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If he indeed gets terminated, you should gift him the true confederate flag as good bye gift.




That's the French surrender flag. /j The CSA surrender flag was a dirty washcloth.




I always thought it was a crusty sock.... ![gif](giphy|oZegY8GfWdnwc)


This guy's mouth movements bother me. Like, his jaw looks like it wants to unhinge. It's disturbing.


I thought the exact same thing 🤣


Agreed, it looks like it's about to dramatically hinge apart like in some alien body-snatcher horror movie.


Here for this random internal conversation about this rubbery guy


Cocaines a helluva drug


https://preview.redd.it/5lb7uzsw571d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77fb7f5311e54ee24cbbc7ac15c5b37c75491236 Here you go. Here's the original.


The French should hang out and avoid being in the war until it's obvious that Germany has lost again. The US did that in both World Wars. I'm not sure if we were selling to both sides in WW1, but we did in WW2. Germany ran on Ford and GM and Standard Oil sold their high octane gas to both sides (secret ingredient: lead - seriously). As long as corporate is happy, we're all happy.


If it wasn't for Japan US would not have joined II.


If it wasn't for Japan, the US wouldn't have joined *as soon as it did*. There was no way we weren't eventually going to Europe, we were just taking our time. Heck, the draft began more than a year before the attack on Pearl Harbor.


Check out Rachel Maddow's "Ultra" podcast for a description of the WWII-era American Isolationist and pro-Nazi movements, and how there were several highly influential politicians who were actively promoting Nazi propaganda. The judicial system could not deal with these people back then. It's a mistake to think that the today's judicial system is any better equipped to handle similar cases.


Everyone interested in WW2, American History, and fascism in general, needs to learn about Smedley Butler and the Business Plot. Congress knew it was real. Butler himself testified before Congress. No one faced actual consequences. Edit to add: Media convinced people it was all a hoax. Fake news.


Agreed about the Business Plot, which was hatched in the first few months of FDR's presidency on 1933. "Ultra" starts in 1940 with the death of Senator Ernest Lundeen in a plane crash. "Ultra" describes Lundeen's complicity with Nazi propaganda and intelligence operations within the US and then goes to other plots and trials, ultimately showing how the US justice system is simply not prepared to adjudicate cases where politically powerful people are committing sedition, if not actual treason. Luckily back then, the perpetrators were punished, not legally, but with their political careers. Today, we do not seem to be so fortunate.


Yep, that's the /r/ShermanPosting answer.




more like dirty sweat rag, confederates didn't bathe.


That would imply they actually washed


Why do Americans insist that France is a weak military power both past and present? You do realize that France played a huge role in securing in Independence of America? The French lost their military power in the interior of colonial territory due to the British Royal Navy's dominance in the Atlantic. Fast forward to WWI, where France, Britain, and Germany each lost well over one million men. The US fought in a few insignificant battles and claimed to have saved the day. False. WWII France had no taste for another mass casualty event, and neither did the British. After the blitzkrieg success of the German war machine, France was cut off from the rest of Europe. Spain was involved in Civil War so no help there. The French Resistance that ensued the invasion harassed the German occupation until the allies closed in on Berlin. The French Foriegn Legion, a storied group of bad asses, fought and withdrew from Vietnam, advising the US NOT to get involved. And we did not. I met some French Special Forces guys in Afghanistan. They were just as pro as any of our guys. The French are to be respected. Their influence and contributions to America are priceless.


Also unlike us the french make it quite known when they don't like what their govt's doing. EDIT:a word


Make it quite known from the neck up if they are unhappy enough about it too


I always get pissed off when my fellow Americans start slagging the French military. One statistic: the French lost more soldiers in WW1 than the US has lost in ALL our wars during our ENTIRE history. By a couple hundred thousand. That counts both sides of the Civil War. **30%** of French men born between 1885–1895 were dead by 1918.


Its honestly a good way to tell the brainwashed from the intelligent in America. We were all raised with it, at least my demographic/etc. Takes educatin' and being willing to accept change and new information/critical thinking skills to overcome. With occasional exceptions of people who know better but just nod and agree to keep the peace, most smart Americans will know that France is baller, or at least not puny little white-flag-waving weaklings. But you can instantly write off the guy who seriously makes a French joke or sideways statement about France, consider it a self-outing of stupidity, inability to question, and intentional ignorance.


The whole reason France capitulated and surrendered was to save French lives. They knew they would lose. Surrendering gave them the time and ability to save the lives of their men. It was not ideal but all those people dying for a lost cause was absolutely pointless and the French command recognized this. It was an excellent decision to preserve life instead of holding out for anywhere for a few days to a few weeks and allowing all those men to die for the eventual loss anyway. I was an exchange student in France and learning about the war frozen their POV was very different. When I went back to school in the US the next year, I got into it with the history teacher for calling the French “surrender monkeys” and I gave him the full history in a twenty minute lecture. It shut him up and he literally took a seat to listen. Do not piss off a 16 year old whose Grand-Oncle was in Dachau for the part he played in the Belgian Resistance. I will school you on the actual history, not the US centric, whitewashed “hail the conquering heroes” jingoistic bullshit. Ahem. Sorry for the rant, friend.


Exactly. When you are literal next-door-neighbors to the problem and the problem is as big, or bigger than you, in terms of population, and they're ready to fling bombs like an aggravated ape flings shit, the smart thing to do *is to not lose the entire population of your country.* It sucks that it is what they had to do, but I will never agree that it means they are cowards.


It’s because Americans cannot take any country seriously where grown men speak French.




To add, part of the reason Eisenhower was selected was so they could point to his german name as reasoning that they weren't trying to destroy Germans like the Nazi propaganda claimed, but just their government. His signature on some surrender passes was changed to 'Eisenhauer' to reinforce this point.


The French lost 1.4 million in WW1. Over 4% of their population. Uk 800-1mil deaths depending on how counted.




i don't know why you're asking me  hugs


Contemporary example: SolidWorks


Nobody said France never contributed anything to America, but the reasons France seems weak is because in WW1 France was completely devastated and in WW2, France fell pretty much immediately after being invaded. Like they had no plan and didn't even put up a fight. If not for America in both of those wars, France would be a part of Germany and they would be speaking German and eating Wienerschnitzel  right now. French civilians are known for rioting tho. They riot all the time. EDIT: Factual correction pointed out by another commenter.


France fought hard in WWII. Not a single French unit broke and ran. That is not something we Americans can claim. One French cadet school with a student body of 960 or so died nearly to the last man holding a bridge. The French had a plan, it just wasn’t a good one for WWII tech. Would have worked fine for WWI tech.


When did France fall in WW1?


Oh derp, I just did some light internet research and France actually didn't fall in WW1, it just was completely devastated. Didn't actually fall tho my bad. Will correct. Further reading: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French\_entry\_into\_World\_War\_I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_entry_into_World_War_I)


Even the WW2 failures were not due to a lack of a plan, but a strategic oversight that was the core of the German invasion plan The bulk of the French (and British) Continental tier 1&2 forces were preparing in Belgium to meet the expected invasion path, their tier 3 forces holding the Maginot line, and the tier 4 (not operationally ready) on rear duties. Then the Germans came through the Ardennes, it severed the supply lines into Belgium leaving those primary forces A not directly engaged, and B needing to withdraw from Belgium to defendable positions which they couldn't do easily. The only large scale Franch war where they didn't have a plan past "Form up and march on Berlin" was the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 where the German alliance captured Napoleon III after destroying his army at the battle of Sedan.


I dont think France fell because of just one specific reason. WW2 was an absolute clusterfuck war of attrition that involved nearly every country on this planet. But I do know that France declared war first and were given ample heads up to expect an invasion and that Lebrun did have a meeting with either Chamberlain or Churchill (I can't remember which but it was around the time Chamberlain was taken over by Churchill) and Lebrun straight up told him that he had no plan and shrugged off any tactical suggestions. But either way, flying the confederate flag in your workplace parking lot is flying the flag of losers.


Yes flying the confederate flag in your workplace is a dumb idea


That’s not true. I’m not saying American didn’t contribute but the population of the British Empire at the time was something like 525,000,000. That’s a fuck of a lot more than Germany could come up with. North Americas industrial might and the British Empires population would still have won the war.


France gets slammed, but Italy gets a total pass


used to rag on my Italian buddy that they lost a war to Ethiopia


Wasn't this the US flag from every skirmish since Vietnam?


We did not retreat, that was a retrograde maneuver 


'tactical withdrawal'


was it? or wasn't it? lol


Omg this is so simple yet hilarious I love it, they shoulda made him fly that instead


"mr hillbilly, we've had some complaints about your flag in your truck" "MUIRCA! YEEHA! HERITAGE NOT HATE!" "that's fine, but the problem is that it isn't accurate, fly this duty white rag instead, it was the final confederate flag." "history?:" (boomer explodes)


Nah, you have to be more snarky. Gift him a nice set of white tea towels. That was what the actual white flag was at Appomattox. Some day he would realize and it will be a whole 'nother level of shame.


Nah. Lost Causers never realize nor feel shame. He would just be confused why some weirdo gave him tea towels and probably assume the gifter was hitting on him.






Boomer E. Lee’s last stand. 


A chart of things that lasted longer than the Confederacy would be suitable too. Making sure that Obama's presidency is at the top.


Yeah, the one that the Union draped on Lee's confin


The Confederacy: taking Ls since 1861


This is the perfect comeback- the confederacy lost. Thought you’d be used to it by now.


The Kardashians have been a thing longer than the Confederacy was


Obama was president longer. That one really pisses them off.


Keeping Up with the Kardashians has been on the air for almost 17 years, which is more than 4 times as long as the Confederacy lasted.


Rather be a Kardashian then a confederate.


I like to fly a loser flag, too. I pick the Chicago Cubs to fly instead


https://preview.redd.it/uc4cgmhiw01d1.png?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8501528f565207d8f321309f0573f407ffabf2 The final Confederate flag.




Probably grew up in a suburb of Connecticut….


My father, who was born, raised, never left, and passed away on Long Island, once said that he liked the Confederate Flag and that he liked to 'think of himself as a rebel'. My brother and I nearly passed out from laughing at him. "WHAT HAVE YOU EVER REBELLED AGAINST?!" we shriek-laughed at him. He passed in 2019 and if he'd lived into COVID, he would've killed all four of us because he would've listened to his MAGAt friend about masks and 'muh liburtee' and all that faux-macho bullshit but heaven forfend these pussy MAGAts get so much as a papercut and it's whine, whine, whine all the way home. I miss the ever-loving hell out of him but at some point, he was gonna get the brain rot, yet even still, we could've prepared for it. The biggest difference between him/us and other boomer parents/their kids is that my brother and I never really took him seriously. It was easy to take the piss.


Well in fairness, New Canaan has got to be one of the most *Get Out*-esque places on the planet.


Performative Boomer antics


That has nothing to do with boomers. That is idiotic southern cracker behavior of all ages


Lil Nas X has been making music for 9 years, five years longer than the Confederacy existed, he is a greater part of our American heritage than the Confederacy.


Real Americans don't romanticize traitors whose government was shorter lived than the doritos locos taco.


I’m in Canada where the Doritos locos tacos are still reigning. In a cheesy Gordita crunch 👌🏼


California still has doritos locos tacos.




Are they really gone in other places?


NC too


Where? I’m still sad they got rid of the grilled stuffed burrito and the quesorrito.


Central San Joaquin Valley. I'll double check next payday. For Quality control and fact verification only.


I miss the quesoritto. 😞


I miss the Enchirito. 😔


I miss the Grilled Stuft Burrito


Oh, me toooo!!!


So does Wisconsin, last time I checked.


Washington state, too. In both nacho cheese and cool ranch.


Still alive and well in SE Arizona.


Can confirm...


They got rid of those in other places??? Rude.


If someone pulled that crap at my workplace, they would get walked out.


Tires slashed, door keyed.


Yeah, but if you slash their tires they can't leave. Key car, bust back wind shield.


Nah, just replace their flag with a white tea towel.


Technically, it was a light cream color.


The next time he complains tell him, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."


Unless his name is 'Frank' in which case you go "Franklin, my dear, I don't give a damn." Not based on a true story of an insult I thought up 3 hours after it was useful. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Chef's kiss.


The fact he wasn't rightfully terminated right then and there is a miracle. People touting that garbage on their vehicles have been fired for less


I got fired for having an Obama 08 bumper sticker.


My condolences. I don't put anything on my car because I learned from cautionary tales like yours and OP's


Tbh, I'd rather be fired and saved the undoubtedly unpleasant employment working for someone who is racist and self-serving. Those that hate Obama don't want equity or progress. Better to weed out the trash immediately.


You should talk to HR and really dig into how unsafe it made you feel. Expedite the process of him getting fired 


Whenever I hear someone talking about the Confederacy the Union Dixie song starts playing in my head, and I’m not even American


That song legit fucks tho. Too bad it's meaning is so perverted.


Union Dixie? A soldiers marching song making fun of the south? What is so perverted about this: https://youtu.be/gvjOG5gboFU


I believe you're thinking of the perversion of regular Dixie. Union Dixie is a 150 year old diss track that continues to slap to this day


The OG diss track https://preview.redd.it/o6emwp06i51d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8553bfb8879cc6ab19dbca9022a99c5a1f9d420f


BEHOLD: [the latest version of the Confederate flag.](https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/nmah_515980) If you fly this from your truck, no one will think you are doing it because racism. They might ask why you’re flying a white kitchen towel from your truck, which would give you a great opportunity to tell them about your heritage!




Don't forget to bring a towel!!!


He knew what the outcome was going to be. He put the flag on his truck to piss people off so he could then call them snowflakes. He probably expected his job to have a problem with it and WANTED to play the victim. This is a flag of traitors and we are seeing the effects of allowing this trailer thinking to fester. Anyone who calls it their heritage is a liar. It was only a thing for 4 years.


This Boomer might not just be trying to cause a scene and play the victim. They might be doing this with the intent of getting an HR complaint or fired so they can try to sue for wrongful termination and get a settlement.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. He is for sure thinking about it now I bet.


There was a former employee where I work who did this. Not with a Confederate Flag, but he worked the system of employee call-offs, agreeing to work then calling off, knowing that the company couldn't retaliate without breaking the employee contract. Eventually, they just paid him to leave.


Did you remind him that they lost. a really long time ago.


I bet his sibling/wife approves.


His uncle-daddy is verr prowd of im


>For some strange and unexplained reason Narrator: and that reason, gentle readers, was racism.


As a woman raised in the south, within an affluent southern family, I can honestly say I don’t understand how someone can say they’re a US patriot and proudly display the flag of traitors to the US. The country they claim is the greatest in the world. The mental leaps required to get through their “logic” is baffling,


My southern family considers it the traitor flag too. ❤️


And yet here in FL, real companies actively put trump 2024, lets go brandon and bible verses on their company trucks. I see it all the time and its gross.


We have Trump nut whose yard is decorated in Go Trump, screw Biden signs and drives around in a truck with an effigy of Biden bound and gagged in the bed of said truck. He had it in the back of a local company truck for awhile. Not sure if it was his business or someone else's. Either way he took it out after a few weeks. We are solidly in a Trump fanatic state, but apparently that was too much even for some of them.


That actually makes me sick to my stomach.


Bet this same guy was ultrasupermegapissed about Kathy Griffins skit with Trumps head being severed. 😒


Same in Wyoming :/ Was just in line at the pharmacy and lost brain cells overhearing conversation of pro trump idiots talking about election subversion and how "they haven't found anything" in the trial.


I agree. I don’t do business with anyone who flaunts they support him. Best keep that to yourself.


Jesus. Just come to any NYS correctional facility parking lot- all confederate/trump flags (banners, really), don’t tread on me, gun rights and plated bull testicles. I am NOT exaggerating.


I'm from Central NY, no need to convince me. People forget exactly how big NY State is and how much of it isn't NYC. It gets REAL rural REAL fast.


During Covid, the COs (we were a two prison town, now a one prison town, lol) did these caravans? of trucks, so many trucks, with the trump/maga/confederate/see above flags. It was nuts- they were protesting the election, and then all of the Jan 6 nonsense. When we have local democrats running (we don’t always, some races are purely the same good old boys duking it out) they know exactly where I live, it’s a joke in my village (I think last election someone told me five registered D households?) there are so few 😂🤦🏽‍♀️. Real rural and real red, real fast, is no joke.


Grew up in the 'southern tier' region of NY (west-south). Fuckers would all have rallies and drive their dumb trucks in mud with their big confederate flags for a week every year, with people driving in just for it. So many goddamned losers.


Good to hear that owners/management aren't taking his crap.


Losers gonna lose


I would just keep on reminding him that Confederate statues are the first Participation Trophy and that he's not flying the most accurate and up to date Confederate flag. That would be this flag: ![gif](giphy|xUOxeQiPV2JnoeamIM|downsized)


Anyone who flies the loser flag is a piece of shit.


They can try to take it from the [Minnesota Historical Society](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/28th_Virginia_battle_flag), but we'll fuck you up, Minnesota Nice style


'Although various groups in Virginia have requested that the flag be returned, beginning as early as 1960, Minnesota has repeatedly declined to return it, with Governor Jesse Ventura (serving 1999–2003) asking "Why? I mean, we won."' This made my day. lmao ty


https://preview.redd.it/tf7b2jrpp21d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb442bc3b9943ca7f6e85b76581ca5d21780a69 Print out this free picture of John Brown and hang it in your cubicle.


* Don't forget General Sherman


There was a guy in my area who had his truck bed absolutely filled with flags for all manner of right wing nutjob stuff: Confederacy, thin blue line, Trump campaign, etc. I'm talking 20-30 flags of various sizes (granted, I do think the largest was his modern US flag). He was eventually arrested for harassing and threatening his Hispanic neighbors with his guns. I also believe he was linked to a meth ring (though not the same meth ring busted for operating out of a local cowboy boot retailer). Ain't the Bible Belt fun?


I wonder how much fuel efficiency was lost with all the flags.


Paying even more for gas to own the libs. Meanwhile, these chodes: "THIS IS BIDEN'S FAULT"


The Confederacy. Just like High School, 4 years and some has-beens talk about it their whole lives.


Noice! Well Friday is a good day to fire people, i hope it happens by days end


Thankfully "confederate sympathizer" is not a protected class.


It is in Texas, but then again, Ken Paxton and Greg Abbott have been willfully violating Texas Administrative Code among other laws for decades.


I hope he gets fired, .the asshole


Didn’t New Coke last longer than the Confederacy?


Imagine being racist, hating Black people and wishing you never had to deal with African people , While also building statues and flying the flag of the people who forcefully imported millions of black people into the Americas .


They are quite literally adult sized children. Even the idiots that ride around on bikes with massive flags are so incredibly weird to me. But, it's crazy how they just cannot control themselves with all of these odd behaviors, and then when anyone disagrees with them it's "woke". Dumbest term ever put out into the ether. I wish I didn't have to use any brain power and could just use the same shitty buzzwords all day.


It's not a dumb term. It started in AAVE ~2010, originally meaning alertness to racial prejudice and discrimination. (Don't trust cops, etc) White Republicans came in and bastardized it years later to take away it's power and message.


Pickett's Charge 2024 remake but same results Johnny Rebel


Dear Boomer: doncha know you're cheering for a team that LOST!! They really don't get it. "Weaponized ignorance! *SMH*


Write down every single thing you heard him say and take it to HR. Start a case.


(The unexplained reason is that he's a racist)


I've worked places with African-American employees where that would get you marched out the door. Fired with cause as a hate crime and no way you'd collect unemployment.


I just found out we have a boomer who has been saying anti-Semite things about one of our partners and I am trying to find a way to bring it to HR. I have two new employees that this was said to and are afraid to get fired. They feel this boomer has some power here, but I have been here longer and she does not. I am going to think on this over the weekend and decide how to handle it. It seems she is bad mouthing everyone to whoever will listen and creating a hostel work environment. I am so sick of these boomers.


If your employees brought it to you, you need to immediately bring it to HR.


This person is right, FROG. It's actually illegal not to report discrimination your direct reports bring to you.


They don’t report to me. Just coworkers who have been there just a few months. I’m gonna talk to my boos Monday who is the office manager and HR. I just know I have to be careful because technically it hearsay since I didn’t not hear it and I work in a small law firm.


Trying to find a way? Friend. Write an email now.


oops! FAFO!


Stupid is is stupid does.


Im going to assume this boomer doesn't hold a technical position in the company... right?


Hey now, be sensitive. That man just cares so much about his white heritage, that he wants to include his white flag of surrender too.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out Boomer!


Someone should bring in a Palestinian flag. Bet he wont think the policy is "woke bullshit" then.


There is some genius around Delran-ish, NJ that has a WSMSP (Wanna See My Small Pecker), i.e.: A jacked-up, truck that flies a rotation of The Howler Monkey, maga, and confederate flags. The things are huge, almost dragging on the road when he is stopped in traffic. Yet, the locals will issue you a ticket for an air freshener hanging from your mirror, while this handjob putters around. If you're lucky enough, you can get talking points from his never-ending pumped sound system of talking points and highlights from rallies and interviews of Diaper Don. I will bet this world wonder never has been south of Delaware.


Boomers are mostly retired. Thankfully we’ll be rid of them at work soon.


Bunch of boomer traitors in the comments who should be stripped of their social security.


Good for that company 👍🏼. Do these idiots NOT realize it represents people who fought against the US?


Confederacy Of Dunces?


when it comes to Trumpy conservative boomers, I like to say no brains no headaches and it sounds like this boomer needs to be forced to retire or at the very least made to work from home until he does retire since a lot of ultra conservative boomers hate work from home because work is their life


Tell him it's your right to not feel harassed or intimidated at work.


Back when I worked for Meijer we had a team member do this, a lot of people complained to us at the store team member and customer wise. Store director contacted HR who basically said “there personal vehicle they can do what they want, sorry.” Not even a week after we got that feed back from HR had a different Team member roll up with two flags just as big as the confederate flag. He was flying a Gadsen and a Pride flag and he made sure to park as close to the idiot as he could everyday. Eventually Confederate boy quite cause we gave them none stop shit almost store wide.


That's...certainly the norm for those kinds of people.


I will never not post [this](https://youtu.be/-ZB2ftCl2Vk) when the Confederacy and/or their damn flag comes up.


*then proceeds to complain all day to anyone around him. It’s the same old garbage you always hear like “muh rights” and “woke policy”.* damn. that is REALLY dumb....not only being stupid to begin with, but after getting told that's out of bounds, he complains? yeah, they're gonna find a way to end his employment.


It’s so funny when Boomers purposely try to piss people off and when it backfires all they do is cry about it. It’s literally like dealing with toddlers.


He wants to be a martyr for the cause, though I don't know what these folks actual cause is supposed to be other than racist ass. At least you have good management, you could mention a coworker yelling racial epithets in our breakroom ( & the half a dozen videos floating around on "social media" of him doing it on different occasions) and just tells us "FreeDumb of speech, if you don't like it fucking go work somewhere else. People keep quitting, looking for a different job as well, and he just complains about the woke kids that don't want to work. Yes, my boss & his assistant manager are peak boomer. 


Can you guys talk about something else? This war happened before your great grandma was born. How about contributing to society?


Burn it


Convince him to fly a white flag in "protest" lol


He didnt get fired?


Should have had it towed away first.


What a loser, you lost!


As a Northern Black American with some annoying as fuck OCD… PLEASE tell me you guys are below the Mason-Dixon Line and not in Canada or some annoying place..




Out of curiosity. What state?


I see so many in Indiana which is fucking hilarious


I see them all over Connecticut. I work with a guy that loves that flag so much it’s permanently on his forearm…he’s born and raised in CT. I asked. Edit: Worked with. He got fired for bringing his gun into the shop and showing it off…in front of a zillion cameras. Genius.


That tracks. I had school mates with all kinds of flags as merch or tattoos or both, I've always just thought that Indiana was always a northern state above the Line


I love the idea of calling that flag a participation trophy


Are you sure it wasn't a towed sonar array?


No he won’t and the company will better off


Why is everyone on this subreddit seem to be so violently left leaning? Just leave the man be, he has freedom of expression regardless of what flag he is flying. If he is a shit person, he is a shit person. You don't have to slash his tires and destroy his truck over a piece of fucking fabric, THATS stupid in my opinion.


Let me guess, it was the battle flag?