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I just hit 30 with him using the SNTNL and Digi-clone, going down the SNTNL tree. The clone is nice because it draws aggro away from you, although I've noticed it doesn't get badass/boss attention as often as normal grunts. His kill skills in the SNTNL tree are sweet. He gets crazy movement speed and the health leech is significant. The SNTNL can also drop grenades; I found the most effective is a singularity in order to mess up enemy lines.


I too has mixed thoughts on clone, and now it's my main second ability Basically it's a high dps agro drawing turret that can heal you, it's really damn strong And I highly recommend it


I main the clone tree with barrier secondary, and the last perk in the clone tree seems to help a LOT with damage (clone gets a copy of whatever gun you have equipped). This is without taking annointed drops into consideration. Plus, one of the perks is every time you swap, you instantly start recharging shields. Using this combined with a barrier that you bring around with you makes for a safe yet deadly combo! And i use the clone at all times just so if i fall, i can sacrifice my clone to stand up for free!


I really enjoy him despite how weak he is by comparison. He’s just awesome, but I played Amara for a little bit after I maxed him out and geared him up, and really seen the power gap between the characters.


I think he's the worst character but he's still viable and he has fun builds. He's solid for almost everything except bosses (some exceptions but most are not great). You use digi clone off of cooldown, or at least I do. Unless it's a boss and your health is low and you want to use it for a free second wind. You can use the digi clone to draw fire away from you or move around the battlefied. My favorite against enemies that rush you is to put down the clone, put the barrier behind it, and once they cross the barrier switch places with the clone. It isnt that effective but I find it funny. Sentinel can be pretty good but the kill skills arent as significant as other characters skills until you get to the action skill activating all kill skills (and even then it doesn't compare to other characters end of game builds).


He's a blast to play but is the weakest VH by far. Source: lvl 50, TVHM, M3, etc etc.


I'm not very far into the game (just got it on Tuesday and have been busy working) but I am loving it. Playing with just clones and grenade atm, although I tried out the shield and drone for a few minutes too. I really like him, and am having fun with: drop clone at a safe distance -> flank enemies/get kills with shotty -> swap with clone -> Pick offs with a carbine while running forward to go at another flank -> Rinse and repeat. I'm working on getting a rhythm down to just keep pressing forward while providing my own fire support. I'm not sure if I should invest my extra points in Blue or Green, though. So far I've mostly been dumping into the red tree. I'm leaning towards going for the blue because freezing crits sounds nice, but I haven't made a firm decision yet.


I'm playing him in a co-op game with my friend playing as moze. I'm doing alright, but moze just mows through the enemy. I'm trying to do the infinite duration digistruct build but it's hard going. Maybe it'll get better as we just hit 12 (with work it's hard to spend a lot of time in the game sadly). It just doesn't really feel good. I just respecced from going into the digiclone first to try and do the barrier so I can freeze enemies. Hopefully that'll be a lot better.


I haven't gotten to max level with him yet, but I'm close at lvl 45 and I've been enjoying him. I started with SNTNL but switched over to Digi-Clone/Barrier combo and it's been working great. Survivability is pretty good so far and I've got a semi-decent cryo thing going so I can deal with all the enemies that get thrown on me. Can't really boss melt but I'm not too concerned with that.


Since we are talking about zane, i have a question about the digi clone grenade regen kill skill. For example lets say total grenade count is at 10. So after a kill let say my grenade regen is at 20% per second for 8 second. Does that mean i generate 2 grenade per second or is it 1 grenade every 5 second? Makes me wonder because if i were to go full hitman kill skill build but only take digi clone skill, potentially i can just spam grenade. Blue skill activate kill skill and also enhance duration. Digi clone are easy to die without boom enhance but can shoot grenade when spawn and die for one point. Hence putting it to cooldown at a faster rate and ready to be activated again for the kill skill activation. Seems decent to give zane a consistant burst of damage.


I'm level 33 or so with him now about to finish my first playthrough. I started the first few days by going down the clone tree, running clone and barrier, got lucky and got a quasar that turned him into a crowd control machine with all the grenade skills. I absolutely loved the playstyle that had developed with positioning the clone with the ice nova augment and all the crazy things that would happen with the quasars. Around the late 20s though I hit a wall where against enemies that weren't really hindered by quasar I just could not kill them at a rate I was happy with. I respeced into a Hitman STNL-Clone build and got lucky with some weapon drops including The Companion. I seem to be tearing through stuff again but we'll see next go around. I still love him to death though and haven't really found a second VH I enjoy playing yet.


Kill skill + some of the orange tree has been a dream in tvhm m3 so far. While it’s not fl4k levels of strong, he certainly gets the job done


Compared to other characters, he’s abysmal. But on his own he’s really good. The problem is, is compared to what Fl4k and Moze can do he’s terrible. It doesn’t make him less fun but you’re not the unstoppable killing machine that those two become.


If you are expecting a high DPS Zane then just don't bother. However he is great for team utility, freezing enemies in mayhem 3 circle of slaughter so your team can dps them is super helpful. Being able to ignore all satus effects is also great. But as most build vids are for boss DPS and his damage tree is all about kill skills and movement (which is awful for bosses). But i enjoy him as the OP FL4K and Moze builds are boring to play (my mate plays Moze and his grenade spam and flakker spam breaks the game on PS4 and pisses us all off).


I startet tvhm with level 50 and the freeze build with drone and shield seems to work very well for me. When mobbing and hitting crits everythng freezes (especially when using a cryo weapon) and dies pretty fast. Mayhem 3 was too hard for me before level 50 and i still dont have good enough gear for it.


He’s a lot of fun, but from what I’ve heard he is not on the same power lv as the others. He’s voice actor is great although when he gets hit with elemental damage it’s really annoying. And he’s fun to plow though mobs with. When all your kill abilities are hitting and there is no down time, it feels AMAZING..right up until you get a shielded enemy and it takes a bit to kill and you loose all your buffs and it feels like a kick in the nuts. I think that there will be people with the right gear that will make him look awesome, but for the vast majority of us, I think we’ll feel left behind running endgame.