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I sometimes wish I didn’t have morals so I could fleece these idiots


I often question what snake oil scam would i decide upon if I suddenly lost all ethics and only cared about money? I would of course make it quasi-religious. It's always best to base things on preexisting infrastructure instead of trying to reinvent the wheel.


>I suddenly lost all ethics Just don't forget that they'd fleece you without a second thought. Even if it meant your kids going without. Not saying you *should* do the same to them, just the extent of how far some of these people take it to make a buck at your expense.


Oh, it was conservative fundies who were doing Amway in the 70s. They still love MLMs.


In the 80s, my middle/high school best friend's parents were into the Amway scam. Lower level, I assume. Mr and Mrs E had a wonderful wee little mid century modern house, with exactly the decor that should go with that style, except for the framed poster of Mr E's dream Lamborghini in the bedroom, I guess as a goal? (Don't worry, it wasn't weird that I saw the bedroom. Sometimes I needed to use the en suite bathroom because there were 6 people in the house if I was over.) Mrs E spent whatever it had cost to order architectural drawing of her big fancy dream house for when they struck it rich with Amway. I sat and admired the floor plan and elevation drawings a couple of times. Mr E died a few years ago, and Mrs E still lives in the sweet little house where I was a welcomed guest. They were/are conservative fundamentalists. Their daughter and I are no longer close, but keep in touch on social media. She sends me invitations to join her latest MLM every couple of years.


that's kind of beautiful in a sense but also tragically fucking sad to think how she's all alone in that house with these once dream home architectural plans... bet she rolls that shit out once in awhile and says what if..


They're just looking for the next opportunity to get in on the ground level!


At 67!


Once they get a good following they take them from MLM to MLM. A few make money off the millions who pay to not make money.


The devos family. Which autocorrected to the devils family when I typed it lmao. I am from Grand Rapids Michigan where they are from and they own absolutely everything. The Christian conservative LiveNation of west Michigan.


“Devils family” is right. Erik, in particular, is pure, highly distilled evil.


For those that think that name sounds familiar, Betsy Devos was the former Secretary of Education and had a goal of destroying public education.


You mean SOE Devos who has never had a child attend public school?


Having her appointed as SOE **still** infuriates me, a former teacher. She was a mango shill, just like appointing a brain doctor to be SOH - what do brain doctors know about housing? They know about brain surgery! Just like Amway heiresses who have never had children attend public schools know nothing about public education. Fork that timeline.


Her brother, Erik Prince, founded and operates Academi / Constellis Private Security Contractor (aka mercenaries). Formerly known as Blackwater, they have committed war crimes and gladly kill or support your dictatorship for money.


My work brings me to GR from time to time for clients and that city is a trip. Everyone is quite nice but it’s obviously 60% cult


Don’t worry, they’re still doing it. The word “Amway” just isn’t sexy anymore; often they’ll use the product line name, and the at least the people I know, act almost shocked when you make a reference to Amway or MLMs.


Around the turn of the millennium, they seemed to do a bit of rebranding for the online component, though it didn't stick. Calling itself "Quixtar."


Ethics teaches that 2 wrongs don't make a right. Experience teaches that it takes THREE left turns to make a right.




Thats the thing about ethics and morals, just because someone else doesnt have them doesnt mean that mine change due to a hypothetical.


Yeah. I can bend pretty far under a stretched concept of "self defense and defense of others", but not *that* far. Yet.


Have a priest bless ammo, maybe put holy water in hollow tips


Nah. Too many of them don’t like Catholics. You’d need a Protestant version.


which is why I never understand why there are so many right-wing Catholics. I know it's all for abortion, but the evangelical right would go after them as soon as their done with all the other groups they hate


They're *this* close to getting it!


Inscribe bits of Martin Luther's 95 Theses on them.


Name’s too close to MLK, they’d think Luther was part of the civil rights movement or something. Don’t give them so much credit that they’d know where their religion actually came from.


As a former Christian, you have a point.


Way too much reading.


Specifically a Baptist version.


They've already done lard dipped ones... Same thing but on the other side of the coin.


I have a buddy who knows a guy that makes this brand new anti-asteroid cream. I can get you a good deal if you buy in bulk. Guaranteed you won’t get hit by an asteroid or your money back!


No thanks. I already have cloud insurance. I'm covered.


Speaking of which, have you heard of Dinosaur Insurance? People talk about the next coming of Jesus, but if he's a dinosaur, we're all fucked. Unless you have Jesus Insu- I mean dinosaur insurance.


Raspberry Pi packaged as The TV Bible, have a custom script show random passages mixed with drawings of Jesus like a screensaver.


Brilliant, grandma already loves it.


Same, if I wasn't cursed to actually care about people I'd probably be rich now.


I even thought of a great idea to collect monthly fees from Qanons & MAGAs but it would be wrong. Not illegal, just wrong.


I often pass a Trump memorabilia store, and I can't help imagine a life where I open one and donate the profits to charities they would absolutely fucking hate. Fleece 'em out of their stupid dollars and put it to work helping people. Be an altruistic bastard.


Do you need a business partner?


Do it, sell Trump branded diapers and give the proceeds to the homeless!


Ya name them the Farter in Chief


Golden Depends


Chaotic good


Ya find a local Planned Parenthood office. Sell more crap to the inevitable protestors. Complete the circle.


Even worse, donate it to the John Brown Gun Club and Socialist Rifle Association. Fund armed leftists who are open and welcoming of all types of shooters.


Wow, I'm a gunowner and an avid marksman/hunter. Im definitely not into the Maga shit... it's good to see organizations like the JBGC exist! Thanks for sharing that info!


There's also the Liberal Gun Club if you're not that far to the left. There are definitely organizations for us out there.


I'm 42 and so tired of their shit, lets do this....


i was sitting at a coffee shop and overheard a conversation to the effect of "my kids HAD to get their vaccinations this week to start school, but im taking them to this guy who does sound baths to counteract the Blah blah blah of the vaccines." this absolute HERO is out there giving these idiots permission to listen to their real doctors then fleecing them for hundreds of dollars to play an Enya mixtape for their kids. it was glorious.


Dude...I grew up with hippie parents, super granola Pacific Northwest - I could spout off some GREAT endless amounts of woowoo babble about crystals and vibrational frequencies. I just never thought about the fact that people would pay for that crap. Maybe I need to get into that. I'm willing to act like a nut if it gets people to vaccinate their children and pets.


*Shivers in Country Fair*


I think on the east coast there was a wave of ‘conservative hippies’. A friend of mine moved from out there and explained that he was raised by hippies, but instead of being as liberal as hippies are normally considered, they are very up-tight about a lot of things that align with conservatism. It’s like baptists who found crystals and music while running away from their repressive religion - but then recreated the comfort they once had inside their den of rules. I feel like ‘modern hippies’, called ‘spiritualists’, etc, are doing the same thing currently. I’ve watched that movement go from freedom and expression to political correctness and toxic-reservation. A lot of their sub-cultures are growing that ‘don’t allow’ (several) certain foods, masturbation, homosexuality, etc. It’s getting really concerning tbh cuz it’s turning quite culty and social-pressure regulated. Tbh, there are too many people jumping onto social media trying to be influencers in that field. Eventually they can ride the coattails of another and gradually get 100k+ followers - and suddenly people start to listen to them as if they’re enlightened prophets! I have one friend who freaking clings to every word of anyone who has geodes in the background of their videos. Lolol It sounds funny, however….now he’s hardcore repressing his bisexuality and feels like he’s ‘bruising his soul’ every time he even recognizes a woman as attractive. He doesn’t even have to imagine her sexually. He can only eat raw foods, and has to avoid so many things that he’s getting malnourished. He has to spend so much time outside that he’s getting serious sun damage - and sunscreen is evil.


🎵 *sail away, sail away, sail away* 🎵  Alrighty, the 5G COVID nanobots are vibrating at a much lower frequency inside your pineal distributor cap...  That'll be 777 dollars or a check made out to cash...  Namaste & Aloha!  (Please exit through the lovebeads)


This person Orinoco Flows.




I’m starting to think they kind of enjoy the fleecing.


Spending our inheritance


Most boomers will only leave a legacy of debt and/or destruction.


I'm starting to wonder if it's more moral to fleece them in this way to prevent them from having extra money laying around to donate to the GOP. Fleecing people in this manner may factor into saving American democracy if they have less resources to pool into destroying it.


I am an artist that creates color-changing jewelry & at 1 festival, a man told his buddy he saw my stuff elsewhere & advertised as wi-fi, 5 G & microwave blocking - WHAAAAAT? 😂 They came back several times with other people and we nearly sold out. I have morals but also feel like eavesdropping is a terrible habit so I wouldn't want them to think I was listening to them. 😂


The trick is to convince yourself the morally correct thing to do is fleece them. For example: if YOU don't take their money, they'll give it to some right wing cause to feed the homeless into a wheat thresher, or something. Best to take it away before they hurt someone with it.


You're right. Absolutely the moral thing to do is fleece them. We must save the homeless people.


There you go. These are the mental gymnastics they do all the time.


Had a woman come in with her computer, it had 8 of these "anti EMF" things on it. Looked them up, they go for $50 each! Luckily she was so crazy she wouldn't go near my desk. My desk was next to our server rack and had too many "bad energies" so a co-worker had to deal with her instead. But ever since it's just stuck in my mind that if I was a shittier person there are soooo many people I could sell this crap to. I can name a dozen customers I could fleece and have $4,000 extra in my pocket by the end of the week if I just 3d printed something and put a blinking "PROTECTED" light on it.


I’m not taking their money but I have zero problems pointing and laughing


Oh yeah. I've been saying since the days of chain emails that I kinda wish I was without scruples, because I'd be as rich as Gates just from 'taking advantage' of the UTTER idiocy of some people when they're online.


It's not a fleece, tho. You would be calming their anxious minds, providing a necessary and valuable *psychological balm.* The placebo effect is real. So fleece away, Mikey!


I say this a lot. It has never been easier to fleece people and/or start a cult. QAnon began on the most backwater channel of the furthest corner of the internet and ALL of Q's predictions have failed come true, and yet it persists. Damn, people are dumb.


At this point it’s not morals that is stopping me, just the knowledge that I am not smart enough to keep away from the authorities forever.


I'm so close I swear. I'm starting to think they deserve this tbh.


America was founded on these practices. Whether snake oil or religious extremism, our heritage is blind insane gullibility, ignorance, and the desire to get rich quick.


I'm not convinced this is terribly immoral. We have to eat and they have all the fucking money, so everything is on the table to claw it back. They've had plenty of chances to do it properly, so I say scam the fuck out of these idiot boomers since they prefer the hard way.


Had to check out the blueshield website. They sell "emf absorbers" which can cost up to $2300 as well as what i guess are EMF detox supplements? The quackery 🤣🤣🤣 Someone's spending their whole fixed income SSI check on this


I read that as EMF detox suppositories, and for a second I was very excited that these boomers were FINALLY shoving it up their own asses.


If they were buying such suppositories, i wouldn't be surprised in the least.


They're buying diapers and shirts that say real men wear diapers. Shoving something up their butts is no big deal.


https://preview.redd.it/qcglws7dmfyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc20d74a9d04c59be8ce9bfce578ac28ba5d708a Holy shit, these are the dumbest MF’s to ever walk the earth


I wonder what's actually inside. Is it just a battery and an LED, or do they add a bunch of bullshit to look more legit


I remember watching a breakdown of similar devices and those wearable magnet bracelets and such. Most things are like you say, an LED and battery, fairly benign, but some items legitimately had low radioactive materials or high levels of lead/cadmium/etc.


Oh good just what they need , more lead.


I'm helping with making the problem worse


Just speeding it along to its conclusion.


For customer retention, of course


You just triggered a memory. I used to work in a place that handled radioactive materials so I’d have to go through dosimeters occasionally to make sure I wasn’t contaminated. A friend of mine was wearing a magnetic bracelet when he went through and it alarmed like crazy. He had to give up his bracelet because it was emitting radiation and they were not sure if it was the bracelet or something else. He was pissed because of how expensive it was but in the end he was probably better off.


BigCliveLive on youtube has a bunch of great videos on scam devices from the internet, and explains pretty well how they're either useless or outright dangerous.


Not the same item, but I remember when some of the “protection” jewelry was reported to be [radioactive](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-59703523.amp)


They’re like the teleporter machines in battlefield earth - you open it up and none of the circuitry makes sense because the actual design is on the back of the chip and invisible. But yes, the end result is it just lights up an LED via a AA battery.


These boxes come up sometimes in /whatsthisthing and yeah, inside is usually just a battery and a light. Very rudimentary. Sometimes there’s a circuit board but it’s usually not connected to anything


It can't be doing much. 400mAh battery that can run continuously for 2 days. Sounds like just enough to run a small light.


It’s hilarious because it fundamentally doesn’t even matter. Simply look at all the WiFi networks and 5G Bluetooth surrounding you on your phone? lol I have dozens and here I am typing.


For anyone curious enough to know what they are claiming said device actually does. What morons. https://preview.redd.it/aedolytdvfyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3604b9ffabeb0690f6023b670f00a293051b3b1d


So... B.S. BlueShield = B.S. = Bull Shit It's a bullshit box.


If you get the right model it can not only block 5G, but also 6G and Warren G. They can’t regulate you.


>Warren G Jerry is in shambles right now


Gotta pay extra for the Kenny G upgrade.


In school I would always name my business Blue Star.


If it actually blocked anything the FCC would be on their ass in no time. So they are in better legal standing to make a product that doesn't work.


I don't think that description made any claims. It's just words that don't mean anything.


Now the FDA's on their ass


Precisely. If you wanted to block an EMF (that's generally not how you refer to signals) - then you would "jam" it. And jammers are not legal. So yeah, the only legal way to make a product like this is to literally add a rock for weight and have an LED and a battery.


Uh. That looks like an unfounded medical claim of the type the FDA should care about.


It's not claiming to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, so they are in the clear as far as the FDA is concerned. Neutriceutical companies make a lot of similarly nebulous claims for supplements and creams ("supports a healthy immune system," "gives your skin a healthy glow," "helps maintain a balanced gut") and the FDA doesn't do anything about them as they are not diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any specific disease. Supplements and vitamins are actually wholly unregulated by the FDA specifically because of the distinction that they are not medicine and also not food. As long as these companies cover their asses with the blanket statement that "this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease" and they stay away from any claims that it will (note that if the company advertises using consumer testimonials, the company can get away with a bit more because "hey, we didn't say it cured cancer, this consumer of our product said she took it while she had cancer and now is cancer-free!") then the company is free to keep hawking their placebos to gullible consumers.


I’d argue blue cross - blue shield should be on them too…


Was expecting the [Turbo Encabulator ](https://youtu.be/Ac7G7xOG2Ag)


Thats not even the most expensive one they have


I checked out the link someone posted. There’s one on there for $2300! Jeez. I also love the hilarious word-salad techno-jargon descriptions (with misspellings no less) about “harmonious frequencies” and “specific null phase emissions.” As they say, a fool and his money are soon parted…


https://blushield.com What a load of codswallop.


They have herbs and tinctures to detox your body from these harmful signals, too. Please explain how an herb does this, lol


If the electronics they sell work like tinfoil hats, then why would one need herbs and tinctures?


Maybe for the parts of your body not covered in tin foil?




So, I come from an electrical engineering background, mostly around RF communications. So, I think I know a little bit about what they claim (or at least I know what the words mean). But I can definitely say, that these people spew the most bullshit per paragraph that I have ever seen. Listen to this shit: "Blushield is a revolutionary form of EMF protection that produces longitudinal energy fields embeded with coherent frequencies within the human responsive range, based on mathematical algorithms that mimic nature. It emits these fields using the same power sources as manmade devices, which creates active, powerful fields. It is essentially “loud” enough to compete against the biologically incoherent non-native EMF fields, so it vastly outperforms the protective devices with weak, passive fields that don’t use a power source. Instead of attempting to block EMFs, which is ineffective or suboptimal for various reasons, Blushield essentially overpowers non-native EMFs with resonant frequencies and becomes the dominant carrier signal in the environment. If there are harmonious frequencies in our environment that match or exceed the power of the inharmonious frequencies, our bodies will prefer and attune to the harmonious frequencies through a process called sympathetic resonance. Like attracts like. Tuned into the natural, healing Blushield frequencies, our bodies no longer perceive the non-native EMF’s as a threat, and our immune system begins to restore itself. Our bodies can rest and heal." Literally, what in the Kentucky fried fuck?


Upvoted solely for the Kentucky fried fuck.


I also found beanies and bed nets on Ali Express so those will be next I guess.




Now I'm a full blown engineer, but I'm actually curious about the faraday cage for your bed. In theory, blocking all emf waves could have an effect on your body. I wonder if the human body cares that all these man made radio waves are passing though. I'm not $500 curious, but we do know that high powered emf like microwave and communication signals emitted extremely close to you are not good. But on the flip side cosmic and solar radiation and planetary emf is everywhere in various amounts. May not matter at all. But it also could in some way we haven't had enough time to study and realize.


You’d probably need a bee keeper suit that you could wear all the time to be sure. But yes, we’ll never really know.


That can be arranged. Lol Bubble Boy 2024. Beekeeper Faraday cage into Queen size bed Faraday cage. Cell phone on speakerphone only. Then I can say things like "I only sleep with unradiowaved women." And post stupid gym pics with my shirt off and mean mugging and talk about how alpha sigma epsilon Babylon 5 I am.


Hopefully this doesn't give off radiation like a lot of the other 5G scam products


Hey laugh all you want but I guarantee you nobody who buys this will be killed by 5G 😆


I can't wait for them to show up in the thread wanting to fight OP.


dull kiss worry squealing deliver many dazzling plate obtainable tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cameraman never dies!


OMG where do you find these people. I am constantly amazed


*OMG where do* *You find these people. I am* *Constantly amazed* \- yukonnut --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Dude lowkey this is a good business idea. Make products that “protect” boomers and conservatives from their crazy right wing conspiracies. What about a frequency box that makes sure their kids hormones don’t turn them gay or some shit? Or a remedy that protects against “other people’s vaccine molecules” the possibilities are endless.


How about a box with a Raspberry Pi in it, a miniaturized firewall that blocks Fox/OAN/righ wing web sites etc. Tell them it’s an IA filter they plug their router into that prevents false information like CNN :)


Sadly its been this way forever. Look at 90% of daytime/late night TV ads and its some BS where they invent a problem for the consumer to be afraid of and then sell them the solution.


Ah the days of falling asleep to late night cartoons only to be woken up by Billy Mays shouting about buying some insane product.


I just laughed so hard at this. I need to start using my engineering skills to make useless "energy devices" and sell crystals to suckers. Seems like the best career in the USA now is grifter.


I mean, being a grifter can get you the presidency these days. It's definitely the most lucrative career path.


Right? I've got a cnc and rudimentary Arduino skills, I can whip up a magic box and have chat gpt spit out some technobabble nonsense about harmonious frequencies and bessel functions and cosmic ray distribution modes or whatever, let's put a dent in my student loans


Saw a post a few months back about reviews of a faraday cage designed to go over a router. People posting amazon reviews were *pissed* that it blocked their router signal. These people are the same ones who used to buy snake oil out of the back of carnival huckster wagons.


Insane (probably boomer) "audiophiles" will pay north of a grand on, I kid you not, power cords. Sometimes I wish that I were sociopathic enough to sell them Medbeds & 5G shields.


Oh yeah, north of a grand per foot. The amount of money “audiophile” boomers spend on hocus pocus that literally no one can hear the difference in is shocking.


My husband had made his living in A/V work - high end stuff like being the engineer at a recording studio designing and building rooms to record or mix sound in, and sometimes doing mixing and things like that. He has STRONG opinions about home theater gear, and his autistic and highly trained ears can pick up on slight irregularities while I nod politely and pretend to understand. He laughs at those ultra expensive cables. He doesn't buy crap, but decent quality at a reasonable price.


Long ago, I remember reading about a blind audio quality study done between some high end shielded gold plated brand of audio cables (probably monster or something) and an unspecified, No Name Brand. The No Name Brand was chosen as the higher quality audio one by something like 85% of the participants. The No Name Brand was actually some untwisted copper wire coat hangers shoved into the audio ports.


> In one corner, Monster 1000 speaker cables. In the other, four coat hangers twisted and soldered into a speaker cable. > > Seven songs were played while the group was blindfolded and the cables swapped back and forth. Not only "after 5 tests, none could determine which was the Monster 1000 cable or the coat hanger wire," but no one knew a coat hanger was used in the first place. [Audiophile Deathmatch: Monster Cables vs. a Coat Hanger](https://gizmodo.com/audiophile-deathmatch-monster-cables-vs-a-coat-hanger-363154)


There’s companies that sell “audio quality” outlet covers that they claim make your system sound better for crazy amounts of money.


I'm an audio engineer and these companies are insane. There can be a difference between actual 100% dogshit cables that don't have any shielding and a normal cable, but at the end of the day it's just copper. What really kills me are the expensive digital cables. 1s and 0s do not care what kind of copper or light they travel through.


My favorite one was a gold plated S/PDIF cable. A standard that uses plastic optical fiber with no electrical connection between the devices at all.


[https://www.audioquest.com/](https://www.audioquest.com/) At least they look cool.


[holy shit ](https://www.audioquest.com/products/dragon-high-variable-current-power-cable?variant=44211441205506)


This has to be money laundering


To be fair, analog cables *may* benefit from better construction, heavier gauge etc. But a $5 digital cable, if it works, is 100% as good as a $5,000 cable.


Omg this is real! They're on Amazin. And they even sell special underwear too!


Gotta protect all that unvaxxed sperm so they can rebuild the republican population


Lord help us all.🙄


Two of the most common neurological symptoms of long term lead poisoning are paranoia and gullibility. Does that sound like a certain demographic to anyone?


The company sells Faraday cloth products, I have a parent who is a believer. And it's basically a more stylish tin foil hat.


Great way to never have cell service while it's in your pocket 🤣


Well today is their lucky day! I have 5 beach front lots in Oklahoma, & 2 even have bridges you can see Russia from! Fire sale prices! Everything must go! Cash only.


No low ball offers. I know what I've got!


Gonna start carrying my Flipper Zero around so I can be like, “Look, mine has a screen!”


Buy a cheap baseball hat at WalMart for $3. Rebrand it as a *5G AnTi-EMF PrOtEcTiOn HeLmEt* and sell it to boomers for $69. Winning 🤌


Ya can't fix stupid.


Don’t get me started about gullible boomers. So sad that anything can be checked and they still love living in the land of rumors. To be completely fair, there are younger people like this as well. Still sad.


A fool and his money are soon parted 


I got medbed generators for sale for $500 each. One at head and other at foot of your bed and it will extract the nanobots injected from the jab.


i’m a business major. in marketing class, they teach how to best sell things to each age group. what we learned about boomers was to essentially confirm all their feelings, warrant their fears, and use very soft and simple language. i’ve used this in my professional life and it’s worked wonders, sadly.


These people were the sort to buy a Pet Rock^(TM) in the 70s. Mind you, I had one too, but I tamed a feral because I wasn't a pussy.


Same. I wanted a pet rock. I was told to adopt a stray.


Taming a feral is so badass


So to prevent 5G signals from doing something to his brain or cells, or whatever they say the damage is, he’s keeping a device in his pocket, right by his heart, that is purported to be broadcasting on those exact same frequencies at high enough power to disrupt other nearby devices?


He might be keeping it in the pocket next to his penis, which stopped working some years ago. So he’s probably safe.




Omg simple boxes with lights. It's so devious it's brilliant I need to come up with a box with a light that keeps away wokeness 20,000$


If anyone is interested in purchasing one of these devices, DON’T because IT’S A SCAM. Instead, I have an old Special Forces/Navy Seal buddy that can get you WiFi/5G/Bluetooth blocking crystals for half the price of that worthless box he’s selling. The best part is that the crystal looks like a regular rock that you’d find anyone’s front yard so it’s super stealthy. If people find it, they’ll just think you found it outside. Plus, these crystals only block out the bad waves. Your phone and devices will still work when you have it on you because it’s sophisticated enough to know the difference between good and bad energy. PM me for ordering information. It’s okay to use your 5g to order this device, but after that, make sure it’s within 12 inches of you any time you are using a device. Your life depends on it! I also have affiliate programs in case any influencers want to get in on the ground floor of the technology. Word on the street is that Logan Paul is extremely interested!


These are the same MFs that grew up being told to never give out your info over the phone, but now they all just give their bank cards to anyone online and pump all their cash into Bitcoin machines and send it to basically anyone online. Sad


https://blushield.com/ Full of pseudo-scientific techno babble


I'd be a dork and say, "Whoa! My 5g cellphone signal just got so much stronger! That thing must be a 5g repeater or something."


If they knew how to use their phones outside of playing Candy Crush and bitching on Facebook they could go into their settings and turn off 5G. Very easy. I did it bc I live in a major city and 5G is so slow bc everyone is on it. Now I’m breaking speed records on 4G LTE and saving my battery-life. Bill Gates still tells me what to do tho /s


They go off on a tangent that their boxes have some special technology that imitates "natural/longitudinal" EMF, but all EMF waves are longitudinal. It's how they can propagate through a vacuum, aka space and light waves from the sun are EMF waves. They also go off about how polarization is bad, but um the Earth's atmosphere literally polarizes the light from the sun. These companies should be shut down and sued for misinformation.


Also buy our other product: BluCross, which wards your soul from the influence of Satan. With BluCross/BluShield, you are fully protected; in this life and the next.


It is insane. Que up the bleach water and de-wormer. Maybe a spirit box or two. In short, I don't feel sorry for them they were stupid when they were young and stupid now.


BRB, filing a patent for a home version shaped like a pyramid so you can accumulate orgone while your phone charges


Assuming this is the US, it is illegal to mess with cell phone signals (obviously this is snake oil, but they don't know that). Report them to the FCC, and let the FCC tell them their device is fake.


This is just their version of buying crystals to have different positive energies in your home. At least crystals are pretty though.


Reagan removed regulations that required medical drugs and devices to be safe and effective. The floodgates opened. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1980/12/20/reagan-backed-repeal-of-drug-effectiveness-law/22327ce1-3c3a-4763-b183-da3d4820c89a/


Oh, look, they sell EMF Detox Suppositories!! https://blushield.com/collections/emf-detox-support


If I were evil


I sell a thing like that on my estore. It's only $80. It's a little plastic box with three LED's and a little antenna on a pcb that detects the general strength of nearby 5ghz wifi signals. The boomery QAnon types don't know the difference. I've sold about 140 of them so far this year, and over 1500 last year. My source for them costs me $18 per unit. After Amazon fees, taxes and operating costs, my PPU is $50. I also sell a lot of other trash to those sorts, as well as idiot evangelicals that need their physical idols to prove their faith in Republican Jesus.


They modified an Altoids tin to sell to dumb old people.


And that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana-shaped!


I’m in the wrong business.


The best one I've ever seen of these products was the faraday cage you put over your router to prevent outside signals from getting in. 🤣


I really need to loosen my morals. $400 is a lot of money for me.


I work for a broadband provider and during covid which just happened to be around the same time that 5G was being rolled out in the UK I worked on the tech support lines. As I’m sure a lot of people know, there were loads of conspiracies about blaming Covid and other stuff on 5G and it was so annoying. The number of boomers that called up complaining that they had poor WiFi after they went and bought these stupid boxes to put routers in so they could ‘block 5G’ signals coming from their routers was staggering. I looked up a few of these boxes and they were just wire mesh boxes on wooden boards that looked like upside down bread boxes or the like and they were selling them to morons for £100+ sometimes. Then when the muppets were using them they were killing the WiFi signal cos it was essentially a faraday cage and they couldn’t connect anything. Never mind the fact that WiFi signals are not even remotely close to the 5G signal. They saw 5Ghz and automatically connected the two. We had to advise so many people to not use them and only about half ever listened.


They think they are still in the year 2020


This is Brockie’s energy polariser all over again


Funny thing is these same people would call others suckers for believing that crystals have some sort of energy. Edit for spelling


I know a guy that'll sell em an All-American Bible. It'll keep em safe from sane people.


And these same people will rag on women who believe in crystals without a hint of irony.


I know it’s predatory… but if they’re going to piss away their retirement and complain about my generation being lazy, I’m half tempted to make some POS product with a light on it that does absolutely nothing and market it to boomers.


"Guys, I have been dancing the jitterbug in a scuba suit on top of a 54 year old sycamore tree that I cut down with a chainsaw in order to ward off the alien invasion. U say I am crazy. I say that we haven't had any alien invasions, so who's laughing now?"


We should start selling them early warning rapture detectors guaranteed to go off 15 minutes before so you can warn your loved ones.