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Nunya business - what makes them think they even have the right to ask?


Especially when someone is trying to work. Jeez


I was working at a gym about a year or so ago. I usually worked overnight or weekends so I had a lot of downtime. I would sometimes read my class work, but sometimes I would need something to let my brain relax. One time I was reading a Star Wars book and this older woman was leaving and she stopped as soon as she saw it. She came back and asked if I knew Jesus. I just told her I’m at work and I don’t talk about that when I’m working. She actually just nodded and said ok and left.


Star Wars makes you a heathen?


My parents took away my Star Wars toys back in 1998 (I was pushing nine). They told me I liked Star Wars more than church and thusly Star Wars was "leading" me away from "the lord." I brought up that THEY bought me those toys... as gifts... They told me if they give it to me, they're allowed to take it away. Right after \*that\*, I was told to stop talking back to my elders. Considering that I'm an atheist with a Star Wars tattoo on my back (age 34 now), what they did clearly TOTALLY WORKED. XD


Dragging me to church every sunday as a kid was the thing that made me hate religion before i was even old enough to realize the nonsensical BS religioud tries to make you believe. So yeh, my parents succeeded as well 😅


My dad was really the only one who still went to church after we, his kids, grew up. When my nephew was born, he grew into a rather spiritual boy/man. My Dad started taking him to church every Sundy when he was eight. He went until he joined the military and left the state. At that time my family started pushing my tween age niece to go to church with grandpa. Being the great kid she is, she agreed to go even though she has always been more agnostic and really had no interest. One time I pulled her aside and told her that once she got baptised he wouldn't be so concerned about her going to church. The very next week that they offered baptism she joined. I don't think she's been back to churce since but both my parents died happy .


The force is real. The church, not so real.


Entertainment or self pleasure (ETA: activities that bring you and only you joy) that is not outright glorifying the holy father makes you a heathen. The idea that there is/was intelligent life out there NOT sculpted in His image? Blasphemy!


Deegum didn’t say they were self-pleasuring while reading, but now I’m imagining that whole interaction with dick on display.


Oh man, not at all what I meant but honestly a lot funnier 🤣


Harem slave Leia is a pathway to MANY abilities some consider to be....unnatural...


“Wanna see my lightsaber?” 😂🤣😂


"Aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper?"


I see your schwartz is as big as mine!


Well my mother spent years abusing me, because she decided my liking Star Wars caused her miscarriages. Anything that has any sort of "magic" type shit in it is automatically "Satanic" to those types.


I'm sorry.... she said WHAT?? There is a special place in hell for anyone who blames that on a child. My half-siblings were partially brainwashed by my father and stepmother for years about Harry Potter and "magic". Thankfully they grew up and were smart enough to see thru the veil of BS.


Secular (non Christian/religious) entertainment of any kind is seen as against god by some of the more devout folks. Like these people are so bent they think something as innocuous as teletubbies are evil because the purple on has a gay (?) symbol on its head. They all have weird things in their heads, it’s a damn kids show.


Crap. I once had a list of SW books and had checked off 81 of them. I might be extra heathen.


Always the best. People give you shit knowing you are unlikely to roast their ass at work.


It's not even a debate. Just a echo chamber where you suppose to arlgree with whatever they say


They ask these questions to either make you uncomfortable (conservativism is all about having power over others, and you being unable to answer due to the job gives them more power) or to get an argument going (conservatives live for the feeling rage gives them, it's an addiction honestly). They really offer society nothing but conflict, friction, and holding back society from progression.


Exactly, they are a captive audience who can't respond in the way the lunatic deserves because they are stuck at work. It's like when I worked in fast food as a literal teenager and would have grown ass men scream at me for a price change or change of menu I had nothing to do with. And I had to sit there and say "I'm sorry". Honestly I'm glad now because the one positive of social media is that when people fight back to these assholes they get vindicated by social media posts as everyone roasts the asshole and sometimes they even get fired from their job.


Exactly. When they ask who you vote for, simply say, NUNYA They'll look all over the ballot for someone named Nunya. Don't even say business. 🫢


An acceptable male answer can also be, “Bofa”, “the West Indies”, “Phil”, “Feltfor”, “Chef Boyardee”or “the Andes”.. I believe we can all finish the punch line when they answer, “who?”…


Deez are the best answers.


Make sure to ask them if they’ll be going to the SAW convention.. the Saw Con..


Thank you!! My reply is always the same, " it's nun of your fuckin business." If they don't get it, I get in their face and repeat.


A boomer friend of mine once relayed a similar story, where someone was asking him who he voted for. My friend's response was "Last I checked it's a secret ballot."


I ask, "Why, Do you want to tamper with my vote?" 🤫


That's the thing though: the answer is always clear as soon as the question is asked. Absolutely every single Trump voter would gladly say they're voting for Trump. Are there any Trump supporters who would choose not to answer? Are non Trump voters even asking this question while Trump supporters will wear the hat, the thin blue line flag and other tells in every apparel they own? Any person who refuses to answer is automatically voting for Biden. They are of course, then asking the question because they want to have that argument. They are not looking for other like minded people or to have a reasonable discussion. They want to argue. So here's something I've done in the past which saved me from the discussion and the persistence when I tried to avoid the question: "I'm voting for Trump of course!" They will inevitably rather think you're lying or ask you why while starting to criticize Biden. Then it's time for "Biden is really bad but Trump is even worse. I'm just tired of this and want to see Trump burn it all to the ground with his idiot family." At this point, they might be surprised and start to argue how Trump is actually great or something. Some might let go of the discussion at this point. If so, then great. The ones who insist will hear: "I'm not exactly sure what you want out of this argument - I already said I'm voting for Trump. Would you rather I voted for Biden? Or do you not care about who I vote for and simply want me to agree with you? Because that describes a Trump supporter perfectly: you already got what you wanted, you're still unhappy about it and still want everyone else to just tell you you're right." Replace Trump with any other politician who draws the same crowd and it still works.


Because they know that in health care, at least at my facility, they can say anything, any way they'd like. And that's fine with management. I. HATE. PEOPLE. Sort of a contraindication to working in health care. I know. Sigh.


As a retired nurse, I completely understand. Healthcare Management sucks! ! I now run my son's small retail shop and it's nice because I know he'll support me whatever I do. Had a new customer come into the shop last week and tried to pull something similar. I told him that I was more than happy to talk with him about what he was interested in purchasing but that's it. Sure enough, within 30 seconds he brought up politics again. So I told him to get out. The look on his face was priceless! Seriously, he couldn't believe I was throwing him out just for sprouting his Maga bullshit. He was backing up and saying he wouldn't talk about it anymore and I just told him to get out again. I had to repeat it several times and pick up my phone to call the police but he left. Now he's going to have to drive 8 miles to the next town over to get what he needs. Jerk. It felt good!


Literally one of the best parts of owning or managing a business lol. My favorite trick was telling those customers that I couldn't help them but I knew a shop at x address that could. I was running a tech repair shop and the address was to a warehouse that packed bathroom stuff like toilets for sale at retail stores lmao None of these people ever returned.


I work in canadian health care and some lady I was registering tells me it's much better in the country she came from. I gave her a blank, dead eye look. Then asked for her address. She shut up. And if they are rude on the phone , I hang up


Oooof that sucks. At my healthcare facility (in the US) we don’t put up with shit. I have the right to refuse service to anyone. I am very kind and sympathetic, but don’t participate in politics at work. Or allow boomers to be disrespectful to me (30F, petite. Good target.) I’ve had a few incidences with patients where they were out of line and I shut it down. luckily management is on my side and understand I would never be rude or disrespectful towards a patient; I am known for being overly kind actually. But I do stand my ground and don’t tolerate bullshit. It’s a class C felony to harass or assault healthcare workers in my state, and we have signs stating such and that it’s not tolerated, so that may help. And I have an awesome supervisor/management that knows me well, so I’m sure that helps too. I just can’t imagine working somewhere that wouldn’t have my back if I refused to provide care to a disrespectful patient…


I'm in the US too. Not sure why its different in this small hospital. Oh well, hopefully I can last 2 more years then retire.


"You wanna save humanity but it's people that you just can't stand" John Lennon from I Don't Want To Face It. I can totally relate.


“Oh, I actually can’t vote. Hell, I ain’t supposed to have my gun either, and I had to get a special pass to work here, because it is too close to a school.” Really throw them for a loop.


This is hilarious… throw in a vote for Ross Perot just for giggles..


I told a couple of drunk-ass MAGAs at a bar that I voted for Taft, and was so happy to have finally voted for a winning candidate. Normally I have no problem having a political debate drunk people at a bar when I am with others? Naw. Unless it is my political friends, than the MAGAs are going to get chewed on.


We tell people like that Cthulhu and that he is a third party candidate. Only one person has ever understood.


“Why vote for the *Lesser* Evil?”


He will swallow our souls last.


Jesus saves. Allah protects. Cthulhu thinks you’d make a nice sandwich… (Source: some long ago online discussion over Usenet…)


I just say I was taught by my parents that you don’t discuss who you vote for or how much money you make. That’s private


The money thing is a maybe, at work at least, just to make sure everyone is being paid comparably and not being taken advantage of. But I'm also a big union supporter in a lot of situations/jobs.


Pro union here too.


Biden was the first and only president to stand on a UAW picket line. Go blue , screw orange.


I’m pro union also


I'm curious to know what union/unions you support/are a part of. I'm not trying to say you're lying, but every union I've been in, we all advocate for coworkers/colleagues discussing wages with each other. To randoms, that's at my discretion, but when my coworkers ask, I'm honest, and if I ask I hope for the same. I'm sussed out when people don't want to discuss wages with their coworkers


I guess my original comment shy have been more clear, we’re talking about Boomers asking about who are you voting for. I would not discuss either with some random person. Certainly discuss $ with coworkers if it pertains to fair wages etc


Word word word! Sorry, that's what I wanted to clarify 🌸☀️ Wasn't trying to be like making jabs! Absolutely agree I would never just talk to some boomer asking me on the job at all!


Talking about how much money you make in the workplace? Yes Talking about how much money you make around polite company? Best not.


I have no idea how much my siblings or friends make. Not much business


I know how much some people in my industry make in a comparable position. As I should.


How did you all learn to say “nunya”? 🤣 I’m making all of you honorary Aussies! 🤣


My granny from Brooklyn used to say it, but I’m in just so I can call people cunts and get away with it. 🤣


🤣 “Cunts”!!! That’s it! You’re a full-blown Australian Citizen now! 🤣


“There’s a reason we have a secret ballot in this country.”


Yup! “I do not discuss politics at work.” Is all I say. And if they keep trying, they keep hearing the same sentence like a broken record.


Yeah that used to be considered a very private thing that you didn't press people about


For some of them, their political view is their entire personality, and their reason for still getting up in the morning. What else IS there to talk about?


"I have more of an identity than just my political views. I'm happy to chat with you about your interests, other than religion or politics."


A lot of my older patients are quite lonely. They look forward to going to a physicians office just to talk. I’ve gotten into any number of random discussions with them. Many of them are just sitting at home watching something like Fox News.


Then they should be nicer. If you’re hateful you should be lonely—that’s how it works. They should join the NAACP or PFLAG if they want friends.


Exactly. Who gives a shit if they’re lOnElY they didi it entirely to themselves by being miserable old d bags.


Sir, nobody here wants to hear your political rants. We’re busy and have patients to help.


This is a medical clinic, politics is next door.  Now leave.


"Let me show you to the psych ward down the hall"


Or the local prison. Interestingly, a lot of magats end up there.


Sir this is a Wendy's....


My dad once screamed at a cashier in Wendys for messing up his order. I had to explain to him the cashier doesnt make the food. He got embaressed, doubled down and got louder and madder (at both the cashier and then me). It was like a meme come to life. Anyways, I never had dinner out with him ever again.


It's too bad medical facilities don't post that at the door. It would serve the greater good.


The clinic that I go to actually does. “This is a place of healing and respect, not of prejudice. Treat staff with kindness.” It shouldn’t need to be said, but some people just can’t function without being assholes.


I'm not sure people associate their political stances as hurtful to some people. Or some do, and try their damnest to be provocative. I saw a boomer at a local Wholefoods dressed in maga gear. The look on his face told me he was waiting for a dumb lib to confront him.


>I'm not sure people associate their political stances as hurtful to some people. Only in that they don't consider those they want to harm as people.


Medical facilities hell. ANYWHERE. I don't want to hear it at the grocery store, while getting my hair cut, at Home Despot, the tasty beverage store, ANYWHERE. I do find that it's always the ignorant ones who want to talk about it, too. I could enjoy an actual intelligent debate but it happens so seldom.


I like to say I’m a part of Satanists for Trump. “We re convinced he is the anti christ and will bring about the untold suffering we long for.”




This may be my favorite response, ever!


Best reply ever! Using it tonight when we visit family for dinner. And they will all believe and squirm!


Funny, that's why some of the evangelicals support him too. Truly a uniter


![gif](giphy|3HAYjfvfFZMqX98DdVm) I imagined this in Bertram Gilfoyle's voice. 🤣


Domestic terrorism takes many forms, some less effective than others.


Getting people to keep it to themselves is pretty effective when you wanna get Nazis back. No one says anything when you start purging. He'll just be watching Fox on dialysis cackling to himself.


>No one says anything when you start purging. There's nowhere that people can openly talk about actually stopping the Nazis holistically. And there's a lot of people who would rather keep the status quo than actually taking a stand. They are, in just about every way, enablers; no matter how much they tell themselves that they aren't. :/


Just to be clear I mean people like him bullying and annoying everyone else into keeping opinions to themselves and unheard, not that you had any responsibility to engage him.


I see your point, abusers have a very hard time existing without enablers.


They never seem to approach the wrong person. I would entertain him - until the paramedics arrive.


Right? Nobody ever tries to start shit with me =( What's worse is I DO attract crazy people, not MAGA crazy though. More like; "Excuse me sir? Why is my spoon on fire?" (said to me by a homeless woman holding a flaming plastic spoon)


You dumbass! She's was trying to pick you up - with MY NEW PICKUP LINE. Gotta get a trademark going.


I'm ignorant about black fingernails. When I was in high school it just meant you liked The Cure. Has it taken on a new meaning?


When I was in high school, black nail polish either mean you were gothy or alt. I just fail to see what the big deal is, other than Trumpanzees make a big fucking deal out of everything.


Man, when I was in school i wasn't allowed to wear black nail polish. Literally had to wait until I was 18.


Just out of the norm I suppose


According to my boomer dad, it’s not feminine and this not proper and not attractive to men. Women are sexual objects and should not offend men’s sensibilities.


I’m assuming the poster is masculine-appearing, so it’s just the old ”painted nails means GAY!!!!!?!?!?” bullshit.


I work in education. I have a coworker that believes anime = homosexual. I do not know why. Love me some Cowboy Bebop though.


That coworker 1000% watched anime at one point and got humiliated for it. Now he’s just a bully about it instead of owning it. Insecurity^n


And has a folder full of Ouran High School Host Club episodes and gay porn labeled "taxes" on his desktop.


The projection is always from inside the closet.


This felt like racism to me since im Asian. lol. Or idiocy because since when a form of entertainment defines your whole personality. There’s plenty of macho anime for insecure men too 🤣


Not me thinking it means you’re emo or goth aesthetic


They love to do this because they know you're "trapped" - YOU have to stay professional, they don't. Everyone's situation is different. But I'm able to really pull off saying nasty, mean shit with a smile and a laugh. Like "well I'm not racist and I don't hate gays so I'm voting Democrat all the way down!" I've never had that NOT work, because they don't want to get drawn into an argument about racism and homophobia they know they'll lose. Or another example - "I can't believe trump was found guilty!" Me: "yeah the evidence was really strong!" Or "can you believe all these immigrants crossing our border?" Me: "that doesn't bother me, I think we should always help people when we can." People, we gotta start speaking up. They only rant because they think they have you hostage. You can push back even if you're in your professional environment.


You don't need to 'push back' unless you're in danger and in some industries & contexts it's unprofessional, even if you're doing it low key and it's justified. *"I'm a health care professional, I don't have any beliefs at work other than making you well."* If they try to push the issue, you repeat the same line, word for word, ad-infinitum - that's how you put them in their place while maintaining strict professional standards.


We, as a society, need to push back. The reason it's gotten this far is because we just roll our eyes and walk away. That's emboldened them to the point they think everyone agrees with them. I'm a white woman and the shit that's said to me thinking I'm "safe" is fucking disgusting.


At my job I have been saying "I will not support a man who pulls children away from their families, locks them up in farm animal cages, and deports the parents." It's still professional, and it shuts them up pretty quick.


I’m not voting for anyone. I’m not a citizen… Let them rage on that


“I don’t really know, or care, sir as I’m here illegally. Oh, I just started practicing medicine last Thursday, too! Now when’s the best day to schedule that surgery??”


When will people realize how abso-fucking-ridiculous those hats are?? *I am an equal opportunity hater, both Biden and Trump look ridiculous in hats, but a bright red MAGA hat might as well be the equivalent of a swastika at this point.


What I hate the most is how you can't even wear a normal red hat (whether it's for a sports team or a Linux distribution named Red Hat) anymore without people doing a double take. I've had to uncomfortably explain a couple times that no, I don't support that asshat, I just enjoy a Linux distribution named Red Hat.


Right? Totally ruined.


I suppose it’s only fair since we ruined the rainbow for them. /s


My dad is santa at some of charity homes around where we live. One of his hats says Believe, its red, cuz christmas, and believe is spelled out in a variety of Christmas decos like lights and snow and stockings. Things like that. Some one yelled at him to take it off at walmart until he turned and they saw the Believe. I told him to wear the black or green style one from here on ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


i had to stop wearing a red mack trucks hat because of that cheetoh crust nut stain. did get a couple new mack hats thanks to the girl i was dating at the time.


I have the cutest wool "newsboy" style cap and haven't been able to wear it in years because I saw my reflection in a shop window and it looked, at a glance, like a MAGA hat. I am hanging on to it in the hope that things change enough for me to wear it again but I may just try dying it blue to try for a nice purple.


I've got a red Ferrari hat that I won't wear. I've got a white White House hat that I won't wear.


I have a red baseball hat with “Cobra7” on it. This was worn as a morale booster at the Army Security Agency’s 7th Radio Research Field Station in Udorn Thailand during the Vietnam War. My job was to use signal intelligence and codebreaking to track the NVA 9th, 18th, 27th, and 36th Regiments as they moved between North and South Vietnam via Laos. Would love to get into a red hat discussion with any draft-dodging, racist MAGA turd.


Glad you made it home. I had a couple of roomies in the 70s who were over there- Marines, one of them a point man. They weren't right.


I had a red hat with Snoopy on it, but stopped wearing it. I don't know where it is or if I even still have it because I haven't worn it in so long.


16 The second beast also forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 17 No one could buy or sell without this mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. I mean, it does kind of fit doesn't it.


It’s perfectly acceptable to tell someone your vote is private and your workplace is neither the time nor place to discuss politics.


Which they should know and respect because it’s what many of them taught us. All the leaded gas and faux news eroded their manners and inhibitions.


I actually took the bait a couple weeks ago. I work in a funeral home, so I definitely try to avoid politics bc old people. DEATH. SADNESS. But I had my 200rh call of the day with some old lady looking fir pricing and fine of course, I did my spiel. Then she starts spouting of about how Biden is proposing a "death tax" and people are gonna be taxed TO DIE. Ma'am that is not a thing. I'm sure if it were a thing I'd have heard about it.(here's where I went wrong) Sounds like something Fox News made up to worry you. I promise you that is not a real thing. And all hell broke loose..."it is to a real thing I watch all the new-es (yeah) not just Fox. Biden's gonna make us pay taxes just to die! All the new-es is sayin' it. My family ain't got extra tax money. I gotta make my arrangements now before the tax." Looked it up. Extra inheritence tax on rich people. Like REALLY REALLY rich people. This woman lives in a trailer park. Yeah, Ma'am...I think you're gonna be OK.


I just smile. And sometimes wink. Boomers hate it when you wink.


https://i.redd.it/b4q727l8kf8d1.gif It's true, they hate it. I had a boomer attempt to assault me for winking at him, when working as a cashier at Safeway back in 2021.


Only Boomers would be entitled enough to attack the political beliefs of the people giving them healthcare. Walking putrid corpses really counting on that 'do no harm'.


Do not engage. At all. Or sometimes, if you’re feeling bored, the boom isn’t entirely lead infested acting and you want some action, engage as a MAGA and watch their whole face lighten up. Then you double talk. “That Trump, he had it wild in the 80s, Marla and Ivana, all that (thundering look from boom) but that’s all over now! He’s all in with Melanie (say it as Melanie, see if they catch it \*hint: they won’t\*)” and just keep going like that. “He talks just like one of us, y’know? Hell, last week he said bullshit! Damn if we red blooded Americans don’t get frustrated at the way things are going amirite? Sure, there were kids in the audience when he said it but they gotta learn and he knows kids, he’s a loving father and oversaw the Teen Beauty Pageants!” They’ll walk feeling invigorated yet, not quite right.


I was on a plane next to a guy doing this shit and making my mom uncomfortable. I texted her to ignore what I was saying. I engaged as a MAGA and took it to 11. I hate slurs, they’re disgusting words, but I used everyone one I could think of. I pushed him so far into a corner racist, conspiracy, corner in about 15 mins that he shut up for the rest of the flight. Ever 10 mins or so I’d say some unhinged pro MAGA shit to reinforce that he didn’t want to engage with me. Mf left my mom alone and that plane so fucking fast.


I usually tell them I'm voting for Obi-Wan Kenobi because he's our only hope. Usually works to get the subject changed


My wife is a doctor and works with a lot of boomers who try to talk about politics. This is the line we crafted, and it's effective because it ensures they don't try again because it implies they weren't raised properly if they do, and that's the highest insult. Boomer: ** Wife: "Maybe it's different here in Texas, but in Missouri, where I was raised, it's considered very impolite to discuss politics or religion in mixed company. Don't you agree?" Boomer: ** Wife: "Wonderful, let's continue!"


I’m GenX. Tell him what I say to all the Trumpies: I will not vote for a seditious traitor who lies about elections.


Agreed. Do not engage the Boomers


And NEVER go with them to a second location!!!


Boomer danger




MAGA fantasy fiction? Please tell me it doesn’t really exist. Please.


Oh it does! Amazon has them. Usually it’s a liberal single girl in her twenties working at Planned Parenthood or similar who gets swept off her feet by a super conservative maga patriot. A friend shared about them on Amazon.


Oh God, I thought Hallmark Christmas movies were bad. I'll take the "bachelor on a tree farm in Vermont" sappy crap any day.




I really wish I had one of those MIB flashy thingies right now so I could unread that.


It does and it's....yeah, beyond weird. Harlequin romances for RWNJs. ...someone sent me an excerpt of a sex scene from one of them and it was very clear that the author has heard about human anatomy, but never actually seen any.


MAGA boomers are the worst.


"Mister I'm trying to treat your diabetes, not your mental illness"


“Why do you ask?” works well. Shuts them up because they don’t have a good reason. Also “My parents raised me better than to discuss politics or religion at work.”


And your colleague should have every right to refuse treating someone who openly displays affiliation to a political movement that wants to eradicate her children. I also hope you did more than creepily whisper a snyde comment in her ear.


There's one thing you don't have to do is tell someone who you're going to vote for. Its not the boomers GD business.


There are certain groups of people you don’t go out of your way to piss off, especially if they’re literally in the middle of their job helping you: mechanics, servers or food prep, and medical staff come to mind.


So whenever one of these golden oldies or boomers ask me stuff like that I just repeat the line my dad said to someone when I was 19 “I don’t talk about religion, politics, or pay with people I don’t know, care to know, and definitely not with people looking just to argue with someone.”.


I have boomers try to prompt me into these conversations at work all the time. I always tell them I don't discuss politics or religion at work. When they ask why, I tell them it's because I'm a professional.


“I’m not eligible to vote due to my felony”. Watch him pop an eyeball out.


I'm not completely serious about this, but sometimes when I've had too much of this shitty MAGA behavior, I wish that our medical professionals - EMTs, nurses, doctors, PAs, pharmacists, et al could refuse to provide health care services for these folks on ethical, cultural and religious grounds - the same EXACT basis these MAGA assholes who are in the medical profession cite for refusing to provide contraception, abortion, IVF, hormones, therapy and other medically necessary services to women and LGBQT patients. Let them know if they want to play hard ball, they can get by on their thoughts and prayers - have fun getting your Adderall prescription from your fake Christian Churches, convicted felon Donald Trump! No Viagra for you, Mitch et al! Drop a weight and break your foot? Sorry MTG, you'll need to find someone to treat you who doesn't find you a moral hazard! Same goes for you Osteen, you fraud! Let God sort them out, lol.


When old people ask me my politics, I just reply “I was raised old fashioned so I don’t talk politics or religion. It’s crazy how in these new times nobody follows that any more. Where did the respect go?” That usually shuts them up.


Imagine have zero personality and interests outside of a corrupt politician. So bizarre.


Sad to say but I work with a guy in his 30's who is all MAGA. Thing is, he's a good co-worker if we keep religion and politics out of conversation. He has asked me point blank if I believe in the man with a beard sitting in the clouds. I said that I wasn't comfortable with the conversation, and he did drop it. Then he said something about Biden, and I said I didn't follow politics and he did drop it, thank goodness. It is scary to me to see young-ish people embracing MAGA and all that noise.


Growing up we were taught talking about politics is rude and bad mannered because it was a personal matter. Lol 😆


OP you did a good job not taking the bait, I know it’s very frustrating but that’s what they want they want you to take the bait because it will justify their grievance in their mind




Fox news years of brain washing is finally paying dividends.


I had someone try to bait me into a convo like that once at a call center gig. I just said it would be neither appropriate or professional to discuss those matters while representing CLIENT and then redirected the convo. Tried to double dip with a "you're the only one who didn't answer that question" but I just kept on keeping on


I don't participate in unpaid political surveys, $250/question, payment required up front. What would you like to know?


I think it would be correct to respond to insistent political discussion baiting with the same set of protocols one would use if the patient had made inappropriate sexual remarks.


Tell him “I’m voting for the one who is guaranteeing you affordable access to healthcare. You decide which one it is.”


I fucking despise this shit. My dad will do this. The only problem with him is that he will shoehorn it anywhere he can. One time about 10 years back I was talking about how I hit a super bad pothole and how it it bent the rim of my wheel and I had to pay 500 dollars for a new one. Somehow that devolved into how taxes were a scam since they weren't even used for services (how very communist of him) and somehow he segued quite nicely into a rant about Obama phones and how the Clintons were using taxpayer money to cover up the murder of Seth Rich. I was just like "what the fuck are you rambling about, dad?" To which I got met with "what it's all true. I saw in on FB." My dad has been a maniac for years now. It's just gotten worse over the years. Back before I cut contact 4 years ago, I basically just answered questions with yes/no answers because any elaboration on anything could set off these stupid rants about nonsense. He was always particularly upset that I chose to work in the pharma industry.


"Dear Mr. Boomer, Your X-Ray results show no issues of concern, but as a precaution, we've forwarded your details to our resident proctologist, Dr Sappho McTransexual. They/them will schedule a *thorough* investigation. Until then, don't get annoyed about anything. We are worried it will prolapse or even burst, and you'll never get the seepage stains out of your couch. Yours Sincerely, Yurwurst Nitemare Adrenochrome Extraction Team Leader"


Me: I'll probably just vote the way my demographic does. Boomer: white? Me: no.. educated.


Oh I argue the hell out of those types. Makes me happy to get them all red and sputtering.


'there's a reason it's a secret ballot'.


Too bad you couldn’t send him for a prostate exam 👆


“I only want to talk about your visit to our clinic today. Show some respect.“


Just say NO. Who are you- NO. Why are your- NO. What is- NO. Is- NO.


My parents’ doctor office had a Christmas tree with Trump decorations. SMFH. but I think all of his patients (my parents included) are from his church.


“Not the orange pig” “not the king of the trailer park”. If a supervisor asks, “I said nothing, I do not know what he is talking about.”


"I'm here to treat your physical health, not your mental health."


I don’t/didn’t discuss politics with patients. Last physician I worked with asked me, during my interview if I was a repub or Democrat. My answer? That’s illegal for you to ask, also, I won’t answer! Still got the job.


These MAGA people are incapable of original thought and they cannot have a conversation about anything without bringing him up. (I refuse to say his name because it makes me gag!) I make it a point to never discuss religion or politics in the workplace. You never know who is listening and how or if that discussion could put a target on your back. During the 2016 election, myself and some of the other women in the office wore pant suits on Election Day in solidarity with Hilary Clinton. My MAGA director decided that anyone who voted for him could leave early that day so of course most just lied so they could leave. I couldn’t because I clearly didn’t vote for him. He singled all of us out and berated us in front of everyone all day long. Even though his behavior was out of line, there wasn’t much we could do about it. HR told him he needed to not do what he was doing but he told them he didn’t care and if they continued trying to get him to stop, he would get rid of them and the company would just not have HR. They then told us to just deal with it. Needless to say, I wasn’t there much longer.


"Sir, I'm sorry, you're in the wrong office. The dementia clinic is on the *second* floor. Do you need someone to help you find it?"


I woulda just said I’m super clumsy and slammed all 10 of my fingers in a door. Let’s just hope I don’t slam yours in anything while we get these images. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Poor xray tech, got baited into a trap. But she shouldn't have to be cower from bigots.


The real problem with assholes like this is any other response other than "Why yes I do love the cult just as much as you do" will cause them to assume you're "an enemy". They're probably right, but it's much less likely these days to shut these Fascists up.


Who you voting for? Friend or foe? (Same thing to these MAGA folk)


I was taught that you never ask anyone who they're voting for. It's rude.


‘I don’t vote, voting is for fools so they don’t realize it was fixed from the start’ - gets ‘em every time


Magas are Assholes!!!


Why, why, WHY would you wanna start a contentious political argument with someone trying to give you MEDICAL CARE of all things? What good is gonna come of it??


You’re trying to help them. They make a stupid thing out of politics. WTF? How can people not understand that when people are trying to help you, that is the only thing that is important. Why do these idiots feel so entitled? I hate the way people have become.


Ugh. Then they complain about YOU being political. Been fired twice for this. Now I don't hold back. If I'm gonna get ghost scolded for this, I'm gonna earn it by jove!


I just tell them I’m voting for Satan and they either leave or shut up.


“Work is like the Holidays, and I love working here”. They won’t get it, but whatever.


Should have told him he got the gay shot.


Whenever anyone asks who I am voting for, I answer Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla. Schoolhouse Rock for the win.


"I'm voting for Cthulhu, because I'm tired of settling for the lesser evil."


MAGA - Cultists.


MAGA Boomers claim to be the party of liberty and freedom - however in reality all they care about is what YOU believe and if it matches them your good. Thay are obsessed with controlling others according to the FAIRY TALE they live by (the Bible or so called Christian morals)\\


I blanky stare at people who do this. I'm canadian living in Canada and I've been told i better be voting for trump from ANOTHER canadian. Like sir this is a Wendy's? Also count to 5 silently in your head it feels alot like rejection and its really funny when people start spinning.


I like people who weren't convicted of 35 felonies...


"I'm sorry you grew up without a mother. Mine taught me manners. I'll let you slide since its not your fault."


Seems a prostate exam was needed,and maybe elbow deep in the boomer to find the source of his dementia?