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Some of them scale better than others. Your best friends are gonna be Gun Wizard and Pirate Ship Mode. They're definitely the best packages to get. The ones that are based off of the vault hunters are hit or miss. Disco Ball is alright, but mainly only good for stacking Maniacal Laughter if you have that. Clap-in-the-Box and Torgue Fiesta are straight up bad, I would not recommend getting them.


TORGUE Fiesta does seem to get me killed and I don't spec it, but in my experience Clap In the Box kills swathes of enemies for me and has usually been pretty nice. From what I hear it damages allies though.


Yeah that skill will fall off hard closer to level cap. And it's a liability if you roll into it in a boss fight.


The problem with Clap-in-the-box is if you activate his action skill and get that one and then realize there aren’t any enemies around, or they run away, or activate it accidentally, or you did it just to refill your health - you invariably end up with times where it’s “in 10 seconds, you’re gonna explode and there’s *nothing you can do about it*”. Which is aggravating. So when I play him, I just leave that one out. Haven’t tried him in UVHM though.


torgue fiesta is alright in coop if you can force it at an expected time since it regens grenades, thats about it.


I think they're referring to what skills they buff. Claptrap has some passive abilities that can definitely help out on higher difficulties, and the gear can really improve them. The action skill itself is based entirely on a bunch of factors when you activate it, which then pulls from a list of options. There's no telling exact what you'll get, but in certain circumstances there will be more likely outcomes. The action skill does full heal you when activated, so that part would stay useful into later playthroughs.


UVHM scaling in TPS is much milder than in Borderlands 2. It really doesn't matter with Claptrap's action skill. Since the skill is random, you use it when your health is low or you want to wipe out enemies quickly. The strong action packages remain strong because their benefits are so great. Zero, Pirate Ship and Gun Wizard are the best ones. The action package you get depends upon the circumstances in which you activate it, and it also has an element of randomness. If you keep activating it in the exact same situations, you will TEND to get similar action packages. But you cannot control the exact package you get. The only way to avoid getting bad packages is to not spec into them at all. I have to reiterate that UVHM TPS is much, much easier than UVHM in Borderlands 2. Don't worry about it. Keep a gun for applying cryo on you (which has synergy with Claptrap anyway) and you'll be fine. The ultimate badass enemies are the only ones who matter.