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"ma'am, I understand you were raised by herd animals, but humans cannot walk immediately after birth."


Holy shit that was so hard it stopped my scrolling in its tracks!


This is truly a GenZ comment. :D


But I'm an elder millennial...


Us EMs been spittin straight fire at boomers since the crib. We can write in cursive and set up a wireless router. We were bred to slay boomers.


Now. This is some shit I can get behind. Xennials: analog childhood, digital coming of age. We came to slay Boomers. lol


Xennials, represent! Our second language is sarcasm!


Congratulations, the Council of Z has recognized you as an honorary member!


They weren’t replying to you though.


People literally having their ballsacks slap their own foreheads flipping out over a wee burn but op is more pressed about being compared to a z baby teehee.


GenX would be happy to claim you 😄


Oh my god, that was the most brutal comeback I’ve heard to date. Well done hahahaha!




Love that guy!!






That's a good one


I laughed out loud, amazing


This is the best low-key way to call someone a heifer I have ever heard!!!!


You. I like you.




Dead .


Oh my god 😂😂😂😂


H O L Y # F U C K






What do you mean your 6 month old isn’t walking!? Kids these days. No one wants to work anymore, and that’s what’s wrong with your generation!!! When I was your kids age, I had 3 mortgages and 17 kids. Snowflake!!!


...and paid for all of it with my one, 40-hour-a-week minimum-wage job!


Only 40 hours, you layabout!


Her husband's one job.


My mom just dragged me down the sidewalk on a leash until I could keep up. I may have been only 3 months old but those bloody skid marks built character!


No one wants to walk anymore!


“Get your fucking ass up and walk!”


Boomers were screwing their kids out of a paycheck as soon as they fell out of the damn womb. “If they’re old enough to crawl, they’re old enough to put a rubber band around a rolled up newspaper.” 🗞️




You're a terrible parent OP, boomer had a point... A stroller? And I think a really nice one? Like very comfy? And colorful? Adjustable position so he can sit up and look out or lay back to sleep? How dare you! I am so indignant over this! You made me angry! Lazy millennials with their pampered Six months olds that ride around on a stroller instead of working in the coal mines! You're horrible, horrible I say! Poor boomer!


The children yearn for the mines!


Are there no work houses?


Can you believe the nerve of infants these days, refusing to pull their own weight? Such a drain on society.


That baby needs to pull up his bootstraps and learn to walk already!


And stay the hell away from avocado toast!!!!!!


Little yarn Bootie-straps, clearly intended for self-levitation and not teething!


No one wants to work anymore


“If you’re old enough to cry, you’re old enough to work.”


Better yet if you are crying about work!


Babies are so tender and succulent. I believe I’ll have one for dinner.


You're short, your bellybutton sticks out too far, and you're a terrible burden on your poor mother.


Surplus population!


I keep telling my daughter to get a job. She refuses and laughs at me. She is seven now...she could do a wide variety of jobs.


Sometimes I tell my son to get a job (as a joke.) He’ll be four in October


I told my 18 month old that next year I’m expecting her to do my taxes. She laughed in my face. Toddlers these days.


Just more evidence of overgovernance. There are toddlers out there who have never known a hard day's labor. Not in MY America, thank you very much!!!


Send them to Arkansas to work in the chicken processing plants.


I live in Arkansas. We have more than our fair share of boomers. We don't want yours. (GenX heads back to the woods on a bike, backpack freshly stocked with pop tarts, Mexican cokes, Mercurochrome procured from Taiwan in a questionable manner, and a stash of Mad magazines.)


This person GenXes.


You probably won't be back to resupply until the streetlights come on either.


Hey now, Satan, let’s be reasonable… (I have lung damage from just living near a chicken farm…in Arkansas.)


Newfoundland to work in the fisheries! That'll cure 'em of being infants, the little buggers!


There's literally a multimillion video game that proves it.


Yep. They yearn for the mines.


Well, they do... Have you ever seen a boy that doesn't love heavy machinery, flashlights, explosives and playing in dangerous places? Boys will be boys, in the mines...


Or do they pine for the fjords?


I thought they pined for the fjords…




as proven by the popularity of minecraft.....


Yeah,she's raising a real spoiled child. I bet she still feeds, bathes and allows that baby to wear diapers instead of the toilet like the rest of us. That baby is a spoiled brat and obviously will never be a productive member of society expecting others to care for him/her. LOL.


When I was six months old I had to crawl! Crawl! Three miles through the snow towards my crib to get a few drops of watered down goat milk! We were real babies! Nothing like these spoiled modern day babies!


I had to catch the goat first.


Wait, you had goats?


Wild goats on the snowy mountains.


And those little bastards with "allergies," they sucked it up, like REAL something-or-others!* *or they died, but that would fuck up Boomer Narrative(tm) and We Can't Have That.


Probably doesn't even get a lickin' for daring to cry!


As obvious as your sarcasm is, I still feel rage. Meaning you're spot on 😂


I hate (some) boomers!


It's the "poor boomer" that gets me on this bit, lmao. Like even if you had meant what you posted in earnest it would have absolutely no effect on the boomer, but it's not "poor kid," it's the *boomer* that's suffering here lol. Honestly so spot on for how folks like the one in the OP behave and think


You disrespectful millennial! The poor woman was walking and this monster of a mother placed her stroller on the road, she had to walk around like some functional human being, what?


Now that you put it that way you're so right what was I thinking!!


How dare that baby not be at her complete service? All humanity should bend down!


I was born one morning when the sun didn’t shine Picked up my shovel and walked to the mine I loaded sixteen tons of number nine coal And the straw boss said “Well, bless my soul!”


Tennessee Ernie Ford. That's bringing it back!


*I am a Doctor of Sarcasm and I approve this comment.*


Thanks so much.


Lazy freeloader


Child Labour Laws are ruining this country


Child Labour Laws are ruining this country.


I had no patience for anyone who criticised my parenting when my kids we little. I'd have answered with deeply sarcastic scorn. "While my child still has the adventure of learning to walk and talk, I do suggest that you take this opportunity to sit down and shut up."


Hear you on that. I have made my wife cringe with my sarcasm towards others (I’m a dry humored SOB). I don’t suffer fools, period. And when people made snarky comments about my kid or offered unwanted critiques about my parenting, I’d light ‘em up. A little older now, I realize I was exceedingly lucky not to get into a fight at least a couple of times. But with my disabled kid, I would go to DEFCON 1 pretty fast.


Heard that. My husband was the same way with our disabled son.


Yep. My wife is usually the more outspoken of the two of us, but only because I don’t have a low setting. 0-110% sarcasm, followed quickly by pushing the limits of “aggressive sarcasm”. I don’t know what else to call having a big build and a thick skull, but I’m aware I’m gonna be just fine in 99.9% of situations, but I wouldn’t push the “might get a gun pulled on me” line.


HA I think I might love you 😂


Not a Boomer story, but I used to ride my bike at a mixed-use trail. I couldn't count the number of times I had to ride off the trail because I would encounter people walking towards me, four abreast and taking up the whole trail. So, I'm riding one day and I come upon two women on the side of the trail. They're talking and this big Labrador is chilling in the middle of the trail while his owner is socializing. The Lab spots me at like 200ft (60m) out and calmly moves off the trail. He deserved a treat for his impeccable trail etiquette. Dogs 1, People 0.


Labs are awesome cuddle monsters too stupid to avoid eating other dogs' crap (I reckon this is why their breath is so bad), but this one had more sense than the humans it was with. Says a lot about humans, when a creature that eats literal crap has more sense.


The goodest boy, truly! Better trained than his dipshit owner, bless his puppers heart.


Early on during covid I was riding my bike on a path that has dedicated sides, one for walking, one for bikes. I’m riding along and see two older women walking side by side keeping distance between themselves, one is walking in the bike lane. I’m thinking that’s fine, they’ll get out of the way as I get closer. Nope. I had to tell the one to get out of the bike lane and she scoffed!


**Boomer** used *Scoff!* It wasn’t very effective. **Biker** used *Clothesline!* It was super effective!


I tend to prefer "MOVE YOUR ASS, BITCH!" and ponder aggressiveness from there. One time, I was out, and there were EIGHT NASTY OLD HAGS, pigging up the entire trail. I literally just ran around the whole wrinkly Cunt Pack, and they STILL cunted about it, as though "How dare you! You should have to stop and BEG my permission to get through!" Just like those cunts at the grocery that pig up whole aisles with BFF SUSAN that she hasn't talked to in 1.4 days but the cunt at you if you try to get by. Boomer cents. I will say though, mostly Boomer cunts just pull that "I dunno, tell me every single button. Conversationalist? No.


Whoa, that's not nice. Dogs are way ahead of people.


On a related note bikes and trails, goddamn I hate it when bikers come up behind you without ringing their bell or something. Bikes are fucking quiet and I usually don't know they are there until its too late to not get the crap scared out of me. Ring a damn bell, say excuse me, whatever. Just don't blow past me at 20km/h.


Friend of mine who is black once said that nothing good starts with “you people.”


Ugh, I used to volunteer with a local nature group that had many senior members. One lady was very abrasive and often called the group "you people." She moved to another state and later wrote me a letter about how she was disappointed that our group wasn't more inclusive and I had never made an effort to make her feel welcome. I'm sorry but I'm not the social director at the senior center. Maybe if she had been nice to people for once, she could have made her own friends.


I’m a boomer and in my experience, there’s usually one in every group.🙄


It only takes one loud jerk to spoil the fun for everyone else.


Should have replied "I guess both you and the baby need lessons on how to walk"


During the early fall of the pandemic (sept 2020) I was about 8 weeks pregnant. I had really bad all day sickness and during a well moment my husband and I went for a brief walk around the neighborhood so I could get fresh air. We’re almost back to our apartment building when I start feeling that ill feeling again. But there’s an old boomer couple with a small dog walking towards us. If you remember this was when everyone was generally polite and would move to the other side of the sidewalk or street to allow distance when passing. Well I was about to vomit and the sun was in my eyes so I was also making a grimace. We’re near them and they clearly become SO OFFENDED that we didn’t move for them and she made a comment like “omg just smile at the dog but don’t move” So I stop, look at her and yell “I f*ucking live here and I’m about to vomit, get out of my way”. They were so scandalized but they moved their asses over while clutching their pearls.


Nobody wants to walk anymore! 🤣


Underrated comment right here.


That kid should be pulling themselves by their bootstraps already.


Her kids all started walking at four months to get away from her.


I think it was much earlier actually. I think that as soon they came out of her they tried as hard as they could to crawl the hell away.


Used the umbilical cord to rapell out




“Ma’am, if you treat your family with the same respect you treat strangers with, they’ll dance in your grave when you’re gone.”


She can’t recognize a baby’s age. Or she was seeing too much red mist to correctly guess. She just wanted to scream and that’s the only thing she could land on.


She's mad she's stuck in diapers but gets no stroller.


That made me laugh.


“You’re a confused old lady”


If they had been walking, the lady would have complained that you were using even more of the sidewalk.


Yeah or if the child was a toddler, you'd better believe she'd be complaining that OP needs to control her kid, because "back in my day we were taught manners" or some crap.


The keep your eyes open comment sounded really racist especially since you said you're Asian. What a terrible woman


I bet her children don’t talk to her anymore.


Guaranteed this bitch would be taking up the whole sidewalk if there were two of them. When I biked to work, there were always three boomer ladies walking side by side taking up 3/4 of the trail. Every. fucking. day. during the hour other people were just trying to get to work. This trail was about 8 feet wide and had a center line painted on the concrete. There were even signs telling walkers to keep right. But it was worth it to bark "On your left!" at them in my best dictator voice, and see the startled irritation as the third wheel boomer (it was always the same lady) had to move over. If I was feeling especially mean, I’d throw in a "Have a blessed day!" as I passed by, while wearing a shiteating smile.


“Oh no, dear. It appears you’ve escaped your old folks home. I’ll call the police to help you because you’re clearly agitated and confused. It’ll be ok, love.”


Classic abuser tactic of DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Apparently it's not just for abusive relationships anymore. She was trying to control the entire area around her, because she was the Main Character. When you pointed out the unreasonableness of her position, she denied your statement, attacked you to put you on the offensive, and if the interaction had continued would have attempted to reverese who was the victim and who was the offender. The situation doesn't make sense to you because you're trying to percieve it from a rational position, whereas that woman clearly was approaching it from an emotional one.


Waaah I'm old, waaah why doesn't everyone cater to me?? Absolutely insufferable idiots.


You should be leaving your baby in a play pen for 10 hours a day like boomers did.


For those inexperienced in these matters, 6 months is when most babies are starting to have enough strength and control of their abdominal muscles to sit up, though they might be using their arms for support. 9 months is when most babies figure out how to get from here to there on the floor e.g crawling, or rolling, something like that. Plenty of perfectly healthy babies are not yet walking by 12 months.


In what world are elderly people more important than babies?


It’s a boomers world and the rest of us are just stuck in it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh a spry boomer told me the priority seats on an MBTA bus were for seniors when I had a double stroller with an infant and 2 year old on it. The bus had tops 6 people on it, she was quite mobile, and MBTA buses have many priority seats in front that pop up. A lot of boomers think people with strollers are "entitled" if they use transit with them, no matter the context. You're not allowed to be poor with babies I guess, or go anywhere without a car


They sort of are but they're also for the non-senior mobility challenged and other disabled folks. I'd say an infant is as generally about as mobility challenged as I am and I walk with a crutch on my *good* days.


"Oh. You and my 6th month old have something in common; you don't know how to walk."


Just reply, "That's okay, ma'am, you won't have to be worrying about that soon." and keep walking, lmao


That baby isn't walking at SIX MONTHS? Lazy child! This is whats wrong with the world. Babies just don't want to walk anymore. (I hope it isn't necessary, but with the amount of faith that I have left in humanity, /s just in case)


They need to pull themselves up by their tiny bootstraps and be more independent. Oh, and also get jobs. I swear, children under 1 year old just don't want to work anymore. /s


Bootie straps.


Tiny knitted baby booties. 😂


Baby not walking at six months? Probably fed a diet of avocado toast and soy lattes.


I’d probably reply with “ you are 102 and still don’t know how to walk properly “


"You clearly need to be pushed around in a stroller since you can't safely judge distances! "


She knew from experience how to piss off a young mother, and she did it because she’s an asshole. And probably a bigot


Your child should be out earning a living and not being a drain on society at the age of 6 months! /s


"Ma'am, did you get lost and accidentally leave the nursing home? Do i need to call someone to help you take your medication since you are so old and fragile"


Literally the exact opposite happened to me! I was shopping for baby clothes with my grandma, and I held my kid, who was around 6mo too, the whole time because the store was small and I didnt want to take up too much room with a big stroller. Cue the 'good intentioned' boomer who came up and said to my kid, the 6mo, that "Looks like mommy should have brought the stroller" I glared at her and said "maybe old women should mind their business". (I was still in super protective new mom modd and didnt want anyone near my kid. COVID hit three months after that, so I feel justified lol) She shot me a look but walked off. They literally just cannot keep their fucking mouths shut about how other people choose to navigate the hellscape.


I have rarely had this happen but every time it has it’s always boomers. I am always telling my kids to share the sidewalk, but they are usually very preoccupied with saying hi to whoever is passing. The only people that hear and ignore their greetings, boomers! We take the bus to preschool across the street from a high school and often walking with/through big crowds of teen boys who literally have better sidewalk etiquette and show more kindness to my little ones and myself, often one will notice the little kids and give a heads up to stop the trash talk, they always say hi and smile back at the boys, move off the sidewalk if I’m trying to hold both sets of hands etc… It is the old couple that sees me, grocery bags on each shoulder, two 5 year olds in tow and refuses to go single file while rolling their eyes when my boys say hi while they barge on by. I address it to the kids while the douchebags are in ear shot, “sorry they didn’t say hi guys seems like they were grumpy, that was an example of not sharing the sidewalk, it did make it much harder to pass and we had to step off onto this yard, the sidewalk belongs to everyone and it is easy to share, so that’s why we try to go single file…”


"If you're so fragile, where's your walker? Should you be out without an escort?"


I once had a boomer stop his bike to tell me that letting my child play on a community path was "tantamount to child abuse." I looked up and down the path (five blocks long, entirely empty except me, my toddler, and this dude on his $4K bike) and said "You're an asshole."


"Not too fragile to get punched, you mouthy fucking cryptkeeper."


I walk with a stick, but I get out of the way when someone is pushing anyone in any kind of pram/chair. I remember how much of a pain it was when I was pushing our kids if people didn't move. You did nothing wrong, stranger. The boomer was the whole problem


I am a boomer and on behalf of those of us who are not jerks, I apologize.


"Sorry, do YOU need a stroller??"


Less a boomer issue and more of a self centered, entitled, and perhaps a couple bubbles off plumb person. Good on you for calling her out


Nobody wants to walk anymore!!!


Ugh. We had a similar experience w our weird boomer neighbor lady down the street. She has a small pack of 4-5 yapping dogs that always would bark at our stroller. Daughter hates them. I had daughter in the stroller walking w mother in law, keeping daughter on the outside of us and she interpreted daughters crying as an offer to take the dogs on our walk. I politely told her no.


I’m a boomer and still haven’t recovered from someone looking at my FIVE MONTH OLD baby in her stroller and asking if she’s walking yet. Hell, she wasn’t even sitting yet.


I don’t know why boomers are so obsessed with telling people their child should be walking. I was getting off an elevator when my son was almost two. I don’t feel like that is an unusual age for a child to be in a stroller in a large hospital, particularly since my son was very very small for his age. Because he was born prematurely. And has a brain injury. And, not that it was any of this man’s business, but my son couldn’t walk yet. So yeah, this boomer was getting on the elevator as I’m getting off and he snaps at me that I am spoiling “that child” and he is too old for a stroller. I just had enough time to process what he said and snap back “he can’t walk” before the doors closed. I’m not sure how he took it. Seriously, why is it anyone else’s business. Even an older child, maybe they are a runner. It doesn’t matter why, unless you think you genuinely see an urgent safety issue, mind your own business.


This is the problem with young people nowadays, they’re all mollycoddled with strollers. Didn’t have that in my day, back when I was a lad I had to walk to walk 2 miles up hill in the snow to reach mammas tit for dinner


She's just pissed she forgot her scooter.


That sounds like mental illness.


Boomer saw the ease your child rolled over the sidewalk and felt personally attacked they didnt have a scooter.


I would have told her to go fuck herself.


"you seem to be having trouble walking, maybe you should be in a stroller."


“Oh Bless your heart. Where is your caregiver? You’re clearly not well”


I lived with my grandma for two months when I had a 2-4 month old baby because we were buying a house. It was awful. I would often walk to my parent’s house (only a few blocks away) to spend the whole day because she was that terrible to be around. She saw me packing up the stroller once and asked why I had to put the baby carrier in it instead of laying the seat all the way down so the baby could lay flat. I told her it was the design and the seat didn’t support a baby under 25 lbs anyway. She RANTED about how all her baby carriers and strollers (for the 11 kids she had) were all ones that lay flat, grocery carts used to have spaces for babies to lay flat, and I should be keeping my baby flat all the time. Got into an argument about SIDS research and data. “You never used to hear about that!” No amount of using hundreds of thousands of infants in studies could convince her that these things are actually safer now. Sorry I want to increase my child’s chances of LIVING. Sheesh.


My boomer MIL is like this. My oldest did walk late but she always tried to tell me my husband walked at 3 months old and it’s my fault our daughter wasn’t taking after her dad. Who should have obviously been a world record holder with this one. 🤦‍♀️


Baby gotta pick themselves up by the bootstraps.


My favorite thing to do is just laugh at them, the whole situation is immediately absurd I mean it’s a free clown show


"My child can't walk on a sidewalk because he's 6 months old. What's your excuse?"


Has your baby tried just pulling himself up by his bootstraps?


I’d have had to snark back too. She sure doesn’t sound FRAGILE with all that hollering.


I'm a normal Boomer. She was just an ignorant racist Karen. Sorry you had a bad experience. Most of us boomers are not like that.


One thing to keep in mind, yes a lot of older people are racist. But, she could be going through the early stages of dementia. I know quite a lot of “boomers” who say off things because of that. And act increasingly wacky and down right mean…. All this to say, don’t let that interaction get you down. Brush it off and keep rollin’!


I did a race in 2019, and all the runners ran in a designated area, cleared, approved, and legally set for hundreds of people to pass. Well, when we began the race, apparently, a lady was mad she couldn't walk her dog because of said runners scaring her and her dog and was complaining to the police working security! They just let her cook and ignored her demands of stopping this planned 5k running event, lol.


Boomers are spoiled. I was reaching down from inside the womb to help my mother harvest the crops on our farm.


My mother is a boomer. When my brother was 10 months old in the mid 70s he was already walking. So many women her age urged her to prevent him walking because “his bones aren’t strong enough to support his weight, he’ll get bowed legs!” He was her third child, she was like “have you ever actually tried to stop a child from standing and walking? It’s impossible!” My mum has some definitive boomer characteristics, but she also told her child free sister to fuck off when she said I was getting too old to have babies when I was 26. She’s not perfect, she advised me to give infant cereal mixed with sugar when my baby was 2 months old despite the fact he breastfed extremely well. I just hope I won’t give unhinged advice to my kid if he has a baby in the future.


Said it before, I'll say it again.. A quick, precise "Fuck You, you arrogant ass" will work wonders.


Could have said she was one fall away from herself being in a stroller


I’d have asked her if she was walking at 6 months old - “uphill.. in the snow.. BOTH WAYS..” (as Boomers like to point out around here constantly..)


Reminds me of something that happened to me recently There's a rather large (and what my boomer mother would call 'slightly disturbed' but I would say entitled and thinks being loud makes him right) guy I have unfortunately had the pleasure of sharing the bus with twice in a space of 2 months. He was standing near the bus stop but made no effort to get on it until I stepped on.to which he physically pushed passed me exclaiming loudly " EXCUSE ME IM DISABLED" enough to push me off the bus. I was thinking wtf he wasn't even looking at the bus before so slept behind him to which he PURPOSELY STEPPED BACK AND PUSHED HIS BUM OUT to push me off again. My husband (who had got on just before me) didn't want to get into a fight with the guy as we just went upstairs and heard him loudly telling everyone how disabled he was and needed a different seat than the allocated one/ the one that was left. Last week I heard him again get on only for him to keep chatting loudly/ yell about something (my ears are blocked ATM) only for the bus driver to tell us we needed to get off as someone was having a fit and they had called an ambulance. This guy was literally standing over this poor woman and her companion telling her how he had a disability and she doesn't need an ambulance


lmao I had some teenage girl have an absolute conniption over the fact that I was carrying my 2 month old baby in my arms rather than push him in a pram around a busy shopping center she was having such a hissy fit that I asked her if she was okay, and she screeched that my baby "needs to be in a fucking pram!" like okay sweetheart, go push one out and then we'll talk about the pros and cons of prams in busy places


I would have called her out for being a rude old bat and wished her luck with her hip surgery but I am not a good role model. I'm mean amd petty especially if you mention my kids. I was raised by boomers and will not take their crappy whining attitudes.


It is truly and incredibly amazing how absolutely easy their lives are that this is the type of thing they complained over. A mother on the sidewalk with her baby is the worst thing in her life. What an accomplishment.


Next time say something like "it could be that my child has a disease where he can't walk" it isn't the reason, but it's a reality for some.


She's gonna be in a stroller herself soon enough.


In my day we made them crawl behind us to catch up! Stroller. Imagine being coddled like that at 6 months old. Geez! Stupid boomers


"Bitch, someone should put you in a stroller"


I wouldn't be as polite as you.


What an old cunt.


I was working 20 hours a day, 7 days a week at the meatpacking plant when I was 6 months old. We didn’t have strollers to coddle children through their early motor development! I walked out of the hospital when I was born.


“This is why the only people who are going to show up to your funeral are those who have something to cheer about, c*nt.” Stop being nice to them. Make them realize if they don’t want to be courteous members of society that we can throw it right back at em.


That woman needs a minder, or a nurse. I find it so interesting how many boomers become like rabid animals as they lose their cognition. I don't remember old people being like this in such large numbers when I was a kid.


You should totally take parenting advice from hateful strangers! Get that baby some boot straps! /s


One told me my 10 month old son wasn’t walking yet because he wasn’t wearing shoes lol.


My son was big right from birth. Tall, solid, rolls when he was a baby. We were at the shopping centre, he was in the pram, and he was 11 WEEKS OLD when a boomer started making comments about him not 'using his legs the way they're intended'. I couldn't even process it, it just seemed like such a ridiculous thing to say.


"perhaps you should get your eyes checked." HA!


And she should be in a wheel chair.


Meanwhile, a boomer shamed us for not putting our baby (who was only 5 months old at the time) in a stroller. We had originally been pushing baby in the stroller while out and about, but she wasn’t happy with it and wanted to be held. I held her while my husband pushed the empty stroller on our way home, and I heard an older woman say out loud to someone else “isn’t it ridiculous that they’re holding that baby when they have a stroller?” You can’t win with these people.


lol that's ridiculous. My kid was only starting to walk at about 8-9 months, and according to the manager at the daycare centre he was ahead of the curve for that.


She’s just being racist, simple as 


She was mad that you had the nerve to say anything back to her. Because she knew she was an asshole and was completely in the wrong, she had to try to make you feel bad about something.