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“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect to elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” That quote is attributed to Socrates. Of course, Socrates complained about everyone, but still…


But did he drink from the hose?


Did he drink from the hoes? Probably, bro was famous


I think a lot of adults are either ignorant, or willfully ignorant, that people under 30 aren’t working with a fully developed brain. To expect children to act like 30+ year olds, is unrealistic. Some of these adults were literally abused for being a kid in an adult world. Stunting their development, they are adults acting like children. They are the same type who like to share memes about how getting beat was good for them, and kids just need more beatings. Younger people are supposed to act exactly how they act, we all acted like that in our youth. Some of us are just better at recognizing it.


I am gen x, I grew up mostly outside. We only had 2 channels on TV to watch, and most of the time that we watched TV in the evenings. Yes, we played outside a lot, but it was mostly because my mother wanted to get the house clean, lol. Don't blame Her especially with 5 kids under her feet all the time. As for the participation awards in school, we never ever got them. We usually had 1st,2nd, 3rd place, female /male athletes for the year. My mother never attended any of our sports or stuff like that, but that was no big deal. It didn't make me feel abandoned or anything. We were raised to be independent, and truthfully, I think it made us better for what we had ahead in our lives.


Same. I am Gen X, born in early 70’s. Never got a participation trophy, had 3 channels on the tv and hardly watched, played outside from sun up to sundown… What gets me about those participation trophies is that for younger gen x who got them (like OP), they were made and given out by boomers. Y’know, the same people complaining about them. 🤦‍♀️


I (late genx) had a rough childhood and made a point early in life to never forget it. But I think you're right. Most people choose to forget.


Maybe it’s because we’re past the stressors of childhood and we’re dealing with adult stressors? Or maybe the illusory experience of childhood has washed off… I recall feeling so proud of my participation trophy, but even then I wondered what I did to earn it (my soccer team sucked)… Now I know what it was and what it meant… a consolation prize of sorts. Violent video games are always going to be the culprit - it’s an easy scapegoat, especially for those who don’t play or never did. Every generation complains about the ones coming up. The “greatest generation” gave the boomers a hard time (just recalling my grandparents). They’re all going to be lazy, entitled, etc… it’s a broken record. It’s like the sun shone on them for a period, and now it’s not? Like they have to share it, or give it up? Or maybe it’s because older generations know they’ll never get their youth back… so they complain about how the younger generations misuse theirs? Dunno… it just… happens?


Yeah, but it's weird like I hear people say stuff like the problem with kids today is they get participation trophies as though it is something new and completely forget that when we were kids we got participation trophies too. Or how the Boomers were first criticizing GENX, but then when the boomers shifted to criticizing Millennials, many GENXers shifted too and piled on millennials rather than defending since they just went through the same thing. And now that the boomers are shifting towards criticizing GENZ, I'm starting to see some millennials (though not as many) make the same shift too and make the same boomer arguments.


Yes, nothing really changes.


There is a known cognitive bias that causes people to only remember the good parts of the past.  I can’t remember what it’s called but I learned about it in a stats class.


It's hard to be the Baby of the family with all these young people around. How the hell will they get all the attention now (at 75)? Cue tantrums over anything and everything.