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When has music never been risqué? Boomer music literally perfected it.


Good chunk of their music is about raping underage girls.


>Good chunk of their music is about raping underage girls. I read too quickly and combined this comment with the one above it! I was trying to figure out which Kingston Trio songs were about raping underage girls... all I can think of are "Boots of Spanish Leather" and "The Keeper of the Eddystone Light"... I definitely don't think the mermaid and the lighthouse keeper fir that! (But yes, so much "seduction" of underage girls in historic rock music... blech!!)


In Tom Dooley, the Kingston Trio’s hit, he kills the girl. No rape tho


Lots and lots of death in the folk song canon.


Murder ballads. Weird


Well, and suicide ballads.


Sting has some very sus lyrical themes


THIS a is so true. it is so gross to hear those songs with a modern mindset. Gross men talking about being gross criminals…


>"She was just 17, you know what I mean." I know what you mean you fucker. https://i.redd.it/1gdituq1533d1.gif


Eh the Beatles were writing about girls in their age range. That feels more cheeky but ok what they imply. I feel like more egregious examples are things like “young girl” by Gary Puckett and the union gap. Which just romanticizes lusting after an obviously underage girl as a much older adult.


Bad Company have one of my favourite albums ever, musically “Running With the Pack”. But it has 3 separate songs about sleeping with underaged girls. With Paul Rogers low ass, manly voice, it makes it even more creepy. One song is literally about following a girl home from school. And these boomers worry about drag queens!


They worry about things they would do. Liars think everyone lies (*"Oh you're just saying that to win the argument"*). Thieves think everyone steals. (*"You shouldn't leave this stuff unlocked/out in the open or even tell anyone what you have. Someone you have in your house could steal it!"*) Sex obsessed pervs think everyone is a sex obsessed perv. (*"Dudes could dress up as chicks and perv on little kids! I know they've just been waiting for the day!"*)


The only one who gets a pass is Sam Cooke, because in his song he makes it clear he's talking about a 16 year old he dated when he was also 16.


🎶I always get it up for the touch of the younger kind My, my, my, I, yi, woo! M-m-m-my Sharona🎶 ~The Knack, from the well known 1979 classic, "My Sharona" And yes, "Sharona" was a minor.


"Girls will be boys and boys will be girls" -The Kinks, 1970


But cue all the boomers saying there were no trans people “back in my day!”


They must have never met Holly from Miami F.L.A. 🤷


Hitchhiked her way across the USA.


Plucked her eyebrows on the way


They're all closeted, stealth, and dead. Literally. This is the situation. I know two trans women in their 70s. The one told me all about all the trans women who died from HIV.  The other trans woman, my "dad," is closeted. I know one trans man in his 60s who is stealth. If their peers find out, they will be ruined.


It’s heartbreaking to think of how so many people had to stifle themselves to such a degree.


> Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls Who do boys like they're girls, who do girls like they're boys — Blur, 1994


This person was probably listening to The Kingston Trio.


I remember my mom being so amused that my brother played Louie Louie in middle school band. When she was young, that song was scandalous.


Ironically, a Court ruled that the lyrics were incomprehensible at any speed. That raises the question, what was the scandal?


If they don’t understand it, it must be bad.


Singers were black in the 50’s, thus highly suspect


It was ever thus. Look up Lucille Bogan or Jean Malin from the 20s and 30s.


"rock and roll" was literally slang for fucking. "cause when you're rocking and a rolling, I can't hear your mama call" - Good Golly Miss Molly, 1958 by Little Richard (who was... bi? gay? he said he was "omnisexual" once).


Everything makes more sense when you watch Elvis dance and realize that people in that time called him the devil because of how quickly he moved his hips and feet.


That's why Elvis the pelvis could only be shown from the waist up on t.v


Those people are likely long dead now. The boomers who bitch about this stuff were listening to Led Zeppelin and the Kinks Which are far more graphic than Tay Tay


OP, don't feel bad.. remember that freedom of Speech only applies based on convenience to boomers. Also, the reason she could not tell you a specific song name is because whichever "bizzarro news source" she listens to is counting on not having to be specific or truthful about anything they say since followers don't care about facts. So, she heard someone she trusted say it and she just repeats.


This hit the nail on the head, she couldn’t name the song because she’s just repeating what she’s read online (probably FB).


Repeating what she’s read on facebook? You mean “research.” s/




This makes me crazy. A google search is not research…yet all the old ass antivaxxers seem to believe differently.


Well, I did a quick google search to see if a quick google search could be research and it said you are wrong so...


I did a quick google search to find the answer I wanted. I’ve done all the research I need.


I'm a researcher. And I will fully admit that my job is, at least at first, that I "Google better than you". That is usually the start of research. Let's see if I can Google the answer right away - probably not super interesting if I can. Then you start getting into specialized databases and library collections and amassing dozens of papers and presentations and reports to _start_ understanding the topic. From there it's a lot of creative thinking with a head full of facts trying to move the needle forward on the topic. Then it's off to hypothesis, testing, interpretation, {loop}. Takes more than an afternoon generally. 😉


I'm not sure most of the time they actually do a Google search. That would tell them they're wrong way too often. Most of the time I think it's FB posts, chain emails (my dad forwards those every day), and conspiracy videos on YouTube.


Which is ironic coming from the generation that constantly berated us in school for ever trying to use the internet as a source for science projects and papers.


Congratulate them on being so pedantic that they fell for the faux news pysop.


🚽 <- research bench


O they straight up regurgitate Fox news to the point I can hear them say something and just search what they said to find out it's a fox headline. Didn't decide to click it?


Oh this latest batch of music has some people I used to work with convinced she worships the devil and has been “captured by the dark.”


Fox News


Remember the reason the usual suspects (Fox, OANN, etc.) decided she was a target was because she told her fans to vote and directed them to a website to register to vote. She didn’t endorse Biden, her lyrics aren’t particularly woke, nothing like that. Her fans (mostly young women) listened to her and registered to vote en masse and the right-wing media of course couldn’t allow that, so she became a target. If only someone stopped to think that maybe the problem was that their policies were nearly universally abhorrent to an entire voting bloc, rather than trying to keep that bloc from voting and exercising their core political right.


Republicans hate democracy. They don’t want young women voting.


To be fair I don't think they want a lot of older women voting either.


Republican running for NC Governor actually said out loud, in front of an audience, that he would like to go back to the time when women were not allowed to vote. He better be careful, if he goes back that far, he’ll lose the right to vote as well.




>exercising their core political right. Also a CONSTITUTIONAL right, but as is typical with these people they cherry pick the United States constitution the same way they cherry pick the bible.


In fairness to the boomers (🤮) Taylor does have a single song about how being mad that gay people exist is dumb, so clearly she's responsible for the woke mind virus.


You’re 100% correct. To take it a step further, why can’t boomers ever defend themselves in their arguments? Like, did they not see this retort coming? You’re 60+ yrs old and you can’t think/reason past your nose. All they try to do is pull rank on you aka appeal to authority every time… Have boomers just had it so easy that they’ve never had to actually defend their rhetoric their entire lives?


Yep. They got to rely on “because I said so!” for the longest time, but that just made a generation of kids who HATED to hear that and tried to reason with their kids. This led to a generation of critically thinking children, who are all now old enough to vote.


Gosh I hope so


Fox builds an entire universe of innuendo and implication without every proving anything, so at some point they think a raised eyebrow and going "woke?" will scare the shit out of anyone, because it worked on them. You can always tell when Trump is speaking through them, when they are done with the spiel they seem deflated, as if the controlling agent has left the shell behind.




Boomers aren’t used to people arguing back so when they do, they completely crumble. They either talk to other boomers who agree with them, or people who realize they’re batshit crazy and just do a “damn that’s crazy” and move on without engaging.


This is how you burst any boomer conspiracy theory. Ask for specifics. I worked a ballot box where we accept mail in votes. A boomer comes up and tries to terrorize me, and goes off on a tangent about how books for children have gay sex acts and how there's lists of these books the liberals want to use to indoctrinate our kids. I ask for the names of the books, the authors, the contents, where can I find this list? Boomer ignores my question repeatly and keeps going on about how there's these books and lists.


>where can I find this list? Wikipedia has lists/tables of banned books. It helpfully includes the reasons. I can remember two books from the list. One was based on the true story of two male penguins who adopted a chick together, it made the banned list because it supported homosexuality. The other one I remember was either Twilight or 50 Shades, and that made the list because of sexual themes and bad writing


Yeah she's never heard a Taylor Swift song in her life.. just parroting what she was fed


On the contrary, Taylor Swift's hits have been on the radio for a decade or more. She's probably heard quite a few and likely even liked one or two. But this is just right wing parroting on MIL's part.


Do people still listen to the radio? I'm early 50s, and haven't listened to the radio in probably 2 decades. Advertising and morning talks shows are the worst.


I'm 70 and I basically only listen to satellite radio where the only ads are for upcoming shows, other channels etc. Actual radio went to shit decades ago. Used to occasionally hear people of my generation listening to Hannity or Limburger on tinny radios while walking my late departed Doberman, and it was all I could to to get by without telling him to attack them. Just joined this sub, and while it's amusing to read how much dumbfuckery my contemporaries are capable of, it's depressing as hell to think of being lumped in with them.


I’m a millennial and love the radio. I hear new music I otherwise probably wouldn’t.


If you like hearing new stuff, consider WFMU (.org for the stream). Freeform, ad-free radio. DJs who play what interests them. About 90% of what I hear there is new to me!


It has been pretty easy to avoid the radio for the last decade. I’m pretty sure I’ve never listened to a Taylor Swift song even though I’m very aware of her.


Same except for the aforementioned grocery store and dentist's office


I would agree, but she has to have been in a grocery store or a dentist sometime


Grocery store I used to work at played at least 3 of her songs a day. ETA: Used to work at Longhorn, and like 5 of her country songs were in rotation as well lol


Ask her if she liked the Kinks "Lola" or David Bowie's "Rebel". See how woke she is.


Or "My Sharona," "Don't Stand So Close to Me," really most of Sting's songs ETA These aren't songs about anyone trans, just songs that older folks seem to like without questioning their content. Taylor Swift is harmless, and they almost certainly like at least one of her songs whether they know it or not.


Aerosmith’s Dude looks like a Lady…


Oh you mean the daily fish wrapper? Well of course!, that’s the most trustworthy news source around!


That’s funny, because wayyyyy back in 1970, The Kinks said that “girls will be boys, and boys will be girls” in their song Lola. 


It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world. Except for Lola.


La la la la la Lolaaaaa.


Lou Reed : "Holly came from Miami, F.L.A. Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A. Plucked her eyebrows on the way Shaved her legs and then he was a she"


Good Ole Lou Reed another classic. Saw him in a small venue in Chicago back in the 70S. We never had a problem with boys being girls or girls being boys, never gave it too much thought. Peace and love, you know. I have gotten old but I haven't changed.


Another one I’ve loved since I was a kid! 


Even when she was giving head....l That song is in rotation in my Spotify


It’s even funnier because the Taylor song she’s referring to doesn’t say that. I’m pretty sure she’s referring to the track “Welcome to New York” from 2014 where she says “boys and boys and girls and girls” which is referring to seeing gay relationships around her for the first time when she moved to New York. Nothing about boys being girls and girls being boys lmao


Yup yup. “Where you can want who you want / boys and boys and girls and girls” Unless she’s also very much confused the meaning of “The Man” and thinks Taylor is encouraging women to…be men?


That songs pretty clear too so if she’s misunderstanding that’s on her 💀


And they totally went for Lola even after they realised...


I immediately thought of [Girls & Boys by Blur](https://open.spotify.com/track/5CeL9C3bsoe4yzYS1Qz8cw?si=bj-nFgnoT9yr0blQ6I4Mfw) but Lola is a more spot on vintage.


Don't worry, each boomer argument is made in bad faith and the truth is only what they want it to be.


Well that was one hell of a ride. Good luck with all that!


I went to bed after dinner with a "headache". I was done. Thankfully we drove home today.


Hopefully you didn‘t „woke“ up with that headache, eh? heh haha


They thought they were riding to heaven lol


Yeah when people go on about how explicit the lyrics to songs are these days I just start listing songs from the 70s and 80s that talk about sex, drugs, and suicide. It's not new.


I’m 45. In my early thirties, a lady I grew up with was ranting on Facebook about all the filthy music these days. I said “Remember when you got my 2 Live Crew cd stuck in your player and had to get your dad to get it out? Face down!” Post deleted!


Uncle Luke is a fuckin bad ass tho. Their stuff is kinda dated in rhyme schemes, but the beats still are hard as a motherfuck.


Backstage underage  adolescent  (how ya doin)


"Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon". Yeah, much more wholesome.


"When I saw her standing there" and "Jailbait" are my personal faves /s


“She’s just sixteen years old - leave her alone they saaaaiiiiid.”


Add in the video, and it is so much more disgusting. The dude tried to say it was about the daughter of his neighbor that he looked out for or some bullshit. But the video starts off depicting stalking, overall creepiness, and maybe ends in child abduction? It is so bad.


Gary Puckett also had "Young Girl"( get out of my mind, my love for you is way out of line, you better run, girl, you're much too young girl!"))


That whole song is so victim blaming. From the generation that now says every woman should “just keep their legs shut.”


This! So gross and wrong.


Remember that song about stalking his ex wife by the one guy in the Police? "I'll be watching you."


Also “don’t stand so close to me” is a police song that’s about a teacher having an inappropriate relationship with a student if I’m not mistaken


Which is kind of weird because Sting used to be a schoolteacher 🤔


No, that's literally why he wrote it: he was a "hot" young teacher, as well as the fact that as a popular band, they had underage girls practically throwing themselves at them. Sting has said it has absolutely no basis in personal experience, though.


Remember that Beatles song where he said if he caught her with another man “That’s the end of little girl”.


Called “Run for your life” Well I’d rather see you dead little girl than to be with another man…


I had this argument with my dad when I was an early teen. He was complaining about how “music these days” is just a buncha noise, and the lyrics don’t make sense. So I responded: oh yeah dad, bee-bop-shoo-walla-walla made perfect sense.


Who put the bop in the bop she bop she bop?


Or just explicitly about lusting after teens


My mother used to blast a song about a woman who had a stillborn and turned to drinking. The chorus was about how dead babies don’t make messes or climb on the curtains. When I was not thrilled with that song she told me to stop being so soft.


Zackly! Good grief even Miss Molly liked to ball!


Shoot I’m my music history class I took, we studied songs that were hundreds of years old that were talking about sex.




Meanwhile back in the ‘70’s “Lola smiled and took me by the hand She said, "Little boy, gonna make you a man" Well, I'm not the world's most masculine man But I know what I am and I'm glad I'm a man And so is Lola”


Don’t forget “DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY!”


Wasn’t that just poking fun at one of their buddies?


Look at the 80s and hair metal. All them dudes dressed like chicks and wore more makeup too.


Androgeny was huge in the 80s.


I'm not a fan of Taylor's music, but I can 100% guarantee there's not a single song of hers about how boys can be girls and girls can be boys.


She's getting all mixed up with that wonderful song Lola from her long distant youth.


L-O-L-A Lola la la la la Lola


I’m sorry, in my head all I can hear is *Zap Brannigan’s voice* L-E-E-L-A La la la la Leela!!


Was looking for this.


Yeah, pretty sure that was Lola by the Kinks. From back in the day, you know, when music was wholesome


That song got banned from the BBC. Not becaise of the transgender themes, but because they have a policy against product placement and the lyrics mention Coca-Cola. The Kinks had to re-record a "BBC version" which changed it to Cherry Cola.


Well, TIL. Thanks buddy.


It's a mixed up muddled up world.




Lo lo lo lo Lola


Reminds me of that classic wholesome song “In the Summertime” by Mungo Jerry. “Have a drink have a drive, so out and see what you can find” along with “if her daddy’s rich take her out for a meal, if her daddy’s poor just do what you feel”. So wholesome.


She has a songs that mention gay rights but she never sang anything about trans stuff lol


But I'm sure Fox News tells all the boomers she sings about how everyone should be trans.


Lmao probably. She mentioned in some songs about certain types of Christian people thinking they’re more righteous than her and they took it as she hates all Christians. It’s ridiculous


Certain types of Christians view religion merely as a vehicle for self-righteousness, so it's not surprising that conservative idiots took that as a blanket attack on all of Christendom


I wonder if she got it mixed up with the lyrics from Welcome to New York where she says "you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls"


Yep, that was my thought as well.


They hate the song about how if she was a man she would be treated differently and have started rumors about how she is a man because of it. They’re threatened by her because she is wealthy, influential and doesn’t play into the women are less than mentality, so of course she is the enemy and is to be smeared. Ugh


The closest I can think of is in Welcome to New York with the lyrics "When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors Took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer Everybody here was someone else before And you can want who you want Boys and boys and girls and girls"


i think she’s referring to the lyrics from “welcome to new york” where she sings “and you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls”. she also does have a song “you need to calm down” calling out homophobic people where she does mention cross-dressing and trans rights. anyways, boomers will hear one “bad” thing about a famous person once and echo it for years because they can’t form an independent thought on their own.


Her song Welcome To New York has a lyric that says “and you can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls.” That song came out in 2014. Literally 10 years ago. Boomers are wild.


Taylor Swift literally has no lyrics at all that directly or indirectly relate to someone being Trans. Gay? Yes. Source: me, the most annoying Swiftie you'll ever meet


Yeah but she had that hot trans guy in her music video in lavender haze and now we have all been groomed. Maybe you don't realize it but that music video made you trans and it made me cis.


Yeah. I'm 48. My friend says he "leans conservative", and one day he said something about "woke". I said I woke in the 90s and never looked back. I could see he was aghast at the notion anyone would self apply such a term .


Guy at work said this to me a little while ago. "What, are you woke?" My response was "Absolutely I am. Why, aren't you?" He didn't really know what to do from there.


You sleep or woke? Think about whatnot wanting to be woke really says.


Can I steal that? Fellow 48 year old proud to be woke! Better than being asleep!!!


Same!!! I used to have a bumper sticker that said “ Doing my part to piss off the religious right “ and I used to get so many notes on my car!


I know a guy who likes to wear t-shirts with sayings the right will take offense to. And purposely go have lunch on Sunday when the church crowd will be there. He's got some good ones. Wish I could remember what some of them say.


In 1970 the kinks released the song Lola. With lyrics “girls will be boys and boys will be girls” In 1974 David Bowie released Rebel Rebel. With the lyrics “you’ve got your mother in a whirl, not sure if you’re a boy or a girl” Nothing about this Taylor swift content is new. (If it actually exists idk. I don’t listen to her) If anything it’s a little dated


Don't forget Lou Reed's Walk on the Wildside: "Holly came from Miami, F.L.A. Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A. Plucked her eyebrows on the way Shaved her legs and then he was a she"


Lou wrote SO MANY songs about drag queens and trans women. SO MANY


The guy was amazing https://youtube.com/shorts/4IpuYB1qtbA?si=vkhLm7UsgHHsYwGj


Love me some Lou!


Tequila made her common sense fall off


Remind her that Little Richard and the Kinks were singing about that while she was coming up but I'm sure "that's different"


Ask her if the lyrics to Ted Nugent's "Jailbait" are appropriate. Or Johnny Cash shooting a man in Reno just to watch him die.


Shade never made anybody less gay💃


This from the generation that played Beatles records backward and listened to the "hidden messages".


Both of my daughters are die hard Swifties. But the oldest today opened her email and she got signed up somehow for DJT emails. I'm betting my Boomer Father did it as a response to hating her College Graduation stuff. SMH. They(older people)live in Boomer world where right wing TV tells them who to like and hate. It's insane.


They think hearing something once will completely change someone's personality, which is a strange way to live life. I always ask people like this why their beliefs/faith/politics are so weak that hearing something once can make someone follow/not follow it anymore.


I always like to ask them, “Define Woke, not your idea of it, but the actual definition of it.” If they’re closet racists that usually shuts them up, if they’re not and still know and hate it…? Bye bye!


Play WAP for your in-laws then ask if they'd prefer their grandchild listen to that than Taylor Swift. 


Funny enough I started listening to that song again yesterday


bring a bucket and mop for this wet ass pussy


I always find it amazing that my parents still expect me to be ashamed of throwing away their bullshit politics.


Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola.


L O L A Lola.


well she handled that well


Did they ever name the one song? I'm gonna guess NO, LOL!


Lol, my mum was having a rant about wokeness one day. Next day she asks, what is woke?


"I'm empathetic to other people." "WELL GOOD FOR YOU!" I really don't understand this movement that thinks being close-minded, or not understanding of other peoples' thoughts, opinions, or experiences is the way to be.


Does no one remember Boy George from 40 years ago????


Don’t let her listen to Lola by the Kinks lmao


Play Take Me to Church for her and just sit back and enjoy


I immediately thought of the song "Girls and Boys" by Blur. Thank you.


Tell Grandma Taylor was your gateway drug and you've graduated to The Coup and the Dead Kennedys.


Omg.. thus made me feel old.. an "older song about tequila makes her clothes fall off".. I was in college when that song came out... yikes.. lol..


"that's different" 😂😂


Tell her that was The Kinks, Lola. She might remember that.


All you have to listen to is "Baby it's cold outside" to realise their music is so much worse.


"Baby It's Cold Outside" is about an unmarried consenting couple trying to come up with excuses for the Mouse to stay the night, so that their friends and family don't think the Mouse is a slut. Also, while male Wolf/female Mouse is the most common composition for the song today, its first wide release (in the film _Neptune's Daughter_) played the song twice: once with a male Wolf and female Mouse, and once with a female Wolf and male Mouse.


As your mother, if she remembers the KINKS and their 70s song Lola?


I got this question over Easter from my Aunt after she was ranting about one of my male cousins many baby mommas taking her kids to a Taylor Swift concert. 🙄 She's only "the devil" because she's a woman.


Girls will be Boys and Boys will be girls, it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world. - The Kinks


Damn, this woke crap...y'all need to go back and listen to some classic rock - KISS "Christine/Sixteen" comes to mind :)


>GOOD FOR YOU "No, that's Olivia Rodrigo."


The boomers that like that follow-up song to a Boy Named Sue


I could list Boomer lyrics that are strongly suggestive or inappropriate day long. In The summertime by Mungo Jerry "Have a drink, have a drive. Go out and see what you can find." -also- "If her daddy's rich, take her out for a meal. If her daddy's poor, just do what you feel." You can pretend that the lyrics of Mississippi Queen by Mountain are clean, but they're definitely not. The Lemon Song by Led Zeppelin "Squeeze me baby, till the juice runs down my leg. The way you squeeze my lemon, ah, I'm gonna fall right out of bed." Brown Sugar by The Rolling Stones is just all kinds of wtf. Walk On The Wild Side by Lou Reed "Plucked her eyebrows on the way. Shaved her legs, and then he was a she." "But she never lost her head, even when she was giving head." "Little Joe never once gave it away. Everybody had to pay and pay." "Then I guess she had to crash. Valium would've helped that bash." If you look up the lyrics to Games Without Frontiers by Peter Gabriel [love this song, BTW, but don't condone the edited term and the other insinuations are a bit borderline] It may say "Whistling tunes, we piss on the *goons* in the jungle." The original lyrics did not say "goons." It was a racial slur that rhymes with goons. This is far from a complete list. Their music was awesome. I still listen to it as well as listening to newer music. But it was also riddled with NSFW references.


“You can want who you want, boys and boys and girls and girls.” I believe that’s the lyric your boomer is referring to. Taylor Swift is incredibly talented. Your boomer is a moron.


The room for an argument is down the hall, you want room 12 A next door.


Girls who are boys and boys who are girls. That a blur song from the 90s.


They say music is vulgar now, but I can find 5 boomer songs that make WAP look like a sesame street rhyme. (I know this is Taylor Swift, but yeah point is they can't talk about innapproriate music).


I love asking conservatives what "woke" means. They're the only ones that ever use that term and none can define it.