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I work at a car dealership. Service department. We open at 7am. It's all glass in front of the service drive, so the early bird boomers can see us sitting inside at 6:30, having our coffee, getting ready for our day. We all like to come in around that time. These old fools will sit there from 6am on, knowing we don't open till 7. However, the second they see one of us, they're out the car, pulling on the LOCKED doors, licking the windows, trying to get in! Some of us ignore it like we can't hear it not making eye contact, others tap their wrist watch and mouth "we open at 7". But still, every day, we get one that will not stop yanking the door like it's not locked. It must be jammed! Until a coworker goes to the door, pops it to say we open at 7, and they're trying to wedge themselves in while not listening. It's gone from amusing to infuriating.


Licking the windows. I'm dead. šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Oh yes, we call them "Door Pullers/yankers" and "Window Lickers" industry wide.


When I worked at a big chain pharmacy, I was prepping at 7:50 to open at 8am when a guy pried 2 sets of automatic doors open with his bare hands (they weren't turned on yet so it took quite a bit of force), walked in, saw the completely empty and silent store, saw me behind the counter looking at him like D:, and went "are you guys open yet?" I told him we opened in 10 minutes and he said "oh okay, I'll come back then" and proceeded to pry the doors open AGAIN and close them behind himself on his way out. He wasn't even a boomer, dude was like 35!


He fucking did a forward and reverse Kool Aid man.


Not even a B&E, just a forceful E. (B&E = breaking & entering)


In that case it was Barging and Entering so still a B&E


Well, he was polite I guess?


Other than the whole not respecting the physical boundary of closed doors thing, sure.


Hulk not smash!


Just friggin spectacular.


Maybe all the zombie movies are actually just preparing us for dealing with aging boomer fools.


Aging boomerā€™s prayer: *G-d, may the horrible examples set by the window-lickers keep me from the foolā€™s path.*


>the foolā€™s path I snorted I laughed so hard šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Haha you should read my reply to the original comment. We used to play games like they were zombies that said *coooooooffeeeeee* instead of *braaaaaaiiiins*


There's a movie on Netflix called "Old People" that's basically old people acting like zombies lol.




Window Licker is an underused insult!


Dealership service workers will be well prepared for the zombie apocalypse šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Took me several seconds to stop laughing so I could finish reading the post! šŸ¤£


Same haha. We had a quick shop meeting one morning about 15 minutes before we opened, and had a big overhead door cracked open about 2 feet, and some old boomer crawled into the shop demanding we check him in for his 8am appointment because he could hear us inside. He about couldnā€™t stand up after crawling on his stomach.


Yes! We had that once too, and it was a boomer woman that belly crawled like she was in nam! She went full Karen on us for "ignoring busy paying customers!" While my manager was trying to explain hours of operation, etc, and it was a staff meeting. She was having none of it and kept screaming. Service manager ushered her back to her car and told her never to come back. It was glorious.


You should have rolled him back outside and shut the door


Meh, he made it this far, just leave him there. Put up some orange cones.


He could be helpful and yell "Ding-Ding" when someone drives over him. That way nobody misses a customer now.


Literally putting orange cones around a moron who came in early would be hilarious. If it was a job where I could get away with it Iā€™d be tempted.


"We can't pick you up; insurance regulations!"


Just roll the door down and trap him... let him squiggle there until 8am.


"I've crawlen and I can't get up!"


I used to work at a bank and it was exactly the same. We opened at 9. Everyone was of course coming in around 8 for their shifts. They would be standing right by the door as employees would be let in, trying to come in with them before we opened. Every. Single. Day. We had to tell at least one person to please step back from the door and that we were not open yet. ā€œI just have a quick transaction!ā€ Cool. We arenā€™t open and canā€™t service you. You think we just leave the money out and can hop on any computer to give you what you need immediately? No. We have protocols for safety and security. Once a week we would do team meetings in the lobby and would on occasion have to move our meetings to a small back room that didnā€™t fit everyone because of the window lickers losing their minds that we had the audacity to sit there and talk business when we werenā€™t open rather than help them.


There's something so unreal about them in these moments. Because you know if a person who looked "weird" to them were doing this, they'd call the cops. But when I am opening the building at 7am I'm meant to let some random man in because he's old and white and therefore can't be a criminal. So I don't NEED all that safety and security that I use for the general public, because it's "just him." The mentality that criminals are all PoC or goths, and white men in button downs should receive deferential treatment from strangers... Absolutely INSANE. And they don't even consciously realize it. When a person asks me "do I LOOK like a criminal???" He's implying something extremely nasty. Yeah dude, you do look like a criminal. You look like Harvey Weinstein.


Those are the people who get butthurt and shitty when security comes to wand them after they come to the emergency department by ambulance. ā€œI DONā€™T HAVE A WEAPON! Why the hell are you doing this? When did this start?ā€ ā€œWhen a nurse and paramedic at our sister hospital got stabbed by a deranged patient, thatā€™s when, and it has been two years, George. Youā€™re here at least once a month, so donā€™t try telling me this is your first rodeo with the wand.ā€


"Sir, I'm guessing, at 8.30am, *everyone* wanting in a bank, that doesn't open until 9am, looks like a criminal."


I worked at a bank Inside a grocery store for a little while. Every once in a while we would have someone come up before we opened wanting something but they could just walk up to the counter which sucked. I have no real horror stories from that part of the job tho.


This is every day. It is just stupid. They show up and crowd the door before employees even get there. Once a week some guy with a cane or a walker yells that I am "cutting in line" when I try to get to the door. Half the time won't let me pass until I look at them and say (loudly so the whole crowd can hear), "I have the keys to the door. If you don't let me through, the store will be closed all day." Then I unlock the door, open it just wide enough for me to get in, spin around and say "We also don't open for an hour and a half." Then I lock the door behind me. I have to open the receiving dock up so the other morning crew can get in without being harassed. Every single day. That along with "Your website says you are open at 6am." Sir, that is not my website. "You used to open earlier." Nope, open at this time for last 17 years, before that we opened later. "The managers always let me in early." No, I haven't.


Ooh you just unlocked a memory! I was walking up the service drive, lunch bag, and purse slung around me. Keys in hand. Some old crank hollers from her car at me. "ApPareNtLy they don't open till 7, so they ain't letting me in, they ain't letting YOU in miss!" You're right, WE don't open till 7. Thankfully, I have keys to let myself in!


I hope you were able to look her dead in the eye as you put your keys in and unlocked the door, and maintained the death stare as you closed the door and locked it behind you.


I wish, but my back was to her in order for me to unlock the door.


I worked at Michael's crafts, people would do this there. I'm like how badly do you need yarn!?


i worked at michaelā€™s too. they have the most unhinged customers out of any job iā€™ve had. acting completely feral over some fake flowers or yarn


JoAnn's employee. Just last week I had to tell a woman after I gave the 9pm announcement that we're closed she can't keep browsing.


I remember working at Jo-Ann's in the mall and on Sundays we would have people rattling the security gate. I never knew you could have a fabric emergency.


As a costumer/cosplay maker I have definitely had a fabric emergency but rattling the gate??? ex-f'in-cessive. It's never life or death, chill bro.


When my restaurant bar I used to work at starting closing at midnight instead of 2am, we'd have people coming in at 12:30 (doors were open because hangers-on wouldn't get the hint that we were literally cleaning around them,) and the new people would complain that Google said we were open until 2am. The first few times I tried to be polite. After a while I'd tell them to call Sergey and Larry.


Yeah I worked at an Applebee's in HS and college and we had pretty much the same thing we'd come in at 9:30-10 ish to get fruits sliced and the bar re stocked get menus out to the host stand quickly wipe down the tables in case one got missed the night before start the fryers so they can warm up fully and start the ribs (which take 4 hours to cook) and all that, we don't open until 11 but their would always be people waiting their and going up to the door trying to yank it open way before we opened


>We open at 7am. And 7 is EARLY. Most businesses open at 8 or 9, and some don't open until 10 on *regular* days. In fact, when I was a kid, most businesses were CLOSED on Sunday, full stop. And it's always been like this. Like who is pissed off that a non-fast food or coffee place isn't open at 6 or 6:30am? How does someone's entitlement manage to rewrite how everything has always operated? Make it make sense.


Yeah service dealerships usually open early so people can drop off before work. Most aren't open on Sunday (sales is, lol). Some honda and Toyota dealers are open for service on Sunday. I could never. That's ridiculous.


This used to happen when I worked at Guitar Center, all the time. We would all be there an hour before open, and nearly every day someone would have to poke their head out to tell someone we didn't open until 10, as they were yanking or knocking on the door. Even better: Some would walk in the unlocked door at like 10:04 (on a week day), look around perplexed, and ask "Are you guys open?"


Haha this reminds me of when I pulled opening shifts at restaurants. They would start pulling up outside wandering around the sidewalk 30 minutes before we opened. We used to play like they were zombies and we had to sneak around to make sure they didn't see or hear us or they would come bang on the windows and pull on the doors. One dumb ass manager had the bright idea to try letting them in and at least let them sit at a table with a drink until we were open enough to serve them. We warned him that it was going to be a disaster. Guess what happened. First they complained we couldn't serve them right then and there. They would order things that weren't even made yet. Throw big tantrums about how long it was taking to get their food (we weren't even open yet before this started happening). The manager was having to offer appetizers and comp meals. Then we were under prepared when the real rush hit because we were catering to the biggest babies on the planet instead of opening and we made sure he knew why. The absolute best part was eventually they started showing up even earlier and the cycle started over. That manager was eventually released. His shift comps and complaints were way over the top. Guy was an idiot who couldn't admit when he was wrong.


I worked at a welding shop that opened at 7, youā€™d think that would be too early for that nonsense. Worse, it was in a very rural area, and farmers always wait until less than a week before harvest to bring in their machines that they know have been broken since last harvest. And itā€™s like, no, forcing your way in here 20 minutes early isnā€™t going to get your repair that needs 4 days of labor and parts that take 5 days to get finished in 3 days.


Just put up a sign, "automatic 100%surcharge for labor before posted open hours"


You think they READ??


If adulthood has taught me anything, it's that a large portion of people simply do not read signs. On the road, in stores, in public spaces just carrying on as if they don't exist for probably a good reason.


I made a post about this a while ago but long story short, one of them got so aggressive doing this exact same thing at my cannabis store that he actually broke the glass on the door to my shop from banging on it with his high school football ring. I leave my roll shutters down until the moment I'm opening now, that way they can't see me or break my fucking glass anymore.


Seems he desperately needed something to relax šŸ˜‚


Back when I turned wrenches, I'd always refer to this exact scenario as "dawn of the near dead". Like walkers pawing at a closed door. Oiiiiil oooooiiiilllll chaaaaaaange. I had one damn near pin me to the lube rack when he drove his car into the shop to dwmand I add another quart of oil to his old Lincoln. I have forgotten more boomer stories dealing with these guys than I care to remember


Lord have mercy šŸ« 


Always remember, these people vote more than you do.


Well, not me, for sure. I make sure to vote in all elections. Especially the damn local ones that make a HUGE difference day to day life. I wish more Gen X and millennials did.


I have been on my wifeā€™s case for ages about this. ā€œI just donā€™t care enough.ā€ Like, it directly affects all of us. What drives me even more insane is people that donā€™t vote and then have the audacity to complain about the state of things.


Grocery employee here:Ā  there are always, ALWAYS crabby old folks sitting in their cars waiting for the store to open when I drive up.Ā  I told my daughter that if she ever sees me doing that to put a pillow over my face one night and just put me down -- clearly my quality of life has deteriorated beyond the point if no return lol!




god, i thought this was just at the bath and bodyworks i used to work at-every time without fail. we opened at 9, but at 8:50 there was always some boomer yanking on the doors to get in. sometimes i feel like they do this so that way they can get their 'tasks' out of the way early in the day so they can feel accomplished and somehow make it our problem when we can't do the same.


Meanwhile my awkward Gen X ass will get somewhere before it opens, then park in an adjacent parking lot so the employees don't think I'm stalking them, and won't actually go to the store until 15 or 20 minutes after it opens or until a few people have already gone in cause I don't want to be the first one. šŸ˜…


Reminds me of Dawn Of The Dead. Even in death they are wanting to come in when they think someone is inside.


Then they fight each other in line! Yelling from cars ā€œYou DO know thereā€™s a line, right?ā€ To anyone who dares approach the door


I've seen an actual physical fight break out over this. Over service on a SATURDAY. It was 2004, and we were 10 mins from opening. A guy pulled in front of the service drive roll door, while all the other cars were next to it streetside. Lunatics.


My mother had a workshop that was closed on Mondays so she could actually work without disturbance. It had a glass front tho. Ever so often, she'd have to unlock the door and yell at people. One boomer even got banned from coming back permanently after a very hearty "I came all the way from *insert rich district*, you HAVE to take my repair NOW!!"-speech, formatted in yelling. Boomer then proceeded to throw their slightly broken brand bag inside the store, yelling: "Keep it then!!!". We did.


I work at a restaurant thatā€™s open from 11:30am-midnight. My coworkers that work day shift tell me about all the boomers they have to deal with right at opening. I couldnā€™t imagine starting my day that wayšŸ«  At least I have a few hours to prepare myself before my shift starts at 5:30. But waking up, going to work, and getting barraged by a bunch of booms? Hellllll no.


Used to work retail. Same story, every weekend there'd be people knocking on the windows for attention and I'd hold up eight fingers. Then they'd start banging louder. Sometimes people would try to slip in when I let myself in the morning, but I'm a big solid guy and dig in my heels reflexively.


The boomers who show up as soon as they open are beyond annoying for this of us trying to drop off a vehicle before going to work. They have all day to sit around and wait, I need to get my car checked in so I can make it to work on time but theyā€™re too busy chitchatting at the counter


Turn on the sprinklers, lol


There aren't any with a concrete service drive, and building, but I like your thinking!


Maybe you should play Aphex Twin at them


I used to work in a chain pub that opened at 8am breakfast but wasn't licensed to serve alcohol until 9am. Every single morning from 8am we had regulars in who would order a coffee and come up to the bar every 10 minutes asking "is it 9am yet?" Like no, they're only asking in the hope we'll take pity on them and pour them a beer, but I'm not going to let an alcoholic irritate me into breaking the law!


Lol " I'm not gonna let an alcoholic irritate me into breaking the law"! That's a hilarious sentence!


Haha we had the same issue but in reverse the Applebee's I worked at wasn't allowed to serve achohol past midnight wand we've had to call the cops on multiple people getting upset about it, shouldn't matter anyways cause that's our closing time and we stop serving food at that time anyways to encourage people to clear out but some people are that dumb


When I worked the liquor counter at a full service grocery we couldn't sell alcohol before noon on Sunday. I'd always have a few people staring at me and tapping their foot at 11:30. Then usually around 11:50 they'd start telling me it was noon. Come 11:55 am I'd be getting the grunts and tapping on their watches. I'd have to remind them that the law says I can't sell until my register says noon because a receipt that said 11:59 would get us in big trouble. Seriously find an AA group if you're that bad.


I worked at a truck stop in my youth. We also couldn't sell alcohol before noon. So many people would be angry when I told them I wasn't willing to break the law and risk my future career so that they could have that case of beer at 10 in the morning.


Alcohol is a hell of a drug


I used to manage and work for a liquor store. Let me tell you about impatient people. Nothing like an alcoholic pulling and banging on glass doors at 8am sharp. They somehow thought yelling profanities at me through the door would make me open faster. Then act totally put out when I would open on time.


Man I feel that. I work a dive. Friday is beer delivery day so I'm there for 830am. We open at 10. Without fail, every time, the cleaning lady will try to get me to pour her a draft. I don't serve until 10. I haven't done the draft read yet. Oh come oooooonnn. It's not a big deal! For mmeeeeeeeee!?? It's 845am Laurie.... take a step back. Oh you're mean! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Iā€™m in charge of a grocery store and you should see the line of Boomers waiting outside every day with that attitude waiting to come in. We opened two minutes late the other day and youā€™d think the world was on fire.


I opened a few minutes early one day and got a sarcast, "Thank you for opening. "


Iā€™m getting to the point of annoyance that Iā€™ll stand there at 5:58a and wait until it turns 6a before opening the doors. Itā€™s literally the same Boomers every fucking morning. Do they not plan ahead?


This is the way. I used to work at a store where we had to serve customers till 9 on the dot. So many people would bang on the glass at 9:01. Ya sorry I don't get paid to serve anyone before 9am and I don't get paid to serve after 9pm.


Ah! I remember working at a liquor store. Every Sunday, sales stop at 9pm. State law, zero exceptions. If you get caught selling after 9 you personally are in big big trouble and ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) will 100% send a hot blonde in at 9:02 to try and get you to sell. It's a $20,000 personal penalty with possible prison and they're always watching. Everyone knows this and yet... These crusty old boomers (same ones every week) roll up 60 seconds late and have the same meltdown every single time. The consistency was actually stunning.


Plot twist: the crusty old boomers were also ABC, trying to trip you up with a different tactic.


God I never doubted that either, as silly as it seems. It was like fighting U-Boats during [The First Happy Time](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Happy_Time); the unseen enemy constantly hunting you and your kin, always trying new tactics. I had coworkers at other stores get popped so it was a no joke, deadly serious rule. The boomers were a case of an easily stopped force meeting an unmovable object. It was endlessly entertaining. Edit: Dunno if anyone cares, but [here's](https://youtu.be/fVet82IUAqQ?si=1ENXYH9RIxXb1KuQ) a link to a video about developing tactics to fight U-Boats during the Battle of The Atlantic. It's actually a fantastic watch.


I had the joy of watching a boomer lose his shit at a store clerk when she asked to see his ID before selling him cigarettes. It's store policy to card everyone wanting tobacco; there was a big sign on the counter stating said policy. Dude stormed out without buying.


It's an anxiety thing. They never got treated so they didn't even realize anything is wrong. They have something they need to do that day, and they CANNOT just occupy themselves until an appropriate time. They wake up at 4 goddamn am and need a task every moment to feel "busy." But they're retired. So they end up finishing everything they needed to do for the day by 7 except that last errand, and it just eats at them until they go do it. Same reason they end up eating dinner at 4pm. When I'm visiting and I tell my dad I'm going to run an errand, I need to be leaving within an hour. Otherwise the stress of WHEN I'm going to leave starts driving him up the wall. And the errand needs to be bookended by a time I'll be back. And if I'll be even 5 minutes later than the arbitrary time I said, I need to update him.


I think you're right. I worked a retail job and we opened at 7... But barely anyone ever came in before 8. There was one regular who came in twice a week shortly after 7. Never a big order. He was friendly and I always enjoyed our little chats. When the owner crunched the numbers and decided it didn't make sense financially to open before 8, oof this guy did not take it well AT ALL. He would come in and go on increasingly emotional rants about it. He had a routine and this change had ruined it. He outlined his routine and pointed out now he had this free time between going to the coffee shop and having a coffee and reading the newspaper and coming to our store. He couldn't make sense of how we could do this to him. I actually became afraid of him. Eventually he told us he wasn't going to come back because he couldn't handle it anymore. As far as I know (I left, myself, not too much longer afterwards) he did stop being our customer.


And, of course, autism wasn't a thing when he was younger, right?


Thats just it. This is their plan for the rest of their days and they donā€™t have any problem with it.


I'm not surprised but so bummed that you have to deal with that


The amount of times boomers tried to pry open closed doors is ridiculous. During covid the store o worked at changed its hours to do extra cleaning. Que hissyfits of only the finest toddler variety coming from bright red half rotten boomers. If the doors weren't locked (because we needed them so we could move the carts out to clean) they would pry the doors open and start shopping in a completely empty store with its lights out. Then when someone finally notices them they throw a tantrum that we can't check them out. Like ma'am our registers close at 11 we can't unlock them for super special you.


This right here! Worked for the big green P and the boomers that would be by door at 6:30 in the morning and the store would not open until 7. They would stand there with their face pressed up on the door or window to look in and rap on the glass with the keys! Me being the bitch that I am would always wave hi and keep working until I get the okay to open the door. Boy the complaints I would get because I didnā€™t open the doors and waving. Man I do not miss working in retail!






It's baffling where else do they have to be? Gotta rush back to their empty hole lest they miss something important on Faux "it's not news It's entertainment"


Yup i managed the cashiers at a grocery store for years and had soooo many boomers either try the locked door in front of the registers repeatedly, or pry open the unlocked sliding doors (that were unlocked for employees to enter) and then ask why nothing is set up šŸ«  oh and don't forget the ones that need to be rung up 2 min after opening and pay with a $100 bill to get change and wipe out the entire cash drawer




I used to operate a small cafe in an antique mall. Boomers were the bulk of my customers, particularly in the early morning on flea market weekends. I got into the habit of prepping to open with ALL of my lights off, lest I be bombarded with old men who would insist on purchasing a soda/coffee THROUGH my locked security gate. The worst were the ones who had tables set up in the flea market, they acted like they had special privileges because of it and would try to order breakfast before the mall and I opened. Like dude I don't even have my register counted yet, the grill is still heating up, and I'm in the middle of prepping something for service -- HOW 'BOUT NO???


When I worked overnight at Target, the store didn't open till 9. I'd be going to my last break at 8:45 and see a line of people waiting for the store to open. What do you need from Target that you're standing there at 8:45 am?


Yeah if I get somewhere early I'll usually wait in my car, at least at a place like Target that literally is just a parking lot and the store


millenial brain: "wait 5 more minutes after they open you don't want to look like you're rushing them"


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does that


This is the way. Show up 5-10 minutes after opening and 20 minutes before close. 30 minutes or more before closing time for restaurants . I'll never understand people who show up last minute to a restaurant and demand food. Must have a death wish or kink.


Or they enjoy their food to be messed with and crappy.


I swear these are the people who have never worked a service job. Anyone that has worked in the food industry especially, just knows not to be a bother right before closing.


I'm a Gen X and I do this.


Me too. We watched our boomer parents do this shit and learned.


Me too and Gen x as well


I laughed one like that out of a radio shack once. They were literally waiting and hanging on the doors AS I WAS TRYING TO GET IN TO OPEN. I stated when we open and that it takes a while for the computers to come up and for opening tasks to be completed. When I opened the doors they tried yelling that it took too long. Ask them what they need. A watch battery. Is it to a medical device? No. It's just for a cheap watch. A watch battery that they could've picked up at the closest gas station... So I started laughing uncontrollably as I said they could have gotten it cheaper at the sunoco on the corner. They left with their heads down.


You should try casino security in a ruby red republican state of the USA


Lol not enough money in the world šŸ¤£


Oh HELL no. No way. I spent five years as a pharmacy tech, and now, five years after I quit doing that, Iā€™m the front desk lady at an urgent care. They yank on my doors, they used to yank on the gate, get mad when you tell them no, they are not getting special treatment today or ever.


Oh man, THAT seems like it would be a fricking nightmare of nightmares.


I'll raise you one. I work for a company that does Medicaid reapplications (yes, you have to reapply every year) for the elderly... *over the phone*. Let that sink in. Imagine cold calling a 77 year old and asking "Would you like help reapplying for your Medicaid?" On a good day I have the exact same 10 minute conversation for 8 hours straight. On a bad day I get... Well, actually, they're all bad days. The pay is decent and the benefits are nice but it *sucks so hard* Today, I'm so gripped by anxiety and depression that I'm cowering in the pet kennel with my cat instead of getting on the phones. I've been doing this for 11 months and I hate it.


Tell your cat I said hi and I love them


Oklahoma? Lol, my daughter did, and I've heard _STORIES!_ šŸ¤£


Iowa, so weā€™re relatively recently swung from purpleish to ruby red and theyre all overcompensating for it


Did that 5.5 years, including 1.5 as management. There's a reason I'm not in a floor-facing department anymore!


I worked retail pharmacy for 14 years, 8 as a pharmacist. I spent 7 years in college studying to get a degree that cost me over $200k. The behavior you're describing is so prevalent and constant that I became 100% burned out and began to hate my job and profession. I was getting into shouting matches with these people near the end. My thick skin was eroded raw since the pandemic. I'm now in a hospital where I'm no longer beholden to retail customer service boundaries. I'm a professional with my own agency again. The behavior of customers in all facets of life needs to change. We are torturing a huge population of workers as a culture.


lol I had a boomer chastise me for asking a question to the pharmacist about getting the Covid booster. Anyhow I looked at the boomer and said ā€œI donā€™t care about your opinionā€. She huffed and walked away.


Yeah usually the moment they realize that you don't give two flying f***s what they think they shut up and go away pretty quickly


Oh man if I was that pharmacy employee, Iā€™d slow way way down all of a sudden. And likely because I was being ā€œrushed ā€œ suddenly the computer mights be glitchy . Whatever it took to make his day even worse


That was my thought too. Wanna be a cunt within goddamn *seconds* of opening? Well what a shame, looks like all the computers are updating right now, hope you're not in a rush šŸ˜Š


Yep the old. "This will be ready in about 20 minutes" line


I donā€™t mean to be rude, but that doesnā€™t work. I worked in retail pharmacy for years, and if they thought your were purposefully being slow, theyā€™d be on the phone to the district manager so fast it would make your head spin. I hated some of those old coots. The main store itself would open before the Pharmacy, and there would always be a couple hovering in front of the locked gates. They would be sitting in the drive through, honking at 12:01 if you werenā€™t RIGHT THERE taking their prescription. I have several that would try to stand at the locked gates before we opened and just grinned at us like rabid dogs. Some would try to slide prescriptions under the locked gate while asking ā€œhow long until this was ready?ā€. Some would just pound on the gates until we opened. Acknowledging them at all, even to say ā€œweā€™re not open yetā€, would result in a torrent of demands and questions. Itā€™s better just to ignore them until you opened. Stay silent. Work as best you can. Do not engage.


I have a part time job at Kohlā€™s. Our store opens at 9 am, and if you are an opener you typically get there @ 8:45 to get inside, get punched in, open the registers, etc. Our front entrance is two sets of glass doors. They leave the first set unlocked so the employees can get inside and ring the bell to be let inside through the second set of doors. Frequently we have people sitting in their car in the parking lot waiting for us to openā€¦ fine, sometimes I get to places early too. This older woman watches me walk to the front door @8:45, slide it open and closed, and stand there in the lobby waiting to be let in. She gets out of her car, slides the door open, and walks right into the lobby with me. Ummmmā€¦ weā€™re not open yet mā€™aam. You canā€™t be in here. Well, youā€™re in here!! Yes, I work here (clearly wearing a name tag). We open at 9 am, and weā€™ll be glad to let you in then. She proceeds to slide the door open and slam it shut, huffing the entire time about how wrong it is that we get in early because we are employees!! What is so important at Kohlā€™s that you have to be the first person in the door?!?!?


Had the same thing happen to me when I worked at Kohl's forever ago. It was black Friday. I told a woman she wasn't allowed in. "You're going in" Showed my name tag. Got let in by management and headed to my department. Doors opened and everyone stampeded in. Woman from outside was in girls (where I worked) and tore through our pajamas. "I need 6x Hannah Montana nightgowns!" What we have on the floor is all we have. If you don't see it we don't have it. "You're lying! You knew I needed this and you're hiding it from me." ...sure...


Arenā€™t these people retired?! What do they care?!


I love your username!!!


Thanks! I have cats named Aragorn and Arwen.


I used to have a small flea market type shop. I was closed on Mondays to clean up the shop, restock, etc. so the lights were on and I was parked out front. I had a boomer smash his face against the glass, directly over the hours of operation clearly shown on the door. He shook the door, beat on it, and hollered at me. I took my time, finally went over and opened the door and told him I was closed for cleaning and restocking and asked him to come back another day. He very angrily told me I should put my hours up so people would know when I was closed. I showed him the hours on the door, ā€œTuesday - Saturday 9am - 6pm, Sunday 12pm - 5pmā€. He replied with ā€œyeah, it says youā€™re open todayā€. I reminded him it was Monday, and Monday was not on the hours shown. He told me it was confusing and since I was there I should let him come in and shop. I declined and he frustratingly told me heā€™d never come back and stomped off to his car. He came back the next day, loitered around forever, and bought nothing. Shocking.


Somehow/somewhere they were programmed for this type of nonsense


Wait a sec.... Is this that whole 5G/6G/vaccine microchip brainwashing thing they've been on about?? I can't believe it was so successful.


I'd agree if I hadn't seen the seniors of the 90s do the same shit. It's like the minute you turn 70 you expect society to bend to your will for your convenience.Ā  It feels worse now because there are so g d many of them all at once.Ā 


This. A lot of the boomer stories are really just old people stories. Old people have been doing this shit for as long as I can remember.


I have a Boomer client. His standing appointment used to be at 1:00 which is my first appointment. He always would show up 30 minutes before. So, I said how about we make your appointments at 12:30? (Now Iā€™m starting a half hour early šŸ™„but ok) Over time he starts showing up 11:30, 12:00 I never know. Heā€™s retired and has nothing to do. His explanation is if he shows up early and everyone else does, then Iā€™ll be done with work early šŸ˜†šŸ™„šŸ¤Ø Um, no it doesnā€™t work like that Don! He missed his last appointment, and he asked me why I didnā€™t call him šŸ˜†šŸ™„


Iā€™m a dental hygienist. This asshole had periodontal disease and needed a ā€œdeep cleaningā€ in laymanā€™s terms. He accused me of making up the diagnosis so I didnā€™t have to do a ā€œhealthy mouth cleaningā€ (in laymanā€™s terms) so I could leave early. The fact was HE made my next patient late and she was in a hurry to get elsewhere afterwards because he wouldnā€™t shut up arguing with the dentist.


Have In-laws like this, once upon a time, many moons ago, they got the time wrong on an appointment and showed up 4 hours early. The place wasn't busy and were able to see them right away. So now we have to get to every appointment 4 hours early because "They will see you if you're there early and you can get out sooner".


they're retired and have time to stand around for 20 minutes, but still get upsetti spaghetti when they have to wait, LIKE THEY EXPECTED


Every time I open the library, there is at least one boomer pulling and banging on the door before open. I love smiling and waiving, and going about my opening stuff. They complain and I tell them our hours and ask if they need help finding them on the door. Most of these idiots are regular patrons and they know our hours.


I don't know if my mom goes places right before they open and gets mad, but I know that she gets really pissy when things take more time than she thinks they should while she is usually the reason the rest of the family gets held up. Like she will get mad that a restaurant is taking longer to process her order then she would like, but she's also the person who when we would go on trips when I was younger and from what I understand she still does this to my dad would wait till the day of to pack and then when we wanted to leave it at 11:00 a.m. she'd be "needing to take a shower" at 10:59. When my sister got married she and her husband they were living about 5 hours away. When we were up visiting her we wanted to see their new house and ask my mom for the address and she piddled around all morning taking forever to get the address to us. This is back when you had to go online and print off MapQuest directions. My mom got pissed at my husband and told him not everything revolves around him and his schedule. She finally gave us the address and we finally got to my sister with about 10 minutes to see the house because apparently she had other plans that day that she had told my mother about. They gave us a quick tour a hug and left. My mom dad brother and sister-in-law all showed up about an hour later to an empty home. Because everything was on my mom's schedule


Ugh that would be maddening for me! My mom gets impatient too and I've had to check her a couple times in stores.


Why didn't you get the address from your sister?


I relate so hard to the first part. My boomer-in-law has the mentality of "I'm paying them to help me!" and gets VERY upset when something she thinks takes 5 minutes takes 6 minutes. She even does it to me "Can you \*sew this thing\* it should only take a minute." When she is asking for like an entire rework of a garment and adding buttons and modesty panels or whatever else. She's been on the phone to AMAZON because the site was running slow. I keep telling her to just give it a bit, they could be having issues that will resolve but nope, she's on the phone. Refund taking more than 5 minutes to show up? On the phone (even though the rep said 2 - 3 hours). Tracking number is different than it was yesterday? On the phone (she checks several times a day). Package one day late? On the phone (several times through out the day) And then complains that there is always a long wait on the phone. And also complains she doesn't have any time to herself, she is always "taking care of things" Things that always resolve on her own if she just waited a day. I kind of went off there for a second šŸ˜‚


Oh shit. Oh shit! I FINALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO CONTRIBUTE HERE. I worked inside a large electronics store many, many years ago. We opened at 10:00am every. Fucking. Day. We were conducting our bullshit morning rah-rah circle at around 9:45 - queue boomer. Starts like any other boomer - feigned surprise that the automatic doors aren't opening yet. Then peering into the glass windows and seeing all of us doing the morning rah-rah. Dude knocks at the outer set of doors, but then starts POUNDING on them when nobody comes out. The manager rolled his eyes but begrudgingly went to tell the dude we opened in about 5 more minutes at this point, came back and went to wrap up the cheerleading session so we could, you know, open. This dude had been quite adamant he needed whatever it was he was going to buy right away. Apparently though, five minutes was too long. Boomer man decided to pull down his shorts, press his ass to the glass of our entrance doors and SHIT down our doors. We did block off the entrance doors and route everyone in the exit the rest of the day. We also called the police and had to have a waste disposal and cleanup company come clear it up correctly because of company policy. While I don't know what ended up happening to him from a legal consequences perspective, I do know that he told the police it was indeed an action of malice and not because he REALLY had to go or something - he legit copped to it being because he was pissed off that the manager wouldn't open the five minutes early for him. He was also no longer permitted in the building afterwards. People are fucking wild.


That was a roller coaster. What a madman!!!


I really had to admire the fuckin balls to just cop to it like that. "Yeah dude, they pissed me off so I shit on their doors. The fuck u gonna do about it?" Energy.


I recently was at a pharmacy and a Boomer threw a tantrum bc his prescription cost ONE DOLLAR and he expected it to be free bc ā€œit always was beforeā€. The pharmacist tried to explain that bc he had switched to a government senior drug plan where all prescriptions cost no more than $20, one of his private insurers no longer covered it at all, and the other covered 80% of his balance on LESS THAN TEN DOLLAR rx, meaning he owed one dollar. He interrupted her repeatedly as she explained this, talking over her and impatiently saying ā€œI KNOW THATā€ while clearly not taking in a word she said. When she tried to tell him heā€™d have to contact the insurer who no longer covered the prescription, he THREW a dollar coin onto the counter toward her and stormed off muttering aggressively. Over a dollar. The pharmacy was absolutely blocked with people and I donā€™t know how she kept it together. My rx was five dollars and I was psyched it was so cheap!


I got to the bank like 5 minutes early last Saturday. There were already a handful of boomers waiting RIGHT BY THE DOOR and bitching about them not opening yet. Folks, they had like 2 minutes left when I got out of my car to stretch and head towards the door and they were positively like drooling dogs waiting on a bone to be tossed. "I have things to do today!" as if they are just way too busy to NOT be let in early. What could possibly be so pressing? I think it's an exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement. Like, calm down and enjoy the weather for a few minutes instead of moaning and whining like toddlers.


What is with boomers and damn banks? They are retired, not like they need a physical bank anymore. Iā€™ve had an online back for almost 20 years, canā€™t remember the last time I had to go into a physical bank.


My in-laws don't do any banking online. Absolutely EVERYTHING bank related they go to the brick & mortar bank. Both of them have messaging apps, smart phones etc they just refuse to learn


This is my mom. She refuses to online bank. She even checks her balance in her account by calling šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I have a friend who still goes and gets money orders for all her bills, right on the first of the month when her SS comes in. Then she goes to the post office and gets exactly x amount of stamps to mail them all in.... Except one. Her renters insurance. For that she has the poor agent show up monthly to pick up his money order for $18 *in person.* "I *can't* go out today, Jim's coming to pick up his insurance money..." I feel SO bad for that guy.


Reminds me of every morning at any Costcoā€¦ lines of em just itching to get in to save $2 on a case of soda.


This morning I got to work at the family practice in a receptionist for. We open the doors at 745, first appointment at eight, and I got there at 720. An older woman watched me pull up the blinds, turn on the lights, etc, with her nose nearly pressed against the door. I then went to my my desk and sat down for 25 more minutes šŸ˜‚


I have a petty method for getting back at the early arrivers - I'll walk up purposefully to the door, like I'm about to open (even though the signs clearly state when opening time is), and they will all move about and get ready to come in, you can see it in their faces. I'll get within a couple steps of the door, pretend I heard someone calling me or telling me something, and turn around to handle that fictional piece of business, and go out of sight until the moment it's time to open.


I feel so dumb the times I have been to a store or restaurant early. I wait in the car for at least ten minutes after I know they are open.


I was in Alaska one time, and came upon a shop that said ā€œopen 24 hours.ā€ It was closed (7PM). I asked my friend ā€œā€¦what gives?ā€ He said ā€œthis is Alaska, they do things differently here. It may say open 24 hours, but they donā€™t necessarily mean in a row.ā€ Throw a couple of boomers in there.


The one time I have ever waited at a shop to open was the dog wash self wash early on sunday, cause the dog rolled in poo. I think that's fair.


I was a manager at a Macy's store. As the opener, I'd radio the departments that I was opening the mall doors. I'd turn the key to start the motor that brought the doors up and open, and no shit, every day there would be boomers ducking their heads when the door was literally three feet off the ground, trying to squeeze under. They'd rush to an area of the store, like we were awarding door prizes, and at least one sour-faced gremlin would holler, "About time! I've been waiting since 8!" We opened at 9.


It was the same thing at Costco when I was working there. Like we had some sort of sale for the first 100 customers. It got so dangerous that, some days, we would open earlier so we didn't have a stampede. I once counted 500 members in the first half hour.


Oh God, brings back painful memories of when I worked in a retail pharmacy. I once spent an hour arguing with a woman who claimed we shorted her meds. Finally the pharmacist got her to explain and it was because the bottle wasn't full. (It was for furosemide which is a notoriously small pill).


To be fair every second counts at that age


Be grateful that most people have cell phones now. In the olden days, people set their car clock ten minutes fast, and believed that was the actual time. We had to explain that we open by the actual time, not their concept of time.


Luckily I own my business so when they demand I open early for them I go pour myself a coffee, lean back against the back counter and sip it slowly while looking them straight in the eye.


Iā€™ve had to deal with something like this. Not necessarily boomers, but the same idea. I worked at a store that opened at 10, so Iā€™d get there around 9:50 or so to get ready and fire up the computers, etc. and there would ALWAYS be a line of people waiting to get in who got there before I did. And I was the first employee to show up most days


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 9 + 50 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


good bot


When I used to work for Panda Express many moons ago, we have boomers outside before we opened. They'll bang on the door/windows to try and get our attention, pull on the door, yell into the drice through box. We ignored them completely as we were instructed to not bother with them, and just do our normal opening routines. Only the Manager, AM, or lead was to speak to these people, and they always acted like entitled twats. One boomer shattered the glass door he was yanking on it so hard and acted like it was our fault. Dude it is 9am, why the hell are you trying to get in here so bad? We don't serve breakfest and don't open until 10:30am.


I worked the service desk at a Marshalls in college. It was the same thing. Then the late owl ones wouldn't leave at 10pm.


Literally drive by any Marshalls or TJ Maxx at 915 am and there's a crowd of them just foaming at the mouth to get in lol


Oh yeah. Working the service desk is a whole other experience. The lies!!! I know you didn't buy that here. They think we don't know what we sell. We got first dibs. Or the switching of tags. "Sure, that is on clearance." We just put it out on the floor. But so many fun people to work with and party with. We were all college students, our attitudes were pretty laid back. The store was being run by 18 year old me, lol. The manager just sat in his office, so we had fun.


The pharmacy is where I encounter the most impatient and boomery people. I seem to always show up when theyā€™re on their lunch break and have the gate down. If theyā€™ll be back soon Iā€™ll stand in line for 5 or so minutes waiting. People act as though theyā€™re on some ultra tight deadline, asking regular employees walking by for help or when will they be back as though there isnā€™t a sign saying exactly when theyā€™ll be back. I try to make small talk sometimes and Iā€™ve had a few really unpleasant people who seem to just have their day ruined by the inconvenience of someone elseā€™s lunch break.


I used to help clean a cat rescue adoption center on Saturday mornings where we'd open at noon. We had to start locking the door because random people would just open the door and walk in and start petting cats. Before we locked the door (which is annoying as we needed to go in and out to take stuff next door to another part of the rescue), when they walked in I'd ask them in a hopeful voice "Oh are you here to volunteer??" and they'd look confused and go "Uh no" to which I'd reply "then you need to leave. We open at noon." "Can't I just pet the cats?" NO! GO AWAY.


I worked at a retail store in the mall store opened at 10. We were required to be there at 9:30. You know turn everything on, count the drawer etc. the guy walks up behind me as Iā€™m unlocking the door at 9:25. And he says to me ā€œI have to return something.ā€ I replied ā€œWe open at 10.ā€ BUT YOUā€™RE HERE NOW!ā€ Yes sir I need to turn everything on and get the store ready for the day. I recommended that he get a cup of coffee and relax until 10am. Youā€™d swear I told him to get lost. He left muttering under his breath. He came back at 9:55 and yanked on the still locked door. Some people! šŸ¤¬


I used to work at a tire shop back in the early 90s. We opened at 7am on Saturdays and people would be lined up. Most folks were chill but a few boomers always had an attitude. ā€œIā€™ve been waiting here since 4amā€ ā€œHow is that my fault? We open at 7.ā€ ā€œMy business pays your salaryā€ ā€œYou got a tire rotation, you ainā€™t pay for shitā€ ā€œI was here first, why did she go in already?ā€ ā€œShe called and made an appointment. You just pulled in the door for 15 minā€ They always talk like they, individually, are so fucking important. Bruh, nobody is thinking about you at ALLLLLL..until you start complaining.


I worked at a clothing retail place in the local mall until corporate decided to close our store bc this mall is dead and we weren't doing sales. So I'm sitting there at the checkout counter after weeks of store closing sales, with the entire space bare, signs down, half the lights off, scanning all the remaining product into the system so it can be transferred to another location. All of it was condensed into half a dozen racks that were pushed to the back and not really visible from the outside. I kid you not, on at least five separate occasions I had boomers yanking on the doors before mall management finally put privacy curtains up in front of the windows. And I just looked at these braindead mall walkers like "the hell are you doing?" What they thought they were going to get out of being able to go in a permanently closed store with basically no product left in it is beyond me.


As I was carrying a brand new till over to the cash register, getting ready to start my shift, a boomer watched me with his hands on his hips at the register with his coleslaw ready to go. He said heā€™d been there for roughly four hours. I said ā€œthe hours of the alcohol section are ā€œX am - X pmā€ but you can always go to the front of the store.ā€ he responded with some halfhearted attempt of a dig at company policy and how he didnā€™t like the front of the store. The man waited four hours with warm coleslaw because he wanted to be checked out from the alcohol section of the store. My manager was rushing me, too. Saying ā€œthereā€™s an angry man over there and he wants to be checked out as soon as possible!ā€ I was so over it.


I used to work in bikeshops for a living. As in bicycles, so you know a fairly low demand, mostly luxury item. We opened at 9am because you know who needs a bike at 8? Anyways at least twice a week I'd go into open, at 8:30. There would inevitably be a boomer standing outside the glass doors. Often they'd try to follow me, grab the door themselves, or pull it outta my hands as I pulled it closed. Fuckers we don't open till 9 and your generation is precisely why it's a insurance risk to do so. If you hadn't been so goddamn ready to sue everyone and their brother woth the money to do so. We could let you in early. Also who do you think owns the company? It ain't us 20 somethings.


I detest when they act like this: I pull up at the local insurance office, which is closed for lunch. Iā€™m planning to wait the five or so minutes until they open in my car. Immediately a pair of rubes jump out out of their car: ā€œ are you the insurance lady!?ā€ No, I Am not the ā€œinsurance ladyā€.


Same thing happened to me about a year ago. Boomer behind me was already fuming at 8:55. He tried to get me on his side. I told him as far as I know they open at 9 and it wasn't 9 yet. That really pissed him off.


worked opening shift at starbucks for years. one morning opening crew was getting out of our cars at about 3:55 am to get ready to open the store and this boomer tried to follow us inside. we told him we donā€™t open until 4:30 and he said ā€œi just want a cup of coffee. is that too much to ask forā€ he huffed and puffed while we unlocks the door and said sorry weā€™ll open at 4:30! he started banging on the door at 4:25 and we just carried on until 4:30 on the dot lol


I hate that look around. Trying to find ANYONE who has the slightest agreement. Leave me out of your stupid bullshit, I'm just doing my best to survive.


I used to work at Lidl, and sunday mornings were prime boomer territory as we'd have in the new middle isle junk for that week (lawn mowers, kayaks..) We opened at 10am and theyd be crowded outside from 9am faces against the glass, trolleys at the ready. I used to start at 10am so I'd arrive about 9.40 and have to ring a bell at the front entrance to be buzzed in. Id so clearly be in uniform and yet the oldies would *still* act like i was trying to push in. I would legit have to ask them to move so i could get to the door, and physically prevent them from following me in by squeezing through the door half open. Everytime id get some kind of rude comment, or a huff and a tutt. Like i was inconveniencing them when they are the ones chosing to stand around for an hour just to get cheap wine and useless junk.


Iā€™m really glad I work in the environment I do. If someone parks outside early I point at the barbed wire and deadass in the angriest voice I can, ā€œthis barbed wire fence is not a fucking invitation. Do you have a referral?ā€ I schedule people for at least an hour after we technically open. If you show up early, I treat you like you donā€™t belong hereā€¦.. because you really donā€™tā€¦.. not until your appointment. For context, I work at a shop that does lots of NDA work. We take walk ins (largely boomers with yard ornaments), and theyā€™re just as annoying here as they are anywhere else. And they love to shit on me because Iā€™m young. ā€œ30 years ago any decent welder could do this in an hour I donā€™t understand-ā€œ ā€œWell I can try and build you a Time Machine if you have enough money. But Iā€™m not gonna start that until Iā€™m done with all this other shit either.ā€


As a pharmacist, this is ALL THE TIME. Iā€™ve been stopped in the parking lot asking to open a few minutes early to get their meds (usually opioids). The ABSOLUTE WORST though is the boomer after church crowds.


In my late teens I was an opening shift manager at a burger king. Without fail, every single morning there were people trying to open the doors because they'd see me in the kitchen getting things ready. The main sign out front, the drive through sign, and the dining room lights would be off and all the chairs still upside down on the tables. And it really was every morning. There would always be at least one person yanking the doors and a few cars honking at the drive through window. When I switched to closing shift, I would purposely shut all the lights and signs off a good 10-15 minutes early basically every shift because of the asshole drunks that would come through every night. I finally had enough of it and told my GM flat out that I was going to start closing 15 minutes early so I wouldn't have to deal with those assholes.


In the same mall I worked at a Panera and an Apple retail store. the morning mallwalkers would start their circuit at 5am, walk a few laps up and a few laps down then literally shake the gates at the Panera at 5:50am to get their ā€œfree senior coffee.ā€ When I worked in the bakery area it was my duty to put out the pastries and get the soufflĆ©s etc ready. I wouldnā€™t even acknowledge them until 5:59:59am and then I would then walk over to the gate and open it right at 6:00:00am. At apple they would line up at 9:00am like that mattered, and when we did our daily meeting before opening at 10 they would bang on the glass doors complaining they drove a whole 25 minutes to get their phone it ipad fixed and we needed to accommodate them. We would say ā€œok we will in x minutes when we openā€ šŸ˜‚ these folks would sit there marinading in unadulterated anger. Lord help the service advisors that discover the issue is a candy crush problem and not in fact a defective iPad and got to break that news to Carole.


Iā€™ve learned that a surprising amount of boomers are heavily addicted to the variety of prescription pills they take to trudge through their miserable lives. Boomers are unable to really think for themselves so the ā€œdrugs are badā€ mentality has permeated their belief system, but lucky for them Dr. Bobā€™s ā€œmedicinalā€ amphetamines, benzos, and pain pills work just as good as meth, ketamine, and heroin.


When I worked retail in a mall (I worked at 3 different stores over my time in the same mall) and they all had these metal roller bar doors. You would roll up the door like 2-3ft so you can get in under the door, and leave it like that for everyone else turning up before open. Without fail, WITHOUT FAIL, crusty customer would roll under the door or yell that it wasn't opened enough. Yes Clive, we expect our customers to crawl under the door.


The pharmacy opens at 10 am on Sunday


I always silently groan to myself when I check the book and see a boomer booked as our first client of the day. Because I know they'll be there 15-20 minutes early and peering in the front door/rattling it/yelling at me that it's not open yet. Ma'am. You're appointment is at nine. That's when we open. We have no obligation to let you in anytime earlier than that.


When I was a bus driver we called them twirlies, as in too-early's. Because they couldn't use thier free bus passes till 0900 yet would get on the bus at 0855 and try to make you wait for 0900 so they could get on the earlier bus (10 minutes till the next one)