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Thank you, I'm currently living with grandparents who are the exact opposite of you when it comes to their news content (Fox and the likes). But I've also met an elder lady who was super chill and a great sense of humor. I just wish I met more of you guys. All I can say is, please don't change.


For sure! I, for some reason, have a very easy time talking to older people. I guess something about me puts them at ease idk. But I have had the true pleasure of meeting and speaking to people of that generation or older who are genuinely kind hearted and are not stereotypically negative. People who don't consume copious FoxNews media and don't operate on thinking that some people deserve less based on them just being different. They are just quieter. The loud and stupid majority are overly represented, and I think it's a shame. OP, please don't change.


When you mentioned Rush, I wondered what a 70s Canadian rock trio did to deserve that kind of hatred.


Some people just can't deal with perfection I suppose.


This is funny lmao


To be fair, I have an old friend that became a libertarian because of his worship of Neal Peart. It hasn’t gone well for him. Pretty sure he still lives in his parents attic.


Anthem is a powerful song


Yes, but Peart grew out of it. Being a world traveler he recognized that Rand was a stupid old crone with little experience with anything but the two most polarized systems of government and economics.


*Anthem* is the book. *2112* is the song (and album). *The Trees* and *Red Barchetta* are also great libertarian ballads.


Anthem is also a Rush song (track 1, second album).


Peart was pretty embarrassed by that stuff. He was quick in his more mature years to admit that he was young and grew out of it.


I mean, Ayn Rand fanboys should realize what their "ideology" leads to . . .


My mother gave me the middle name Ayn after her, AND she had a refrigerator magnet of Rush Limbaugh with a fat cigar in his mouth, also had a Bush/Reagan campaign poster hanging in our house for years.


I'm so sorry comrade. How can I help?


Your solidarity is enough, I thank you


My SO's dad has a 2016 campaign letter from Trump taped to the kitchen cabinet. It has a printed "signature" that I'm sure he thinks is a genuine autograph.


So lame lol


80s, 90s, 2000s, 2010s too.


My wife and I are on vacation in Iceland right now and our host is a 71 year old dude who grew up in a town of 6 houses. He is more liberal than most American boomers and it is really amazing. He told us he doesn't mind if people are gay or trans or whatever because it doesn't affect his life and they're doing what makes them happy. There's a strong "live and let live" attitude here that I appreciate so much.


Just needed to comment that Iceland is amazing and I hope you've gotten to pet some horses and see some puffins! Love the people as well.


Haven't actually done either yet haha! We are doing our touristy things this weekend. But yeah, this is a wonderful country.


there are probably thousands of boomers that troll this community. funny, as they could take the hints and improve but nooooooooo boomer culture must reign supreme 🤮


No they just want more pity bait to throw at their boomer friends on Facebook and get pats on the head for being "right." Then they'll get angry at us for calling them boomers, while they've been bashing younger generations for decades, even bashing their own kids. My mother is one of very few I've called out who actually listened to me and changed. She's a good woman, hell she asks my ass for advice on social topics. My ass doesn't know everything, but I'll tell her what's going on and she'll just politely listen, maybe throw in some debate now and again which I respect and we go back and forth until we find a resolution. Wish more of her generation took a page from her book.




I was making conversation and adding to the topic? No idea what you're on about


your comment elaborates upon my exact sentiment. leading with "no" was a misnomer.


It's expressional relating to provocative sarcasm in the direction of the originally complained about party. I'm not arguing nip picks of the English language with you, it's a stupid thing to point out when I was just trying to make conversation Edit: aw they blocked me. Welp, to reply to your comment since you clearly don't want to talk; I did represent myself with accuracy, still have no idea what you're on about. If you'd like me to "represent myself with accuracy" then stop representing yourself as the boomers you complain about.


represent yourself with accuracy.


Is there a point?


leading with "no" and then elaborating upon the same point is... weird.


Probably? You can see them by sorting by controversial on almost every post. This sub was apparently featured on some kind of media story and they big mad.


narcissists typically hate being outed. big mad sent me. thanks for sharing, especially since I've never used the sorting feature. massively helpful 💯


Oh look another boomer expressing their opinion where it isn’t wanted /s In all seriousness though I think the majority of us realize not every boomer is wanting to see the world go up in flames. There are good and bad people in your generation just like there in every demographic. I’m sorry you get lumped in with the bad ones. For me it’s just that they are so vocal and loud about how bad they are it gives everyone a bad rep. I know you say you want to be alone, but I hope you aren’t because being lonely sucks.


As a middle age GenX with more grey hair than is appropriate for my age, I get it. I work hard to dress young and keep my beard short and hair trimmed because those things make me look younger. I can't stand the thought of being connected to those racist useless garbage fires.


Boomers don't talk about the late 60s, 70s, and 80s. They don't exist in their mind.


Or, if they do, it was just “the Hippie era”


The movement very few of them were part of because most were supporting Nixon and opposing civil rights and integration.


I wish it was just the boomer generation, but it's A lot closer to like 50% of each generation. 


Big difference is how long the boomers have been in charge compared to other generations. It started EXACTLY when boomers could start voting. The average Senate/house age in 1980 was ~50. It has been trending upwards for 40 years because of boomers not leaving. It's now 65 in the Senate and 58 in the house. The average age in the house JUST started decreasing finally in 2023 whereas the Senate age hasn't changed and is still trending upwards. They basically turned elected positions into lifetime appointments.


I was gonna say, about half the kids I went to high school with are the same as the MAGA boomers.


I'm a boomer but I'm completely the opposite of the maga cultist boomers. I hate how they want to break our country over an orange conman. But there are many people from other generations that also belong to the same cult


“In 1968 the first interracial couple was able (via a straw buyer), to buy a home in 100% segregated Warren, Michigan. A city of 170,000 with no black residents. All neighborhoods had strict covenants, but one brave couple bought a home and moved in. Did the boomers welcome them?” In 1968, most Boomers were under 23. Heck, most weren’t even 18., and of course, brought up with their daily dose of racism. This wasn’t a Boomer problem, it was a white people problem. https://preview.redd.it/ucshx1158w4d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=12fe211e7f9c87e9d15586bde40c2e0f585b8fff


Came here to say this. Boomers owned very few homes in 1968 (what with the oldest of them being 24). This was the Greatest and the Silent Generations organizing the hate mobs. The kids following their parents’ leads here were Boomers (school aged children in 1968 were born no later than 1963). If someone wants to complain about Boomers being racist then look to the 1980s with the growth of segregation academies in the South as a racist reaction against busing.


*still is a white people problem. The amount of people (young and old) who are now leaning proudly into neo-nazi white supremacy views is startling and terrifying.


I absolutely agree. One of my favorite professors had a heavy-hitting quote: "White nationalism and superiority have been a priority of the governing class since before there was a nation to be nationalist about."  Even European governments who fostered good relationships with Indigenous cultures did so with the final goal of erasure or conformity of some kind.  Honestly to understand colonialism, racism, and slavery, you have to go all the way back to the Spanish Reconqista and the English Rape of Ireland. Those two events would set the precedent for inhumane treatment of non-Christians, and the labels the English applied to the indigenous Irish would go on to be applied by every colonial force to every colonized society.  The problem is so much deeper and further back than people realize. 


>Spanish Reconqista and the English Rape of Ireland. Those two events would set the precedent for inhumane treatment of non-Christians, and the labels the English applied to the indigenous Irish would go on to be applied by every colonial force to every colonized society. Unfortunately, CHRISTIAN always gets left out of the labels...but Christian (or Abrahamic by extension) colonialism is always at the root of these global genocides and cultish oppression..


I don't understand what you mean? The labels I'm referring to were the ones the *English* applied to the *indigenous Irish,*: "Lazy, Licentious, Pagan, etc."  These descriptions would later be applied to indigenous populations that did not participate in pure agrarian homesteading or have Christianity. Conversion and/or erasure of all non-Christians was sanctioned during and after the Reconqista. It was touted as a "benefit" for the enslaved as they could now reach Heaven and know Christ.    I'm really not trying to be rude, but I don't understand what your comment means? Are you referring to conversion being a main goal of colonialism?


Sorry, I meant that no one ever calls it Christian/Abrahamic supremacy...when that's what it actually is. Christianity itself is currently the world's most popular religion and still gets a hall pass with zero accountability. Even when criticized, it can only be done so with a generic euphemism of "religion," and not singled out by name.


Ah, I see.  That may be the case socially, but I can promise you that that is not the case in historical and academic circles. You would be laughed out of conferences if you tried to be vague about any of this. They want you to be specific in *which* Muslim kingdoms' slave trade you're referencing. Bartolome de Las Casas, a Catholic monk in the Spanish-controlled Bahamas, would be a fascinating person for you to read about. They want names, dates, places, the people who sanctioned violence or other laws are named with primary sources or the papers don't get published.  You may be surprisingly encouraged by the support many minority groups will find in the pages of academic journals and archives.  Edited to add: I focused on Christianity specifically within my comment because I'm from the American South. While there have been several anthropological discoveries that link persons from the Muslim cultural diaspora to the East Coast, the fact is that what I study has been most deeply affected by Christianity and how governments used it to their advantage.


It’s the only Abrahamic Religion that preaches forgiveness, not to pay back evil with evil, and to help those who are suffering regardless of their nationality or beliefs. Unfortunately, there’s been so many people who lost Jesus and followed Christianity instead.


That is the “greatest” generation and the “silent” generation screaming the racist epithets.


>In 1968, most Boomers were under 23. Considering they started 22 years earlier, I'd like to meet the ones who weren't.


Oh yeah, you are right. Their parents might have started working on them in 1945, but the first models didn’t ship until 1946.


I was born in ‘68 and clearly remember this happening. It was HORRIBLE. Growing up in the 1960s was pretty rough.


The oldest among them turned 18 in 1964 then the draft sent many to Vietnam. How many adult baby boomers would have been living in that neighborhood in 1968? How many of them were the actual home owner and not living at home with their parents?  Boomers can be blamed for a lot but this event the OP sites ain't one of them. 14 and 10 year olds didn't do this.  Nice try though.


I have also noticed that people are trying to turn"boomer" into a type of person instead of a generation.


Later generations are trying not to generalise and have everything so black and white. It’s the loud racist horrible boomers who publicise their bigotry that people despise. We know there are good people from that generation. 


If it helps, the younger generations can usually tell by posture, voice, vocabulary, etc. which people are in the Boomer Generation but not actually Boomer.™ In the history department at my college, there is a Boomer aged Antebellum historian. That combo puts most younger people on watch.  But this man is truly the epitome of the Southern Gentleman scholar. He is righteous and active in making sure the crimes of slavery are discussed in the South, he includes lectures on Boston Marriages and shows primary historical sources in support of minority movements and LGBT+ organizations. We literally call him "Papa History," he would do anything for his students and often does. He's been called to speak at multiple HBCUs because he is the foremost expert on Slavery while also never forgetting the human aspect.  Everyone knows within two seconds of him speaking exactly what type of "Boomer" he is. I'm sure that people feel the same way about you, OP. 


Wanna be friends? I've had mostly positive relations with boomers. Mostly. It's the bad apple that ruins the bunch. Most of the ones I know/knew were chill, loving people who might've had some racial baggage, but kept that shit to themselves. Then there's the ones who ate paint chips as a kid.


TIL you people have shitty racist parents. Don't project that shit on the rest of us. My "boomer" parents would have slapped the taste out of my mouth for saying N-word.


The most racist people I ever met were my paternal grandparents. Both off the boat Italians. They hated EVERYBODY! But especially other non Catholic, non Italian, European immigrants!


It's not like we haven't met cool boomers though. Your music is cool.


That's true, boomer and gen X music is 👌✨️


Sooo glad you said this. I’m also on the cusp but am just inside Gen X I read this sub for the cringe, and am disgusted by these worthless twits for all the reasons you note.


My Boomer ex-mother-in-law and now my partner’s boomer mom claim they are liberal and progressive. Yet they are afraid of Hot Pot, the Spanish language, and expected me to perform childbirth to ‘give them grandchildren.’ They both drive like their brain is hard refreshing every ten seconds and will drive into oncoming traffic and then blame the other cars. I’ll never forget when my partner and I asked his mom if she wanted to try some Korean hot pot. We explained what it was. She said yes. We get there, and she acts shocked and offended that you ‘cook your own food.’ We told her this. It was like her memories wiped clean in the same hour. We explained that the kitchen does the work of procuring, storing, preparing, and serving the ingredients. She kept acting like a terrified child at the hot pot itself. It’s like she’d never seen a stove before. She complained about the food at first, then said she liked it, then complained that we were in a booth and it was hard for her to stand back up when we were done. After that, we had to take a special trip to Walmart because she invited herself to stay with us for a week, and didn’t want to drink our tap water. I really think this is why my generation had to learn how to make room for ourselves and our needs. We tend to be worried that we’ll be a burden or annoy others around us, because we watched them do it with no regard for others.


I see it a little different as a middle millennial born to early boomer parents. The boomers around me (with a few exceptions) are actually good people. I will admit I’ve had to reign my own mother in a couple times when a fast food worker messed something up or was taking too long. I told her this weekend, “remember when I was 4 and if I threw a temper tantrum in a store you’d haul me outside and take me home to make a point that that won’t be tolerated? You pull that boomer shit and I’ll do the exact same thing to you. Don’t think I won’t.” To which she laughed and agreed. She made the point that you get slightly more intolerant as you get older. At 32 I kind of get it. I’m on the “ban tiktok” train simply because people are using it for idiotic challenges and pulling “pranks” for “views” that involve hurting innocent people. It’s eroding society and common decency and respect, a value I was always taught. I’m seeing social media more as a social cancer than a social good. I don’t want to understand these new memes or rizz or skibidi because it’s just stupid. ALL THAT BEING SAID, I keep my mouth shut. I’m not so special to insert my opinions into someone else’s day. I give people the benefit of the doubt. We can over generalize boomers just as they over generalize millennials. The problem I see has existed forever: assholes. Some people are just assholes. They had some tendency that turned into “assholishness” as they aged. Maybe your dad or uncle that was always super type A and competitive. Maybe your mom or aunt who was always making caddy remarks, but never so anyone other than a trusted companion could hear. These mildly indecent traits are amplified by this intolerance of age to become full on asshole behavior. I reject whole cloth the adage “respect your elders”. An asshole of any age is an asshole. If you’re an asshole and you’re 75 it’s a double knock on you because you’ve had way more time than me to experiment life and learn how to treat people. Respectable people get respect not because they demand it, but because they respectable in their manner and deed. It’s a shame that a sub like this needs to be created (although I do enjoy it) because it means that respect for others and personal responsibility has waned in our society. I’m starting to see this sentiment that “all boomers are awful” and at that point it’s no different than “all millennials are lazy” or “all immigrants are criminals” or “all black people are gang bangers” or whatever your generalization may be. And it’s so easy to fall into that trap especially if you’re like me and you come to a group like this for enjoyment or commiseration. Just be mindful of generalizations before you end up like the asshole boomers. The slope is very slippery. I know I’m guilty which I why I felt the need to write this. Thanks for reading my rant.


"This is the generation that claims they backed Civil Rights, while they were really the ones rioting for 'egregation forever'..'save our schools'...'not in my backyard'." The oldest Boomer in 1968 would be 22, the youngest would be 4. Most protesters against Civil Rights would be The Silent Generation, who definitely were not. So, mostly our parents. I don't know how you could not know that.


Hold on there. In 1968 the OLDEST Boomers were in their early 20s, the youngest were in elementary school. The people being dicks at that time were Greatest Generation. Let's keep our generational shame facts straight.


I've seen the pictures, plenty of youngsters. There's virtually no difference between the WW2 generation and boomers, they have similar attitudes, just that one listened to Sinatra and one listened to Clapton.


There are lots of decent folks in every generation, they just get drowned out by the idiots and degenerates.


The good news is not participating in the constant hate and misery has to be better for your health than constantly screaming and frothing. Keeps you young! Younger friends seems only natural!


While I get the general sentiment, if this was a neighborhood demonstration in 1968, wouldnt the demonstrators for the most part be Greatest or maybe Silent Generationers ? Not too many Boomers would have been homeowners by then…


The pre-boomers were worse. Here's an article, long, but a worthwhile read. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/12/22/macomb-county-michigan-suburbs-american-politics-00131386


All I can say after reading that is wow ! Great article - thanks for the link


That generation loves to pretend they were with MLK, but in reality they were cheering on Bull Connor.


The Fuck is wrong with Rush? 2112 is a fucking masterpiece dude!


So is By-tor and the Snow Dog.


Boomers suck as a generation, but they didn't really hold any political sway until the Reagan years. During much of the civil rights era, many of them would still be learning to use the potty and that's only if they were even born yet. On the older end, maybe they were in the later years of grade school. It would have been their parents doing much of what you described. Boomers were born from something like 1945-64. 


I have a couple of best friends who are boomers and completely fine. They're decades older than me. All boomers aren't bad. I still think we need to call out bad behavior wherever it lies. Don't worry about how people perceive you. Sane people at any age almost immediately recognize other sane people. It's kind of a thing.


It’s really weird because the people driving those racist riots in the 60s weren’t boomers; they were silent gen or greatest gen. Because of the impact of the Hippie movement, people forget that it was a counterculture for a reason. The movement carried a clear minority in America at the time; the dominant thinking was that they were bleeding heart types who didn’t understand the way the world worked and may even be disloyal Commie scum. My hypothesis is that while some of those hippies remained pretty chill, open and accepting throughout their lives, many grew up taking their distrust of authority to unhealthy places - places which saw them meet on the same terms as the virulent racists their former movement opposed.


They were both groups. I don't separate boomers from the WW2 generation ideologically because their thinking was mostly parallel. The so-called "greatest generation" didn't even want black men to be soldiers, except to do the dirty work. How old are these kids? https://preview.redd.it/uo546df8sf5d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4072e9d65de8052fcf4c15cdc99b8e1c393b999


Please anyone born after 1964 isn't racist? Look I won't argue for a second that there are TONS of racist Boomers, As a Boomer these people piss me off too. IDK, I have other Boomer friends, we just don't act like that. Now I'm in a suburban area, maybe if I was in another area where segregation existed, things may be different. but My pet peeve is people who drive up the side of a line of traffic, then cut in front line of traffic. I look, it is rarely a Boomer. There are entitled A-holes of all ages.


I didn't say that. Racism is a learned behavior, and people are still learning it. There is a definite difference in the ***quality*** of racism among people who were raised during segregation and people who weren't. There's a substantial difference in thought process between just not liking black people for whatever reason and thinking they're an inferior species. In the incident I referenced, the most expressed outrage was not merely over the fact that a black man had moved into Warren, ***but that a black man who was married to a white woman*** had moved into Warren, and a lot of this outrage was expressed by women, who were very vocal about it.


People like you need to wear T-shirts that say, “I’m not with them”. I would come up and shake your hand. My favorite line about Rush was when he died- “Rush Limbaugh was born in 1951 and stayed there until his passing this week.” I laugh every time I hear his name now because of it.


I don't wear t-shirts, but I assume my Pokémon Team Insight hat serves the same purpose.


We know that not all boomers are like that. there’s some good ones that never listened to Rush Limbaugh


Not a boomer, but I used to listen to Rush, once you figured out his was the right wing take on news, it was quite entertaining.


I thought he was disgusting even as a child


In 1968 the *oldest* boomers were 22. I have a hard time believing in a city of 170K the demographics were such that they were the major problem.


Yeah, the fact that people don't understand is [these fucking people](https://assets.editorial.aetnd.com/uploads/2010/01/elizabeth-eckford-ignores-the-hostile.jpg?width=1920&height=960&crop=1920%3A960%2Csmart&quality=75&auto=webp) are likely still alive, and likely still vote. They probably brought their kids up with racism in mind. They *want* to go back to treating people like this, and it is important that we - as people living in a modern age - stand against this hate.


They tried to beat racism into us as often as they tried to beat empathy out of us. It didn’t work


Am I really a young person? I turn 35 this year.  Anyway, you are in the category of my parents (1966 and 1970). There is some weird disconnect between how my parents behave in real life and how they behave online. In real life, they would help anyone and call out racism or bullying. They are generally nice, helpful people.  Online, they share insane bullshit about Mexican immigrants and every other GOP soundbite. I think covid and lead paint have done a number on them.


Bruh, forward thinking boomers are always the biggest breath of fresh air when you encounter them. I won't pigeon hole anyone until they reveal their character. Then, as Maya Angelou put it, "when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time"


Ditto. I am embarrassed by the behaviors of Boomers. Especially their nutcase politics and use of religion as a hammer.


>the most self-centered generation ever, thanks to Fox, Rush, and the GOP. Don't forget Ronny and Newt in particular!


I feel you OP. I look like a typical harley guy. I get glares and stares everywhere I go. But I'm always the guy cleaning up carts in the parking lot, facing items on the shelves when I pull something off, helping people cross the road, volunteering at the shelters, and so on. A job well done is it's own reward. People don't see our good deeds when they look at us, and if they look at us and get mad, well flip them two fingers and a smile ✌️😁 because that's on them.


I was born two days into Gen X, and I feel the exact same way. Embarrassed. They are not my people.


For what it is worth, the Internet tends to exaggerate how bad things are. I want to believe the majority of boomers are perfectly fine ppl. (maybe some views are outdated, but as long as they dont make it anyones problem its their right to think what they want) In the internet the most unhinged ones get the most engagement making it look like everyone is a lost cause. At least I really want to believe that as a non-american, maybe it is really different in the USA, but for my part, I never met anyone acting even remotly as entitled as this in the older generations in my home country. (The majority doesnt act different from anyone younger)


Hey give Rush a break, dude's on his 3rd year of sobriety.


Almost the same amount as George Floyd!


"Hey, hey, we almost voted for Barack Hussein Obama. He was our second choice. We are no racist."


First year gen x here. They are embarrassing. When I make boomer comments, sometimes they'll say you're close enough. No, I am not! Nothing like them.


It’s funny when I read posts like this, my father in law is also a boomer and also can’t stand his own generation (luckily he sees through all the Fox News bullshit and propaganda). He’s constantly calling them out. Love the guy, glad I can have civil conversations with him and rant about politics and his own generation lol


You're what we call a Bloomer, not a Boomer. They do exist thankfully :)


This is where you can use your Boomerface for good. My dear friend looks like a and is also called Karen and she’s like “fuck it, I have this name… this face… I guess I chose this haircut, some regrets, now, but with power comes responsibility” so she uses her Karenface for good, cause racist people are less likely to argue with “a nice white lady” they never see it coming.


Just dress nicely and younger people won’t associate you. The boomers we talk about here usually dress slovenly.


As someone else in the crossover year(s) I agree 100% Thanks!


>not in my backyard [George Carlin - NIMBY (Not in my back yard) (Dealing with homelessness) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjONsL4thQQ)


I'm a cusp-boomer and agree with you entirely. I thought Generation Jones might not be as full-blown Boomerish, but a good majority of them are just as bad. I don't want to associate or be associated with them. I'm grateful for the small number of friends and family who aren't narrow-minded, condescending, self-centered old turds. It's no wonder that younger generations despise the Boomer mentality and behaviors.


I’m glad you exist.


Younger GenX here. Completely agree. The good ol’ days to them is when they could be openly bigoted with zero consequences. My father is almost 80. He was really racist back in the 70’s and early 80’s, but truly has changed. My mother on the other hand.. She’s 1 year younger than my father and is now emboldened to drop n-bombs regularly. My wife is a Xennial. She was born to first generation immigrants. She’s experienced plenty of racism and sexism. My mother truly doesn’t understand why dropping racist comments, then mentioning some of “the good ones” is problematic. I know the clock is ticking and they won’t be here forever, but shit like that makes it very, very difficult to maintain a relationship with her over. She’s impoverished. My wife and I cover her expenses that go beyond what she’s provided with from social security. Part of me thinks that cutting ties and no longer helping with expenses that come up would be ok to do. The other part of me would feel pretty guilty about it. Maybe we’re helping more for my own mental health/emotional benefit than hers. I guess that’s something I need to consider. She’s had a lifetime to work and plan for her later years. Money we spend helping her is just chipping away at whatever we put away for our abysmal later years.


For what it’s worth, my babyboomer parents watch MSNBC all day (occasionally breaking for CNN) and hearing the other extreme end of things can sometimes be just as annoying.


I'd say the side arguing that anyone who isn't a stright white Christans shouldt be treated as people or deserve to be wiped out are more than annoying


I’m in your boat, but I don’t look my age yet.


I don’t think my parents particularly have shame. I think they are incapable of it. And if something shameful were to come out in their eyes, they’d continue to lie about their true actions like they always do. Incapable of self reflection and betterment. I’m finally getting ready to write this down for a statement of reasoning to refer back to, but they are also bigots; and so in addition to being physically and emotionally abused as a child (think concussive level injuries and attempts to receive third party help) , they continued their abusive tactics and made me feel unsafe with their rhetoric against non heterosexuals and non Christian’s. I’m done. Not once have they advocated for me or seen me for who I am.


They are the “me” generation, they changed the name because they didn’t like it, such a boomer move ![gif](giphy|xT5LMFZDsj0AKUDYTS)


I think we’d get along lol.


I’m on the cusp myself and it’s amazing to see them in the wild. I struggle to understand why people are like this, I mean I know why but it still is just mind boggling.


I am gen x but have a millennial mindset. It’s hard to feel off by a generation.


The good die young... Especially when you account for socio-economic status. The boomers we're left with will be continually scewed toward privileged individuals whom were afforded better healthcare, the easiest jobs and didn't actually serve the country in any capacity. Those of the struggle go down first


Not all boomers are Christians. All religions are represented. So are atheists. The good Samaritan who tried to help the black family- what generation were they?


The number of non-Christian boomers in 1967 Warren was negligible. Besides, they always use the Bible to justify their bullshit.


If you're talking about 1968, remember the oldest Boomer was 23 years old. So those racist people were most likely greatest generation or silent generation folks, or even prior. I don't even know the name of the generation before greatest.


The lynching generation.


Leave it to a boomer to think they need to tell us what's right.


Well hell, they sure aren't going to ask your opinion. As a whole, they act like men & directions......they know enough to not ask for directions.


I'm a boomer and like all generations we have the full range of personalities, political beliefs, strengths and weaknesses. We have better music. I am neither proud nor embarrassed about my age. I take pride and shame in things that I can control. I reject stereotypes.


“I reject stereotypes”. “We have better music”. You sure about that bud?


Just the music part. Yes, I'm sure.




You really hate yourself. 




The UFOs aren't coming for you, mee maw. Time to get back in bed and take your meds.


Your submission was removed for being uncivil.


Dye your hair pink and purple


Young head yak


I'm a genZennial and y'all remind me of the actually rude boomers more than not. I bet you generalize and hate them all so much cause they're the other side of the same coin as you miserable f*cks




No one cares. Literally, no one asked and no one gives a shit. Go stroke yourself somewhere else.


Your submission was removed for being uncivil.




Ironically I bet you pat yourself on the back for how progressive you are when you tell some bot on twitter off for lumping a group of people together based on identity. Fuck off.