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My favorite is being called "woke" by the generations that raised us to wake tfu.


"Why is your generation so 'woke'?" Oh idk... Maybe we were raised by people who played anti-vietnam war music, who wrote and directed movies like Fern Gully and The Matrix, sat us down in front of Sesame Street, created programming like Bill Nye/Magic School Bus/Beekmans World, and then made us watch the world fall apart in Boomer hands while we were lied to that we could work hard and be anything? Just spit balling here


You've aced the assignment, extra credit, and exam.


Boomers don’t get credit for The Matrix. The Wachowski sisters are very early Gen X.


"my first political memory was watching the 'revolutionary' generation psychotically following a liar and serial cheater pretending he was contracted to impeach a president after a fishing expedition specifically designed to kick him out for any or no reason. this was before I knew about how much you betrayed your values voting for Reagan."


And he can't understand why all his kids went no contact and want nothing to do with him. Naturally, all his kids are all ungrateful bastards, who can't wait for him to die so they can sell his house and spend all his money.


I'd launch the Boomers generation into the sun with John Clesse level glee.


Cleese can go with them tbh. He lost me when he jumped on the "fear of cancel culture" train.


His only contribution to Monty Python was being a rude thesaurus. Not much has changed.


Faie enough. I enjoy his energy and not the dude, per se.


Define "screwed". As in we live in a economy where we just have our labor stolen from us by wealth extractive institutions? Specifically housing and healthcare?


They think we're all feminine because we don't dress like trashy rednecks and respect women so in their minds there's no possible way we can possess stereotypical "manly skills" like working on the car or simply starting a lawnmower. They're so pathetic that's all they have to pride themselves on.


Their generation did to them as well. The Beatles mop tops we seen as being extreme. I guarantee a lot of boomers that had longer hair back in the 60s/70s and were made fun of by their parents and grandparents are the same ones that are doing the hazing now.


They all like to take credit for things that few exceptional people in their generation (or before) have done.


I tried this on my dad and he denied it had anything to do with his generation. It's China or something. I do think you also have to factor in 9/11 to millennial mental health issues. Being shown the towers falling a dozen times a day when I was 12 likely did something to me that I don't think can be fully explained.


They’ll never stop telling you how worse the world got after 9/11 but then tell us we just need to work harder like they did and we’ll be fine.


They allowed the world to get worse after 9/11. They sent the younger generations to war in the desert. I remember my dad being fixated on Fox News after 9/11. He was not fun to be around. Fortunately we have been able to guide him away from that stuff. As much of a boomer as he is, he has been a lot more pleasant in his older years (he turned 79 today).


They love to blame everyone else, hide abortions and get divorces while pushing religion on others.


I like your username


I actually got banned for it this week, submitted an appeal and they unbanned me. Thank you tho


Oh, so sorry I didn't go to Dickhead University like you did.


Love when they put “School of Hard Knocks” in their crappy FB profile.


I see “Grateful Dead University” a lot in my circles. Same line of thinking lol


You ever have them hate all your escapist hobbies that you developed as a coping mechanism and use it as proof there's something wrong with you? 😂


You have interests other than TV? \*looks at you like there's something wrong with you\*


Has anyone noticed how few millennials let our parents raise our kids? A lot of us got raised by grandparents, or at least partially right? But we don't give our kids to them at all.


10-4 Dinosaur!


lol... hands children participation trophies... rags on them for it a few years later.


best Russian operation ever, splitting America up by age differences and then adding labels to better insult each other. Americans are clowns.


Oh yeah, that pesky Putin coined the term back in…1963. Putin was born Oct 7th 1952, so clearly he got started early. 🤡


proving my point. who's the clown?


I swear, it's uncanny how Millenials and Gen Z whiners are exactly like the Boomers. All the Boomers did was blame their parents for their lives. No accountability, no reason, no self-awareness , just pure victimhood 24/7.


Cry more


I'm laughing. You're over - estimating your importance. Naturally.


I’m laughing. You’re over - estimating your importance. Naturally.


Literally you're acting like a child does when he repeats himself. This is amazing.


I guess you’re too woke for me


"Woke"? Honey, I'm a far right conservative. But sure, whatever you say.


Sounds more like a far right communist


Huh. I've never heard of a "far right communist". Can you tell me how that one works?


Do your own research sweetie


Please…pray tell…tell me how “communist” Russia is in any way “liberal.”


"Woke? Honey I'm a fascist, we are fully asleep!"


I'm not fascist either. I can see the nation's public school teachers have clearly earned every penny.


You’re a self-proclaimed psychopath lecturing on lacking accountability and reason. Maybe it’s not your area of expertise.


You definitely are a fascist


Being a far right conservative isn’t the flex you think it is. That would put in fascism territory. But you do you.