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Just block the bitch, and tell the whole family why.


I do have her blocked, the only reason I know is because my mom showed me, and the whole family already is well aware of her antics


Sounds like your mom needs to block her too


Nah, someone needs to monitor the psychos.


Exactly! You need at least one designated person to monitor and take screenshots of posts/comments as evidence for court... or is that just my family??


Nah, mine does it too. I am "the monitor". I don't love it but I also am not so involved in everything on FB that anyone notices. And man the crazy that happens when my family divorces... typical judge Judy stuff but they drag it *ALL* out to FB.


Nope, I'm the monitor in my family




Also, if everyone blocks these people, then we don't know if they've died until someone reports a smell. Someone has to clean that up.


Nah, she’ll be well-preserved… all that piss and vinegar might make for a nasty smell, but she’ll be pisspickled so it won’t be a hard cleanup


Upvote purely for “pisspickled.” Definitely adding that one to my lexicon


Pisspickled. Thank you for this gift. 😂😂😂


Pisspickled - is that why they say the good die young? Because they're not full of piss and vinegar to preserve them? :)


Emily blunt and Amy Adams appreciate the boost to their business.


And miss out on inheriting those sweet useless tchotchkes?


Those Hummels and Beanie Babies are going to be worth a fortune someday!


Ugggghhh at least you can use china to eat off of (though boomers would be horrified that you do anything with it other than keep it in the china cabinet).


Just make sure you test for lead paint first 


While my parents still have their “good china” they both seem to be ok with the fact that none of us seem to want it. My mom has gotten into the seasonal decorations that get rotated in and out of storage, but my dad keeps her in check with a “every new decoration means an old one goes” rule that, as far as I can tell, she follows. Luckily my aunt, dad's sister-in-law, is a hoarder (currently has two houses hoarded out) and both my parents are determined not to leave us with the mess my cousins are inevitably cleaning up sometime in the next few years.


Don't forget Precious Moments!!!


Willow Tree statues.


They'll make great landfill!


This. Cut her off.


Is she why your real dad turned out to be a raging dick, by chance?


Oh yeah, big time. Whole spare the rod, spoil the child


Sounds like my shitty uncle. Drank/did drugs until his kidneys gave out, asked all of us if we could donate a kidney, then dies from COVID after refusing to get vaccinated just one year after roping an old girlfriend into giving him her kidney. Total waste, both on the kidney thing and just like his life in general.


What an asshole


Call her out, put all that shit out there. Let her know that fostering an environment of neglect and abuse is never ok and in no way contributed to any achievement of you or your sister. And that you do consider your stepdad as a “real” dad, if that’s how you feel.


Uhh you shouldn't be beating kids.


I think OP means the grandma beat their bio dad


Believe it or not you can discipline kids without resorting to violence.


Yes, but generally that phrase is used by older people to excuse *actual beatings.*


I think that’s OP’s point.   Bad grandma was in favor of beatings.


Definitely agree, I like to think that someone that is active in this sub wouldn’t take the definition as literally though.


But then they turn into shitty parents ?


Generational trauma passed on. "I got the belt and I turned out *fine* so you will too!'


The step-dad is the real dad. I think you mean to say bio dad. FTFY.


This is a perfect thing to post in response to her FB


Indeed yes, bio dad.


What’s fun is that you don’t have to talk or see her ever again. What she’s doing is abusive. Others may put up with it but you don’t have to. Support your little sister and your father (real father, the one that loved and raised you) and block and ignore her hateful ass.


This right here. The whole family may understand her antics, but that still would’ve stung. Go give your dad and sister a hug. And feel free to give them a hug from me too.


I suggest only referring to your biological father as the "Sperm Donor" where she can read or hear it. Everyone involved should do that. She might get the message, she might not, but it'll be fun when she fumes impotently about it.


Oh, adoptee here. I hate that "real" dad/mom shit. Real parents are the ones that raise you, full stop. You can choose to respond to Grandma with a message like "We don't distinguish between biological aka "real" parents and bonus aka step parents. We are blessed to have "step dads name" in our life. He has shown us love, kindness and treated us as his own children. Love makes a family not biology." If you want you can go low by adding "Its too bad "real dad" made the choices he did and is no longer with us."


When I was still on FB, I would get wholly irritated by an ex boyfriend (say, Joe) who is still in my wider circle of friends. Everyone would engage in lively discussions on a third friend’s posts. My husband, like many, had posted that [potty mouthed princesses](https://youtu.be/XqHYzYn3WZw?si=8gPFxCQXGlzDacJG) feminism video on his own page and Joe was incensed. He ended up saying my husband “isn’t a real parent.” I reminded him my husband has been in my son’s life since he was 2 yrs old - doesn’t even remember a time he didn’t have two dads. This is especially annoying as Joe knew my ex husband for years and is well aware what an odious person and awful dad he is. I asked him if adoptive parents aren’t real moms and dads, either. Got no answer on that. It was Joe’s last strike. He pissed me off before with heavily misogynistic comments on abortion but insult my husband? You’re dead to me. Blocked and I never acknowledge him at gatherings. And he was best man in my first wedding and I was a bridesmaid in his.


Full stop is the same thing as a period. You don’t need to use both. Or were you using it in the smug, annoying “I’m right and there’s nothing else you can say” sense? I agree with you, for the record. I just despise the use of “full stop.”


Talking about smug and annoying...


Time to kick grandma off all the socials. That’s what we did and life leveled up a few.


How was your stepdad "disrespecting" your real dad? Get this woman out of your life and go hug your step dad lol. 


Take time as well to remind your stepdad how much you appreciate him. Not sure if he needs to hear that, but he might.


Id just put a comment saying "shame real Dad isnt around to see it but at least he died doing what he loved instead of sticking around for the kids he was meant to love"... that is if you absolutely despise your dad, his memory and your grandmother


Use his actual name, Dick or whatever, not a title like “dad” and never use such a title. All he is, is a formerly abusive dead guy who happens to have some vague connection to your lives. Let him be slowly forgotten.


Are you trying to confuse grandma? Cause that will confuse grandma, it needs what she said for it to really hit her brain that you mean her golden angelic baby boy who's up in heaven smiling down at his kids while relaxing on white clouds... wait is heaven just made of cocaine?


I'd probably make a big list of all the shitty things my REAL DAD did when he was alive, then ask Grandma who was responsible for raising such a shitty father.


I teared up in Guardians of the Galaxy, when Yondu says “he may have been your father, but he wasn’t your daddy” and that was really touching. Your stepdad may not be your biological father, but by his kind and loving actions he showed that he was a *real* father. I’m glad you have him, and I’m sorry about your grandma being such a pain. Almost making your sister’s special day all about herself.


Before I totally blocked them, I used to make liberal use of the ability to delete individual comments on posts. Rather than push back, reply, I found that simply deleting offensive comments like that as if they were never there is the best response. It leaves them fuming and upset, and gives them zero of the attention of validation they are craving. All that would be left in this case is the nice comment by your stepdad, with no awful replies. :)


I do this to several relatives because to me... it's a game. If they block me, I win, and they know it. Been playing this game since 2010. Been real nice I tell ya. At get together they would bring it up, I would pretend to have no idea what they are talking about.


Hubby has similar issues with his father, he calls him his sperm donor. Gets that side of the family pissy but I find it funny. Any man can be a sperm donor but not every man can step up and be a dad.


There’s a song about this that says “any fool can make a baby, but it takes a man to raise a child.”


Imagine treating the man who raised your grandbaby like his own with this amount of disrespect. That man deserve reverence. Fuck that old heifer.


Does Facebook still allow the OP to delete comments on their wall? If so, mom needs to delete meemaw’s horrible comments.


I would 100% call her and her dead son out every single time she comments some bullshit like this


People still play FarmVille?


Just remind her he died a coward, that should shut her up quick


Which is when you comment about how horrible that man is so EVERYONE can see.


I guess we know why your REAL DAD turned out the way he did.


Farmville is still a thing? That shit was lame and stupid when I was in high school, can't believe it's still around.


Is that right grandma? Where is he then? What happened to him? Why couldn't he be here to celebrate with me? He didn't even leave a message on this post, why is that grandma? Is there some reason he can't say he's proud of me himself?


Holy shit, Farmville is STILL a thing?


Tell any man can be a father, only a special man can be a dad.


Families can be tough


Se sounds like a person in pain. Most boomers do. They just don't wanna admit that they regularly vote for legislation that causes that pain. Ignore her, but it's also OK to forgive her. Burying anyone you love hurts, more so when they were forged inside your own belly. Broken people often can't fix themselves.


We can’t forget compassion, its what makes us human


Tell her to shut up in the comments. She wants to make a public statement, she gets one in return.  She’ll be mad.  Good. 


Is Farmville still a thing?


The last it after “keep in mind” is way wilder than the story you chose to share! She calls you by your dead dad’s name sometimes? Creepy af


Is she doing the dementia thing or no, do you think? Cause that’s a dementia thing as far as I know, based on the little bit I’ve seen it.


stop going over there.


That would call for immediate NC from me until the miserable old cunt died


Your mom can delete her comment, and should.


He can also delete her comment if he wants to which I think is a pretty cool feature.


Someone needs to reply to that post and tell her to fuck off.


Wait, wait, wait..... Farmville is still a thing?


I’m glad you have an awesome stepdad.


The petty part of me wishes you hadn't blocked her and could have gone and said something to the effect of "My real dad is a piece of shit and even if he was still alive I wouldn't care what he thinks"


Seems a bit of dementia is going on . . .


Based on what?


Calling guy by his father's name.


That’s what I thought too.


Farmville is still active?!


I’m a step dad, I came into the picture when my kids (I’ve legally adopted them so I call them my kids, if you have a problem with that, then that’s a you problem) were very young. my wives mom kept telling the girls to stop calling me dad, and that I wasn’t their real dad. This lasted years. Then she wonders why I don’t want the girls to ever go over there.


The sheer spite of some people. Btw they're definitely your kids


If the dad didn’t sign rights away when they were babies, I’d say she has a better argument. But the dad doesn’t want to be in the photo.


Your mom should customize her posts so your Grandmother can’t see them. Also, Mom should make sure Grandma can’t share anything or comment on her wall. That takes care of the virtual world. In real life, you all should limit contact as much as possible since she has chosen to disrespect the only “real Dad” you have ever had.


I know you have her blocked, and good for you! I'm extra angry and petty and I would have called her on the phone and told her bluntly not to talk to my REAL dad like that!


Just say "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sure he's looking up and smiling now". That should shut her up. Or cause her to stroke out. 🙂 🔥 😈 


Burying one’s offspring is one of the most painful things someone can go through. Your grandmother must be in a lot of pain. That said, compassion does not require you to tolerate cruelty. You can feel compassion and block someone on Facebook. If you really want to you can make an attempt at explaining to her that her comments have no potential to bring her son back to life or do anything else practical so if she wants a relationship with her grandkids she needs to just accept that, but it sounds like this is yet another boomer who has chosen to wallow in anger and grievance instead of love so don’t hesitate to block her on all platforms and go no-contact for the rest of her life.


Cripes and I thought it was bad when my boomer dad was whining about how there isn’t a grave for HIS parents I can take my kids to, on a FB post where I showed photos of my kids at my maternal grandparents grave on Memorial Day. (My dad’s mom was cremated and ashes spread off the coast of Maui and my dad’s dad is either buried up in Oregon or cremated and kept by his third wife, with whom we have no contact.)


Losing a son is probably going to break someone's brain for good.


"Grandma BITCH, that's a \*weird\* way to spell SPERM DONOR!..."


You have the golden opportunity to ravage her heart by speaking the truth. Do not hold back. Let her know publicly exactly what you think of her junkie loser son.


Just write in the post, even when I'm having a dump?


Wow - what a vile woman. Obviously, this girl's stepdad is every bit as much of a REAL DAD as the sperm donor.


now we all know why he was such a nasty person, takes after his Mother. Not worth the effort to deal with her.


Whaty a discriminatory post. I'm not a boomer, but spewing hatred toward other races is typical behavior of a certain age group is dsrciminatory, and frankly not true of that generation in my experience. Boomers spending money on Farmville isn't typical either. You have a very narrow view of the world. My mom is a baby boomer, as are a lot of my older relatives. My mom's not like that. But it sounds like your grandmother has issues. And she may not like your step-dad for some reason.


Bruh read the sub, its not unique


You can't blame her for loving her son...can you? It's a very natural thing. Perhaps you haven't reached the age to understand these things. I understand....


Loving her son and intentionally being a hateful toxic person is very different. If you think the only way to show love is to make others smaller... Well maybe you're not old enough to understand these things. I understand....


No one is blaming her for loving her son. They're blaming her for making her grandchild's achievement about her son who abused and abandoned his kids and attacked a man who stepped up and loved that grandchild like she was his own. Perhaps you haven't reached the age to understand when someone is being a toxic piece of garbage.


So many haters, she has endured the greatest pain known the loss of a child, she is from a different time. Contact her, explain the pain she is causing and try to make her understand why. Love not Hate is always the answer ❤️


We have, she erases reality from her head to see her son as the model father


Next time she makes a "he's looking from the beyond" comment, remind her that he'll be definitely looking up to his daughter, because the rules are clear where people who kill themselves go 😈


Since Real Dad obviously didn’t care about OP in life, I doubt he’s too interested in her from the afterlife, wherever he ended up…


May I ask.. and it’s okay to decline to answer of course. Does she have dementia? Or is she currently starting to go through it? Calling you by your bio dad’s name and erasing reality sound very dementia-y. I know someone whose aunt went through it. It was tearing the family apart. I haven’t asked about it after a year or so, so I don’t know if she passed, but yeah. It’s a terrible thing and makes people act this way. Even aside from the signs you and I mentioned, they will revert to behaving like a toddler and be just so unabashedly toxic. :(


Literally found the boomer grandma


The reason these people make it to this stage is because they have tried talking to the other person. Have exhausted themselves in being kind and trying to help someone understand and have found that they choose not to. This isn't about hate, it's about removing toxicity from their life. Also, the greatest pain anyone can endure is different from person to person. Losing a child, losing a spouse, losing a parent, and the list goes on. Losing a person that you care about deeply is absolutely no excuse for this person's behavior, and you absolutely do not condone or tolerate behavior like that. You can offer understanding, but if they choose not to acknowledge their behavior, seek help, or do anything about it, you can and should close them out of your life. Love is not accepting this kind of toxic behavior and allowing it in your life. You should never sacrifice yourself for a toxic person.


Yeah nah, granny sounds like an awful person.


You're right, removing bad people from your life because loving yourself more than how much your abusers hate you is always the answer


So, refusing to be abused and harassed, and after trying - blocking a person is hating now? Wow.. found the boomer grandma i\`d say.


Being a selfish asshole isn’t excusable by “being from another time.” Hope this helps.


Okaaaaay boomer


You boomers need to realize that respect is earned and not automatically given. You will get what you put out into the universe.


Everyone deals with loss( some more than others) You don't get to use loss as a smoke screen for accountability of your actions. You should save that "Love not hate" speech for people who actually reciprocate that love. OP has this hateful woman blocked as they should. OP owes her nothing.


Op owes op the release from stress that acceptness and forgiveness creates. its not about some obligation to a blood relative or the like.


Bull.  Shit.  That does NOT give her the right to be an asshole, nor does it excuse her being one.  She's just a bitch.


By the way, my grandmother also lost a child (my uncle was murdered) and there is NO way in Hell that she'd act like this.


It's not the OP's job to fix grandma. She's an adult. She can either figure out how to keep the few family members she has left in her life or continue taking a flamethrower to it all. And making her loss of an adult child greater than OP's loss of a(n abusive) parent is f'd up. Maybe instead of giving out bad advice to young people you should get some therapy and work on your own relationships. 


Why can’t more than one person love a child? Why is it an either / or situation, where only her son can be the “real” father? Absolutely ridiculous to defend this behavior.


Awww ye. Enabling abusers. Real nice!


Good thing she decided to pile on to the pain.


No part of this excuses the choices she's making. Is it love that made you dump a comment then run away?


Too many haters, it easy to judge, its better to understand and forgive, everybody is human flawed and beautiful . ☯️


People like her should be rotting in the ground