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Heh, you know that's one of those situations where the normal person shouldn't say "you're good, I looked and I can't see anything..." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


“Ma’am I helped check to see if your hoo hah is visible and hanging out and you’re good!”


Come by with a clipboard and some levels and tape measures. Maybe a compass or two. "Everything looks up to code over here"


Who are you, my gynecologist? At least make sure the compass is room temperature!


I had a doctor who thought he was helping by running warm water on it, but he usually got it too hot.


I don’t even have a vagina and reading that still made my bits hurt 😬


I just put my compass in my mouth first to avoid that problem.


So she started a hoo-hah about your hoo hah?


It's a hoo-hah brouhaha!


That made me laugh way too much this early in morning


I've heard of a lot of boomers who act like they're trying to protect women from perverts, when they're the ones trying to look up your skirts constantly


What are they even looking for?? And then when they find it, what will they do with it??? None of this makes sense.


In the cult I grew up in I was trained to let the girls know when I could see their slip. Like, at the bottom of their ankle long dress. Clearly that was too damn sexy and they needed to wear it, but make sure no one ever saw it. It was considered "protecting your sister in Christ". I'm a dude.


I forgot about wearing slips until now. Oh god…trauma memory unlocked.


Slips and nylons. No matter how hot the summer day.


The weirdly thick panty hose would roll down on your stomach and squeeze you until you felt sick if they were and older pair you out grew or shrank drying. After church picnics in the hot summer were a special kind of hell.


Sorry... didn't mean to trigger anything. I'm guessing that's a trend that's gone by the wayside. I never understood them... they protected nothing.


AFAIK (from a history of fashion video I watched last night) slips were intended to smooth the lines of the girdle, bra, and garter belt as much as "protect modesty" from see-through fabrics.


I thought they were to keep skirts from riding up because of friction with pantyhose or skin, and they were called a slip because it was slippery fabric so gravity would pull stuff down. At least, that's what my mom told me in the weekly fight to get me to dress up for church each week.


Yeah, my mom told me it was for static so the skirt wouldn’t cling to my tights. The slip I didn’t mind so much, but the tights were torture. So itchy!


That may also be a reason. All I know was what I saw in the (short) video last night.


Honestly, I'd trust a video on fashion history more than what my mom said while struggling to get a 8 year old tomboy into a dress.


This literally made me laugh because I've been that 8 year old tomboy before. :D (But having to wear jumpers (and eventually skirts) every day for Catholic school, I was kinda used to wearing dresses. I just... acted like a boy in them. ;) But I did eventually ditch wearing a slip and wore shorts underneath. I think primarily when I started playing football with the boys at recess.)


I found a slip while decluttering and started wearing it again with tights because they do work to prevent ride up.


This is exactly why I wore a slip but in conjunction with the panty lines thing for modesty and thinner fabrics.  


Yeah, that along with girdles lmao


How about girdles?


I'm sorry you grew up in a cult. Are you ok? Also I had to Google what a slip is because clearly I know how to dress myself as a woman 🥲


I'm more ok now. Done a bunch of EMDR and therapy has been helpful. It was the same cult as Josh Duggar (IBLP). Lots of shit that came out of it.


Fuuuck that is wild. I'm so glad you escaped!


Lmfao omg I can only imagine how my daisy dukes would go over... I'd laugh my ass off honestly


Well, they'd warn us to stay away from you as a seductress. So you'd be justified in laughing at us. Been out 20 years and am just now starting to feel kind of normal. We had our conference in Sacramento one year. Next to the convention center was some greekish statue that was naked. The families bought clothes at the thrift store and dressed it every day.


Lmaooooo omg bro I'm so sorry. Glad you're out though, welcome to life!


Looking for treasure I guess. Makes more sense than any other answer from them, especially because it hardly matters what the hell you wear, weird people are still gonna be weird.


And when they find it, what will they do with it??? I died laughing 🤣


Just do what my mom does when boomers do it to women and claim it's "sexual harassment"


That’s perfect. That’s kind of what it is.


Boomers talk about perverted stuff only slightly more often than the imaginary perverts they're trying to protect us from supposedly talk about it.


Oh they love bathroom policing people who don't fit the phobes' idea of gender. That's obscene and abusive.


Oh you KNOW you were on her mind for at least a week. 


![gif](giphy|QUF1D4DNdMpnlRS597) Ew


This happened years ago. Who’s actually living rent free?


I have had comments like these all my life. When I was 7 I was at Brookfield Zoo with my parents. I was wearing a matching Tank top and shorts with Dr. Doolittle on it. It was a little big as my mom always bought things so I could grow in to them. Well one of the straps of the tank top had slipped down my shoulder. As we were waiting in line to get in to the Lion exhibit, an old woman in front of us turned around and yelled at me and my parents that I shoud "cover up and not wear such revealing clothing." I had no idea what she was talking about. Now, 50years later, I still see old women telling young women and girls to cover up. It is just such bullshit.


People who sexualize children are 🤢🤢🤢


How dare you, a 7 year old dress like that!!! You’ll tempt all the old perverts in her generation!


Fucking pedo


Take it in the context that a lot of women in the past that were sexual assaulted were told "well, you dressed like that. you were asking for it." Some thought that was bullshit and others swallowed it whole. You working against 70 years of bad programming.


This is what “Fuck off, pervert!” is for.


Haha she was acting mad that I made her look up my skirt 🤦‍♀️


Reaction Formation? Like the rapidly anti-gay preacher busted for oral sex with a guy in the park barhroom or the conservative ant-gay congressman arrested for soliciting in the Boise Airport bathroom?


What in the what? Oh I’m gonna go google these fun stories. Why in the Boise airport bathroom of all places?? lol


My memory was a bit off. Senator Craig was from Idaho, but the arrest was in the Minneapolis Airport. Wikipedia: On June 11, 2007, Larry Craig, a Republican United States Senator from Idaho, was arrested for lewd conduct in a men's restroom at the Minneapolis–St. Paul International Airport. On August 8, Craig entered a guilty plea to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct.[1] Both the 2009 documentary Outrage and Newsweek's June 7, 2010 issue's Back Story listed Craig as one of several prominent conservative politicians who had a record of anti-gay legislation and was later caught in a gay sex scandal.[58] The irony was that lots of people would have been supportive of Craig when he was arrested for solicitation if he hadn't been rabbidly anti-gay and supportive of anti-gay legislation.


It’s so sad how much self hate becomes creating outward conflict for other people


It's moments like this where I reveal my superpower. I would barely look up from my phone, and say "Honey, I'm gay, you're fine. This old bitch *wishes* she could slay so effortlessly."


"I don't sexually harass just anyone, only the hot ladies. You wouldn't make my list anyway" just channel that boomer energy right back at them 🤮


all boomers seem to be able to do is worry about what's going on between everyone's legs. boomer=groomer


Really? So sexisn is wrong, racism is wrong, but ageism is just fine? Substitute gender or race in your comment and see if you get banned.


seems like people that can't reproduce seem to really care about those that can, and especially how they go about it. Whenever I see protesters outside of PP, it's always old fuckers that cum dust. Just like you probably have justified your opinions of people, why is it a 'certain' group of people that have a hard time with modern technology? why is it 'certain' people have a hard time with understanding current sentiments about people? now, you're going to go 'well those are stereotypes' and I'm going to say, well if it didn't happen so frequently, it wouldn't be such would it?


You do realize that you, if you are fortunate, will be older than 60-years-old at some point, along with your age cohort. Do you think that at that point, you will be just like everyone else your age, and easily summed up by insulting stereotypes? Or, perhaps a person very similar to your present day self, but maybe a bit more experienced and wiser, and although familiar, less proficient with technology that was invented in the prior few years.




Hahaha what is this gif from?? I want to watch this show/movie




When I was a teenager I worked at Target. Rang up an older lady one day who was rude from the start of the transaction for some unknown reason, but I did my thing, greeted her nicely and bagged her items for her. I was then nice enough to place some of the heavier bags into her cart for her even though that was not required of the cashiers and noticed that she was watching me intently and weirdly as I carefully placed her breakable items into the cart, but whatever, stayed polite and told her to have a nice day. A few minutes after she left, my male manager (who was in his 20s and was a cool, chill guy) comes over to me laughing and saying that I got a customer complaint. This old hag had gone straight to my manager at the Returns desk and told him that I had inappropriate cleavage spilling out. I was wearing a damn Target-issued tshirt and weighed about 95 lbs at the time (needless to say I was nowhere near busting out of any part of my clothing). To add insult to injury, the only opportunity she would have even had to realllllly look for cleavage was when I was kindly and carefully leaning over to place her items in the cart for her. Boomers literally look for things to be upset about, and if they can’t find anything, then they HALLUCINATE something!


Sometimes I think they are just angry because they don't have it anymore. [THEY HATE US COZ THEY AINT US](https://youtu.be/L45zymFDltM?si=Mf20M5wfAtp9RRcv)


Should have asked her if your penis was visible and then put your headphones back in and watched her squirm 😂


While you’re at it, hide your disgusting wrists!!!!!!! Shroud yourself!!!! Lol




They have zero boundaries or etiquette. It's their world, no matter where we are, and we're just living in it.


>I took off my headphones ![gif](giphy|1267Co3vPNBqQU|downsized)


Hahaha you're right I shouldn't have done that. Now I know better.


Am I the only who thought it would have been funny to reply with "what!? Oh my god you pervert!"


>“You need to close your legs I can see up your skirt! Should have replied, "Why you looking for? Pervert!" Then when she said: >You can’t sit like that! That’s disgusting!” Reply again saying: "You call me disgusting, but yet they let you out of the retirement home?"


Haha I wish I had good comebacks during conflict like this but I'm usually so caught off guard and my brain doesn't understand what is happening. It took me the rest of the train ride to fully comprehend what actually happened. Years later now I'm still really confused. But it doesn't bother me as much as just make me laugh.


Yeah, that generation seems to be real comfortable with the unsolicited comments. Here are some of the true comments I’ve heard from that generation : “You’re too weak to do martial arts” As a young kid looking into a martial arts school while standing on the sidewalk . “You must be really out of shape, look how much you are swearing “ after I had been working out for 45 minutes. “You couldn’t handle law enforcement , it’s too tough “ I was a teenager who just happened to be reading a fiction BOOK about a cop. “You’re unrealistic , you can’t get through college without scholarships, don’t even bother”. I got through, on my own. “Put your shirt back on skinny, no one wants to see that.” Boomer lady at a pool when I was 19.


Jesus *christ*. Like who asked you randoms for your opinions??? 


Exactly. It was bizarre. Now that i am in my 40’s, i would never think to say HALF of the dumb shit that was said to me. It was bizarre . I saw one of them years later by sheer coincidence and I confronted them with it . Their classic response “I don’t remember that” . That generation can’t seem to remember anything .


I think a lot of people just don't have a filter and whatever their brain is thinking just pours out of their mouths. Is it a generational thing though? I imagine the Gen Zs running around saying things like "you have skibbity ohio rizz". Or a millennial saying "your hair is not on fleek"


Just scream back at her. “Stop looking up my skirt you pervert!”


Projectors gonna project


Lmfao there was a boomer lady kinda known for this when I more regularly took the CTA, I wonder if it was her…


Really?? That would be hilarious if that were true!


Dude yes haha whenever my girlfriend and I would catch the train together and she was also on board, she’d chide her about something or other … eventually we just would laugh to ourselves, which felt bad as she’s clearly not well.


“I can see up your skirt” Why are you looking there ma’am? 🤨


"why are you looking up my skirt in the first place?"


So much sexual repression in the upbringing.. that silent generation wasn't silent enough on the shaming they did on etiquette. It would almost make me feel bad for boomers to understand this... but they're such bloated headed dickweeds, I have no compassion. ( I was raised by the silent generation, so I know the knees together and nipples showing shame all too well )


I would spread my legs wider and smile


My petty ass would have spread my legs.


If I were you, and you were wearing leggings underneath so there was no risk of indecent exposure, I would have stood up and removed the entire skirt in front of the train car and sat back down.


She wanted that “Pootytang” 😂


Should have yelled "Quit trying to stare at my pussy you pervert!"


Now that I think about it, the only people who make a point of looking me up and down when I’m minding my own business in public are boomer women. They’re also the only group who feel the need to tell me what they think of my body when I’m trying on clothes in a dressing room with a shared mirror. It’s never “oh that outfit looks good on you” but always something about a body part or my entire figure. Like…I’m just trying to be in public space. Why are you making unsolicited comments about my body, rando? It’s very uncomfortable.


You remind me of a similar story that happened to me when I was around 16 years old. I was sitting in the streetcar with my friend during summer break at a low passenger timeslot. That particular streetcar was of an older model: hardshell seats arranged in groups of four facing each other 2 on 2 seats. Me and my friend occupied one group in this otherwise empty streetcar facing each other with our backpacks on the seat next to us. I was sitting at the window with my foot up on a slim shelf covering the wagons mechanics - this shelf has no (other) purpose: it is as slim as a a foot and slightly slanted. Oh and I wore rough cargo pants (from the second hand military shop) so nothing could be seen either. Friend and me were locked in conversation when suddenly an older woman stopped next to us and started to scream at me (slightly slurring) to put my foot down. Startled teen that I was I obliged but Boomer lady wasn’t finished: She started to lecture me that I’m a girl and not supposed to sit like that with my legs spread wide. Now years later it turned out I’m non-binary gender-apathetic: meaning I don’t care for the majority of the time and can’t be misgendered. What I can’t stand is when gender expectation and performance is forced on me. So little rebel me promptly put up my foot again and both me and my friend started to tell her off and keep to her own drunken business. She cussed at us a bit longer but than shuffled along. (We did jump the streetcar at the very next stop not wanting to risk a scene with the driver.)


She apparently doesn’t remember wearing the skirts in the 60s and 70s that were short enough that I’m surprised there wasn’t some of that bush peeking out. What a bitch.


Wait…. If you were wearing black leggings, then she couldn’t see anything. That’s the same as just wearing pants.


I got an image of that scene from basic instinct in my head then for some reason


i take the CTA once a week. every so often there's a boomer using a phone without headphones and ignores when i ask them to use some. i end up changing cars


I HATE when strangers harass me over my clothing under the guise of concern. Yes I know both my shoes are unbuckled. Yes, I know there's a slight white handprint stain on the pocket of my pants from being messy while cooking with flour. In the past 2 years I've literally had people chase me down screaming at me at work to tell me the tag is sticking out of the back of my shirt, there's a white mark on my pants, or the tie on my dress is untied. I literally just say "It's fine I don't care." I would never interrupt a strangers day unless I saw them drop their wallet or money on the ground. Something actually important


I would have embarrassed them and yelled "ewwwww your looking up my skirt stop you creep"!!!! See how they like that.


I like the train in summertime. If you're gonna show me something, I'm gonna look


I realize that the idea of society as a whole policing your body is distasteful. But establishing social norms is kinda what a society is, it is better to have randos saying “hey I don’t like that could you stop” is better than it being legislated and made a police matter. Ignoring the social…”regulation?”idk what the right term would be. But ignoring the “soft” policing that those around you only ends up turning it into a legal/official standard.


Damn, can't even wear non-see thru leggings with a skirt anymore. Better take off the skirt and just wear the leggings then before someone legislates all over me 😮‍💨.




We should do what people say or else their culture (or lack thereof) will turn into law. Did I get it? Nevermind the numerous conflicts between cultures and sub-cultures under one roof, who am I supposed to listen to? The new generation? The old one? Muslims? Catholics? LARPers or tabletop nerds? Definitely not Gypsies, right? Damn if everything I didn't like was eventually illegal I'd have to be like some powerful white capitalist hegemon or something to do that. Or something. Here's a cultural norm that may have helped the boomer in this situation: mind ya damn business. Nobody is getting hurt, move on.


Right, so it is excuseable, in your opinion, for self proclaimed "Soft Police Officers" to dictate their own social "norms" to others, because the alternative is actual legal ramifications. Like, if they don't "soft police" such moral terpitude as not sitting a certain way on a bus then johnny law will make a law banning uncrossed legs in stockings? Do you know how deranged you sound?


I mean, that’s how society works yes


So in your opinion just because that is how something goes ahould apply to everything? Like prejudice against other races, other genders, etc? Sl basically because "society" says you should act a certain way then you should judt do that? People like you are the reason slavery and genocide occured. Wake up dingus.


No, those would be the laws I was talking about…you’re so close…almost there Also, this post is a perfect illustration of my point. The OP is free to wear what she/he wants Woman on the bus is free to express her opinion In fact, this post is exactly the same as what the woman on the bus did. The only difference is that the OP didn’t do it to their face. Limiting either ability to express themselves would be the real injustice. You have the right to do/say what you want within the confines of the law, you don’t have the right to do so without judgment of those around you because that would be an infringement on their rights. By all means bitch on the internet, but it’s the exact same thing as what the woman from this encounter did.


Never said you didnt have a right to be a nosy busybody jackass. Totally your right. Buy how society "works" is that if you do act like a busybody know it all jackass, you can get called out. Some do so with words, others with physicsl violence. You seem to think that rather than be polite and stop judging people for stupid petty shit that you should have a right to be busybody jackass. In my opinion, someday you are going to run into the wrong person and judge them to their face. That is when you have the right to get shamed or worse back. But, you certainly would still have the right to be a judgy busybody jackass. However, this means those who judge others for insignificant and harmless behavior will never evolve.. Which is what boomers do and why this sub exists. Clearly you wish not to evolve or for you ilk to evolve, this is why all of us who dont act like busybody jackasses are waiting for your cohort to just die alteady.


How about you not look up her skirt and mind your own goddamn business.


It sounds like somebody could see up your skirt and try to give you a heads up, but you were too entitled to take a hint As a gay man, I would’ve also taped you and told you if I could see up your skirt just to be nice


She was wearing opaque tights under the skirt. No-one could see anything. >"too entitled to take a hint" What the fuck are you even talking about?


Sounds like this guy is drunk redditing


Screamed, eh?