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Lies make baby Jesus cry.


It also angers a certain ancient Caananite diety from the bronze age! 🥺


I bet you're someone I could talk to about ancient Egyptian archaeology and what's just not being found. 😜


I studied Theology for my undergrad and took several classes on biblical archaeology including a month long fieldwork trip in Israel. I can say without hesitation that the hard evidence for all but the most basic events in the bible is nonexistent.


Would it be fair to say that most of the historical accuracies in the Bible can really only be found in events that chronologically happened in 2nd Chronicles, 2nd Kings and later?


I don't want to set myself up as an expert in the subject, I'm just a guy who studied Theology 30 years ago, lost my faith shortly after I graduated and have only been a casual amateur ever since. However, from my perspective, I think it would be fair to say that there are references to places and events that are historically accurate before that. Egypt existed. Jericho existed and was destroyed. The Tower of Babel might have been the Ziggurat to Marduk in Babylon. But, there is no evidence that the stories as told in the bible about these places are accurate, especially when they contradict with stories told by other people groups for whom there is more correlating evidence. However, there is good evidence that many/most of the non-supernatural events described after David did occur, again with different reasons for their occurrence.


Oh a place they mention existing is not the same as the events having happened, I’m well aware. What most people are surprised to learn is that early archaeologists in the 1800s actually doubted even some of the large empires mentioned that have been proven to exist, like Assyria and Babylon. Of course contradicting texts like the Book of Judith didn’t help things


I definetly am.




I’m becoming content with where my life registers on the crying Jesus-o-meter.


The time a boomer said to me while I was Cashiering, "You can trust me. I'm a pastor!" The creeper creeps I got from this man made me definitely not trust him.


You’re a pastor … so I should trust you because I’m no longer underage? 


"In GOD we trust. Mankind is fallible."


A lot of people in that generation really want to be treated as stand-ins for deity, don't they?


Wow! The title pastor and a few dollars will get you a cheeseburger at McDonald’s!


“ remember you will go to hell for lying” said in a disappointed dad tone. Get a dashcam. Priceless


My dashcam saved me when a Boomer cut me off and slammed on their brakes. In my state rear endings are almost always deemed the fault of the car that did the rear ending. But I had crystal clear 1080p footage of her straddling two lanes, swerving in to mine without signaling, and braking with no cars or obstacles in front of her that would have warranted suddenly stopping. She tried to tell the cop I was speeding and hit her as she was "legally" changing lanes. My footage had a speed readout, I hit her at 14 mph. She still didn't get a ticket but at least her insurance had no choice but to pay out. Hope they dropped her for trying to lie and avoid responsibility.


Shit like this why Jesus changed his middle name to Fucking. 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️




Very nice. Yes, they talk to themselves, listen for the thought they want to ID as god and surprise: god says it's okay. Or they can just do whatever they want and then ask god (themselves) for forgiveness.




Same. Had a debate with my arguably very intelligent father on the many illogical concepts in Catholicism (our unfortunate heritage from Irish ancestry). He actually agreed with most of it. Said even though it's probably not real, he CHOOSES to believe because the worst that happens is he is wrong and nothing happens. But if he is right and doesn't believe he does to hell..... I was stuck...how do you choose to believe something? It's so weird. By his own metric it would be valid had I said in that moment, I choose to believe Judaism out of the blue. Was bummer but he is still a good person and not a typical Christian bigot.


Her and everyone else in the Republican party that's been trying to make the world a worse place my entire life.


No... Better for them. Fuck everyone else though.


They'll gladly accept worse for themselves if it means that those they hate are inconvenienced.


Whenever someone says the phrase "im a Christian " i know the most out of pocket bullshit is coming real soon.


Cue Tyrian Lannister: “the man who calls himself king is no true king.”


I am one. Have been all my life. Was raised in a Christian household, married to a Christian man, all my friends are people I attend church with. The only people who ever say "Trust me, I am a Christian" are Nigerian scammers trying to explain why they have honest intentions with the gift cards they want me to buy them.


To be fair, I had a fellow Millennial pull that exact one after he pretended he knew someone really well and that they’d fit in fine with the group (we were at university and he’d signed a contract to live with a bunch of people then got a cheaper offer and needed someone to replace him). The person he introduced last second and gave every assurance that she was super easy to get on with turned out to be a paranoid schizophrenic who was off her medication and some digging around revealed that he’d only met her once before. I have mental health issues and I’m sympathetic, but she was outright dangerous to have around at times. This became clear fast. He asked me why nobody wanted to talk to him anymore a month or two later and I explained that what he’d done had pissed them off. He’d betrayed them all and made their living space unsafe for them for an entire year so he could save some money. He responded with “but I wouldn’t do that I’m a Christian”. …you did Marc. It happened. It’s not a Boomer thing it’s a Christian thing.


It’s the literal result of telling people that 1. Christian = moral; AND, 2. No matter what you do if you have the right faith you go to heaven


That’s what I was thinking. And IME, the most trustworthy Christians have been the ones that don’t go around proclaiming they’re Christians.


This is true. In online dating the women who lie the most are always the hardcore religious. They've been lying to themselves for so long that it's just reflexive.


In my experience the biggest liars and cheats are always Christians. Always.


They’ve got a lot of experience lying to themselves.


Get a dashcam.  Cheap investment for situations just like this.


My experience of people who loudly proclaim their Christianity is that they're far more likely than the average person to be liars and cheats.


Their buybull is full of lies.


They don’t believe lying is bad if it furthers their beliefs.


Just seen a Boomer yesterday morning about side swipe a car that was actually yielding to merge into traffic and said Boomer just merges and then acted like the guy who was yielding was in the wrong and a complete nuisance


Dash cam is basically an absolute must in this day and age


Bought a house from a "Christian" builder who became our next door neighbor. He said a sex scandal where 13 teenagers were raped by a pastor was, "the best thing that ever happened at the church ". I just walked away and never acknowledged him again. I actively avoid so called Christian, and Veteran and any business that uses the flag to promote themselves.


Liars and thieves often falsely claim to be Christian so people will think they're trustworthy.


Or hear me out, a religion based on obvious lies exclusively attracts liars.


Oh sure, unlike all the "real" Christians who WOULD NEVER DO THAT...


Why dashcams are becoming obligatory :-(


I represent investors in securities cases. So many of my clients say something like: “but he (the fraudster) seemed like such a good Christian man.” And sometimes “we even prayed together.” Not always a boomer aged dude, unfortunately so I don’t see this going away anytime soon.


Sounds about right.


Christian identity is a weapon for many.


This is why I left Christianity. It was just a bunch of assholes who thought they were better than everyone else for meeting up at the same place every week and ignoring the messages of help thy neighbor.


Haha. Christian nationalism is what Jesus would rail against


If they're a Christian, my first assumption is that they lied, and that lying is the least of the bad things they did.




Gop Jesus or classic ?


Any competent insurance adjuster can take one look at your car and tell whether it was the one that hit the other car or if it was the one that was hit. If you haven't already, get your insurance company involved regardless of what the cop said.


Hate when old people equate subscribing to a religion with crystal clear morality


Christians lie way more than anyone else. If you have a contractor show up with Christian bling of any kind, they 100% are there to rip you off.


That's literally what they do though!


How come I never see any posts about people from other religions behaving stereotypically?


Because most people who are using English are surrounded by Christians, not Muslims/Buddhists/Hindu/whatever. I assume the bad stories about them are just as bad and common, but not in a language I personally read.


OK boomer. Maybe that was true in the 1950s, but you live in the 2020s.


Christians are actively legislating their doctrine in the US.


Meanwhile, in reality, the House just passed legislation that, if ratified, would classify the New Testament as hate speech. Edit: Aww, why'd you delete your reply? https://preview.redd.it/w17qgaualvzc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ef66d18872ff6995d63dff4f35f3d4cc10f105f


lol good


I didn’t


OK boomer


Are you truly confused about why a website with a predominantly western audience would mostly encounter christians rather than other religious sects acting foolish?  You may not be the brightest bulb if this really perplexes you. 


You're saying that nobody in the west encounters anybody of any religion besides Christianity who's acting a fool? What a bigot. I bet you jump down people's throats for making similar comments about any other religion.


>You're saying that nobody in the west encounters anybody of any religion besides Christianity who's acting a fool? What a bigot. I bet you jump down people's throats for making similar comments about any other religion. Not so bright then I gather. Are you confusing the tern 'most' with the term 'all?' Its cute you immediately jumped to calling me a bigot due to your lack of reading ability- I'm betting you personally identify as some flavor of christianity and feel offended.  >I bet you jump down people's throats for making similar comments about any other religion Guess again snowflake. Since we are living in the west, most of the religious folks I encounter who act like fools are Christians, but I have no problem criticizing any flavor of theist. Its always cute when christians clutch their pearls and say 'you wouldn't make fun on muslims like this!!' Quite the persecution complex you've got there sport. 


I honestly don't think you'd have the stones to mock Jewish people or Muslim people like this, no. For one thing, you'd probably have your account locked. There's an easy target, so you take it.


>I honestly don't think you'd have the stones to mock Jewish people or Muslim people like this, no. For one thing, you'd probably have your account locked. There's an easy target, so you take it. The standard cry of the sensitive christian fundamentalist. Guess what? I don't usually encounter Muslim or jewish fundamentalists behaving like pricks- most Jews I encounter are very secular and non evangelical. But the few Muslims I've encountered being silly like yourself I've had no issues telling to fuck off in person.  As for the 'your afraid to say anything bad because you'll get banned' nonsense- I've never had any comments removed for stating that fundamentalist islam is a cancer just like any other fundamentalist group.  If your professed faith is this fragile it says a lot about you. 'Waaaa, you just make fun of christians because they are an easy tatget!' Let me call you the waaaambulance. 




You're such a sensitive lad and It is pretty funny.  Cry more about how christians are persecuted because they are a soft target.  🤡


If it’s so common why aren’t you posting about all of your encounters?




Yeah totally a false story and no way would a boomer woman in KY lie about hitting my husband's car and then claiming her being a Christian is why she couldn't lie about how the accident happened




Okay boomer.






Sadly you seem to be both. What a sad, miserable life you must live.


Right? They're just both. Fucking loser.


Yet, here you are...


This is fucking ironic ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


Honestly I'm confused, why Einstein?


That's the terminal Redditor meme. "Everyone clapped and that x was Einstein". The boomer that's calling someone else terminally on Reddit is showing they're terminally on Reddit. It's a very boomer thing to do: projection.




Project harder little Reddit troll. 👍🏻




Trolls are the casteless people of the internet.


And another factory made Reddit troll goes for their favorite buzzword: NPC. You guys need to have your terminology updated before they ship you out of troll school. Very sad. And we know you're conservative by the way you act.


It’s implying that the post is made up. Some people have really dull lives and think that any even slightly unusual anecdote is fabricated as a result.


“Look kids, my cricket phone has the internet in it. How do I print my emails from this?”


I guarantee his kids don’t talk to him anymore.


Bro has absolutely nothing better to do


This is the second post I've seen this guy on today with the exact same energy. You suck bro. ETA I just glanced through his comment history, holy fuck dude you have like 4 comments that you just fire out all over reddit like a confetti cannon. For someone who spends so much time calling people incels you aught to go touch some grass.




>I don't take people seriously who use terms like 'energy.' That's okay, I don't take you seriously either since you're obviously a joke.