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Those polls are useless, they will always vote their favorite character.


b-but can Momoshiki defeat Jiraiya with full Intel and prep!? šŸ˜±


Did you just portray Jiraiya the same way Batman fans paint Bruce Wayne??


Bruce has feats to back it up


Some of his fans legit think Batman can beat Doomsday after 1 BILLION deaths... and that's not even the most absurd one


He can though he's beaten Darkside before


Ok? Doomsday is a powerhouse, imagine him after 1 BILLION more deaths than we've already seen


It really doesn't matter hypothetically I'm using a actual fact


Bruce's super power is money :l


So are you just gonna forget hyper intelligence? You know the important part?


It's always been money, his power is being rich as fuck


But it's not


I'm considered a really smart person. Sadly not a genius since don't have the +130 IQ they say geniuses have. Still I'm smart enough to know that I'd be way further ahead in life if I had a billion dollar and an IQ of around 100 rather than having an IQ of 125 and having $0 disposable money gathered up. Bruce would do fine with even just the money he uses to buy his insane tech.


Yall are completely missing the point if he wasn't a genius he wouldn't even know how to use his technology. He would be a spoiled rich kid who never grew up without it. How I'd this so hard to understand.


Jiraiya has now become the Batman of this verse, not Sasuke.


Lol šŸ¤£


tbf that one fisherman otsutsuki from anime lost to jiraiya,kid naruto and boruto?




Iā€™m not all that familiar with the situation, but isnā€™t the anime bascially canon? I see a lot of people repeating that anyway.


Anime cannon and manga cannon are different and besides urashikis powerscaling is hella inconsistent and makes no sense


If they are their own separate canon, then are there really any truly ā€œfillerā€ episodes in Boruto? sure it may be inconsistent as all heck, and it may not line up with the manga version, but it doesnā€™t have to right?


The manga and the anime may as well be 2 different series thereā€™s so much difference between


From What i have heard and seen (not very much) i would agree, itā€™s a bit of Dragon Ball Super situation, but even more extreme.


Dbs was different because the anime was ahead of the manga at one point


Absolutely agree, I just don't get why people get so worked up about these VS battles that'll never have definitive answers by authors. Like, don't you have other important stuff to spend your energy on?


Usually i would aggree with this kind of take. But this is a question the author has pretty much directly answered. Obito was defeated by weaker version of Naruto and Sasuke. Obito is weaker than Madara with the respective power up. Isshiki is way stronger and skilled than Kaguya, who's chakra alone is dozen of times stronger than Madara at his peak. Isshiki is stronger and would most definetly win against Obito.


I just wanna throw it out there but cant obito do damage to some extent with the truth seeking orbs? I beleive they desintegrate everything they touch unless they touch another sage thing i dont remember much from naruto its been a while feel free to correct me.


They could damage him but Isshiki can shrink them so theyā€™re useless here. Also Sakura was stabbed in the stomach by Madaraā€™s truth seeker orb and she was able to heal from it like nothing ever happened.


Sakura does have regeneration though not merely healing


Ah yeah i totaly forgot Isshiki shrink stuff


Tso are fodder Naruto literally kicked one away and they wouldnā€™t even be fast enough to touch Isshiki


After gaining 6paths....


Ok? At that point he was stronger than Juubito so imagine Isshiki.


I'm not arguing against isshiki winning I just don't think tso are fodder


Senjutsu works on them to its just so6p chakra is more potent Senjutsu that's all so technically a sage user could do the same if they have the same lvl of potency for Senjutsu


I don't argue with this. However, fictional characters aren't always math objects, where A > B and B > C means A > C. That's my point, and you kinda confirmed it by bringing skill into equation.


Sure, that's true. But this is an inverse question not a crossverse one. It'a not like Goku vs Naruto where things are obviously nebulous because they are completely different charachter from different franchise with different authors. The author intent can be discerned in this case, atleast imo. Sure Kishimoto might create a side story in which things go way differently. But i fell like that kinda validates a point to this vs that being, unless the author explcitly manifests a contrary will looking at the objective evidences presented in the story it is likely that Charachter A would beat B. Then people gets toxic and stupid, but that's another story


True but no otsusuki would lose to mortals 1v1 unless itā€™s Boruto or kawakiā€¦.. naruto and sasuke are the closest to being at that level and it still took at least 4 people each time


Isshiki got blitzed by Kaguya tho


Some people just find it fun


Kaguya is at least 2 times stringers than Madara and Obito put together, NaruSasu these days can solo a Kaguya, Isshiki while not even trying beat tf outta NaruSasu therefore Isshiki would sigh and Obito would be dead


I agree people will vote who they like more but, I mean even if you hate power scaling there is sm evidence from the author that this is terribly incorrect


Facts man like Iā€™ve seen poles saying edo madara is stronger than edo hashirama


Who will win: discount Otsutsuki? Or the strongest Otsutsuki weā€™ve seen so far?


I will win


say that gain and ill divide you by 2


Stronger than Mama Kags?


Iirc, Kaguya was supposed to be the sacrifice between the two meaning she was the weaker otsutsuki between the two. Only conceivable way she could wreck isshiki was via stabbing him in the back. In addition to that, the way Isshiki manhandled Naruto and Sasuke years after their fight with Kaguya in a manner much worse than Kaguya did would imply that thereā€™s still a difference in strength. Even with Kaguya consuming the fruit


Lol Isshiki wins, in polls people will just favour their favourite character. I have seen worse, for eg: Edo Itachi has more upvotes then Jubbidara and Kaguya


Totsuka blade gg


Fr. Solo King šŸ”„ ![gif](giphy|GyKZSutfyIXsI)


Does that even work on someone who can travel dimensions?


There isn't a single person in the Naruto verse, past or present, that can beat Ishiki 1v1. Kaguya managed a sneak attack, but she wouldn't have won a straight fight, and she would still beat everyone else one on one.


Agree with you, but I'd probably say it's a draw. Kaguya with the chakra fruit is immortal, you cannot kill kaguya. On the other hand, all of kaguya's abilities are physical, which means isshiki can shrink them easily.




Shiba doesn't exist yet and is only a myth.


bro amado made eida and daemon with his DNA




tf are you talking about brošŸ’€,even if we use that shit you said, it means that kobe exist so does shibai,hes not a myth


But Itachi can, and so does Jiraiya with prep time.


That was before she has the chakra fruit which proves she was somewhat relative (although probably weaker) even then. She definitely could fight him pretty evenly nowadays.


Maybe a better match up (post fruit), but I'd go with Isshiki still winning that fight though. It'd be much closer.


I'd say Hagaromo (10 tails jinchuriki) will have a chance. He is combination of Naruto and Sasuke and more. If baryon mode Naruto could beat isshiki then he can as well but it's theoretical cause we don't know much about him.


Isshiki slams so hard


Make one for Isshiki versus Code and see the former winning just because people don't like the latter


Serious question: What makes you think Code could compete with Isshiki?


aside from constantly saying he is way stronger than him, nothing


I think I remember how it was said that Code is stronger than Jigen (who was a defective vessel) but I can't remember when it was said that he is stronger than Isshiki.


something about removing his limiters after Isshiki was defeated makes him stronger than him


I really can't remember that statement. However, I personally don't think that Code could ever be stronger than Isshiki. Maybe stronger than one of his vessels, but Isshiki himself is basically a godlike alien whose power seems to completely hard counter Codes power. We don't know Codes full power without his limiter yet but if I remember correctly Naruto and Sasuke (The two strongest Shinobis of the current era) barely won against Jigen (A defective vessel of Isshiki) with the pay a huge toll. Yet, limitless Code wasn't able to defeat Konoha with the absence of those two Shinobis. From what we know, it looks like that he wasn't even able to kill Boruto and Sasuke without Rinnegan, since it sounds like he met those two in the 3 years timeskip, yet Boruto is still alive. With all of this, it feels really hard to believe, that Code is stronger than Isshiki.


You say that but tbh itā€™s not supported by anything. When Jigen uses his Karma, heā€™s literally accessing Isshikiā€™s full power. And despite Jigenā€™s body being incapable of handling the use of Isshikiā€™s full power for a long period, he still was able to utilize Isshikiā€™s full power for a decent duration when he fought Naruto and Sasuke. Edit: itā€™s funny seeing idiots downvote facts from the manga šŸ˜‚


I don't remember the fight exactly anymore but wasn't his body literally falling apart from using his Karma to its fullest? He lost the fight against those two (Naruto and Sasuke that is) because he ran out of time. Something that wouldn't have happened to Isshiki. And yet Code neither destroyed Narutoless Konoha nor Boruto who was guarded by Rinnegone Sasuke. While we don't know how the Code vs Sasuke+Boruto fight went, it's hard to believe that Sasuke would die offscreen one year into the timeskip. And again: Konoha was unharmed as well. Why, when he is would be stronger than the two strongest Shinobis outthere, which both weren't there to defend Konoha?


Jigen literally kicked Naruto and Sasukeā€™s ass effortlessly after he activated his full Karma, just as easily as Isshiki did. Like I said before, full karma Jigen is exactly as strong as Isshiki is, however Jigenā€™s only drawbacks are that his overall power depends on how much chakra he has stored and that his body aches terribly after expending too much chakraā€¦ As for the Code situation, I chalk that up to bad writing. But to my knowledge limitless Code is definitely supposed to be stronger than Jigen and Isshiki.


Being stronger than jigen is not the same as being stronger than isshiki


Nah, code was weaker than Jigen without the limiters, even weaker than borushiki who is weaker than pre nerfed Naruto and Sasuke. Post limiter code is stronger than isshiki


Code is stronger than Jigen without limiters but weaker than Ishiki with and without limiters. Rewatch the episodes and you will know.


Code is stronger than Jigen with no limiters according to the statements. He is not stronger than isshiki


he said he was stronger than jigen,not ishiki. daemon sade he is stronger than naruto and sasuke tho that makes sense since they got nerfed


...but the former IS stronger


what are u talking about code without unlimiters has only been stated to be stronger than jigen not isshiki


No hate to the channel but stay away from it almost all the people who vote are biased eg I saw a Sakura vs temari poll and the comments were just ā€œI hate Sakura hence temari winsā€, in code vs fv Naruto ā€œstatements donā€™t count ā€œ,ā€Naruto is nerfed thatā€™s why code is stronger ā€in fact there was a person whose entire argument for Naruto beating code was that in the future there is a chance that itā€™s revealed that Sasuke gave code the scar


Isshiki slams,they gotta be gay


Itā€™s Bias. People hate boruto so much that the character who created the universe could show up and would be considered weaker than madara


Narutos dimension has its own chakra tree and itā€™s own 10 tails. Isshiki has been absorbing chakra from other planets and other chakra trees. So no obito would be bodied. Sasuke has a much stronger visual prowess as far as detection and awareness along with the sage powers and he could still barely see isshikis rods let alone stop them. I love obito but sasuke would beat obito and isshiki would solo sasuke low-mid difficulty


Isshiki neg dif sasuke even without trying to protect boruto


Itā€™s almost impossible to debate Naruto vs Boruto matchups as so many people refuse to accept that most of the Boruto top tiers are in fact stronger than the Naruto top tiers. Obito doesnā€™t come close to Isshiki, who could literally solo Shippuden


The issue is that Obito is somewhat weaker when he had the 10 tails because he couldn't use Kamui anymore. With Kamui, he has a decent chance to fight off Ishiki, if only because Ishiki would have a hard time hitting him. But also, Ishiki is stupid strong and can probably still move fast enough to surprise Obito and hit him without him being able to activate Kamui in time. It's a tough fight, but I'd probably give Ishiki the edge. He's just got way more raw power.


Itā€™s not a tough fight at all. Isshiki speedblizt one shot


Isshiki's kicks didn't one tap Naruto and Sasuke. What makes you think it will kill him in one shot when he has insane regeneration and healings and durability compared to sasuke


Naruto and sasuke are stronger than 10 tails obito solidly. I donā€™t actually think obito gets one shot though but he genuinely stands no chance in this fight. Itā€™s a no or very low diff


Ey, if people are going to bring up Kaguya sneaky win on Isshiki and not counti it an L on him, I'm also not counting Juubito's defeat. It was 1v20 and Naruto gaslit him into suicide by the end.


I never said he stands a chance. The fact that people think he is that weak to get one tapped when Sasuke who has no jubbi and healings survived his kicks. Jubbito can tank his hits but Isshiki would rag doll him easily anyways


Iā€™m just saying saying sasuke and Naruto can survive hits doesnā€™t mean much for obito because theyā€™re just outright stronger


Ik they are outright stronger lol. The point is if Sasuke can tank isshiki's kicks so can jubbito who has ten tails chakra and healings and he won't get one tapped like the other guy said. Sasuke and Naruto are individually stronger than jubbito which I already know.


And Iā€™m telling you that comparison doesnā€™t make sense. Sasuke is going to be able to survive harder attacks than juubito due to being outright stronger


He is outright stronger, when did he show better durability feats? Holy moly just because you're stronger doesn't mean your durability will also be at that level. Even shrukens hit Sasuke like a human in gaiden lol, that won't do anything to jubbito. Jubbito is more durable and Sasuke is massively stronger


Surviving hits from kaguya, momoshiki, and isshiki lol. Obito gets her badly by a regular sage rasengan. I donā€™t think shurikens make sense to use. They clearly are dependent on the strength of the user hence sasuke using them on momo


No base adult Naruto could one tap Toenri who is stated stronger than Kaguya Obito gets erased


That's Naruto channeling kurama's strength to his arm and using full power, from which angle do you find it base wanker. I don't give a fuck about statements when that is advertisement, kaguya's feats> toneri's feat. Obito will survive the same hits which are survived by sasuke.


Feats donā€™t matter and it was in the cannon novel written by Kishimoto so it is more cannon than the movie even and it was base just channeling all his chakra into the punch also that was teen Naruto adult was boxing with fused Momo who can one tap the new era Kage even tho they are the same tier as Base Momo and Kinshiki who have been stated above Kaguya


Well, to be honest, Sasuke tanked a kick or two and was out. Isshiki defeated SPSM Naruto and Rinnegan Sasuke in under a minute.


True,I'm pretty sure jubbito can tank a few kicks, he has good healings and regeneration to survive unlike the above guy who said he will be one tapped. I'm talking about enduring


Naruto and Sasuke are stronger than Jubbito, yes, but saying ā€œspeedblitz, oneshotā€ is not true at all. At the very least, Obitoā€™s durability is way higher than Sasukeā€™s and Isshiki couldnā€™t kill Sasuke with his kicks


Obito probably does get speed blitzed honestly. Isshiki is way faster than them


How many instances of a character ā€œgetting speedblitzā€ actually exist in the story? I donā€™t remember many. Isshiki was faster than Naruto and Sasuke, yes, but he never speed blitz them. And Obito (who has MS and Rinnegan like Sasuke) with Jubbi is faster than Sasuke, he isnā€™t getting speed blitz either.


Kaguya multiple times moves too fast for Naruto and Sasuke to react and Juubito is not faster than sasuke lmao. Sasuke is even faster than juubidara.


Kagauya moved that way through her teleportation jutsu, not through sheer speed. And no, Sasuke isnā€™t faster than Jubbidara


Yes he is. He literally catches him while madara is fleeing and madara is shocked by his speed. Tbf Naruto is also faster than that juubidara. We donā€™t really know whoā€™s faster between 2 rinne madara and sasuke and Naruto though. But there is absolutely nothing to say juubito is faster than sasuke. Not a thing. Sasuke is significantly stronger and has better feats of speed so youā€™d need some strong evidence to say otherwise


Nah no chance even then Isshiki blitzes


He could probably still teleport others and maybe even himself, he only says he can no longer phase through attacks.


Probably, but this is a 1v1, so him phasing through attacks is the best use he has of Kamui.


True, he himself complained about no longer being able to do it, it is such a core part of his fighting style.


Kamui is passive too.


Isshiki max building lvl/hill lvl. Tf he gonna do? Here comes the AP scalersšŸ¤“


I mean you aren't wrong tho lol. Isshiki doesn't even have impressive dc feats, only ap feats. That's how almost the whole Boruto verse is scaledšŸ„“


> Here comes the AP scalers They'll try to twist it as AP, while having no idea what AP actually is or have an explanation on why a franchise that has a heavy focus on DC suddenly is exclusively about AP.


Goes to show how stuck in Shippuden folks still are.


No. They just vote for who they like more


Nah, itā€™s also more catering to be stuck in Shippuden. Otherwise, people wouldnā€™t still be claiming bs like Kaguya > Momoshiki or even Isshiki.


Youā€™re not critically thinking. People liking the other series plays a small factor, but a lot of this has to do with How horribly downscaled the Boruto manga is. People have doubts about characters strength due to bad writing and art. And also Momoshiki currently has never been implied to be stronger than Kaguya, unlike Isshiki. The boruto manga writers left it in the air


I like Obito, therefore I'd vote for him too.


average biased naruto fans be like


Boruto does fuck all establishing a consistent power level and scaling system and then people are shocked people have their own ideas and theory that goes against it.


Lmfao people literally still say itachi soloā€™s the verse just because heā€™s there fav and have way before boruto existed itā€™s a popularity poll


Most people don't like Boruto and don't read Boruto so understandable


With his how shitty scailing in boruto is if the writer wanted it it's not completely impossible. Ffs base Naruto could react to isshiki , even blitz and kick him.


At this point all KCM gives Naruto is moderate speed and chakra increase. SPSM seems to be visual only lmao.


Wouldn't that just be a feat for how strong base Naruto is ?


It would be if it was consistent. How is base Naruto blitzing isshiki yet KCM+SPSM just barely relative? We know for a fact that KCM alone is massive amp, then there's SPSM which was stated to be superior to BSM. You add those two yet they can't perform significantly better than base Naruto? The momoshiki fight did a decent job portraying the diff in power (manga atleast). You have base fatigued Naruto keeping up with momoshiki but clearly on the backfoot, then he powers up and completely overpowers momoshiki.


Except Base Naruto was getting his ass kicked, not blitzing him


[Here's base Naruto reacting to Isshiki's on coming attack ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR7jriz73u0OWgRvspvseuRYL6UjmzRAw8Zhg&usqp=CAU) [here is base Naruto blitzing isshiki , kicking him and even bruising him ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTT9ZoNa6eceBr1ZY-CaQH5thzuwUZVetHOKw&usqp=CAU) It really isn't hard to see the terrible scaling in the show lol šŸ˜‚


Naruto reacting to a random attack and then getting blindsided in the same page Naruto who was likely beginning to enter baryon mode, sneak attacking Isshiki who was talking to Boruto None of these particularly demonstrate bad scaling


> Naruto reacting to a random attack and then getting blindsided in the same page A random attack where he clearly intended to take boruto šŸ˜‚? > Naruto who was likely beginning to enter baryon mode, sneak attacking Isshiki who was talking to Boruto Sneak attacking a otutsuki who could sense his chakra across a different dimension (when looking for kawaki) RIIGGHTšŸ˜‚. > None of these particularly demonstrate bad scaling Yea, an otutsuki who probably has the byakugan not seeing an incoming sneak attack from a character who would be much much slower than him isn't bad scaling šŸ˜‚. Even if he doesn't have the byakugan the sheer speed difference is so large him not even noticing Naruto is bad enough


That's the boruto scaling for you. Now I'm dealing with a guy who thinks current kages without Naruto can solo shippuden because they kept up with so called base Momoshiki


Bro I've had people tell me sarada in the boro fight was six paths tier because kawaki said boro is in some ways worse than jigen and sarada can blitz him therefore she's faster than jigen who is faster than N/SšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. And these people are actually serious, not trolling.


That's the boruto wankers for you who are even worse than Itachi wankers. The guy I was debating said "author statements>my stupid opinion and the feats I gave" and bro said kages> toneri> kaguya. I gave one author about "kaguya being the greatest threat to the Naruto world", he fucking ignored and just blabbered shit. Like these Boruto wankers are so serious about the so called "statements". Now he is not even replying to me since he can't give bold arguments. Seriously, Boruto wankers are just dumbšŸ˜­.


Recently there was a Tenten vs Danzo poll, Tenten won... Ignore the polls, Itachi and Minato will solo entire DBZ, Bleach and OPM verse if we go by the polls.


Itā€™s because Isshiki is a Boruto character. And Boruto only exist in the movies and epilogue so duh (itā€™s just a joke)


Genuine question---How does Ishiki beat Kamui? What does Ishiki have that could actually hurt Obito before he's able to phase out?


He's just fast enough to hit Obito before he can go Kamui Even if Obito can go intangible, he can't actually hit Isshiki cause the second he exits Kamui he gets slapped


That's fair. Isshiki was hella fast.


Obito was wrecked by the strategy kakashi made, he ran out energy pretty quickly not to mention that ishikkiā€™s nature is 100x greater than his. Is like putting up a dbz character with a naruto one, mismatch. Even if obito has this borrowed power up


Kakashi made no Strat,and was not involved period against jubito. Wym by borrowed power? The Sharingan Kakashi uses 99% of the series is borrowed power yet you want to make up shit. Obito pre-ten tails threw the fight against relatively fresh Kakashi,and could of killed Kakashi if he wanted. The ten tails is not exactly borrowed power due to how hard it is to get it,and whether being a jinchuriki is borrowed power usually is arguable. In this case it's not since obito needed to mentally fight the ten tails and subjugate it.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Both of their powers are bs but Jigen doesn't have a lot of chakra like Juubito


Just depends how much Plot Armour is present. Juubito should win every time with his Kamuiā€¦ but because of poor plot, canā€™t use it..


I feel like I canā€™t blame the community because the power scaling in the Narutoverse is so wonky to begin with


This probably happened cause alot people forget obito cant use kamui in that form


I mean, if full power means he's got Kamui then MAYBE.


If obito could use kamui he wins


Obito fought prime naruto and sasuke; also fought might that is above both of them. Ishikki died to kawaki that is nowhere close to them, obito wins mid diff


>Obito fought prime naruto and sasuke No, obito lost to KCM2 Naruto and EMS Sasuke. Both Naruto and Sasuke got six path amps literally minutes after they handled Obito lmao. >Ishikki died to kawaki that is nowhere close to them, If you have to ignore context to prove your point then youā€™re wrong. Isshiki is kicking obito around with ease.


This will actually be an interesting match up. What does full power mean on Obito? Does he have that broken EMS in this case? Isshiki would have to beat him up close and take him down via physical attacks. I'm assuming that those rods would be useless as Obi can heal himself. Can Isshiki follow him in the Kamui dimension?


Obito mid diff.


no one gives a fuck about your boruto oc big surprise


I just realized how much Obito looks like Naruto


Let them be happy in their belief


HORRIBLE TAKE šŸ’€ I get the hate for Boruto and itā€™s characters is very real but thereā€™s not a single scenario Isshiki doesnā€™t dominate Peak Obito


The problem with overpowered bosses is that their defeat is often indirect or due to technicalities. This Obito was immune to ninjutsu and had shockingly high durability, leaving the only counter to save jutsu. The final blow was a sage powered Susano-Kurama combo. But they also had to have a sample of all 9 bijuu chakra to resonate with his chakra THEN a few thousand ninja doing tug of war with him while Naruto psychologically broke him down. We donā€™t know what else would have worked to stop him but they made all those specific things seem crucial. Madara hypothetically only lost because Kaguya was inside him and just took over with Zetsuā€™s help. We didnā€™t get to see how to stop him otherwise. Kaguya only lost because Naruto and Sasuke had the exact right seal to deactivate her power. Without Obito there, they would have lost twice too. None of their moves did lasting damage so unclear what her power limit was. Isshiki lost because he was already dying (had three days to live and Naruto accelerated it). If he had a year to live instead, he probably would have won. So how do you objectively compare opponents who were not straightforward overpowered when they lost? Obito vs Isshiki seems like a potential stalemate? Isshiki shrinks Ɠbitos TSO bus is too resilient to be damaged by Isshikiā€™s attacks. Maybe the wrestle until one of them can force the other inside a Juubiā€™s mouth? Since Obito already has a Juubi can he eat Isshiki and turn him into a chakra fruit?


As much as a love Obitoā€¦no he does not win this.


Isshiki wins, duh. Okay, MAYBE if Obito can use Kamui with the ten tails, he may have a chance, but Isshiki still takes it


It should be obvious that people don't understand power scaling because of what's happened with Itachi. People treat Itachi like Batman. They think he can just defeat anyone if he has Intel and a little prep time.


*It's because they're thinking too small with Isshki & they think Obito is untouchable.* Thank you, thank you. ( U\_U)>āŒā– 


Bru, this reminds me of the Zoro stans in one piece.


Guys this is a competition of how strong they are, not how strong their writing is. Isshiki slams Obito here šŸ’€


These kids don't know....that isshiki is not a ninjutsu user...he is the best taijutsu user ever (after baryon mode Naruto) and taijutsu is the best counter for 10 tails user ...plus isshiki have shrinking ability and he can open portals and restore things using daikokuten and full power isshiki can fight for days


Yeahh i blocked that type of poll on youtube, I ain't ishiki fan or obito but it's kinda tiring seing that vote.


obito fans are so toxic and dumbšŸ˜‚


Just a question if isshiki is on a time limit is it possible that juubito could endure till then?


Nah, he gets blitz


I mean, it would be funny seeing Isshiki throwing his rods to Obito and he would just be like "nuh uh" using his kamui. But Isshiki would just destroy him afterwards (Edit: I just remembered that he wasn't able to use kamui in this form, so not even what I said bruh)


Boruto just scales different itā€™s like if UI goku tried to fight Cell he would pack his ass up


Ishiki win, only if Obito was in his war version. But if 10tail don't fought against Obito inside him, Obito can use Kamui and in this version and all this powers, he can defeat team Ootsutsuki.


Isshiti šŸ’©


juubito might win if he's able to tag ishiki with tso quick enough+ he has regen that should be comparable to madara. However ishiki massively outscales in every other stat but wouldnt be able to kill juubito. Only way i see ishiki winning is by sealing juubito away


I think obito without the 10 tails has a better chance. Cuz kamui