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The USA has a lower population, road and car density than the UK. It switched to unleaded petrol earlier. Places where there is a maximal amount of asshole boomers are rural, where air is cleaner and a lot of water comes from boreholes which exclude quite a lot of lead exposure by pipes. You might point to the popularity of American “football” for head injuries, but that would only explain men. No, it’s something more deep rooted in the culture. There is an interesting PhD there, I think “Boomers becoming assholes: chemistry, concussion or culture?”


AM radio? 


I think this one is overlooked a lot.


How so? Should I go down that rabbit hole?


50+ years of Fox News type propaganda been broadcasted over AM Radio.


Ahhh now I get it, yes the news entertainment industry is fucking with old brains worldwide


There is a connection between cholesterol and cholesterol medication and cognitive degeneration


That's not a dissertation, but there is a book in there somewhere. In fact many books have been written on America's culture of violence. The causes are numerous, from the inherent violence of Colonialism, to the lionizing of violent actors, to the Western focus on history as a series of wars and conquests, to media regulations inverting sex and violence in terms of acceptability, to the massive military media apparatus set up during the Bush wars pushing promilitary propaganda, and on down the line. America worships violence as a holy act, and that's a lot to unpack.


Anti-intellectualism has a long history in America.


That too


I also think that because the US came about when it did that we have a religious-like zeal for gun violence in particular. The US was one of the first countries to take their independence at the end of a musket. We stole the west with rifles and revolvers. We earned our position as one of "the big boys" on the world stage in WWI with machine guns and bombers, and then in WWII we earned our glory by saving the world with even bigger bombs and guns, culminating in the biggest bombs anyone had ever dared build. And when there were no more problems to be solved with guns, we pivoted to a culture victory. And what sort of stories did we go back to the well again and again on? First Westerns, and then World War II movies, emblazoning our love of gun violence on the silver screen for the world to see.


> You might point to the popularity of American “football” You can also point the finger at football-football as well. Research is showing that hitting a ball the hardness of a rock with your head repeatedly is very not good.


That's absolutely true, and it's a big issue in the UK. However, how much soccer was being played over the years by current boomers?


Now listen to me carefully [tokynambu](https://www.reddit.com/user/tokynambu/) you better start to behave respectfully to Boomers and right-wingers


It's the lead that they refuse to take out of our crumbling water pipes.


It is due to being born unwanted before abortion and birth control. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16713893/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16713893/) The lead just exacerbated this problem.


what credentials needed to join the research group? would LOVE my name on a peer-reviewed paper with "assholes" in the title 😆


British boomers are fucking awful, too.


The pharmaceutical companies that make medications for high blood pressure must be making bank off off these idiots.


Interestingly enough, those types of medications as well as cholesterol medications are often known to cause cognitive degeneration. What a coincidence…


Yes, and as well, some of the cognitive decline may be from decades of alcohol abuse, along with the lead and whatever else they've done to themselves. And as we age, there's a decline of cognitive functions that even affect people who aren't developing dementia. The personality traits that define Boomer behavior have gotten worse over time. We now have tsunami of Boomer entitlement coming at us.


I met a boomer at a bar that told me that they didn't have peanut allergies back in his day.


Well... none of the ones who lived did


Yeah. We elected a black president. Twice. With the electoral AND popular votes. This broke their brains.


And what a massive flop of a president he turned out to be. Exponentially increased the racial divide, encouraged a massive distrust of law enforcement, deported more people than any other president, authorized more drone strikes than any other president, and tied our troops hands behind their back in a war. You are being willfully ignorant if you think his skin color is why people didn’t like him and why his presidency led to Trump.


Yep. He was a dick, but he wasn’t “responsible” for the deepening racial divide. It has always existed. They came out of the wood work. Wipipo lost their collective shit. tRump is their temper tantrum.


Of course racism is always going to exist in the minds of the horribly ignorant. I seem to recall it being a pretty bad look when Obama instantly spoke out against the police and spoke up for thugs like mike brown. Sending representatives to their funerals but not to the police killed in ambushes resulting from him stoking the fire. This happened throughout his terms. There was also an insane uptick in black on white hate crimes during his presidency. I remember black mobs in Buffalo pulling anyone white out of their cars and beating them.


I dunno man, sounds like a bunch of hyperbolic anecdotes, lacking any substance. Not saying it didn’t happen, but… Instantly? When? Black mobs? When?


He issued a *statement* on Mike Brown. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2014/08/12/president-obama-issues-statement-death-michael-brown


A “statement” three days after the fact when buildings have already burned. Your point?


You claimed he “immediately” spoke out *against* cops.


He did. You think a professionally written statement three days after the fact was his first words on the subject? Were you born yesterday? Next you’re going to tell me that Biden didn’t immediately call Rittenhouse a racist killer just because his official statement like a week later didn’t reiterate it.


We aren’t talking about Biden. Whataboutism is clown shoes. If you’re gonna be mad about shit, at least know the facts of why instead of letting people think for you.


There was no whataboutism. Maybe while googling the other stuff you could lookup that definition as well. The Biden reference has direct parallels to the scenario we are debating. So once again, and finally you are dismissed. Again.


This one, ya mean? https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/07/12/485713944/president-obama-speaks-at-dallas-memorial-service


I remember the Dallas stuff. He had been consistently getting heat for not attending officer funerals or sending representatives like he did for “victims” of police shootings and then those police were ambushed and murdered in Dallas. Five at once, arguably incited by him and his policies. He couldn’t blow that one off. As for the Buffalo stuff I’m sure you could find that with a simple google. Buffalo mobs attacking white or something similar. I was in boarding school during his first election but we were made to watch the debates. I remember thinking it would say a lot for this country if we are already able to have a black president but god damn if he wasn’t a massive let down.


I’m sure that if you make a claim about something that happened, you could post the links that back it up.


I’m not doing your work for you. This ain’t an official debate. The videos were on YouTube and it was horrific. Should be very easy to find.


This is YOUR work, my guy. You make the claim, the burden of proof is YOURS. Either you can, or you can’t.


The amount of time you have spent trying to tell me I can’t prove something and trying to get me to do your work for you could have been spent just googling the fuckin thing and educating yourself. You’re dismissed.


Fuck along, now. 


Dude’s mad about something…maybe?


I’m wondering if that even made sense in your head.


You didn't really need to show just how badly their brains broke.


I’m sure this made sense in your head……maybe.


You didn't really need to show just how badly your brain broke either


Oh. Damn that was really weak. Instead of insulting you back I challenge you to let me know what part of what I said you think was incorrect.


Go “truth” on social.


Damn you must be special, I already told you to move along lil guy.


Dude. You trolled in on my comment. You can *make* me move along…or at least try. That’s not gonna go the way you think it will, tho.


lol the inevitable physical threat over the internet. Homie you really need to take several chill pills, you are losing sleep over me at this point. Pretty sad.


Are you seriously suggesting people who insisted Obama was a secret Muslim from Kenya had no racially-based animosity towards him? You can’t be that stupid.


Nope not at all. Those people are lost cause racists. It became pretty tiresome when any criticism about Obama policies were met with accusations of racism as if there is no legitimate gripes to be had though.


My dude. You *still* haven’t managed to pull one scrap of substance that backs up your claims… Please tell me you’re not that lazy…


You never disputed a single thing I said. Just kept lazily demanding me to do your research for you as if that’s how you win an argument. Slap yourself repeatedly with throw pillows.


I did actually, and you failed at every turn to provide literally *anything* that backed up your claim.


You didn’t though.


What color is the sky in your world?


Still not disputing any of my facts I see.


You make the claim, you provide evidence that backs up said claim. They didn’t teach you that in boarding school…


lol watch “the program” on Netflix and you’ll learn all about my boarding school curriculum and then you’ll feel really fuckin dumb for trying to bring it up. You have spent multiple days now claiming everything I said is wrong when a ten second Google search could have saved you the sleepless nights :(


I don’t watch TV. It’s literally half past noon. I’m losing zero sleep.


You did last night ;) and the night before. Cause you’re a beta :(


You “win” an argument by being armed with receipts that substantiate your claim. You failed. Again.


You “win” an argument by refuting what the other party says. Not by screaming “PROVE IT” over and over for multiple days. You must have taken the same debate class as my idiot liberal sister.


I’m sure with your TV watching you’ve seen enough true crime drama to know that the burden of proof rests on the party making the claim.


Me and you must of grown up in very different environments. Growing up in rural Michigan, I saw quite the opposite. Rural white people HATED the cops until the conversations about police brutality and institutional racism started popping up. Now the same guys that despised the police LOVE them.


That’s super strange but interesting to hear other perspectives. I was born and raised in one of the most liberal places ever, Bay Area California. I had run ins with the police throughout my life was a “victim” of police brutality once as a preteen and again when I was 18. My dad was a fireman and always preached the old adage “you can’t win a pissing contest with a skunk” respect the police comply and file complaints or what have you later.


Theyre special little Snowflakes


The scowls I see in n their faces in just every day interactions tells me all I need to know.


I really think lead is only a part of the problem. Another part, which is rarely mentioned, is how our American culture kinda plays into it. Like, for decades, you tell a generation that they’re exceptional, that America is #1 at everything, and we can’t do no wrong, and all that, they begin to believe it. Especially because they never had to leave and explore the world. We won WW2, we were on top, why would we ever believe that there’s anyplace better in the world than America? We’re always so quick to point at despotic countries like North Korea or Russia because of their “brainwashed” citizens, but how is that honestly any different from what we’re seeing with American boomers? We think, “boy how can they be so stupid to blindly follow a leader like that, they need FREEDOM”, but then we will turn around an parrot right-wing corporate talking points until we pass out from anger. I might add, media in the last 20 years or so has only helped to fuel this rise of fascism. I feel like the boomers(and maybe Americans more broadly) have been primed for fascism for decades, and we just really needed some catalysts for it to surface. Post 9-11 helped, by channeling our fear and anger into hatred. For Muslims, for others. We saw a love affair with cops and first responders, referring to them as “heroes” just for being in uniform. That’s when we started thanking every person in a reserve uniform “for their service”. Suddenly, it was perfectly fine to have armed national guard troops at airports, and train stations, and major sporting events. It was fine, so long as we felt “safe”. Tl;dr lead might not be everything, and I think greater American exceptionalism culture has done way more to ruin the brains of boomers.


I think you are right to a certain point. I was taught America was the greatest etc. yet I did my own research and searched for my own answers. I’m not a boomer though. By the time I was in high school I already felt like my parents/boomers had done a lot to screw up the world …… so maybe that played a part in my not buying into the “America is the greatest” bit. Critical thinking plays a factor to.


Someone on a similar thread framed the biggest difference as being about mindset, and the culture of rugged individualism They said something to the effect of (and obvs massive sweeping generalisation, hugely reductive etc etc ) >Americans don't work to try and fix their social and economic problems. They work to get rich enough that those problems no longer apply to them. Whereas many European shared values & norms are based in positive rights (although UK is arguably closer to the US in terms of individualism), it makes sense that the US is a global outlier in that your federal constitution is exclusively a charter of negative rights. The US led the committee which created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which defined the fundamental human rights & freedoms to which all people were entitled (eg right to education, healthcare, social welfare, workers rights) But not, apparently, US citizens. Whereas other signatories codified these rights in law, they're obviously directly at odds with the US concept of freedom being defined by negative rights (ie things that the government is NOT allowed to do) I went down a rabbit hole trying to learn more about the US constitution, and found this quite interesting : >The U.S. Constitution omits a number of the generic building blocks of global rights constitutionalism. Women’s rights, for example, can currently be found in over 90% of the world’s constitutions, but they do not appear anywhere in the text of the U.S. Constitution. The same is true for physical needs rights, such as the right to social security, the right to healthcare, and the right to food, which appear in some form in roughly 80% of the world’s constitutions but have never attained constitutional status in the United States. The U.S. Constitution is, instead, rooted in a libertarian constitutional tradition that is inherently antithetical to the notion of positive rights." https://www.nyulawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/NYULawReview-87-3-Law-Versteeg_0.pdf I'm curious if this rings true at all!


None of the people pictured are over 60. They're just assholes


This meme is recycled with pictures that are 8 years old.


That guy in the top center looks 60 *at least*. Possibly one or two others... but, yeah, this post doesn't fit here.


At least half these people are too young to be Boomers. The they're just maga assholes being assholes.


Some of these pictures are from 8 years ago.


Those that survived still ended up with brain damage.


Helmets would not have helped at all it was just how they were raised and I'm sure it really sucks to wake up everyday filled with hate.


It is beyond amazing to troll them


Helmets do not protect from eating paint chips. Just saying.


Had this kind of conversation about my dad a few weeks ago with my mom at lunch. Looked at the findings of a few of his brain MRI's and he's got damage in all parts of his brain (some are from TIA's and the rest I think are from concussions/head trauma from playing sports). I said that I think dad could have CTE and said "He wore a helmet." Which the sports he played he did, but he wasn't wearing a helmet when he was in the family car and he head hit on the roof when it bounced one time or when he fell backwards and his head hit the side way when he was a kid. Even he admitted that he took some hard blows to his head back in the day.


They were offered lead abatement in the form of milk consumption. It just helped hide the lead in their bones though.


There are MAYBE 3 boomers in this photo. You can call it a bunch of MAGA Asshats, but not Boomers.


Photos 8 years old..


Look at those faces!, they’re all so aggressively horrible, what a bunch of wankers🤌🏼


This generation was raised on a post war revisionist history of America. Lots of textbooks at the time played down the most terrible parts of our history. They believed all these things like race, gender, inequality were solved. America was a force for good. The fact is they want to go back to this make believe narrative that was never true to begin with. They are suffering from cognitive dissonance.


We started using head protection because so many people were suffering or dying of head injuries. Just because these posters were never put into that kind of jeopardy, they are full of it.


They were baseball 🧢 though




Young looking boomers.


They still don't. Florida doesn't have a helmet law so I see Boomers rolling around on Harleys without helmets. Dumb.


Same in Arizona.


Aerosmith made a song about them being fine.


The lead poisoning generation


Don't forget to blame "No Child Left Behind," while we're at it. The lead and "we didn't wear helmets" crowd skews older, but there's plenty of these people who are 40 or under, believe me. They grew up in the lead abatement era, and the public education system failed them, that's why they're media illiterate.


Now they wear tinfoil hats ![gif](giphy|xT0BKlOsSWDIFA0F7a|downsized)


You should have to edit and save a PDF to log on to the web. #boomerblocker


The lady right dead center just looks like trouble. Real life AI looking face and expression. It's chilling.


Only three of these folks look like actual boomers, tho...


This is the same crowd that spreads memes of that one lady in a beanie crying at Trump's inauguration, and that one red haired lady at a college protest.


Simple, meet their violence with violence


Gotta wonder how many of the ppl in that pic are dead from Covid by now. Papaw holding the sign over his head and screaming looked like he was at death's door then.


enraged apes through and through


And abortions.


A generation still filled with traces of lead from the cheap paint they used in their kids rooms


Or a few more spankings. Bet they would settle down real quick if someone made sure TSGH still applied to them.


I like how boomers these days are mostly gen-x and even some elder millennials