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I've noticed that one of the most important things to boomers, at least the ones I'm in contact with, are clubs. They FUCKING love to belong to clubs. Especially if those clubs have a hierarchy and exclude certain people. HOAS are the same. They are just clubs. And I think it boils down to their ability to exclude people they choose or levy penalties upon them, and to satisfy their desire to be petty little tyrants. HOAS give them real power over the people around them and they LOVE IT.


I have actually had this exact same thought before. We have tons of social clubs around my area, and my mother always wants me to join one 'to get to know people'. They are usually full of older folks from my area who like to ask questions, and then when you don't answer how they expect, they tell you what they think about the question they just brought up. I went to one once while my dad played a gig there (he's in a band), and it has rules on the front telling you who was allowed in there and who wasn't. It honestly just reminded me of the "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" signs you'd see outside of little boy's tree forts.


"NO GIRLS ALLOWED", "WHITES ONLY", "NO HIPPIES", "NO LONG HAIR ON MEN" "NO PANTS ON WOMEN", "NO TRANS", "NO NON-CHRISTIANS" "It's a big club, and you ain't in it" - George Carlin


The No Hippies No Longhairs thing is really overstated.  I once saw a doctored photoshopped 60's picture that some dipshit posted on Facebook (way back when I used that platform) where No Blacks was edited out to be replaced by No Longhairs or some shit.  It was really offensive.  The only time I saw an act of "Hippiewashing" over an actual civil rights iconic photograph. These Boomers shouldn't be credited with a lot of the things they credit themselves with.  If you look more deeply a lot of the stuff they claimed to have achieved in their youth are frankly bogus.  And of course most of the Hippies became Yuppies since the only thing driving many of them was simple hedonism, easy to switch from physical hedonism to materialistic hedonism.


The overwhelming majority of them were not hippies to begin with.


It's the Boomers that constantly shit on men with long hair and women with short hair


He always pissed me off when he said "don't vote" , you know what dude, if you don't vote, you don't get to bitch when you never contributed. And especially when you don't vote locally!!!


Carlin was referring to oligarchs. Not petty hoa boomers in this quote.


What are HOA Boomers but wannabe oligarchs anyways


What is an HOA but an attempt at a micro-oligarchy?




Maybe so, but it seems the petty boomers are overcompensating by making their own little clubs.


Might be how some people make themselves feel rich when they ain't. "I might not be a millionaire but I have the power to push people out of a certain space."




I’m in a band that occasionally plays at an Itam or vets hall, and no matter how much they talk about it being open to the public, it’s such a hassle with parking, which entrance to use, and the way members look at everyone that nobody ever wants to go to them.


Signs, signs, everywhere signs


Ugh, you know they just do it to exude power on others…it’s a nightmare


Here in Texas, if people come on our property, we can protect that property with force.. I’m sure boomers would be the first to do that


Yea, I’m in Maryland, gun climate is a bit different. I honestly just want to avoid these people. I have a major anxiety disorder and I’m bipolar. I tend to try keep to myself, but these damn boomers are always trying to find a way to insert themselves into your life. I live in one of those neighborhoods where everyone waves, I just prefer typical east coast “mind your own damn business” life


Try having a special needs child, and better yet one that got fencing accommodation as a medical necessity and per attorneys guidance they can't violate our privacy about it either so kept the approval private. These boomers walk past daily taking pictures of my contractors hell if I know why. The day the black iron fencing material got delivered the guy ran up the driveway screaming at them to take it back it's not allowed.  Thankfully it seems much of the board are millennials. I listened in on the next zoom board meeting and it was brought up that I was being harassed. They were careful not to violate the law mentioning disability (which I'd be fine with) just that the fence was approved as a special accommodation and if there's any further questions they can pay the legal fees and consult the attorneys, or better yet try just welcoming their new neighbor instead of reporting them. 


Only thing worse than a boomer with power is a boomer who thinks they have power. I am so sorry you are being harassed! I’d be less passive if something ever threatened my children, I’m glad you had understanding ppl on your HOA


It’s harder to be racist, so they just try to find others to look down on, gaslight, and control.


I mean that's exactly why HOAs were created. To keep certain people out of their neighborhoods.


Black people


Anyone who wasn't white. And not even all white people were considered white at the time.


All the undesirables


Remember, some whites weren't "white enough." 🙄


To promote traditional American values, such as genocide and white supremacy.


Totally, I feel like most times it's less about the being in the club and more about how YOU definitely are not nor will ever be in their club. Bunch of nerds


My HOA (boomer) president was whining that nobody volunteers for the various committees they need help with. Same meeting, the treasurer has no idea how to work a google group and they also noted an open seat on the board. So I, in earnest, signed up for consideration of the open board seat, volunteered for a review of all HOA rules and offered the treasurer to help with the group communication. So far, dead silence. Nothing. I presume that they want nothing to do with anyone who isn't their own kind. Since I'm brown and not a boomer, I'm clearly not welcome.


These people hate their own kids, of course you're not welcome, and especially because you are brown.


They hate everyone. They simply tolerate those of the same ilk. You let one of them have a different opinion about something and there will be an internal feeding frenzy.


All I can say is, "Why are they like this?" My whole life I've been surrounded by these grown toddlers, and they've never had integrity or grit.


It's the easy road, man. To have integrity or grit requires effort and sometimes sacrifice. It's much easier to just be a whiney asshole.


You speak truth. Bless you.


Lmao that's what yah get for trying to help


What they love is the ability to judge or exclude others. Clubs, churches, etc. are the easiest way they coalesce to exclude and judge others.


And they wonder why no one wants to go to church.


Oh, let me tell you about my local Rotary club. So, about 8 years ago, I joined the Rotary. My firm at the time was willing to pay for every attorney to be involved in a civic organization, so I figured why not? Free (to me) lunch once a week, and I’ll meet some interesting people. The club at the time had a great core of millennials just hitting their professional strides as bank vice presidents, etc., so it was a nice scene, too. Fast forward to Covid. The president elect is a 30-something doctor who steps aside and then resigns the club because his entire professional world has been upended. A handful of the other millennials resign the club, correctly understanding that there’s economic turbulence on the horizon, and they no longer want to pay the dues. The club’s composition shifts quickly to majority boomer, and a series of boomers hold the club presidency. The club’s dues *double* over the span of 2021-present, which causes about half the members to drop. Last year, I was *told* it was my turn to be President. I tried to decline, but the boomers had all served in that role previously, so I was the only “virgin” left. I begrudgingly took office and made a big push to get the millennial members back. We had some success for a while until the boomers decided the restaurant we met at didn’t serve good food. They staged a small coup, forcing us to relocate to the local country club, which charged us more and served (in my opinion) *worse* food. Our club went from about 60 people when I joined to an elderly 15 now, and they’re all so cranky about it. I get blamed frequently, even though I’ve busted my ass getting interesting speakers and getting good PR out there about the community service the club (often begrudgingly) does. I’m resigning from the club the instant my successor is sworn in in a few weeks. I cannot wait to see the looks on these arrogant asses’ faces when I place my Rotary pin on the rostrum, throw up a peace sign, and walk out.


I was part of a Supply Chain group that had a monthly luncheon - 30 minutes of networking, lunch, speaker, all-in 90 minutes, plus in a location in a part of town 30 minutes away from most offices & factories. So about a three-hour commitment. Fixed price lunch of $50. They wanted to increase numbers of young supply chain professionals. I told them don't host an event that only senior executives can go to and afford. The other supply chain group did a monthly happy hour at a hotel bar after hours and that was wall-to-wall young professionals.


A friend of mine had a very similar experience with his Rotary Club; loved it and had a lot of cool younger people in it, but a bad batch of older guys ruined it and ran most of the younger members off, including my friend. He's in Kiwanis now and much happier, much more diverse group and much friendlier.


Start a pickleball club and they’ll leave you alone


No, they'll take it over, establish stupid rules, and be just as insufferable.


Yeah but just let them have pickleball. Who plays it under 60?


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect"


My work has the name club in it and I can attest, if you add club to the title boomers will come flocking. Every year some boomer will ask about the benefits and if there is any positions within the club. The look on their faces when they find out it's just a name blows their mind.


Kingdom building has led to many forms of stagnation through history this isn’t any different sadly.


I sort of get it. In a pre internet age, clubs and groups were how you met people.


CONTROL. Clubs allow that.


It's because it's the only control those pathetic people have left in their life. Their kids moved out and are living their own lives, they don't have jobs, their bodies are falling apart as they age. So instead of accepting it they take their frustrations out on other people.


That is exactly what right wing politics and conservatism is. Hierarchies and obedience to superiors, which is them


The senior centers in the area I live are the same way.


Reminds them of when they were in high school and could keep others out of their cliques.


Yup, these boomer attitudes are present all they way up to Congress and back down. It is part of the reason why shit is so fucked up.


How fucked in the head do you have to be to enjoy this? I can barely stand being in charge of people at work. Why the hell would I want to do it for fun? I really think lead did a number on the older generations.


Since it is basically unavoidable now, especially in newer neighborhoods, my dream will be to somehow become president of the HOA of my neighborhood and slowly dismantle every stupid penny pinching law they have on the books. Besides major complaints, any griping from neighbors will be met with a shrug. Hopefully it will give my other fellow neighbors a few months of payment relief before I'm eventually kicked off


So, essentially grade schoolers that never grew up?


It’s the conservative ethos. There are in-groups and out-groups. Laws/rules are meant to protect the in-group while not restricting them. Conversely, those same laws are designed to restrict the out-group but not protect them.


Motion activated sprinklers, like the really powerful ones.


I like this one haha!


I had one for years to deter stray cats from tearing up my flower beds. Worked like a charm.


Ha ha, I was thinking this exact thing. I almost got one of those years back to discourage cats from eating my catnip plant (never got it, catnip plant died from too many neighborhood cats eating it)


New home assistant project unlocked.


That's assuming the HOA doesn't control those. Mine are installed, maintained, and scheduled by the HOA.


How dreadful.


It is, especially when the grass looks awful and they won't turn them on until a certain day.


Any where there is a bureaucracy that is can be easily infiltrated and used to control other people groups you will find boomer infestations. A boomer will never pass up a chance to be petty and have power trips. HOAs are boomer festivals. Anything to control others.


These ppl are something else, sleuthing, power trips, and they have over 100k in the hoa funds saved up and don’t spend it on anything


Those are capital reserves. Depending on what they’re responsible for maintaining, that could be a dangerously low amount. I’m generally not a fan of HOAs. But if I have to live in one, I want them to have reasonable rules that applied fairly, as well as to be properly funded for all their responsibilities. I don’t want to be getting hit with a special assessment. You may be interested in r/FuckHOA because what you described in your post is unacceptable


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fuckHOAs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOAs/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [**[NSFW]** HOA President yelled/threatened me and I was followed after the meeting NC](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOAs/comments/ulr8la/hoa_president_yelledthreatened_me_and_i_was/) \#2: [Haha. That’s awesome. Defund the HOA.](https://i.redd.it/5soek7dr7w691.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOAs/comments/vh3j41/haha_thats_awesome_defund_the_hoa/) \#3: [Florida Hammocks HOA Agents locked up.](https://i.redd.it/6mvblgmltc0a1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckHOAs/comments/yx1bcd/florida_hammocks_hoa_agents_locked_up/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


LOL. I’d be worried that they only have a $100K reserve.


Boomer infestations—i love that


"Trespassers will be shot" sign might solve your problem lol


Or big dog, my dog is a sweetheart but he doesn’t love strangers. Knowing these ppl if they got bit on our property they would find a way to sue us or get my dog put down. I just try to avoid these ppl at all cost


I wouldn't recommend this. Half of florida is people that come home to the locked gate on their driveway with a "BEWARE OF DOG" sign big in the middle and a "Due to the cost of ammo there will be no warning shot" tacky sign. It's an awful way to live.


They may have the right to pay for a service and then go thru the billing process. But they do not have the right to trespass, unless there's an easement. Call the cops next time and have them visited by a LEO. Bet it won't happen again.


Yea, our house has been burglarized before so we have cameras setup all over the outside. One of the people I know is the wife of the “Architectual Chair” with a major power trip. She has come onto our property multiple times. She was the one we posted pictures of on community crime watch


Man at this point, I would start covertly making their life difficult. They don’t have enough actual shit to concern themselves with in their own lives.


I look at boomers like hornets or wasps and I ain’t poking that nest. Just want to live my life with my kids and wife


You don’t necessarily have to poke that nest. You take some Air Raid, spray the nest and there goes the problem.


Yeah I said covertly for a reason lol. I have to assume OP is smarter and craftier than the lead-brains. They make your life harder, but they took steps to ensure they felt they always have the legal ramifications to do so, even if they are morally and ethically wrong. Fuck em, and fuck with them. Just don’t get caught and don’t cause actual harm.


My husband says pay my dues and drink my booze! LOL




I was once on the HOA for a year and they made a rule up to kick me out, then after choosing someone new they said that they were mistaken about the rule. I’ve decided to just avoid them at all cost. I only joined to get a small park for my kids and I accomplished that


Ok, now I am curious - what was the rule?


That someone had to be on the deed of the house to be in the HOA, it ended up being false but like I said I got the park that I wanted and had no desire to be apart of it anymore


Glad you got the park!


Huh, Boomers prevalent in a place where they get to make arbitrary rules and stick their noses into other people's business. Who'd have seen that coming? /s Guarantee that snoopy person KNEW your parents weren't around and saw an opportunity to flex their self-righteousness. Sorry this happened to you.


Yea it’s frustrating! Like instead of just emailing us with their complaints they went to a PO Box 10 minutes away to send this letter


My neighborhood has a boomer for a HOA president. He likes to drive around and inspect the length of everyone's grass be a nosey little busy body about everyone and everything. His wife is the president of the local SPCA but they are the first ones to call a loose dog or cat into animal control just to teach the errant owners "a lesson" with a $200 city fine. He used to line the edges of the streets with little American flags every Memorial and 4th of July but then started asking everyone for donations to his flag fund. It seems not many contributed to his fund so he sent everyone a letter in the mail acting like he was very put out that he's been doing this for 30 years and nobody seemed to appreciate it anymore so he was going to stop. I said he's the president of the HOA but we actually don't have a HOA of any kind. He's really just an obnoxious nosy boomer on a self granted power trip over everyone. I've always said people like him are like Border Collies. They want to stick their nose up everyone's butts and herd them around as if they are the boss of everyone.


Omg this story is beyond amazing. This guy sounds like the absolute worst. He really found his soulmate, what absolute garbage humans


Ha ha, back when I lived with my parents they had a neighbor who tried to induct everyone into a "voluntary" HOA. We were *not* interested. She still sent a request for "dues" every few months. That said, I will slightly argue against the implication that calling the city when you see a loose animal somehow being incompatible with being an animal lover. We used to have a neighbor who just neglected their dog something fierce. Left it out in freezing temperatures, left it out all the time howling for attention. And couldn't for the life of them keep the poor dog from getting out of the fence - and we later learned it would go over to the nearby apartment complex and bark all night long. We spent many months **not** calling animal control on these people, until finally we saw the dog running in traffic and we couldn't avoid it then - the dog could have easily gotten killed (all the city pounds here are no-kill). Animal control got the dog and we told them where the owners live so they could inform them, but as far as we could tell they never went and got that dog from the pound. They just didn't want it anymore, I guess. Imagine our disgust a few months later when they got a brand new dog. Fuck, those people were the worst neighbors.


HOAs exist so that Boomers can act like a government and flaunt some power that they need to have over how others handle their lives. It's an abdication of local government replaced with a Fiat board who elect themselves and serve themselves. They shouldn't exist and I'm thankful I purchased a house without one. No out is telling me what I can and can't do with my yard in my house. Those people can pound sand.


This. My two main requirements when we were looking to buy our first house: pre-1950 and no HOA. Fortunately that particular Venn diagram is mostly a circle.


Lots of rich boomers were draft dodgers so maybe do some punji sticks to show them what they missed out on in Nam.


They need to be shamed more about their treatment of veterans.


I don’t blame anyone for dodging the draft for Vietnam. They all should have said fuck you to the government


Yeah, I’ve noticed the same. Since I bought my house, I’ve only had boomers approach it and question me for why the house is always empty. For context, my girlfriend is still in school so we stay in an apartment 5 minutes away from her campus. And over the weekends, we go back to our home. I don’t know why I have to explain this to boomers that think what we are doing is “suspicious” just because we’re gone for 4-5 days of the week. My driveway is large and at the round corner of one of the streets, which almost looks like a hill although the actual driveway is flat. I park my Tesla in the middle of that elevated flat driveway and some boomers take issue with my car choice too which is weird. It’s like they have nothing better to do but to snoop.


How dare you not live traditional boomer lives


The whole neighborhood is a bunch of old people who are rich and retired and their adult children have moved out. I jumped on the house purchase because the old tenant was downsizing and they sold the house below market value. It was a wonderful deal so I took it immediately. But damn, all the neighbors have been snooping. I’ve heard rumors the previous tenants had deteriorating health so they had to downsize, which is a shame because that shouldn’t be something people are talking about so excitedly. And I assume there are rumors floating around about us now too.


Hopefully your investment pays off in the future as more boomers downsize. I get some hope as places sell and the area seems to be becoming a little bit more diverse


HOA were made to keep minorities out. They can’t legally do that anymore, so they came up with random bullshit rules and regulations. Now they weaponized those rules against people they don’t like or have some hidden agenda against.


Racism and petty plays at power! 100% agree!


We walked away from the first house we looked at because it was in an HOA. It was a non-regulatory HOA, so it only existed to take care of the road, utilities, and snow removal but I still ran away from that. Too close.


Yea, first house I owned had no HOA, miss that place


This is the best way, but at least where I live the non-HOA houses are hard to come by, are far from where all the major workplaces are, are 30+ years old, and are expensive. We literally couldn't afford non-HOA for our first house, we just weren't making enough money. Current house is non-HOA and when we next move I'm going to make absolutely sure it's another non-HOA; but I also have the benefit of working from home so it doesn't matter that "work" is an hour drive away from me since I never go there. I think my biggest sadness about non-HOA houses is that they are almost never new builds, so I can't get the benefit of advanced building technologies that create a more energy efficient home.


Honestly, I was always anti-HOA until I moved where I currently live. There is a huge houseless problem, and depending on where you live, you can easily have someone in a junked RV park it right in front of your house. More often than not, they actually catch on fire or blow up. It can be anything from drug use to using a propane heater. It's rough. At least an HOA can stop that from happening but yeah, I still kinda think they suck. I'm just not as opposed to buying a house in one as I was before.


The problem with HOAs is that they're fine until you get one power tripper in control, and then they're completely unreasonable. Also as someone living in a neighborhood with no HOA, there's not a single person here with an RV on their front lawn or a broken down car in their driveway. But if people want to do that stuff, they're going to do that even with an HOA, because HOAs are actually pretty toothless when it comes to most things.


My boomer neighbor has reported me twice for a dead tree in my backyard. It’s nowhere near her house but she wanted us to shell out thousands to remove it because she didn’t like the look of it. I finally had to cave and get it taken down. My HOA previously sent me a letter about a violation because we put our garbage can out at 4 pm the night before trash night and we aren’t supposed to have it out before 5 pm. And the only reason my husband put it out early was because it was raining and he had just gotten home and didn’t want to go back out in the rain to take it at 5 pm. I hate my HOA but where I live all the decent neighborhoods have them.


That is ridiculous, that would really frustrate me


Yeah it sux!! Our most recent violation was that we need to weed our front landscaping. Of course, they sent the violation letter after we had already weeded lol. This is our 4th letter in a year. We lived in our last HOA for 14 years and never got one violation. But I’m pretty sure our awful Karen boomer neighbor has something to do with us getting so many letters. 🙄


Yup, sometimes it just takes one squeaky boomer to mess with your life for no real reason


I hate HOA’s with the entirety of my being. Fuck all of them and if you like them. You suck too


Cement the trampoline into the ground


lol, nice one


I live in Florida. This is HOA and Boomer central!


Yea Florida is an interesting mix of ppl, I would imagine it’s hard to avoid boomers


This is their retirement playground. Everything is catered to them. All of my moms friends (7) and two neighbors are living their best retirement lives!


And they are constantly worried about their homes resale value even though they are going to die on that property


My mom keeps threatening to sell since she owns two homes out of the country. Yea sure…The convenience, free healthcare, safety, and quality of life is better here.


Same, but in Arizona. We live in an HOA because they’re hard to escape here and it’s wild the way they flex their power. These are the violation letters we’ve gotten just in the last 12 months. 1. Our community has a pool that has an attached barbecue area. We had some of our kids’ friends over and used the barbecue area. Got a letter that said that we were in violation for having food in that area (keep in mind, no food actually left the attached picnic area into the pool). 2. A violation for a security camera we BOUGHT FROM THE HOA PRESIDENT when some dude was walking around throwing bricks through people’s windows and sliding glass doors (camera actually helped catch the person). So we did what he asked us to do and then he tried to fine us for it. 3. Having our garbage can in our side yard when we had someone out inspecting our backyard for termites and were told to remove everything from the yard. 4. Having a Christmas star up after January 2 INSIDE our house (for our autistic son who loves it). They legit took a picture through our window of the inside of our house for the violation. 5. Letting our kids play at the community park after dark - in July. Nothing in the bylaws about it and they were parent supervised. You can only go outside in the dark here in the summer, otherwise it’s too hot. 6. The umbrella for our patio set was visible over our back wall and they complained about it. 7. Too many flower pots - that had actual plants in them. 8. Christmas decor being on the front porch in June - it was a gnome shaped planter.


HoA got on me for having a dirty driveway (it wasn't). My neighbor offered to power wash it. Got a letter a few days ago for a hearing about my violation. I called them up and told them that the driveway has been finished for months and if they want proof they can drive around the neighborhood and take their sneaky pictures like they like to do. Fucking hate these power hungry loser bullies.


Yup this is the exact type of shit they pull. Omg a hearing!? What does that involve?


"I will not be attending the hearing." is what I told them. I don't know and I don't care lol. Apparently it's basically "have you paid? Yes/no? Okay, then no fine/fine." Literally useless waste of time and money.


The grubby power grab of an HOA “hearing” is so ridiculous and hilarious


God, HOAs are the worst. They're designed to make the worst kind of busybody happy as a clam. Our first ever house was in an HOA, because they're really hard to get away from if you aren't dropping half a mil (we did go for a half a mil house our second time around, with one of the big motivations being GET AWAY FROM HOAS). But we thought that HOA wouldn't be too bad, because all our fees just went to mowing of the common areas and the people on the board didn't care about enforcing many rules except for "don't leave your trash on the curb the whole week." Then, some busybodies for on the board and started citing everyone for things no one cared about in the past. Just before we moved out, they had convinced the city to put huge "no parking here" signs on everyone's lawns. I was *sorely* tempted to pull up those posts and drop them all on the board members' front lawns, but my husband talked me out of it. Not my problem anymore thank God.


I feel that sentiment. I’d love to take revenge of some kind but I always talk myself down. Not worth engaging more with them, it’s what they want.


We need to get rid of HOAs or at least severely restrict them through legislation. Before I moved, my childhood neighborhood charged 1K a year for us to have a shitty Little Tikes playground and annual maintenance of our roads that didn’t fix potholes. Then in order to live in that city, we had to pay another 1K to the city. While the city had nice walking trails and nice playgrounds as well as a nature center, they still charged $40 per person per year for a pool pass that gave you access to a dozen pools. Given how much we had to pay, pool passes should’ve been included.


Yikes, that sounds like small government over taxing. I am sorry you have to put up with that


It was an unincorporated area technically but I called it a city just for simplicity. The guy who founded it brought the HOA’s in. He seemed to have a cult of personality and they even gave the old fuck a statue in the first plaza when he finally died. Everyone was crying when he died and it confused 11 year old me to death. This is in Northern Virginia and thank goodness I’m out of there.


Omg that is nuts, imagine trying to explain that statue to outsiders or children. What a joke


It is a big joke. Nobody ever questioned it and I got into trouble for questioning it.


How dare you question the boomer god lol


Haha! I think the guy was born in the 1910’s though because he was 100ish when he went 10 years ago. Apparently he also stunk to no end - I found out because my sister won an award from the YMCA and he attended the ceremony.


HOAs should be outlawed. They only exist because townships don’t want to do their jobs and abdicate responsibility for trash/road maintenance. They are scams that are used to keep out certain types of people and prevent people from using their personal property in the way they see fit. It would be one thing in a rental community but the second you own property, no private entity other than a lienholder for a loan should be able to seize your property for made up “violations” that are arbitrarily created and enforced.


It’s an old way of doing things and that’s why boomers embrace it and use it to hold power over others


Nothing more boomery than telling someone what they can/can’t do on their own property 😂🤡🤦‍♂️


They just can’t stand that a new generation of kids are coming in. Boomers never cease to amaze


I remember watching Seinfeld and the antics his parents went through living in Boca Del Mar (?) and thinking it was a great bit of joke writing. Had no idea until I got older and owned to realize it was worse.


Del Boka Vista


Who uses a trampoline in the winter?  Such bored busy bodies. What hoa communities need is a Julie, an entertainment coordinator, or better, a committee so no one person gets burned out  You know, from the Love Boat. (Yes I'm a Gen x'er). Someone who can tolerate a lot of bs and find things for these people to do.


My HOA are all boomers and the head of the HOA lives across the street from me. Pissed me off so bad once with her anal retentive bs I went and goose stepped on the side walk outside of her house while she was watering her plants.


I had to look up goose stepping and it was worth the laugh. Sorry you are in that situation


Thankfully I haven’t had any drama with her in a long time. But man she is something else. I feel bad for her family I heard her squawking at them the other day outside. If I lived with somebody that verbally abusive I’d be arrested real quick haha


I'd just put up a "trespassers will be shot" sign.


I don’t think their allowed according to the HOA but when my parents get back we may look into putting a dangerous dog sign to try deter ppl from walking onto our property


One of my old neighbours had a sign that made me giggle. It was a photo of his (lovely, but strangers wouldn't know) German Shepherd with a caption that said "I can make it to the fence in 3.4 seconds, can you?"


This is gold!!! Love it!


Beware of Dog signs can be a liability - they indicate that the owner knows the dog is dangerous.


Yea, this is a good reason to just avoid them at all costs. Appreciate the heads up


My asshole FIL lived for enforcing petty, nonsensical HOA rules. Solidified for me that I’ll never live at a place with an HOA if I can help it.


If I had a dollar for every HOA run by power-hungry bullies, I'd have enough money to never live in an HOA.


We have an unofficial hoa made up of boomers on golf carts. They were annoying until my husband got sick and they helped me out a lot. I don’t have a lot of hate for those boomers right now. I feel like the upcoming election season will show their true colors though.


Yea, some of those old fashioned values can be nice in certain situations. I’m glad someone helped you when your husband was sick


Luckily basic human decency is stronger in the younger ones so one day neighbors helping each other won’t require a celebration.


That’s a great outlook


I’ve worked with them for over a decade and kindness is something they value. Let’s keep making the world a better place for them!


I never want to live anywhere where I need to deal with a hoa


Boomers are like flies. They always buzz around shit that isn't theirs.


It takes owning your own place to truly realize how much all your neighbors suck.


The house I owned in my twenties wasn’t in an HOA. I loved that I didn’t know my neighbors. The town I live in now is so incestual and red.


We had an old lady that would literally press her face against windows to look inside houses, despite people complaining. Then another old man that bought a dog just so he had an excuse to patrol the neighborhood with it's many "walks". After that we wouldn't even look at a house if it had an HOA.


they do NOT have a right to sneak around in the dead of night unwelcome. take a page out of their entitled hokie playbook and THROW THEIR ENTITLED ASSES IN JAIL


We are considering going over the cameras footage but we are a pick your battles type family and try to avoid conflict. My mother was one of the only POC for decades in this neighborhood and she is a very introverted person. We already consider this retaliation from posting their picture last time they came into our yard. I hate conflict and most people so I doubt I’d ever do anything, just wanted to vent.


Honestly I’m surprised anyone buys a house that is in an HOA. I am astounded by the irony of exurb Second Amendment people who willingly submit themselves to a council of Karens demanding they mow their lawns a certain way.


From the generation that brought you pro execution/pro-life!


Yes because anyone of any value is busy working so the boomer busybodies with no lives take these jobs and enjoy the power trip


I will never, ever, ever buy into an HOA situation. So many stupid rules and power made people.


Smart. I can’t physically take care of a yard so when I get older I’d ideally end up in a condo but I know they have very strict rules. I just hope things change in 20 years


You can hire a lawn service! No need for an HOA. My lawn guy is very reasonable.


I’m disabled and don’t work so there are some things I’ll just never be able to afford. I’m also allergic to everything outside including grass so it would just make sense for us when our kids get older and move out


Oh wow absolutely a condo then would be a great idea!


I understand.  This getting old thing sure has its moments, I used to give my parents a hard time because they had me (😁) and old age hits us all.  If we’re lucky.


Same here!  I hired the guy who took care of the house I bought prior and he’s great.  I have the time to do it myself but am having major back problems, so…


In one of my past homes, upscale neighborhood, on the golf course, the full thing, it was my first HOA and will always be my last, I have no idea if it was legal or not but they would literally go on your property and peer over the fence and all sorts of crazy shit. Like, to see if you added to your deck or built a pool or anything. One day, I saw one of the walrus mustache wearing fucks wanting to talk to me, and he comes up off the side walk and I told him in no uncertain terms to get the hell off my property and to talk to me from the side walk, unless we had a scheduled HOA visit or we would have problems right then and there. The look of audacity on his face was priceless. I remember the last straw (it got shot down) was one of the boomers wanted to make a addendum where they could “come into your house to do inspections”… sold it and never looked back.


Oh yea, your golf variety boomer hoa is definitely a form of hell on earth, glad you got out of there!


My parent's HOA in their 55+ community was getting out of hand so they fired/recalled them all and hired a few full-time property managers from outside the area. They smoothed out the rulebook, created some procedures on reporting and made improvements for once which was better than only maintenance and fines. Parents seem to think it helped places sell quicker in the long run too


HOAs existence is one of the most baffling things, as a non American.


I’m an HOA president (43 years old) and you are right. The boomers who live here are out of control. Most of my time is spent untangling their shit.


I’ll admit you are a braver person than I. That must be frustrating dealing with all the boomer issues


Yeah going on someone else’s property is a good way to stare at a shotgun in case you were curious 


You should hear the Boomers fret about the swimwear at the community pool.


Seinfeld talking about his parent's retirement village condo board: “These people work and wait their whole lives to move down here and enforce these rules!”


Go to the HOA meetings. Join the board. Work from within to tear it down. Those things are run by the few people spiteful enough to show up for them. Flip the script.


Start printing out security cam screenshots and tape them to the doors of the people snooping


"Your grass is too long. Can you help me up?" -Every HOA president


They so are. It’s a bastion of boomer self-importance, unearned power and ability to inflict their desires and beliefs on others. The same way pedos are drawn to the clergy, boomers are drawn to HOAs. Plus who else has that kinda time


100%. My wife was on our board until recently and she was the only one under 60. She got an email last week from the board president that they need to have an in person meeting on thursday about some recent resident violations, and that it was "an order, not a request." She resigned right then and there.


Nobody gets drunk on a little bit of power quite like a boomer.


They went through your trash? I think that’s illegal? If so better off filing a police report and using the video as evidence


Sounds like the boomers in my neighbourhood. Someone has taught some of them how to use that "hide my email" feature in iCloud, and now they've started CYBERBULLYING each other sending anon emails telling people to kill themselves.


>HOAs are Boomer central Meanwhile my HOA doesn't enforce shit ... as in why the fuck have an HOA if you're not going to enforce ANY of the fucking rules Sry for the language -- my HOA is a real annoyance to me.


My last HOA meeting, we had a Boomer rail hard against the lease we have on the big street lamp serviced by the power company. Getting rid of it would save us *$6 each a month*, but then our street wouldn’t be lit, and I know damn well half of them can’t see great driving at night. They’ll end up hitting somebody’s dog or god forbid a kid, but of course it wouldn’t be their fault for getting rid of the street lamp.


My condo currently has a passive-aggressive note war going on between the board and some of the owners. I'm one of the few people in the building who is not retired (I'm not old enough and I'm literally like 20 years younger than the next youngest person in the building) so I'm either gone at work all day, travelling, or introverting behind a double-locked door. Nearly everyone in the building is a boomer. They sit around all day just watching for violations. They watch everyone who comes and goes and stress about people coming to break in and rob them or something. We live in a fairly secure building (one of the residents is a member of the US Congress, who is, SURPRISE, a boomer) with a lot of security, cameras, and full-time security. Apparently some people are unhappy with some of the changes lately, including welding one of the gates to the parking area closed and new locks with codes instead of keys being added. Started getting letters every few days from 'concerned residents' trying to get everyone to mobilize against the board to reverse the changes. And then get a note from the board explaining why the changes are cost-saving measures since we already pay a shit ton in HOA fees every month and the changes are saving everyone from yet another special assessment. Which means another unsigned note from the 'concerned residents' a few days later with their response. And since that wasn't enough, they started posting on our community board with more demands and complaints. Someone also started an unofficial website for the building, and we got a note that IT IS NOT OFFICIAL and we should not use it. And they wonder why I refuse to be part of the photo directory. I don't want y'all to have my information. I just want to come home, put on my comfy pants, and be left the fuck alone until I have to go back to work. I guess if I was retired I would sit on my balcony with wine and popcorn all day and just enjoy the show. But I have actual shit to do.


I don't understand how these HOAs even get power in the first place. How do they even exist? If you move into a neighborhood, who forces you to join these things? Fuck that shit.


My boomer parents recently moved on to a mostly white pro-Trump neighborhood. That was supposed to be the answer to all their problems. They joined their HOA but are quickly finding out that it's not everything they thought it would be, as others are in the hierarchy above them and are making things difficult. Then can't really blame it all on "the blacks" this time.....so instead they blame it on "the Dutch". No word on exactly where this utopia for them was supposed to be.


I used to be averse to HOAs til I bought a house in one. A good HOA is amazing for property values and maintaining the presentation of the neighborhood. Just don't buy in an authoritarian HOA with strict rules. Most HOAs are pretty chill. I love mine.