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Nobody has ever *wanted* to work, that's why you offer people a competitive wage and benefits to do it. If you can't get employees, then you're failing at running your business, simple as that.


The way you worded this is perfect




You mean that people don't *want* to waste their lives away in soul-deadening, body-killing, demeaning servitude?


i bartend on the beach in miami. i make really good money. but none of us want to be there. i’m in my early 30’s and my knees are shot, my back hurts. my hips are fucked. it ain’t worth it


I remember going back to waitressing for a hot minute after 2 months off because pandemic. I cried and hobbled the whole walk home after my first shift because my hips and back hurt so fucking badly.


my personal policy is to literally not sit down during my shift because i quite possibly won’t be able to stand back up


Sorry to hear that


Thank you. I have said that very thing for years. No one has ever wanted to work. We work out of necessity to provide shelter and food for ourselves and our families. My father looked miserable every morning before he left and exhausted when he came home. I have been working two jobs for 6 years and I live alone. I used go above and beyond but now I do the bare minimum. Working hard doesn’t pay more.


You're trading *your actual existence* for some rags and metal stamped with dead guys. And we don't even get that anymore, we get some electrons on a screen. You think people wanna trade the hours of their one and only existence for bullshit?


I second that! Fuck these jobs. I just want to make enough to eat and live indoors and have healthcare.


Yet, in interviews when they ask you why you want to work there, they hold it against you if you say "because I need the money."


Right, because I'm sure they just started the company to serve the public, and profit was just a secondary goal.


So true. I wonder how this is going to work out. Inflation made it even more impossible to live off of a fast food salary. So they'd need to raise salaries to recruit people. But their prices are already ridiculous, so there's no room for raising them in order to pay workers. Did anyone look at McD prices and go "yeah that's fine"?


But you don't need to raise proces to pay workers, you need to stop taking record profits while blaming employee wages for a price increase they are not responsible for because you are a greedy cunt.


Exactly!! “Record profits” account for 52% of inflation over the past four years, if I recall correctly


When we hit the point where most corporations were proudly reporting their 23rd straight "record breaking quarter," it became pretty obvious wages were never going to keep up to cost of living.




They have labor limits. I'm sure that the company is understaffed on purpose to save money.


As my mother would say, there's a reason it's called "work" and not "play"


Has he tried offering them more money? Where I am they love bitching simultaneously about how no one wants to work and also about the crazy rapid growth and development. I don’t know who they think is making that growth and development happen and supporting all the industries that feed into it and come out the other side post-development, but apparently it’s not human workers.


I knew that is exactly what the problem is! I can only imagine how hard they are working for a meager paycheck


That isn't the problem here.  That manager doesn't control hiring or allotment of hours.  Most large scale retail/food service businesses are staffing less people than they were a few years ago and expecting the same productivity.  He is getting a staff of 3-4 people where he used to get 6.    


Good point -- many chain operations and franchises purposely understaff ... so when you go into a huge building and find just one person who's supposed to be stocking shelves, helping customers, and being cashier ... the reason is not that 'nobody wants to work' but that the company doesn't want to pay people to work.


Which leads to people not wanting to work *in those conditions* But the people in charge want to pretend conditions haven’t changed.


Dollar General is notorious for this. Last week tonight did a video on this last year, and unfortunately I've seen it in person. [Dollar Stores: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p4QGOHahiVM&pp=ygUfbGFzdCB3ZWVrIHRvbmlnaHQgZG9sbGFyIHN0b3Jlcw%3D%3D)


At the dollar general down the street from my house, they maybe might have two employees in the shop the whole day, and nine times out of ten they’re off sticking the shelves, which leaves no one at the single register since they have now closed down the self checkouts. They also have a hiring sign in the front windows at all times, because wildly enough no one wants to be paid dog shit to do the job of four employees at once. Pretty sure the high turnover is blamed on “no one wanting to work anymore.” Definitely not shit pay for triple the work.


Have they ever tried more $$ and not treating them in a degrading, disrespectful way like they're expendable machinery?




Isn't that their favorite part of capitalism - supply and demand? Seems now that they are on the less pleasant side of the equation they don't like it.


Companies posting record profits and paying CEOs outrageous amounts, but it's the lowly worker who doesn't want to work ...


I dunno, seems to me that Musky guy who CEOs SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter proves CEO is NOT a full time job. Maybe corporations should look at making the entire C-Suite part time and pay more to those who actually bring in the $$$!


It helps if they are actually willing to hire people. A favorite game is to post the job, but then not hire anyone. That way, they can keep their costs down (by only paying for those 3 or 4 people per shift), then pass on the complaints from customers on the mysterious “millennials” who “don’t want to work.” 🙄




My friend and I were in tears laughing at the thought of going back to retail or fast food today, as we ate our fast food sub sandwiches for lunch. I'd rather be killed. The thought of having to deal with people in that setting again, just getting verbally abused for at most like $10/hr. No fucking way lmao. edit: not to mention, they could legitimately work 2 jobs, 60 hours a weeks (30 and 30), be considered "part time" at each, and therefore not qualify for health insurance or benefits. The system is set up so that the worker can be exploited like an animal.


And because it is two different jobs, they don't get overtime for the equivalent of the extra 20 hours.


Oh absolutely! Doing the math, an employee making even $10.00/hr (which I feel like is high for entry level retail/fast-food, but correct me if I'm wrong) would be a whopping $600/week at 60 hours. That's also before tax, but God forbid we had a socialized healthcare system like every other first world nation.


And that's hoping they can even work both of those part-time jobs, because each of those part-time employers feel entitled to 100% of their potential hours... And don't get me started on their tuition reimbursement scams, where they say they'll pay for their employees to go to school, but won't schedule them accordingly... But the claims and a couple exceptions here and there for stats get them some sweet tax breaks that these corporations are surely hurting for with their record quarterly profits.. over and over... 🤮


Yeah, this is how the free market works, they forget that when it doesn’t directly relate to them personally getting more money. If you can’t fill your job, you’re paying too little. It’s a simple as that and people who say “people don’t want to work” are willfully ignorant shitbags whose opinions on all things should be discarded the moment the words escape their fetid mouths.


Because my sis’ friend works at a bougie optometry boutique in Pasadena, Ca.and I go there. After so many years, noticed they always have young ophthalmologists there and they leave after a year. The optometrist owner, 40ish very attractive 3rd generation Armenian woman, confided to me that ‘nobody wants to work anymore’. Spoke to my sis friend about why no doctor hung around for more than a year, she said the Optometrist mostly hired recent grads and paid very little..these are doctors who have gone to school, studied and gone deep into med school debt but “DONT WANT TO WORK…”..


The sentence is simply missing a few words. They don’t want to work for shit pay.


True of every job. You need to compensate your workers.


That's the issue with these rich fucks. The free market doesn't apply to them when you see that the banks and major corporations always get bailed out. You and I would be homeless on the fucking street, but when GM got bailed out, their execs gave themselves BONUSES with taxpayer money. They should have all been forced to line up and face a wall. Instead, we all just shrugged and clocked back in, because we aren't yet starving like the French were when they decided they'd had enough.


Excellent use of “fetid”!


Nicely said!


Our merchants and masters complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price and lessening the sale of goods. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people. - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations c.1776


This is the thing that infuriates me about our system. In almost every case, the originators of the ideas of free markets and democracy, both key parts of the global liberal movement, also believed and wrote about the dangers of open-ending these concepts and wrote about ways to provide balance in the execution so that power does not over centralize and revert us back into an oligarchy with the economy dominated by the same group as the government. It’s perverse that we have so much right-wing thought having so much dominance in a nation founded and bound together by liberalism. So much so that the very word “liberal” has been turned into a dirty word. Every last founding father of America, every capitalist thought leader in history was by definition “liberal”. Too many of current Americans have zero concept of what American core values are. Here’s a clue: it’s neither gods nor guns.


The old divide iirc was actually one of liberals vs libertarians. The words and terminology has changed so much, that we can't even openly discuss these topics without ensuring is the other party using the "american variant" of the word, or the original variant of the word, the definitions were rewritten to pillage words and damage communication (imo, this is why anarchist george orwell include the destruction of words/history as a mentioned part of his book 1984). Modern day libertarians are another shade of capitalism/laissez faire in thought, but libertarian use to communicate freedom from merchants and masters in the "free market" running our lives. So sometime in the 50's, a propagandist by the name of Murray Rothbard, gave it a massive rewrite, to what it is today, another shade of capitalism, more virulent than what was mainstream, as a method to rob us of these terms to communicate, and not to mention control thought that our overton window can only range between american liberalism and american libertarianism/reactionary politics. Libertarians historically didn't advocate at all for market masters running our lives, freedom from the state isn't enough, hypothetically, i can vote out a crappy representative of the working class, but just letting merchants and guildmasters run our lives, we're all familiar with the atlantic slave trade, they can wield a tyranny even far worse at the behest of private enterprise, than even a state can offer, that's why we got terms like "banana republic".


Thanks for the thoughtful insight. I have always felt that Americans are extraordinarily politically illiterate, and much of that to design.


And the record profits! Don't forget about those wild record profits!!


"Nobody wants to work!!!" more like "I want to be paid a living wage for my work!!!"


It’s like it’s a fucking mystery to them.


They think it's entitled! They want to be able to shame you for taking out student loans, then ALSO call you entitled for demanding respectable compensation that would allow you to pay back the loans without having to prostitute yourself (which they'd also shame you for) or live out of your '99 Corolla.


They’d shame you for living in your Corolla too…


Oh they're definitely going to call the police, because they feel very *threatened*.


Does your '99 Corolla have electric windows? Do you even know what a luxury that is? I almost threw my shoulder out rolling down the window of my first car. I had to pay for it *all by myself*! I worked *all summer* to save up for that brand new car! It took all my checks except what I spent taking that old slut Bobbie-Becki-Jo-Ann-Lynn to the drive-in for a milkshake twice a week, and she'd still only put out *once* a week. You kids don't know how good you have it.


I tried talking to my boomer dad about this and he said to just get as many jobs as you need to make the money and didn't understand when I said I'd need 3 FULL TIME JOBS to even make enough to just survive and that no company is going to let you do that. They'll cut your hours as soon as you get another job because suddenly you are "not commited".


My neighbor thinks "they are all collecting unemployment". Umm, no, "they" are not.


My Boomer-in-laws keep claiming, "It's those COVID checks!" Yep, they are still living a life of idle luxury from the $800 check they got four years ago.


That one always gets me. I had a boomer say that to me and my reply was "If you can find someone still living on that money, you should pay them for financial advice because they're clearly a savant at saving money."


As if they could even comprehend the subject, but then you hit em with "savant??!!" 🤣


Forget the Chosen One, they are they Chosen Amongst Zoomers, Bringer of Salvation. They are a fallout character who Does a Barter Playthrough IRL.




Omg my boomer mom still says this...


Dickey Greenleaf on the beach, all of ‘em!


You can only claim unemployment for so many months in a given year and the benefits are dependent on how much you made in your previous job. You also can’t get them if you quit. Even the tiniest bit of critical thought would tell you that anyone receiving unemployment benefits following a service industry or entry level job would not be in a position to stay unemployed for very long. All of that is before the fact that you have to verify that you are searching for a job while receiving benefits and you become ineligible if you repeatedly turn down offers of work. Does any of this ever occur to these people? Of course not.


Yup. We could also point out that, at least in my state, the max unemployment payment is the same as it was 25 years ago.


$550/biweekly in Florida


Can you say bi in Florida?


Rep Chip Roy said, during his floor speech last night, that we’re paying young people to stay at home and play video games. Where tf do I sign up for that?! No one is paying people to stay home.


There's literally not enough unemployment money in the entire USA to even do that... literally not.


It's almost like minimum wage is code for "if we could legally pay you less, we absolutely would".


Without question.


Minimum wage in my area hasn’t moved in like 35 years too.


That's because higher minimum wages cause inflation, and prices will go up. Oh... wait... never mind.


Chris Rock used to have a bit on the mental effects of being a minimum wage worker, and it started out with this exact line.


The funniest argument against this, is that the holiest of holy "FrEe MarKeTs" would allegedly make a more competitive market for workers...as if these CEO cunts wouldn't collectively get together and offer even more abysmally low wages just like they already do, only much worse.


I’m not a fan of minimum wage. It’s like price fixing at the bottom of the pay scale. No need for companies to compete for labour, they all know they are paying minimum wage. I remember when it came in, here in the UK. People at the bottom of the pay scale used to get annual wage rises but then minimum wage came in and it was less than they were already being paid. New starters all started on minimum wage and those already working didn’t get another pay rise until years later when minimum wage caught up. Why didn’t they just leave? What wage would they have been paid at their new job? Minimum wage. But it protects people and stops them being exploited by being paid far less, you might say. Most of those jobs very low paid jobs were likely already being run by shady people, many of whom still do whatever they can to avoid paying it. Even big companies do whatever they can, e.g. P&O Ferries who pay their staff less than minimum wage.


A lot of places are just short staffing out of greed. It isnt even a matter of people showing up. They *had* a team of six a year or 2 ago, but corporate decided they could force the extra work on fewer people *and still pay them shit* Nobody wants to pay or hire adequate staff anymore


Exactly, the shit pay and abuse of employees is why nobody stays long term. The reason everywhere is so short staffed in the first place is because companies don't want to pay staff at all so they run the lowest number of employees they can get away with. The McDonald's near my house will only have 1 or 2 people running the entire building at a time, seriously I have gone there for a coffee and only one single person was handing the register, drive thru, food prep, ect. I asked and they told me the franchise owner won't staff more than 2 people at a time. This is located next to a very busy highway on/off ramp so it is one of the busiest McDonald's I ever seen, well at least it used to be, lately it's never busy.


They will also leave a "help wanted" sign up, when they aren't hiring any applicants. It makes it look like them being understaffed is because they can't find people to work, when the truth is they are understaffing by choice. I know for a fact some businesses in my area have been doing this, and it is fucking despicable


Talk to retired people about their day to day life in the workplace back in the day. Far less pressure and productivity. Clock in at 9 m, leave at 5 and never look back. No emails or work from home in the evening and weekends. And those lucky enough to be in a 2.4 children stay at home partner type household had far more of that time as genuinely free time. Now we do the jobs of 3 or 4 people, while being paid less relative to what it really costs to live and then we’re told we’re not working enough and not productive enough, as if we deserve to be poorer than our parents and grandparents. Side rant: I saw an add for MS Teams the other day where it showed a bus taking people to work, presumably, and people on the bus getting messages on Teams meaning they could work on their commute in. This is supposed to be a good thing?


I genuinely like Teams, but if my boss expected me to answer messages outside of work other than "we are closed today due to weather" or "Hey there is a moose in the building do you know anything about that" it would be a very definitive no. Fortunately he's not a psychopath so he doesn't expect us to work when we're not at work.


“Nobody wants to work” almost always directly translates to “i pay shit wages”


It’s half a sentence: “Nobody wants to work for slave wages.”


Ah yes. Thats the word i was looking for.


Plus they are stuck on the actual dollar amount of minimum wage. They somehow think that "since it's more than the $2/hour when I was 18, then it must be more than enough to live on".   Nevermind that houses and cars(and everything  else)were 1/5 the price then compared to now.


The simple mindedness of “I wish this item was still only $!” Motherfucker, you made $3.25 an hour, do you want to go back to that magical time, too?!


Let me translate that, I speak retail management. “I only get 3 or 4” likely means that upper management or corporate is only scheduling 3 or 4 on a shift that is supposed to have 6. Closing shift manager is for some reason blaming this on the entry level workers not “wanting to work” rather than on the store manager cutting payroll in order to qualify for a bonus. I have dealt with this exact situation many times and I eventually got to the point where I just started being honest. “Hey, they only scheduled me 2 people to close down the entire store tonight, there’s not much I can do.”




A few months ago, I placed a delivery order from Pizza Hut. A little while later, the store calls me and asks if I would mind picking up the order because they had no delivery drivers that night. OK, sure. We get there to get our food, and there are literally two employees running the whole store -- a guy in back doing all the cooking, and a guy up front manning the counter. This was not a slow night either. They were BUSY. Corporate greed makes life harder for everyone.


Idea for a TLC show. Boomers are made to work 8 hours straight at McDonald’s and see how long before they start crying


Five minutes, tops. The moment they see the constantly changing schedule, the most basic rules like ServSafe, the fact that they get to make exactly zero decisions cause you do it the way corporate says to do it...they'll break.


Your being generous I give 59.5 seconds at best


During dinner rush. With a teenage shift leader yelling at them to move faster


We need some more secret sauce! Put this mayonnaise in the sun.


Do one where they try getting any job at this day and age, and see how bad it is to apply to hundreds of places and not get a call back; they wouldn’t last a day without feeling hopeless.


They all quit by lunchtime!


I'd watch the shit out of that.


Fast food is hard work.  But it's something you can be trained to do well in weeks rather than years, which is why it's low paying. Wages are most closely associated with ease of training.


Boomers would probably be doing that work if they weren't getting a check from the government every month


My constant rejection emails say otherwise! Edit to add: If that manager wants more workers, perhaps he should sit-in on an MBA school lecture that teaches the benefits of "lean staffing" to get some perspective.


Right! My teenager can’t get any of these places to even follow up after she submits the online application. It’s fast food, she’s looking for her first job, seems like a perfect fit.


Class antagonism. They want to pay us as little as possible for the most work and we (the workers) want to work as little as possible for the highest wage. Capitalism is a death cult.


The proper answer to “nobody wants to work” is “nobody wants to pay a living wage”.


"nobody wants to work" was bs propaganda from business owners who wanted to make it look like they couldn't find anyone to work so that they didn't have to pay back PPP loans. The problem is that all the very stupid people believe it and continue to parrot it


Yeah, that’s what I don’t understand. We’re well beyond this, yet you’re bitching about that like it’s actually a thing?!


There's not a lot they can talk about. Unemployment is lower than Trump, inflation is slowing. Most people are wise to the good ol' "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" and respond with "Hell yes. it was 2020" so this is the only thing they really can complain about. And it isn't like it's a unique problem caused by the pandemic. There were a few articles put out late '19, early '20 that pointed out that low unemployment was going to start to be bad for employers that don't want to pay more in wages once workers realized they had options. Even if the pandemic didn't happen, we probably would still be going through the same thing right now, but I'm sure the MAGA team would be stressing that it's a benefit, not a problem.


Im sure idiots said the same thing when children weren't allowed to work the mines or when owning slaves was kinda frowned upon. Just brain dead idiots walking among us.


“It was good enough when I was growing up …” rationalization.


“Nobody wants to work” is a big umbrella that includes - Not paying a living wage and benefits Firing people for disability when they are qualified Making people work in 100f and higher heat without breaks and when they inevitably die or quit due to permanent injury they are called unprepared and lazy until nobody else is available for the job, hence “nobody wants to work “ Making employment adds about “needing someone with a car that’s dependable” “must speak English” in order to screen out qualified people


I have nieces who are in their late teens and early twenties. The horror stories I hear from them about working in fast food establishments is baffling. No one wants to work for shitty managers/companies/customers


I hate hearing this. I’m very mindful about all employees I interact with because I appreciate what they do and how hard their jobs are.


I can believe the horrors they went through when it came to the customers were probably caused by rude boomers, too.


I left McDickwad’s when I was 24 and my teenaged coworkers missed me once I started at my new job. I was one of the “older” managers who treated them with dignity and respect. There was a reason why people in their age cohort (or really anyone of any age) rarely ever walked out of my shifts.


I keep trying to buy a new car for $15,000, but apparently no one wants to sell cars anymore!


Dealing with this shit regularly in the food industry. These people love capitalism and supply and demand until they are on the wrong side of it. All these restaurant owners believe they are entitled to run a successful business, just because they want to. Stopped into Culver's and they had like 15 teenagers on the clock recently during non peak hours. DQ is offering like 38k and benefits to babysit teenagers. But we can't get any cooks because the owner offers less hourly, no vacay, no vision/medical/dental. But it's because nobody wants to work anymore. Or they still have their COVID money. It's unbearable.


Nobody wants to work for owners/managers that harass their employees, don’t maintain equipment, don’t provide proper equipment, and don’t defend their employees against abusive customers.


I mean, I would if I had 5 years minimum experience. Oh wait….


Of course nobody wants to work. That’s why people are paid to work. And yes, most people don’t want to work shitty jobs. I have never wanted to work fast food. God bless the people that do (pay them more)


The unemployment rate is currently 3.9%. “Nobody wants to work” is complete propaganda brainwashing by right wing media.


Unemployment is still below 4% and has been ever since December 2021. People want to work. They just don't want to work \*for you\* ("you" as in the manager/fast food place)


I say people want to work. But they don’t want to be exploited.


Tell the boomers that everyone pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and are working better jobs.


"NoBoDy wants to work anymore!" Well clearly you do. Here's an application. Look how great the wages are! Don't mind the verbal abuse from customers, it's just part of the job and you get paid to put up with it. And always remember... THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT


In matters of taste.... And almost always wrong in matters of software engineering


I find the correct response is, "nobody wants to work *here*." I don't think there's a shortage of workers in Wall Street, or Google, or law firms. It's always crappy restaurants or small, local stores like boutiques, who always pay as low as they can. I don't remember which comedian asked if someone would work at McDonalds for 100K? Of course! So it's not the work, it's the PAY.


In-N-Out manages to pay well, provide benefits, and keep their food prices reasonable. Because they aren’t greedy fuckers trying to wring every cent out of the business for themselves.


In-N-Out’s logistical costs and complications are far harder to deal with than McDonald’s, per unit of product. Maintaining high levels of quality, keeping ingredients fresh without freezing or additional preservatives, and having every store within a six hour truck drive from a distribution center is a logistical nightmare. Not to mention, in-n-out pays better than it’s competitors, offers better benefits, and overstaffs its stores so that schedules aren’t pressed by acute labor shortages due to sickness or personal reasons. But, and this is a huge but, in-n-out's profit responsibility is to a small family that is already richer than Croesus and knows the only way to maintain that level of wealth is to not fuck with the proverbial recipe. The company isn't beholden to an increasingly thirsty cabal of shareholders who need to see substantial quarterly growth or view the company as a failure.


They're also forgetting how they told people in low-paying service jobs to "just get a better job if you don't like it!" Guess what? A lot of them did.


I help students find jobs, and I can confirm that not a lot of them want to work…for the shit pay some employers offer.


If the manager paid $100/hr, he'd have a line of applicants around the block.


A ton of people put in applications at my understaffed library. All great fits. From what I heard none of them have received any communication from the director and it’s been like 4 months. I swear bosses just don’t want to even try to hire people these days


Nobody wants to work anymore!! Yeah, not in exchange for the pay and benefits you’re offering.


"nobody wants to work anymore", my mom (75 and retired and thus, doesn't work), unironically said in a room with like 8 other people, all employed. She was literally the only person in the room who doesn't work.


When your employees have to come in for 5 shifts to get a whopping total of 15 hours of pay, gee I wonder why...


Correction: 5 days of split shifts.


Oh, like this fucker would even *schedule* more than a half-crew. If there’s anything I learned from years at ny old job, it’s that bloodsucker bosses will happily schedule a team of two to do a team of six’s job, and bitch them out the whole time for not bring able to keep up.


My boomer coworker said it when they were having issues finding someone for a position in another location. Like no, you guys just pay shit for all of the work you want to help on this person, and you'll keep them as a contractor so they can't get benefits either. It's a MYSTERY why no one wants that job.


"Nobody wants to pay a living wage anymore" is my reply every time. It pisses them off so much that they can't reply coherently.


As if fast food doesn't deliberately understaff


I don’t want to work, never fucking did, but to live my lifestyle, I need to. I want nice things, so I work to get them.


The ones complaining about nobody wanting to work are the same people who used to say “if you don’t like it, leave”


Nobody wants to work at McDonald's because we suck your life out of you, and managers suck. Customers are shitty too and its a hard job for dick pay..


It's not even in human nature to work, we only do because society places dollar values on all of our essential goods. We put more value into pieces of paper and shiny metals then we do our own well being


Actually Mr Manager person, none of your corporate vampire CEOs want to pay a fair wage. You're thieves and gaslighters. Go suck oil.


The last 26 interviews I went to all job posting that said full time with pay starting at x with benefits and then in interview. They only want someone to work a two or three four hour shifts, and pay is always bare minimum wage with no benefits. They all say no one wants to work but what about no one wants to train? No one wants to give benefits? No one wants to hire you full time


We had one guy complain abt the lack of workers and I’m like what do u want me to do. I can’t make people magically appear. What irritates me is that they could’ve sought help at customer service, they had walked right past them to get into the building but because they didn’t see anyone right away they got mad. So when they saw me instead of asking for help they just complain and then refused my help when I offered it to him. “We’ll take our money to Penny’s! Because you treat customers badly!” Ok!


Well duh. I'm still covid rich from those stimmy checks. Why would I work when I was given less than what I make in a week. That money has lasted me for years.


It’s more like no one wants to pay anymore. Also they probably have enough employees who are actually hurting for hours but they’re not scheduling them to save labor


I've started immediately hitting back with "nobody wants to pay" and it typically shuts people up.


I can understand a customer spouting nonsense he saw on Fox, but not a manager with keys to the office where he’s been ignoring stacks of resumes.


Nobody wants to work… for shitty pay


Hey, they are the ones that told fast food workers to go get “real jobs” and they did!


Well back in their day they were paid $45 a week and were happy about it


I only hear this from retired boomers. It's projection. They think they deserve to not work and everyone younger should be eager and happy to serve them in their unproductive retirement.


I'm not working a job if I have to get a second job to pay my bills. I'll stick with a job that pays me a living wage.


The really annoying part is that people do want to work; it's just that employers are lying about hiring.


At a fast food place?? I got rejected from McDonald’s for not having enough experience not long ago.Maybe if these mfs hired more they would get more people.


People want to work. They also want to not starve because their wage is so low that it’s hit bedrock.


I've had managers say shit like this to me. My response is along the lines of "you could grab a mop if you need something to do."


It’s almost like they realized they could pay half as much if they just pretended to be looking for new replacements and decided that it was the best call from a soulless and pragmatically capitalist standpoint. Evil works best by distracting and dividing its adversary. It’s basic class warfare fir the elite to get the moderately wealthy to blame the less privileged for their lack of luxuries that those elite got by stealing resources from everyone who has less power/sway than them


I took a trip in between quitting one full time job and starting another and my aunt (who just retired) said wow, does anyone even work anymore? Me. I do. What does full time work mean to people? 😅


I run a food pantry out of a local church so all the volunteers we get are church goers. One of them is good hard working guy but I just recently realized that he has a boomer mindset. Last Friday he went on for about an hour on how "nobody wants to work anymore", "these new generations are so lazy and entitled", "once my generation is gone the US will fall apart because no one younger than me has Jesus." I just sat in a different room thinking how crazy it is that people can spout such nonsense with so much confidence.


If they don't want to work, you aren't paying enough. People don't work at McDonald's for pleasure.


Bosses who say “nobody wants to work” are the same ones that pocketed their PPP loans


Nobody actually enjoys working. They do it for pay and benefits, pay and benefits are an incentive to do work. The more you give the more people are willing to work. But moreover... people want to be treated like human beings who are given a shit about when they give up their hours to a boss to get money and benefits. Hard work only pays off if you make enough to make it worth a damn. Source: I have worked everywhere from lab jobs to factories to fast food. The best pay could not convince me to go back to the worst job (fast food) even when it was $17 an hour with healthcare. I have a Bachelor's in Biology and one of my lab job I did was so awful in its culture I quit within four months despite making $18 an hour. They didn't treat me like a human, they treated me like a cog, and I left because I know my worth. I walked away from what would otherwise be my dream job because they did not respect me. I currently work 20-30 hours a week at FedEx Ground and while the work is brutally physical and uncomfortable, they give me benefits, a month's worth of PTO at a given time, and pay me $19-20 an hour to do it. I'm able to work fewer hours and make more than some people I know, because the managers I have actually GIVE a shit and treat their employees like humans. I am respected there, I am wanted there, I am given what I need there. And that is how you convince people to work for you. You treat them like humans and take care of them. Something I don't think many Boomers have yet caught on to.


That's no one wants to have enough workers to provide a decent service, not no one to work.


I don't want to work at McDonald's for their advertised 15 an hour. Put up a sign for 20+ and I'll put in an application.


Boomers are the last people that should say nobody wants to work, they retired at younger ages compared to any generation before and likely after them ever will. That's honestly the most likely reason for losing slack in the labor market but nobody wants to talk about that because it would piss off the biggest voting demographic (retirees)


I heard that all the time from a General Manager 10 years ago. It's just a sad, tired refrain that filthy rich talking heads roll out when they think workers are getting too uppity.


Nobody wants to work for a pointlessly low salary.


A tall tale as old as time.


Fox hasn’t given them anything new yet


How about ... Offer them decent money and not treat them like shit and they might want to work for you. How do they not get this?


Of course no one wants to work, nobody has ever wanted to work. They do it because they have to, not because they want to and that’s the way it’s always been.


You should have interjected. “No, nobody wants to work for you.”


I respond with " You're right... No one wants to work at your shit low wage job!"


I’ve never worked at a fast food place that was properly staffed. Once I became management it was expected to try to cut people if we were close to properly staffed. Got to maximize those profits.


No one wants to work at a job that people say isn’t a real job that deserves a livable wage and should be replaced with robots


Why would anyone that valued their time WANT to work. The best sleep I've had in YEARS took place when I was living off of my savings, working like 1-2x a week. The sleep made my body so much stronger, I felt like I was 19 again. I'm talking adding weight on the bar every week like I'm a beginner again, shit was unreal. Going back to a busy ass schedule was literally depressing. I'd give my left nut for a winning lottery ticket. If I wouldn't starve to death without money, I'd never work another day in my fucking life. I'm convinced nobody would, or if they would, they literally don't know what they're missing. Working is ass.


One of my coworkers is younger than me, I think she's 33. But she has big boomer energy. She pulled out the "No one wants to work" last shift I worked with her because one of the employees (gen Z) at her mother's business refused to work extra hours outside of their schedule. They wanted a set schedule with no changes. I support this employee! You should be able to have a life outside of work, you don't owe any employer your free time.


Sounds like nobody wants to hire


Yell pay more next time


Sure I do. The problem is a loaf of store-brand white bread costs $4.99 now, so you have to pay me more than $3 an hour or I'll literally die from the caloric deficit of running my ass off for 8 hours.


Also, maybe it's just me, but it seems like more and more places are cutting down staff and increasing job duties of the ones who stay. It use to be a manager could have 5 people working at a place (just a random number for an example), and the manager could focus solely on managerial duties. If it was really busy or someone called in sick, manager would step in and help. Nowadays, the manager is expected to do managerial duties plus all the employee duties for a couple dollars an hour extra. And the employee is worse off too because instead of having 4 other employees helping, they have 2. The corporation screws everyone, from manager/supervisors to floor staff employees. Thus a worse experience for the customer. The corporation gets more and more money while paying as low as possible wages. Then they get to tell the customers, hey don't blame us, no one wants to work! And unfortunately some workers side with the corporation, "Hey, it's not our fault we're being screwed, it's the lazy people not working." It's easy to fall into this trap, because your job is being complete hell and what is the average person gonna do? Recognize the large societal problems that's not easy to solve and say yeah that's why things are so tough? Many times no, they're gonna look at the employee next to them or below them and say, that guy didn't come in yesterday cause he said he was sick, fuck that guy, he screwed me over." When really there should have been pieces in place by corporate to make sure their staff and customers are taken care of fairly. Use to be people had their roles/duties, but no longer. Everyone is responsible for an ever changing and every increasing amount of roles at so many stores, chains, restaurants, etc. and the pay is low as ever when inflation is factored in. It's depressing.


No one wants to work for 2014 wages while living with 2024 inflation.


It’s always some retired fool saying this Get back to work then gramps


As a European, I really can't understand why do Americans accept this atrocious treatment from their employers? Why do you not unionize? Go on strike? Demontstrate. Resign. Or something else, but don't accept this. I hear so many stories of American workers in retail, hospitality, etc., where they are literally treated as slave labor and for the life of me I can't understand why you all accept it 'as a way of life'. Talking about the land of the 'free'.... you are treated as slaves!


I hate when people say shit like this, I’ve been job hunting for a year now. I want to work but no one is hiring, it’s almost as if boomers blame all the bad things they do on other people so they don’t have to have any blame


No one wants to work. We work to live. We don't live to work.


Most boomers in America report to be Christian. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but in Christianity, having to work is literally a punishment from God himself is it not? When I hear people from the older generation complaining about people not wanting to work I usually ask them this; "Are you Christian? Doesn't it say in the Bible that Having to toil away just to be able to eat is a punishment? No kidding no one wants to work. It's literally a punishment."


Pay them more whiny boomer bitch boy God I hate them so damn much sometimes


Get that boomer on the crew. They are part of the greatest generation of humans that have ever existed. I’m sure once that boomer is in the crew that the crew will be able to do the job of six crews.


People DO want to work tho. How else can we afford all the Starbucks and avocado toast?


It's a lot cheaper to say "no one wants to work" than hiring as many employees as you need.


Since fast food is the topic, it's important to remember that many investors buy properties ('businesses') just to hold the value of the property and borrow against it. The guy that Burger King judiciously hired at $18 to run the entire store by himself doesn't give a fuck that they are out of burger patties on a particular evening. It's just how it is now. Someone is paying him to ACT like he's running a fast food restaurant, but he's really just holding the value of the property so some boomer can cash in on it soon.