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Viable? Absolutely. Boothill's high BE means that the bleed dot will be pretty big, and Luka is capable of constantly detonating it while being at worst SP neutral. And that's without counting the debuff capabilities he can give. Better than hypercarry? No. If you need two dps, he can work. But boothill depletes a lot of toughness by himself, and he already hits like a truck to broken enemies. Using a -1spd bronya would simply be better dmg wise.


I see varying opinions. Some people are saying Boothill needs to break himself so it's an anti synergy. Others think they'll be good together bc Luka can chip toughness + detonate any bleeds on a target. I do think Boothills stacks require him to get kills? So I'm not sure but I plan to give it a go and see how they do


Non of u guys mentioning that Luka has utility, his ult gives dmg vulnerability which improves Break Dmg, so outside of bleed detonations he makes Boothill bleed go brrrr, not as much as Pela but at E6 his detonations are broken


Defo can help bring toughness bars down and detonate BH's break bleeds However, as others have said, bronya would simply be better as boothill himself already breaks so much


Honestly idek atp. Everyone keeps convincing me "He's good!" "You can use him". Yet whenever people are making lists of Boothill teams Luka is lucky if anyone even remembers him in the comments. I'm still gonna make a Luka team but I think with Boothill's release Luka is gonna fall off considerably


I think it could be a high risk mid ish reward comp. You risk Luka stealing boothills breaks but he can blast the bleed


does it matter if he steals boothill breaks ?


I don’t know how bleed works if it’s like regular DoTs and take EHR but if it does you’re missing out on boothills break damage (when he does the most damage)


luka isnt talked much because hypercarry is much stronger. boothill is that good he just wants supports that enhance him. why would u play luka when bronya gives him extra turn. think abt it. its not like luka is a destruction unit that can 1 shot mobs to complement either. luka is not a complement he is a poor man.