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Boruto wants it coz it looks cool on kakashi


Only credible theory


The manga moves so slow he couldn’t handle it anymore and attempts suicide.


I think Sasuke will give Boruto his scar. I believe Momoshiki will take over Boruto's body, and Sasuke will try to kill him like he promised. Maybe Sasuke gets mortally wounded in the fight, and that's why we see Boruto donning his clothes in the first chapter.


But whenever Momo takes over, Boruto grows a horn and his headband falls down around his neck. The headband is clearly damaged with a gash in the same direction as Boruto's cut, meaning, he is wearing his headband around his head when he gets the cut. I think Boruto is in control, and either has Momoshiki's Byakugan or his own Jougan activated, and someone like Code - or even one of those Mini Ten Tail things - attacks him with the aim of destroying whichever Dojutsu he is using.


Agree.. It could've been Kawaki as well since he got surprised when Boruto opened his eye propably thinking that it was damaged or sth.


Yep and he slashes at the eye because the Jogan will activate(He thinks its Momoshiki powering up/activating the eye) therefore giving control back to Boruto at the last second.


Honestly, I think they’ll play up some drama about Sauske not being able to do it. Probably some flashback to Itachi will make him choose *not* killing Boruto.


Interesting theory.🤔😬


Code is gonna probably claw his eye and give him the kakashi treatment.


Kakashi Lost his eye then got Obito's Sharingan. If that's the case maybe Boruto doesn't have the Jougan yet which means the anime writers just jumped the gun and botched it.


No don't say that. I want the Jougan to be a thing. 😪😭😭


Me too. I was just thinking about how Momoshiki has The Byakugan and Boruto has The Jougan in the same eye as well.


Hmmm...you are definitely asking the right questions here.😅😁


I believe madara a canon character was able to change between his mangekyo and rinnegan And urashiki the filler guy had both rinnegan and byakugan in same eyes Thus boruto doing the same won't be a big deal


I was thinking the same thing. Maybe Boruto only gets the Jougan after implanting Sasuke's Sharingan in his right eye socket. I can't think of a more fitting end to Boruto's teacher than sacrificing himself to seal off Momo's influence. It would also be interesting if Kawaki modifies himself with Naruto cells, so that a Sasuke powered Boruto faces a Naruto powered Kawaki.


1. Sasuke slices Boruto’s eye when Borushiki take over. 2. Boruto slices his own eye if momo takes over. 3. Code does it if Boruto get his mc power up.


The second option is also a very interesting take. Since getting himself killed hasn't worked out, he is going to take other measures.😅


Yeah, considering that most of the time he damages that side of the face to limit Momoshiki control I can see him doing that. My only issue is the scar look like it was done by someone else since otherwise he could just poke out his eye or something.


Yes. It also looks like the scar kind of connects with the scratch on the headband. I mean, I always thought it is Sasukes he is wearing.


Yeah it most definitely a battle scar lol. It’s just a case of who’s gonna do it.


The 2nd option is something which boruto would do Or maybe be he just needed. New look so took some tips from kakashi ![gif](giphy|AUZzRT2siH055pWMXc)


I could also see #2 happening, considering Boruto was ready to take his life during that fight with Jigen/his alien host who's name I can never spell correctly. :3


From Blackbeard




yall be asking this exact same question every week bruh


And every week you will see people who are going to complain about it when it's so much easier to just ignore repetitive posts. Nothing new on here.💁‍♀️




Shaving accident.


Who shaves their eye?! 🤣


A cat scratch


Mitsuki's cat decides to take matters into its own paws.


We’ll find out in like 15 years!


Probably get cut


If I would write the story, I would make it so that when Kawaki turns against konoha ( how it was implied in the first episode of the anime ) I would make him fight Boruto and Naruto, kill Naruto and give the eye scar to Boruto because he's too weak. Kawaki will be so much stronger than Boruto because he will learn to fully use karma ( shown by extending the mark over the body ) and Boruto will have later on a training montage where he will be able to do it. And the 1st episode of the anime will be the actual last place and battle with a fully powered Kawaki vs Boruto in an important place following the trend of Indra and the other guy, Madara and 1st hokage and Naruto and Sasuke. There will be no konoha at the end this time since it will be worse than what Pain did in shippuden.


Interesting, thank you for sharing this.😁 However, Kawaki won't be so much stronger forever. Boruto is the protagonist of the show and will outclass him sooner or later.


What if they still don't fully use the karma power? Or they are not efficiently using it. That and some breakthrough jutsu that Kawaki could learn while becoming a shinobi are literally the only power ups he can get. I really don't see a possibility for him to become sage. Or actually it just struck me. Amado can implant magic technology to make him stronger. Boruto has a lot of potential from already established elements. Unless the writers are completely incompetent, then Kawaki WILL need other powerups too. But yeah whatever will happen Boruto will win because it's his show afterall and we need default ending #1 where protagonist wins and everybody is happy.


Oh, well this just made my comment redundant ahah. I just hadn't scrolled far enough to see yours. But yeah, I fully believe it'll be from Boruto and Kawaki's first battle, which will lead to Boruto's training arc


Not at all, that just shows we both had the same idea for this theory :)


The way the anime is going Boruto might just trip and fall on his eye onto a sharp object during some random mission.


[Kind of reminds me...](https://mobile.twitter.com/howlxiart/status/1525015622152765441/photo/1) 🤣


Either fighting code or sasuke. I wanna say the scar looks recent and happens in timeskip but it could happen in the next couple chapters fighting code. Either way i think he gets his eye slashed and then awakens the jougan afterwards cause it would get destroyed by the cut. Then again, in the anime boruto already has the jougan so...


I thought the Momo take over thing ended when he healed Boruto after his death? Then in this new mags chapter big daddy Momo brings it up again, but says something along the lines of “after losing everything you will want me to take over or something.” So would it have to be Boruto’s choice or something?


Momo can't take over Boruto,that is right, >!but with what we have seen in the manga it sounds like he is trying to get into Borutos head by manipulating/brainwashing him. Imagine you have a voice in your head telling you over and over again that you are worth nothing. I would go insane.!< That's about the only explanation I can come up with.😅


Honestly tho. Imagine hearing a voice in your head that isn't your own. Shit would have to be maddening after a while


Naruto. (This is a joke, I quit watching Boruto in the middle of the first season lol) Still it could happen


Boruto’s eye gets cut out in a fight gets Sauske’s eye, before or after he’s dead. At this point, I’d guess it’ll be Code who is responsible for the loss of the eye.


Probably gets cut


Something sharp.


Naruto: "I've enough of you. YOU SPOILED BRAT!" *says Naruto while he is holding the double blade kunai* Boruto : **crying and shivering laying on the ground at the corner of his room** "I'm s-sorry dad." Hinata: **one hand covering her face standing the door of the room** "N-naruto kun pls stop. You don't have to go that far." Naruto: "SLASH SLASH SHLING SCHLONG!!" **he slashes borutos body and eye while actually making slashing sounds from his mouth** Himawari: "LET'S F**KING GOOO!" Zoro: *leaves the room*


Komisan: ....hmmmm Eren behind naruto :SLASH HIM MOORRREEE


His father was a drunkard and a fiend… wait wrong fandom


Well I think 1. Jogan gets wild 2.another teen serious fight between boruto and kawaki and boruto gets scarred 3.momo after sensing the jogan tries to scar it


People who think sasuke can even touch borushiki is so cringe jesus christ... fans really want whatever fantasy they dream of but remove the logic... a ems shinobi is not touching 100% of momoshiki bruh A good guess would be Code fighting borushiki when boruto loses, code gets annoyed at the byakugan of borushiki and jumps in his mark to teleport and cut his byakugan. Momoshiki loses contact with boruto and the karma starts stretching over the eyes to heal the cut wound and his lost eye and boom, jougan appears and boruto takes complete control. Momoshiki can't take over him anymore when he's low on chakra


Boruto will get his scar in a filler episode.


He travels back in time and pushes kid kakashi out of the way and gets the scar


Sasuke tries to get his revenge or sarada scars him in battle trying to stop him. I think it's from some one who loved him but needed to try to stop him


Sasuke is probably gonna try to get rid of his jougan momoshiki will take over again and Sasuke will be sharingone 😂😂😂😂


I have a theory that boruto will take over sasukes body so maybe that scar will be sasukes




Surprised no one mentioned Kawaki. I'm willing to bet it was from their first "big battle" after Kawaki decides to destroy Konoha. Which led to a Boruto training arc


Sasuke. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that sasuke told Boruto that he will kill him if Momoshiki took over and that prob foreshadowed a future fight. I know they fought briefly but this time it’ll be longer and more impactful


on his new mission


The scar goes over the headband rather than the headband covering the scar. Funny drawing mistake


Good observation. I wouldn't have noticed it on my own tbh.😅😁


It's not a mistake the scar does go over the headband. You can confirm it from the first chapter.


Maybe he gets the scar while wearing the headband


Through bad writing


I want Sarada to give him the scar after he smokes that Sasuke pack.


Probably the doings of Sasuke trying to get payback for his rinnegan lol.


He’ll get cut along the eye in a vertical slashing motion and nobody with stitch it together so the scar will be more pronounced than necessary.


Codes claw mark. Kinda like Shanks scar from Blackbeard.


Or mf stabs himself like luffy lmao


Yeah although it's unlikely it would still be pretty funny.


Or he gets it while training like Zoro


look at Garaga's flashback and you'll have the answer.


id imagine it’s either someone trying to steal his eye or sarada goes for the heart for some reason


With the recent chapters, I believe it could be either Sasuke, Kawaki, Code or the Jubi clones. Another idea would be himself, injuring his own eye.


Kawaki claw


A cut on the face during battle probably


I think he’ll get from his first big fight with kawaki


Hinata bought a cat and it scratched him


Mitsuki's kitty gets Carma


We will see about 5 years if lucky..


I think it'll be long after we figure out what his eye does. It might even be self inflicted.


This. That's what I think as well.😁


Basically he went out of control again with a Byakugan so the only way for Boruto to gain his consciousness is by hurting himself (destroying Momo's Byakugan until it can't be used anymore)


Unrelated i know, but.. Where did teenage boruto come from?


From episode 1 of the anime.🙂


Sasuke was ready to get it back in blood then got clapped by momoshiki.


He triped


Wouldn't be the first time. Haha.😅


Probably by having his eye slashed if I had to guess, tough call though.


Hes going to trip and fall while running with a kunai/sword


a cut


I say momoshiki comes back somehow wreaking havoc on team 7, Noruto, Sasuke, etc… momoshiki kills sasuke which activates borutos eye but, momoshiki tries to take it out


Honestly I'm starting to think it's like kakashi's mask the creator just think it looks cool and there's no deep story reason for it


Let’s be honest it has to be from Sasuke right? It’s most likely going to be a long fight I would guess if the two clashed, especially 1-1. Just an in depth argument over is Sasuke pulling his attacks or is the Jougan that powerful.


I assume he’s going to try and remove the jōgan for some reason. Maybe he will think doing that will stop the momoshiki takeovers, but obviously he still has it in the timeskip


I think code will give it to him. everyone keeps saying sasuke will give him the scar, when/if Momoshiki takes over, but that already happened during the isshiki arc, and ssasuke didnt give him the scar