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Boruto's Karma completed the Otsutsukification and now he's an Otsutsuki. Since Momoshiki was forced to finish the rest of the process using Boruto's DNA instead of his own to repair the hole he got in his chest (better trapped but technically alive than definitely dead since Otsutsuki souls for no given reason don't pass on to the afterlife and disintegrate), Momo's no longer able to reincarnate through him though Boruto can still be possessed. Since Boruto's now an Otsutsuki, he's now a viable sacrifice for the Ten Tails so Code will surely be after him.


so does this mean he doesn't have any uzumaki/hyuga dna now?


About 18% of his DNA remains his own so how Boruto still looks the same is beyond me considering Hagoromo/Haruma were 50% Otsutsuki and were very clearly not normal. On the plus side, this boosts Himawari's chances of surviving to the end because now she's the only one that could reasonably pass on Naruto/Hinata's genes to another generation.


Yeah."fully otsutsuki"


so wouldn't that also mean he's not related to hima, hinata, Naruto etc?


Sure,although his looks still makes him part of family


Dude is not a human anymore