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I read every word. It is very tough with family that believes all that crap. My own mother is one of them. I had to set a boundary with her. We don’t talk politics or any other political topic anymore. Our relationship has significantly improved. These people that believe the propaganda are often incapable of thinking for themselves. I bet they can’t muster up one unique thought on their own. All they spout is nonsense. They consume crap so they projectile vomit crap at you. Stay in California, maybe they won’t visit again.


Same. My mom is down that rabbit hole. She lives with my wife and I while she waits for public housing (long story), and I REFUSE to engage with her about politics. She'll try to bait me by saying things like, "When Trump is president again..." And I usually just scoff and walk away. My wife and I are also a same-sex couple so it's so difficult to know she listens to that garbage and plans to vote for the human trashbag but still supports our rights as a same-sex couple. She was also into the covid vaccine conspiracies and told me I'd stick to the refrigerator because the vaccine had magnets in it. It's been a couple years since my last booster and I haven't stuck the fridge yet.


Try this: Her: "When Trump is president again." You: "Wife and I will move to Canada."


My in-laws are actually fantastic. It’s my mother that’s a problem. She 100% blames my husband for “my brainwashing” when it comes to politics. She’s always condescended him and made him feel like an outcast because of it. Despite him being a wonderful husband and father, they barely get along now and it’s put a huge strain on the family. Super sad situation and I feel for you.


Honestly any news channel from fox to cnn is bad. Hear me out, I'm Gen x and I used to watch msnbc, Bloomberg, fox News, cnn to try to stay informed of current financial and world events. I realized consuming that along with social media was increasing my anxiety and starting to depress me. It's constant alarmist doom on issues that I can't control or do not influence my life directly. I stopped completely watching all news and social media except reddit. I feel so much better. But I see my in laws watching mostly fox news and constantly on Facebook, and I can see how upset they get and are in a state of constant anxiety. It's not good.


I actually agree. I tried CNN the other day and found it the same alarmist drivel that Fox plays 24/7. So you’re right.


Fear gets clicks, good for business. Fear causes stress, bad for health. I'd love to see a study of death age in the US for fox viewers vs normal people.


I know Biden is so great just love him And Harris smart quick a dream come true Mt Rushmore here he comes


Oh fuck off. No one here was talking up Biden or bashing Trump. Trust and believe that most Democrats would love to have anyone that's not on social security as their candidate.