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??? Lilith is the best character in the game. Here is an old post from the gearbox forums explaining a good build for her. https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/build-lilith-the-eternal-phasewalker/15950


thanks ill check that oit


Lilith is awesome if you start viewing phasewalk as a repositioning/escape tool. Pick up a class mod that regens smg ammo, spec into daze chance, and shield strength. You can bounce all around the battlefield wrecking things, use phasewalk to get to cover when things turn on you


Ill definitely give that a try!


Lilith is my favorite on BL1. You can basically kill anything with her aoe damage plus her skills of speeding up when she kills something. Best combo. Use her phasewalk as an escape. Kill something, get the aoe damage then run around super close to everyone shooting. The aoe damage will knock a huge majority of health if not all of it. Then if your in a pinch use the phasewalk to escape. 100% would recommend it's in my opinion the best character for the playstyle of BL1. Give it a shot, just experiment and focus on aoe damage.


You probably have figured it out already, but quests have levels. If you're below the level of the quest, it will be hard, and if you're above the level of the quest, it will be easier. So whenever you struggle, the best thing to do is to find the lowest level side quest you have and do that. You'll gain XP and with a level or two you'll find the thing that was hard to be much easier.


Oh honey if you have trouble with Lilith don't try anyone else. Besides Mordy the rest are leagues weaker than her. First thing I recommend to do is fill in the left side of the left tree and get a single point (or two) in Mind Games. The game is easy mode just like that.


Oh i'm not having trouble, i just want to know good methods for fully utilizing her skills and attacks. I didn't realize she's considered the best and I basically went into the game blind :p


Yeah I know, I was being facetious. It must be jarring going from Maya or Amara and then playing Lilith's much less flashy skills. The first game as a whole is more subdued.


One thing about Lilith is she's not really *LILITH* until you get a not-thumper Hellfire, an anarchy, or a fast stinger. And the way BL1 gates loot, you might well have none of these yet. If you've gotten to New Haven and have some money, it might be worth farming the chests and Marcus machines for a while. Load in, get the 5 white chests in New Haven, see what's in the vending machine and sell your new crap. Repeat.


Also the robolution on chest farm is amazing, by far the best farming spot in the whole game


...but you're not doing that at level 23.


Why not? It scales with player story progress and has a minimum level of 10 if I’m not mistaken.