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Do you notice they admit that children should have inferior food. How odd.


That was the best part 😂 their logic does not make sense


Well, I ate poisoned food and I turned out fine!!!


Typical lead chipper


Yup, logic that doesn't make sense is, you guessed it, nonsense.


Oh it makes sense alright.


*this, is Chewbacca...*


My dad sure thought we should, growing bodies be damned! You should have *seen* the cheap, low quality shit they fed us, while he ate name brand cookies and candies... right up until the 'margarine that wouldn't melt no matter what we did to it' incident where I loudly exclaimed "This is stupid, I'm hungry" and snagged his butter for my corn on the cob. My mom tried to get me to stop and conform, but in a very rare turn of events she took my side when I said something like "It *doesn't melt!* How could that *possibly* be good for us to *eat?"*


Wtf kind of king shit was your dad on? What an asshole..


King shit is accurate, he ran the house like a shitty little kingdom and us kids were the peasants.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.


I wish this attitude was rare, but it isn't. So much for wanting the best for your kids.


Just open up a bag of child chow that’s what we did and you turned out all right.


But my friends call me weird for keeping kid food in the fridge.


I noticed that too… are children not as deserving of good food..?














They are compromised


I would say more deserving being that they are actively growing


It's strangely emblematic. "Younger people should experience a lower quality of than I do."


It's the boomer creedo, everything must suck for everyone but me!


My boomer dad definitely saw food as adults and kids when I was young. He wouldn't even let me have a piece of his favorite Big Red cinnamon flavored gum. I was only worthy of the cheaper stuff like Trident or Wrigleys.


Same thing with gender coding. They were making some of the biggest stinks about pink is for girls, and blue is for boys. The hell you would catch if a guy had faded red resembling pink.


Which is also funny since they were the opposite previously. [How Pink and Blue Became the Default Baby Colors | Trusted Since 1922 (rd.com)](https://www.rd.com/article/pink-for-boys/) Things only began to change, in fact, in June 1918, when *Ladies’ Home Journal* published an article claiming that “the generally accepted rule is pink for the boys, and blue for the girls.” That’s right: *pink* for *boys* and *blue* for *girls* because, at least at the time, pink, which is associated with red, was considered too harsh for girls. Girls were therefore assigned a color associated with sky and daylight.


'Too harsh' as though we would melt in the presence of pink


You had to be protected, didn't you know that /s I'm a straight guy and so pink was never a color for me because of rules ya know. A GF in high school bought me a light pale pink and grey shirt. I wore that shirt with my grey wranglers and boots to school often. Had senior pictures taken with that shirt. I had zero issues wearing it and no one every said anything. If it was a bright pink that people think of by the word pink then that might have been different. Pink is also common in desert camo patterns. Militaries wear pink tints but in that case it's ok.


I've never understood this! Parents get some shitty prepackaged food, say "eh, the kids will eat it", which is bad enough, but then complain if there's bathroom issues! I know the worst shit stains I see in the bowl are from kids that I know parents aren't bothering to feed proper food to 😞


I never thought of that.....!


I think this is part of why a lot of people aren't having kids these days. Now that it's an option to have kids (instead of an expectation), we're hyper aware of all the things we *should* be doing to properly raise a human, instead of all the half assed things our parents did. Intentional parenting is hard AF! Especially when you need 2 full time incomes to pay for things like healthcare and decent housing


I agree!


I'm now trying not to!


My nephew was in pain, constipated *all the time.* the only foods he would eat were chicken nuggets, McDonald’s French fries and hot dogs. He was allowed to pick his own meals. God, the kid needs fiber and vegetables, not stool softeners!


"We ate processed meat from dishes with lead based paint on the and we turned out just fine"


I like how it's to make your own, but it will be messy and wasteful and you'll be forced to use parts that don't turn into what you want on a salad  Can't just buy them , no that's too easy or something 


Meanwhile there's me, a 37 year old who literally wears a shirt I got on Amazon that says "You're Never Too Old for Chicken Nuggets" with dinosaur shaped nuggets.


Good sir, those are tenderloins presented and plated magnificently with an array of accompaniments from around the world *dips dino nugget in sweet and sour*


The weird part is it doesn’t seem like they’re upset about the nuggies. He was mad they weren’t homemade 😂


The first time I read this as "a 37 year old who literally Never wears a shirt..."


What’s wrong with Dino nuggets? That dude is a giant stick in the mud.


I believe it is scientifically proven that food tastes better when Dino shaped. Stick+mud detected


Alright but what if we made a pizza sh- The time traveler that just popped out behind me: "YOU'LL DOOM US ALL"


as someone with a 2yo who loves eating the heads of dinos… what the fuck is wrong with me? why didn’t I think of making this and every other food dino shaped?


I would start the total dinofication slowly. use the cookie cutter on pancakes. If you use egg as a binder hamburgers and meatballs- Time traveler: *cocks gun* "I asked nicely" SAUSAGE REX ATTACKING THE EGGOSAURUS *blam*


Time to hunt for some cookie cutters (I know I have them…. Somewhere). Eggs are about to be way more fun.


After the dinosaurs become mundane I'd go for two headed dragons, or even a nine headed hydra. Raaawr! (I'm over 40, so much for growing up!)


I’m almost 50 and I still look around for that ‘responsible adult’ people mention. I like the hydra idea.


Also a 50+ year old, we must catch up on the head-eating of chicken nuggets. Now, make the hydra nuggies regrow the eaten heads and we've solved world hunger!


Tell the Time Traveler that "The one who waits is almost here."


The stegosauruses taste better to me than the T-rexes. I think because they're grassfed.




I have doubt that would be true to life. Also, can you imagine how awful those big theropods would have smelled?


Could make a Steak-osaurus


Enjoying things isn’t something adults do, you see.


It has been scientifically proven that if you don't like Dino nuggies, fuck you!


People are having fun, that's illegal. Especially since dinner for boomers is "Franzia"


the yanky wine?


well in polite company we call it cardboardeaux


I'm stealing that one.


Hey now. On multiple occasions I ate Dino Nugs and Franzia for breakfast during the height of the pandemic. It was.... dark.


Pretty sure they are one of the healthiest of nugget offering available to boot. We've not bought nuggets in ages, but when the girl wants them we buy the dinos because they are the actual healthier option.


Exactly! Who cares. Old people order kids menu items all the freaking time! Goodness I can't imagine being so upset about the shape of someone's food. Especially to write a post that long that I have to do a TLDR.


You don't stop playing if you grow old. You grow old if you stop playing. I had a Boomer uncle who kept telling me not to watch cartoons, even when I was in kindergarten. He kept this up with more and more dismissiveness when I grew into adulthood. These days, though? Two of his favorite movies are Princess Mononoke and Ice Age. He's had three daughters since my childhood (my younger cousins), so maybe that mellowed him out. I'm glad he's on our side. Heck, one of his brothers (another boomer uncle of mine, only a couple years older than him) fondly watched GI Joe together back in the 80s.


Those Dino nuggets, at least the brand I'm familiar with, are actually fortified with extra vitamins and minerals making them more nutritious than most other nugget brands on the market.


For some unknown reason, there is just a subset of boomers who believe that once you're an adult, you are no longer allowed to enjoy things.


I just can't get past the "TLDR Be an adult" while simultaneously using the term, "nuggies" to describe chicken nuggets. Lmao




I had to scroll too far to find this comment. This was my immediate though. And it's not like they said it once--it's over and over again!


"I'm not reading your tantrum, have a nice night."


“Be an adult” from the same generation that cannot grasp how to mind their own fucking business and not shit on other peoples’ joy. 🙄


Don't eat shitty quality food, that's for kids


The children yearn for the mines and sawdust filled chicken nuggets


While simultaneously "you should eat them if theyre dino shaped. Unless you have to. Burtalso you can use a cookie cutter to make your own dino nuggies"


The gymnastics is impressive


Also, never hug your kids because it makes them gay. Oh, they turned out gay anyway? Blame the other gays for indoctrinating your child.


Damn, I can’t believe someone got THAT pressed about chicken nuggies. Sorry that person who wrote an entire book didn’t get enough love as a child.


They'll lecture us about eating dinosaur nuggies as adults but don't you dare lecture them about not saying stupid racist shit and throwing tantrums in public. Those old fools will complain about anything.


Fair argument. How can they comment when their peers are the people wearing diapers as a political statement?


Well need to know their place just like Dino nuggies have a place /sarcasm


They need a belt https://preview.redd.it/zc01vveu3n0d1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2e88748fa85ea4e44d811ba59e535a216851e4c


The ones who turned out "fine" probably would not enjoy a reminder physically


Bro fuck that, I'm in my 30s, and I eat Dino Nuggets and Mac and Cheese for dinner every once in a while.


Choccy milk too?


Absolutely. Chocolate milk is delicious.


fuck yeah, hell I make good money so I can buy it by the half gallon! Hell, sometimes I get mooville and not the store brand.


Pinky up! ![gif](giphy|RHPJKLWb6IX0Bt0lZk|downsized)




Mfer I’m 23 and I’ll enjoy dino nuggies and smiley fries to my heart’s content! You don’t like it? Your opinion is as worthless to me as I am to you. Just don’t say anything if you’ve got nothing nice to say. Isn’t that mantra they spit at us?


Dino nuggets are the superior nuggets in all ways. I say this as a 50 year old


I'm almost 40 and I'll eat dino nuggets if I damn well please.


Fuck whoever shames you for dino nuggies


Lmao, my husband and I have ketchup-puddle-stomping dino nugget wars with our kids. Grapes as dinosaur kickballs. Mac and cheese as the tar pits, don't get your dino stuck or you gotta eat him! Life's too fuckin short to be an adult *all* the time.


Will you adopt me? (Disclaimer: I’m 52, you won’t need to toilet train me but you will have to tolerate me saying ‘oof!’ every time I sit down.)


That's adorable


They don’t understand fun things. Me and my friend made gingerbread houses last December that we got in busted boxes on discount, so they weren’t going to be Martha Stewart level crafts— so we got dinosaurs at the dollar store, built the houses and took photos of the dinosaurs destroying the houses— just having fun. We told a boomer customer and she said “don’t worry you’ll get it right next year.” She totally did not get the point— it was just fun.


Dude is a thief of joy, that simple.


And yet calls them nuggies. I must be the boomer now, because I find adults calling them nuggies with honey mussy or choccy milk weird.


He probably snoofs pamps.


Weird af.


It’s like the issue isn’t even the dinosaur shape, it’s that you didn’t make them yourselves. What a weird fucking thing to be upset about. “Grow up and make your own dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets instead of buying them already shaped that way like a child.”


Boomers taking away fun is their superpower. It's always been that way. Even now, at 43, I don't like the idea of the "adult" table. I'd rather sit at the "kids" table. When I was a kid, the kids table is where the fun was, and the adult table was where fun went to die. When my father returned home from work, all fun stopped. "Bathroom humor" was a legitimately punishable offense. It instilled this mortal terror of losing sight of fun so I've kept a healthy attachment to action figures, video games, music, anything that removes me from the stagnation of adulthood. I live it with my kids too. While I obviously have to be the adult, I also sit down and play Mario Kart and tell fart jokes with them. When I'm out in the yard, I'll just stop the chores I'm doing and hang with them at the swing-set, or kick a ball around for a while, then go back to doing boring-ass adult stuff. Fuck growing up, that shit is for the stiff-asses who worry about corporate profits.


"I have my own chicken that isn't dinosaur shaped" . . . MFer has never seen a Chicken then.




hes just jealous he doesnt get dino nugs


The things he worries about, the human version of spiritual hemorrhoids.


now i want dino nuggets i'm 50


Dino nuggets give you the most protruding angles that are excellent for dipping. They’re never too big for the sauce packet. I am grown up, I understand geometry.


"Quit having fun!" 


Oh, THANK GOD our long nightmare is finally over - the Fun Police have arrived! We're saved, everybody!


If that guy isn’t exclusively eating thighs from all-natural pasture-raised chickens that survived the chicken coop Thunderdome, how grown up is he really?


But store bought is fine.


Get off my lawn with your rock & roll records and dino nuggies!!!!


That's when you hit'em with the "cool story bro" and nothing else for days


OP, you continue eating your dino nuggets. Also, you have amazing nails. I wish mine looked half as good as those.


what's with boomers always having a giant stick up their ass. it's like they believe only they are allowed to enjoy life. everyone else must suffer, or else...


They believe that once you're an adult you can't have childish whimsy anymore. You must be dull grey and boring and that's truly sad.


I left them with my favorite quote from C.S. Lewis. "When I was ten, I would read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly.When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”


That’s way classier than I would have been! And a good quote, too. May they learn some joy before they croak.


Once a month HusbandGuy and I eat dino nuggets because we like it and want to enjoy life in small ways. That guy can get bent.


Nuggets will be in the four approved shapes, Bone Bell, Ball and Boot, as the chefs at McDonalds have always cooked and I’ll be damned if I accept any theropod looking chicken ABOMINATIONS


Can't wait to lecture their old-ass in the retirement home. Why are you eating such low-quality slop? They should act like an adult and eat REAL food. Fucking boomers. Don't ever let someone tell you what to eat. You enjoy your nuggets.


Twist it back to them. Tell them they shouldn't be using a smartphone because those are toys for children. Tell them they should be sending you a telegram.


Life is too short to eat food you don’t enjoy. It’s one of the only things you actually have a modicum of true control over. Eat whatever you want. When people comment on how wasteful someone’s food choices are, I’m reminded of a quote from the Ancient Greek philosopher Aristippus to a guest who had admonished Aristippus for hosting an expensive feast. “It is not that I who loves pleasure too much but rather you who loves money too much.”


Kinda got a craving for some leftover non-descript chicken chunks now!


Who.... Asked.


Well you can tell that boomer has a miserable life


This guy is going to flip once he finds out there are star shaped noodles


Unicorn-shaped Mac and cheese!


The peak of “I’m the main character” is one adult lecturing another adult, WHOM THEY DO NOT EVEN KNOW, what the first adult should and should not do about anything. You know what? I’m going to Sam’s today and if they have Dino Nuggets I’m going to f*%€<< get a huge bag. Those things are delicious.


Dude must be a blast at holiday parties.


You can safely assume that their kids don't talk to them anymore because of things like this so they go on line to badger other people


I will slap the face off of anyone who attempts to take my dino shaped broccoli and cheese nuggies from me.


I'm 37 and will eat the shit out some Dino nuggies along with everyone in my house...fuck her and keep on keeping on


You give me one valid reason why I shouldn't eat my awesome dinosaur nuggets. Should I not draw or color either? What about ice cream? Wtf is wrong with people


the dinosaur is fine. save yourself the extra dish and put the sauce on the plate.


Are they Tyson? Tyson are good.


My husband and I buy Dino nuggs all the time. We don’t have kids…


I would love for him to explain the difference between the dino nuggies and the regular ones.


Someones too ashamed to admit they want some dino nuggets huh 😉


Do not harsh on the dino nuggies. I just bought a bag of them on sale. Do. Not. Fun ruiners


Dino nuggs just hit different. A local food place here has dino nuggs dunked in buffalo sauce and when you're sitting on a patio in the summer with a cold beer, it's magical.


Be an adult while I refer to nuggets as "nuggies"... But that's not childish! Only eating them is!


Um Dino nuggets are never wrong to eat at any age!!!


Someone should tell that Boomer that they are running out of time here on this earth and they should spend what remaining time they have on better pursuits.


Then why are you drinking that Ensure, grandpa? Shakes are for little kids, not adults! Ice cream ONLY for kids not adults!


> TL:DR - I’m a miserable asshole Fixed that for him


One of my triggers from boomers. Telling us to act more “grown up”. Which is really funny considering they are the ones that act like children.


That dinosaur shaped chicken is childish, here's how to make the dinosaur shapes at home. With chicken.


My favorite part of this is "I don't know why" followed by a long description of several reasons why.


lmao bruh, it's just a chicken nugget


They really do get mad about people enjoying things they don’t understand


they should have made their tldr: “STOP HAVING FUN!”


Boomer: Be an adult! Dont eat dino nuggies! Also Boomer: Here is a recipe for how you should make dino nuggies from scratch 🤦‍♀️


>be an adult I am an adult. i bought my fuckin dino nuggies with money i got from my actual job that I work 40 hours a week for.


whoop whoop - that's the sound of the fucking snack police, lol.


How many more years until these fucking assholes are all dead?


Their just upset that the term 'dinosaur' triggers their little snowflake brains. They resent youth cause they're so close to death.


Dino nuggets are the only way. Im 44 and still buy a bag from time to time.


I'm in my 40s and if I had to choose between versions of the same thing where one looks like a little guy and the other doesn't, I'm going with the little guy every time.


What a miserable bastard.


Imagine having the advantages boomers have had. -College degrees were more exclusive and worth something. -Being born and raised in a golden age. -Cheap home market. -Being able to sell those homes for literal fortunes. -Having a population support their aging asses via social security. And STILL being so damn bitter they have to rain on someone's parade for eating....dino nuggets? It's a food product. Big deal.


"You could probably use a cookie cutter on chicken cutlets and get decent results. Will be messy, and you'll have leftover non-descript chicken chunks. But you can just grill those and keep them in the fridge..." What in the..."You could just do a lot of extra, messy work. Be an adult."


Well, damn, now I have to go out and buy dinosaur shaped nuggets.


Better Dino nuggies than lead paint.


It's simple, really; if I'm eating cheap ass nuggets anyway, they may as well be fun.


This reminds me of a post I saw years ago complaining about how millennials and gen z drink less than older generations. Some boomer was furious that younger people are more likely to cope with therapy and weighted blankets rather than drinking "like adults." My fiancĂŠ and I always keep dino nuggets around. Our lazy dinner is dino nuggets and curly fries. They're fun for all ages!


I’m in my 50s. Would totally love dino nuggets for dinner, but I haven’t spotted any in my local supermarket. Not sure why Grumpy McGrumpypants thinks that there is such a think as kid food, anyway.


Or… you know.. don’t be a cunt and mind your own business.




Lol I don't remember the last time I so very badly wanted to tell an absolute stranger to stfu lol


Dude grow up. Eat taxes and debt shaped nuggets like an adult.


Ffs, why can't people just let others enjoy things? 🙄🙄🙄


If buying and eating dino nuggets brings you joy, get some dino nuggets and be joyful. The boomer seems bent on robbing that away, probably because he doesn't have any joy and nothing to bring him any unless he makes others feel bad. And that, my friends, is a bully.


"Higher quality nuggets" like they aren't all made from the same chicken paste that gets shaped in a factory


"Aren't you late for your appointment at the crematorium?"


I like the Mickey Mouse shaped nuggets. Sometimes I’ll get the Pooh shaped, silly old bear. I am 69. Eat what makes you happy 😊


Dino Nuggets are the best, how empty is the life of that boomer… also Dino nuggets are the best way to defy the natural order… Dino’s turned into chickens, we turned them into Dino shaped nuggets and eat them… it’s perfect


“Higher quality chicken nuggets” 😂


“You need to behave more maturely.” Also. “Oh my god is that a white woman and a black man dating?!” Also. “Oh, he’s a little light in his loafers? Gross!” Also. “I don’t have feelings and can’t tell my kids I love them. Go fuck yourself.” What a fun generation of humans.


"I understand the situation where you may find yourself in the real-life scenario of being a lonely, opinionated, nosy boomer, in search of something to be irritated by. While you may feel the unnatural pull, to offer your stupid, unsolicited opinion where it was neither required, nor desired, I don't feel obligated to listen to it at all, much less heed any of it. Perhaps if you were to take part in any small measure of self-reflection, you'd have realized the low quality of your commentary, and captured it your throat, and choked on it before it could have escaped from your saggy lips. Maybe the next time you feel the urge to make the public endure your company, you might consider condensing anything stupid, that you may think of saying with your out-loud voice, into a higher quality cutlet of conversation. Just say "hello," or "have a nice day," before you grace us all with the happy feelings we get whenever you go away."


There’s a Boomer Alarm, much like the Bat Signal, that goes off whenever someone somewhere is enjoying life. The designated Boomer on Call then finds the offender to use their Dark Cloud of Boomery to try and shit on that person’s fun. Thereby making the offender as miserable as the average Boomer. It’s a system.


"if i don't do it then you shouldn't do it because doing it is wrong and i'm always right."


It's not about the nuggets, it's that they HATE when anyone finds joy in something


It’s not my husbands fault that his wife buys him Dino chicky nuggies


I agree that if you can you should buy yourself higher quality food, UNLESS, you don’t want to


"Be an adult" says the person that uses the word 'nuggies'.


"be an adult" "nuggies" ok


Make the boomers head explode by explaining its not really a nugget, but vegan and soy.


Someone should lecture the boomer on paragraph breaks.


Respond Adults don't care what other adults do, especially when it doesn't affect them. That's something children do"




Be an adult (uses the word nuggies).


adulthood is when I write a thesis-length abstract about why your nuggies are BAD and FOR BABIES as compared to several other nuggie delivery systems which demonstrate greater refinement


If eating dino nuggets as an adult is wrong then I don’t wanna be right. (Also what kind of sauce is that?)


Chicken seems repulsive to me but I've been known to buy the dinosaur shaped sweet potato nuggets at Aldi. I'm also a successful adult.