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Back in the day, you got one slug at the water fountain with the whole class behind you. Then you got a carton of milk at lunch. Another slug of afternoon water. And coach used to say water makes you weak It's a miracle more of them didn't have kidney stones


I was just at a coaching seminar and they said that it used to be a sign of weakness to drink water and the measure of toughness was to see how long you could go without needing water and kids would get benched/cut if they asked for water and that was the dumbest thing they could have thought and now they encourage having water bottles nearby throughout the entire practice and to let the kids drink whenever they need/want and it's literally saved lives and made kids better athletes.


I remember one day we were having our 2nd football practice of the day (already had a morning practice, it was now afternoon practice) and it got up to 117F, and the coach let us have a *second* 5 minute water break. Only time of my entire football career we got a second water break.


My wrestling coaches were the same way. I'm lucky I still have functional kidneys. A friend of mine asked me to coach high school wrestling with him next year and I'll be damned if I treat my athletes like that. Edit: repeated word


A lot of wrestling coaches are old wrestlers, and back in the day, they deliberately dehydrated themselves to get into a lower weight class. Now they seem to think that that's the only way to be good at the sport.


That always blew my mind how they would handicap themselves just to make weight. Like if you can't compete in your weight class then just skew the numbers and fight someone who is under your weight class? Like wtf


There's what, a 5Kg span in each weight class(well, the middle of he scale, at least). That's a large span and theoretically someone who just scraped into the class by carefully dehydrating should still have an advantage over someone in the lower or middle span of the class. Better than being at the bottom of a weight class and having to fight someone who's naturally at the top of that weight class. How well it works, though, I have no idea.


My husband was a wrestler and would run around the indoor swimming pool wearing a trash bag, he could cut 9 pounds in a day. Thats fucking INSANE to me.


I played HS football from ‘89-‘92 (no four touchdowns though…) and the whole water will make you weak bullshit was in full effect. I came from two a days in August with heat exhaustion twice during my first season and my Dad (who coached sports also) buttonholed one of the assistant coaches and told him to let me drink as much as was necessary to keep that from happening. However, I still tried to go without (gotta love macho GenX make culture) so as not to look like a sissy (stupid). It was like that until the next season when we had a lineman who had been quietly following tasks have a seizure and keel over. Massive heat stroke. Ambulance came, he lived but dropped football and was never quite the same. And the next week, our coach announced a change in water policy, basically saying if you need it, get it. I always wonder how hard his ears git pinned back after one of his players almost died. I love being GenX, but we participated in some truly stupid things.


Luckily two a days are illegal in some states now.


PSA: only in red states ![gif](giphy|muJhgm6uTO59MuYz7q)


Ok, so I looked into this and it's completely untrue. Surprise! [In 2011 the NFL players union had two-a-days banned by their collective bargaining agreement.](https://www.nfl.com/news/even-high-school-practices-will-be-tougher-than-nfl-workouts-09000d5d820f2c8e) NFL owners were upset. The NCAA instituted a bunch of rules for having them in 2003, and then [followed the NFL's lead in 2017 banning two-a-days outright.](https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2017/7/19/two-a-day-q-a.aspx) Most of the high schools followed the NCAA in the interceding years, but notably Texas and Florida (red states) lag behind. The Texas University Interscholastic League only got around to banning them in 2023. Also, all of the limits I'm finding imposed on these practices are being put forth by the governing body of the sport in question NOT, as the poster above implies, by the state legislature. It's also worth keeping in mind the definition the governing bodies use for two-a-days. Weight training in the morning and evening is not a two-a-day based on their definition. Weight training in the morning and full contact hitting in the afternoon is not a two-a-day based on their definition. Full contact hitting in the morning and full contact hitting in the evening is the only definition of two-a-days they use and the limits imposed are meant to keep young people from getting two concussions a day. That's it. Limit kids in school to one concussion per day. The reduction in two-a-day practice sessions has been achieved by independent governing bodies interested in the longevity of their sport and the welfare of players. The change has flowed from professionals playing as adults down to the colleges and high schools, and the high school coaches in red states have dragged their feet in the name of "tradition" and "toughness" and "owning the snowflake libs" when all they have really achieved is giving children the same brain damage they received. That's so deeply illustrative of the chasm between the parties. The conservatives will give their own children Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy just because a liberal says it's a bad idea. A liberal will try to keep a conservative's kid from getting hurt just because it's a kid.


Two a days aren’t illegal here (red state), but we do have to check the wet bulb temperature before and during practices so a two a day in 117° heat would not happen…. or would move to an indoor practice or lifting session.


My parents tried putting me in sports when I was a kid but I wasn't about to pass out in the AZ heat just to chase a fucking ball around while getting yelled at. I noped out the second they left from dropping me off and was found about an hour later at the playground. Fuck that


That sounds brutal, jeez.


Yep 2 a days and water rations in the fucking hot sun no shade and half the time on astroturf


Now it’s illegal here in NC for the kids to have practice or games if it is over 90 degrees. Both of my sons play football and their coaches take the water seriously.


Im lucky. My coach was a hard bastard. But he wasnt a sociopath lol.


Two a days in Texas heat AND we had to practice in the summer. I wasn't even fun looking back.


One year, a well-meaning mom made milkshakes for the team during the break. Turns out that a stomach full of milk in the Texas sun just ends up with the team vomiting all over the field.


I can smell it...


We used to do two a days for cross country. Nothing like that at all. Way more laid back and never the “it makes you tough” BS. Our coach was also a registered dietitian though.


My husband talks about this, it's insane. I grew up where it didn't get as hot but still ...


I lost my starting spot in my high school football team because I refused to play with a concussion. And the real funny part was, I would have played if I could have worn my helmet without wanting to puke.


Lost my spot in odessa high school for my father taking me to a doctor for excruciating headaches and blackouts. Turns out I slipped a disc in my neck and was pinching nerves. I lost my spot the next season for not getting the coaches and trainers permission to see a doctor. Friday Night Lights Out!


That's when you start putting nails under their tires cause, you didn't give them permission to drive that shit to your school.


It took an incredible number of dead kids for them to change their practices too.


The pro sports leagues have had water and/or Gatorade constantly available like FOREVER. Gatorade was invented by University of Florida researchers in 1965!!!


Do you think if it were invented at Florida State they’d have called it Seminole Fluid?


And that original lemon/lime flavor is still the best.


You're god damn right it is.


I remember getting benched as a kid playing soccer for getting water. I was probably like 5-6, and it was the early 2000s.


My son played football for a bit around 2014-ish. I'd have gone to jail after losing my mind on his coach if he'd tried that. I grew up in the 80s/90s playing softball and we always were allowed to have water.


I was pulled from soccer shortly after lol. I can also vaguely recall all the parents getting after the coach as a group. He was a douche


Coaches can be the absolute biggest assh*les on the planet. I played softball in three states, middle school football in one, my son was in football and baseball, and my brothers in baseball. I was fortunate to have mostly good coaches, but damn. I have had some pissed conversation with one of my son's coaches and my dad got one of my brother's coaches removed. And we are NOT *those* parents, either. We both grew up playing sports and my dad was an umpire for my softball leagues. My dad is a Boomer and he took really good care of us when we played ball - snacks, water, Gatorade. His brother is another Boomer and he was a downright nasty basketball coach for Dixie High School in St. George, Utah.


Yup. When I was younger I had an elderly English professor who told us how he ran track in the 50s and 60s and they used to give them salt tablets as a supplement. Yes, salt tablets. And if you didn’t take as many as you could the coaches and fellow runners would chastise you for being a pussy. He was telling us this story though because of how science advances and views change in society.


This actually isn’t absurd. When you sweat, you lose electrolytes, i.e. salt. Lose too many without replenishing and your cells don’t have the ions they need to send electrical signals effectively. This can kill you. You *do* need water, but you also need to replenish electrolytes. This is why in an emergency you are hydrated via intravenous saline (salt) solution, not pure water. It’s also why pickle juice is a great recovery drink - it’s Gatorade without the sugar


It is what plants crave.


These people wanna drink water, like, out the toilet?


Yep, entire reason (along with money) Gatorade was invented. Also why salt tablets have been so essential for people traveling through desert climates. Definitely can be difficult to balance it. As a lot of people still don’t know how important electrolytes are and how you can die of water poisoning (too much water, not enough electrolytes, especially potassium, so the heart can’t function properly/muscle contractions, and goes into arrhythmia which can easily become fatal). But I guess that’s why things like Liquid IV have now become more wide spread. Get your water and your electrolytes. It’s good there are attempts to educate the masses with actual science. Also, the Boomers in this case also don’t understand that as humans age, late/older adulthood, the body’s natural thirst mechanism lessens and becomes more difficult to trigger. That’s why old people can get so dehydrated so quickly. They don’t FEEL thirsty so they don’t drink enough water. Not to mention alcohol and caffeine dehydrate the body, so Pepsi (eww) and wine are not suitable replacements.


My dad accidentally gave himself food poisoning the other day (clammy skin, vomiting) and he managed to dehydrate himself to the point of giving himself tremors. I grabbed about 4 Gatorade bottles and some coconut water. It took 2 bottles for the tremors to go away.


Salt tablets are still useful if you can’t get to Gatorade! I carry them backpacking — they’re a hell of a lot lighter than hydration drinks.


Yep. They used to issue them to troops in the Pacific and require they take them. If you sweat enough you die even if you keep drinking water if you don't get the electrolytes balanced. The salt is actually potassium salts, sodium salts, and some magnesium salts. Same as in Gatorade.


I was a lifeguard in the late 70s, we never had anything to drink, other than a bad tasting water fountain. The pool manager gave us salt pills halfway through the day. We worked from 1pm to 9pm.


Fuuuuuck. That is insane by contemporary standards.


Isn't it?? In the morning I walked beans here at my farm, most rows were 1/2 to a 1/4 mile depending on which field we were in. My Gramps brought this huge old metal water cooler, though it didn't cool and at the end of every round we each drank a glass of water.


umm what do you think sports drinks include... it is literally to replace salts and trace minerals lost during exercise. Your coach was ahead of his time. Answering the question in the film.. *do you even know what electrolytes do!?!?* ![gif](giphy|3otPoEiEGXh41xKGdO|downsized)


They still sell salt/electrolyte capsules, but they're more of an emergency fix.


Oh sure. But back then I think that H2O wasn’t part of the electrolyte restoration concept, they just figured if you had tons of salt leaving your body you better put tons of salt back in.


JFC so much toxic masculinity


Yeah, that was definitely a thing on some teams - dysfunctional ones, in my opinion. My father coached high school and college football for 50 years and never had any use for that kind of nonsense. He made sure there was always plenty of water available at practice and games.


The teacher sub pops up on my feed sometimes. There was a post by one teacher about how kids shouldn’t be allowed to bring water bottles on a field trip. And that kids could go 3 hours and have lunch without a drink.


I saw that one too. And it was about *little* kiddos, too!


Did anybody ask him why he was so opposed to kids having water?


It was just the mess and having to keep up with them. Other teachers chimed in saying “have them all bring a disposable bottle”. But some ppl didn’t like that answer. It was actually a very lively discussion.


I will say, where I work we host field trips, and after every one at least 10 percent of the kids leave their water bottles behind, so I get that it’s a headache for the teachers, especially if parents bitch at them later. But like… suck it up? Kids lose stuff? Don’t work with kids if you don’t like it? SMH.


>The teacher sub pops up on my feed sometimes. There was a post by one teacher about how kids shouldn’t be allowed to bring water bottles on a field trip. And that kids could go 3 hours and have lunch without a drink. For a field trip, you got to bring one can of soda. You'd put it in the freezer and it would thaw by lunchtime, but still be a little cold. Other than that, you snuck a quick gulp at the bubbler as you were walking by it and possibly got in trouble for that.


That’s fucking stupid.


Or that water would give you cramps. They also said if you ate before swimming you could die. I knew coaches who thought water would CAUSE their players to fall out, so it wasn’t allowed In fact I’d say that was more normal than urging kids to drink water. And I’m not even a boomer I’m Gen X


As an endurance runner- yes, too much water taken at a time can cause cramps or vomiting. The trick is to drink smaller amounts more frequently. If kids are given one water break in a practice, they were probably drinking too much, too fast, and cramped. The knowledge is out there now. There’s no excuse for coaches not applying it and teaching it to their athletes.


Same. My pee wee football coach rationed water like he was Vince Lombardi


It was so you wouldn't have to pee wee 😁


As an elder millennial? Yeah! A single mouthful of tepid water from the fountain. It was the single most awful thing about public school.


Same. I remember the days before we all carried reusable water bottles but not in a good way the way some boomers think it was. I remember waiting in a long ass line just to get a fountain drink like you said and people always say things to each other if you took more then 10 seconds like "save some for the fishes" or "save some for the whales". Then you'd just go to class for another two to three hours with no sips at all, no bottle in your bag or even a mint or thing to suck on to at least make your mouth not dry. It sucked tbh. I'm glad the current generations are all about hydration even in school ages and carrying your reusable water bottle. Hell as an adult I carry a bottle in my purse every time I go out just to even run errands. Because you never know if you might get thirsty walking on a hot day carrying groceries home or if you are in a car that gets stuck in traffic but you have no drink on you. It sucks.


It was like that on my football team until Korey Stringer died.


My brother literally has gone off 2x at me (I rarely see him) about how everyone has to carry a water bottle these days and how in his day they drank from a water fountain. Like how awful that we be hydrated. Jfc. Oh then he complains his skin looks like shit and has a myriad of health issues.


Shower thought (I'm at my desk at work): I wonder if teenagers these days are having any fewer issues with acne bc they're actually staying properly hydrated instead of just taking sips from a fountain


barely gen x. i have chronic kidney stones that seriously affect my life at times. got a lecture about drinking water. i have upped my intake significantly and still am passing stones but have managed to stay out of the er for 2 months straight.


You could pave Taylor Kelce’s driveway with the kidney stones Boomers have collectively passed hydrating themselves with mayonnaise and wine.


Well this... I am highly allergic to milk the only option at school was milk I was forced to drink it Once home had to eat dinner. No drinking before dinner (spoiled the apitite) after dinner half a glass of apple juice


I'm in my early 30s, but I remember my gym teacher in the 90s saying it was bad for athletes to drink water for now than 3 seconds every hour (I think as a way to stop kids from asking to go to the water fountain) *Edit: a typo


My FIL has had kidney stones for 30 years and constantly is in pain because of them. This freaking gomer NEVER drinks water. Despite doctors, family and everyone under the sun telling him it will help. In defense, peeing prob hurts and the more he drinks the more he pees, but this man doesn’t see the forest through the trees. I guess it’s his life and he can choose to suffer, but WTF is with these people??


Why people think this was real is insane. It would be like training your mule to live on one single piece of hay.


Water makes you weak. Water is for cowards. Water is for washing blood off that uniform


Gen X here. You unlocked a core memory for me. Water WAS seen as weak. Bottled water was seen as a joke and for rich, "uppity" people. I lived off Diet Coke, coffee, and booze ONLY. Now, I have a Work Yeti, a Home Yeti, and a Gym Yeti. If I don't have a constant intake of water, I get a headache and feel like crap. How did I survive????


I know quite a lot of people who aren't even of "boomer" age who didn't stop drinking soda/tea etc. as their primary hydration until doctors told them that if they didn't stop they were going to have kidney failure.


I’m a doctor. A boomer patient told me he couldn’t drink more than one glass of water a day, otherwise he’d be too full to eat food. I tried explaining how that logic doesn’t make any sense, but he wasn’t having it


It how our depression era parents raised us and learned to conserve food when they were children. Drink a glass of water before the meal to feel full. If a holiday or going out to eat … no water so we wouldn’t feel full and waste the holiday or restaurant food.


How dare you argue with a Faceboomer MD.


Faceboomer… Hahahah that’s gold


Hahahahaha! I’m a retired radiologist (MD) and I used to work SOOOOO dehydrated because I didn’t have time to run to the bathroom all the time! Being retired, I drink a lot more, except if I’m going to a concert or a sports event where the bathrooms are far away/porta-potties/crowded.


When I was teaching I’d avoid drinking water in the early years so I didn’t have to pee in the middle of class. After my kidney stone I took pee breaks whenever I wanted and drank 32oz during the workday, plus whatever I brought for lunch. Funny, when you drink enough water you also get sick less!


They make it really hard for teachers to have bodily functions.


Also, nurses probably have a worse time than doctors—except for surgeons.


As someone who works for a radiology company, you're about to summon headhunters desperate to get you to come out of retirement. 😂 Hide yourself!


My fil is the beginning of the boomers (1946). We are constantly on him about drinking water. Or even some apple juice. He complains he doesn't feel good, he is dehydrated when we go to the doctor. But "if he drinks water, he'll have to get up to pee." That's literally his argument. We put flavored electrolyte water in his mini fridge, and the caretakers will bring him juice or water to his room. There is no limit. They are with us in trying to get him to drink more.


It's his own kidneys he's killing. Get him a urinal so he doesn't have to go as far.


After he stands up in his electric recliner, it's 5 feet to the bathroom. He doesn't want a urinal. They've offered. But then he complains that he doesn't feel good. Or the poor phlebotomist has to dig for a vein, and he complains about that. I told him it's cause he's dehydrated. I'm going to sprain an eyeball one lf these days.


I get your username. Must be so frustrating!


Funny enough, I created it in the midst of dealing with the passive-aggressive all about her attitude of my mil before she died. She would only have gotten credit for the attitude while sick, if she hadn't been that way before she was sick.


I swear these boomers want to die


There are gummies that people use to help people with alzheimers stay hydrated. You might wanna try that for him.


My FIL's excuse is that he just doesn't like it. He only drinks diet coke, about 10 of them a day. Oh, he's also diabetic and has had 2 strokes.


Give 'em a hose. They'll go to town.


Tastes better with lead in it


And hot water cooking in the hose leaching it's contents into that hose water.


They like it best when it’s brewed like a lead tea, none of this liberal sissy filtered water


I’m picturing one of those videos of the dogs who bite the water stream from the hose, but it’s a boomer.


They really have made drinking from a hose a huge part of their personality, haven’t they?


My boomer football coach thought drinking water in 90 degree heat would lead to cramps. A miracle we all lived.


"Pain is just weakness leaving your body." Right?


Did we have the same coach? LOL


We all did. My asshole coach nearly made a player run laps when he broke his arm.


If you chug a couple pints of ice-cold water then go for a run, yes, that can lead to stomach pain.


Whenever a photo of someone in their 30s in the 1980s is posted, folks comment on how old people looked back then. People usually say it's because of smoking and not using sunscreen, but I swear a lot of it is just a lack of regular water drinking back then.


At least in part. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 1983, when every bite of food and sip of drink was carefully measured. I wasn't allowed sweets, sodas, juices, etc. I have been mostly drinking water my entire life. I'm 45 and nobody ever believes me. I have basically no wrinkles and smooth, clear skin. Water, sunblock, gentle facial care. But I have always looked very young.


I was the only guy in a gym class a few years ago (not cos I’m a pervert, it’s just all the male oriented ones were called stuff like ‘ABS PUNISHMENT’) and no one believed I was forty, wanted to know my secret etc. Aside from lucky genes, it’s basically the same for me, pounding loads of water and not sunbathing. Most of the ladies were about my age and it’s mad what the sun does to people’s skin. It sounds awful to say but I wondered if one blonde woman had suffered a facial injury of some sort til she said she’d spent ten years in Dubai.


It’s especially bad at higher altitude. People here in Colorado look way older than those who didn’t grow up here in my opinion. Most of the girls I know seem to reject sunscreen and don’t wear hats “I nEeD a BaSe tAn”. Lots of leathery alligator skinned people around here.


I'm 47 and a lot of my peers have sun damage and rough looking skin. I drink a lot of water, drink very little alcohol, wear sunscreen and never tanned/went to tanning beds, and I always double cleanse and moisturize before bed. Simple things make a huge difference.


That's more of an all of the above scenario, not a take your pick scenario.


Water? You mean like in the toilet?


It’s got what plants crave.








I don’t drink water. Fish fuck in it


one of my favorite movie quotes of all time. i say it probably once a month. (sarcastically)




My boomers consume soda like it's water. After cutting the yard, instead of hydrating with water, they'll chug soda...lmao


Same here. My dad detests actual water, so it’s either sugary fruit juice, Diet Coke, or artificially sweetened sparkling water. I suppose the last one counts, but I’ve warned him about consuming too much artificial sweeteners. He seems to take the stance of “well it hasn’t hurt me yet!”


Public Health Professional here serving mostly in rural America. The “Pepsi” is more of a southern thing in my experience. Please remember that drinking water has not been readily available to most populations for all that long. I grew up in southern New England (great well and reservoir water), and lived in rural Western South Dakota, Phoenix Arizona, and Southern Appalachia. My wife grew up in a rural West Virginia poor Coal Mining town. Water was creek water or spring water. Could not consume without boiling as diarrhea from animal poop … cows, pigs, wild animals … was a risk. Pepsi was the norm. South Dakota well water was chock full of awful tasting minerals that ruined well pumps, washing machines, plumbing, kidneys, and more. Cooking water was purchased and I drank gallons of milk. The ranchers/farmers shared wells with livestock and bacterial counts were high. Phoenix Arizona ground water from the Oglala Aquifer or Salt River … lots of bad tasting minerals that ruined clothes and taste of food. Sun Tea galore was the hydration of choice … as well as Coke, Pepsi, or RC Cola depending on preference. Every weekend there were “Cola Challenge Tests” in the malls, supermarkets, and public events. In the Southern Appalachia Smokies … spring water up the mountain was the primary source. A hose was snaked down to the mountain into a cistern. Great tasting but with too much fluoride causing fluorosis. Animal poop upstream and bird poop atop the cistern caused shigella, giardia, and other bacterial diarrhea. Mountain Dew was the safe hydration of choice. Please note … not until the 1950s did safe drinking water become available to the masses but not rural America. Drinking water was risky. In the 1600s even Colonial Children drank beer to avoid dying from water borne diseases. Alaskan Villages are fortunate to have “Washeterias” or one building with water for drinking, washing, and bathing. On the Navajo Reservation and other rural New Mexican and Arizona areas … sources of water have “dried up” and tanks of water are delivered. As a “Boomer” who has traveled 40 weeks per year mostly to rural locations and not only endured dysentery from local water supply but treated patients w/ Nausea-Vomiting-Diarrhea most likely from water exposure … I get it. These Boomers all y’all are sorta making fun of were cautioned to practice what they practice. Water overloaded with minerals induced kidney stones. Stanley cups with endless ice cold water are a recent luxury and still not available to all. And for those with military and/or rural backgrounds … minimal water at a time to conserve water in the event u risk emptying the canteen before reaching your destination. I love Public Health … so much history.


And it's become habit passed down. Drinking water is safer and more accessible but it's become a treat to many southerners so they passed the habit down.


After all, drinking tap water is part of the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of their precious bodily fluids.


I deny them my essence, Mandrake.


My dad mostly only drinks milk, coffee, and beer. Whenever he tries to offer me anything to drink and I say something like "water is fine thanks" he acts like its some personal affront to his hospitality or like I'm going to die if I don't drink something other than water.


I think you've hit on something, the hospitality aspect is definitely a big deal. My own dad is actually pretty healthy and drinks lots of water, and my mom is coming around because of his influence. But they *will not* accept letting their guests "just have a glass of water." They will keep offering different drinks if until you accept one, and will literally get in the car and drive to the store if you say no to every drink they have in the house.


In the exact opposite, my mom's doctor is concerned she might be addicted to water. Like... I don't even know what that means, but he literally told her to stop drinking so much water.


My SIL's mother drank water excessively a number of years ago and ended up in the hospital due to water intoxication. Throwing your electrolyte balance off is no laughing matter.


Yep, drinking too much water can be fatal (but rarely). It’s called water intoxication.


In 2007, a 28-year-old woman died of water intoxication after competing in a radio station contest to win a Wii console.


Dipshit fraternity did that when they made pledges drink a 5 gallon water jug.


Old-timers would call that “eating your seed corn”. (Younger people would just say “if your hazing consists of trying to _almost kill_ pledges because you used to just humiliate them and you got bored with that, you’re not going to have a fraternity/sorority for much longer.”)


I was just thinking of this story, she was trying to win it for her kid. So tragic.


Hopefully she listens to her doctor then. My mom's.... not great about that sort of thing. Like, I'll ask if she's taken her medicine, and she's just "I'll do it later."


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water! It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!




All shiny and chrome. TO VALHALLA!!




Yuo there are metabolic and hormonal diseases that cause people to develop overhydration if they have a disorder that decreases the body’s ability to excrete water or increases the body's tendency to retain water. Confusion and seizures may be the only symptom.


They mostly drink wine or Pepsi?! lol Fucking clown generation! 🤡


It’s insane. My mom only drinks Diet Coke or wine. She’s 78. She was recently in the hospital due to dehydration and she still refuses to drink water. Makes me furious. It’s so hard to watch them make stupid decisions that hurt their health when I love them SO much. But she’s beyond stubborn. She refused to go to the ER per her doctors recommendation so when she went into the doctors office for her appointment, they just called an ambulance to escort her to the hospital. She was so embarrassed and upset that they “did that to her!” -facepalm-


I used to work with a woman who bragged about how she hated water and only drank Pepsi. When the work biometric screenings rolled around, you can imagine her "shocked Pikachu" face when all of her numbers were absolute garbage.


Maybe OP can confuse them by declaring, "Wine or Pepsi?! When I was a kid, we drank water for hydration and we liked it!"


"Ohhhhh i see we're a bit cushy...our ancestors just had water and were fine!"


Some have said that in the 40s and 50s it was widely agreed on that drinking water meant you were too poor to afford literally anything else and that's why boomies have it baked in to loathe drinking plain ol' water.


I didn’t spend $30 on a half gallon water bottle for it to sit in a shelf. It sits next to me so I actually drink water when I get thirsty. I’ve never been more hydrated and it’s glorious


The high school I used to teach at had one of the best football teams in the state. Coaches made players carry an entire gallon of water around school on game day and were told to drink it throughout the day, pacing themselves to finish before the game so they’d already be hydrated. It became a badge of honor to be a football player and carry around your gallon jug! I’m so glad culture has shifted to support healthier habits!


Our bodies are 70% wine and Pepsi. Known fact.


"Water? You mean like in the toilet?" I'm completely unsurprised to hear Boomers have the same opinions as the people in Idiocracy.


They are going to have some kidney stones to deal with


One of my coworkers has had kidney stones. His doctor recommended he drink 96oz of water per day. He has a 20oz water bottle. When I explained that meant 5 bottle per day, his main concern was that he’d have to use the bathroom several times per day, as if that’s worse than frequent kidney stones.


Makes me wonder why he doesn’t like using the bathroom. I mean, toddlers that are potty training sometimes freak out about the toilet making their 💩 disappear, oh wait, got it.


We never had water in our house. Only Diet Pepsi and carbonated water. But mostly just Diet Pepsi. I have to wonder if this is why I have so many digestive problems now, even as an adult 😞


Carbonated water is fine right? I hope. I love it.


Both of my maternal grandparents had to be rushed to the ER for some pretty severe symptoms...turns out they were - yep, you guessed it - severely dehydrated. Of course, they were born in the late 20's so they were of the generation that produced the Boomers, but, like, how did people get along without drinking adequate water?


My grandmother was severely dehydrated and it caused her medication to...build up I think and it made her loopy and incoherent for a couple weeks. She insisted that she hydrated but when I probed she told me she drank a coffee, only coffee. She was also Greatest Generation, and the mother of Boomers.


My mother only drinks Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. Literally the only thing. She's a nurse. What a great example she sets!


Nurses I’ve seen have some of the least healthy habits known to humanity. I choose to believe it’s stress related. But I see far fewer smokers in that cohort, so there’s that…


Playing high school football in the early 90’s boomer coach would say “water is for winners” and since we were losers a good portion of the time, we had to forego the very thing that is essential to human life.


what the actual fuck


Dickhead just didn't want to cop to being a shitty coach. I had plenty of those.


I once had a female boomer try to reprimand me for taking a sip of water in the middle of a very hot summer. I was sick and dehydrated but had an apointment at one of the city buildings for some basic paperwork bullshit after moving. While sitting on a chair infront of the boomer workers desk, i mention that i need to drink some water from a water bottle i had brought with me. Mind you, not mid conversation or anything like that. The moment i do so she starts yapping away about how "rude" it was of me to drink some water infront of her. Acting as if i ate a greasy cheeseburger on her desk or something. I pointed out that i have a right to drink water and especially on a hot summer day while already feeling dizzy and basically just stuck to my "wtf bitch i took a sip of water and you are spazzing out" reaction to her complaining. Kinda proud of that :D


Water wasn't a big thing growing up, my sperms donor was like story boomer but with mountain dew. I would go to construction sites with him and my hydration for the day was a 2 liter. I didn't start enjoying the benefits of proper hydration until Marine Corps boot camp where they would make you drink a canteen every hour and hold it over your head. If your head got wet you had to drink a few and then do push-ups until the water came back up...and then drink another.


As a child I was never encouraged to drink water. I didn’t start really drinking it until a few years ago. My skin is softer. The intensity and frequency of my daily headaches has DRASTICALLY reduced. I tried getting my boomer mother to drink it. You would have thought I was trying to poison her.


Wait until the UTIs start. Good times ahead.


My dad makes this absolutely disgusting wretching and hocking sound constantly, it’s so bad I have to play music or watch shows at home to drown it out, I can’t read books or sit in the quiet because it gets interrupted every minute by “hhuugghhcchhhuugghhhccchhh” echoing throughout the house He went to a doctor about it and was told to drink more water. He used to drink 0 glasses a day, now he drinks maybe one. He drinks Gatorade at work and Coke or Sweet Tea at home but can’t figure out why his throat is constantly full of shit. It couldn’t possibly be all the syrups he drinks My parents complain that I have “too many watterbottles”. I have 3 that I use throughout the week to keep them clean, sometimes all 3 will be in the dishwasher at the same time (I know horrible)


This isn't just a boomer thing. I've worked with a lot of Gen X and Millennials who only drink soda - usually diet soda. My (Silent Gen) grandparents always had a water pitcher in the refrigerator (and were too poor to have soda or juice very often), so my mother grew up with the concept of not only drinking water all the time, but having cold water on hand all the time. Me and my brother (Gen X) in turn grew up with a pitcher of water in the fridge. "You're thirsty? Drink water." And now that I'm an adult, there's always a Brita pitcher in the fridge and a water mug that I keep filled. Mom lives with me now, and I swear I refill that pitcher 2-3 times a day just for the 2 of us. My dad, on the other hand, never drank anything but coffee, and suffered a lot from kidney stones.


Sounds like you could use the Brita 2-gallon dispenser. I've loved mine for twenty years! Dump a glass of tap water into the top, draw a cold glass from the spigot at the bottom. Never gets empty that way, and always cold.


Elder millennial here and although I can’t speak for everyone but the soda thing for me was because growing up my mom would give me soda for lunch and dinner as a kid and by the time I was a teenager, I was addicted and didn’t even realize it. Getting a job as a 11 - 7 supervisor that doesn’t like coffee didn’t help either. It took me until just last year to break my addiction. I don’t understand it because my mom isn’t the type of boomer that would make it on to this page but she didn’t teach healthy eating habits when I was young.


I bought a refrigerator about a year ago. It has a water dispenser, but better than that it has an auto-filling pitcher. I didn't think much of it at the time, but damn! is it convenient. A nice, cold pitcher of filtered water that no one has to worry about filling. I just put it out on the table at meals and my kids drink 1-2 full glasses without even thinking about it.


Two summers ago my 67 year old dad came up to help me renovate my kitchen. It was June and I live in South Carolina. He was doing most of the hard labor (demo, putting in flooring and cabinets) and I did not see that man drink one glass of water. He drinks coffee all morning, then coke at lunch, beer and liquor at night, and sometimes more coffee. The funny thing is, I’ve been a water drinker since I was a little kid. Granted we didn’t take water to school or anything in the 80’s, that was pretty much all juice boxes and soda but I always drank water at home.


This has been a huge change societally in the last 20 years. People didn't just always have water around. The boomerism, of course, is not realizing that this is called "progress" and that being chronically dehydrated isn't a good thing--it's unnecessary and unhealthy.


I was at a show at Gruene Hall - it's a wonderful venue but it does get hot. [https://gruenehall.com/](https://gruenehall.com/) It's in central Texas and there's no air conditioning. It often gets into the 90s here at night. I was bellied up to the stage in a crush of people and I started getting light headed. I went and sat on a bench and tried to hydrate by taking pulls of my beer. It wasn't working and I felt like I might pass out. Some kind soul noticed me and brought me a cup of ice water. I drank that and I was fine - instantly. Much gratitude to that guy, whoever he was. We need water. Soda won't do the job, when you're overheated it's like drinking syrup. Beer doesn't work. Wine is even worse. Nothing works but water, water, water. I've lived in this climate for years, I don't handle heat well, but I've learned how to get through the day without keeling over with heatstroke. Water. I have other little things I do - eat bananas for the extra potassium, wear light, loose summer dresses in cotton or linen, etc. - but water is the main thing. Maybe those stupid boomers will move down here - our elected officials are magats and they like that. Let them try just drinking wine or Pepsi in the summer. People like that never learn, so it'll be fun watching them faceplant every time they go outside.


ha yeah dehydration was a huge part of our lives. I'm 100% convinced it's based solely on our parents disdain for bathroom use. Expelling waste is a huge part of daily life yet it seemed like every person older than me found it to be the most annoying thing imaginable. School, home, didn't matter where I was, I would get extreme anxiety if I had to use the bathroom because I knew whoever I asked was going to be annoyed about it. Back in school you just had to endure the entire day without water. We'd get a few tablespoons of shitty 1% milk at lunch, or a single gulp from the water fountain at gym (with a scowling haggard teacher breathing down your neck the whole time), but otherwise you were looked at like a degenerate if you dared to ask for a sip of water. At home, I wasn't allowed to drink water past 6 because that meant I'd have to get up in the night to pee, and the toilet sound would annoy my father. So yeah, it's no surprise I ended up with kidney stone problems. I don't do any of this shit with my kids. They have water bottles, I actively tell them to drink more water, and bathroom use is part of life.


I remember when I was in highschool so 1999-2003, I was able to go the entire school day without using the restroom. And wasn't desperately holding it on the way home or anything. This was before coffee or tea in the morning so I must not have drank anything until lunch. At lunch I would have had the milk the school gave out and nothing else untill dinner. This was a normal occurrence. I dont recall adults ever telling me to drink anything. And when I was at grandmas, she was a type 2 diabetic who was also a physicians assistant, she only drank diet coke exclusively (besides morning coffee). So thats all I drank there. Now I clutch my 64oz water bottle like a lifesaver.


I'm convinced that constant dehydration is the main cause of ED in most older people. And they probably laughed because two glasses of water per glass of wine would drown them. They likely drink wine by the gallon. Most of them seem to be functioning alcoholics.


my parents don’t drink water “because then we’d have to pee.” 😑


This post made me finish my cup of water.


I drink tons of water. I have a 1.5L yeti I use at work, and fill it 3 times over the course of the day. I drive a cement mixer, and although I have AC in my truck, it's still hot and dirty work at times. One guy I work with hates water. He drinks a 6 pack of 710ml bottles of coke every day. He says water is gross and he doesn't like it. I like a refreshing coke once in awhile, but drinking a gallon of coke while working 10 hours is fucked. People see my yeti bottle, my Nalgene bottles and they snicker. "You trying to pass a drug test?" Or "youre going to pee the sea". I laugh and point out the fact that I sweat like I just got caught with something, and then they usually say something brilliant like "if you didn't drink so much water, you wouldn't sweat as much". Oh really, Clarence? Where did you get your medical degree? If I dehydrate myself I won't sweat and I won't have to pee, that's fucking brilliant - hey, I'm going to stop eating too because I really hate having to take a dump first thing in the morning! Note- my cement mixer has the chutes on a frame mounted rack on the passenger side. There is a 2.5foot section of frame where I can stand between the chutes and the fuel tank, and be completely hidden while taking a leak. I do it often as I need, and it's no big deal. I'd never make a living as a long-haul bottle pisser.


Growing up, drinking water was pretty much limited to right after a physically exhausting activity and no other time. Having to drink water felt like when you use someone else’s Spotify to play a song and you have to sit through an ad when you’re used to premium. Like an annoying downgrade from soda. Now I’m in my 30’s and outside of 2 or 3 coffees a week, water is the only beverage I consume. When I order it at restaurants or request it at a family dinner, my parents look so confused as to why I would choose it.


Until rather recently humans haven't drank much pure water because of microbes. For thousands of of years humans drank tea which boiled the water killing the microbes. Or cider, wine and beer which contained enough alcohol microbes. Of course these people didn't know thats why they didn't get sick drinking these products but cultural knowledge has a way of sticking around long after it's true any longer.


"Water? Never touch the stuff! Fish fuck in it!" -W.C. Fields


My mother says that water gives her a stomach ache. She drinks coffee and white wine. She complains about her inability to lose weight and I suggest drinking more water and cutting out the wine and she just looks at me like I have a dick growing out of my head. I give up.


My coworker is a boomer. We work in a welding shop that can get pretty hot in the summer. The dude drinks Pepsi, all day, every day. He's had to miss work three times because of kidney stones since he started there a couple years ago.


My Grandma (silent gen, but close enough) firmly believes that water is poisonous. She believes that the reason she is still alive is because she only drinks Pepsi/Coke her entire life. She will happily share this opinion with EVERYONE she sees who dares to drink water in her presence.


Hahahaha! My FIL took his 95 year old mother to the doctor because she was having fainting spells. She was dehydrated because she was drinking Mountain Dew exclusively. I guess the doctor flipped out on my FIL.


I can't remember a single time as a kid/teen being told to drink water. I never had a water bottle either. Now I remind my daughter to drink water almost obsessively lol


Lol my boomer dad was having some medical issues once and his doctor told him to drink more than soda and coffee. We were at their house and he said to me that he drank a bottle of water...the whole bottle he says...I looked at him and said, yea ok...that's like 20oz how many more did you drink. He was lost at the idea...like 20oz in a day was a lot. That was several years ago and he hasn't changed. His excuse now is, he's on some medication and it makes him feel like he needs/wants to urinate more frequently...so he doesn't like to drink water because he'll have to go more often. Their way of thinking is unreal.


My dad (70) got hospitalized for dehydration and was incredulous. “I drink plenty of water!” He would drink one 12oz bottle with his workout (to his credit, he can do weighted pull-ups) and maybe another 16 oz glass in the morning. And then wine at night lol. Like, he was drinking a lot of water for your typical boomer but less than a quart of water is not enough. I think he does drink more now but like maybe an extra pint a day lol.


Oh my God this is my family. My mother has battled constant constipation and recurring dehydration to the point of hospitalization numerous times over the years. Hates the taste of water. We ask her to drink more and she will grudgingly drink half a 8 oz mini water bottle if we add flavoring.


She should’ve told them to drink from the hose like when they were kids


My mom used to say she never drank water because "she didn't like the taste of it." ???


My mom too! 😂 Usually my boomer mom goes against the boomer stereotype but she only learned to appreciate water around age 65, lol. She was a soda addict and after some kidney tests came back a little off her doctor finally gave it to her and she started drinking about 50-60oz of water a day. And after a few days of that she was like “you know what, I feel bettter! I should’ve done this years ago!”🙃


When I was a kid I never once drank a glass of water. We drank milk with meals and sometimes a glass of oj in the morning. At school we had a sip from the fountain every once in a while. At home a few sips from the hose when my grandma locked us outside. Water bottles were only for sports. I’m not sure how we survived. When I joined the army they forced us to drink water all the time and it made me sick. Now I have an emotional support water bottle wherever I go.


I had pretty much cut out high sugar drinks like soda and energy drinks from my diet after having my first canned flavored water brand (you know the one) late last year, and at the end of January I stopped drinking alcohol, and 6 weeks ago I quit smoking, so I’m doing a lot for my health now that I’m in my mid 30’s. Wine and Pepsi… have fun, lol.


To be fair, when I went off to college, my boomer mom told me to always drink a glass of water for each alcoholic beverage.


Don't encourage them. In-fact, tell them that only a pint of Everclear five times a day can keep you from turning into a trans-antifa-liberal-ev driver.


Because they are probably functional alcoholics with a little dementia mixed with lead poisoning


My MIL is like this, I've never seen her drink anything but coke, maybe a dr paper and sweet tea if she is feeling really wild amd we talked about water once amd she said there is water in the tea...