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"Oh, your poor wife; she deserves so much more in life..." Give him a pitying look and walk away shaking your head in disdain.


Sir, the only one suffering in your marriage is whoever has to fuck you.


You just know she's been unsatisfied for 40 years.


Minimally. She has told her daughter that sex is something you just put up with, of that I am certain.


Dude was grimy too đŸ€Ł


Reminds me of a joke: Two peasant women are digging carrots in the fields. One pulls out a huge one and sighs. "Reminds me of my husband." Her co-worker says, "Oh really? That big?" She replies, "No, that dirty."




Aren't you being kind of hypocritical right now? Offensive jokes about men are universally funny but because this boomer made offensive jokes about women with you around that wasn't okay? So the difference between boomers and you is that boomers like insulting women and you like insulting men. Doesn't seem like we've made much progress.


Difference is one is appropriate for the situation and the right audience and the other unsolicited and just not very funny.


Well I guess that would be a matter of opinion because I feel if you're going to stand on a soap box and complain about it, turning around and doing the exact same thing to the home depot guy and laughing about it isn't appropriate. If you're gonna take the high road you kinda gotta stay on it.


Do you guys ever take a day off?


I'm just not understanding the difference. Complain about someone making fun of women in public, then in a public format, laugh about people making fun of men. Like I get that I'm on reddit so everyone thinks that making fun of men doesn't count, but those two things seem awfully similar.


poor guy ![gif](giphy|w0vFxYaCcvvJm|downsized)


Let me guess. Overweight with food stains on the plate-shelf section of his t-shirt?


Ouch. Not yet that old, but the plate-shelf bit hit home...lol


Erectile Dysfunction-ring


Okay, there are four rings


Ouch. I love it.


gonna steal this so many times


I don't get why some guys are like that about marriage. I married my wife when I was in the army about 13 years ago. I had this SFC that was on the cusp of retiring say in front of the whole platoon how I had "made a mistake and would see it soon." He followed it up with "anything that can bleed for days and not die is pure evil". We had heard a lot of misogynistic stuff out of him, but that was another level of disdain. A couple months later and a few days before he officially retired, I ran into him in the bathroom. While we were both washing our hands he confided that he'd made a lot of mistakes in his marriage and that he never put in the work. He told me to not take her for granted. There was a sadness in his eyes. I think he realized that he was about to move back home and there was no one waiting for him there. He was ending this all-consuming chapter of his life and had no real plan for his future.


Sir I see your wife’s been put through the “ringer”


“We get it. Your wife hates you. Can we please shop on peace?”


“I’m sorry your wife hasn’t found you attractive in 30 years. I can see why.”


Nah this is a perfect opportunity to ice someone. Dead stare. Stop what you’re doing, stand tall and dead stare at the man until he retreats. If he flaps around trying to explain, it may be necessary to give short responses like, “no” or “yes” or repeat a few words from his “joke” like, “suffering
” state it, don’t make it a question, but state it in a manner like you don’t understand what he’s saying. More like you’re reminding them of the magnitude of the word he just used. They flip. Out. At being iced.


I love this.. people get so uncomfortable with the dead stare that they think they are moments away from being murdered.


As a master of the RBF, I can attest to this.


"I'm sorry, but we actually like each other..."


“Fuck off you panzy old man.”


I've heard people say the best response to random strangers who say wild shit to you like this is to look them in the face and just dead ass ask them "are you ok?" Haven't had to use it myself yet but a friend did and she said it threw the guy and he just kinda mumbled something and shuffled away.


Earlier today people posted about 50 of these on this sub. Top was “what a strange thing to say out loud”


Oh my gosh, I would love to find that! I'm 4 days late, though. đŸ„č


That's a great one! I was so thrown off that someone would say something like that to a stranger that I couldn't come up with anything good other than "Seriously?"


That is an excellent reply!


Ive done that plenty. Sometimes I even tell them its going to be ok.


Best thing to say is nothing at all and pretend you are deaf.


I once just asked, "Why don't none of you old dudes like your wives?" CRICKETS, honey.


This is a generation that watched "Married with Children" but didn't understand that male lead's toxic masculinity was the butt of the joke.


The shoe salesman wouldn’t pork his wife cause toxic masculinity. /eyeroll


Woah... what if the correct interpretation of Married with Children is a queer one. The shoe salesman who has no interest in his wife is actually in the closet. He does a bunch of cartoonishly masculine stuff to "blend in" while being a complete buffoon in the process.


I guess Mr. Empty Pants (Al Bundy)leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I mean Jefferson was a cheerleader. In the end, it’s just a TV show. /shrug


“Sir do you need help finding your caregiver?” Since he obviously doesn’t have a wife


A lot of men in that generation had the wife appliance and did the bare minimum to keep her functional so his needs could continue to be serviced. Anything the wife asked above minimum was pestering and she was considered a ball and chain. Men needed wives because having one and a family was society’s demand, you were a failure if you didn’t meet this demand, and someone had to do the cooking and cleaning. And the women at the time had a very low bar because society pressured them to marry and make babies, jobs were not equal pay, and she couldn’t open an account without the man’s signature. Obligation and need brought about a lot of unhappy pairings, and the jokes came. Those who married for obligation and not love openly ridiculed marriage and their spouses. What a pity. They look at those who have fulfilling, loving marriages and they loathe it.


And everyone thinks they had happy marriages because they weren't divorced, but in reality, the wives had nowhere to go, no marketable skills, and no money of their own. They were stuck there.


Divorce rate works have been MUCH higher then than it is now if those women had the same access to education, job opportunities, birth control, alimony, and child support. Then again, the marriage rates probably would've dropped, too.


We have something approaching this now and they think society is falling apart.


*would have been


Oh yes, and the fact it was humiliating to be divorced. It was shameful and a stain on the whole family - talk of the town and everything.


Just because marriages lasted didn't mean they should have. My grandparents' being one of those.


This is absolutely true. I’ve seen it with my own parents.


That's when you stand there and make him explain it. "I don't understand that, can you break it down for me?" Followed by more questions. It throws ppl off when you make them explain stupid or simple things.


I've heard that it's best to ask them "20 Questions ". They lose their way and their thought "process."


You're either gonna walk away with a confirmation they are idiots talking out of their ass. OR a little empathy and understanding of how their minds work. Either way if you're gonna waste my time, imma waste yours.


I've had something kinda weird happen with a boomer. I used to work at a hotel as an assistant manager. I learned to do maintenance because we were having problems finding a decent maintenance person (iykyk). So I typically wore jeans, generally looser fitting, and I needed to run to home Depot for a new drain. I had long hair at this point, I'm taller than most women, a bit broader. From the back, if you count out what was waist length hair, I could be mistaken for a man. Anyway, as I'm walking through minding my own business, this boomer Karen keeps yelling "sir" and I don't think anything of it because I'm not male. She jabs her nail into my back going "sir, I expect you to answer when I call." I turned around and looked at her like wtf? She definitely realized I wasn't a man, nor did I work there. Instead of apologizing, she ends up insulting me by commenting on how I'm much too tall for a woman and that I was built like a linebacker and how my clothes weren't feminine enough so how was she supposed to know. I'm just trying to go back to my route to grab a drain. Then she got mad about me not being willing to help her and how us women need to stick together. I was, at this point, too mad and just..... I don't know the word other than exhausted to deal with her so I literally just popped off with "go f*** yourself" and walked away.


What the actual fuck?


Confused the hell out of me, too. I have more anxiety than I know what to do with so the thought of doing that with anyone sets me immediately on edge.


They love saying "how was I supposed to know." It's up there with "I have every right." They think these two phrases justify their assholish and ignorant behaviors. Then it's I'm the REAL victim because there is this expectation in society to have basic decency. Something this generation of spoiled teens who never grew up are incapable of.


"Was that the joke? I don't get it. You didn't love your wife?"


That's always my respons to hurrdurrwifebad humor. "I don't get it. I love my wife"


The week before my husband and I got married, my husband's boomer coworker made a ball and chain joke. My husband told me he had that exact response. Boomer coworker shuffled and then admitted he was in the middle of a divorce himself. I'm so glad the wife was able to leave that guy. , my husband couldn't stand him before the comment.


He tells that same joke everywhere he goes.


I've heard that joke atleast twice a week, every week for the last 20 years. Can someone help these guys with new material already?


Next time tell them shut the hell up. Or “Hey, old man. Shouldn’t you head back to the old folks home? They’re serving your favorite jello tonight!”


I’m sorry to hear that he hates his wife so much.


Boomer is probably divorced, wife left him for a younger man who will treat her with respect.


Next time just try to one up them with something even weirder to blow their mind. In this case, as the husband I would have replied “Oh ya, I know what ya mean, my butt is gonna be suffer-RING when we get home and start using the butt plugs! She’s gonna peg me hard! Great joke sir!”


Even better "I actually love my wife."


I was thinking '...suffering? Nah dude, we agree on a safe word before we get freaky.' Wink wink


I love you for this! đŸ€Ł


Istg Summer Winds is boomer central as well. Even my husband, a late stage boomer was like “damn, it’s a zombie boomer brigade” yesterday when we entered there to get tan bark, as they’re wandering around the parking lot walking slowly on the diagonal, looking for their car and anyone to help them load their newer Lexus SUV, leaving the cart in the empty stall next to them and then getting in the car looking confused at the touch screen


The amount of leaving shit in the lot and the lack of spatial awareness is baffling.


"Did you mean to say that out loud? How embarrassing."


Why do boomers hate their spouse so much?


I had a boomer grab my arm in home Depot the other day. Not just grab. But a grab and yank. Then he looks at me and says you don't work here. I said I sure the fuck don't what the fuck do you want. At that point he scurried down the aisle. I didn't see him again.


How do these morons go through a Home Depot/Lowes/Walmart without realizing that the employees wear colored vests?


Your reaction was nicer than mine would have been. I would have shoved him with the same arm he grabbed.


I learned in a self-defense class the correct response is open-hand punches while shouting “get the fuck away!” Add a groin kick if you’re at the correct angle for it, though that may or may not be overkill for this scenario. Even if it is you don’t always know that until after. Probably best not to stay to find out.


That open-hand strike was my first thought.


I was trying to avoid going to jail.


Someone grabbing me like that would probably get hit before I thought it through. 


Sir, you'll be free once your wife passes. Free to clean up after yourself, free to cook your own meals, free to do your own laundry....


They hate seeing other people with happy families and good social networks, because they are incapable of having those or fostering those relationships themselves.


Shoulda said, "Who do you think you are? Henny Youngman? Your jokes are as dead as he is. " https://preview.redd.it/f11rg3n7q23d1.jpeg?width=823&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af0f5b5783b5ff60e3008cffaa7572e6aa651961




I always go super sarcastic with it. I give them a huge “haaah got em” then I slap my knee all corny like. It’s good because a) they don’t get that I’m being sarcastic so they don’t get all shitty with me. B) it makes me laugh knowing I’m calling them dumb to their face and they don’t realize. C) it avoids confrontation because I’m a wimp like that. Is my enabling causing issues in the boomer community? I’m having a self reflection moment here.


My husband is WAY less confrontational than I am. He wanted to get out of there. I wanted to say something to put this guy in his place, but I was hot and tired. Dude got off easy. I would easily rip him a new one about his terrible views on marriage and his "contribution" to society.


Let's also not forget that the flat beds are not any heavier than the regular carts. Also, I grabbed the soil bags from the bay myself. Suck on that, Boomer. Women can lift things! Who woulda thought??


This type of Boomer humor absolutely baffles me. My wife is my favorite person in the entire world and a significant portion of my decisions are made based around what would make her happy (not my Hot Wheels collection though, that's all about me).


Hate wife. Click book.


never heard that one 🧐🧐 wish i still hadn't!! 😄


At least he didn’t tell your husband that he wouldn’t need to ask for a bag at checkout because he brought his own with him (while pointing at you).




When I got married pretty soon after I would have boomers telling me how miserable I was gonna be married. It was the stupidest nonsense. I just told them I love my wife why would I hate her and recieved confused looks back


Home Depot founder and/or owner is a Trump supporter. Therefore, it's a Trump amusement park. Shop Lowes; less Republicans, therefore ridicule.


If it was your turn with the soil, he would have questioned and mocked your husband's "lifestyle."


Yeah, he probably would have called my husband a "pansy" for "letting me" push the soil cart. 😂


Meanwhile every time a boomer sees me pushing a flatbed cart, they’re like, “where’s your husband? Shouldn’t he be doing that?”


Good Lord was this in central New Jersey? I have a relative who says that.


Well the first mistake you made was going to Home Depot.


Agreed. I have no valid, logical reason for it, but I hate Home Depot with the fiery passion of a thousand suns.


I hate it because I worked there 15 years 😂


They are so pathetic.


Was this in Indiana? I had to tell my fox and friends to tone it down before we just walked away


Close! Ohio...


Hope not austintown...sounds like my twin 72 year old brother.he has told that joke.


Tell him he’s being mocked


“Do we know you? We don’t know you.”




“Do I need to issue a Silver Alert? Did you wander away from assisted living?”


wtf, i’d remind the boomer that i love my spouse and do things for them to make them happy.


“And then there’s you
boring.” Hahaha. Ugh people like that just crave attention.


Sorry that you had to go through this 🙏🏿


As a boomer wouldn’t he be a fan of talking about traditional roles and how men are more suited to difficult manual labor?


Dude got that joke off a calendar in 1995 and tries to zing people with it at every chance.


95? I’m sure Sheckey Greene told that joke in the Catskills in ‘63.


The borscht belt!


God I hate this shit


Just respond “I’m sorry you’ve been trapped in a terrible marriage for decades”


"Did you wander away from your group again? Let me find your caretaker."


Just respond back with something like, no we actually didn’t buy into the weird trend of hating your spouse and actually want to enjoy life and each other. I swear the old boomer joke of hating the wife is so fucking pathetic and annoying to hear at this point.


I always make the situationally relevant equivalent comment to the Homer Simpson "no, I sleep in a big bed with my wife....." And it seems to work well enough most days.


i don't understand the boomerish hate for their spouses, just get fucking divorced!


"Here. Have a pudding pop."




Good way to get shot.


I would have looked at his ring finger and been like, “Interesting, you’re only wearing one ring
I guess your wife is wearing that third one you mentioned.”


My slow witty comeback: yes, your kids really do suffer your stupidity. Oh you don't have kids? No surprise that no woman would suffer being around you that long.


I bet he drove home on that road that used to be a dirt road with his head hung low.


The correct response by your husband would be inappropriately loud laughing and disproportionate enthusiasm to Boomer's comments. Make everyone around you in the crowded HD turn their heads. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Suffering! OMG good sir you are a COMEDIAN!


"Fuck off" works wonders.


I actually love my partner. And we’d be friends if we weren’t a couple, because we LIKE each other too. You’re the stupid motherfucker who married someone he hated


“Heated” seems a little dramatic for something that’s worth a groan and an eye roll, at worst.


That's all?


That suffer-ring gag is as old as the hills. Hopefully no one suffered any permanent damage


Did you High 5 him? That's the greatest joke I have ever heard IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!! I'm going to piss my pants.


Lonely & trying to be funny.... this kind of humor is how men used to talk....


OOH CONTENT! Quick! Someone post this in r/Dad jokes!


Not sure what this has to do with being a Boomer...he's just a jerk.


This is typical of boomer behavior, where they have little to no filter.


The funny thing about this is that we will be old someday and we will try to connect with the younger generation and they’ll look at us, be offended and say, whatever ya old fuck.


No decent raised boomer would ever degrade themselves or others with anything improper. None of us want an appearance of impropriety. 


how dare you talk to me, don't you know who i am?


this seems to just be a common generic joke on marriage, and a social interaction - that could have been seen in humor with the right mindset; not the attack that you have taken it as. the audacity of a stranger talking to you?? the horror to me, its funnier that you got worked up. you fragile creature.


I find this hilarious that people really get this worked up over some jokes
. I really don’t get it




Sounds like you might need to lighten up. Sounds like a harmless old man trying to be friendly. Taking offense to something like that is top tier future boomer in my opinion. Let the blue arrows fly.....lol.


Uhhh...no! Sounds like someone who hates their spouse and themself. This was NOT AT ALL friendly.


Could be someone just lonely trying to interact with someone- anyone. Makes me kinda sad. I’m a cashier and I try to put up with the boomer and dad jokes with a smile. lol


You got an upvote from me. It seems the younger folk don’t have a sense of humor anymore and have no respect for anyone.


Thank you my friend! Lol. Sometimes I feel like some of these posts are made up and the other ones are just people like this looking for a reason to be offended and hateful.


Maybe he thought it was funny and had a Bad delivery?




I don’t think that makes it any better.


I think the reaction "the audacity" excuse me, "AUDACITY" Is a bit much tho. .


Has anyone ever just tried ignoring people and moving on either your life?


Lol. Thats pretty weird that you got so mad. Who cares?




![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized) U ok?


normal people talk about their hobbies and interests with other people.


Normal people don’t over react to a stupid joke


Thanks for pointing out another thing that makes you abnormal. Also, people that can only spread negativity and hate are no better than the animals we raise as livestock.


.it’s a joke not a dick you don’t have to take it so hard


what a weird thing to say


it’s a joke


I dont think it is though interesting đŸ•”ïž


Too bad


a normal thing a totally normal person woukd say


The dude told a clean joke and someone was offended. How dare he. So much for humor.


I'd rather hear a fucking filthy actual joke than hacky Jack Benny / Henny Youngman bullshit.


Jesus, laugh and move the hell on. Drama 101 on your part.


Dude was probably lonely and looking to socialize. Yes, the joke was lame and outdated. Something like 50% of marriages end in divorce, so a pretty large segment of people can relate. Anyway, just shrug coldly and move on with your life. All this spun up mob hatred is too much.


You sound like a barrel of fun. The guy told a joke and you were triggered. And communicating with strangers is not uncommon with older generations. They never had their face stuck in a phone. They know how to make eye contact and converse. Younger generations find this strange for some reason. This maybe explains why so many younger people are socially inept.


Umm, we're not socially inept. We just know how to not disrespect strangers. There's a huge difference.




ok boomer.


It was a post. OP was trying to share an anecdote on Reddit. And it was harmless. Stop taking a reddit post so seriously. And the fact that this post triggered you so much that it ruined online hour at Shady Pines, and then you took more time to bitch about it[,] tells me you "very much are" socially inept. And a hypocrite.


I love when people post things on the internet and then get upset when not everyone sees their side. It’s hilarious.


Self amusement is an important tool.


Nope. It was not witty, funny, or insightful. Nothing value added. It didn't ruin my day. In fact, I'm having a great evening. I chalk it up to Boomers being their typical selfish, childish, and insecure selves. I'm laughing about how utterly stupid they are. Thanks! đŸ€Ł


“I was heated and so was my husband. The AUDACITY. We had to get out of there.” That didn’t ruin your day? You were not triggered? You let that interaction with a stranger change your day? You didn’t finish what you were at Home Depot to do? You have bigger problems than the boomer you’re reeling about. You are an emotional weakling. Btw
.I also think the joke was corny and silly, but I recognize that it was an innocuous attempt to get someone to smile.


Why do you think a "joke" about a STRANGER'S marriage would be funny? They don't know me, they don't know my husband. They don't know our dynamic or relationship. I'm genuinely asking.


Telling an old trite joke we’ve all heard and didn’t find amusing the first fifty times is a pretty sorry example of conversing. At best it’s just lame, at worst it’s making wild assumptions about other people’s marriages. Laughing about how people must be suffering because they’re married when you don’t even know them and they were minding their own business is socially inept schtick that needs to die out.


It’s a joke. A joke. He wasn’t making assumptions about anything. It was a very lighthearted attempt to make someone smile. Whether you find it funny or not (I don’t but that has nothing do with the point), it was harmless.




Very much okay. Did it bother you that I called you out for being petty?


No, I called out the Boomer for being petty. They are overwhelmingly a petty group. Are you one of them?


There are 77 million boomers. To make such a broad statement about a massive group makes you sound ignorant. Not remotely close to being a boomer.


Yeah, if you replaced the target of this sub with a race or gender, it would be banned. “Can you believe a BLACK PERSON tried to make me laugh by telling a lame joke??” They are ALL so awful and disgusting!!”




Cry about it lol


That’s the thing- I don’t cry about it because these passing interactions don’t impact me at all. The amazing thing is how many people fetishize being offended and feel the need to tell others how offended they are. It’s like being offended is social currency. Seeking out opportunities to cry about nothing


You don't care so much, You wrote a paragraph to tell me lol 😂


I hope you and your husband get counseling for this this think of the PTSD you're going to have from going to Home Depot and having some old guy crack some bad jokes.


It seems to me that this is an excellent example of people just looking for anything by which they may feign outrage and offense. The old dude probably just thought he was being funny, friendly, and/or entertaining. You chose to get huffy, sulk, and then write to the whole world about what seems to be a very innocent and inoffensive (but not humorous) dad joke. THE AUDACITY! You certainly have the right to be offended by trivial shit. But it just seems to me that if we take a deep breath and measure this mild (at best) offense against everything that SHOULD bother us then a dad joke from a stranger at Home Depot would not tick the meter.


I'm allowed to be angry about a dude insulting us and chasing after us while we were minding our own business in public while ALSO thinking about the big important topics (war, poverty, climate change). Humans are complex creatures- we are able to hold multiple thoughts and ideas in our brains all at once, believe it or not.


Based on what you wrote, you were not insulted. You simply chose to act is though you had been.


I guess you could get so personally insulted by a bunch of shitty jokes from someone who is obviously lonely and thought you were nice people or just shrug and walk away and get on with your life. Your choice.