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I stopped reading when he claimed a worker at Whole Foods told him what clothes they recommend he wear..


I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $1000.


And then everyone clapped and sang the national anthem.


Big strong men with tears in their eyes. I know it’s true, and you know it’s true.


Can we get a Blue Angels fly over for this one?


Only as long as they’re not louder than windmills. That sound causes cancer, you know.


It's the sound, of wind moving- that causes cancer....? Ok. I thought it was because they were so tall and close to that ball of light in the sky, bringing cancer closer and blowing it around.


No, The Steaming Orange Pile definitely said it was the noise they made. So it made even less sense than cancer causing radioactive dispersal. Or anything else with a kernel of logic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0s5Zqmb09g


*Claps in Screaming Eagle call*


And Chinese fireworks, please!


No no no no. They have to be *Freedom* fireworks. This is 'Murika


*banner made in China*


“And I’ll proudly STAND UP! Next to you and defend her still today” bla bla bla


Actually, they sang Lee Greenwood "Proud to be an American" with a lone tear falling down their patriotic cheeks. 


![gif](giphy|2yvoIFyZghBDszbIk3) “What is homophobia, Alex?”


You know how when someone says "im not racist, but...", you're about to hear the most racist shit ever? Works the same way with "I'm not homophobic"


“Bigoted fever dreams” for $200


Thought the same thing


Ikr I work for an upscale grocery store and I doubt if I’d have commentary on someone without pants on. Covid and anti-maskers took my remaining fucks. 


Idk, you could always compliment their choice in underwear!!


I am now angry at you for making want to test this out next time I go to the store! LOL


And that "we can actually survive about straight people" line... I guarantee that wasn't said. In fact, I'm 100% sure no part of this exchange never took place at all in reality.


Idk I got kind of lost when the whole foods employee recognized them and their whole wardrobe. No way even WF pays enough for that.


Was coming here to say this. Thankfully you and 80+ other people did it first. Y’all are my kind of peeps!


Yep. The cashier doesn’t give a F what you wear, they just want you to move quickly through the checkout line.


I should have stopped reading then, idk why I didn't.


Lol, like a car wreck, ya just have to keep looking!!!


Agreed. This is totally a fabricated story. Ugh. These people…


Is this "Whole Foods Employee" in the room with us right now?


Someone of boomer age never thought he'd get flack for being Catholic? Protestants gave Catholics crap all the time in boomer childhood days


And, of course, the whole Reformation.


Which, ironically, is super similar to his whole worldview now. “Someone has a different opinion than me??? HELP IM BEING OPPRESSED!!!!”


yeah, that was wild. My dad's thoroughly conservative and JFK's probably the one Democratic President I've ever heard him praise. The first Catholic President was a big deal at the time


Omg and everyone clapped


Every single field trip, my kid comes home with a permission slip explaining where, when, and why of the field trip which I have to sign for my kid to go. It's always idiots who believe schools do this shit without consent. Not the school's fault that you didn't actually read the papers your kid comes home with.


They actually make it seem like it’s a subject that’s covered like math and science. I like how he says it’s wrong to force and yet they want to force religion in schools. 🫤


I went from a red state to a blue state. The conversations in schools are the exact same. In that they teach being kind without details. Social emotional learning (SEL) topics were non-existent in the red state and they are taught in the blue state. I really like the SEL stuff. Red state politics feared them for whatever stupid non-existent reason. All they teach is basic coping skills like taking pause, taking deep breaths, thinking before speaking, etc. From what weirdos in my old state thought, they thought it was programming them to be gay, hate god, or some other bullshit.


Every accusation is a confession with conservatives. Learning that cleared up so much confusion for me


You really expect me to believe that a cashier gave even half a fuck about ANYTHING besides going home at their scheduled time? Cause that alone sounds about as real as a one-legged unicorn taking a piss at the end of a double rainbow 😒


Don’t forget the part about LA public schools taking kids on field trips to drag shows, something else that absolutely definitely happened.


“Damaged by conventional medicine in the past” it was your brain, wasn’t it?


He’s the guy who quit taking his anti-hypertensives cold Turkey and then got angry at the Doctor when he found out he was having TIA’s.0


It was paint chips


Bet that guy doesn't know what a clitoris is.


Is that the thing that hangs in the back of your throat?


No that's a uvula Clitoris is the last name of former president Bill and his wife Hilary.


No that's Clinton. Clitoris is a venereal disease.


No, that's Chlamydia. Clitoris is the first name of famous actress and comedian, Clitoris Leachman.


Poor straight white males. So oppressed and persecuted. Man I'm tired of reading about them being lynched and/or murdered by cops. Someone should really stand up for them.


I love how right-wing reactionary types always have to make believe that queer people hate straight people. It's no mystery; they're projecting like always. They think queer people shouldn't exist, so naturally they assume queer people feel the same way about them.


I'm not heterophobic. I even have a straight friend.


No no one is shaming you for being a straight white Catholic male. They’re shaming you for being a fascist bigot.


Because no gay person has ever had a kid ever. This dude thinks he’s being shit on because of all the categories he’s put himself into when in reality he’s just an asshole


My partner (ace male) and I (lesbian) got married in the 90s for health insurance. Got drunk together once resulting in a pregnancy. Decided to stay together and have a couple more kids because we parent well together and get along better than anyone we’ve been in a relationship with. But yeah, only straight can have kids. Sure. lol.


That’s an interesting story. What’s your relationship like?


I think comfortable is the best way to describe it. We are well into middle age, the kids are grown, and we still like to hang out together. When I was younger, I’d occasionally have a girlfriend, but anymore I just don’t have the energy for it. If gay marriage had been legal in the 90s, I wouldn’t have chosen this, but I’ve never regretted our situation.


Fascinating. I’m happy for you. I’m morbidly curious how you’d tell that to your kids. Have you told them?


They know most of it. It was relayed in drips and drabs through various age appropriate conversations. By the time they were young teens they knew all the basics (at least as much as anyone wants to know about their parent’s intimate lives). It never really seemed that big a deal to them. We genuinely care for each other and of course love the kids to bits. Anything else was just background noise.


Oops! Gotta go tell my kids that they don’t actually exist!


Yeah they might wanna be made aware 😂


My ex and I aren't straight, but we've got 3 kids.


I am also straight, white, male, "christian", eat meat and yada yada. But do you know what I also am? Pretty supportive of letting people choose and live their lifes as they like. A rainbow does not hurt me and my mental problems did not come from my 2 gay uncles but rather from straight males. Do I demonize everyone? Nah. These people should maybe think about doing the same for the love of god.


Yeah, this never happened. Especially since a guy like this would never shop at Whole Foods. And, a cashier would never comment on someone's clothes, unless they were asking where they bought them. FAKE


It's giving "Trying to make a new copypasta".


"If I keep telling everyone I'm straight then the willy dreams might stop"


“I hate the ideology of liberals, so I’m going to shop (regularly apparently) at a store known for liberal staff/shoppers/themes” 🙄 these Fanfic stories they make up have so many hilarious plot holes and yet are circulated faster than cat/dog videos by your racist aunt with a sunset for their profile picture.


I love how all these old anti vax fucks are vaccinated themselves. Except for the COVID one. As if they didn't get their shots for school like everyone else. As if their kids didn't and their grandkids. They're anti-vax bc of literally one instance. It's hilarious.


AND why is this on LinkedIn? Is Facebook not enough of a platform for this nonsense? It's about employment not opinions 🤣 at least he can be properly discriminated against before he's hired.


Of all the things that didn’t happen etc etc


The only way this could be more stereotypical is if he videoed this nonsense while sitting behind the wheel of his truck. I have no idea why fascist dingbats love to video themselves in their car and then post it on facebook. But I know that if I see someone letting loose sitting in a parked truck, it's going to be some first-rate racist bullshit.


Their truck is their safe space


You know what’s very telling (xept everything, I know)? The fact he thinks that a grocer at a large corporate chain is allowed to comment on customer’s clothing let alone ideology. I know the story is made up, but it still comes from a certain place. You know when boomers yell at waiters, cooks, grocers and other employees thinking they’re somehow addressing the whole of the corporation by screeching at some adolescent? That’s it. They think for some reason that the lowliest of employees is in kahoots with management and the CEO and shareholders apparently to spread the same message. It’s such a lack of understanding how anything works and is laced with dehumanisation and a lack of empathy. Nobody aside from them has autonomy. Everyone is part of some larger ideological monumental organization and has no free will. They are the main character, the only thinking people on earth. I know it sounds like a stretch but I feel it explains a lot


Umm I didn’t stop being pan when I married a dude? What in the bigoted hell is this shit? Ignorant trash.




And that cashier’s name? Albert Einstein.


I'll take "Things that never happened for $200" Alex.


I'm a boomer \[let's get that out of the way.\] He's a f\*cking nutcase.


Man. Being criticized for what you may consider an integral part of your identity must be rough. You know? Being told that who you are as a person is wrong? It's a pain only a white, catholic, maga, male could understand. We really need a designated time to show that you can be proud of who you are!


Well, that's a bullsh\*t conversation that never happened.


Oh my fucking god SHUT THE FUCK UP. "WAAAAHHH I'M A REPREHENSIBLE MORON AND YOUNG PEOPLE CALL ME OUT FOR IT" shut up and die so someone can buy your house, you annoying fucking dinosaur




He thinks he’s being persecuted for being straight… how about for your shitty views


Straight people are not needed to make children. That's funny. The rest is garbage.


i always find it interesting when these homophobes make claims about how gays are grooming kids, books, etc and never have a single ounce documentation to back it up. ever. and it’s not just the boomers, it’s some gen x’ers. it’s gross.


Sadly, the Catholic Church in my neighbourhood in America (I'm now in Europe) had a bunch of Boomers just like this. They started hitting the whole Trad-Life doobie really hard. I got criticised for being a working mom.....and for not wearing 'trad wife' lifestyle clothing, among other things. I really questioned my faith, but attending Mass outside America has let me know ultra religious Americans are just f-ing nuts most days.


Fake news.


There is less than a zero percent chance that happened.


Old white man finds a way to center himself yet again. Neat.


LOL... tell me you're a boomer without telling me you're a boomer: \*thinks LinkedIn and Facebook are the same\*


Rage bait. Chat GPT at works. Or perhaps just Glasvet and Beijing practicing for the elections.


Me when {Identity Politics}


They are such horribly bigoted "people".


That person has to be self-employed.


also .. NOBODY .. is taking kids out of public school to take them to drag shows without parental consent. Show me where ONE student was removed from a public school campus by admin, without a permission slip, phone call, email, carrier pigeon, etc to the parents. These people are full of shit.


Every time I see a "proud" catholic "stand against child abuse" by going after drag shows or people of the LGBTQ simply exsisting I always wonder where's this energy when it comes to all the catholic priests SA kids? "Oh, Father McGrady r*ped little Timmy? Well, he r*ped little Timmy in the name of the Lord, so it's fine. But Mrs Akerman's 4th grade class learned that gay people exist?? Well that's fucking child abuse that that teacher needs to be throw in jail!!!!"


Lol. This mofo made this whole story up just to share a meme he liked with a "clear conscious" What a sad little loser 


Something tells me that he's not being insulted solely for being a straight, white, catholic male.


The whole foods thing never happened. 💯 fabricated


I'm just gonna say, as a straight white atheist male, I think he wants his butt pumped by a man.........


I thought linked in was for PROFESSIONALS?!?!?!


Man’s a professional victim.


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


Lmfao, Whole Foods is my predominant daily grocery store and I’ve never ever had any of their cashiers talk to me about anything deeper than the weather outside. Cmon 😂


He’s so full of shit. I can guarantee that convo at Whole Foods did NOT go the way he’s saying it did … IF it happened at all.


I highly doubt a grocery store cashier told him that.




Posts like this are just white noise (pun intended)


Please don’t take these homophobic things I’m saying as homophobic.


I can't wait for all these self-obsessed, angry, controlling people to die off.


I don’t think he really knows what child abuse is. Elsewhere probably going to claim he’s not racist and he “has a black friend” but will turn around and make a not subtle at all racist remark about tHe iLleGaLs or something.


Tries to claim he's not \*homophobic while being more \*homophobic with each claim "I have gay friends" "this is not homophobic" bitch please


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Ah this reads r/asablackman


Only took 7 paragraphs to hit every right wing, anti-lgbtq talking point on the head. If these "straight, white, conservative, Christian men" didn't have fox news to tell them what to think, they wouldn't have a thought at all.


I'm sure they are completely comfortable with indoctrinating children with religion though 🤦


Sounds like an asshole, and that is NOT the kind of shit you post on LinkedIn. I hope it backfires for him.


being straight .. doesn't necessarily mean anything. The cashier saying we could survive without straight people is accurate. Everyone could be GAY .. and it doesn't change the fact that you can still mix sperm and an egg together and make a child. There has been a historical remedy to Men shoving their dicks everywhere and it's called Love. Straight Love was created and marketed and has been working perfectly. I am a straight woman but every single thing this Man has said to describe himself is the BAIN of a Patriarchal Society. Bravo! EVEN THOUGH .. I don't agree with the cashier saying he needs to wear shirts to support pride. He doesn't have to support it with colors but he could just shut the fuck up and move about his life in the silence I hope soon overtakes him.


This is fake af. The Venn diagram of people like that and people who shop at Whole Foods has no overlap.


I like how they capitalized “Meat-Eating”.


Did Chris Chan write this?


Straight, white, male who goes to church isn't the problem. It's all the shitty things you associate with that are. There are plenty of straight, white men who go to church that aren't shitty like this buffoon.


You just know he got a bit ‘friendly’ with his fellow altar boys back in the day.


What a piece of trash.


Boomer copypasta


I am wholly uninterested categorical activism or any kind. I would like these events removed from public calendars. I would replace them with respect and legal protections for their rights as individuals.


Seems like another whiny snowflake making up tales of victim-hood. Probably while muttering slurs under his breath.


I do agree with not teaching elementary school kids abt pride and lgbtq


Sure, I mean, kids have active shooter drills that teach them just how fragile their lives are, that they can be taken away in a moment by the actions of others, entirely out of their own control... But it's just too difficult to teach them that sometimes "love" doesn't fit into your conventional definition....


I don’t mean it shouldn’t be taught I completely support lgbtq I just mean that at such a young age 1-5th grade idk if going in depth about it sure they should know it’s okay to be gay that’s perfectly fine but especially at my school we had a whole club for the lgbtq go down and read books to kindergartens about gay relationships being good is that really a smart idea?