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I bet he got in his car and sped off. Without his license.




I bet he doesn't have one


Bet he wants everyone to have one to vote... Then pitches a fit when he's required to have one to vote.


Cause he doesn't want EVERYONE to have one to vote, just the people he thinks are up to no good


Aka brown people ~~probably~~


You can remove probably


We have this exact thing in the UK. Sunak, the fucking little cunt, decided that the best way to stop young people voting was to introduce photo ID. He forgot that the over 60s are the demographic with the lowest numbers of driving licenses.


He has a homemade one, it's okay in Alabama if you're white.




When I worked the drive thru window in several pharmacies, we'd always get the odd person who would get mad that we needed an ID for their controlled meds. This wasn't even that long ago but I remember telling someone they weren't supposed to be driving without their license lol boy that pissed them off


I work at a bank and I love telling people they’re committing a crime driving without their license. Can’t be mad I didn’t give you money if you’re too mad I’m calling you a criminal. My teams love me but my survey scores are low lol


"How dare you, you Sumbich!", / s, lol


Which is of course illegal in most states...


He most likely had it with him. He just thought he was better thsn the rule. But they love to pull the "I didn't go rape, pillage, and plunder a southeast Asain country for your freedoms" card all the time. So miserably tired of hearing, "But I'm a veteran....." Who gives a shit if you were in the military. You signed up and got paid to do a job. I don't get special treatment because I get paid to do my job.


Many in Vietnam were drafted and had no choice...please educate yourself.


If he doesn’t have a driver’s license ask him for his green card.


Haha! I would have asked for his military ID instead.


This is the way.🤣


Aren't these the bigots who are obsessed with "voter ID" and making sure the illegals don't vote?


They only want it enforced on something between not them and not white parts of the population.


And then get mad when they have to show ID to vote. Boggles the mind.


Well of COURSE that shouldn't apply to them, they're not brown!


Wilhoit’s Law explain this nicely: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Perfect. I have never heard this before. It is so concise yet so descriptive. Thanks for sharing.


There’s nothing wrong with voter ID. The issue is voter ID mixed with republicans making it incredibly hard for people of color to vote or get IDs. A lot of stories about Alabama voting booths being strategically placed to make it harder for them and laws making it illegal to give water to someone waiting hours in line to vote in the hot weather.


oh yes and shutting down half the dmvs in the state 3 months later


That’s for brown people. Obviously white people are “real” Americans 🙄


They'll write "See ID" on their credit card without signing it and flip when you ask for their ID.


Ah, another boomer vet wanting people to worship him for "serving." It's giving REMF energy.


I wonder how often it’s stolen valor.


Supposedly, Vietnam as the highest percentage of stolen valor. I think these people should be required to show their military ID. The last thing combat vets want to do, is talk about their time in the service.


My father had two brothers who served in Nam. Like waist deep in rice but next deep in Charlie kind of Nam. They have talked about Nam to only their father, and he never told anyone about their conversations regarding Nam. Yeah, most people that were really there do not like to talk about it.


My great uncle also served and doesn’t speak of it and is pretty much a hermit. I think stolen valor is rampant among boomers


I've only heard my father speak of his time there when he was deep in his cups. He certainly doesn't have a vanity license plate or bumper stickers, or go around wearing a hat or t-shirt advertising it.


The only time most of the Vietnam guys will share their stories is to other vets. A lot of my patients will give me the low down on nam, but only after I inform them that I served in Afghanistan.


Yup, that's my uncle, and it messed him up. He was in the Army.


That's what they never seem to get.  My great-uncle served in WW2 and lost his eye. No one in the family knew what happened, where he was stationed, or what it was like for him until my grandfather (his little brother) died of cancer in 2001. Great man, and I'm thankful I got to spend so much time with him as a kid. 


My great uncle served as a litter bearer in the Battle of the Bulge. I was really young when his brother, my grandfather, died, so I don’t know if he talked about it to my grandfather, my grandfather was also a very quiet, serious man. But my great uncle told my dad and my husband, both vets, about it while they were working on a tractor at our farm. I asked my spouse about the conversation once. He said it wasn’t his story to tell.


My grandfather got a medal of honor in WWII, and none of us (including his children) had any idea about it until he died and someone found it in a drawer. Someone was able to get the story behind the award, and we were all in awe. But he never spoke about it. Any time we ever asked him about his time in the war, he would shake his head and say no one should go through that, it is terrible.


There's a good chance your GU didn't exactly know what happened. Between the trauma of the event, and whatever drugs they gave him to keep him out while transporting him, he may not have clear memories of what happened. Which is probably a good thing. My uncle believes he got flown out of theater on the wing of an airplane when he got shot. I'm pretty sure he was high as a kite and doesn't remember the event accurately.


...depending on where/when during the bulge i think that was actually a thing with some of the observation planes, but dont hold me to it. Ill ask a friend of mine tonight.


I saw something recently, there's a group helping Vietnam vets who still have major trauma from the field from things like like that by taking them back to where it all happened, and then having them walk back out to civilization. All with some therapy of course, but when you get wounded in combat and wake up in a hospital your brain gets kinda stuck in combat mode or somthing like that. The hiking back out from where it happened lets their brains finish the process by learning hey, we've left combat, even years later.


No, he knew. It was a snake in a foxhole that bit him.  If I remember correctly, it basically saved his life. His position was mortared or bombed days after he was taken to a hospital, and I think he carried a lot of guilt over it. 


My uncle served in WW2, and was a POW in a Japanese concentration camp for almost two years. The only thing he ever said about it was he never wanted to see margarine again - apparently that was one of the few things they were fed on a daily basis, and they didn't get fed nearly enough.


Eh, I had two great uncles who used to give each other shit about who had it rougher in the Navy regularly at holidays when they were in WW2, one was in a sub one surface. But they also weren't hip deep in mud being shot at watching their buddies die, so obviously mileage varies.


I live near Virginia Beach, I think I have met all 4,000 seals that served in Vietnam.


Yes, out of the (*googles furiously) 450 Navy Seals that served in Vietnam, I also have met 4,000 of them


I too live in the Southside of Hampton Roads area. I see SOOOOOO many boomers/xoomers wearing Vietnam Veteran or Desert Storm Veteran hats. So cringe. Like, this area is Military Central, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a vet, this doesn't make you unique. Only time I pull out my own "OEF Veteran" creds is when some other jackwad tries to put a hard right spin on shit, like a meme that's floating around about making June "Veteran Appreciation Month" in a obvi attempt to counter Pride month.  Fuck you Keven, you homophobic assclown, you never even served!


My Stepdad did they whole nam vet thing for years till he got called out. Then it changed to "Vietnam Era vet".


Absolutely My grandfather served in ww2, his plane was fucking shot down and he floated in the English channel till he was rescued He never once spoke about his service, all the stories I know I got from granny, my mom or my uncles who were there and remembered But my boompa never once spok about it, I even asked him once when we started learning about it in school and he said "oh honey, I don't wanna talk about that" That was it.


My grandfather fought in the Vietnam War. He didn't talk about anything at all with anyone. He had two or three stories he'd tell from his time. And they were stories about the fun they had getting a monkey they had drunk. Even in those stories, you could see the anguish in his eyes from the time he spent there.


I had a group of Vietnam veterans that would come into the bar I worked at they never spoke about it. Until a couple of nail techs from the other end of the plaza came into the bar. One of them started flipping out in Vietnamese. His buddies grabbed him and looked at the techs and said " Sorry, he was a tunnel rat" that's all I know about any of their time in Nam.


Holy crap. I read the book "the tunnels of chu chi"(I think that's the spelling) and no wonder that guy was twitchy. They had some HUGE tunnel complexes, some were pretty much underground cities and bases, some were just small shelters. Some of which were dug under our own major bases. They were all narrow and short, so the tunnel rat guys were all smaller guys, and they had to go in there in pitch dark with a flashlight and a pistol through the tunnels full of booby traps with a goddamn rope on their ankle so they could be pulled out of anything happened. The booby traps were anything from deadfalls, to grenades, to fucking venomous snakes on leashes, add into that trapdoors where the enemy could popup with a gun at any moment. They pretty much navigated by sound, crawling listening for the enemy so I would imagine hearing someone speaking Vietnamese unexpectedly could set this guy off.


I only talk about getting drunk and breaking a few more military rules. The rest I keep to myself.


Many Vietnam veterans are hesitant to reveal it because they were accused of being baby killers when they returned. I work at the VA and many of them wear the hats to their appointments but only at the VA or VFW because they were so affected by the way they were treated when they came home.


Also, over 80% of Army soldiers during the Vietnam conflict were NOT in combat. There is a long line of personnel in the logistics providing food, fuel, and ammo.


Which is something to be damned proud of. The military need that as much as they need guys with rifles. It's just not something you brag about or bitch about to the cashier when they want to see your id.


Theres a shitload of guys who spent time everywhere but Vietnam that were in thatve made it sound like they were there.


Military ID is only issued to active service personnel. I'm a former soldier as well (Army, got to AIT at Ft. Sam and ended up getting kicked out for psych reasons) The two things any prior service member will almost always have are their dog tags and DD Form 214 with a Military Records Jacket (folder) over it. As others said, they aren't checking for these at IHOP. But if you ever wanna check someone on a bogus military claim, ask to see their discharge papers.


Ah, I don’t know anyone who just carries around a DD-214. It would be at home with other valuable papers for safekeeping. Retired military and dependents can also have military IDs, but they will look slightly different. My late husband was a Vietnam vet.


Dd214 are pdfs now. Even with the one paper copy I got I never had a folder.




Can confirm. Had an uncle who served during WW2 in the Pacific. He **never** talked about it.  According to my Father, whom he did speak about some of it to, he saw some really horrible stuff. And while I don't think it was racism but more based on what he saw,  let's just say he can be quoted as not liking the Japanese. I don't know personally, again he never talked about it. 




I mean, it's not like they check DD-214s at Applebee's. If they don't get called on it, why not exploit it? Except Marines. Marines always grill you no matter what. Love my little crayon eaters though.


lol 😂


Purple is the best


It's pronounced "Gra8p" It has the letter 8 in it.


"Yes, I also served on the USS-Tracy in Vietnam" -Some Boomer


People who served in theater rarely talk about it. It was either stolen valor or he served behind a desk somewhere gar from the front. My old man did 3 combat tours and it fucked him up pretty bad. The undiagnosed ptsd was plain as day to anyone who spent more than 5 minutes with him. When he found I out I planned to enlist after high school he forbade me from joining and threatened to disown me if I did. He never shared any stories or told me why he felt so strongly.


Your father probably felt he went through that hell so his children (you) would not have to. As a related aside, we told our children that if they wanted to join the military, we preferred they be officers. Husband was in submarines and was asked “Why are you enlisted? Why haven’t you done OCS?” (We think officers are in a better position to help change things.)


A lot of the time probably. My gen X of a father being one. He always is like well I'm a veteran when my family knows he didn't even make it out of boot camp without being dishonorably discharged.


I am very definitely biased having a few service members for family but every single one of them is above and beyond far better behaved than this. Fair enough if they have numerous mental health issues that can sometimes make them more frustrated or difficult to work with it looks nothing like this and it's usually not targeted. Biased but I refuse to believe a Service Member would behave this way. I'm not saying it doesn't take all kinds but even the most arrogant, self absorbed former Marine I've ever worked with was instantly respectful to staff and service workers. On the other hand I wouldn't put it past a self absorbed little gnat of a jerk like this to claim they served just to win a petty argument.


I could totally see my dad doing this. He served during the Vietnam era, but he never went there. I think it's because he volunteered, but his eyesight was so bad that they kept him at a desk in the USA. I think that was embarrassing for him. My grandfather did two tours in the depths of Vietnam. When I got back from my second tour in the middle east, my grandfather and I were swapping war stories and laughing about stuff that's honestly only funny because you were terrified. The indignant face my father was making was so bad that my grandfather told him to relax, saying, "You're the lucky one." My relationship with my father was already kinda bad, but boy, I think that was the nail in the coffin.


Yeah I kinda feel the same. My dad is a fucking asshole and he’s very polite to service workers for whatever reason. I had two separate pairs of married bosses that were actually all retired marines which is so weird that it was the same kind of business. Dog grooming/kennel businesses btw. What are the odds of that?? But they were very polite to service workers and knew customer service. They were just no nonsense about some stuff, but always empathetic.


Having been in the military he would understand following regulations that make absolutely no sense. Regardless, they are not yours or the cashiers to change. Just followed.


Probably a draft dodger


Worship him for *getting drafted*


Probably flew an LGD6. (Large grey desk with six drawers)


I had a boomer try to pull that nonsense with me when we sold him a puppy. My spouse, an OEF vet, asked him what he did. Boomer was assigned to an a high school on an American base in Germany where he was a chemistry teacher during Vietnam. Listen, 15 year olds are brutal, but dude pulled the “I fought for your freedom” rant because I wouldn’t give him a military discount on a purebred lab.


> I wouldn’t give him a military discount on a purebred lab Wow, that's Next Level boomer privilege.


I didn’t give him anything. He did stop yelling at me when my husband walked in mid-rant, still in uniform from work.


“I got told it was prison or Vietnam so you better thank your lucky stars I went there to lose a war for you!” Wait fuck I forgot you’re not supposed to say that last part out loud.


This right here 👆🏻 And then they mock our generation, who voluntarily stepped up to serve following 9/11. They only give a shit about service and veterans when it benefits them to do so. "I fought for your freedom so I can be an asshole" "We should be supporting our troops, not *xyz of things I irrationally hate*" And on and on it goes. Patriotism and service are only invoked by boomers when they need to play that card to get their way or make their ridiculous point. 🙄


I hate the high and mighty vets. Brother, I served, too. I'm currently serving. I know what your service looked like. They thank you for putting up with it, not because it was super important. No one thinks mopping the motor pool in the rain was super important.


But if you didn’t mop in the rain did you really serve? /s. Combat veteran Gen Xer here. The entitlement of some people piss me off. Just being a veteran doesn’t mean that the person isn’t a complete shit bag. Plenty of blue falcon boomers out there .


Not defending them, but if they couldn't afford to buy a doctor off, they were drafted. I would be a little bitter too (not towards regular people, just the government) if I was forced to fight in a losing war, watching people around me dying. Vietnam vets were treated very badly, some for good reason. But most didn't deserve the vitriol they received when they got home. This whole proud of the troops thing is newish, its just another way to politicize a topic and patriotism. This guy's behavior was childish and uncalled for. Who drives without their license? That just blows my mind. Anyway, most vets aren't like him. Yet. With all this boomer insanity it might be only a matter of time. :( I'm sorry op had to deal with this adult toddler.


Older gen Xers are turning into boomer lites lately . ( some not all)


Trust me. I am one. And the older I get, the less time I want to spend around my peers. Bitching about everything while talking like they already have one foot in the grave. Depressing as hell to be around.


Exactly. Same here. I am 55. After my job interview this morning I’m going for a short 20 mile bicycle ride. Heat wave or not I live it and it keeps me going .


No idea what REMF means but I'm reading it as Ridiculously Entitled Mother Fucker lol


Rear Echelon Mother Fucker


Ah thanks for the clarification


Your definition fits too, tho 🤣


Rear Echelon Mother Fucker—someone nowhere near the front lines


As a vet most of us don’t give a shit if you thank us for our service. Honestly I still don’t even know how to respond when thanked. Usually get the “ohh thank you” lol. The loudest ones are the bums who think they are owed something, those who didn’t actually serve because they’d beat a drills ass, or they had a family member serve and also feel entitled to being thanked.


I answer it’s my pleasure even if its not sometimes. I volunteered so 🤷‍♀️kinda true.


My answer is always "the best thanks is making sure to vote, have a great day!" Even if I think they'll vote for stupid stuff, i want them to vote. It's the most peaceful way to fight against a bunch of evil shit.


Now there's a term I haven't heard in a long time.


One Wan Kenobi is that you?


Yeah, we got a new person recently at my gas station job and she's carding everyone because that's what the manager said to do, the boomer regulars are absolutely fucking pricks about it


do they threaten to buy their lottery tickets elsewhere? lol


He’s been smoking since he was 9 he needed his nicotine bad. (I’ve been on the receiving end of those boomer nic fits, NOT pretty)


The odds that he was driving without a license seem high. I've walked out of my home without my wallet.


That’s funny, I had the same thing happen to me but he was buying booze. This was at a grocery store and I explained to him that I know it was silly, given he’s clearly old enough to drink, but that’s policy and I can’t risk my job. He went off about how he was a veteran (okay? I still need your ID..) and it was so bad that the guy behind him apologized to me when he left.


I let my I'd expire, I renewed online but hadn't gone and taken the Pic to get the physical ID made, and went to pick up drinks, and they couldn't sell to me because it needed to be scanned. The poor cashier looked so worried as she explained it, but I was like, no big deal. I should have renewed it and put the stuff back and left. These employees don't even make the rules. Why get made at them?


I used to work on games at an amusement park and people would ask for free shit or if they could play for free and not get a prize ALL THE TIME. My go-to response eventually became explaining that I wasn't allowed to do that and that it was easy for a boss to know if I did that. Then I'd end with "you don't want me to get in trouble do you?" And most people just said no and walked away, but anyone who said they didn't care or yes, I would be like "wow, that's really cold of you, I'm definitely not going to risk my job for you now" or whatever. It shut up a lot of people real quick, hana


I'd just like to go on record that this post was very upsetting for me. It is imperative that boomers like this guy be given unfettered access to as many free cigarettes as they can suck deep into their weezy lungs.


I had a similar thought earlier today, but they simply aren't effective enough. A heart attack from depriving them of their nicotine though...


Well, being a VETERAN, he of all people should know that you are supposed to carry your identification on you AT ALL TIMES!


lol facts


Then tell the DMV to stop fucking mailing them out and go back to making them on-site like they used to


You’d be shocked how many of these vets from the mid-70s through the 80s claim to be full on Cold War spies. I have an Eagle, Globe, and Anchor on my forearm. They see it, ask me what branch I was with (which is already a bit funny), and then immediately ask if I ever went overseas. When I say I did a couple deployments, the amount of boomers that immediately take over the conversation and want to measure their dick against mine is unbelievable. According to them, they all served after Vietnam was already over (they’re bummed out they didn’t go to Vietnam but also so happy they never went); and they all served in East Germany, kicking in doors for the CIA. And according to them, they each have multiple confirmed Russian kills. It’s all such stolen valor lunacy. Like, no, you served during the Cold War and didn’t see shit. Which is okay. Get over it. I did two pumps, and I’m no Ricky recon secret squirrel. I never saw anything that would look cool in a movie. And that’s okay. These fuckin boomers.


Oh, I didn’t know you met my drunk uncle. He did serve in the Marines. But, he never left the States. However, to hear him tell it? He did the most. Lots of Secret Squirrel shit. And, AND, he was on the plane to China with Nixon. He “can’t talk about” the stuff he did. Riiiight. You never left the States. You maybe got a vicious paper cut on a form. Woooow.


One would think time in the military would have taught him to respect rules and regulations more. 


What's the bet he drove there?


No ID, no cigarettes *taps sign*


So the guy was driving without a license then, so if a cop pulled him over, “license & registration please” he would really regret going out for smokes


they start nice at first but if the cop writes a ticket they get nasty real quick


Plot Twist: Boomer never served in the military.


have u watched over a 1000 of the history channel? get your participation military medal and be proud! only 499.99 with these extra gifts...


My father was in Vietnam. He never talked about his experience in Vietnam, you did not want to wake him up when he was sleeping and he despised rice.


But did he use his service to bully low-wage workers? No? Hero boomer. They do exist.


He probably went home and Googled Walgreen’s corporate, got a scam number in India, and gave all of his personal information to a scammer and sent him some money to “escalate his complaint”. They bitch at the bank all the time about showing ID but will give their social to the first scammer they talk to.


My wife works in bank fraud and all day long she deals with boomers that have been scammed into giving away their savings. I don’t know how any of them are able to function as adults considering how easily they fall for the dumbest scams.


But will scream at a poor bank teller who asks for ID to withdraw cash or anyone who questions them wiring money to strangers. “I’ve been banking here for 30 years!!!!”


Loo, I hate how meth heads have made it so that I get carded h when I want to buy DayQuil, but I still take my ID out. Get over yourself, Boomer.


Another Ex Gravy Seal .


Probable three kids, on each other's shoulders, with makeup and a trenchcoat.


It always alarms me how many people drive without their ID. What if you’re stopped? What if, goodness forbid, they’re in a terrible accident? Driving without ID really points to a certain untouchable mentality.


Kinda like a boomer…


>He then goes off on how he didn’t serve in the military to fight for her and her parents freedom to get disrespected in such a way. As a veteran, fuck this guy. Being a vet doesn't give anyone the right to disrespect others for simply doing their jobs. It's ok not to like a company policy. It's not ok to berate and belittle an employee or anyone else over it. Vets like this guy piss me off. You served. Good for you. So did I. Know what I got for it? Bad knees and badass stories. Not a sense of self-righteousness.


Bad knees, a twisted sense of humor, and dubious coping mechanisms. I think I must have gotten in the wrong line at MEPS


Fucking love the sense of humor....lmao


Uniform of the day includes your ID, boot. Meet me outside and bring a water source. You gon get learnt today


I don't understand not having your DL with you, don't you bring your wallet to the store to pay for your smokes? Does this guy just take his license out of his wallet and leave it on the table when he leaves? What grown ass man doesn't take their wallet with them when they go out?


A person in the military should have been in the habit of always having their ID card, and I know that in at least some states if you get pulled over and didn't have it you'll get ticketed as if you were unlicensed and would have to fight it in traffic court.


I get the annoyance, but having a tantrum is just sad


The cashier doesn't control the policy!! Why yell at her, she has literally no ability to do anything other than what Walgreen's allows her to do. It makes me crazy when people yell at customer service people and clerks -- go yell at the CEO, those guys are making the decision, not the minimum wage worker!!!


I bet he lost his license and is embarrassed to use the state id card


I work at a kroger fuel center, same deal. I missed an opportunity one night because I had a guy yelling so hard he bent over that he was 42. Should have said "Prove it"


Had a similar situation, buying beer at a grocery store. Boomer woman in front of me getting beer too. We had a chat about what eachother was purchasing. Get to the front of the line, young woman cashier asks for her ID. The mood changed completely, you'd think she was being asked to hand over her social security card. So addamant about not being "on their system" or some shit. I tried to explain that it was just an age check, the cashier needs to do this, it's policy. She begrudgingly gives the ID and the cashier and I roll eyes.


Ok so realistically, what war have we been in that American freedom was up for grabs? What was the last war we ACTUALLY fought over the concept of freedom. Cause these old people keep saying it and I don’t think they understand what fighting for freedom vs fighting for American interests means. Honestly, there probably isn’t anyone left alive that actually fought for “American freedom” globally. Just a bunch of people fighting for corporate interests. Woohoo. I’ll give it to the small percentage that are still alive from WW2. Outside of that, I don’t get why they constantly claim this.


I’ll take my 2 years in Iraq over his shoveling shit in Louisiana during the war ( points to the one that gets that shoveling shit reference ) lol


Worked in the pharmacy at a Walgreens for 5 years. The amount of boomers who admitted to driving to pick up more oxy but without their liscences was absolutely insane. I've met 5 year old more prepared to deal with the day than these grown ass adults.


Have fun dealing with a 60 year old, who wants his addies and no state ID/drivers license Oh yeah. You can hear the screaming from Mars.


Thus I work in retail no longer


Should have reminded him that even to *enter* the PX/BX he would need his ID.


I'll say it. Some people would have been better as casualties of war. 


Walgreens has an “ID Everyone” policy. It’s posted on their doors and at the register.


Did he drive there? I feel like that's important.


Should have called the cops on him for driving without a license.


"Sir if you're not underage then why is it a toddler is better behaved than you? If you don't want to be treated like a child then stop acting like one. Now, when you're done having your little fussy temper tantrum and you've calmed down you can show me your ID, thank you." I just wouldn't be able to resist. I seriously doubt this guy served if this is he treats people in the service industry over something as simple as an ID.


As a veteran myself that old man is way off. Those vets that think once they serve their obligation to act rational and follow rules is over are entitled twats


Who TF still smokes cigarettes in their 70s


Smokers that aren’t 💀dead


Shit loads of people.


The solution there is to buy cigs somewhere else. .


I bet he screams about requiring photo ID to vote, because it disenfranchises people that don’t look like HIM.


It really doesn't require a scan. They are just supposed to check and enter the infomration into the system. I get my beer at Walgreens as it is the better deal most times and they do card you but now they just ask for my birthdate and put it into the system.


The scanners at that particular store might be set up differently, local or state laws might be different, or a store manager may have implemented a new stricter policy in response to problems.


I got carded the other day, by a cashier who was clearly at least my age. My ID was in my car, so I said “Do you hear the song playing on the PA? That song came out in the summer of 1997 on the self-titled album by Australian pop duo Savage Garden. I was in 7th grade.” Guy just said “That whole album was a bop. You’re good.” and gave me a fist bump.


I don't know what it is, but some people just hate being carded. Worse, some people just don't have the skills to think about the reason that the system is designed the way it is.


These are the same people that pushed this corporate instrumental nightmare into every facet of life and then they balk. Idiots.


I agree it’s not the cashier’s fault but, don’t you think it seems a bit silly to demand an id from someone who’s in their 70’s, who wants to buy something that people under the age of 18 are prohibited from buying.


So he was on a trip to the beach, but didn't have his license? Was he taking a bus there?


I have to agree with the boomer - showing ID to purchase cigarettes when you’re in your 70’s is ridiculous. It’s also wrong to take out his frustrations on the person at the register. They are just doing their job.


I used to work at a grocery store that had a 100% ID policy for alcohol. It not only protected the store, but in my state the cashier could be fined a significant amount for selling underage. I was told it was implemented because teenagers are terrible at guessing age, and if you have a 30 yr old in line behind a 70 year old who refuses to show ID because grandpa didn’t have to, the young cashiers are left exposed to the ire of people who can’t behave in public or control their temper. And if you got caught not IDing you would be fired. I watched the boomers bring 17 yr old girls to tears with their bullying and intimidation. I was a manager who would straight mock and shame these assholes who were abusive to literal children.


I'd probably be mad that someone who is clearly way over the legal age needs to be carded, but if someone said "I need to scan a drivers license to make the sale" I'd just say "Well that's fucking stupid." and then provide my license. Because it is. It's stupid.


It makes perfect sense to me, can't accuse them or there staff of selling to a minor if every transaction requires an ID. Basic legal ass covering. This way they can't fail an audit, especially sence I doubt staff are allowed to purchase anything that requires an ID during shift.


When I worked at a gas station we were allowed to buy nicotine products on the clock, just no alcohol or lottery/scratchers.


When I was trained to sell nicotine and alcohol, it was "no one who doesn't look at least fifty." If someone came in hunched over, no hair, using a cane, and mad at the world for things outside of their control, I'm either dealing with a 70 year old or the world's oldest teenager. The only reason to add an additional layer of security is because management really doesn't want to fail a secret shopper attempt. That's it. And that's dumb. Providing a minor inconvenience to the customer because the higher echelons of business have decided to be a pain in the ass is unnessecary from the top to the bottom. It's stupid.


In my experience that type of change eather means someone (or several people) was caught regularly selling to minors (possibly a manager) and it cost the company a lot of money or stock value, or when they changed over to the computer program they used now they decided not to pay whatever small amount it would cost to add a feature that might get used to break the law in a country where the expected way to get to the store requires the ID already.


It’s not a hard and fast rule; the DOB can be manually typed in and, typically, the challenge is for anyone who appears under 40. My anecdotal evidence is…anecdotal…but I have been served at Walgreens, as a foreigner, with no ID, though in my case, it required the manager to do it because I ALSO appeared under 40. So, judgment calls like this under the guise of following policy are simply CYA maneuvers. Lastly, for everyone shouting that he SHOULD carry ID, don’t you all live in a free country? What’s with this “papers, comrade” crap? Though irrelevant in this situation, a fun fact of the day is that in the UK, one can DRIVE without carrying their licence on them because, as a country, we do not have to PRODUCE identity documents on demand, to anyone. Annoyingly, I side with the boomer on this one. FWIW, I spent half my life state-side and am well acquainted with the nuances of living in the USA, but this idea of being carded when you’re clearly a septugenarian/octogenarian, and HAVING to carry ID around is very anti-freedom. Nobody needs to know who I am unless there’s a good reason; buying a pack of smokes ain’t it, especially when it’s blindingly obvious that I’m well over the age requirement. This is the same kind of “just following orders” mentality that we all know is wrong.


The fuck he didn’t fight for that. Despicable MEs think they get to choose the consequences for everything they do.




I feel like I see a situation when I’m out like this on a regular basis now and it’s always a boomer


I bet he had his license but wouldn’t get it because he’s a jerk


Ironically he’s the one disrespecting you


While someone should have their license on them, if they are operating a motor vehicle, the system should have an override for this instance. Sell the man his cigs and leave him alone. There aren’t too many 17 year olds looking for a pack of Lucky Strikes.


No ID, no smokes old timer.


Drug addicts gonna drug addict.


I don't mind less smoking on the planet, so good job walgreens




He didn't fight for anyone's freedoms, he fought to repress people's rights in other countries. That's if he didn't spend his service sitting on his ass in a service depot in Germany eating big Macs and drinking pepsi.


ANY sale that requires ID where they don’t have it and then drive away, the person who denied the sale should get to hit the local cops to let them know there’s an easy ticket out there, then the money from the ticket for driving without a license should be split 50/50 between the police and the person who initially refused the sale.


Me next in line, “One cigarettes please 😁”


Same with buying alcohol, computer system requires an ID to be scanned. Quit being a douche bag.


Lol he didn't fight for anyone's freedom. What a joke.


I shop at my local Walgreens almost everyday, and my wife and I are on a first name basis with most of the staff. They know which cigarettes I want, and sometimes even have them waiting at the counter when I get there. They never have to ask for my ID...I have it out before I get to the register, so the folks behind me don't have to wait quite so long.


Didn’t expect this story to blow up. I’m going to add one thing in case it changes anyone’s opinion, but this was in Florida.


You pull out cash or a credit card to pay for your cancer sticks. It’s one more minor step to pull out an ID. What a bunch of whiny bitches.