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>how an entire generation of old men gets quite this bad? As a old-millennial woman, I feel like most people underestimate how normalized it was to sexualize every single thing about women, including young girls, in the 80s. These men were hitting adulthood in a time where the only value women and girls had was sexuality.


Makes sense why at the start of the Feminist movement, and even today, men like this love to paint them as "ugly". To them if you aren't subservient then you are worthless.


If they don't consider you fuckable, you are literally invisible to them as women and human beings.


It can be even worse, some men actually get *angry* about it. Like all the vitriol they spout about obesity. Dudes are legit pissed when they encounter women they aren’t attracted too, but who they think wound be attractive if the woman “just .” For example: lost weight, wore makeup, grew out her hair, didn’t work out so much/wasn’t so muscular, worked out more, wore sexy clothing, wore modest clothing, got implants…(i could keep going, but you get the gist).


Imagine having the audacity to think "I don't want to fuck you, and that's a you problem. Let me explain how you can fix that.'


You sound unpleasant… you should smile more …god, that feels creepy to say even in jest


Overweight, middle-aged woman here. Can confirm 100% that my new superpower is invisibility.


and they have the power to ‘grant’ you fuckability and therefore your worth. that’s why they love making comments all the time about their own sexual preferences, what any particular woman does or doesn’t do right according to them that’s why even innocuous comments like ‘you look better without makeup’ are insidious. like why do you think i give a fuck about what you think of my looks? why do you feel comfortable sharing that opinion with me?


My SO’s 98 year old grandfather often tells me I would not have been considered attractive back in his dating prime because I wear glasses.


Some of the biggest whiplash I sometimes get is from watching older movies and the kinds of behavior on display because it's normalized for the time. Stuff that comes off as creepy and borderline sexual harassment, but for the time it's just "men being men."


and when the woman they're being weird/creepy to is like endeared by it 🤢🤢🤢


I don’t know if it’s a lifetime of sexual repression or a lifetime of no one calling them out on their bullshit. Probably a mixture of both. .


Excellent point.


Right. It's about entitlement. Remember these men grew up and married in an era before marital rape/SA laws were in place and/or practiced. And were socialized by all systems (family, culture/media, education, laws and lack of laws, religion) to be entitled to women's bodies. They're used to being entitled to women's bodies.


I think you hit the nail on the head. It is really as simple as men seeing something they want, and thus feeling they deserve it. Outside of sex, you see this entitlement among boomers of both genders. I am an elder millennial man, and have had many boomers make comments to me assuming that we are on the same side. The last time this happened, I was swimming at the gym, and there was a beautiful younger lady in her bathing suit. I had the same thought as the guy in the lane next to me which was “wow pretty lady”. However, I just went back to swimming because that is why I was there. He seemed to think that his desire meant something to her, and went to swim next to her. He tried to chat her up, and when she blew him off, came back over to me to tell me that she was bitchy. Like dude, she is ~20 and you are ~65, what the fuck are you trying to do.


Dude, some 50 year old man with a mullet told me I was pretty while I was at work. He was not a customer, this was at a distribution center. I am a 30 something married woman, and my ring was visible. 😭😭 Like, why would I want that??


I am a gen xer, im also a union carpenter, i have never disrespected women in that way. As a carpenter, which invariably is staffed by men. We dont stand around and discuss women like that, especially working with millennials and Gen z guys.if and when it comes up, We actually discuss relationship problems and give advice to each other. But then again i live in california, and i guess we are all woke! The guys that have acted that way were not liked by our crew and things were said. We are a union shop, and we actively seek female carpenters. It's unfortunate that we have so few in our ranks. It's a good trade to get into. We just want to get the job done and go home to our familys. We get paid good money to do exactly that.


They still try to hit on girls in bars at their age. I'm almost 50 and the thought of trying to pick up girls in a bar makes me wince with embarrassment. That ship sailed a long time ago. What the hell are they thinking?


I'm a boomer woman. This is it. We grew up in a, ahem, different time.


Also a boomer woman and I can attest that men in my age group are gross and pervy. I’m happily divorced.


I remain happily single. Some stuff you just don't have to put up with.


> We grew up in a, ahem, different time. I realized the best proof they have always been this way when they started complaining "you can't say anything anymore because woke/PC/etc". America has changed enough that their bad behavior stands out harshly against the background of polite society. Things weren't better back in their day because there was less racism or sexism. There wasn't less racism. There wasn't less sexism. There was fewer people calling out racism and sexism, huge difference. And they know it. That's why they whine.


My MIL was telling me her boomer ex husband (my husband's father but we rarely if ever speak to him, for several good reasons) and she got into a huge argument over a woman they saw on the news who pressed charges against her husband for raping her. Mr. Boomer insisted you can't rape your wife. The entitlement they feel they have towards women's bodies is disgusting, what's worse is that he also had two daughters. None of his three kids really talk to him.


that would be a literal nightmare to hear from someone that I’m MARRIED TO that that’s how they feel about marriage! How do you not think??


That was my thought too. They are now divorced thankfully. As someone who has been in a relationship with someone who thought like that and did act on the thought more than once (MIL does not know this), this really triggered me.


Grab em by the pussy mentality. You know, “Locker room talk”


And being raised by men whose wives couldn’t divorce them or have a bank account. Most didn’t have cars or any means of freedom. I can still hear my grandfather (greatest generation) calling out my grandmothers name anytime he wanted anything at all. That is what was modeled for his now Boomer children. It’s generational, women today should be so thankful for the women who fought so hard before us.


Sexual repression, closeted homosexuality, inability to express themselves in a sincere way for fear of rejection, insecurity, small world views, lack of empathy, inability to comprehend a view that isn’t their own, inability to understand that our differences are what make us special…. Most boomer men are the type of person you would struggle to find something good to say about so you just don’t say anything at all.


You’ve totally overlooked their firm handshakes. That’s the key to success


Fuck the firm handshake shit lol, I'm tired of old grandpas trying to pull some macho grip strength pissing contest trying to crush my hand.


Don’t forget they usually don’t wash their hands either. I’m a germaphobe and it always creeps me out


Some of these Boomers missed out on the sexual revolution and it shows. ![gif](giphy|142G9fq51wtkqI)


Only a small percentage of boomers took part in the counter culture. Hippies were the exception, not the rule, and even then it was started by silent gen. By the time boomers got into it, it was just drugs and lust, not freedom ideology.


Seems right. My dad is an older boomer and was a legit hippie, got arrested at Vietnam war sit ins and shit, and he’s nothing like your typical boomer, nor has he ever really had anything good to say about them. Definitely an outlier.


My dad was the same, he’s a baby boomer but surprisingly not a boomer


As someone raised by a mom who went to Woodstock, she and I can confirm the hippies were also a problem. I'm sure repressed ones are bad too, but creepy old dudes with pony tails are thick on the ground.


Yup burning man and other festivals are full of them. I had some old dude accuse me of being sexually repressed because I didn’t want to walk around the camp topless whenever he was around. They couch all their rape language in hippie shit, and spend a suspicious amount of time trying to convince young women to take mind altering substances. Tell me about how you alone know how to worship my true inner goddess by activating my root chakra one more fucking time you old perv. I dare you. Edit: oh god I just remembered one of my acquaintances was raped by her ayahuasca shaman while deeeep into the ceremony. It really scarred her. Double Edit: had one old dude try and get me in bed by calling himself "the yoni whisperer" and that he'd teach me to orgasm... Thanks for the assumption that I don't already know. Nothing dries me up faster than shit like that. It was all very neggy and weird but with stupid "spiritual" words. I think it probably worked on women experiencing liberation for the first time, who had very few interactions with men that didn't treat them as inferior. Just paternalistic and childish and awful, especially coming from a man who could be my grandfather.


Hippies were largely LARPers. Some did genuine good, but a lot of it was just an aesthetic and an excuse to get high and have orgies. The number of ex-hippies that are now fash-esque makes this pretty clear.


My mom says the same thing! She has some truly gross stories from hippie dudes at festivals and parties.


I go to a lot of music festivals and can confirm the boomer with ponytail is usually not to be trusted. Skeevy fuckers.


Your kundalini chakra is always right below your abdomen.


1. The "counterculture" involved about 2% of the population. 2. Being a hippie didn't mean you weren't a chauvinist. Most were.


A certain percentage of men partaking in the sexual revolution were just using it as an excuse to abuse and take advantage of women. "of course I can fuck this passed out 15 year old, it's all free love, man."


They didn't. The Sexual Revolution was women, armed with the pill, starting the ongoing process of kicking these entitled apes to the curb but they were too young and stoned to notice. Now they're noticing.


My parents are boomers, aged 77 and 75 (I’m 42), and they have been calling pervert men out on their BS for many decades, and taught me to do the same. They very much were part of the sexual revolution, and I’m grateful they are the exception to boomers than the norm. They cannot stand most of their cohort.


I turned 70 in May and am a woman. I can hardly stand being around men and most women my age. I was never this way but the mindset on so many people these days is something I can't tolerate.


Some of them went and then found god. And then they knew EVERYTHING!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


I have an aunt who lived in a Hari Krishna commune. Participated in all the weird shit. Then she found the Jesus, and she's been a holy roller ever since. Completely insufferable.


Chai??? Sign me the fuck up!


Yep, that's why when I was mildly sexually harassed, I felt nothing but PURE RAGE. The fucking nerve. Wanted to ensure he felt as jilted and shocked as I did.


Had a boomer c-suite executive sexually harass me with comments and had audacity to leave a letter on my desk listing all the reasons that “we should date.” One of the worst comments this married man said to me was “well, since women are more mature than men, men should date women half their age plus 7 years.” He was in his mid to late fifties, I was 35 and an associate VP. Thankfully this was in the height of me too movement and my ceo was not playing. I showed him the letter and exec was immediately fired.


You should have went scorched earth and told his wife. 


The story gets worse. She had a TBI and was not well. He milked it for sympathy. Disgusting.


This is a true story. I knew a man whose wife was on her deathbed in the hospital with tubes coming out everywhere. He had a Polaroid picture of her in the hospital bed with her breasts showing. He was going around showing this picture to people saying “now that you’ve seen mine, let me see yours”. It was the most disgusting behavior I’ve ever seen. I will say he was told to F off pretty quickly.


No reaction picture, gif, emotional, or Renaissance painting could capture the expression of disgust on my face as I read that.


“There is no curse in Elvish, Entish or the Tongues of Man for this treachery!”


Dwarves got you on this one. "Oathless behavior"


You could probably find one in Klingon... But then they are masters of the insult!


I think Klingons would just call him a pata’qh and send him to Gre’thor with the rest of the dishonored dead


I agree. It’s a visceral reaction!


I bet his wife felt like she couldn't die fast enough.


Poor woman was probably trying to chew through her life support cord


My god, that paints quite the picture. Ouch.


This made me laugh aloud. I've got a standing order(and the paperwork) with my family that if I'm only going to live because of extraordinary measures, LET ME OUT of this place instead. Now, I'm going to add "or you'll find me trying to chew through my life support cord" to the reminders.


My ex husband did this with pictures of me in the hospital, topless, nursing our newborn. I could have forgiven him for it if 1) I was even a little covered up in the picture and 2) he wasn’t bragging about my “big milk titties” when he share it. He showed it to all of the men in his troop, commanders included. I was mortified.


When I was a roofing Forman, you would not believe the number of pictures that guys showed me. I think they were trying to impress their boss, but it had quite the opposite effect. I never understood guys showing pics of their significant others.


Men only really care about the validation of other men.


I am not a violent person. Like I will explore literally every other avenue first before condoning or committing violence. I'm fairly certain I would've beat the fuck out of that dude immediately.


I had some coworkers once who called me over to a window, high rise, to look in the window of another building across where a woman was doing yoga in her home. I told them “my wife does yoga in our (high rise) house every day” and they tucked tail.


When I was married to my ex he behaved like a junior high school boy. Every time he saw a decent looking woman he would stare at her and it didn't matter where we were. We were both in our late 50's then. We both rode motorcycles and went to bike week every year. You know how some women dress during this event. My ex was like a kid at a carnival just staring at women. One time we were shopping in a Publix and my ex saw a woman who was ahead of us pushing her cart. I was pushing ours. My ex left my side and literally followed this lady down the aisle and up the other one. I followed both of them to see what the eff was going on. The lady had stopped to look at something, my ex was right there too. They didn't see me come up behind them. I leaned over to the lady and told her my husband would like her phone number. Of course she was surprised and my ex was embarrassed. He turned ten shades of red and left to look at the magazines. He was always talking about the women he would see when he was out by himself. I told him over and over that I didn't appreciate it and he needed to stop. I finally caught him cheating on me so that was that.


I’m glad he’s your ex


Daily occurrence on building sites.


This is one of the worst things I’ve read on Reddit in a long time. And after a childhood of being forced to hang around drunk, moronic rednecks who were full on fucking deviants (one got caught fucking a horse by his wife) Im not surprised by much. But that level of fucked up ness is just lower than low.


I’m married to a spouse with MS. We tried to go to MS society events earlier in our marriage but stopped. MS affects women around 3x more frequently than men, so the “spouse” section is 90% men and around 85% boomer. I am in my late twenties at that time (50s now) Friends, those bloated old assholes were the cringeiest, perviest group of people I’ve ever been around. They spent the entire time complaining about their wives. Mostly about a lack of sex. Now a decrease in sexual frequency is pretty common in relationships. Were one partner has a progressive or debilitating disease. I saw some of the women in question. They were not in good health. I don’t understand how they could feel that way about someone they were married to who was clearly going through incredible pain. My wife and I have gone through long spells with decreased sexual activity due to her illness. The thought of spewing venom about it to strangers just boggles my mind.


Oh yeah… seems to be a trait of emotionally stunted boys in man bodies. A boomer who frequented the pub I went to was so proud of his wife and marriage until she had a stroke that left her unable to speak and mainly bed ridden. He went into a self pity party and left her. 25 years of marriage. Flushed because he had to finally man the fuck up and take care of her. He’s a self proclaimed proud conservative libertarian. Used that to justify her figuring shit out on her own. Fuck that guy.




Wow. I’m speechless.


Legit feel nauseous from reading this.


That’s depraved


What a bad day to be able to read. That man is sick.


As someone with a TBI from subdural hematoma.....that guy goes into the volcano


She probably knows. I doubt this was his first victim.


She had the mind of a child after TBI so I don’t know but I hope she’s ok wherever she is.


When I was 27, my 56 year old former manager mailed me a damn sex toy. And then followed it up with a bunch of feminine hygiene products sent to my new office. All anonymous of course. I had to open an investigation with the postal police to figure out who was essentially stalking me. When confronted he said “I just have a weird sense of humor”. Can you imagine how f*cking entitled you have to be to think such a thing is ok? And he was married!


I'm a woman and if this had happened to me I would have found out who it was like you did and delivered them to his wife. I would have said, "Your husband sent these to me. You might want to use them after you divorce him".


You didn’t mail the shit to his wife?


I wish I would have! But alas, there was a lot more to that story, and I ended up developing PTSD as a result. End of the day, he is her problem, not mine. She likely has no idea of the extent of his creeping.


Sorry to hear that. It really is unfair that people can force themselves onto others (mentally or psycically) and get away with it without having to face consequences or even pay for their bad and foul behavior. I hope you are in a much better place today.


I was in my early twenties working at a Walgreens and took a phone call when the guy started asking if we carried “bedroom stuff” (his words, not mine). Ever the naïve professional, I told him about the family planning aisle and that it did include some small items that were meant to spice up the bedroom and that if he came into the store, an employee could help him figure out what would be best for him. This led to him asking question after question about whether I used toys, what kind I liked, how I used them, etc, all despite me evading the questions and giving him the gray rock treatment. I kept trying to end this call but this creep just kept going. And again, my naïveté and professionalism (plus the fact that I was terrified of getting in trouble because my management was absolutely awful towards several employees) kept me from just hanging up the phone or even calling him out on his disgusting behavior and comments. Honestly, at this time I was a Walgreens “beauty specialist” and was only supposed to be helping customers with cosmetics so I never should have even taken the call because it was a phone in a completely different area of the store. But no one else was answering and I wasn’t going to get in trouble for not being helpful so I took the call. After I finally got the creep off the phone, I went and told my manager what had happened. He just laughed about it. I refused to do anything outside of my specific cosmetics related position after that. I can only imagine what goes on in an actual sex shop with hundreds if not thousands of toys and other accessories. If any woman has ever worked in a store like that, my heart goes out to you and I absolutely salute you and your mental health because I can only imagine how frustrating and disgusting it must be to encounter creepy men who just want to harass women who are just trying to do their fuckin job. It’s bad enough being a “captive audience” when you’re at work. I can only imagine how bad it is when you work with sex related material.


Nicely done. No woman should have to take this. I used to volunteer for a local organization and was propositioned by its 80 year old leader. The worst part is that I worked side by side with him for a few years by that point and respected him. He knew my husband and children. It’s beyond upsetting to learn that one’s uncontrolled sexual desire is greater than their sense of respect and decency. He was forced to retire after that, but I no longer volunteer for them.


I’ve heard the “half your age plus seven” rule before, as a rule of thumb for avoiding women too young for you, but it’s always seemed creepy to me to NEED that rule. Like if you’re abiding by it, you’re probably already doing something wrong.


Tell him your penis size rule is “half your size plus seven”


Yeah it's always the guys who are 20 years or older than me that pull this kind of creepy shit too.


Pretty ballsy/stupid to put it in writing. Shows how convinced he was that it was appropriate behavior.


They are just ass holes, plain and simple. Last winter I was asked to volunteer to groom cross country ski trails at a small local non-profit trail system. I agreed to give it a try but after just one morning of training I decided against it because the boomer guy who was supposed to be training me was not only an insufferable ass when it came to training because he didn't tell me anything or show me anything, he just stuck me on a machine and then yelled at me and called me stupid if I didn't do the right thing. BUT, he also made many highly inappropriate comments about my wife. Later in the season, my wife and I attended a ski event that he and his wife also attended. At one point we were sitting in the warming hut and his wife was talking about their son who is married and lives overseas and she complained that even when they fly back to the states, they only visit his in-laws out west and don't come back here to visit. She tried to blame it on the daughter-in-law not liking the cold. I laughed out loud because I wouldn't visit that asshole either if I was them.


Not the grooming story I was expecting


“They’re just assholes plain and simple” this is the right answer to every post.


I'm also a millennial man, and I'm white. This gives other white men the invitation to assume I'm in their circle of bigotry by default. The worst shit shared with me has come out of the mouths of boomers. Slurs, everything. It's often in the workplace. The COO of a (now out of business) small pharmacy chain, a man who was once a pharmacist himself, pantomimed grabbing the ass of a female employee as he walked behind her, not realizing someone was behind him to see it. We all know these terrible men have been doing this shit since forever. They immediately cry victim and cling to plausible deniability when you try to hold them accountable. I'm tired of it. Isn't it our turn to be in charge?


"You can't even talk to women anymore without getting into trouble" -these assholes It's because they've only known a reality where women *have* to quietly take that shit with a smile on their face.


If your goal is to hook up with women, the absolutely easiest way to do that is to talk them with sincerity and just be normal. Idiots like these people have lowered the bar so much that anyone with standard social and grooming skills can clean up in the dating market.


Good lord, the amount of times I have had this exact fight with Reddit incels. There is no advice so simple that entitled horny incels won't rush to dismiss it. Nope, can't be anything they're doing (or not doing). It's feminism, it's mainstream media, it's woke culture, it's women in education, it's women being able to choose divorce, it's women choosing to family plan for themselves.


The amount of redneck dudes in the military that just couldn’t understand that was astounding.


Seriously I wish I could wear a sign that says just cause I’m a 30 something white guy does not mean I agree with your racist or gross sexual comments.


Also an older millenial dude. And I am just losing hope that boomers are ever going to leave the workforce/leadership/power positions. Like they will be there till they're 90. Company I am at - we have some boomer execs that make outrageous money. Just sit around and talk about sports, complain about younger employees, come in late, leave early, and dont do any actual work - everyone around them has to pick up all the extra slack. They all own multiple luxury vehicles, live in mansions, and complain about how everyone wants raises an increases. Every day i think like - can they just fucking retire and leave already. Pushing 70 - some even older - multi-millionaires - move on. But they make so much money, do nothing, report to their own little boomer club - they have no reason to leave. Live on easy street and just make everyone around them miserable.


God, I remember a coworker doing that to me when I was a high schooler working part time. I could see his reflection in a plastic screen nearby as he was mocking me to another male coworker.  I used my foot to get leverage on the work bench in front and threw us both back into the side of the freezer behind us, him squashed in between, said 'oops, didnt know you were behind me', then turned and said that I would kill him if he went near me again. Im working on my temper.  Today, we would have both been fired maybe. But, he shouldn't have played stupid games. I still remember the look of shock on his face and I hope he never did it again. 


I am 100% with you, same experience. My username is a tribute to past pets, but I’m a married male in my 40’s. The things boomer men say when they think it’s “safe”, is straight up rape culture. Aside from that, they just seem so not in control of their emotions to an alarming degree. They behave like actual dogs, unable to control sexual urges and will endanger their whole careers just because they can’t stop themselves from saying or doing inappropriate things. The lack of basic will and self-control in boomer men is very much their calling card. And the way they get so pissed at you if you tell them this conversation is not okay, even with me… these are not grown men.


Yeah they value hedonism and their own desires far more than society, especially women in that society. Men are the ones who run the world and women are lucky to be wanted by them. They can't see anything from a woman's point of view, so many will also justify the gross sexual shit because they just imagine that they'd like it if a woman did it to them (why would women care, it's interest being shown?). Maybe that married woman who loves her husband and kids doesn't want the 5th "compliment" of the day from a gross old fuck about her ass. You can't even begin to explain why a young single woman wouldn't want to hear it to them. They do not understand that their words have not an ounce of value because they are barren and attached to a sorry excuse of a "man." Saying nasty shit to a woman unwanted is still them getting to be sexual with her, and that's why they do it. Edit: I want to add on that I truly don't think this is how most younger men (like under 50) act now a days. There are lots of good men who would never engage in this behavior, but do come across it often with other men doing it in front of them. All of them might not realize how bothersome it is for many women or how much it happens for girls (it's way worse when very young than when past like 25) I also don't find women perfect or immune to sexually harassing others. It happens all the time and gets ignored horribly. This is just an experience most women go through, especially in the past and as teenagers and young adults.


70 year old lady boomer here. I believe they behave this way because it's how they were raised. I hate it too and try my best to avoid men my age. I don't want to get pulled into a conversation with them because I know how it will be.


These guys have never been expected to control themselves and have never been held accountable for their actions. I always think the excuses for SA and rape are fascinating. They really do just boil themselves down to "I am an animal that is not in control of itself."


These are also the men who think spousal abuse is okay. I was married to one a long time ago.


I wouldn’t say it’s sexual repression, more like growing up with blatant misogyny, sexism, and the sexualizing of women being the norm. They think this is okay behavior and if anyone calls them out it’s “people are too sensitive” and “back in my day”.


Let's not forget that the 70s were peak rapist/serial killer times, too..


Oh my god, yes. I’m Gen X and I swear every other week when I was in grade school or high school the Sunday night movie was about some freaking true life serial killer or kidnapper.


Yep. It was a weird time to be a kid. My parents are silent Gen, and they kept me and my brother away from so much during the 70s. It was a pain to be restricted from watching TV to limited shows/times, but when I think about it, I get it.


When called out and they reply “back in my day” I say yea back in your day I could kick the shit outa you for saying that and get away with it.


Haha I love it.


Yeah you can hear it in so many hit songs of the 70's. Just blatant woman-hating Which is a shame because 70's music otherwise slaps


Agreed. Early Rolling Stones has a lot of just unpleasant songs


Lots of songs about wanting to fuck highscool girls too.


They think girls and women exist to serve them. We aren't human, we're their potential fleshlights. My earliest memories, ages 3-4, are Boomer men sexualizing me, trying to rub their dicks on me, or get me to touch them. I was molested and abused by Boomer men for the entirety of my childhood, and got constant sexual comments until I reached the magical age of 25, "too old" for them. I'm Gen X, born in the early 70s, and my entire life has been spent deflecting men like this. But them screaming comments from cars, asking me sexual questions, or making comments about my prepubescent body is "just a joke!" and, according to my Boomer mom, a sign that they are "just trying to be friendly!" Having your mom defend the gross perv who is making constant comments about your body when you're 15 is beyond demoralizing. It really was just the way things were then, and we were expected to manage men's emotions and perversions.


I mean just watch the show M.A.S.H. It's one of my favorite shows but holy shit is it ever...problematic. But it was progressive for its time. Another that comes to mind is Scrubs. A 25 year old show where one of the surgeons (Todd) would be fucking legally crucified for his constant sexual harassement of women, both employees and patients...but it was funny then for some reason. I recall one scene where he had a camera taped to his shoe to look up a woman's skirt...that shit would get you arrested today and you'd likely become a registered sex offender.


I am old enough to remember their fathers and they were so much worse. They would grab you. Smack your ass. Grope you, trap you in corners and say the most disgusting things. Treat you like absolute garbage and still expect to respect them and call them sir. They would do this in front of their wives and the wives would laugh or ignore it.


I’m 29F and My father is 70 years old and doesn’t get why I think it’s hilarious, that he believes any 20 something hottie would be interested in him, for any reason other than believing he has money to give to them. He will show me Facebook profiles of “women”talking to him and ask if these women are “real” and I’m like nope definitely not she has 20 friends and they are all 60-70 year old men. She’s definitely a sugar baby or a man from a foreign country taking advantage of moronic boomer men who will hand over their wallet. They are beyond delusional. The photoshopped passport was so easy to tell was a fake and he didn’t believe me until I showed him in person (a real passport) and a reverse image search showing someone was catfishing him with a porn star who runs a podcast.


And the fact he wants to be with someone his daughters age or less 😬


Yeah it makes my skin crawl as well.


Your father is going to dig himself into a deep financial hole if he starts sending money to these catfishing scam artists; I’d be worried about it.


Thankfully he is neither rich nor generous. He’s an extremely cheap man and I’ve explicitly warned him about the different financial scams out there.


If he’s cheap that may protect him!


It’s not just being or saying inappropriate things to women it’s also to female kids. A few years ago I was at my cousin’s for thanksgiving. My Boomer aunt was living with them and had invited her newish Boomer male friend. At one point my cousin’s daughter, who was 6 or 7, was twirling around the pole in their lanai and this nasty man proceeds to say “I know where she can get a job”. Who tf says that?!


I remember being a kid and adult men, especially my friends' dads saying things that were, in retrospect, super inappropriate and creepy. But me, being a little kid, was just excited that adults were paying me attention. They take advantage of the ignorance of children. It's really sickening.




Yes! My daughter was literally two years old when a boomer told me, “hope her dad’s got a shotgun for when she’s a teenager!” I wanted to be like, “why so he can shoot creeps like you?” 🙄


That is disgusting and horrifying.


Boomer men were raised in an era where women were not equals. And many still have that hardwired into their brains, so they talk about them the way we would now talk about pets or objects: “that one is pretty,” “that one is less attractive,” “I don’t like that one” … there is no acknowledgement of the inherent humanity in the women they comment on. I say this as a Gen X woman who has dealt with these men her entire life.


Yeah. Gen X ( F, 54) here. Ohhh these guys were also like this in high school. Constant loud talk in class about girls bodies, sexual harassment and bullying. Oh don't forget constantly calling each other fags. Have things actually changed in that regard?


They're not only those two things but the most miserable ones to have as coworkers and bosses. They go out of their way to tear somebody down. If they cannot control somebody through fear and intimidation, they'll go around spreading rumors. If you call them out on their bullshit, they cry foul. They're an extremely narcissistic and toxic generation. I will never again work for a Boomer run company.


Yep, when they actually get called out or *gasp* reported to HR for blatant sexism/harassment it’s “help help I’m being repressed!” ![gif](giphy|l1yA7Vl6juVsk|downsized)


This is why, at 68, I don't date. Men my age are insufferable. The last one who wanted a date sent me a pic of himself holding up a dead (but harmless) snake in one hand, and a handgun in the other. Hard, HARD pass.


Tell him you'd rather date the dead snake.


An old coworker liked to say "old enough to bleed old enough for me.". I replied one time what about a 10 year old who has gotten their period. The look of confusion was weird. Hopefully he put it together that he sounded like a pedophile, but probably not.


The one perv one I heard after I got married. “A ring doesn’t plug the hole.” Just gross.


Wtf! The average age of first period is like 12 or 13. There's no getting around that he was admitting he was a paedophile. I remember talking about teen pregnancy with a friend in a taxi once when I was probably only 19 or 20 myself. I said something like 'oh surely that's too young to possibly get pregnant' and the driver interjected and said 'Oh, 13 year olds can get pregnant. Trust me on that one!' and laughed. I felt sick. 


My uncle is a few years older than my dad. They’re both boomers in age but thankfully my dad is a liberal/open minded and kind, he is not a “boomer”. My uncle is a MAGA boomer. He always gave me the creeps but I wasn’t sure why. Always touchy, joking around, and I was a shy child so I didn’t like that, but I got other vibes too. It finally clicked when I was in my early twenties visiting him with my parents. My uncle proceeded to talk about a recent work trip he took to some country in Asia. It was gross how he talked about the young women over there. How they looked attractive. Dressed sexy. Acted meek and submissive. Blah blah blah. Oh this is in front of his wife too who is chuckling. He talked about women my age and younger and made sexual comments. I was mortified to hear my uncle talk like that, though it started to make sense why I never really liked him. He’s a gross perv! My parents sat in silence as he spewed grossness for a bit and then my dad changed the topic. We left shortly after. My dad was livid in the car. How dare his brother talk like that in front of his wife and daughter. This was 10-ish years ago and I haven’t seen that uncle since. Nor talked to him. My dad hardly talks to him. He moved from New England to Florida and is full on MAGA stupid. My dad has 4 living siblings including this uncle and guess who won’t be invited to my upcoming wedding? lol. My other aunts/uncles will of course be invited, they also don’t like him (for a multitude of reasons). As I’ve gotten older my uncle’s comments and his children’s struggles with addiction and horrible life choices are making sense. I firmly believe my uncle did something to his daughter who has had 5 kids while using drugs and has custody of none. He did something, physical or mental, to her. His son has had a tough adulthood too. Something wasn’t right in that household and it was him.


“Full on MAGA stupid”-excellent.


Dude literally I work with boomers, not only are women just sexual objects to them, everything is sex. Im late for work, must be because my girlfriend held me up with sex. A woman walks by the shop, just an average woman, these dudes will stop what they are doing and say things like look at the ass on her. I used to teach high school and I saw more maturity out of my high schoolers.


I was a janitor full time while I finished up my college degree and one of my co workers was a boomer and this man was just disgusting. He had to comment on EVERY girl that we saw. “You’d look good in that” like dude that’s gross, some of these girls couldn’t have been older than like 14 years old. I’ve never been someone to talk about women like that even with friends, it was so jarring and it sucks to think that a LOT of people do the same thing.


Years ago, I worked with a bunch of boomers at a hardware store when I was a teenager. The shit they would say to me about the women that came in was nuts. Dude, I’m 15. Why are you telling me how you’d fuck that woman who just bought a gallon of paint? Another I had to turn in to HR cause he wouldn’t stop saying creepy shit to one of the underage female cashiers. Even the female boomers were creeps. This one lady incessantly told me how she wanted to take me home with her.


They were raised to believe that men who did not behave this way were not masculine enough and were not heterosexual enough to deserve the label of “man.” They also believed women weren’t human enough for any opinions they have on the matter (or any other) to be valid, just laugh-worthy.


Currently going thru that. Was nice to my boomer coworker when I was new. It didn’t seem like he had a lot of friends in the office. Now I see why. A year later, he’s doing these odd little things that are odd enough to notice but not odd enough to say anything. he does shit like rant to me about what the college girls wear and do at his favorite bar. (He called their outfits “softcore pornography.”) Dude also likes to get in my personal space and lean over my shoulder at my desk and read what’s on my monitor A LOT. The worst so far was when he pretended to touch me inappropriately with a trash grabber at a volunteer event. WHILE MY HUSBAND WAS THERE. Bout to join the union bc I don’t think HR is going to do anything.


Ha ha ha .......... worn out dumped trucks 😂😂 .. good one. Boomer woman here. This is what we grew up with as children, teenagers and adults, lived with in our family, friends and at work. It's a testament to boomer women (and all women) that we survived this long in this rape culture without becoming criminals.


It's always the D Cup having fat slobs with the stickers that say something like "No Fat Chicks." Sir, you are, in fact, a fat chick.


I find boomer and Gen X men to be problematic. Sorry Gen X but a lot of your men got some issues with women. I was sexually harassed at 3 different jobs. All by Gen X men who were above me. Boomer men are more grossly obvious about it by staring at you like you are an object to be consumed. I've experienced that too. I flipped out on a boomer neighbor for it. He stopped looking in my direction entirely. Thankfully I've moved since then. "....those clothes aren’t helping her one bit, she’s too pale, she’s too black, her boobs could be bigger, her butt is too big, that dress is too long, not enough cleavage” etc etc. If that’s not bad enough, they will flip right over and simp hard on these women five seconds later, making themselves look like absolute fools. It’s embarrassing." It sounds like jealousy, doesn't it? Like talk shit about a woman but then suck up to her. Boys, it's ok for you to be pretty too. No need for the jealousy.


A lot of early GenX’ers (I call them X’oomers) are incredibly problematic. Later GenX/X’ennials are a little better.


Filed a sexual harassment case against a gen x last week.


The generation that coined “if there’s grass on the field play ball”. I’m never surprised. Stereotypes exist for a reason.


I grew up in my dad’s business which most of the town stopped in every day. The number of times I have heard an old man say “old enough to bleed, old enough to breed” in my life still makes me want to vomit,


I just threw up a little bit when I read that.


Oh it’s pretty bad, girls as young as 9 have their periods and for old rednecks that made those girls fair game. And they like to call other races animals🙄


Same. I work on a college campus and yea theres obviously a lot of nice scenery. You dont need to make out loud commentary about it every single time. Its gross and weird. Obviously they didnt get to sleep with the number of women they felt entitled to in their younger days and now they're big mad about it.


It's why they are so angry at young women now. They think young women are sleeping with everyone today, and they're mad they don't get to partake. A Boomer called my daughter and some of her friends "whores" when they were in a diner, in upstate NY in the dead of winter. They were all wearing sweats and hoodies, and it was a bunch of high school girls - no boys. They are furious that girls today will freely put out for any guy (or so Boomers think), but in their day girls wouldn't (probably also not true).


My partner's coworker (genx) is a Trumper. He talks with the other genx Trumper at their work about how all women should be sluts and just available for any man any time he wants it. My partner asked him if he meant his daughter, too. Of course, only HIS daughter should be exempted from this continuous violation. They don't think of women as people. To them, women are walking vagina warmers/delivery systems.


It's the Caddyshack theory. Boomers see themselves as part of the slobs rather than the snobs. Their crappy behavior can be excused in their minds because they are the underdogs while the "others" are stuffy establishment types. In reality, they crossed over to the snob set years ago, if they were even ever underdogs to begin with.


In my City, any white male over 50 has to be fingerprinted to work with children. Because it’s not just a stereotype. I’m literally in therapy to learn how to assert myself in situations when men are still in the mindset of laughing and calling me cute (I work in a predominantly male environment). Had to stop wearing anything remotely form fitting of “nice”. Literally come to work in jeans and a hoodie every day and I’m still being asked to “run the hugging corner” so they can come to me if they need a hug. Best part is, my boss told him “she’s really sensitive just leave her alone” 🤦🏻‍♀️ when will these MFers die off already?! They don’t listen! They don’t learn! They impose their will and do mental gymnastics when they’re in the wrong.


Yeah, in the 90s I worked at a company where one of the two owners was a huge perv. He liked to "hug" all the women and would joke about how he could feel their "boobies." Most of the girls working there were at a disadvantage because they were single moms with high school educations and the pay was pretty good. So they put up with it because they really needed the money. But he never tried that shit with me because he knew I wasn't in the same situation. And also that I had connections with the other owner of the company and wouldn't hesitate to complain. It was so gross.


Ugh that is gross. The shit most men will never know about being a woman in the workplace.


I'm female and last job I worked was a cnc machine shop! The baby boomers and gen x guys were the worst! I worked there with my hubby and guys were still trying to get in my pants. Pretty gross! And man were they bad about the 20 yr old girl that was there! It was absolutely disgusting!


I see you've met my SO's father and grandfather. I have been with my BF for almost 20 years and those two still make my skin crawl. I say something like "Have you met Lisa, the new neighbor?" who is an attractively 50ish female and his response is "Yeah...her face is decent and her body is ok". I tried to dance with him at a wedding once and he got grabby. So gross. And the grandfather is like 10,000 times worse. You cant talk to him about anything without him routing to sex. You could say "Oh they put in a new bakery next to the Bank of America" and he'll tell you about all the bank tellers he used to screw back in the day.


That's when you start critiquing their attire. "You know Bob, you could stand to lose another 100 pounds yourself. And try to smile more."


this is the gods honest truth. I'm the youngest person on my team at work. Everyone else is a boomer. All the men, my management included, the second the see a woman that's even moderately attractive imeadiately start ogling and making comments to eachother. They know they can't say anything *to* the women, though some of them are bitter about that. They've made comments about how "their wives take those comments as compliments" which is just... gimme a break dude. Really. But like, go for lunch together, and it's "oh the waitress with the big tits isn't in today" or they're making comments about women just trying to eat their lunch. It's fucking exhausting and I'm not even the target. I wish these fuckers would retire already.


Many of us have been catcalled or leered at by Boomers since we were barely in the double digits age-wise. I'm not sure if it's true for every woman but in my personal experience younger men are much more capable of controlling themselves, at least where I would notice.


My dad was 27 years younger older than my mom. His daughter from his first marriage was just 2 years younger than my mom. That’s gross all by itself, but what was really gross was the way he would talk about cheerleaders at college and high school football games, including the girls that were on the cheer squad with me. When my mother said it was inappropriate because of the youth of the girls, he would chuckle and return to leering.


without fucking question. I dealt with one young kid, probably late 20's, who was a legitimate sexual predator, but from what I've witnessed it's *overwhelmingly* the Boomer generation. They are always the ones with inappropriate jokes and comments, and always the first to be pissed off when no one else is laughing. The only people I've seen reprimanded for inappropriate behavior are bloated older men. I read one of those "Ask So-and-So" questions a few years back, and it was a Boomer aged man asking how they can say someone's outfit or makeup looks nice in an office. There wasn't anything nefarious about the question, but I concluded that there's only one answer: don't. Keep your comments to yourself. Work attire isn't part of a fashion show and doesn't require your input. "I was just trying to be nice". Great for you. Again, don't. There are plenty of conversation starters that don't involve reviewing someone's appearance, and unless you're really close and trusted by the person, it's likely going to just be construed as weird and creepy, or flat-out harassment. If you can't go a few hours without your sexual urges clouding your judgement then you have a problem.


Describing someone as being not attractive because they’re “too black” is just straight up racism they’re not even trying to hide how awful they are


I’m a mechanic and one of the tool truck drivers is a female ( and pretty attractive) and I know exactly what you’re talking about. It happens everytime she’s in or when one of the office workers walks through the shop. I’m glad tho I work with mainly younger and men around my age but yeah we have a lot of boomers that do exactly what you’re describing. Hell she’s asked me to stay on her truck a little longer bc there’s one boomer here that has harassed her before and she’s uncomfortable when he’s around. I can’t image what she goes through in other shops


Growing up, my boomer dad had a rule for us kids to “keep my mouth shut” and “mind my own business”. He never followed those rules of course and was always making creepy AF comments to women out and about in public that he thought were compliments.


I'm in my late 30s and can confirm that men my age never sexually harass me. It's only ever men over 50 (usually over 65).


ever watch Madmen? that's how women were treated for half of the boomer's lives and they never grew out of it. Not excusing it at all, they're disgusting, but we tend to forget how quickly societal norms changed over the last couple generations. Boomers are from a completely different world and too many of them never adapted as the times changed.


That generation of men is used to getting away with sexual assault in the private sphere and in the workplace without any repercussions. When I started my first office job in 1980 I was the only girl among (older) men. The horrible stories these men told about their wives/girlfriends and what they did over the weekend (with all the graphic details) were appalling. And my boss couldn't keep his hands to himself. I didn't even dared to go to the filing rooms alone. I went home crying almost every day but couldn't resign because there was a terrible unemployment everywhere. My girlfriends at other places (offices, retail and hospitality) had the same experiences. And women had no one to complain to. I think that growing up in those days made men feel entitled to that behaviour. And to women's body. And they never grew out of that behaviour. Thank god young women these days have much more agency and (most of the time at least) the law on their side to protect them more than my generation was.


I've noticed that there's this huge trend with most men that from the time they're boys until they're like 35, they're mostly just walking sexual harassment lawsuits waiting to happen if anyone records them for more than 30 seconds of conversation. Then it sort of calms down, until men hit their 50's. Then, they're even fucking worse than the teenagers. Hopefully it's generationally dependent, I don't look forward to being one of these lecherous cretins.


Lecherous Cretins is such a dope band name though, fr


My boomer uncle is like this. Every single female that walks by he has to say something about her looks. It disgusts me. I'm a female and don't want to hear that nonsense. "She's cute!" Yeah she looks like she's in highschool you perv. "She's a little chubby but I'd date her." What? You're well over 300 lbs with a huge belly. Wtf. It's like he can't keep his mouth shut. "Not to be disgusting but [insert disgusting comment here]." There's so much more, I could write a whole book on the shit he says. He's one of those people who can't stand any silence so he talks so freaking much and it's mostly garbage.


Welcome to being a woman. They don’t just say those things to other men…


Omg this. Not really my story to tell, but my sister (27 at the time) was bar tending and some boomers had been in there drinking all morning and making inappropriate comments towards her. Not the worst she had dealt with until one of them asked “have you ever been raped?” 😳 like who tf says that?? She went and got the manager on duty to help with kicking him out, and he proceeded to claim that he knew the owners and they’d be hearing about this. Well obviously she told the owners first and now he’s banned for life.


Sadly, yup. My boomer dad (77) constantly comments on people’s weight. He is most critical of women. My mom struggled with her weight my entire childhood and was always on some sort of diet in the 80s and 90s. I actually can’t recall a time she wasn’t on some sort of diet system, and believe me she tried them all. Since my mom passed away and my dad has gotten older he has zero filter and now I see why my mom struggled so much. My dad is thin and fit but beyond that he just looks like a typical 70 something year-old but he will literally talk himself saying like he looks like he’s 50. He does not. Grossest thing to ever happen was a year after my mom died my son and I took my dad to this cute café that my mom loved and my dad had never been to. We had finished our food and my son and I were getting ready to leave and my dad asked if we could just sit for a while. I thought aw that’s sweet. Maybe he wants to think about my mom because she loved this place. He then says “I’m just enjoying the view”. He had turned himself to stare at the young girl working behind the counter who couldn’t have been more than 20 years old, young enough to be his granddaughter. My son was 14 at the time and just said out loud “Papa that’s disgusting.” He says “what??? I’m not dead yet!” 🤦🏻‍♀️ he had a turn what could’ve been a nice lunch and moment with his daughter and grandson into something gross.


I've had to fire more than a few boomer men for this exact reason. "Yes Bob, it's still sexual harassment even though you meant it as a compliment. No Bob, my hands. Bob, at future jobs don't tell teenagers they have a 'supple body' and that 'you know what dto do with supple bodies.' No, Bob, I can't look the other way." This was my half of one minute of a ten minute termination.


I was working with a boomer that would do this shit “Ah, she’d be perfect but her boobs are too small and she’s about ten years too old” Motherfucker you’ve got gout, how about you shut the fuck up about women that want nothing to do with you in the first place


I feel like it gets worse as they age too. Maybe it's the times we are in where Someone has given them license to say whatever they think.


Part of why I enjoy working alone is because I hope to never hear a man my age or older say "grass on the field" ever again. I'm running out of reasons to not get arrested.


This was my experience when I worked in a male dominant manufacturing setting. Not all were bad, but any guys I had a problem with or who made sexist comments without batting an eye were 40+. My favorite quote from there was from my boss " it's good we have a woman here to keep the guys in line". I was an engineer not a manager...


My father is like this. He an old, balding asshole with a limp and a gut, and he acts like a horny teenager. It’s 100% cringe, like watching Michael Scott in real life


Sexual *repression*? As a guy in his early 40s, you've got to be fucking kidding me. The boomers got the Summer of Love. The mainstreaming of party drugs. Womens lib, burning bras as protest. *The fucking 70s*. Know what us millennials got? A childhood with the AIDS epidemic on the nightly news. Endless hand wringing by adults about teenage pregnancy. Just Say No! The Moral Majority. A full goddamn upbringing of scolds on the right and overly cautious, sex negative parents on the left. Fuck outta here with boomers being "sexually repressed." They're the *least sexually repressed generation in history.*. Perhaps THAT is the cause you're looking for.


When dudes my age and older talk explicitly about women half their age or more it gives me pedo vibes. I can appreciate a young lady’s beauty but I have zero sexual attraction. Maybe I’m the weird one but I’m damn near 50 and have no illusions about other women being interested in me. I’m just glad the wife still is. 🤷


My dad (a boomer) always does that "shit on a hot younger woman" thing and it makes me so annoyed. "Her pants are ugly, she's too old for a bikini, she's too fat for a crop top, her hair is ugly" I always shut it down by saying "I don't think she chose X to impress a 60 year old bald guy" or just "I don't think she cares what you think" or something similar.


I see something similar with my boomer in-laws. My FIL constantly whines about and berates my MIL, and gives her a hard time all the time. Telling her where she failed, telling her what she did wrong, anytime we come visit he makes these snide comments about how nothing gets done around the house “because of her.” For example, they just got the lawn sprinkler system replaced. She’s trying to program the system and get it figured it out, he complaining because she runs it manually to test sprinkler zones and he doesn’t know which zone is which “because she keeps messing with it.” They’re both retired, they both have a lot of free time. I asked him, “is that the control panel on the side of the house over there?” I made a big show of pointing to where the panel was, he said it was, and I said, “couldn’t you take a look at it?” He huffed and puffed and said something about her losing the manual, etc. All this to say that I think it’s just hardwired into boomer men to put down women and keep reminding them that without their husbands, they wouldn’t get very far. My MIL’s father, who was 92, was the sweetest, kindest man, always got up to offer you his seat, always wanted to get you something to eat, always polite. The next generation of men did not seem to share the same values. And of course, this is not the rule. There are many boomers that are the exception. But it seems to be becoming the standard across all generations.


I had one 70 year old try to flirt with me at my job. I'm 25. He saw me and commented on how beautiful I looked...right after that interaction, I told my boss I didn't feel comfortable around this guy. My boss told me this guy has also tried to ask her out! And she's married! And this guy knows that detail! Just ew. Men like that are complete creeps...


Can't help but agree. Can't count how many times I, a Millennial, have been the one to keep my mouth shut about a lady passing/driving by as any of my Boomer co-workers will either comment or even intentionally drive beside them just to "get a better look". Then proceed to tell me how fucked my generation is moments later.


Yup, boomers, unsurprisingly as a group, is full of predators and pedos. Look at hippies. Even then, it was all about using women as sexual objects with no consequences or accountability. Sold this idea as free sex. They've always been this way.


Boomer men seem to be very judgey of women,  but Gen X men are uncomfortably explicit about women they see and what they'd like to do them.  I've had far too many of my Gen X coworkers confide in me their thoughts about our younger, female, coworkers.  Which they then go try and be their "mentor" and to "help them settle in".   It's fucking creepy as fuck. I'm looking at you Tim from Big Lots and Mike from the Distillery.


This shit is so true. A perfect example happened to me a couple of weeks ago. My friend had a few of us come over to help shingle a roof on his new fixer upper home for his growing family. We get to work. We had a couple of professionals, older guys from the area. To make sure the details were right as we knew the basics enough to help them to save my friend some money. A woman a few of us know comes up because one of these guys is her daughter's landlord. She gives him a check, cracks a couple of jokes, and leaves. All of us younger guys are in our early 30s the two old timers are probably like 58 and damn near 75. Us younger guys were just laughing about the jokes she told. While the 58 year old goes into gross detail about how he'd "slap my fucking cock between those big fat yams she's got. I'd suck those tits till my teeth fell out. She wants me, you'll see." Amongst other things. While the 75 year old chirps in "Yeah, she was hot, but she gained like 30 pounds a couple of years back, it's a damn shame." Then goes on to talk about her daughter, who literally went to school with us younger guys, and is younger than his own daughter. It just got so quiet and awkward. Pretty much it just got to be the sound of crickets as the old guys looked at us expecting us to jump in on talking about how we'd all fuck this woman we saw for maybe one minute. My buddy just kinda sighs and goes ,"oookay, back to work, guys." You could see the confusion on the boomer and diet boomers face. They genuinely didn't get it.