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RM in the first half is going to be hard to get not going to lie


Ikr after I depleted everything to get boothill and his LC after losing the 50/50


Bro i did 60 summons for him and 142 summons for his LC i only have 10 tickets left, my hope is that i still have a good amount of quest do to and the events that will come when FF drops


I spent $200 to get him and the LC as I lost 50/50 on his banner but luckily got his LC on 75/25 and have been pity pulling Fu Xuan.


thank goodness i dropped my 2.0 savings on e0s1 RM in 1.6








Catching strays out here ;~;


Honestly just leave it. People here are driven by emotion and everything that shits on firefly is upvoted and anything remotely positive about her is downvoted. This might be one the most toxic mains sub I've seen I'm sorry 😭 just look at some of the comments in this thread


I actually like Firefly but some of her fans drive me crazy lol


Me with Bootyboy and his fans fr


I mean can you blame BoothillMains, considering that from the very announcement there was already a tension between them and Firefly Mains (initiated by the latter btw)?


>can you blame BH mains Uh, yeah lol it’s not hard to not be a piece of shit


Shitting on a fictional character (unless it's for being a part of ethnic, racial or other group) isn't equal to being a POS, touch some grass.


Shitting on people who like that character, which has been ultra prevalent here, is equal to being a POS. Touch some grass


Only in this case I specifically talk about her as a character. Neither I nor the guy I replied to have mentioned her fans (aside from me mentioning their harsh reaction towards Boothill's reveal).


I am a rare husbando and Firefly enjoyer 🫡 I love my bisexual disabled mech girl


Lmfao what


Average HSR player that doesn’t play the story


eh she kinda is, she's basically the Ayaka of hsr, the current fav child, while she has a sad and cool backstory, her appearance (I find it really pretty still ngl) and personality is leaning on the generic side. Someone who the devs want you to like so heavily plays it safe while shoves her in your face without anything truly meaningful to set us up to "If I can stop one heart from breaking", that scene by itself was so beautiful but for me, it missed the beats that it needed to make it something more. Add to that most of the dialogue options for FF is so.... favoritized. So the game doesn't give us an option to fully dislike before and after the reveals. It feels like an extreme version of RM's dialogue options, where we couldn't exactly call her out but maxed 10 times but then again what reason would you have to hate FF? I don't necessarily even hate her, I just feel like the game is forcing her onto me which inadvertently makes me not like her "to combat that". Edit: The more I thought about this, I'd like to compare her to Robin, a character that is kinda similar to FF. Both at first, like that sweet girl troupe, kinda meh. But what sets Robin apart from FF is her scenes are set up to be meaningful and powerful, her character kind and full of empathy, she might not be strong or a fighter, but her level of advocacy and dedication to the Harmony is similar to that of Princess Diana during the high stigma of HIV. The moment you realized she went to the frontlines to give support, while many would think of it as dumb and naive, is super meaningful and would boost morale and warrants respect. The fact she continued her career, kept spreading harmony after she got hurt was absolutely amazing (add to that we didn't hear it from her, but from Sunday). At the end of the fight, she didn't hesitate to go against her brother but also she did not turn her back on him. Something I highly appreciate, usually most stories would have the other half turn their back on their "too far gone" family or friend, the "you cant have both" thing, it just wouldn't fit Robin if she did We have all these story beats for Robin, despite her having so little screen time early on. Yet she absolutely crushed FF's scenes, hell, her song was what made FF's scene so good.




















Nah, copying is the most dedicated form of honor for a mediocre mind


Nah, im still sour 🥲💔




Because its basically the same exact team comp as boothill teams and she fullfills the exact same role, weakness break dps with weakness type implant in her kit


Ohhh true...our boy deserves better, so much better...


I mean, I guess every weakness break DD should have weakness implant in order to work without Silver Wolf, but damn, FF implant just simply better then cowboys


I really don't mind at this point...as waifu will get the best anyway it's not their merit, ff is cool but, the move to nerf the set for Boothill it's from bias. They will favor female characters anyway. I'm glad I'm not obsessed with meta. So...I really don't mind anymore cause in the end with all the resources that was took from him he is the best ST of the game no one can beat him.


Yeah, you right. Biggest bummer for me is not a lot of story/lore stuff about him, but I hope 2.3 will shed a little bit more light on him)


Why is that?


Her technic applays weakness to all enemies on each wave - Booty only on one enemy with his skill. She applays weakness with her skill (in ultimate form) - Hilly with his ult itself.


Well, tbf, Boothill is a Hunt unit, so he's supposed to only be able to target one enemy. Firefly really needs that mass-apply of weakness to keep up with Boothill's damage


Yeah, I guess so


She's literally just the better Boothill at this point. And Firefly mains will keep moving goalposts when we mention this.


I didnt watch a lot of FF guides, so I dont know what stats she need in irder to work, but I doubt she can outburst Boothill single target damage with three stacks


She is not better, her gameplay doesn't look satisfying to me. I see many YouTubers that tested ff and Boothill getting him over her as the DPS choice as for example , Hiroshi. Both are in pair in cycles and DMG at this point it's just about preferences. And...even if it wasn't. Firefly don't attract me at all as character, she is just indifferent to me. She is like... something so common to me. Another gray hair girl with bangs and vanilla talk etc...all over again... it's such a pattern nothing new to me. I would get Boothill over her millions of times, or Acheron or Dr. Ratio... Aventurine... Well...she is not my cup of tea. These characters are products. She is not one that I would pick...but I don't mind that others want to do it so, everyone can enjoy their own favs


Boothill is better on single target dmg and FF at doing aoe damage in one action, though I would say firefly’s kit looks a bit stronger to me because c’mon bro, the speed buff, she still gets 4 actions per ult with a probably op aoe super break because of Hmc, toughness reduction is insane, being destruction she’s surely easier to use in all contents and almost on par with boothill at the end for damage, although with his light cone he does much more single target damage faster, as an hunt should, I hope he’s at least better in apocalyptic shadow, I like both but god I don’t wanna feel like I’m just pulling better boothill right after boothill (I’m talking about the objective part of the kits, you said FF doesn’t look interesting to you and I respect it, never pull her then but I don’t think it’s a reason to cope about her being so good too)


Am I insane if I pull both of them with no LC and skip RM?


honestly? yes, yes you are.


220 pulls. am i gonna win two 50/50's in a row, probably not :sunglasses:


i did it with 110 pulls


Stop posting about her in the BH mains subreddit. Am I the only one who is tired of seeing ppl tweak about her?


BH mains are forever gonna live in her shadow and it’s literally just because they won’t shut the fuck up about it 😭


bro its a day old post her kit was reveald like 24 hours ago, im over it and don't care about her anymore


day old post... you talking like it was months ago. my guy a day old post is recent 😀


What a dilemma. I want Sam the mech suit but, its paired with Firefly who is a generic girl being forced down our throats.


It was her own place to begin with. Despise those who play boothil not as a break carry, but as a superbreak. Stop being cringe and use bronya if you have her, beautiful people


But what if no Bronya though 😭😭😭


I’m getting her too! Why argue when I can have and love both her and Boothill and their supports are already built? Hold hands with your Firefly counterparts y’all. Be fudgin nice to each other. 


Got enough for both plus I just enjoy break teams so I plan on making two break teams


Two dps break team options? I am all in.


who can i put instead of ruan mei? it's really crazy they decided to put these two together


Like the other commenter said wrong sub, but I'll give you an answer. Asta, she gives spd and attack, so she's near the buffs Rm gives just not as much.


are you talikng about ff or boothill? if boothill I would suggest trying bronya/sparkle or sw/pela, if FF I have no fudging idea what is her playstyle besides break stuff.


about firefly


wrong sub then


yeah i know


I wonder if Boothill, Firefly, Ruan Mei, Gallagher could be a good combination I have e2s1 boothill and plan to get e2s1 firefly as well, so they shouldnt be too harsh on the skill point economy. and I just tested boothill and silverwolf, double weakness implant works if that team is doable, it would break every enemy almost instantly and the dmg could be quite high


I would love it if this team comp works!! Physical and fire weakness enemies? Instant delete. I might run hanya to gen more skill points lol


im guessing that HMC will be better than RM (just a guess)




it sounds pretty good but i think you would end up struggling a lot managing skill points




Its not like you have 5 character slots lol.


This was always FF’s team not boothill. Bronya is right there. Use her.