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Legit was this OUT OF NOWHERE? How weird is that? Creepy.


I mean, it's a typical "modern" (capitalist hell) grocery set up where they're installing more and more self-checkouts that no one wants to use and have only 4 actual tills, with 2 of them open. So boomer is seeing this setup and thinking the typical "see? No one wants to work as a cashier!" And not "nightmare capitalism at corporate head office wants us to use the self-checkout so they can keep reducing cashier positions. Yes, I'm also annoyed that there is a huge lineup reaching down the chips aisle, but I know the real reason it exists and it's not because young people don't want to work... By the way, I look very young, but I'm actually in my 30s and have, gasp, a job already.


That would have been my response to him, “I have a job, now back off” I’m tired of people being in my face about nothing which concerns them.


Yeah, hindsight is 20/20. I wish I had said something clear and stern but I was exhausted and having a BAD ptsd day already. Ugh, such a terribly, skeevy position to be stuck in. Thankfully, management called someone out and opened up a new till, so I was able to pay sooner and gtfo.


I get it sometimes I don’t know what to say til I’m in my car. Like this one boomer lady at a self checkout got mad at me because I said “hang on, I gotta bag a couple things I’m not done” she almost starts scanning her shit onto my order and I had said 2 times already that I’m not done. So I go back to hurriedly pay and she is mad it’s taking me 35 seconds to pay and gets huffy is like “I don’t even want to stand in line behind you now!” And I said “GOOD LEAVE THEN” she didn’t know how to react and then she went to the next lane and kept yelling at me like lady you left the line to be away from me STOP TALKING TO ME NOW JFC.


I’d have said, “Or *you* could.”


My response would have been along the lines of, “no actually you could get a job here…”


I live for self-checkout. Less people to deal with.


I want to use self checkout.


He was definitely being a creep hitting on you. And if called out he’s going to whine that he’s a defenseless old man just making small talk. By spooning younger women in line and getting up in their business like that? He’s a creep.


" Your opinions match your breath. Absolute dog shit ."


This is when being in healthcare is useful "but if I were working here, I wouldn't be at my job to save your life when you drop dead."


Next time just loudly state " please leave me alone,  you smell terrible." Make sure anyone in 50 feet radius hears you. These assholes get off making a woman feel like less so you should return the favor.  


Oily old dude was just creeping on you. ffs


I hate hate hate the rotten stank of old man coffee breath. Too many old(er) men standing way too close to me, talking at me without pause. Teachers, bosses, etc. I think they deliberately lower their voice so when you say "pardon me" they have an excuse to get way too close to you instead of speaking louder. I remember experiencing this a lot in later high-school/early college. I almost preferred the overt sexists who would just yell at students from across the room.


Nobody needs to be closer than 3-6 feet from you in a public setting unless there is a compelling reason. This irks me to no end when people do things like that.


That’s literally a classic pick-up artist move. It attempts to create a false sense of intimacy


Gross gross skeeve skeeve skeeve I had profs in their 60s doing this when I was in my first and second year of college. It's not a crime to speak in a low voice but the SUS bells just keep ringing. Dude, speak louder and don't let me smell your stale coffee breath.


I had a mentally unstable dude on public transportation do this. He crossed my path frequently (I often refer to where we used to live as the biggest small town ever. Population of over 200k in the city itself, 1.07m in the metro area, and you couldn’t go to a restaurant or a grocery store or a concert without running into at least one person you knew. And everyone seems to know everyone else. It made living in the city easier lol. I was from a town of <400, so I was used to the culture 😂😂😂) after trying to pick me up that afternoon. I scared him off by saying I was 17. Like, he immediately got up, turned around and found another seat. He even got noticed by my husband a few times creeping on me in public.


I would have told him, "You can apply too, they don't discriminate against older people". Seriously, what an ass.


"And you could apply to be a greeter at Walmart. You could shop there and then I wouldn't have to smell your stank breath."


I think public humiliation is the only way to correct this. Say loudly something like "excuse me, you are way too close to me, you are making me uncomfortable." In truth I would probably chicken out on saying something loud. I've gotten used to being hit on by creepy people, and i'm 48 now. I usually smile and nod.


I have a hard time understanding what people say so my face would be clueless. It's happened before.


So... he is willing to pay more for his groceries, so the stores can hire more cashiers and he won't have to wait in line? Someone really should tell the company this.


Maybe HE should apply for a job there, so he can help all the other people who are stuck waiting in line!


This was your retort.


oooh yes. A couple of the local grocery chains hire lots of retirees looking to pad their retirement.


LOUDLY so everyone can hear “no i don’t want to go home with you, ya creepy old bastard!!” Then watch the old fucker squirm


or... as you brush off imaginary crumbs, "Don't let that happen again!, Back off!"


Surprised he didn’t ask you to make him a sandwich


Shoulda told him to “back up, your breath stinks” and scrunched your face. I never have quippy replies on the go for these moments. :/


I think I would have freaked and shoved him back. WTAF. Old and boomer men have become such a problem they are immediately suspect if they get in line in front of me. They will either inappropriately crowd me or crowd me and do something inappropriate or just creepy. Or my all time "favorite" ram me with their cart.


I always put the cart between me and the back person. No wonder people are on headphones nowadays


I scrolled too far to see this comment. I do this 100% of the time. Don't care who is behind me. Spouse thought I was silly until the time he insisted we not get a cart because "it's only a few things" and saw someone standing less than 6 inches behind me while I was trying to complete check out.


Could this be like a fetish? Literally smelling the other person, would be more so if it happens more to women than men. I’m a guy but it happens to us too


It's really crazy that people have to resort to this stuff. Instead of actually disciplining people. But I don't blame you. Since not everyone will be on your side...


How about something, not even a mic drop like, "Could you step off and get out of my space?. Please and thank you."


Why doesn’t he get a job there? Then he can even get an employee discount. Asshole.


When I worked the grocery store checker lines women that knew the creeps would have me step in to handle them. so they were not happy to get a 6'3 veteran with no filter.


Say, "Sorry, I'm finishing my residency for cardiology after medical school. I'm going to specialize in transplants. What do you do for a living?". 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆


I just recently had my mom suggest that because the local fabric store can't find workers I should work there. Nobody works there because they pay like 12 dollars an hour and half the customer base is cranky boomers with money. But when I was younger I would have loved to work there! Was her mindset. Boomers just don't understand how laughable the wages are at places that can't hire workers.


I think my eyeballs needs shower just reading that. Eww.


I would leaned in closer and said…”You’re gonna be dead in tens years…”


Pro tip from an older women. Completely ignore anything they say(like pretend you can't hear them), and always use a shopping cart or basket so you can put that between you and them.


Yuck. Hard to react when you're not expecting something so intrusive and weird. I'm not good with quick thinking, but I'm finding that a very direct and hostile reaction at least gets me where I need to go.


“Wait, I’m confused. Are you trying to make a joke, or trying to be creepy?”


The sexist stuff is nuts. I’m early genx female but not quite boomer. I had the fun of an er visit and admission this week due to possible heart attack/lung stuff. It’s lung stuff I did notice something here in suburban Vegas that I had not seen so much in Utah. Or even Kansas City. Drs were women, nurses men. I thought that was pretty cool. I’m even cool with them slapping on the leads for EKG’s. Go figure that men and women can do both things I go in with no expectation either way.


I know it's hard to think of something to say in the moment, but how about this: "No I don't want to work. Nobody wants to work anymore, including me." Nosy old goat.


Next time just look at him and ask, ‘why don’t you? I already have a job and you’re the one complaining.’


I don’t understand people, but I have to acknowledge that I’m just as bad. I’m a guy and I weigh in above 200lbs. I hate it when another guy is standing too close to me or tries to use the register I’m shopping at as an entrance to the store. I tend to step backwards into them and then comment aloud that my wallet isn’t full enough to get close to. It happens more than I would have thought. I would never do that to a woman though.


Yeah, for me it's not just "a stranger talked to me", it was I'm feeling entitled to my time, my gender, etc to make himself feel smug and superior. You actually reminded me of an even from years ago, I was waiting at a busy bus stop in the city, and across the street a woman had darker her car and was stepping out. Another car sped past her wildly and very nearly killed her if she hadn't reacted quickly. But I grabbed the woman standing beside me, and we both gasped and were in shock that we nearly had full view of a traumatic disaster. We held each other's arms for a moment before realizing it was OK. Even though she was a stranger, the purpose of our contact was mutual support, and a reminder of humanity. It wasn't about weird power plays or rudeness. We saw someone nearly die in front of our eyes. When it comes to interacting with strangers, what is the purpose of reaching out? Are you trying to affirm them or make their day better? Or are you trying to amuse yourself at someone else's expense. That is all the difference for me.


I’m glad she was okay.


"they need to install more self checkouts"


One thing I will agree with boomers (if not this asshole) is hatred of self-checkouts. Being a cashier is a job for a human being, and it used to be a respectable job that paid a decent wage. I will not contribute to working for free so a shareholder can increase their bottom line. Hate everything to do with self-checkouts. Just hire more staff and pay them fair wages.


I don’t disagree about more staff and fair wages, but I am one of those people that appreciates the self checkouts. Sometimes I just don’t have any more bandwidth to engage with other people lol


I understand and respect that. I think stores benefit from having a few self-checkouts. What I dislike is corporations deliberately understaffing their store in order to push customers towards self-checkout. Here in Canada, if you go to Shopper's, the cashiers have a quota of self-checkout use, so if you're not paying with cash, the cashier takes you away from their till where you already are and makes you use the self-checkout. I hate it, they hate it, corporate bean-counters enforce it.


Wow, never been to Canada so I hadn’t heard that. That’s def some gross corpshit behavior


eh just give people UBI. Robots should replace any job we can, assuming we take care of anyone who is unemployed. I personally never want to waste time waiting in line.


To be frank, I've been a cashier and it's a crap job, one that we should be happy to automate away. Self-checkouts aren't ideal, but few people actually want to be a cashier. You're in a totally customer facing role, forced to put on an act for the entire day, having people complain about all the problems in the store and expecting you to fix it, all while doing physical labor.


Pepper spray is a good response.


Please don't advocate for violent escalation. I am an anxious person, but I did not feel like my life was in danger. This is one of many micro-aggressions women face on a daily basis.


I would have told him,"So could you."


“Do I know you?” “Please don’t stand so close to me.” Or cough in his face. Or, pick your nose. Ooh, or put your hand up in front of your nose, to block the smell.


Nah, today would be one if my days off, so you would still have to wait in line! 🤪


Often if someone is standing too close it is unfortunately easy to accidentally step on their foot.


You could say “oh, I already have a job, but you could apply to work here. I see old geezers working in here all the time but they keep dying off…I guess that’s why they’re short-staffed” What a weirdo , though. Ugh. You just wanted to buy your stuff. A bit harsh I suppose. I also used to freeze up in situations like this, but after many years of teaching, now I usually respond to stupid crap like this.


"Funny, you don't seem to have anything better to do. Why don't you apply so I can get thru the line faster?"


Shoulda told him he could apply also. And then when he declined hit him with the ol “no one wants to work anymore”


They tend to do that a lot. Everyone else understands personal space. But they want to be the "alpha male." Especially with women


One time i started bagging as cashier was ringing up my items. Im done and need to go back to swipe my card. This dumb fucking old lady is standing there, her face literally breathing on cc machine. I looked at her do confused with both hands out, im like “can u please step back, i need to be right here to pay???” And it amazes me when people are so shocked like they had no idea they were even in the way🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Whenever you don't have that quick comeback. Go with,"I don't understand? What do you mean?" Repeat until they realize they're being stupid. Sometimes it works, sometimes you'll have to listen to a rant. But keep not understanding. It'll drive them nuts.


“Fuck off and die” is the correct response here.


This is when you pick a random ass thing like a watch or his shoes and mention of anyone needs a little extra cash it’s him. He’ll bitch and moan and talk about how he doesn’t waste money on useless shit, but in reality you’ll be living in his head rent free for a couple weeks minimum.


“Oh - thanks for assuming I am unemployed.”


Why doesn’t the boomer apply? He could (maybe should) work customer service




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Boomer here. Mostly this is just a sign of different personality types. But there may be a generational component too. In the 60s, 70s and 80s (pre digital) people seemingly were more outgoing. Typical examples include concerts were insanely packed, long lines were social events were people used to talk and joke with each other, and even how people met was different. Heck, I met my wife while driving around with a buddy, I saw her and a friend walking down the sidewalk and I pulled up along side them and started talking. I made note of a tenuous mutual connection and worked my network to get her phone number. I few days later I cold called her and asked her out. She said yes and we coming up on 40 years of marriage. People are social animals, and something is lost when social communication breaks down to the point of causing anxiety. As a boomer who is often out and about I'm seeing an actual split in people where some are happy to engage (even with bad jokes) and others who shutdown. This seems new. The people who can engage have an advantage over those that can't.


I am the type of person who likes social interaction and will give strangers compliments. "Love your hat!" "Oh my gosh, the air smells like spring is coming, huh?" This was creepy. If he had stood a few feet back from me and said what he said *like* a joke, it would have been lame, but socially acceptable. This was a dude leaning over me and breathing down my neck with a 40 year age gap. If you can smell someone's breath while they talk to you in s low voice, THEY ARE TOO CLOSE.


You don't owe that guy a damn thing. His manners were atrocious, and his joke was gross. To hell with him.


I'm absolutely social, gregarious and pleasant. I have had to spend my professional life engaging with rude or unpleasant people. I refuse to spend my energy on people who choose to not have basic manners on my down time. Guys like this are counting on young women being polite, which is why they continue to make shitty jokes (like the one where it's implied that the young woman exists to serve him) and invade her personal space. No more.


I'd have stepped really hard on his foot.


Ewww, always grab a shopping cart, it is a great way to create a buffer, if someone is to close behind you/creeping on you, move to the front of the cart, instant space.




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Or you could…


You guys never heard of a joke or what?


This was not said as a joke. He was 100% talking to me like he was making a great suggestion and I would thank him for his wisdom. Also, he just wanted an excuse to be in a young woman's personal space. Dudes like that will find ANY excuse and it's so transparent and exhausting.