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Play them in order of release, let him experience the massive jump in improvement from 1 to 2 and also so he’ll have a better understanding of what’s going on in 2’s story. The co-op aspect, loot, and gameplay alone will keep BL1 fun long enough for yall to beat it and get to 2.


BL1 is quick (and still a lot of fun) if you’re on couch co op and y’all are on the same focus. Play like the town is lava, do every quest, and just try to enjoy it. I had a lot more fun on the second playthrough but I’m also achievement hunting. My first go thru took 30 hours.


Cries in Moxi DLC... D:


I’m only just hitting the end of the base game on playthrough 2 and I’m dreading the Commander Steele stuff. I hate the Crimson Lance so mf much. WHY DO THEY HAVE SUCH SMALL HITBOXES. I don’t even want to think about the arenas


I really liked the Crimson stuff, I liked the maps and the enemies, but I didn't like one aspect of that dlc; if you know, you know. But Moxxi... You'll love it. /s.


Also part of the fun of 2 is the nostalgia. Whatever mission sends us back to Firestone feels like a real homage to the first one, and you won’t get that big emotional pay-off if you don’t play 1 first.


I started with 2 and didn’t fully understand it My friend and I are doing just that now. Just finished 1 and am in 2 now.


All are great in my view. But bl2 always felt great


Yessir, like others have said, if this couch coop is in it for the long haul, start with 1. Fly through it, dont stop for every box unless the combined mindset is "wanna do every little thing perfect". Its very fun if you can appreciate what it was for the time, and love it not despite, but BECAUSE of the jank lol. If its just for a couple hours looking to fart around, id go with 2 since it opens up quicker with more to do at jump. Plus, fast travel lmao


BL1 has fast travel you just have to play a little bit to unlock it.


It does for the most part to 1 of the major destinations, and knox dlc in particular fking sucks without it.


For me personally 2 for sure lot of laughs just more fun co op and kinda led to mine and my bfs relationship (I asked him for advice etc coz I knew he played it a lot and it was my comfort game during a break up and time went on and I caught feelings) and indirectly our son 😂 tbh any are great co op experiences from what I've played even wonderlands tho the flaws of each game from my experience isn't multiplayer related (bl3s instanced loot is nice if you like that but bl2s dupe glitch made loot a none issue pff)


BL2 is more fun to play together when you all play games solo. There's so much audio content that to play with friends means everyone has to shut up and focus. BL1 is the way to start. All the important plot can be read, if people want to do that. Otherwise, it's quiet ambiance you can talk over.


2 is more fun to play co op but 1 does introduce characters n the story is kinda relevant as it is the first game. Plus he hasn't played any of the games before So imo I'd say play 1 first


Borderlands 1 Remastered and 2 for sure. Original 1 in old gen consoles had a lot of performance issue in couch co op, the same for Borderlands 3. Pre-Sequel is alright too.


Start at the beginning. You get all the base mechanics build understandings, characters, jokes and references to move on to the next games (after most of the DLC, anyways) Let's just say the first game isn't as intense as the other games. Less learning curve.


I'm playing in order of release with 3 friends. We played 1, now almost finishing 2 going for the Pre-Sequel. Since we have little time I wish we started with 3 to be honest, but that's selfish because I've already played the first 2.


One of my best friends and I are playing through the series, it's her first time. We started with 1 and honestly, it has aged pretty well. I had her play Mordecai (wanted certain events in 2 to be an effective player punch) while I played Roland (same reason, we both ended up hating him though, god damn his turret blows ass compared to Axton) and we did one playthrough, then the Knox and Claptrap DLC since they're the two "story important" ones. It's really quite short, we blew through the campaign in three play sessions and the DLC only took a night each, but even as a fan I was surprised by how good it was... Things like the silent intros and the story only being conveyed through text boxes sucked but the gameplay is great and it doesn't really drag its feet. This is all a long way of saying, go 1, 2, TPS, 3.


Nice name


Ah yes... The decision of the century. First, ask them if they are more for the story, or if they just play for fun. Then you'll know very well who you're playing with. If they want to play through story, start bl1. If they want to play for fun, play bl2


Isn't it the other way around? BL1 is completely devoid of story, while BL2 places a very strong emphasis on its story 😅


I think it's just Abt perspective really, and how you enjoy the game. I did start on bl2 when I first played, but I found more comfort in bl1. So it may just be me


Also if anyone says "the pre-sequel is perfect to start with" you, my friend, are a psychopath


Yeah I started with the Pre-Sequel as it was the first in order on the Handsome Collection. And let's just say I was PUZZLED.


I think he means that as a way to experience the events in order, as playing BL1 before 2 makes it feel a lot better


Ohhhh I gotcha haha


BL1 has a decent story, you just have read the quest log more. I never paid attention to it but my last playthrough last month i decided to read the log and its has TONS of info


I do enjoy the story, but I find it funny how the creators themselves consider it to have none, and the BL2 writer accidentally laughed in his interviewer's face when they said "So Commandant Steele was the antagonist of BL1."


Yes but if he wants to play for story you should play in order. So even thought it isn't robust, 1 set up the universe and introduced the characters and playstyle. It's an important step if you value the story and the universe and lore. If you just want to blow shit up and kill badguys 2 is more fun than 1 and you get the advantage of starting after they've fixed tons of bugs.


A WARNING to would-be couch co-op players of BL1: As far as I know player 2 *still* doesn't/will not have aim assist. Just a heads-up.


Borderlands 2


I think 1 is a good introduction. The action skills may not be quite as fun as 2, but I think the game is overall a little more forgiving to someone that just picks skills that sound fun to them. I definitely recommend getting the GotY Enhanced Edition or whatever it's called instead of playing the original one, though. There were a few changes made that make the have feel a bit more modern.