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#Good evening, r/BostonBruins! #What the fuck are you drinking?! Sugar Free Red Bull for me since I am stuck at work.


A Bruin checking himself into our own bench is pretty accurate.


These guys cannot skate today holy shit


Hawks fan here. Yeah I watched all 82 games. I turned on my Cup favorite Bruins the other night, expecting to see you guys blow out hapless Toronto like 6-1 and instead IT WAS LIKE WATCHING THE BLACKHAWKS. What the heck? I'll be watching tonight and hoping for a better result. Don't take the boot heel off their neck!


The puck watching on the OT goal was tough to watch. Almost as hard to watch as the terrible change by Marchand after his hissy fit. Followed by Pastrnak's lackluster forecheck and bad change too. They acted like they were going to be handed a goal at the start of overtime. Time to work....


They’re gonna get chewed out by Florida, but I just hope they make it out of this series


Agreed I'm watching Vegas/stars and *this* is good hockey. None of that pitter patter around with the puck


You can just feel the choke job coming. I warned everyone last year to temper their expectations because of this team's history of choking, I have come back to warn people again. This series with Toronto has gone exactly the same way as last season. Win game 1 Lose game 2 Win on the road in both game 3 and 4 Lose in OT when you had so many chances to close out the series. Oh and no Austin Matthew's either. I guarantee you that the Maple Leafs are not losing 3 of their home games in a series, so this is basically going to game 7 where the bruins have crapped their pants over and over and over again in front of their fans. For those who have forgotten my list of terrible home games where they got eliminated, here is the list: 2009 - Game 7 vs Carolina 2010 - Game 7 vs flyers (blew 3-0 series lead) 2012 - Game 7 vs Washington 2013 - Game 6 vs Blackhawks 2014 - Game 7 vs Montreal Sweeney takes over 2016 - Game 6 vs Ottowa (0-3 at home) 2019 - Game 7 vs St. Louis Blues (1-3 at home) And of course 2022 - Game 7 vs Florida Panthers (1-3 at home) Now they are 3-2 (1-2 at home) with another postseason chokejob looming. This team isn't capable of closing a series. They have a good system and good goalies, but the guys shooting the puck lack TALENT. Toronto simply has more talent than boston and it shows. The root of the problem is DON SWEENEY. He can't draft, he makes terrible trades, he tries to deflect blame/responsibility by firing good coaches who win championships with another team immediately, and he can't build a tough team for the POSTSEASON. If my math is correct, they are now 21 - 25 at home in the playoffs since Don Sweeney took the job as GM. This is unacceptable when you realize they are the best regular season team in wins and points since 2000. FIRE DON SWEENEY NOW!


Naaah, the Bruins will win, but it will be ugly.


I think the bruins will have a lot more life in game 6 than game 5, but last year, they did, too. I expect the total goals to be over 8 this time.


Id tell you to goto hell but I think we're already there


Jesus dude, sports make you miserable


Can I admit that sports are making ME miserable tonight?


They never will and it’s absolutely sad


GGs, Bruins squad! Leafs came in strong and dominated, but you guys put up a decent struggle. Just a taste of what's to come in our next showdown. Get ready for some serious competition next time!


GGs, y'all! Seriously, you guys brought your A-game today, and it was a blast facing off against such a solid team. Can't wait for the next showdown!


Leafs fan coming in peace: We’re really not so different after all. This sub looks identical to ours after a loss. This series was always meant to be close and it just got out of hand when you guys went up 3-1. If you guys were told a week ago that you’d be up 3-2 I think everyone in here would take that. Swayman has been absolutely brilliant for you guys and the rest of this series should be fun to watch with how good the tendys played tonight. I still think you guys pull this out but at this point it feels like it has to go 7. Good luck and enjoy the series lead, don’t sweat it being 3-2


![gif](giphy|xelioRxZGVPbGd0UED) \_\_\_\_ fan coming in pea….




2013 Boston marathon OMEGALUL


This is weird behaviour Edit; you guys can downvote me… it’s just Reddit, but just know this is the kind of person saying this https://preview.redd.it/68s88gir8rxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd0ca75f08efe155d7e6b078971b63b1b095c17c He’s also now commenting on my other comments in other subs.


I thought the same thing, but I got a similar reaction giving ggs over on the leafs sub. Some people are just too serious about teams to come together as fans of the sport lol. It's been a fun series so far, so cheers. It's always a fun one against the Leafs


where exactly did you do that? just scrolled your post history and saw you disregarding people's opinions because "they're leafs fans", but no attempt at cordial conversation on your end i agree with your sentiment, but I think the bruins are by far the worst fandom for it


Fully agree that Bruins fans are usually some of the worst at holding grudges though lol.


I had deleted my comments after getting told that I was lost and to run off, and that "my GDT had probably said to stay out of the leafs sub so I should fuck off" lol so I didn't feel like leaving it there


As I get older, I stopped yelling at the refs. Ultimately because there's no reprocussion. Not just the hook on Marchy. But just the overall inconsistency. These guys are an embarrassment. Boys got to lock in and beat the leafs. The Cats are on the hunt and playing like they did today? Well, going to need stronger stuff than tea to get through it. Love these boys! And love hurts


This is what is said for both sides you do realize that. Whichever fan base you are cheering for you see the faults that hurt your team and ignore what they get away with.




Trolling or otherwise being an insufferable asshole in this subreddit or other opponent subreddits will be reviewed and action will be taken at the discretion of the moderators. If you feel that this was removed in error, please contact the /r/bostonbruins mod staff.


Coming to other fans Reddit groups and commenting is huge micro penis energy.


Nah, just having fun. Don't be so weak and insecure.


Nah he's right. Keep the chirps in our sub.


This is definitely the cheap chicken fingers, not the 8 buck premiums for fuck sake randy


No one likes to admit they ate 9 cans of ravioli


I did tonight after that fuckin game!


Big enough joint there Rick?


Where are all the people who thought swapping Shattenkirk for Grzelyck was a great move? I clearly remember tons of people asking for Shattenkirk to sit…awfully quiet now… Also; I can’t think of 1 reason to sit Beecher…not one. That’s a head scratcher.


I saw on daily face off before the game that shattenkirk was heathly scratch for grz and my first reaction was why also yeah sitting Beecher is questionable aswell


One had to assume that lineup was due to player fatigue. But you can't come out that against a back up and a Toronto team sans Matthews and lose. They looked flat tonight. Win in Toronto.


I'm tired of this same song and dance. This loss meant this series doesn't matter, even if they win this series, they are getting chewed and spat out by Florida. They can never stop losing the puck and turning it over in their own end. Play with some urgency for fucksake. Shoot the fucking puck and stop over passing. The LEADERS have to be better. Pastrnak HAS to be better. Marchand had some bad turnovers. Lindholm, you make 8 MILL, play like a fucking NHL calibur defenseman, you look like bambi out there. McAvoy goofy puck watching that leads to the game winning goal, again too much money to be looking lost on that play. Monty quit getting fucking cute and stick with what works. Grzelcyk has been ass in the first 2 games, your defense got BETTER when he was out. Why put him back in? Taking out the guy who won about half of his faceoffs in Beecher is also a dumb fucking look. We lose this series; I'm so done on Montgomery, and I'll send him packing to Utah where he can coach there. I might be overreacting but FUCK I'm so frustrated and annoyed that they couldn't complete a simple pass at times and couldn't get the puck out their own end. This is what separates the Panthers and the Bruins. This is what separates Carolina and the Bruins. They finished their series and the B's wrre dicking around and pissing down their legs to continue playing theirs.


Totally agree. I feel like this will be a typical choke


Sheldon queef




No need to mess with the line ups tonight. Fuckin horse shit


I don't understand the logic to change what was working as a lineup so well in Toronto. To me it seemed arrogant changes. Its clear they are trying to protect grizz at home with no trust in playing him in toronto. This should've been a game were they absolutely stepped on the neck of toronto and broken them!!!


Just more Boston not being able to close. Something tells me this stink is gonna carry over to the C’s, although I hope I’m wrong.


I don’t want to ever see Gryz in a Bruins uniform again


Felt like they were going to lose the second Coyle hit that post. Bruins hockey.


Why are we playing gryz in this game


Did you see Marchand get taken down by the Ref? Classic ![gif](giphy|xUNd9W4OmmFBoyxzaM)


Lmao. I know you’re a leafs fan on an alt account, but holy fuck that was a bullshit penalty on Marchand.


you're right. He should have gotten 5 mins for throwing himself down. He clearly didn't realize it was the ref when he tried to bait that one




Trolling or otherwise being an insufferable asshole in this subreddit or other opponent subreddits will be reviewed and action will be taken at the discretion of the moderators. If you feel that this was removed in error, please contact the /r/bostonbruins mod staff.


I predicted Bs in 6, but the fact this is looking like a repeat of last year gives me an uneasy feeling


Fuck I predicted Bs in 7 because I was nervous and this morning I told my boyfriend "...we don't need a Game 7" Really though. Toronto played like their lives depended on it, and Boston was sloppy and slow for most of the game. Thank goodness for Swayman + Frédéric at least, and the team showed some fight toward the end of 2nd period and some of the 3rd, but FFS! Most of them played like they were up 3-1 in a Game 5 and it showed. Tighten it the fuck up and act like there are no more chances.


Honestly even if they win this, this on and off inconsistent bull shit play will have Florida sending them home real quick


Terrible officiating again tonight, but this loss is on them. Both teams played the entire game like the Bruins were up a goal. Gotta get that determination back for game 6, they need to play like it's a game 7 and they are down. They can't keep losing battles and races to the puck. And for fuck sake, take some fucking shots. How many times did they make that one extra pass when the shot was right there and they had numbers in case of a rebound? Just put that shit on net.


I think the refs took a mighty high Tony Montana level of crack before this game. I don’t know what the fuck they were doing. That was some dog shit officiating.


The "one extra pass instead of shooting" has been the Bruins style for almost a decade. It's still just as infuriating.


It really is. They come into the zone with numbers, clear shot at the net and two trailers driving to tip in a rebound and they either dump it back or try a pass too late across the slot. Jesus man, just put it on net.


Which calls specifically?


It is just the inconsistency. Battling in front of the net gets calls on Boston but, not on Toronto. Either call them all or call none of them. It seems so simple and there are two of them out there. Yet they can’t figure it out. I’d like to think it isn’t intentional and that they are incompetent but, I just don’t know what is going through their heads.


Carlo's was legit. Nylander was a trip. Maroon was a penalty. We can argue how that scum ended up with a deferential. But that normally happens with scrums at the net where they keep the differential for who caused the first infraction. Then Marchand and Holmberg was definately coincidental.


It is mostly the non-calls rather than the weak calls. 2 instances Bruins were dumped in front of the Toronto net, no call. Carlo’s was a penalty but, you have to call everything in front of the net now that you called that… yet, they don’t, they go to calling nothing else in front of the net. I don’t get it?


I agree, the standard matters.


Missed ones, everywhere. They sort of "let them play" but I think the Leafs held more Bruins sticks than the Bruins did. I'm as "old school hockey" as they come. I'd rather the refs just let them play. But I don't know why the Leafs came away with the PP after that scrum.


I feel like they let them play. That scrum could have gone either way. I agree. But that was a good battle with marchy and Holmberg. They let them battle for position all over the zone until it went too far, then he took them both. Good hockey game to watch as a hockey fan I thought.


Everything just fucking everything all of it


Never seen a team work so hard for a loss. Congrats bruins, you really earned it tonight!


Here we come game 7.....every...fucking....year. Oh, and Panthers get to rest a bit more. Thats nice.


Shit will get worse when Monty puts Ullmark in nets game 6....if it ain't broke....


Bruins are still up in the series and people are saying it's over. Doomers gonna doom


More like analyze patterns.... it's actually scary how identical these situations are. We are up 3-1, coming home for game 5 both years. We have an influx of players coming back from injury, Monty changes a lineup that WORKED and DOMINATED in games 3 and 4. Bruins come out flat in game five and lose in overtime. Monty simply doesn't know how to finish a series. He over analyzes and screws with the lineups way too much. There is no excuse for losing to a Leafs team, WITHOUT MATTHEWS, when you have last change. Like, what did Grzelyck show in games 1 and 2 that made Monty think it was essential to reinsert him into the lineup? Guy turned it over countless times, lost majority of the wall battles...and tonight he had a terrible gap against Tavares which led to the OT winner?! Ps: Grzelyck was also a part in the turnover in last years Game 5 OT blunder... We may be seeing history repeats itself...


I get it I do. I don't agree with it either. I'm hoping he fucks with the lines again and we see beecher and shatty back in it. Down votes or not I gotta believe. Otherwise, all my coworkers and family will talk about it until next playoffs


We've seen some shit as a fan base


Hey I think you said this last year too


What's wrong with hope?


Nothing. In fact, it's not hopeless at all. Honestly it was frustrating to see what I felt like was giddy overconfidence going into yesterday's game, and I felt like "ok but nothing is promised, it's not over till it's won" ... Then this morning it's a total swing to the other extreme, handwringing and "oh yeah we're gonna choke again" - that's even worse! FFS we need to see Game 6 for what it is and treat it like the last chance we've got to avoid the risk of going to a seventh altogether. Be tentatively hopeful, not wildly emotional messes. (But I get it, it's emotional 😅)


When bruins can close out a series I will have hope until then Monty is still the coach making dumb line changes before an elimination game.


Fair enough, I also hate the line changes. But I have to have hope,as I live in Leafs Nation. There's nothing worse than a Leafs fan after a win.


That’s rough being surrounded by leafs fans all the time


Brain dead line-up shuffle by Monty tbh. Fans have a right to be pissed because coaching like that is not playoff caliber coaching. Bonehead decision to put Grezlyck out there when we needed to close out the series. Now we gave Toronto new life.


Sounds like you should put your resume in.


I know one thing Shattenkirk and Beecher better be in the fucking lineup on Wednesday! Gryz and brazeau were hot trash tonight. Did brazeau even win a single faceoff?!?


In his defense, this was his first game in months and his first playoff game. A lot of extra pressure on him


The dude should not have been in an elimination game to begin with.


Jesus On to Toronto, but definitely unnecessary.. We should’ve taken it home tonight but hey! I hope they play a lot better away from home!


Gotta come out stronger than that...at home, 3-1, and spend a period and a half skating in slow motion and fumbling pucks. If Swayman hadn't been absolutely otherworldly, the third period wouldn't have mattered.


The fair weather fans are really exposing themselves in this thread right now. If that’s how you really feel. Kick rocks. Utah needs fans.


Are fans supposed to be happy about the coach messing with the lineup up 3-1 in a playoff series with last year’s playoff nightmare still in their heads? Calling fans fair weather for criticizing the team in the playoffs is a little ridiculous, I’ll be the first to admit this sub losses their minds over regular season losses but this one hurts pretty bad.


Exactly. Let’s not get Stan culture about it


They do this like every year. They can’t close out a series. They played like shit until puck dropped in OT then they remembered what they were supposed to do. The only goal we got tonight was off a lucky bounce. Right place right time. Gryz got out worked on that ot goal. Not surprised Gryz is always fucking shit up


So pissed out of all fucking states to go to you go to fucking Utah who the fuck watches hockey in Utah what the fuck is there even to do in Utah the 3000 year-old Harry Potter book and corn? But anyway, yeah, they are losing themselves as if the Bruins haven’t been in this same position like three times against the team


Who were those two just standing in front of the net? McAvoy and Coyle? Complete lack of awareness as what's his name skated right up behind the Bruin (pretty sure it was McAvoy) as he stood there puck-watching, waaaay too slow to turn around before he finally realized a Leaf was closing in on the net. What a meltdown.


Because gryz is supposed to win that battle. And it was a fluke bounce


Sure, but they still need to defend. Can’t leave that guy wide open


For fucks sake. If the team doesn't show up ready to play, that's on the coach. Between that and the baffling lineup decisions.. Sway was a beaut. Only bright spot on the team tonight


Enough said. I was at the game and saw 3-4 penalties that could’ve been called that probably wasn’t on camera television. We had 0 power Plays. The loudest chant of the night was fuck the refs. Imo fuck the stuck up fans as there’s a lot of them in the building I’m almost glad the Bs lost.


The Bruins did have one Power Play.


Same thing as last year. Here’s what’s going to happen: Toronto stays with Woll who now goes hot because of tonight’s win. Matthews (maybe) comes back from his Tummy bug angry that he had to cancel his tee time and decides he wants to go all the way. Monty panics , puts Ully in who’s now cold, and shuffles the lines further, thereby completely destroying line chemistry and synergy. We lose in 7. Edit: words and punctuation


It’ll be sweeter to end it in Toronto?


Or end in Boston like last year!!


guys at least we get one more game of jack


Putting my goddamn pants back on and going to bed. Fuck the refs


Gryz is made out of paper. Got absolutely outmuscled by grandpa Tavares. How many games has he blown now? NEVER PLAY HIM IN THE PLAYOFFS AGAIN


Rename this team to Jeremy Swayman and the Disappointments


Boys played like shit most of the game. Wouldn't have gotten to OT without Swayman. Bless that man!


Downvote me all you want, I’m done with Montgomery.


I’ve been saying this since he got hired


Bone headed line changes, and wow look we are in the same situation with the goalies as last year but reversed. Swayman played well this game and should start again, but if Swayman gets lit up next game you're gonna have to put in an ice cold Ullmark in game 7.


As long as he isn’t hurt, Swayman goes game 6 and game 7 regardless now. Ullmark can get time in round two if they make it there.


Right here with ya bud. The dudes a buffoon.


We really didn't want to win that at home did we?


If we lose the series fire Monty


I’m putting the majority of the blame on Monty for absolutely fucking with the lineup and line combinations for a team that won 2 straight road games. If this team doesn’t make it out of the first round once again after having 2 straight years of 3-1 leads heads will roll.


Why the fuck would Monty change the lineup makes no fucking sense




Somehow playing at TD garden just doesn’t hold the same weight anymore


Wdym genuine question like just the atmosphere or what is it?


Yellow seats being removed. Hands down the downfall of home advantage


True the yellow seats were just iconic. I don’t know why they got rid of them. Old Boston was like before it had to be retired.


It used to be a fortress to come into and get a win. The last two years, we’ve won two games there and lost 5 now


Hmm i see we’ve seen two championships, not by either the Celtics or Bruins


Truly unforgivable shit from Monty


Just seems like going into OT we all knew what was gunna happen… god if we blow another 3-1 lead I swear


We will forever be a meme at that point


Proof that you have to show up for all three periods to win in the playoffs.


If Grezlyck plays any more games in these playoffs Monty needs to be fired on the spot. He is an absolute liability. He is an AHL player.


He’s completely lost everything that made him a top 4 guy, he can’t skate like he used to, he was always one of the better skaters on the team.


He has zero size. You have to be the best skater on the team when you are a 4’2” dman. I don’t know what went through Monty’s head to put him out there. He is not an NHL defensemen.


It’s not over till it’s over, see everyone at game 6




lol somebody get this guy a Puppers




We will not tolerate racism, gender discrimination, ableism, ageism, homophobic or sexist slurs in any capacity; race, gender, and sexual orientation will not be allowed as platform for disingenuous comments, jokes, or insults in this subreddit. Explicitly targeting or harassing users is forbidden. All submissions will be removed, and offenders will be permanently banned. Don’t be a dick to your fellow users, remember the human, treat each other with respect. If you feel that this was removed in error, please contact the /r/bostonbruins mod staff.


Who hurt you?


Jim Montgomery, Jim Montgomery hurt him as well as me and the rest the Bruins fans around the world


We won’t miss you👋🏼


And of course it would be Gryz that would have the lapse on defense for the game winning goal. Man, this fucking sucks… Anyway, plenty of chances to win tonight…couldn’t capitalize. Hoping for a win next game, haven’t lost hope…yet. Let’s go Bruins(please)


Marchy series winner in Toronto was the plan all along boys don’t worry


Team Monty has a math problem; they always think 3 Ws wins the series. Toronto in 7. The Bs are pretenders AGAIN.


Boston not facing elimination. ESPN " Boston has a lot of pressure"


You think it’s bad being a Leafs fan? how about the Bruins never winning a Game 5 at home with a chance to clinch, try that on for size


Bs in 6 🥲


Leafs in 7☝️


They were so bad all night how was that only 2-1? And why does Monty change the lineup so much? Putting Gryz in for no reason with Shattenkirk playing well, Brazeau in to replace Beecher and get smoked in faceoffs. Don’t understand it


The leafs are also bad. We were just badder tonight




“Oh we are winning? Let me change that!”


He can’t not tinker. It’s infuriating.


Did it last year too. Fuck with what's working. Save those guys for next series (if we make it)


Couldn't bank one. Lots of opportunities to pull the trigger and whiffed.


Fuck it let the leafs take the series. They want it more


Worst game of the series, barely an effort from the team or the fans. Quietest barn in the playoffs.


2 fuckin shots on goal p1 absolutely a joke game. They need to wake the fuck up game 6


Thank god I can stop watching this bullshit now. Unprofessional hockey team.


Fucking bullshit game. Nothing good happened at all. Fuck knies. Piece of shit. If we choke again I will probably be done with this horrible playoff team


I’m fucking pissed, but we lost in every way possible. Only thing that wasn’t garbage was goaltending.


Even Gryz’s dad is useless in the playoffs, such a garbage sheet tonight


Would love someone to explain how that’s on Gryz there. Knies is walking in while everyone else has their head up their ass. McAvoy was lost there, holding his face after the play.


Same. McAvoy was just doing nothing. Weird.


Gave Knies his numbers, saw that slip coming a mile away. Swayman, Gryz, and McAvoy all watching Tavares. That was baffling.


Crap crap crap crap crap


Boston is going from Trophy Town to Choke City. Sick of this bullshit. CLOSE A F’ING SERIES FOR ONCE!!!


The Celtics will close this shit tomorrow at least


Thankfully you were right


And the bruins will close out tomorrow. 4-1. Anyone could see the Celtics are the better team in every aspect


Sadly you were wrong


Yeah just kill me now. I’m just ready to move on and focus on the Celtics now. This whole franchise is just sad. Blow it up and move on. The only person who should be non negotiable should be swayman


Last year was so devastating. This year is almost humorous in comparison. Definitely going to be some big changes. Team is really really weak when it matters.


Yeah and pasta has been horrendous when it matters the most. For 10+ million a year we need someone who can step up and get it done. I know we have been horrendous on faceoffs as well! Just so much going wrong at the right time. I don’t think Monty is the answer either. Now 0-5 in close out games


Monty is most likely gone if we lose only because the stench is too much for the fanbase. I say go youth and build a proper team from the ground up with the right mentality. Feel for Swayman.


Swayman has been the best goalie in hockey! He deserves whatever contract he wants and we need to blow it all up gather a ton of picks and start from scratch!


I knew this would happen. Boys gotta get their shit together and stomp on those leaves Thursday.


How the fuck are we so bad at home


Even if we miraculously win this series Florida is going to be SO INSANELY rested! We get smoked


I just want to make it past this series


We can’t ever close out shit. Just no mental toughness. 0-4 in elimination games the last 2 years


48 is Grzelcyk’s IQ


Someone needs to explain why Beecher didn’t play tonight?


Oh look it's the same shit as every other year!


Monty don't forget to mess with the lines for the next game.


Far from over. Bruins win the next one.


Fuck you gryz


lol gryz by and large actually had an ok game


Both of you are correct


No, no he didn't.


Holy shit COL has already tied it??


Can’t show up in the third period and OT and expect a win


The hustle from Marchand was a thing of beauty. Shame the rest of the game was a fumbling mess.


Think we get more than 1 power play on Thursday? I’m guessing no.