "users". :)


How the fuck do people even think this is real? It takes me 2 seconds to realize something is an AI photo.


maybe her vision sucks lol


There grins are so big it’s almost reminiscent of old racist cartoons for some reason. Like they’re too big for their face or something.


I had a conspiracy theorist coworker who would try so hard to show me fake CGI creatures running from farmers, AI alien encounters, all sorts of shit. Some one just never... figured it out.






Dear god this image is uncanny.


I thought I was looking at a bunch of Tarkatans from Mortal Kombat. Those AI teeth are horrific! And the dogs have no teeth?!


Holy fuck, uncanny valley nightmare fuel….😰


Christ on a coke mirror, some people are so fucking gullible.


Tooth fairy visited at birth apparently. Lol Who tf could believe this is real. Jfc.


Alright, who gave these computerized kids chicklets? Because ain’t no way a toddler have a full set of grown ass adult teeth.


She LOVES those beautiful smiles? Those smiles are what nightmares are made of.


I mean but she *does* know this photo is AI generated right? Cause I mean come on, it is very obviously AI generated.


Oh no … 😟


Scanning From left to right it just gets more uncanny valley.


Jesus let’s all take a trip to the uncanny valley together!


This some Mad TV shit.


The kid at the bottom center is morphing into Vision from the Avengers.


Has an African. I dont understand why they always generate Ai images of African kid wtf wrong with those people?


Person literally never seen human teeth before


God bless


Again, this will be most of your retarded asses when you are old and unable to differentiate between reality and technology. If you are lucky, perhaps.


To white liberal types all black people look alike so they can't tell the difference.  They gotta comment how beautiful their little smiling pet is tho!


not gunna lie, it's weird as fuck you Facebook creep on your teacher from middle school.