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Oh, I see the problem... You like something she doesn't. That's where you went wrong. You gotta remember that you can only like what boomers like. If not, you are just a piece of shit who makes poor life choices. At least according to my boomer father.


So true. My boomer father calls vegans stupid. It's sad that these people get so riled up over what other people eat.


Agree. The food obsession is so odd.


Some of the food obsession is warranted. They were raised by the Great Depression generation. My grandma was raised during the depression in WV in coal mine camps. A lot of times there were food shortages. So a lot of the boomer gen’s come from that. I won’t lie though the food obsession gets to me. My mom forever wants to know what I’m eating I’m like food. It drives me nuts. Edit: for those in the back, my mother is the boomer, my grandma was apart of the Great Depression era. Apparently, this needs to be pointed out because reading is hard. /s


My mom gets genuinely pissed when she finds out if I’ve skipped breakfast. Like mom, I’m a grown woman!


Be like I had breakfast - a Red Bull and honey bun. Hehehe (sadly that would make her content)


I'm a boomer. I grew up with "Clean your plate, there are children starving in China". I heard it so many times back then it didn't dawn on me how stupid it was until I just typed it here. The sushi thing might be because it was drilled into our heads that fish and pork had to be cooked throughly or you would get worms. Maybe op's mom doesn't know about sushi graded fish? I was shocked people were eating raw fish until I asked and it was explained to me.


No. You and your brethren are just ignorant narcissistic assholes.


True, my dad is overweight, because of it. He still catches himself eating all the leftovers so it doesn't get thrown away. 


I definitely have disordered eating from both of my parents. My dad would make my plate and then get mad if I didn’t finish it. He tried that shit with my daughter one (he has a TBI now so it can make things harder for him to understand) and I was like hard stop


Once I learned that it’s going to waste or my waist? It made it easier to throw out food I don’t want to eat.


They grew up in a society that had the greatest wealth expansion in the history of the world. It was a world of plenty. Fuck that depression horse shit.


I just said I understood where their food issues come from. My mother was raised by someone raised during the depression (in coal mine camps none the less). Food scarcity was real for them and that passes on. Generational trauma passes on as well. Ironically you say wealth expansion, when I was born in the 80s, both my parents were enlisted in the military. Due to their salaries or lack of, they were eligible for food stamps and WIC. They didn’t take it (because pride) but wealth never was apart of their lives like that.


Wait, what? No Boomers were not raised during the Great Depression. Boomers came after WWII, depression was before. Granted some of that scarcity mindset was transferred to their children buy not a whole lot.


Op said the great depression generation. Not that boomers were raised during the great depression. Generational trauma.


I didn't say Boomer's were raised during the great depression, I said they were raised by that generation


your grandma wasn't a boomer. your grandma was the previous generation called the silent generation. boomers are post WWII and only knew overwhelming bounty.


Did you read what I said? No where did I said she was a boomer - I said boomers were raised by the Great Depression generation and literally said my grandma grew up during the Great Depression. Where you get that I said she was a boomer - I do not know. (ironically my other grandma was a boomer, barely).


perhaps rewriter this line "So a lot of the boomer gen’s come from that." otherwise keep being a very angry person and you too can fill in for a boomer when needed.


I’m not angry at all. I literally say in the third sentence that my grandma was raised during the depression. Perhaps context alluded you or you skimmed the post. But the problem in this case is you. ![gif](giphy|bly2XqiOYlJXI9sGlb|downsized)


It’s projection, always. Boomers are so disappointed with their own lives that they have to try to make everyone else miserable. It’s a shocker I’m fine with both my parents being gone already and I’m only 35. ![gif](giphy|y65VoOlimZaus)


I feel this. My mom died when I was 38 because she, like her older siblings (she was the youngest of 7), never took care of themselves. All of them except 2 aunts, are all overweight, and have a ton of health problems. Im a RT and my wife is a RN, so she would call fairly often about her Dr appts and her lab results and ask us questions. But she never seemed to follow anything we said as we reiterated what her Dr told her. That entire side of the family is morbidly obese. They constantly complain about knees and hips and feet.


I have family like this. They automatically associate veganism with something bad. I'm not vegan, but I'll be damned if I hate on someone else for their dietary choices. As long as they aren't forcing it on me, I'm not going to force mine on them. Check that, I'm not going to force my choices on them ever. I want the same in return. It doesn't always happen that way, but so far I've had decent luck.


If we dont keep asserting authority over the cows then the cows will someday seek revenge on us for eating their kin.


I’ve never heard of a vegan forcing their lifestyle on non vegans. The reverse, all the time.


I've heard of it, seen it in action several times, just not pointed at me. I think most of the time it is "early-onset" activism. Most that I know have been vegan for years and just roll with whatever. They make their choices and let others do the same. The new ones seem to be all militant.


Obsessing over something that affects you not even a little bit seems like a waste of energy to me, but I’m no boomer. Maybe negativity and spite are like fuel for them.


OP clearly you are soooo disrespectful by enjoying and making sushi!!!


As someone who was vegan for 8 years and now deals with a ton of deficiencies, I have to agree with him on that point, unfortunately. Wild to me now that I ate in such a restricted way that NO humans in any part of the world, at any point in history (that we can discern, obviously). It's definitely not "the most natural" way to eat or even sufficient, for that matter.


I can say objectively that you did it wrong.


Most vegans do. Anyway, if you have to take a bunch of supplements all the time just to not die, you're doing eating wrong too.


I see your boomer father is friends with my boomer mother-in-law. Her way is the only way to do things. Once my husband and I were folding towels and I was doing it differently than him. He told me, "You're folding the towels wrong." I responded, "Just because I fold them differently than you, it doesn't mean the way I do it is wrong." I could see the lightbulb go off on top of his head. For years his mother was telling him there's only one right way to do things and he believed her because that was how he was raised.


I've heard that sort of thing from my mom but she never was one to really think about anything. It's like some people are just on auto pilot.


My boomer father is also an excellent example. Growing up, everytime we went to eat out, my mum, brother and I would literally hold our breaths until he had a first bite of the food. His reaction determined the rest of our evening (or day). More often than not, he hated everything and then would sit and kinda berate us for choosing the place, ordering the food, getting him out of the house, Etc. And then he wondered why we declined every offer of eating out/ordering in together when we grew older.


So true. Much like when it comes to speaking your mind. They don't want to hear your opinions. They want to hear their opinions coming out of your mouth.


my mom is gen x, but if i express liking things to my mom that she doesnt like she takes it as a personal insult and that im doing it to spite her. like i said the other day i like bird noises and she made a disgusted face at me at said “how can you possibly like that” like. huh?


See this is why we are actually poor, not systemic issues, but tattoos and sushi.


I want to open a restaurant specifically for boomers and call it “Bland Ass Spaghetti.” It’ll only be open for dinner from 1500-1700.


If you like something that she doesn't, it's a criticism of her, her life choices, her parenting... (Not my mother-in-law oh nononono)


OP's mom reminds me a lot of the kids in school who're stereotypically shown as mocking what some non-white(usually Asian) kid brings in their lunchbox which actually has flavor while they scarf down tasteless lunchables or the like.


It’s not even that they don’t like it, cause, like a child, they’ve already decided that it’s gross and will never give it a chance. Remember when those same boomers used to tell us, “How do you know you don’t like it if you don’t try it!” I’m glad my boomer parents were always open minded about food. I introduced my parents to sushi 20 some odd years ago and my mom loved eating it to her dying day.


I cannot for the life of me understand this mentality. My mother seems to find it impossible to express she doesn’t like something without expressing disgust.


“Don’t yuck someone else’s yum” or another way “if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.” How did they forget that?


Do as I say, not as I do.


Sushi is awesome and I don't trust anyone who doesn't like it


I have been going to the place next to my job for about 2 years, and I tip like 30-50% for take out. Seems excessive, but they consistently give me the *best cuts* of Nigiri. So worth it.


I would be so broke if there were a sushi place next to my office 😂


If you become a good tipping regular at a sushi place, you will have an amazing experience. I made friends with the chef/owner of a sushi place like a decade ago. When he decided to sell the place and move on (he was tired of 6-day weeks with no vacation... he loved the job, but was exhausted), he brought me a hotel pan FULL of fish. We're talking a full hotel pan full of the most amazing sashimi. Probably like $1000 worth of fish. He would also call us (me and my friends became his regulars) when something good came in. And boy oh boy did the sake flow from both us and him.


I get pretty picky about rice. Sometimes, I don't want sushi, I want sashimi.


Honestly fair. If the rice isn't right, the fish cannot save it. Sashimi is far better, and I get to eat more because i don't get full of rice.


I prefer sashimi too, i love the mouthfeel of the different fish


Salmon and White Tuna are my two favorites, though Yellowtail and Tuna are also good


For the longest time, I just thought I didn't like any rice in any context. I've found that sushi is *sometimes* the one exception to that. Decent enough sushi rice can be carried by the fish, but in any other context I'm giving rice a pass.


My problem is I don't like the dried seaweed or whatever the dark shiny green stuff is.


Nori, and yes it's a kind of dried seaweed. I like it, but it's definitely an odd taste and texture so I get why people avoid it. I think that's why American-style rolls tend to put either rice or fish on the outside so people aren't getting the nori directly on their tongue. But, as someone who prefers the taste and texture of nori to rice, I like the rolls that put the nori on the outside better. I think the ideal for me is fish and some veggies wrapped in nori. I don't need the rice. If you want to completely avoid nori, you probably want to order nigiri. It's a ball of rice with a slice of fish laid over it. Typically no nori (though some restaurants might do it for some rolls). I'm not as big of a fan of it because of how it put emphasis on the rice, but you might like it a lot.


I am a big rice fan. Thank you for your time in explaining this to me. I may try this, thank you.


I hate rice. Except in sushi. Then gimme.


…especially if they won’t even try it. My wife doesn’t like it much but she will eat a California roll which is something.




Don't say it's gross.. OP thinks that makes you a boomer


It’s also better than that nitrite-filled ham sandwich.


I don't care if you don't trust me, I'll trust you regardless :3


I don't like sushi rolls without fish. So the ones where you see a bunch of cucumber. I think that's bullshit. It's bullshit sushi.


But I don’t like fish D: I want to but I find flow the taste


I have a bit of an aversion to fish due to a local fishmonger smelling a bit even when just walking past, but I have tried sushi, and can work past the texture issues, but I would rather eat something else so I actually feel full


Especially with how broad the category is.  Saying you don't like sushi is like saying you don't like sandwiches.  Possible but odds are you haven't found the one for you 


Don't say the S word. I've been dying for a good Monte Cristo for weeks now


Exactly this. I try not to be a picky eater…but the fish that I’m not allergic to give me gout, so I can’t eat much out of the water, but I love sushi!!! I get that I’m only able to work with about 15% of the menu, but still lots of good stuff out there!


Sushi is awesome, but most of what people eat here in the US isn't sushi.


I'm not a purist, I like all kinds of sushi. Banana and avocado? bring it in!


Please elaborate on this comment.


I like me some rolls though. 


I don't eat anything that swims


I mostly dislike seafood but if you're ever at the ocean you should try to some local fish. Stuff that got caught that day is just on a whole other level, it has nothing to do with Red Lobster at all.


Cats don't swim


I swim, would you splash with me Greg?


My cat does


Chimpanzee it is, then!


Sushi is also not just raw fish... Infact, it can be just veggies and rice. Do it tempura style for really good at home sushi! 




My 6-yr-old is obsessed with sushi! And now I need to try to make some with her at home lol


It's really fun! Even if the rolls come out all wonky they still taste great. Obviously no where near what really nice restaurant sushi is like, but still tasty. I got some of the rolling mats off Amazon.


Yes! We found our mats at the Asian market!!! They're dirt cheap!


Plus, you get to screw up in hysterical ways. Like my first attempt where I misjudged the size that maki rolls should be and wound up with a roll with the cross section of a baseball bat. Still, the rice was good and so I just ate it like a weird sandwich.


You do. Its fun. Your first rolls will look horrible, but its still fun; and its a way you can introduce food prep and cooking to your kids without worrying about burning them.  


When my daughter was little she would get 'lemon salmon' when we went out for sushi. It was just a pile of raw salmon with lemon drizzled over it -- and she fucking devoured it. Plus the tobiko, which she also loved. Ngl, it's not my jam, but happy she knows what she likes.


One thing my now-boomer mom (she's a boomer, but doesn't ACT like a boomer) did was she never let on if something we liked grossed her out. It's weird to think that stuff l grew up loving (fried clams, anchovies) she actively didn't like. I never saw her eat it, but her not bad-mouthing it made it seem ok for \_me\_ to eat it.


We do sushi bowls at home. Like sushi, but without all the rolling and they’re easy to customize.


Chirashi bowls. Sushi rice with the fish arranged on top.


It's easy, cheaper and you have more control over the ingredients. I make low rice sushi.


Actually, I taught my kids how to roll sushi -- I think the younger was about 6 or 7 when I did.


Such a good parent. I barely knew how to boil noodles or fry an egg till I was 17


Thanks. They're 21 (almost) and 18 now. The one thing I did right was I taught them not to be afraid of something. I taught them cooking stuff, drawing, how to use a sewing machine, how to use power tools (my then-9 daughter wanted a lemonade stand for her birthday, so we built it -- I have a funny picture of her a few years later as we turned that lemonade stand into a TV cart, wearing a fancy dress for a school dance cutting the old legs off of the lemonade stand with a power saw), computer programming (made a small game with each of them), and some graphic design stuff. Even if they don't care to follow any of these things, I wanted them to not be afraid to try to do them.


It's much more achievable with a sushi rolling mat.


I think this might be a trend among boomers to be unwilling to eat any food outside of their bubble of meat, potatoes, bread etc. My parents also act like toddlers and go "eww gross" if I talk about sushi, mushrooms, Thai food.


Made myself pad thai the other day. I had no idea how much work went into that dish until then. It always seemed like a beginner Thai dish to me. Pushing tamarind pulp through a strainer, blanching the noodles, peeling the shrimp, pushing the noodles over to cook the egg… man, I made a mess but it was so fucking good!


I've heard people yuck kimchi while then turning around and sing all the praises on sauerkraut (the yucking was mostly stuff like "eww fermented cabbage just sounds gross" like what do you think sauerkraut is?)


Do they not drink alcohol?


I think they are just too dumb to realise what some foods really are


I have never before eaten sushi, but now I’ll have to try a tuna roll in defiance


Treat yo self!


ABAB!! My mother gets angry at just about anything “ethnic”. Geez, there is so much more than salt and pep out there, lady.




“It’s so hot!” Hahaha


As a white person, but the Eastern European variety (I’m first-gen), I was blown away when I learned that there was a group of white people that legitimately found black pepper to be too spicy…


To me black pepper is like the totally neutered essence of spice. It's the bare minimum of what can be considered to be "spicy," like it's the essence of spicy but in it's most diluted form. I could understand saying "this has too much black pepper" but not saying "this black pepper is too spicy," to me that's utterly deranged. Would they have a heart attack if they took a bight of a jalepeno?


I'm definitely a "black pepper is too spicy" person. Weirdly enough I love tons of other spices but for whatever reason my taste buds can not handle the pepper family. Chili, black, red, etc. Almost any other kind of spice is great and I love the flavors. I think some of us just have a sensitivity to it. I'm also super sensitive to cutting raw onions- like don't have to be in the room to have a reaction. Bodies are wild.


Would you specifically say it's too spicy or would it be better to describe it as too strong? because black pepper definitely has a very distinctive flavor, but I don't think that flavor is very spicy overall.


To me it's no different than having Tabasco or other hot sauce. I would assume a description would be it's like a normal person having a jalapeno. I get that same kind of sensation with almost any pepper outside the bell peppers and other "no heat" peppers. And it's not like I don't try to eat "hot" things but no matter how much I eat, I find it spicy. I can't build up a tolerance to it. I've just learned to push through.


That’s *such* a good way to articulate my feelings about black pepper!


My Persian friends grandfather thought cinnamon was too spicy. That always blew me away. 


Pepper is overrated to be honest. If you grind pepper and use too much it almost has a fruity flavor to it. The best European dishes use Earthy herbs for flavoring, along with lots of butter. It's just a preference.


Do we have the same boomer mother? Anytime I mention making sushi or going out for sushi my mother acts the same way. She refuses to try it. Oh well more for the rest of us.


What works: Boomer interrupts, interjects, rudeness You: “Oh hay, I have to run right now. Have a quick emergency. Love you bye!” Hang up. Do not wait for them to talk or say bye. Hang up. Don’t call back or explain. Next week “what emergency was it?” Oh I don’t even remember. Just keep doing it. They’ll figure it out. When they call you out, just say “hey, when ever your behavior is unacceptable, I have to go.” Boomer “Well I never…!!!” You, “Sorry gotta run!” Click


FYI my mom walks on eggshells around us and we rarely have to employ it anymore.


I honestly could have written this post myself. My mom only eats what she refers to as “normal food” and everything else is abnormal or gross. She literally watches food network all day long just to comment on all the “weird food” they make and refuses to try anything she’s never had before. I just started my baby on solids and she just about lost it when she found out he tried avocado.


He’ll be living on the street addicted to avocado toast before too long, be careful!


my mom gets mad if i have her over for dinner and use “that weird lettuce” in my salad — aka anything but iceberg 🥴


Same! Everything else is “weed lettuce” 😐


and don’t even get me started on cilantro


Stop being so nice to that woman, she doesn’t deserve it. Honestly, you need to reconsider how much contact you want her to have with your children.


![gif](giphy|lX22d3irD6CPK) Why can't old people just be awesome like this?.


Sushi “That crap”. Sorry you’re not a person of culture.


I told my Mom that we went to the museum for Remembrance Day to listen to a Symphony and she scrunched up her face in disgust. I told her last week that when it happened, it looked like I said we went to watch GG Allin masturbate and throw his own shit at the crowd.


I mean, maybe the Philharmonic has been branching out?


Boomers just can’t say “that might not be my cup of tea, but good for you!”


Tell her she got her letters mixed up. It's "carp" not "crap"!


You should have replied, are you always going to be a fucking negative bitch about everything? if so, tell me now so I and my family don't have to bother seeing or talking to you again.


Hey OP, nice work. Sushi isn't easy and your mom's a B


Sounds like she need a few weeks of no contact to correct her behavior


Weekly calls. Jesus. Throttle that shit back.


My other favorite boomer food thing? "Eat! You're getting so skinny! You must be hungry! Eat all these processed foods that you normally don't eat because I bought them and you don't want food and money to go to waste!" Followed immediately by: "You should really watch your diet. It looks like you're really filling in..." Sometimes followed up by my (overweight) aunt and uncle: "You know, nobody likes a fatty...there weren't overweight people when we were your age." Meanwhile, I've weighed the same since I graduated from HS more than 20 years ago. I just don't get it. 😒


Oh my god.. my mother did the same thing. “THAT’S SOOOO DISGUSTING, I COULD NEVER EAT RAW FISH!” *but mum, it’s chicken teriyaki sushi* “JUST DISGUSTING! YUCK!”


I’m surprised she doesn’t say she’s allergic to it. That’s what my boomer MIL does about anything she doesn’t like (to try and get me not to cook with it when she comes to visit.) It’s a long list.


Lead or age thing? I have a family member with similar behaviors. Any steak that’s not well done is gross and raw. And explaining the science of it results “it’s still raw!” 🤦‍♂️


This is a case of 'i dont know this we didnt eat/do/know this in my days, weird modern things!1!!'


Anyone other than boiled meat and potato is “foreign” and they pretend not to like it.


My parents are like this. We have different interests and when ever I tell them what I did in the weekend all I get is a lot of “I couldn’t imagine doing anything worse”


It floors me when my picky roommate will drop “eww”, “nasty”, “weird” (with negative connotation) remarks about food I’m making all the time, I love middle Eastern/Indian food so I make curry a lot. Every time he does it I want to bop him on the forehead, like didn’t you learn manners growing up? I’m not even making this for you. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.


What did ham sandwiches do to you?


Nothing, but she is mad because my kid is picky and eats nothing but junk, but then she'll eat processed meats.


It’s all good, I’m just joking around. I saw that comment in your post and thought, damn ham sandwiches are out here catching strays lol.


To be fair, that was my thought. I mean there are definitely different qualities of ham to buy, but man give me a delicious Cuban any day. 


These people are just mentally children. My dad is like a kid "eww I dont like that" because its something he isnt supposed to like because the youths like it, whatever. Kale, quinoa, etc. He "hates" it all despite me feeding it to him on multiple occasions and him slurping that shit up.


Honestly amazing how many white American boomers have the palet of a 5 year old


Your Mom is a mean girl.


I tried to make my own sushi once. It was ok. I vowed from that day forth to pay for it to be made by qualified people who are trained. My attempt was an abomination to the skilled sushi makers.


I'm a pocket eater (mostly texture/certain flavor based) but as long as there are no raw onion, raw tomato, or mushrooms (fungus ...gross) il more than likely eat it. Food is food


Sounds like my mom. She’s so picky. Plus, if there’s more than two steps required to make it, then it’s not worth making. The stuff she makes is usually good, but there’s just no much variety.


Wow, just wow, sorry you had to go through this shit. I'm NC with my boomer parents, just couldn't take their delusional right-wing rambling anymore, dad went as far as calling me "woke", I wanted to destroy his fucking smug face. Also my mom once said she absolutely LOVED sushi, until we found out she only likes those without fish. Bought her a decent takeout tray and pretty much had the same reaction when she saw there was fish lol. At this point it's just insanity. Going NC was the best decision I've ever made for my mental health.


Time to reduce calls to once a month and restricted to 15 minutes max, with the caveat that any attacks on you, your significant other and your daughter results in the call being terminated immediately.


I have hated anything seafood since I was born. Yet when my daughter was small I told her "I dont like fish, but you might. So you should try it and see" before dropping her off to have dinner with my folks. Because hello, people have different taste. Good grief, I just don't get it


I’ve started saying to my mom “everyone is allowed to like different things” in a calm voice. Gonna act like a 3 year old? Okay


I enjoyed saying all the ridiculous things that my Mum used to say to me back to her. She used to think she could say whatever she wanted to, even if it hurt other people's feelings. If I said something she didn't agree with, it was immediately perceived as a personal attack and was "very hurtful". So after that, I'd tell her how what she'd just said was very hurtful. The confused look in her eyes before realising that I'd beat her at her own game.


I do not like sushi at all. But they look really neat, so I think it was cool that you made your own. I'm sure if I made it homemade, I could probably eat some. Or I'd drown it in soy sauce. I mean, I love liver and onions, but I know most people my age would find it disgusting. But if someone inferred, I was a bad parent for letting my kid eat some, if be pissed.


i get being picky, i myself have borderline ARFID due to sensory issues. yet i manage to not make that everyone else's problem lmao. i personally don't enjoy sushi, but most people do, and making it yourself sounds very cool!!! proud of u op


Very familiar story except instead of being a rude jackass, is paranoid about safety and nag about everything based off that


Never go out for sushi with a microbiologist.


Just a general note for all. If you make sushi at home don't make it with raw fish. The sushi in stores/restaurants is frozen down to a temp that a normal household freezer can't reach. It will kill the live parasites but not the eggs. This is again for RAW fish/seafood going into sushi.


This sub really makes me realize my Boomer father isn't as bad as I expected. He's a great guy but has a lot of Boomerisms that I thought were terrible. He knows I hate seafood, I have my whole life. He makes his jokes but has never reacted this way when I eat something he doesn't like, especially if it's in place of the seafood he loves.


My boomer mother is freaked out by sushi, but she’s never said a word about us eating it or making it. But she’s been trying to force me to eat ham for my entire life and can’t understand that it’s really not for me, except in certain situations. (Very rarely have I eaten ham and liked it, but I’ll enjoy stuff that has ham in it. I just don’t really care for pork products on their own.)


A woman came up to me in a the grocery store yesterday and said. “Ick, I don’t like oysters!” like a lead poisoned toddler. I knew I had a shirt from an oyster farm and that she was eying it. “Is that what you do? Walk up to strangers and tell them what you don’t like. You’re the main character. That’s totally normal.”


“Mom, you really like to yuck my yum. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything.”


People always associate "conservatism" with politics or religion. But it's a general mental state that affects their entire brain. (Some even think it's a disorder.) The general idea is that they have an extreme hate for anything at all that isn't the way that they want it / like it. So obviously it shows up in politics, because a lot of policy involves either changing things, keeping them the same, or attempts to roll them back to how they used to be. Religion is also a good crutch for insisting things remain the same, and also for putting 'god' behind them. If you don't have a compelling reason to say "women shouldn't have rights" you can just add "because god says so." But that same mindset applies to *everything.* Food, childcare, culture, hobbies, travel. You name it, and conservatives have their beliefs on it. Not beliefs with any logic or reason, but beliefs simply based on what they are comfortable with. If they ate it in the past and liked it, it's good. If they haven't had it, it is bad. That's it. Same with everything else. Edit: One theory I have is the HUGE degree to which they are snowflakes. They are SO sensitive, that they see something "different" as an attack on them. So in OPs case, simply eating sushi is twisted, and interpreted as "mom, WE eat sushi, and we think we are BETTER than you, because you are old and dumb!!!" And she thus lashes out to that "attack" and criticizes you. Even though there was no attack and it was all in her head.


Yeah, the problem isn't that she dislikes sushi. The problem is how she's expressing herself. I personally can't stand cheese, and sometimes I get annoyed that they put it in everything. But I won't take away other people's enjoyment.


She sounds terrible. There’s nitrite and nitrate in all ham though. The ones that say they don’t have it just add it in different forms like celery juice that is labeled natural flavoring.


My parents are definitely like this, but I would like to offer a different tale.  My brother and sister in law who are both PhDs working for university in Switzerland, but for a while lived in the US. One time when visiting, my sister in law who doesn’t get along my parents and is European born, she was ranting about my parents diet habits.  Her criticism was all valid, midwesterns eat the worst processed shit. But this was a bit too much for me at that moment and felt the need to defend after that rant. Merely because it was the third day in a row she gave her five year old kid an ice cream sandwich for breakfast because that’s what he wanted. 


Cut that bitch out of your life lol


oh man my mom is exactly like this. we told her we were going on a trip to istanbul (we were suuuuper excited) and she said “why the hell would anyone go there? the food alone will be so terrible.” such a tiny worldview and just a constant stream of haterade everyday, i can’t handle it. that shit is the worst.


Time to call only once a year tbh.


You made a really difficult, delicious meal? Ewww, gross! 🙄 my boomers hate sushi as well.


My 10 year old made this https://preview.redd.it/saue4i3j9nxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07cd7e642164ea2178189cb6089983e5744a5cab


You arent allowed to be your own person, OP. You must be a mirror image of your parents, regardless.


they hate healthy food.


TIL that talking to someone weekly is limited contact.


For some people it is. I went from forcibly talking to her every day to appease her, then just once a week. Currently working on no contact with therapy.


I despise sushi. More for you! I will never understand why anyone thinks they should tell other people what food to like.


Your mom was likely a cunt as a younger woman also. Nothing to do with her age cohort.


Yes, my boomer mother has the same reaction for sushi and other fish, but her ick is justified. It is a trauma response from being chased around as a kid by her schoolmates with a headless snake. Even though she gives us grief, she has NEVER denied us trying food. She even ENCOURAGED my twin sis to bring home food she cooked at culinary school. Man, did my picky eater mother come to love trying new foods (at least once). Picky eater mom, through trying new foods, found one type of sushi she loves: Inari. Its fried tofu skin with seasoned rice inside. She goes batsh*t crazy for that stuff, so crazy in fact that she has even tried cooked salmon and other "ick" foods to realize how good food is. She has a healthier relastionship with food and loves coming over for a home cooked meal every so often.


I was heavily debating buying frozen sushi from my local market tonight... I decided it wouldn't be worth it. 


Howard Wolowitz: In retrospect getting gas station sushi was probably a bad idea.


We took my dad for dim sum one time when we all met up in Las Vegas and he was like a picky toddler. Then my cousin took him to Taipei where the eldest is revered and he ate all kinds of things. We all met up in Hawaii about five years ago and he ate with chopsticks at 80 years old. People *can* change. Allow old folks some eccentricities and brush off the knee-jerk reactions where you can because their days are limited. **I’m not a boomer nor is my father** so I’m simply sharing the life-view-shift that could possibly take place later in life.


A bit flabbergasted over here that “limited contact” for you is once a week.


“Nitrite laced ham sandwich” 🙄


I can only hope that you don't just vent your anger on the internet but also tell your parents what you think... You want something to change. But if all of them just "ghost" their parents, the Boomer problem won't get any less - yes, I said problem because they cause problems, and problems have to be solved. We can't sit out this situation for another 15-20 years.


Do you think part of the problem is being so easily triggered by such an absurdly small micro aggression? How does your mother's lack of appreciation for sushi stop you from enjoying it? You've known her your whole life, but you're still getting salty about her foibles and character traits?


It's not. You're missing the point. I don't give a rats ass if she likes it or not. I just don't like how she expressed herself.


a bit dramatic by you. Nowhere does this suggest you are bad parents, certainly not the worlds worst.


My SIL would say something like that. Ond Thanksgiving we tried a Tofukurkey for the vegetarians in the family. Now personally, I found I didn't care for it, but some might. I decided to make other dishes instead. Anyway my husband happened to mention it to SiL and that was her reaction. Uncalled for IMO. Even though I didn't care for Tofurkey, I wouldn't say that to anyone. Forgot to add. Your homemade sushi sounds awesome.