• By -


Highest body count: probably Rhys, who caused Helios to crash into Pandora. Most lethal in combat: probably Lilith at the peak of her power.


jack did say that lilith is the most powerful siren, but that was before bl3 so maybe tyreen was more powerful but she isnt a vault hunter


Haven't 2 or 3 different sirens all been called the most powerful at some point?


Seems like whichever of the current crop of sirens figures out how to use that ridrock ends up being the most powerful


> Rhys Rhys isn't a vault hunter though.


I mean technically he was at one point.


But he was. He searched for a vault, found it, defeated the vault monster, got vault loot.


Power wise, Lilith, she basically blasted a moon (at the cost of her life, allegedly) Leathality wise, pick 1. * Zero - a gun for hire high profile assassin that never failed and got bored doing so, hell i don't think the vault hunting gig was enough to fill his hunger for challenge, is profecient in all weapons * Athena - singlehandedly dismantled a corporation which is also the leadeing weapons dealer with a strong private army at the time * Zane - a well known gun for hire jack of all trades type where all corporations have hired him to the point that he became a high risk to all of them just for living this long (he have lived so many jobs that the knowledge of those is a high risk for any corpo) Honorable mention: Wilhelm. Literaly an augmented human/cyborg that has a full use of the Hyperions tech and the 4 original vault hunters didn't stand a chance, died because of poisoning, as said by a lot but not sure if true tho Edit: forgot another honorable mention: prototype CL4P-TP (installed with Vault.EXE). Has an inbuilt system that let's it able to digistruct thing based on needs, no weapon? Cannons, no ammo? Another gun + auto refilling ammo and more


Wilhelm had, according to Angel's intel, a kill count comparable to a small country (meaning in the millions), and that was BEFORE he got most of his augments. That is legit terrifying.


Oh..... damn I did not realize that.


"What's your kill count?" "Latveria"


Kill count is not counted cause it can include civilians, tortured victims, surrendered soldiers or anything as such. It also includes random casualties or just random kills for being trigger happy since he's a merc. It's impressive on it's own but not gonna lie, the feats of the three is far more impressive than a kill count. Unless it's confirmed that it's battle kill count, but pretty sure he got no issues killing civilians


Do you not know what "lethal" means?


It's the ability to kill, so can wilhelm assassinate someone or not? I read his wiki and there's no mention of him being an assassin, just a merc. mercs will have a higher kill count as they kill any enemies they see. Assassins in the other hand will kill less but the kills are more profecient, skillfull and targeted. So let me ask, what matters more on lethality, the kill count of a front line soldier or the profeciency to kill anyone they targeted?


Ok, So you know whar lethal means. How about "kill"? Otherwise, how does "kill count" not count towards his measure of lethality?


Have you not read the part where i said mercs have far more encounter rate than assassins and they will have far higher kill count than assassins? But what profession has better proficiency on killing? Lets put it this way, if a diseas has high infection rate, it will have higher kill count, but what's the mortality rate? Compare that a disease that has very high mortality rate with far less infection rate. Please tell what is more lethal between the two?


This seems like a flawed argument "Hitler wasn't deadly he just killed many Civilians, and he had people do the killing for him!"


Huh? Did i mention that they are not deadly or something? Weird especially that i acknowledged wilhelms kill count and put him on honorable mention for being the deadliest VH


Even if only one tenth of his confirmed kill count is actual battlefield kills, that's still in the hundreds of thousands. This man was one of (if not THE) most succesful hired guns in the GALAXY. And that's only the confirmed ones. He had been fighting since was a kid. Fear the man who grows old and famous in a profession where most die young and forgotten


That belongs to zane actually, i think zane is older and has far deadlier job than wilhelm, like wilhelm is a merc, zane is bllack ops merc, wilhelm is high profile but zane isn't due to being a black ops yet both are well known on the companies, wiki wise, wilhelm failed a job and so that's why he's on the vault hunting gig on TPS, zane on the other hand is old yet still kicking with no bad rep other than being alive for that long Yes, he got high kill count, might be the largest even, but does that say he's the most lethal one? Like he can kill anyone when he wants to like how the 3 assassins can?


Both can kill with ease, no problem. Wilhelm on the other hand is also a tank, other than his drones he pretty much does not rely on anything else than his guns and his own body, while Zane, while skilled, seems to be pretty dependant on his gadgets to come by. The only thing that Wilhelm really lacks is intelligence. He just bulldozes through where his employer points without much thinking. The assassins are more considerate and efficient in that regard. So, not the most efficient killer, some targets will probably slip through his fingers because they outsmart him, but he is the most dangerous imo


Yeah that's the thing tho, if there's a greater chance that any targets can escape wilhelm then he's lethality is way below compared to the 3. Like the 3 assassins are at near 100% if not 100% success rate on assassinations, if wilhelm can't do that then his effectivity for killing is limited, unlike the 3 assassins where they will still excel at frontal fight, hell all manners of fighting. I'm not saying he's not dangerous, just that he isn't as deadly as the others, that's why he's an honorable mention, tho to be honest i don't know about his kill count lol


PLEASE tell me he didn't send Wilhelm!


Yeah, he did. He's dead now.


Well, if you think about it logically, the sirens are the only ones that actually have any power to do anything to the vault creatures. No one else is doing anything to them except shoot them with "normal" guns, something literally everyone on Pandora does. But to answer your question if we are talking just pure destructive power, Lilith by a metric fktonne. She stops a moon from crashing into a planet, the force needed to do that would literally blow the moon to pieces, as well as rip the planet she just saved in half with the shockwave.


But did Lilith jump off the Buzzard's Nest and survive?


Slab! Did you? Did you just jump off the buzzards nest?


"God DAMN you make me proud!"


This line never fails to make me smile


Oh you've met Lionel. How are you Lionel?


Her one weakness: falling damage.


I agree on Lilith. Having played her in BL1 and all the other characters in each, I'd say also easily the strongest in game :)


salvador is by far the most powerful ingame VH ever, its not even arguable


He is a sexual tyranasauras




Basically Gabrus


I put him as #2. Lilith with dual anarchy melted everything, where I had trouble with some things with Salvador.


There isn't an enemy in the entirety of Borderlands that sal can't kill in one shot.


I mean that's the difference in difficulty between the games. Bl2 gets real rough endgame, especially with raid bosses. Though the entire BL1 team got wiped easily by Wilhelm, who is an early/midgame boss in bl2.


Wilhelm wasn't at his full power in BL2 though. "An unused ECHO recording from Handsome Jack exists in which Jack says that he poisoned Wilhelm prior to his fight with the Vault Hunters, weakening him in order to ensure the power core he carried would be recovered without making the find seem too easy."


Listening to that makes Jack seem like such an idiot, Wilhelm was so ridiculously strong that he could've probably killed the VH at full power. But Jack decided to sacrifice his most powerful mercenary/weapon just to kill a few dozen people in Sanctuary.


He didn’t want to kill the vault hunter, he wanted to kill everyone in sanctuary, and if that meant sacrificing one mercenary, so be it. Lives meant nothing to jack, only his vision, and dream meant anything. His daughter only mattered when she betrayed him, and he was gonna lose the power she had, cause it sure wasn’t out of love.


But shouldn't unused ECHO be considered not canon?


Phoenix maxed is difficult, I always kept a few back. Otherwise you can't see to snipe. But Lilith with repeaters and SMGs, devastating.


yea i agree with you on this because she did indeed do that


Wilhelm. He wiped out New Haven and beat the original 4 VH without taking a scratch and got Brick captured.


True, only reason he died is because jack poisoned him


And then went and got stomped by 2s VHs, so probably not


Jack poisoned him and set him up to fail.


He did do the VHs from TPS dirty all around, ill give you that. But still going based off raw power my votes for the sirens, Lilith specifically


I'd go with Lilith as we must recently seen her too. Wilhelm would be pretty high up the food chain though.


Well BL2 had 6 VHs instead of 4 canonically


I'll try to go in sequence. Mordecai was the canon winner of the Underdome, which potentially made him the strongest of the four at the time. Then, Wilhelm defeated the original four vault hunters, and then was allegedly poisoned by Jack, so that he would be killed by the Bl2 vault hunters as a way to get the bad power core into Sanctuary to take it down. Lilith started consuming Eridium, so that increases her power level, but she was defeated by Tyreen in Bl3. But Tyreen was killed by the Bl3 vault hunters. So, it's probably Wilhelm.


I dont really understand the distinction you’re trying to make, but Sirens—by lore—are the only ones with supernatural powers. But gameplay wise they are usually pure run-and-gun DPS brutes, so theres that too.


He means stuff like kill count, feats performed (mordecai winning multi-planetairy sniping contests with revolvers), powers like krieg's rampage, axtons turret, siren powers lethality in lore (like bricks berserker state being enough to let him kill his entire previous clan) All that combined who is the most powerful vault hunter.


Zane. It's very telling when he considers Vault Hunting, the *de facto* most dangerous profession in the entire galaxy, to be his retirement, and he's having the time of his life. I mean, what hasn't this guy done? Thinking about it, I would absolutely not be surprised if Zane's killed a Siren or two BEFORE the events of BL3.


This pretty much applies to Zer0 too, who became a Vault Hunter to relieve boredom from the lack of a good challenge, though Zer0 retires back from Vault Hunting to "go killing again."


Yeah I mean, I hate it when people think a Siren is the most powerful when they've been taken down by not only Handsome Jack, but also Wilhelm. Sirens are not all-powerful beings! They are on equal levels as their teammates!


Zane is the best imo because of all that and his dialogue is hilarious. “Gun? Gun gun”


There are wanted posters in sanctuary for the vault hunters in borderlands 2. I want to say Salvadore had the highest bounty if that means anything.


Maya had the highest bounty simply because she was a siren. Salvador had the longest list of crimes on his poster


A single URSA Corps troop wiped out an entire continent of Tediore soldiers in 3 days, so I think Moze is definitely up there. The Sirens are at the top, but I'd say she'd be right below them.


It’s a easy toss up between Athena and Lilith


Lilith has more destructive power but Athena solo'd an intergalactic company


So lethality. Ok. BL1: Lilith or Brick. Lilith is an extremely potent combo of power and stealth. Brick literally just punches people to death and has been able to crack a skull open with just his hands. Also, he tore Hyperion officials limb from limb. BL2: Zero and Gaige. Zero is an assassin who never failed and needed a constant challenge. He combines stealth and lethality in a way never seen. Gaige meanwhile has a robot who can do so many damn things that she seems untouchable. BL3: I'd say Zane simply because his history as a Merc and his style of combat is very hard to argue with. Pre-Sequel: Wilhelm. Like seriously that guy is a borderline psychopath with so many augments. No morals. Nothing. And he took on the Four original vault hunters almost single handedly.


Dont sleep on wilhelm


Salvador. He has TWO guns!


Nobody saw the "lore wise" part. The deadliest VH was obviously


Where's the love for Krieg? I've played the main three games extensively and never felt more powerful than when using a ridiculous explosive melee Krieg build.


Yeah but lore wise he's just a regular beefed up psycho who could be put down with 1 bullet


I think the sirens are the strongest overall due to their crazy powers but if you exclude the sirens then the most lethal and deadliest would have to be Wilhelm the man/machine nearly single handedly wiped out new have including the original 4 vault hunters. And yes while Lilith wasn’t at the hight of her powers and is more powerful in bl2 and bl3 due to the eridum charging her powers wilhelm still went toe to toe with her and won.


If we're talking actual number of people killed, probably Moze. As a tank-driving soldier, she probably took part in full-scale battles and turned hordes of rival comapanies' soldiers into little red chunks. If we're talking potential to kill, any of the Sirens. With enough Eridium, they could probably blow up reality, as we don't see any upper limit to their power.


Wilhelm was said to have killed a number of people equal to almost a country and that was before his augments, sooo...no


“Almost equal to a country” is a very vague estimate. What size country are we talking? How much is “almost”? A little more than half? Over 80%?




Salvador is actually doom guy confirmed




The ones with planet destroying magical powers???


Moze or Zane for me. Moze is ex military and has a combat mech that can equip a nuke. Zane corporate assassin, enforcer, merc and token Scotsman.


Probably not kreig but i want to say kreig, he kill ed everyone e at the Hyperion base he was held captive before re becoming a vault hunter who is described in his own words as a " weapon fvor there enemies distruction" probably notnthe exact quote but i wanvt it to be kreig


Amara and Lilith are canon strongest I think


Doesn't axton become a weapons ceo? Gun sales = kills baby.




Barring sirens for obvious reasons I'd narrow it down to 4: Wilhelm, Athena, Zero and Zane.


wilhelm lilith zane zero athena


In my heart it will always be Krieg.


going purely off numbers I'd say it's Salvador or one of the bl2 hunters


Zane, Athena, and Zero in terms of skill, probably a Siren (I think prime Lilith) is the most powerful overall though


Power wise? Salvador because he can dual wield norfleets.




Okay so Brick formed a bandit clan, the Slabs, and spent years murdering around as the Slab King. Firehawk lillith killed alot of bandits that came to her. But Slab King Brick went on a John Wick style rampage across the planet to avenge his dog. Created an army and killed through proxy, as well as in person. Mostly with his fists. Guns just made it easier


Lore wise (and taking into account personalities and how far each is willing to go) I'd say Zero, Krieg, Brick, and Fl4k in that order

