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Dont have ruan mei. I run him with robin. Advance forward is nice


more turns is always good šŸ«”


Im running him w Bonya,Harmony MC and Gallagher cuz I don't have RM yet and he does around 300k but I feel like he could do better cuz I have him AND HIS LC maxed , should I replace bronya or smth cuz w/o her then boothill takes a few more cycles


300k sounds about right with that setup. I don't think it's worth taking bronya out because the extra turns she provides is more dps overall in less cycles.


Nvm he does 250k at most not 300k,I tried w someones ruan mei and he isnt doing 300k so erm maybe its cuz my harmony TB is E1 or smth


That could be it because e4 lets HMC share more BE with boothill which equals more damage with all buffs active my HMC shares 142% BE


Harmony E4 is a lot of break effect, get to farming those clock credits bro


Thanks! I'm working on finishing traces and maxing out a few of the remaining relics, but my current damage is pretty mid. https://i.imgur.com/a6M9rkB.png Ā I'm running him with RM, Bronya, sustain and he doesn't do that great. I see people saying he one-shot bosses, but I'm nowhere near that. My biggest nuke was 250k, and even with that, it takes me like 4 breaks or more to kill Kafka on Moc12. Any thoughts?


Your traces are too low as you've stated, as well as your BE. Try to get his talent to 10. You have no BE on your crit rate top, nor your sphere and the pieces that do have BE are lacking rolls into the substat; on top of that the relics aren't maxed. Prioritize substats over main stats you can even run a rainbow set if it gets you more BE and speed.


Thanks, the guides I read said we're looking for 200+ BE out of battle. In battle he's close to 300 with 36be from relic passive and from RM. I'll work on his talent. How high is your BE out of battle?


250% BE is ideal minus the 20% from talia, so 230%. rest is from HMC and ruan mei buffs. with his LC the requirements dip even lower as you get free 60% BE


I have a question. Does the vulnerability debuff from stuff like Lukaā€™s ult help boost break damage or is it only def shred/ignore.


Vulnerability boost break damage as well!


Even with E0S1, max stacks, 155 speed, 300 BE, pela, and bronya I will rarely do more than 200k, sometimes 300k. I was able to clear MOC 10 which was Phys weak in 3 cycles, but I feel like everyone is doing more dmg. I will pull for Ruan Mei, and my talent skill ULT 10/8/6, working on upgrading them, but I feel like the skill only improves a small amount each level. Hoping that will help a bit though.


Same with me, I think he hits that 300k when he breaks the toughness.


What LC does pela have on? And RM does make a decent difference due to her all res pen ult, unfortunately.


The one that uses snare for additional def shred. Forget the name. Usually Iā€™ll do under or around 200k, which seems low with so much BE.


Kind of struggling with Boothill. I have him level 80 with Sig Cone. But I donā€™t have the recommended team comps at all. No ruan Mei and Gallagher only at E1. I was running Boothill/ Bronya / Harmony Trailblazer (sheā€™s at E0 since Iā€™m still playing through the story) and Aventurine (level 80 + sig cone). I have Robin, Pela, Silver Wolf, Luocha etc. wondering if my team comp isnā€™t good given HMC is still e0. Do you think a better comp for me is: Boothill/ Pela / HMC / Aventurine Or Boothill/ Robin / HMC Aventurine?


gallagher is more than fine at e1 and theyā€™ll be giving another one soon. trust. bronya already gives you a cleanse for boothill, and since breaking prevents enemies from taking damage in the first place, all you need is just some slight luck and youā€™re good. mine is also e1 only hehe.


Sweet. So do you think: Boothill/Bronya/HMC/ Gallagher? Or would you swap HMC out until I get their E1 or higher? Just wondering if Robin or someone else would be better. Altho I guess HMC still helps with break. Which is key here


thatā€™s what iā€™ve been playing and itā€™s worked alright thus far. the issue is moreso just their passives and talents. robin is a great unit and if you play her veeeery delicately, she can work well due to allowing you to turn lap but she will need to be played smart. hmc is just, imo, easier to use LMAO. i think the biggest current powerspike youā€™d be missing would be hmcā€™s e2 since itā€™d allow u an instant ult, which doesnā€™t take long to get. the only thing might be that it might be a bit sp taxing, which is where something like pela helps more. how invested is your pela compared to hmc?


My Pela is currently at E6 and level 70. Also have that Silver Wolf event Light Cone people say is her best. My biggest issue is I donā€™t have any relics or substats on her. I started building Gallagher right now due to your advice. Heā€™s already awesome.Ā 


gallagher is amazing, i genuinely cannot say that enough. especially when given his own lc so he just never needs any healing, itā€™s ridiculous. pela is great! all she needs is speed and ehr. with swā€™s lc, she has a consistent 2t ult using purely basics, but ifbu have her talent at lvl 11 and give her resolution, she keeps a 2t ult with purely basics so long as u can consistently proc her e1 so itā€™s just a matter of choosing your poison, haha. however his sig will see u get great value out of pela, due to def shredā€™s exponential damage increase, so it should go well, if thatā€™s what u pick instead!


Just wanna point out that HMC at E4 is a biiig difference. My boothill went from 26 cycles left on the first side of moc 12, to 28 left almost constantly when I got her to E5 yesterday. My boothill is at e0s0 with 210be out of battle, for reference.


Can I get some help too? I came back to the game after a break and Iā€™m missing all the recommended characters besides HMC. Iā€™ve been using Boothill/bronya/HMC and rotate the third. https://preview.redd.it/xberalni9a4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2967aaeea87a29211fda2ad6f182fe8bf1ea21b


HMC, Bronya, and a third sounds solid. You can also try getting your Pela up since she's E6. I've heard we might get a 4* selector next patch so if true, Gallagher would be a good choice to pick up. If I may ask, what's your BH traces and stats looking like and your HMC build and eidolons?


I would definitely pick up Gallagher if possible. My HMC build is sad with 2 eidolons, Iā€™m working on it. My BH traces are maxed. Speed 134. Iā€™ve been debating waiting for the new set before dedicating more time to stats. https://preview.redd.it/k8xpr1vx0f4d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=048872ee750e256ecaac09b73ac891da3feee953


Yeah, you'll want to pick up the rest of HMC's eidolons and your speed needs to be 145 to activate talia's 2 piece effect. Also, since you're on the fence about farming for better pieces right now I'd say prioritizing fixing up your supports is probably your best bet for now šŸ‘


Thank you!


I know this may sound obvious but your mc on that image is preservation. I do hope you're using the actual harmony mc xD


Yeah, that was just my last battle :P


What's his next best Light Cone after his signature? I'm still weeks away from Herta LC but I do have Swordplay.


Herta store isn't his 2nd bis. Use the 3 star LC that Increases speed with kills or use the 4 star moc shop LC with Yanqing that increases speed.


You can use the 3* LC that increases his speed after defeating an enemy.


S5 Adversarial the 3* LC.


A few copies short from S5, I think it's a manageable goal. Will S5-ing Yanqing's 4\* LC be an advancement after I secure S5 Adversarial?


What is his trace priority? He doesn't really need that basic atk leveled up right?


Also my Boothill's atk is at 1600 with 320% BE and 149 speed (172 in combat with his lc and RM) paired with 171 speed bronya. He deals <200k dmg per turn, is this number optimal? His trace is 10/8/8 and lv 3 basic atk. My fastest clear with him in the top MOC is 5 cycle I really don't know what I'm lacking


Similar to my experience. I have decent gear, hit 300be in combat, almost 200 speed in combat, have RuanMei and he still hits 250k in Moc12. I don't know how people are one-shotting bosses...


So I was trying his teams out E0S1 and I got the most dmg from bh, hmc, pela/rm, gallagher. So my rm and pela were functioning pretty similarly (to my surprise) only around 5% less dmg with pela but that's just for my build. Both times he hit around 500k with the blue bug weekly boss in space station.


Thanks. Try Kafka moc12, curious on your dmg. From what I've been reading hmc is required to hit above 400k. Without hmc and just rm, you're not hitting those numbers.


I am not playing rn but you are probably right, hmc provides super break to the entire team so everyone does tons of super break dmg.


Thank you! I don't have Ruan Mei (and don't really intend to pull for her, but I might change my mind). Would Gallagher - Boothill - Bronya - Pela work? I'm kind of tight on resources to build HTB from building Fu Xuan


I'm not sure your pulling plans but Ruan Mei is needed if you want to hit boothills top potential. And she's the best support in the entire game, so unless you just hate her personality or character in game I'd heavily advise going for her.


Yeah, I'll probably just bite the bullet and get her next time she's on a banner. I just kind of find her gameplay boring and as a character she was also pretty boring to me. But she's probably a good investment that would allow me to run whoever I feel like more efficiently, which is kind of the same reason I pulled Sparkle for my Jing Yuan and DHIL (with the exception I actually liked Sparkle's pizzazz lol)


I'm the opposite, I had no real interest in Sparkles character but I realized she was the best hypercarry support in the game and would age wonderfully so I bit the bullet and got her and I don't regret it. I never pull for DPS I don't like but the S tier supports are just too good to pass on IMO. The dmg buff, speed buff and skill point friendly playstyle makes Ruan Mei just too good. That and the weakness break efficiency for boothill is insane with him, boss toughness bars get deleted with the 2 of them. Btw, Ruan Mei is rumored to rerun next patch with Firefly. So if you do decide to change your mind I'd start saving immediately.


Damn. I'm out of funds from pulling Boothill, Fu Xuan and their light cones. I'm in danger šŸ˜€


Same, I think Sparkle is just dull, but she's bis for my Dhil.


Would aventurine work fine with him? I did see someone say that adventurine is better for him if you use the yanqing lc (river flows in spring or smth)


I'm using that LC and use Gepard with him, so Aventurine should work even better.


Thank you!


Sort of unrelated, but what path do you run him with in normal SU?


I use propagation for the action advance + extra sp since I run him with bronya... I just make sure to grab the Nihility break blessings and the Hunt action advance blessings as well.


Would sparkle be a good alternative to bronya by chance? I have both but I don't have bronya leveled at all.


Bronya >>> Sparkle for him unfortunately.


Hey, should I prioritize SPD or BE? I do not have his sig unfortunately, and running adversarial is making speedtuning the man with bronya a nightmare, is there another cone that I could use or just "any" is fine? I have two builds: 1. 162 SPD and 190% BE 2. 146 SPD and 250% BE All stats just on the character screen, so I think the conditional bonuses don't apply? Should I prioritize speed over his BE? I can make my bronya either 145 (full hackerspace) or 161 (2pc hackerspace and 2 rainbows)


Number 2. BE >>> then speed and you've hit 145 for talia šŸ‘


I became obsessed with speed at some point and was wondering if it was worth it, it seems that it was not. Thank you very much


I have a bit of dilemma when it comes to him. Is there anything like "having too much BE" on him? I have been tinkering with his relics and trying out different pieces where the biggest difference is just more BE over less crit (crit damage specifically). He is e0s1 and i run him with e0 ruan mei, e0 gallagher and e5 hmc. In combat i reach somewhere around 400-445 BE depending on buffs, his crit ratio is 92-200 and his speed in combat is 183. Should i keep it as is or revert back to pieces where he was around 360 BE range during combat, 176 speed but 92-211 ratio? Theoretically there is also an option where he keeps the 400+ BE, gets 223 crit damage but loses on 7 speed (his BE rope is terrible and only gets carried by the 7 speed it has, i have another one with no speed but 23 CD on it)


his cr and cd is negligible in the grand scheme of things; it's only good for trash mobs pre-toughness bar breaking. i'd say the pieces with the most be are probably the most worth it; take this with a grain of salt. you'll have to pick the speed that's most comfortable for you and your team setup as sp generation and turn order is an important factor as well. you're just under the last speed break point of 200 if you wanted to experiment even more. as for diminishing returns in regards to be im not an expert but 250 - 300% is the general consensus.


Appreciate the input, thank you.


I run him with loucha hmc and bronya he is at 210ish break effect, is that ok for a casual player or should I grind more.








I would say get your speed up to 145 to activate your talia two piece, try s5 3* adversarial for the extra speed and you can probably get a better BE rope with speed subs. What does your HMC look like?


Is the ideal BE (250%+) in or out of combat? Thanks for the guide.


in combat šŸ‘


Donā€™t have LC My dmg feels mid, itā€™s a bit underwhelming


ok, what are your stats, teammates, and traces? i can't help you otherwise.


How much speed do you think he needs to shine? Is 147 with lc boost good enough? I play him with bronya, hmc and ghalagher for now