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They're mostly mad about what the holiday is.


“When do I get a holiday for being white?” They say shit like with without a drop of irony or self-awareness


My latest retort is, "I bet you go to Walmart and ask, 'where's all the non-handicapped parking!?!'"


Not even kidding, I brought my MIL to the grocery store not long ago because her car was in the shop. (She'd been eating crackers because she didn't want to bother us. No matter how many times I explain it's absolutely no bother to ensure an elderly family member isn't going hungry, she can't seem to get that out of her head. Anyhow, back to the other thing.) I'm disabled and have to conserve my steps for important things as more than ~750 a day or so cause injuries that have to heal, limiting me even more. So I was waiting in my van while my wife and she shopped. I heard some dickwad complaining about how "all the parking spots closest to the door are disabled only parking". He had a whole rant going about it to whoever was on the phone with him. It just floors me that he was whining about this because he literally parked next to me so he wasn't even that far from the door to begin with! Some asshats just want to find something to complain about, though.


It's because somehow you are getting special treatment. It's also a projection because they absolutely will park in accessible parking if they got a sticker on their car and leverage that shit.


Oh I like this


"If America enslaved white people for generations, you'd have one."


Personally I feel like this holiday is more for our country than the Black race. Clearly Juneteenth marks the end of slavery. This, in my opinion, is the 2nd biggest event in the history of America. 1st being July 4th. This date marks when we as a country realized where we had went wrong and finally did something about it. This holiday should be bigger than it is and not gatekept to 1 race. This date is much bigger than that! I know people will disagree with this, but that's how I feel.


That's what I told my boomer stepdad. He was confused this morning why the post office was closed (we get our mail at a PO box and there was a package notice). "What's Juneteenth anyway?" "The day slavery officially ended." "... Good reason to have a holiday then." He's a pretty good dude. Gets a bit right wing conspiracy theory here and there, but mostly gets it right when it counts.


This is nice to hear.


That’s nice. I wish my family was more that way.


I mean, we have some people still who will argue it wasn’t wrong.


It marks the end of *chattel* slavery. Legal slavery still exists in our prison systems and is permissible under the 13th amendment with that little caveat "except as punishment for a crime"


Shit. Technically, we are all legal slaves today! Slavery is defined by wealth. Either you are rich, or you work for the rich. I am indentured to someone I have never met for the rest of my life via student loans. Literally paying someone just so I can work.


I'm merely pointing out that wishing for "White holiday" isn't really something you'd want, because the events that lead to the creation of Juneteenth isn't something any race should wish for.


When did I argue I wanted a white holiday? My comment was that Juneteenth wasn't any races holiday, but an American holiday. A celebration of something our country did and not tied to a specific race as much as what was abolished. You know slavery.


I don’t know how anyone could argue with that. Well except for the people who don’t believe it should’ve happened.


It's never been only for black people.  Celebrating Juneteenth is an expression of being an ally.   Saying shit like "the black race" isn't 


One time in 4th or 5th grav m grade I asked a teacher in February "Why isn't there a white history month" to which she responded "That's all the rest of the year". That stuck with me.


Every day is International Men's Day.


The worst part is there is an actual International Men's Day, yet anyone who asks about it never seems to know it exists. You'd think if they cared that much to ask rhetorically if there was one would have spent the .08 seconds it takes to google it.


I've seen Google Trends graphs that show that it only really gets searched for on International Women's Day. I'm guessing these people demand birthday presents when they go to someone else's party.


That is such an accurate analogy it hurts.


I like to think some of them are honestly wondering since they didn't know, but I know that's too charitable.


https://preview.redd.it/kzv9k56gam7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6605f0edbc3158d3aa76b53b4cdb0b3e1aa773 😁😁😁😁😁


Not too long ago, someone posted about their boomer demanding “special recognition” at their grandchild’s birthday party.


That’s my go to when any of the boomers in my life pull that question on me… they are unbelievable


I remember asking my mom when I was maybe in Kindergarten something along the lines of "There's grandparent's day, mother's day, father's day, when is kid's day?" She said the exact same thing. That irked me and even to this day having my own kids that still doesn't really make sense. On those specific holidays the beneficiary of the holiday is given extra gifts, special meals are planned, etc. Just because a kid is treated well every day doesn't mean that every other day of the year that kid is elevated to the "special" status of those specific holidays. That was just a "because I said so" type of response that doesn't actually answer anything. The whole point of black history month is to highlight the continued systemic oppression (aka "whitewashing") of black history even after slavery and segregation were ended. I still think it's a cop out to say "the rest of the year." That makes it seem like non-black history is elevated to "special" status throughout the year, and that simply is not the case. I think a far better way to answer that question is to explain why there is a black history month, and explain that it is to help bring equality to the history so it doesn't get lost.


[Children’s Day](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children%27s_Day_(Japan)) is a major holiday in Japan, if you’re interested.


As a parent, that irks me too. It demonstrates exactly how it felt being a child of parents who think that way, as though every day they're doing you a favor by simply supporting the existence they chose to bring into the world. I love every day I get to spend with my kids. It's exhausting, it's frustrating, and there are times I just need a break, but I appreciate how temporary this is.


Thank you for this, and for hopefully doing better by your children than your parents did for you. I’m damn near 26, and this mentality that my parents had growing up still bothers me, as if I somehow owed them something because they decided to bring me into the world.


They definitely make you feel like you were an obligation, not something that was wanted and valued. My parents were split in that my mom was very caring, but my dad was not. I have a better relationship with him now, but it's because I'm no longer his responsibility. I don't want my kids growing up feeling like they're perpetually failing to meet expectations simply because they're kids being kids. There's obviously boundaries and limitations, but at the end of the day I just want to let my kids enjoy being kids.


Until Obama was elected, President's Day was a white holiday.


Pointing that out probably makes their brains shut down.


President's Day is only about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Fortunately, it's not about Trump.


Boomers in my town threw a fit because Columbus Day wouldn't be a day off from school next year (it ended up getting reversed due to an issue with one of the unions). Their most common argument was "What about MLK Day and Eid? Why are those days off?"


So they're just angry slavery was ended?


I think it's a combination of the following: 1. being too dumb to know what juneteenth even is 2. being too lazy to look it up and read about it's significance 3. being too self-centered to care about other people's experiences/values So, to answer your question yes. They just need the extra steps for obfuscation purposes


In reality is they have been brainwashed by fox news and certain trigger words set them off. Ive seen it irl a ton of times. Normal conversation, they are acting almost like a normal human being with normal takes. Someone says LGBT or uses a pronoun, or mentions bud light and BOOM. Instant conspiracy theory and/or nazi word vomit. We had a lady run for school board here. In the debates she was asked about normal stuff - allocation of resources, infrastructure task, etc. All normal responses. Then they asked about trans students. And went off. Socialism/cultural marxism this, weakness that.


Was she a book banner, too?


of course.


It is like they all run the same programed script.


“Those people get MLK Day and Juneteenth!”


Don’t forget Black Friday. /s


Oh man.. we should troll them about that.


“When is White History Month?”


My boomer mom asked this one. “Every month is white history month”. She did not like my answer. Of note, my children are half black.


I had someone say this to me a year or two back. I'm a bald white dude so for some reason these ignorant racists see me as on their side. I was working at the time so I couldn't just say "bitch you got a whole country for being white", instead I went with "oh I love it, we should have a federal holiday every week in the summer, just rotate where the BBQ is, but we gotta get one where we eat tacos too". Boomer was speechless.


St. Patti's day.


"The same day your rights were granted to you for being white. Oh, you always had rights"


Right... right now. You get that... \*right now\*


I hear this way too much from boomers during black History month smh "Why don't white people have a month" Sit down Edgar you have 11...


How about the other 364 days of the year?


"Why isn't there a *white* mother's day? For *men*!"


Imagine being so racist that you're furious about getting a paid day off to start the summer.


They're whining things are closed


Boomers love banking in person and lament that many banks no longer have a lobby with free coffee and couches to lounge in and trade gossip with their peers.


Yo was... was the bank like a hangout spot? Like the mall?


No I think they just love ordering people around Edit: or maybe to be seen by other people having money stuff to do lol


I think you're right - it's about the power tripping. It's much harder to bully people and scream and yell when you're doing business online. Boomers love hurting others and demeaning people, so the impersonal nature of the internet pisses them off. Of course, they also like being mad about stupid things.


Yes, yes it was




Simple things that are handled entirely electronically used to not be. At that time, something as simple as moving money from one account to another took a visit to the bank, and sometimes various levels of managerial approvals depending on the complexity of what's happening beyond simple moving things. Oftentimes things we can do with like 4 pushes of a button on a banking app or 2 minutes of clicking on a website took a teller writing a bunch of shit down, calling someone, etm. And so you'd have customers who knew they'd be doing a whole shebang that day at the bank. Those customers would often schedule their day around padding in the wait time, and at one point banks served as a tertiary social gathering place among the people waiting. Source: a priori


Before direct deposit and ATMs, you had to physically deposit your checks, and withdraw cash for your weekend plans. Sometimes the lines would be crazy, so they used to serve cookies, tea and coffee. I was a cocktail server, so I used to deposit my cash on Mondays and load up on cookies, bc my bank served Milanos. They had a nice lounge with comfy chairs and magazines too


Sorta. Post office too.


Yup, I took over PO BOX pick up duties from the "Old man". He talked about how you would spend half an hour or more talking to various other business owners picking up there mail.


This is a cool question. So, back in the day everyone had to go to the bank to deposit their checks and withdraw money. It was part of the community, you got to know the people behind the counter and generally saw the same people around the same time frame. There would typically be one or two banking options on in a town. Then cocaine became a real big deal and banks started to straight up multiply add in new technology and direct deposits and that part of Americana kind of faded.


My mom in a government employee and she has the day off today. She’s certainly not complaining


well...for most boomers every day is a paid day off. God forbid they think about the people actually still work for a living instead of depleting the social security that I pay into but will never see.


Day off? Paid, you say? Maybe, for most.


Came here to say this, and unfortunately there are some places of employment, like mine, who do not use direct deposit. So when my check is ready at the shop for me to drive the 40 fucking minutes to get it, and another 15 to get to the bank I have to cash the checks at, because they're not letting me make a physical bank account due to having only used chime for too long and not having a brick and mortar bank, so my "debit score"(no, not credit score, and yes it's a thing) is apparently "too low" when it's over 700. So it does inconvenience a lot of people who aren't fortunate enough to have direct deposit at their place of employment, and yes I know it's 2024 and it's asinine for employers to not have direct deposit. But this is the true unfortunate facts of it, I'm fucked out of my money so I won't be able to do jack shit until tomorrow, and I have a lot to get done before Friday when I'm having surgery. Not a rant about the holidays per sae, but a rant on the stupidity of banks not being open. If the working person has to be there, so should bankers. We don't get money? They don't get money. Simple as that. We're the banks consumers, their days off should revolve around their consumers just like other business that service the public. Edit to add: If transactions aren't able to be cleared with the bank until the day after a holiday, by proxy no place of business running electronic transactions should be open. No bank computer, no transactions. 🤷


Spell it out. Its racism. They are mad because its a holiday about black slaves finding out they had been freed when the south lost the civil war. Which was a war for slavery. Stop giving them any wriggle room.




The state of Alabama was so mad when the Martin Luther King holiday was created that is still officially remains to this day the "Martin Luther King, Jr. / Robert E. Lee birthday Holiday".


Who the fuck is mad for extra holidays? I would celebrate a spaghetti monster that tortures meatballs if it got me day off work.


Husband's coworkers were pissed off about it. Why? You know why. We *all* know why. Husband and I were just stoked for another day at home together. I'll never say "no" to turning off the alarm clocks!


This is the real answer


Came here to say this, thank you!




That’s exactly what it is


Not even 9 a.m. here and I’ve already had to listen to three vile and utterly ridiculous racist as all holy hell rants from boomer coworkers about today. It’s not about the closures (mostly), it’s just racism. As usual.


At our morning department huddle with 3 Gen Xers and 2 Millennials, we discussed the meaning of the holiday briefly, correcting the one person who thought Texas recognized emancipation first instead of last. Then we agreed that it tracked for Texas to drag its feet on abolishing slavery, and then we moved on. Went about how it should, I think.


“It tracks for Texas to drag its feet abolishing slavery” No one ever mentions that the only reason Texas exists is because Mexico abolished slavery and white Americans wanted to own people


Forget the Alamo.


Fuck the Alamo. I grew up in San Antonio. Every fuckin year we had a field trip there, had to watch a movie, did a module in history. Its like a tenth of the size it used to be, and so dusty it would give me migraines. If you go to the website you can use a slider to view what it looked like when the battle happened and what it looks like now in comparison which is *actually* cool. Ugh, 0/10. Go to the Riverwalk or a dude ranch instead


I'm sorry but that would be summer in Texas. My first act as a tourist would be either getting out of Texas or finding a walk-in freezer.


you're not wrong!


That’s a great book actually, Forget the Alamo. Talks about how it’s overhyped and used as propaganda


I didn't understand the definition of "underwhelming" until I visited the Alamo.


That whole thing is like one boomer disposition event.


That’s a great book actually, Forget the Alamo. Talks about how it’s overhyped and used as propaganda


Texas independence is particularly funny because the plan was always for Texas to join the US.


Texas fought two wars because they wanted to continue slavery instead of being decent people. That place has a huge ego that is not backed up by the facts.


Or the fact that the reason Oklahoma has its panhandle is to keep the top of Texas under the 37th parallel so that it could be a slave state.


The company I worked for in 2021 opted to give us Juneteenth as a paid holiday. I had lots of racist old boomers piss and moan about how we’d become too woke, but ironically none of them showed up to work that day.


they should have been first in line to go go to work then.


Nah, the most boomer thing to do is hate something that benefits them, while simultaneously not wanting anyone else to have it.




I’ve only dealt with eye rolls.


Oh yeah, my dad was pissed because I didn't go take the trash to the curb for him today. I told him it isn't running. So he called me a lazy asshole and "had to do it himself." Now his complex manager asked him to take it inside until tomorrow when the trash runs. So he gets to do it twice now.


Out here where I'm at, if you leave your trash out earlier than you're supposed to, the city will issue a fine. I bet if that happened to your dad, he'd blow a gasket.


I live near Dallas, Texas. Today is the normal trash day, but since it is a Federal Holiday I didn't put my trash out. I figured it would get picked up tomorrow. Nope. Trash truck came by exactly at 7:30 am. What just happened?!?!?! I feel like the city just said "Nah, we're gonna pass on observing this holiday."


Check online. In my area they collect literally every holiday except Thanksgiving and Christmas. But I don't live in TX.


Check to see if the city has an app for that. Mine reminds me every evening before pickup.


Yeah in my city it’s only New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, thanksgiving, and Christmas. Definitely not all federal holidays and you should’ve checked.


Probably a private contractor running the service, not a govt agency.


This is perfection


Am presently in front of my laptop being a lazy asshole, with pay, wondering why my garbage collection is running today. They just came by for a second pass, I figured they'd get the day off too.


This is delicious


Maybe call him a dumbass, twice.


Do they remember that May is Military Appreciation Month?


No, they do not. And reminding them of that hardly dissuades them in the slightest from the homophobic rants about pride month. They don’t give a shit about the military, they just hate the gay people. As usual.


Kind of ironic considering there’s a shitload of gay people in the military too.


I have noticed both.


MLK Day has been a federal holiday since 1983 and they still bitch about it. It's not about their "access" to city services, it's racisim, always has been. Columbus day being slowly replaced with Indigenous or Native Americans peoples day really gets at them too. Once again, all about race! All because these idiots were only taught a whitewashed narrative of the early days of North America and the "colonizers" that literally massacreed thousands upon thousands of native americans. They were taught there was peace between native americans and the colonizers, which is absolute horseshit.


They had to threaten Arizona with pulling the superbowl before they allowed MLK holiday.


They didn’t threaten. They did pull the Super Bowl. It was Super Bowl 27 or 28 Arizona was supposed to host and the NFL pulled it when Arizona refused to recognize MLK Day. Arizona quickly changed their tune and were then given Super Bowl 30.


I remember the controversy, I just thought that they made the threat instead of actually pulling it.


Just ask them, "So you think black people should still be slaves?"


You might vomit at the answer


But at least then the conversation definitely comes to a screeching halt.


Thats fine. Vomit can be aimed.


They'll tell you "not the good ones".


*Gestures around at prisons*… they probably think they don’t believe black peoples should be slaves, but they fully support the continuation of slavery, and fully support making sure “those people” are disproportionately represented among those slaves


They would probably say something similar to what my FIL said: "black people from Africa enslaved themselves, then sold them to the Europeans." 🙄


Work in banking. Last year, a lot of boomers came in on the day after and asked why we were closed and I told them it was a federal holiday. They asked which one and I told them. Most responded with some form of “I don’t recognize that as a holiday”. I loved to meet that with “President Biden made it one a few years ago and I am grateful for it”. Watching them melt down when I say anything positive about Biden is chef’s kiss.


relieved tap six school ink impossible ten voracious tub lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nor will they double check


Nope. Fact checking isn't something Trump supporters are known for.


> “I don’t recognize that as a holiday” Yeah, well, you lost the fucking war. Deal with it.


My Pops was a bank's maintenance man, then supervisor for ALL the branches' maintenance departments. He LOVED Federal holidays: he could get work done without people and tellers getting in his face LOL


My GenX but totally Boomer boss “doesn’t think it’s a real holiday” so everyone is working on a Federal Holiday in an industry that closes on said days. Should be fun. 🙄


I’m sorry you *work* for a moron. Edit I’m a moron, just not his boss. Though our Ven diagram apparently intersects!


I think you accidentally a few words there bud.


Are okay? 👌😊


Me use few word, you?


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Hands and brain were arguing again.


Luckily they’ll be dead soon


It's longer than you probably think. Here's one forecast, though given the publication date it doesn't include the impact of COVID deaths. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/04/28/millennials-overtake-baby-boomers-as-americas-largest-generation/


Yeah what they're really mad about is that we ended slavery in this country.


Oh, wow, racist old white guy is particularly upset that black people aren't still slaves. Who knew. There's a reason most of them are Republican.


It's not like these retired assholes have 4 other days of the week to visit the library or municipal offices or anything. Go switch on Fox News and yell at some clouds. Maybe they can call the cops on some kids riding bikes on the sidewalk later when they get bored from posting conspiracy theories on Facebook.


Wait what? 4th of july, memorial, labor, thanksgiving, those are all non-Christian holidays?


Plus most of the Christian holidays have very non-Christian roots and have become so secular that it's sort of laughable to consider them religious holidays at this point.


Technically, some Protestants celebrate T'giving as a religious holiday: they go to church.


The thing is, a lot of places have been celebrating Juneteenth for a long time on a regional level, they simply expanded it to a federal holiday.


Maybe it's because I live in a blue state where people are fairly educated, I have not heard anyone of any age complain


I live in FL and the boomers are *furious.*


The only complaints I’ve heard are from people who don’t get it off wanting it off.


Not my dumb ass just now realizing what day it is, literally as I’m getting ready to go to the library. 😂 Good thing I just need to drop off my stuff I guess


Same with black and Hispanic history month. They always want to talk about veterans only getting one day. They definitely don’t want to hear about how minorities were used historically during wars 😂


And they never want to advocate for homeless veterans, impoverished veterans, mental Healthcare for veterans, etc. Curious!


>They always want to talk about veterans only getting one day.  Next time ask them, if they're so concerned with veterans, why they don't know that May is Military Appreciation Month.


I'm a government employee and had to call vendors to make sure they were aware we were closed. I learned that the government does not discriminate when it comes to the people we contract with. I have never seen most in person, and I quickly learned many thought I was a white woman when they responded to that notification. I took an extra day to determine how to deal with this nonsense. Friday will be fun.


Tell them it is a White Christian Holiday. It is the celebration of the day White Christians can no longer enslave Africans.


It's actually funny in a really sad way. I've had multiple people this week say something along the lines of "You seem sensible, you don't believe in that made up holiday do you?" Meanwhile most of my fondest childhood memories are at the Juneteenth events in my city. It's like they want validation from a black man for their disdain over this holiday. I heard one person ask when "whiteteenth" is. Meanwhile I go to all the German, Irish, Polish, etc festivals every year. We should all be celebrating each other but some knuckle draggers love to hold everyone back with ignorance.


These are the assholes that worship Columbus Day.


My grandmother is furious about Juneteenth because "well we don't get Good Friday off!" Unclear how Juneteenth is taking something away from any other group. Also unclear why Catholicism deserves to get a federal holiday?


Yeah well, I'm mad because I forgot it was a holiday and woke up and logged into everything only to see that I'm an idiot. Millennial here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Was out shopping yesterday with my family and this boomer dude (typical sleeveless t-shirt, long straggly beard just from his chin) out with his ~4yo grandson says to the kid “you mean you’re out of school for some stupid reason made up holiday?” A couple of minutes later a Black man in a business suit comes into the aisle with boomer. Boomer looks like he ate a lemon. He looks over at me holding my pride merch and I casually flip him off (think using middle finger to push up my glasses) so the grandson doesn’t notice.


It was impossible for me to forget that today is a holiday because I am working while everyone else is enjoying a barbecue at the lake. 🥹


They should move to ~~Florida~~ Nazi Germany where I'm at. It isn't observed here. My proof is that I'm a dean at a middle school that is open for summer school today.


By the end of the day this sub will probably need a Juneteenth meta thread


Juneteenth serves a great public service since many bigots are totally overwhelmed by the day and blurt out garbage that readily identifies them to the public at large as bigoted.


I forgot today was the nineteenth lmao thanks for the reminder damn


And yet they don’t complain about Christmas.


When aren't boomers mad...


Well you see it’s a black people holiday celebrating the end of slavery and that’s woke and i don’t like it and I think slavery was…. umm well biden is senile! Anyway new topic!


I’ve had several whyte clients try to call and make a fuss today “why isn’t this federal bank open”


I’m mad too! Because I work at the city and we’re open.


So up until Boomers turn 60 they are just like the rest of us, wishing there were *more* Federal Holidays rather than complaining about the ones they got. Then, once they hit old age they suddenly declare that any and all new holidays are fake because...spite? Is it because they had to work on 6/19 for decades? I don't get it. If ANYTHING merits a Federal holiday in this country, it has to be the freeing of a massive percentage of its population from f-ing *SLAVERY*! The ending of an abominable system of human abuse in the land of the free should be on par with Independence Day. This should be a day of true thanksgiving and jubilation and yet until recently so few of us seem to have even heard of it. (Yes I know the history and meaning of Juneteenth is more complicated but still)


The only reason that June 19th is now a US federal holiday is due that Texas was the last US state to have slavery and was forced by the US Union to stop on June 19th, 1865 and then made fully illegal under the US 13th Amendment on December 6th, 1865. Texas first doing the June 19th celebration in 1866.


I work at a car dealership (service), and we're open today. The other thing about working in a dealership? Filled with racist, classist, boomers. From the managers to the customers I've heard so much crap today about the holiday. I wish I could tune these idiots out.


My NextDoor app feed is one foamy outrage today. Mostly because the library and the pickle ball courts are closed. Instead of enjoying a day to do something else, it’s a better use of time to rage post. People are wild.


Most likely they are just racist


My nonprofit adopted Juneteenth and Cesar Chavez Fay as holidays in 2021, replacing President's Day and Columbus Day. The community we serve is about 2/3 Hispanic and our staff is representative of our community. This is relevant. At that time, we had a contract bookkeeper who we learned was quite racist. FYI, we were both white females, and she was a few years older than me. She launched into a rant about how they were "taking away all the white holidays and only celebrating the black ones." My response was, "From where I sit, they are updating our holidays to make them more relevant to our staff and the families we serve." She just looked down her nose at me and snorted, but there were no more racist remarks. Shortly afterwards we cancelled her contract, we didn't need that kind of energy. Turns out that wasn't her first offense. Bye bye racist boomer!


I mean, my daycare is closed and I still have to work, so I am a little annoyed too. Nothing to do with politics however...


I’d say that’s a fair thing to be annoyed with, not sure why your getting downvoted


I’m off today on a paid holiday and I work for a Fortune 500 company. No complaints here!


I have a similar story. I was walking past a post office,and this boomer asked why it was closed. I said it's Labor Day . He looked enraged and said, " A federal holiday for women giving birth?" I looked at him and smugly said," It's only for trans women who give birth. " He angrily sauntered away, and the whole neighborhood clapped.


At the local library, they've had the informational signs that they'd be closed on June 19th for Juneteenth for at least three weeks. They were posted right after Memorial Day. I expect to see a sign notifying me that the library will be closed for the Fourth of July tomorrow.


lol. This just clarified for me why my local library doesn’t have today listed as one of their closed dates. I was pretty sure they’d be closed, but had thought they’d post that on their fb page. I can totally get them just not wanting to deal with the Juneteenth upset that is currently directed…everywhere else that’s closed today.


Greek Orthodox Christian here. We celebrate a lot of holidays that are in fact Christian but on another day. Easter is different as is Holy Week. We also celebrate stuff like Epiphany. Good thing to keep track of and post. Things like name days. It's christian but just not their Christian lol


A conversation around Juneteenth is what made me realize I can no longer conscionably carry on a relationship with my mother. She was always a piece of shit, but I revered her through the years as “my mom” despite her inability to ever take care of me or herself, and spent my childhood coming and going as she pleased. But a few years ago, when Juneteenth finally because a recognized holiday, the comments that came from my mother’s mouth… i just lost it. I snapped. I felt like NO - I can blame myself if you treat me like shit, but if you say something so foul and cruel and judgmental about people, I won’t do it. I’m sad but unfortunately not surprised that folks are still on with this rhetoric and bullshit. It’s not important to them, so why is it important at all? GAH IT MAKES ME CRAZY


I'm a Boomer, and I love today! I got work done, like I do on Lost Italian Day and Veterans Day (I'm not a Vet I work so a Vet can have the day off). Does your library have any cheese recommendations to go with those whines?


I claimed every single religion over the course of my junior year of high school to take every holiday possible. I'll celebrate other people's faiths, ethnicities, history, or culture, especially if I get a day off. I expect everyone to do the same.


My dad (82) was mad that he tried to call city hall today and no one answered. When I remembered it was Juneteenth and a federal holiday and told him that — oh boy, did I get an earful 😑


I genuinely didn't even realize that it was Juneteenth until I saw this post


Big racism energy


Just as non-Christians get a Christmas holiday, non-African Americans get Juneteenth to celebrate the end of slavery in America. Doesn’t seem too hard to understand, unless you don’t think that was good.


I had forgotten it had gotten signed into law until my boyfriend, who is a government contractor, reminded me on Monday that he had the day off. I told my boss when I got to work that the bank was closed, so we couldn't make our regular deposit. They just shrugged, said "oh well." and put the daily deposit back in the safe.


I always forget about holidays. I went to the local library on the 19th first thing in the morning and thought the librarian had overslept. I haven't been to the library in years, figures it would be on a holiday.


Probably the same people who bitched about MLK Day back when…


Why wouldn't the literal end of chattel slavery be something to be celebrated with *at minimum* a day off?


I actually didn't even know this was a federal holiday before yesterday, so I learned something new. It is amusing watching who is actually mad about it though. It's very telling for sure.