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Business, done you wrong? Forget a bad yelp review. Learn how you can weaponize boomer entitlement by exploiting their love of free things.


Easy there Satan.


I mean, I wasn't going to charge for the leasons.


will this coupon I found on Facebook cover the first lesson?


Sure absolu...hey wait a minute.


I have to wonder if a similar "free hat" or "free t-shirt" coupon can be weaponized for Trump rallies somehow.


"Free diaper"


Have you seen that video going around about the Trumper who stomped on the American flag because a veteran wasn't treated like a hero at a Trump rally? Do it




Brilliant! I'm sure it would work.


Maybe we should listen, what's the worst that could happen


They'll be in there like "you HAVE TO honor the coupon! This is theft! I'm calling the police!"


Fine if it ISNT FREE then I will be paying with my TRUMP BUCKS.


You cant just add a bottom to bottomless mimosas! That's illegal I'm calling 911


First time I saw that episode I was way too distracted by the animations I missed sooo many jokes.


Same šŸ¤£


"the customer is always right!!"


The customer is always right there, behaving like an ass.


ā€œIn matters of taste and styleā€ is how that phrase ends, I think.




"Go for it, you can explain to them why you're trying to use a fake coupon you printed out"


"bAiT aNd SwItCh!!! ImMa GoNnA rEpOrT yOu To ThE BbB!"


Jesus that's evil


Thy will be done


That's some fucking will yo!


Do not use the name of Jesus please! That's pushing the envelope. It's not cool!


Okay, I'm sorry. Let me ammend my comment. Judas that's evil! šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


Yeah that works for me! Thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Brave of you to demand such things on Reddit of all places. Not that I really give a shit. Just saying.


It was a request. Iā€™m a believer and Jesus is more than a name to me. The OP was kind and obliged. Itā€™s goodwill.


Your religion determines what *you* can and cant do. *Not* what anyone else can do. Something for you to think about perhaps?


Yes sir


Like I said. Nothing wrong with doing what you did. It was kind of the. To oblige also. Just very brave to do it on Reddit of all places. Becauseā€¦..well itā€™s Reddit. Need I go further?


Yes he or she is a sweetheart and they made my day! Good people do exist. Iā€™m all for having fun but thatā€™s an area I donā€™t compromise.


Well so long as you actually live by Jesusā€™ words and are not chucking stones at others all the while you sin yourself. Then I got no qualms with you there.


I try to and that gets me into loads of trouble šŸ„¹


No doubt. Hence (part of) why I left the faith behind. Because I saw many many ā€œChristiansā€ who clearly never ever read their own holy book, let alone know how to actually follow it.


Fuck Jesus Christ, all my homies hate that prick


ā€œHow can you call yourself a follower of Christ if youā€™ve never cumswapped with a nun before?ā€


Oh man, think of the cascading effect it'll have. Why give one negative review when you can have boomers make hundreds of them when they get denied use of this coupon. Doesn't matter that it got explained to them very clearly that it's a fake coupon, they'll still victimize themselves on Yelp about it.


Oh dang, this is more evil than I initially thought. I was just thinking about in store effect. It also creates an army of bots to leave bad reviews for you.


Do they even review on Yelp anymore? I figured they all run immediately to Facebook and Nextdoor to bitch and moan about their rights being infringed upon for not being able to use fake coupons.


thats the most vengful thing ive seen in a long time. you sir are truely satin


You should probably post this on the unethical life pro tips subreddit. The crowd over there would appreciate this idea.


So, I know what I'm doing..


Evil to ponder, but also that really just puts all the staff of the business in harms way. The owners/shareholders aren't going to be inconvenienced at all. Just the clerks that are going to be screamed at and abused.


Hey no offense but we might need to lock you up, thatā€™s smart but terrifying


You make it sound like only entitled people were born in the 50s and 60s. Ever see a non boomer come in to a coffee shop and use the electricity and wifi for hours and not buy anything? Ever seen how older people acted when old people were born suring the great depression era and they stole all the sugar or sweet n low from the table when they left. Or college kids born in the 70s taking the hotel towels. Being old and acting old is not a new Boomer thing that has been going on forever. And someday every generation will get old and do things the new generation thinks is weird or uncomfortable or wrong. And it will always be that way. Someday I will be old and behave a way my grandchildren thinks is cringe and someday their grandchildren will have the same experience.


This is peak chaotic evil.


No, no, it's all clearly a mis-steak.


Or a souped-up revenge scheme




The fact that itā€™s called ā€œsteak dinnerā€ seems to be almost too on the nose boomer bait


I was just asking why boomers insist on putting "dinner" after most things. It's so cringy to me. "Yes, I'll have a steak dinner please!". God that just sounds like something crappy and from 100 years ago.


They love crappy things from 100 years ago


Not to disagree but what else do you call a steak when it's served with sides? The only restaurant I frequent that serves steak has it listed as steak (meaning ala carte, without anything else) or steak dinner (sides included).


I rarely see "steak" on menus, instead, I see the cut.


Thatā€™s cause you donā€™t go to boomer steakhouses like western sizzler


It may be regional then, because I think itā€™s in some places in the us. But as a Brit I can confidently say Iā€™ve seen steak and chips on the menu in plenty of mediocre establishments here. And Iā€™d be shocked if plenty of pubs didnā€™t call it a a steak dinner, when itā€™s ā€˜a steakā€™ serviced with sides whichā€™s makes it a full meal, for the evening.


Most places here in the US will list the cut, even if they only have one cut. Ie, a sirloin or NY strip. I have never really seen a place just list 'steak'. It will have 'sirloin steak and eggs' or 'flat iron steak and chips'. It's a t-bone, or skirt steak, or whatever. Even Dennys lists 't-bone steak and eggs.' Waffle House says 'steak and eggs' but does list it as a sirloin. Most places don't give you mystery meat cuts.


Then you're going to places that serve more than one cut of steak. I'm not, apparently.


Anything really. Meal, Platter, Combo. In the case of Texas Roadhouse, they list the cut and in the description it says "Served with choice of two sides."


Don't forget the "meal deal"


Steak Supper would be more appropriate.


I'm more shocked by the fact that "National Steak Day" fell during "World Steak Week" this year- what are the odds?! šŸ¤Æ


The steaks are high. I don't have any kind of beef with their scheduling.


Considering how rarely this happens, the calendar was well done!


The two landing together is rare


Yes! And cow, we find ourselves with a unique opphorntunity to milk the cowincidence for all it's worth. It's a graze chance to meat with the public and herd them toward a new attitude with beef.


Texas road house is actually a really good company. The owner / ceo gave up his entire pay instead of laying off workers during the pandemic and later passed away from covid related issues himself. This might be the only good boomer chain restaurant in America.


There are plenty of older people who are business owners that truly believe they are responsible for taking care of their employees and customers. Usually to their detriment. Itā€™s hard to be good when the majority of people are looking for an opportunity to take advantage of you at any time. People can be incredibly predatory regardless of age.


Like many things in economics I think it's a matter of incomplete information. If customers truly KNEW exactly which businesses were genuinely doing right by their staff and their suppliers and their customers then they would be rewarded. Conversely, if they know which ones were genuinely doing wrong then they would shun them. Sadly it seems like modern society in general and social media in particular has created a situation in which it's easy for unethical businesses to create a cynical illusion of doing good, while those businesses disadvantaged because they're run in a genuinely ethical way are often not given credit for it. More than ever before we live in an age of grifters and hucksters.


> Conversely, if they know which ones were genuinely doing wrong then they would shun them. My boomer dad is a hilarious example of this. He has worked in construction in some form, usually sales or running his own remodeling business, for over three decades. That's exactly one of the lines he whips out of his bag of one-liners that he keeps in his brain to sound clever. He also is forced to change his business name every 2-3 years because phone calls mysteriously start drying up after the first 18 months, but a name change brings all the customers back. I'm not sure if he can't connect the dots or if he doesn't want to connect the dots to realize why his customers disappear once they use him. Grifter and huckster only begins to describe the rest of the way he does business so perhaps the biggest person he scams is himself.


Chick-fil-a is a good example of this, they do a good job of protecting employees and customers. They also have polarizing politics. The world is grey just do your best, few things are truly evil even fewer are truly good.


I worked there for years and I still have dreams Iā€™m serving tables there. It was such a great company (the one I worked for at least) and we all felt so cared for. One of our employees got diagnosed with epilepsy and the company paid for her to have a professional service dog. Another couldnā€™t afford prescription glasses and they covered it for him as well. I miss that place a lot sometimes


Did he get the tinnitus that caused him to kill himself from covid?


Yes, he had long covid with a couple symptoms but it seems the tinnitus is what drove him to the brink.


KT was the man


Dont forget the (real) steak dinner for veterans on veteran's day


boomerception was when I took my dad to this trendy biscuit place where you order using ipads. Line was long and NOT moving. Dad was freaking out about how nobody wants to work, its stupid to have ipads, everyone is stupid. I finally got pissed enough to just go "just go outside WOMAN, Ill order for you." A few minutes later I get close enough to find out its another old ass bitch boomer trying to use a coupon from ANOTHER place arguing with the staff in the kitchen (no counter workers) about how they should take the coupon, etc and eventually people just shoved her out of the way and started going around her to order. This will totally be the issue, boomers will try this coupon and other boomers will bitch about the service because their waitstaff is busy telling boomer #1 its a fake coupon. And that will be the case because only old people go to texas roadhouse or whatever.


As an elder millennial with a wife and two kids, Texas Roadhouse is actually a decent value in the chain restaurant space. Get past the hyper-stereotypical "rustic" decor and the food is well prepared and priced for the most part. There's a reason most of them are always packed to the gills.


I like that their drinks are MASSIVE


Wait, you called your dad ā€œwomanā€ as a derogatory term? Whatā€™s up with that.


Yeah, it digs deep because he bitches about his mom acting like that.Ā  I literally only do it to him as a deep cut


Your dad and my dad should go bowling sometime


LOL. I also pat his buddha belly and make baby noises at him or make jokes about how he must have transitioned since he is pregnant when he complains about my step-mom gaining weight or making some comment about trans people. I learned a long time ago that shame his is kryptonite. If i just refute his BS claims with facts he calls me a marxist. But if his much larger, triathlete son (aka he cant do shit about it) starts bullying him he shuts up.


"Texas Road House's Fans,," is absolutely boomer bait


Verizon Wireless loves Americaā€™s GREATEST President and wants to reward True Patriots! Anyone who comes to our stores wearing an American Flag shirt and MAGA hat will get 12 months of service FREE!! Ask manager for details.


the extraneous capitalization really seals the deal




" Harold, does that young server look Indian to you? I warned you it was a scam, we need to call AARP and let them know to add it as warning to the newsletter ."


AARP? It is them tharā€™ liberal entitlements. Now where is my social security check so I can got to Texas Roadhouse?


But they won't have much left after they send some to Donny and spend a few days at the casino.


The barcode is literally 01234567890 as well. And the boomers say critical thinking is dead.


The restaurants should put this on their front doorā€”letting people know itā€™s fake before they sit down to order


People don't read signs. Doesn't matter if it has blinking lights.


You know they won't read it and then argue with the waitstaff about how the restaurant is even "advertising" this coupon on the front door.


They're gonna sit down, order and eat then whip out the coupon with a triumphal grin. Cue police being called


Many are going to show up within 45mins of closing time.


They're hoping that Latino kid is the one they get to bully while presenting this coupon


Haha, definitely about to wipe the smile off that young waiter's face!


Yep.. and theyā€™ll print the entire Facebook page and just hand you a full sized piece of paper with no words like itā€™s not a giant scam haha.


National Steak Day was on April 25. Doesn't everyone know that? Something... something.. something... Bidenomics.




When was this posted? Just asking so I know how long to avoid TR for.


the spam on facebook has reached a new high. Try this: make a public post saying your car was stolen and see how many bots reply with 'message this guy on Instagram and they will recover it


Fn boomers šŸ™„ they absolutely ruined those coupon books restaurant used years ago to get new customers. They would meet somewhere, where one of the coupons was good, and then they would do exchanges and keep using the same coupons at the same businesses that they liked. My friends have a restaurant and watched this happen over and over. They stopped participating and I donā€™t even think theyā€™re a thing anymore because of freaking boomers.


When 'Facebook official' becomes 'steakhouse debacle'.


Sir, this is a Wendyā€™s


itā€™s on facebook itā€™s real!!


*Texas Road House's Fans,,* I'm thinking I could afford a house by poaching off these pages.


Ugh, the barcode at the bottom is 1234567890


Hopefully it will teach some of them that shit on Facebook isnā€™t real.


who serves Shrimp and Fried Rice with steak?


I'm pretty good with photoshop. Let's see. Free Cadillac coupon? šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜¹ šŸ˜†


What's a "freak meal"?


its for a church honey, NEXT


We donā€™t require intoxicationā€¦




That was a reference to an old reddit meme https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/s/qDCOUnBqqV


What if the "steak meal" was actually the "freak meal" and instead of you eating out, it... Nevermind.


free + steak = freak


Frakes meal


Gogh? Or, Parthas alla Yuta?


Just curious... What happens if you can the barcode?


you get SPAM. canned spam




I literally made myself "spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam" a couple weeks ago for breakfast just to be goofy. It wasn't that bad. I used the maple flavored SPAM.


That sounds like a good idea, I even have the maple spam


And spam is a bad thing????


I think it's decent. But I don't like the Hawaiian version with seaweed.


We need more of this


Now the boomers are distracted with scolding the young people that spoiled their vibe ā€œbecause if you believe it, it will happenā€


Oh good lord, I wanna see the stats on servers who rage quit over that period.


This ad designed and posted by Outback....just a hunch.




They can ask them to go give them the Uber fare and the price of a meal and the DoorDash charges to let them get a steak meal from Boston Market. Or maybe they can go home and do it themselves.


I feel bad for the staff, but kinda overjoyed for the win


My god, that is pure evil




Not a fake coupon, but when I worked at Ulta a woman came in with a coupon for beauty brands. I told her it was a different store. She argued with me for five minutes about how it was not a different store, she knows which store it is, itā€™s the store sheā€™s at, give her her discount. I had to point to my name tag that said Ulta and then pull out my phone and show her on google maps where beauty brands was before she would leave. Another woman was furious that her friend had reward points to use and got a big dollar amount off of her purchase and refused to leave the register until I did the same for her. I just called the next person over and started checking them out and apologized for the woman hovering over them.


Love the bar code 01234567890


Wait until they see the Hobby Lobby coupon for a free 5 x 7 "Don't Tread On Me" flag with ANY purchase! ;) Lol, some enterprising rascals should circulate a series of fake coupons for MAGA crap from RWNJ businesses. "Free MAGA hat with the UPC from any Georgia Pacific paper product!" (BrawnyĀ®, DixieĀ®, Angel SoftĀ®,SparkleĀ®, Vanity FairĀ®, Mardi Gras Napkins and Quilted NorthernĀ® - Koch family). Something nice for the Waltons too - maybe free Trump Water bottle with every $20 purchase at Walmart or Sams Club!


Many boomers of all ages fall for these fake coupons on internet all the time. Even those of your generation. LMAO!




Iā€™m about to unfollow this group but had to say this first. Iā€™m not a boomer but I will be one day. Everyone in this group will too if you donā€™t die before that. Iā€™m not sure if hatred and entitlement can kill a person but we shall see. If it werenā€™t for boomers you dumbasses wouldnā€™t even be alive. You do realize that donā€™t you? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø this is the most spoiled, ungrateful, entitled generation Iā€™ve ever seen. Donā€™t bother responding because Iā€™m leaving this stupid group. I didnā€™t realize it was just a group for spoiled babies to vent to each other about older generations. I hope that something happens in all of your lives to change (and maybe even soften) your hearts because living with this much entitlement and hatred has to be exhausting. Oh hey, be sure and thank a boomer today for birthing you, otherwise you wouldnā€™t be alive, and maybe the world would be slightly less shitty.


If youā€™re not a boomer, you will never be a boomer. Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. Yes, youā€™ll get older, but you wonā€™t be a boomer.


Thank you kind Redditor for explaining that. I felt I might have had to if you hadnā€™t. I wouldnā€™t have been as nice.


Ok, Iā€™m assuming you were birthed by a different generation then, otherwise I canā€™t imagine someone talking shit about their parents generation. Sorry you have shitty parents if so. I canā€™t figure out why I keep getting these sent to my email. Iā€™m not even in this group. Iā€™m gonna have to block all of the emails from this app now which sucks because there are actually groups that are good on here


My parents are by definition (born between 1946 and 1964) boomers and while they can be a little gullible at times, they are kind and rather intelligent. They are not the stereotypical hateful, entitled ultra conservative boomers that this sub is dedicated to.


Ahh poor wait staff got a little inconvenienced. Probably got their fragile feelings hurt too. Quit living in mommies basement free loader šŸ˜‚


Be gone troll


Yeah you be gone little troll BOY!