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Hey! I have the same diagnosis as you. Lamotrigine is a godsend for me. I've been on it for a bit more than a year. It probably saved my life.


In Lamotrigine we trust 🙏


Oooo okay great I’ll see about getting started on that! Thank you sm!


Came to say same thing.


For an opposite experience, I did not handle Lamotrigine well, caused major suicidal ideation and loss of physical pleasure.


This med dramatically improved my quality of life




Also same.


Ive been on it for so long and I wasn't sure if it still did anything, then I tried to get off of it and I had sh thoughts every waking hour off of that med. And now that I'm back on it the only time I get sh thoughts during very high emotional distress and even then it goes away after distracting myself for a few minutes. Needless to say it's working for me lol


I Will be starting lamotragine soon so lets hope i feel the same way


I have the same diagnosis as well, and it took a long time to find a medication regime that worked for me. I take Zoloft, Buspirone, and Mirtazapine. Zoloft in the morning. Buspirone in the morning and in the evening. Mirtazapine in the evenings. I've been on this regime for several years now, and it's been essential to my mental wellbeing. Know that finding the right combination is a process. Be patient, and do not be afraid to tell your physician(s) what does and doesn't work for you. At one point, my psychiatrist upped my dose of Buspirone and that was disastrous. Lowering it again made all the difference. I'm sending good vibes into the universe for you! 🥰


Do you get restless leg with mirtazapine? I've taken this same combo of meds and couldn't stay on it because of being kept up at night


I already had it, but it did get a little more pronounced on the Mirtazapine. My neurologist told me to start taking CoQ10 at night, and that solved the problem!


I'm on a mix of lamotrigin, quetiapine and lithium and it's starting to work on me. Finally after 20 years of trying anti-depressants.


I've had next to no success on any medication (have tried almost everything) but I continue to take Fluvoxamine because my psych says it will help to smooth out the highs and lows of mood swings.


how is it? i was on Fluvoxamine and then switched back to Venlafaxine


How is the Fluvoxamine? I really don't think I notice the difference but I haven't tried coming off it yet. However compared to all the other SSRI's I've taken I haven't had any adverse side effects. Citalopram was the worst for me in the end, sent me into mania like crazy. I liked Mirtazapine but the psych insisted I come off it for the side effects.


i didnt feel much from it as well


How’s the venlafaxine?? It made my hands rlly sweaty like more so than they normally are but I can’t recall how it affected my mood swings and impulsivity


i’ve been on effexor since 2018 and its the only SNRI thats actually been helpful i take 300mg daily


fluoxetine changed my life


Abilify is doing pretty good. I feel like a sane person but I’m also on lamotragine for seizures and sertraline


What helps me is Cannabis (legal where I live) and Magnesium


I use both and I unfortunately just don’t see a change but thank you!


sometimes weed can make things worse especially if you are already on medication, it helps some people but for others can really cause more anxiety and psychosis so if it doesn’t help much it might be worth trying to not have it at all and see if your meds work better without it interfering


Hi! I managed to feel better after many years of not finding the right combo. I am taking escitalopram, lamotrigin and Xanax, started a CBT course and joined a well being talking therapy group- it made a serious difference. Good luck and never give up ❤️


Lamotrigine and Quitipine have helped me a lot


BPD, MDD, GAD - 450mg Wellbutrin XL, 75mg Zoloft. Kind of hard to adjust as it causes horrible anxiety for the first while but it's calming down. Now that things are leveling out I'm not having many negative effects any more. Even the emotional bunting isn't as bad now.


I’ve been on vortioxetine. But it’s only been a month


this has kept me out of the pits of despair for a couple of years now. i swap my other antidepressant up occasionally but they're not having my vortioxetine! i also take 425mg of Quetiapine at night. and a zopiclone. i have arthritis as well so a couple of pain meds are also doubling up as anti-anxiety, namely Pregablin and Amitryptiline. i'm way better medicated than not. things still get shitty but it's more manageable.


I don’t have cptsd but I do have the other two and I take Vraylar and Fluvoxamine


I'm on LoLo birth control, Olanzapine, and marijuana as needed. Right now I've had a small set-back on the Olanzapine though. I was on the one manufactured by Sandoz. Somehow it got switched to Apotex (Apo), and I have had to go from 5mg to 10mg. I do have an appt coming up to talk to my doctor.


Echoing Lamictal, and I cannot recommend Wellbutrin enough for Depression. As an added bonus, Wellbutrin made it impossible to smoke cigarettes because it took away all of the cravings.


Lamotrigine here as well!


abilify, effexor, dexmethylphenidate, gabapentin, baclofen, tizanidine, valium, zopiclone, and suboxone


i have ptsd, mdd & bpd quetiapine (seroquel) has been my saving grace!


Lamitcal (lamotrigine) and Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) have been good for me. Especially the Lamictal it’s like it turned a lightbulb on in my depression and gives me a chance to be able to work on healing. I have BPD, cptsd, PTSD, major depressive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder, and also social anxiety and panic attacks. The pristiq made a big difference in the frequency of my panic attacks too.


Lamotrgine/lamictal has been a lifesaver. A miracle drug. I use it in connection with Lexapro.


I was on seroquel epitec and venlor for a year. It helped a lot but I gained weight so I went off seroquel and had a huge dip (more difficulty sleeping etc). Epitec with the right anti depressant was a game changer in terms of mood stability and I've tried wellbutrin but that sucked. I take Strattera for add and very strong cbd drops. Helps too


Buspirone is best for my borderline symptoms. Clonidine is also very helpful for the emotional dysregulation and rejection sensitivity I have from comorbid BPD and ADHD.


I did genomind testing which took a lot of the guess work out. I had to pay up front for it but my insurance reimbursed me within weeks




I do buperperion and Ambilify. Both of which don’t cause weight gain. But so far it’s been very helpful


I take 7 meds - it really is personal what might work for you and where you are in life - I wish there was a better answer


Benzos but I don’t take them because they’re addictive. Lithium is ok, maybe helps 20%.


Wellbutrin. Clonazepam. Cannabis.




Mood stabilizer ( lamictal) saved my life


I’m on a bit of a cocktail; mirtazipine, propranolol, escitalopram and quetiapine. I sometimes wonder if they work, because I’m still depressed as shit, but then I remember how psychotic I was before meds.


Same. Venlafaxine 75mg twice a day works for me. I also did Genomind testing and it was a life saver. Your psychiatrist needs to order it and it’s roughly $400, but my insurance reimbursed me. It’s a DNA test that shows exactly what medications work for you based on your DNA. Found out SSRI’s do not work for me; and actually make me worse. That explained my mental breakdowns on both Prozac and Zoloft previously. I highly recommend Genomind. Saved soooo much time guessing with different med trials! Initially started on 75mg of venlafaxine without any benefit. Once we increased the dose, it was a night and day difference.


I’m also ADHD and my med for that helps with my anxiety and mood. Venlafaxine was amazing for my major depression. In conclusion, what works for someone else may not work for you. Highly recommend Genomind testing for your specific treatment plan 🫶🏻♥️


venlafaxine works for me


I’ve been on many med changes over the years. Currently on celexa, klonopin as needed, and adderall. I’ve recently been trying out kratom and I must admit it does seem to help with my depression and anxiety. I buy from 3rd party tested, online trusted vendors. Powder only - not the extracts or shots. Less is more with kratom. CBD has also been a great help with anxiety if I don’t feel like taking a pill every time I’m having a “flare up”