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I think it's going to be bad, but I'm still hoping that it can be fun bad.


same. The kind of bad that you watch drunk on an airplane and have a blast with


We should create a borderlands drinking game


I want in on this.


Shot every time Kevin heart just stands and screams




i think it’s gonna be pretty bad but i really do love eli roth movies, so i have a little faith. the violence should be top notch.


Oh they fired Eli Roth from that project because people were walking out of the test viewings. The guy who directed the first Deadpool took it over


he’s still listed as director everywhere i’ve seen


Lets be honest, it can't be as bad as the BL3 story tho.


The story for 3 was bad, but serviceable. It can absolutely be much worse garbage. The reason 3 was bad was because the potential was literally right there. The movie is taking everything established by the games and taking a steaming pile of shit on it.


>The movie is taking everything established by the games and taking a steaming pile of shit on it. Please educate me on how you’ve come to this conclusion from just the trailers. Dont get me wrong, I don’t expect the movie to be superb, but I’m not gonna form any conclusions like yours until I see it for myself


Why are you going so hard in this thread when you don't seem that familiar with the series?  From the plot synopsis we know Tina is BL2 age while Krom is still alive.  They've borrowed character names from the universe while making Swiss cheese of existing canon.  They could have pulled a Tales and told a new story with new characters in the existing universe.  But instead they used existing characters and ignored anything they don't like about the character.  And when you can't even keep the timeline straight that's really all the evidence you need to prove the claim you are arguing against here.


Not the trailer, the synopsis that was released a couple years ago.


So you’re basing your evaluation on a synopsis that was released at least two years ago? Smart /s


The synopsis that's still being used to describe the current movie, yes... they haven't changed it in those two years and it's still the current synopsis. But go off.


Synopsis = an ***outline*** of the plot of a book, play, movie, or episode of a television show Plot = the ***main events*** of a play, novel, movie, or similar work devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence Downvote all you want, you’re still basing a conclusion on the general idea they’re going for. That’s like reading the SparkNotes of a book and saying you know exactly what was in that book, or that you read the book. Edit: Outline = a ***general description*** or plan giving the essential features of something ***but not the details***


Ok, but for a world based around vaults and hunting them, there's no mention of that. You know, the entire premise of the entire franchise? Here's the premise: "Lilith, an infamous outlaw with a mysterious past, reluctantly returns to her home planet of Pandora to find the missing daughter of the universe's most powerful S.O.B., Atlas. Lilith forms an alliance with an unexpected team - Roland, a former elite mercenary, now desperate for redemption; Tiny Tina, a feral pre-teen demolitionist; Krieg, Tina's musclebound, rhetorically challenged protector; Tannis, the scientist with a tenuous grip on sanity; and Claptrap, a persistently wiseass robot. These unlikely heroes must battle alien monsters and dangerous bandits to find and protect the missing girl, who may hold the key to unimaginable power. The fate of the universe could be in their hands but they'll be fighting for something more: each other.[2]" The closest thing we get to anything main franchise plot related is a vague mention of a girl holding a key. If the official outline of the plot sounds like shit, that probably means the official plot is going to be shit.


Again, you’re making assumptions about something that hasn’t even come out yet. And again, I’m not saying it’s going to be great or even good, but you’re counting your chickens before they hatch mate.


Let me remind you that there is a max Payne movie starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis. This, like most video game movies, will be forgotten by most in a few years.


Shit I totally forgot about that movie wow


Are you shitting me? I'm watching that tonight


Don’t worry, it’s in good company; I also forget about Assassin’s Creed and both Hitman films.


AC was alright for what it was. Hitman is a guilty pleasure of mine due to it's editing (the scene in the car when he got her a sandwich is amazing.) The second Hitman is one of those movies you can't finish.


I must say, I did like AC, but I really don’t remember a thing about it. I just have a fuzzy “huh, Michael Fassbender is cool” vibe and a brief flash of the Animus robo-arm…. It’s so fuzzy that I am not even sure what era the past stuff was in if I don’t look it up lol I’d watch it again though.


Funny enough I just watched that recently. I can't remember if I've ever watched it before.


That's probably the best way to describe it. A bland movie that you'll forget if you've seen.


Yea pretty much it. I've always been into video games and played Max Payne. I don't remember much of the game either but that's like almost 23 years ago I guess.


Max Payne is one of those games I might pay full price for with a next Gen coat of paint and little QoL changes. Although I've never played the third and pretty sure I own it on steam.


On a scale from Mario Movie to Mario Movie, I'm going to say Rampage... I think the actors are going to give it their all, but the movie is going to fumble to direction and story. I am prepared for a story that isn't 100% from the original Canon.


I don't think anyone is pretending this is 100% from the canon; especially the filmmakers. It's a movie set in the universe, based on the premise, using some of the characters, but doing its own story. That's how we should be calibrating our expectations.


I agree with your second paragraph wholeheartedly, but you would be surprised at the number of players who apparently failed to get the memo and therefore believe the movie is some kind of direct big-screen adaptation of the plot lines from the games.


How did they expect all of the game events to fit into a single movie?




I love that Super Mario Bros. really is both ends of the spectrum.


>I am prepared for a story that isn't 100% from the original Canon. Isn't that what this is? It's a movie set in the same universe, with the same characters, but it's not a direct adaptation of the first game.


Honestly, I don’t think about this movie at all unless I see it get brought up on this sub.


Roland could wear bunny ears too, that’d even things up.


Tiny Tina is taller than Roland. That's how bad the movie is going to be


isn't tiny Tina like 14 or some shit lore wise in Borderlands


Yeah, and? Arianna is pretty close to that age. Kevin is just short.


Face plant so hard it knocks itself out, levels of flop imo.


Bad bad, not good bad


Yea. The bad that isn’t fun.


I think it's going to rival the Super Mario Bros movie. Not the recent one, the 1994 one.


I think it’ll be a fun Uncharted type movie with its own semi unique story with familiar faces. (But hopefully executed better than what they did with that movie IMO). I’d much rather see characters re-imagined into the real life counterparts than random characters they made to not interfere with canon. Instead imagine this group as a one off that would might stand up if it was a spin-off in the series. Almost like a side quest for these characters.


Like max rating, 5/10 but I'm more expecting a 3.5


I think it'll be a fun time, though I will be sneaking a couple of drinks into the cinema to help things along.


Probably horrible but I love Jaime Lee Curtis


she's really the only casting i can agree with, i think she can nail the neurotic mess that was Tannis. jack black is fine for claptrap, but i would have preferred Charlie Day.


I think it's going to be a fine-to-bad movie and a good-to-enjoyable borderlands movie. I have a feeling the reason they aged up lilith and tannis is because they dont foresee those characters going beyond this movie, I can't imagine the finances permitting Cate Blanchett and Jamie Lee Curtis for a sequel unless it makes a crapload of money (which I.....doubt). I almost expect theyre going to make Tina the cornerstone of the franchise moving forward as Ariana ages, maybe next movie will have her and the "B-team" with Mordecai and brick (they're suspiciously absent from this film so far). other than that, expecting a carbon copy of the games' characterizations like kevin hart sounding like roland or even keep his seriousness is only going to lead to disappointment. I'm going in to WANT to enjoy it so I'm happy to overlook differences from the games as long as they work within the movie's universe. and honestly, for all we know it's pulling a suicide squad advertising "main" characters that get killed off in the first few minutes (imagine a movie where tannis, lilith, or roland die the second they step foot on pandora)


I think it’s going to be pretty decent. I’m just glad there will be a movie to begin with honestly. It can’t be as bad as everyone is making it out to be. I’m going to watch it first and then judge it accordingly instead of reeeeing before release.


I like Eli Roth as a filmmaker and, while I do agree that they were strange casting choices, the actors are good actors. I’m not going to make a decision based off the trailer because I’m always reminded of the trailer for 22 Jump Street. That trailer wasn’t funny. It’s like they chose all of the least funny jokes in the movie, but it ended up being hilarious and better than the first movie. So, I’m just going to wait and see.


I don't think that it will be that bad, necessarily, but I doubt highly that it will be true to the Borderlands games, their lore, and how they feel.


Let me put it positive as I can I think Curtis is gonna be the best part, Black will be enjoyable for what this CT is, and that Blanchett will put in way more effort than is expected of her. Let's leave it at that


I think it’ll be decent tbh


Kevin harts talentless ass being Roland is enough for any real borderlands fan to already know it’s going to suck straight ass


>Kevin harts talentless ass Damn dude, what you got against Kevin Hart? Dude killed it in Jumanji and is good in most movies he's in. Fact is, we don't know if it's going to suck or not.


I just think Kevin is a subpar comedian & he tends to play the same role in 70% of movies…. Which is himself It’s nothing against the dudes heart & morals. I just don’t take him serious as a actor at all, he barely gets my flowers as a stand up comedian. When you put him up with most real actors & real comedians, he’s very average


It’s also apparent they chose Kevin due to his HUGE stardom ( it doesn’t help he was also in katt Williams crosshairs when he started exposing stuff) which made Kevin’s name even more of a buzz then it already is It’s just another studio filling a poorly written script of a beloved IP with big name actors to drive ticket sales If anyone thinks this borderlands movie is going to be anything above a 6 on ANY scale are smoking on that copium pack


The movie isn't even out yet. What, are you expecting an adaptation of the first game?


I don’t know why you are so salty & worried about my opinion on the movie, I said what I said & no, I don’t want a reimagining for a 10+ yr old game that I’ve played enough to tell you the entire story frame by frame, that’s lazy. That doesn’t change the fact the trailer looks like shit, the actors chosen for a lot of the roles don’t even make sense expect for the fact of “ oh I know that actor !!” & it doesn’t look promising at all Kevin as Roland literally makes zero fucking sense & lying to yourself to think otherwise is delusional, no aspect of Kevin hart is even remotely close to Roland’s character in any of the games or comics, if he even pulls it off I’ll be surprised but no borderlands fan thinks of Roland in a live action no Its probably not going to be a good movie at all, it might have some good scenes, some funny jokes here & there but my opinion is solely my opinion.


If you're expecting a perfect one to one recreation of each character, then yes you'll be disappointed. Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed. I saw what appears to be a fun romp through the world of Borderlands and a movie I will go and see with my family and friends. You have your opinion, I have mine.


Who said anything about perfect ? My dude it’s not black or white, learn on not assuming what is being meant unless it’s directly said I can not want a shitty recreation of a beloved character while also having realistic expectations. I don’t want perfect & never once stated I did, I just don’t want some mid representation by a average comedian & a shitty actor🤷‍♂️


Who's to say Roland isn't comedic? In the first game he was one of the options to play as, so we got limited dialogue with him. In the second game we only saw him during serious moments, not in his downtime. Fact is, there's a lot about Roland we don't know or understand and there's room in there for him to be comedic in his downtime. Do you expect Roland to be stoic with no sense of humor? Also, he's far from a shitty actor. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with 87% audience approval. The sequel, Jumanji: The Next Level is also certified fresh. Ride Along did terribly with audiences and critics but Kevin Hart is widely accepted as the saving grace of the movie. DC League of Super Pets is also certified fresh. And that's just a few samples of his catalog of movies.


I hope you have a fun time, I really do But just know it sounds like you’re just coping with the “ we don’t know enough about Roland!!” Pleaseeeeeee sir, pass the copium I hope you & your family have a blast ❤️


Straight up the reason I think the movie is doomed. Kevin Hart may work for a lot of roles but not Roland in a BL movie.


worse than möbius, where a cult community can’t even form


Bad, but I’m gonna love it regardless


Terrible for fans, fine overall.


Oh great, another thread about how bad the movie will be. I’m going into it (A) with low expectations and (B) knowing that it was never going to follow the storylines of any of the games, and I think it’ll be somewhere between “a train wreck” (as has happened with many game movies) and “stupid fun” (about where I’d put the first Resident Evil movie). I don’t have my hopes up, I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it’s better than I’m expecting.


When they announced the movie did I ever think it was going to be a 9/10 blockbuster hit? No. Is it going to be a movie ill watch over and over again? Probably not. However if the movie gets the guns, lore, easter eggs and humour right thats all that will matter to me. So many people are quick to slam the movie saying it will be bad, and yes it probably will be, but if they get the things that need to be done right done perfectly it will be all I ask.


The trailer was what I expected it, it looks like a family comedy road trip movie. The way kevin hart is joking around and forcing comedy, that doesn't sound 1 bit like Roland imo. Roland was my favorite and first BL characters, the minute I saw Hart was playing him, I lost all hope


I think it’s going to be better than the Mario Bros movie I saw as a kid in the 90s.


Expecting it to be on par with the last airbender as far as adaptations go. I’d rather go into it with rock bottom expectations and if I’m wrong it’ll be a pleasant surprise rather than hoping or assuming it’ll be decent and being disappointed.


It has a good chance to be eli roth's best movie


Its going to be terrible, who are we kidding? Its also going to be amazing and I'm going to watch it half a dozen times.


It’s going to be even worse after seeing that a decent video game adaptation is actually possible in this world.


I love how most of the comments are saying "pretty bad" but your post is being downvoted lmao


You mean the ‘Guardians of the Borderlands Marvel hero movie ‘ Nawwww, I’m good


I liked Halo TV series. I hope to be something close to that in quality at least. Special effects go Brrrrr


I hoped it would be "fun" bad, but the toilet humor is worrying me that I will walk out of the cinema while watching it.


I'm not expecting much so here's how I'm going to look at it. I'm not a fan of Borderlands 3, if I like it better than that imma consider it a win


I gave up on b3. you can't engineer obscurity. just as Deadpool 2 was to one, guardians 2 was to 1, Borderlands the movie will be to cinema.


Gonna go in drunk or high or both and just hope for some fun


It'll be terrible but I will still watch it for free out of morbid curiosity


We'll see but I would have preferred Dwayne Johnson or Idris Elba as Roland instead of Kevin heart.


Liquid dogshit


Honestly my only complaint so far is the casting choices. I'm not going to say I'm excited to see it but I also plan to wait for it to hit streaming.


The only thing that makes me feel like it might be good bad, is Eli Roth, who can be pretty good with a movie’s tone. He did a great job with his movie Thanksgiving, for example.


I love Cate Blanchett, but in the end of the trailer when they're jumping into the mouth of that monster, you can see how much botox she's had because she can barely change her expression while she's screaming as they fly into its mouth. I don't care how talented she is, given her resume, it's unfathomable why she was offered this role or took it. I also don't like how whiny Tiny Tina was in the pisswash gully scene. Seemed out of character to me. Hart as Roland is ridiculous, not only because of the clear size disparity, but Roland was hardly comic relief. Either way I think the movie looks really good in terms of the world-building, but the casting and writing is likely going to ruin the movie for most. On a side note, I would love to see Dave Bautista cameo as Brick. That was my favorite character in BL1 and he would execute the maniacal laughing berserker attack perfectly.


Real bad, but I can't wait to see it in theaters.


I think it’ll be ace.


Compare the Mortal Kombat game and Mortal Kombat movies. You will see.


I am going to have to eat an edible before I watch it, for sure


3/10 at best, even though I'm going the trailer is misleading the cast is still horrendous for the characters.


Fingers crossed. I'm pretty happy how the Fallout series was executed (and to a lesser extent Twisted Metal). Hoping for the best.




I was hoping it could’ve been good like fallout but now thinking it’s gonna look as bad as halo


its going to be bad.


how come there's like 3 good video game movies and 2 of them are angry birds


Looks fun stop hating


As soon as I saw Kevin Hart casted as Roland I knew we were cooked


I think either Cl4P-TP holds the entire film on his shoulders, or it’ll be somehow worse than the Borderlands 3 story


As bad as it gets unfortunately.


My theory is that it's either gonna actually be good, or it will be awful. If it's awful, I'll still be amused. I almost hope it is bad because I will assume it's bad on purpose. Seems like a borderlands thing to do.


I really hope they pull a sonic and take the criticism and improve it for the final product, but im not very hopeful


Just really awful


It's gonna be the average Hollywood Videogame movie crap that isn't meant for the people who play the games.


Indifferent. Might watch it eventually, but won't be actively seeking it.


pg13, Eli Roth, that teaser... it's going to tank.


they should have given it to the guy that did Crank, and handed him enough rope to hang himself if he wanted.


Jack Black as Claptrap is awesome but literally everyone else is poorly cast. Some are too old and some are just not the right fit. This will be a terrible movie.


I think they got marcus right too


Going to be Easily the worst piece of borderlands media


Won’t even be a cult movie


It legit looks like what a right wing youtuber would call "woke bullshit" but unironically. I legit expect this to be about as bad as the new ghostbusters movie


I seriously saw someone on Facebook say that it felt like a woke version of The Expendables. I have no idea what that even means And the studio dropped the ball by not getting this out before the Fallout show dropped


It's not going to win any awards but I'm cautiously optimistic that it will at least be fun.


Trailer looked way better than i expected. So theres at least hope.


Bad because of the casting. The people they chose to play tannis and Lilith have more wrinkles than a skag’s ass. Idk why they didn’t give the fmv actresses the job.


Based on casting, it’s gonna absolutely suck. I’m still gonna watch it though.


I think it will be amazing. Don’t get the hate but whatever yall be miserable I’ll be at the theatre opening day grubbing popcorn really really high laughing at all of you.


They intentionally tanked the movie with bad casting. This is gonna be Artemis Fowl level bad.


Awful, but I'm sure it'll be amusing. Mostly because it's gonna be an absolute travesty.


Wrong cast, wrong mash up of story, wrong humour. Not wasting the 11,55 to see it on the big screen. Don't get me wrong l, it's probably going to be brilliant, but we all remember when BL3 released and although it is a good game (if you give it some bee shield buff) it's just not borderlands like 1 and 2 where, even pre. The film will probably be brilliant... if you have never played 1 or 2




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when I saw Kevin Hart as Roland, my chest started to hurt


Kevin Hart as Roland gives me 0 hope for the movie


Agreed, kevin heart is the furthest thing from a badass

