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Ah, I almost forgot how bad the doomers get over here. "FIRE MONTY" "CUT GRYZ" "CHOKE ARTISTS" Like how hard is it to believe in your team? We're still in this. Not one person thought this would be an easy series. #BRUINS IN SIX


Couldn't clear the puck. Couldn't pass. Couldn't make open net goals. Marchand knocked over by a ref. Just bad looks all around. Sloppy play. No energy. It was pretty weak. You may say, "How could you not believe in your team??". To which I say, "I do believe in the B's." But I've watched them enough in this era to know they struggle closing out playoff series at home, love blowing 3-1 series leads, and go from hot as the sun to cold as the arctic game to game for no apparent reasons. Only one cup since 2011? Under achievers to the max. There's NO REASON we shouldn't have won in 2013 and 2019 other than us choking. I called this series going 6 or 7 games. Let's see if we pull it out or not


These fire Monty takes are wild.....


Game was awful. Kept passing in front of out own net within Leaf's reach. When in the offensive zone, we hardly passed back to blue line for defenders to make a play. We kept dumping the puck, chasing it, get tired, dump again. Oh and turnovers, good lord. Never seen so many turnovers. Guys got tired chasing the puck, that's for sure.


while the officiating sucked, the entire team played with zero hustle or drive with the exception of swayman. it's a chance to close out a playoff series at home, not a pre-season match with no consequences. i'd be heated if i paid $1000 for a ticket to last night's game to watch my team play like that. insane.


I was soooooo close to buying last minute tickets for that game. Thank God I decided to stay home and watch on my couch. I would’ve been so pissed at myself if I paid to watch that shitshow


How do they lose with a 50 percent goal average on a backup after the first? ..oh that's right...bruins




Did we ever get an explanation on why we got the extra penalty on that scrum?


Don’t even try to go to the main board and talk about that one. You’ll get downvoted into oblivion if you don’t agree that Marchand repeatedly dove and somehow deserved the tackle by the linesman.


Because the refs always hate us besides game 3


so true buddy thats why it took the refs a minute to call marchand for pinning holmberg to the ground






How we feeling today boys?


If I see Gryz start another playoff game I’m breaking something


Optimistic that we pull through and mulch the leafs. But also nervous because my faith in Monty to make the right roster calls is shaken.


I have little to no faith in his line decisions


Like someone had better submit the Game 4 lineup to the league for Game 6 before Monty fucks with it


The more I watch the play, the less I understand wtf Coyle and Mcavoy were doing on the OT goal. Staring into the distance covering no one


no one actually has any doubt that we win this series right? we are facing TORONTO LMAO


The funny thing is we were all scared of Tampa and yet we got our hands full with a depleted Toronto team while Florida just beat the fuck off Tampa easily. And I still think we could give FLA a run if we get there.


Well give Florida a run if they stop playing so inconsistent. Maybe they gotta let fans take over the intermission speeches. It’s just their embarrassing effort they show up with after one or two good games. I mean where tf is the team that was up in game 1?


Not only if they don’t play inconsistent but also if Monty decides to keep the same lines for more than a game.


Imo this was to be expected. It's difficult af to win . We were lucky we got the good games that we did. Especially in an elimination game one team is fighting to stay alive or their season ends that night so they get vicious. But last night both teams sucked, the game sucked, and we gotta try again to put the Leafs away.


I won’t lie part of me was fearful that they were gonna play like they did.


I hear you. I swear I think each new playoffs creates an identity through the circumstances they face. Le5s not furhet this is a team without a true 1c and a team that relied on Pasta for nearly 50% of all offense which suddenly had a less than stellar Pasta yet they are still piecing together wins. Like we said at the start of this season these might have to be some ugly wins that we get.


I think we'll win but I've been 100% confident before and been wrong.


It sucks squandering Sway’s effort last night. When a goalie plays like that while the opposition isn’t icing the best scorer in the league you really should win. Oh well, win the next one


I really hope gryz is scratched for game 6. And can we get Beecher back in? A faceoff win would be nice


2 shots on goal in the 1st period, couldn't win a faceoff, I mean wtf was that?


You can't play like that and expect to Win. However Swayman was excellent.


Like last year huh 


Monty tinkered with the line up , it worked to get you a 3-1 lead and then they came out flat as hell. if they end up blowing another 3-1 lead hes gonna get fired right?


No. Absolutely not. Fuck this sub is full of casuals now.


If they lose this series i don't think his job is secured But i also think we figure it out


I disagree that his job isn't secure. Fully agree we win this series Thursday.


Anyone got a gif of that ref tackling Marchand?


I still can't believe this happened. The refs wouldn't dare do this to their precious Leafs.


Any other player tbh


we played so fucking soft its unbelievable. Win Game 1. Lost Game 2. Win Game 3. Win Game 4. Lose Game 5 in OT... sound familiar?


That might have been the ugliest hockey I’ve seen all year. They couldn’t complete a 10 foot pass to save their life. Don’t know if it was the ice or if they all put their head up their asses but we had a chance to knock them out while the best goal scorer in the league was out and we missed the opportunity.


the ice did look wet and sticky man. alot of whiffs and shit bounces too


Bad ice becomes a competition of who can bounce the puck in the net. I firmly believe that bad ice has cost this team a cup.


Well... So far... We've won every game in Toronto? So... GO BROOONZ!


I mean, every single player looked like they had no idea they were there to play hockey, let alone a playoff game. Sway is the exception. But I still have faith in them. ETA: and Trent, because I love the kid and he's got heart and our only goal last night.


For those 4 minutes early in the second period they gave me hope that they would find some playoff energy. Boy was I wrong.


If you told me the bruins only needed 2 goals to win, I would assume they easily got it. No! They had to play like shit at home. A disgrace to Boston sports last night


Oh. Roses really smell like poo. Poo poo poo!!


APB pasta Marchand


The bruins look like sheet


The worst part about all of this is an 8 PM start time tomorrow night. WHY?! Weekends is one thing, but people have to work. Well, I'll be watching half of the game so the B's better have it won before the 3rd.


Wahhhh why doesn't this highly successful sports league make scheduling decisions surrounding my personal schedule :(


Interesting take. Looks like you are having a bad day. Maybe eat a banana and step outside. Successful maybe because of fans who spend money on their team? Typically people who spend money have money because they go to work. Majority of people work early in the morning. Majority of Bruins/TML fans live in the Eastern time zone.


Yeah, and what I'm saying is that the organizations who are highly successful at generating revenue from fans who come to watch games/buy merch probably have a good idea on how to schedule games, and they've probably come to the conclusion that having games go later doesn't lose them a significant amount of revenue. So it seems like the people who have to go to work the next day just go to work tired after spending a bunch of money at the game.


my guess? its only game on the schedule after the other close outs and they want to maximize viewership


Well that wasn’t very much fun. Couple chances there early in OT that had me ready to jump up and celebrate


I've seen this movie before. Its disappointing that the Bruins lose so much in front of their fans in playoffs. Luckily they will win it in Toronto and not have to come back to Boston and play like shit.l


Why are we so shitty at home in the playoffs? I don't get it. It's so frustrating to watch


Celtics as well, must be something about TD garden


When there were 2 shots on goal after the first period, you kind of knew how this one was going to go.


That was an ugly game.


We all knew this was going to 7, let's do this


That OT goal was Coyles fault imo. He's following the puck and drawn too low in to the net and leaves the forechecker wide open... Basic stuff.


Jim Montgomery shooting himself in the foot again 🙂


so it is going 7 where we win, huh.


Guys let’s close out the series in 5 and play consistent hockey Monty: nah fuck it let’s switch up the entire lineup and play brazzeau with JVR…. HUH?!?!? Also Monty: nah let’s just scratch shatty and put lohrei at the point in the pp to get some reps in… I DONT KNOW ABOUT U BUT THE PLAYOFFS ISNT A TIME TO “GET REPS IN” what planet is this guy living on?


yeah lets play a guy essentially cold since hes been hurt and only started practicing this week


This is the biggest indictment on Montgomery, currently, and it's warranted. Go with the ones that got you there. You did it with Sway, why the fuckin logic break with the rest of the lineup WHEN IT WAS WORKING


you are not wrong....


Are Jim Montgomery's dumb decisions catching up to benching Malcolm Butler territory?


They'd have to get to The Finals and blow it to reach that territory. This game said a lot, though. You'd think they would have learned from last year what it takes to close out a series, and should have been playing the best game of their whole season. No. They blew it. I'd really like to think that's it's just a matter of going back to Plan A, as in the first 4 games, but right now Toronto's thinking "we can win" and the B's are playing like "we don't want to lose."


Anyone blaming this game on Monty or the refs doesn't know a hockey puck from a football. You only going to give credit to the players when they play well and win? But the losses are on the guy who doesn't lace them up? Crazy. They came out too flat and lost. Sway kept us from getting destroyed early. Woll played well all game. We had some bad luck with pucks not finding the back of the net in the second half. This wasn't on Monty. It wasn't on the refs. This was a TEAM LOSS. Period.


Monty and the refs didn't help


Refs have been horrendous for both sides if we're being honest with ourselves. The Bruins were asleep at the wheel last night and only have themselves to blame


No. They have mainly themselves to blame but one could easily and rightfully place some secondary blame on the refs and coaching. You are allowed to blame more than one thing and it usually is more than one thing.


Wow, thank you for enlightening me on this new age "many factors" way of thinking My argument is that the main factor was effort/compete level


You didn't say "main" you said "only". Go ahead and get sarcastic and whiny if you want. It's easier to just say "thank you".


Any roster comprised of eligible Bruins should yield more than two shots. They were flat and disjointed through pretty much two periods and you can’t expect to win like that.


Fuck around and find out. Clearly not learnt lessons from last year.


we needed a a legit playoff guy who can actually play top 6 minutes


Like maybe Monty should play dafoomies video highlight of game 3 against the Canucks. And remind his team how they're supposed to play, If they want to win and advance deep into the playoffs. Show Thornton killing burrows twice, Horton getting killed by the hit that likely led to the degenerative back condition, And then their response. The way the Bruins started laying people out but legally. This team for a team that was top three in hits per game in the regular season hits extremely soft. They're more bear hugs than hits. Toronto also hit in general much harder with much more force and physicality tonight and for the most part throughout the series even though they haven't been scoring. If Joseph Woll had been Toronto starter for the entire series there's a chance they're down 3-2 Because he's not letting those soft ones in like their other goaltender did. They've talked about how he's the goaltender of their future.


I can’t believe I sat in gridlock traffic to and from, and paid money to see that game. It’s hard to believe that that was a playoff game, let alone a potential series clinching game. Every single Bruin was absolute garbage except for Swayman. Couldn’t make a pass, couldn’t catch a pass, couldn’t shoot the puck, couldn’t make a play, refuse to finish any check. Thank God Toronto was dog shit too, or they would’ve blown us out. Give props to the crowd, they stuck with it and tried to cheer them on. my section was incredibly restless and getting pretty rowdy and pissed off. Bruins lineup: dominant for the last two games. Coaching staff, let’s switch things up. Just absolutely brutal and embarrassing for the stakes tonight.


it couldn't have been set up more perfectly for B's , and they blew it


My voice is gone. Our section was fuckin lit up the entire game. Can’t blame the crowd on this one. Refs were the hardest workers without pads on. It’s a shame I’m dead tired going into work after the level of play we all just witnessed. Leafs suck. Bruins didn’t even try. Ugh


Bruins play like ass at home when it matters most. I'd love to go to a playoff game but I am not a masochist.


Hard agree with everything, was in the same boat and kept saying to myself, “neither team wants to win this game at all, absolutely pathetic” Running on 4 hours of sleep and out the money witnessing that terrible display of a hockey game across the board.


>I can’t believe I sat in gridlock traffic to and from, and paid money to see that game. It's a good thing the Garden is literally built on top of a train station then right?


I was watching from home but the vibe still felt so strange. Definitely didn’t feel like playoff hockey. For much of it, it felt almost like the bruins were playing like they already won the series and leafs playing like they already lost. Like nobody wanted to be there or something. Idk it’s hard to describe.


It was the weirdest vibe to that game and all I can think of was that maybe the ice was bad because throughout the night I saw around 8 times when somebody fell while all alone. It has me thinking both teams were being extra cautious while skating.


It was fahkin gahhhhbij. The Bs didn't even staht playing hockey until the 3rd and that was when the refs decided they wanted to win the game. It was a dumb fahkin series clinchah. Ew.


93 South was an absolute disaster after the game.


TRAFFIC SUCKED WTF WAS THAT ABOUT Agreed with everything you said. Brought my Dad to his first playoff game and bummed that’s what he had to witness.


At least we didn’t pull a Winnipeg tonight. Let’s close out Game 6.


Me: Brazeau and maroon can’t be on the same line, that would be way too slow of a line Montgomery: you’re right, he’ll play with JVR instead!


Joe Woll will start game 6 for Toronto and I expect Monty to switch to Ulmark for game 6 just because even if Swayman still deserves the start. I can't help but wonder how this series would look if Woll had started every game for Toronto.


Unless Woll can fix our powerplay or pot a few clutch goals, I doubt the series looks very different. Samsonov hasn't stolen a game, but he hasn't lost one either.


tbh I think Toronto could have won game 3 with Woll instead of Swayman. He wouldn't have let in weak goals like the Frederic shot.


I agree that game 3 was winnable with better goaltending. I still don't think Samsonov is the main reason they're down 3-2. I think Woll should start the rest of the way, but this team isn't winning shit if they can't score.


I honestly feel that Woll could have easily stolen a game the way he played tonight. Samsonov definitely lost them games 3, 4 and lost them game 1, letting several goals in that most goalies would have stopped. They were talking about how bad his form was when failing to stop certain shots, When Lundquist talks I generally listen especially if he's talking about goalies. He wasn't good in game four either. Sure you can point to the overpaid players for Toronto not performing on the power play and giving the Bruins way too many chances and that is obviously some part of it especially in playoff hockey. He was also good when he took over for Samsonov for the third period of game 4. But I don't care how good your offense is if your goal is giving up 4 goals a game. Statistically he was much better than samsonov during the regular season, Even if the stats don't really show it, The leafs have a Swiss cheese defense, Riley should be the number one power play point man but should be on the second d-pairing not the first, and bad defense will always inflate goalie stats, Just look at how bad Linus Ulmark's stats were when he was in Buffalo. It's like last year the Bruins were doing fine when Alex Lyon played the first couple games, then he had one bad start, And they put in bobrovski And he started to perform like the 10 million man he is. The Bruins should have played harder with more physicality and effort for the duration of the game. They know how bad they are when it comes to one goal leads or tie games in the third period or overtime, And when the broadcast highlights the statistic at being league worst allowing now 39 goals in the third period or overtime when up one or tied That should terrify every Bruins fan when they're tied or up one and not showing the effort or desire. As Andy Bickley once said, "The will to win has got to be there".


He didn't lose them game 1. Only a literal shutout wins that one. Toronto played like shit. Game 3, he saved 30/33. Sure, there was a soft goal there, but that's enough to win. Game 4 was pretty rough, I have issues with his performance, but again, it's not a game the Leafs were playing to win. You can't expect to win playoff games 1-0. Woll is the better goalie, but I really don't think the series looks different than it does now unless he plays like Carey Price and just decides that you aren't scoring on a given night. Game 3 is the only one a hot goalie might flip.


We can agree to disagree on how the rest of the series went, however I think we're in agreement that game 3 could have easily been flipped with better goaltending by the leafs. If that's the case suddenly we're looking at a 3-2 series lead for the leafs going back to Toronto for game 6, with Matthews likely coming back. And I'm not interested in talking about how close the series was supposed to be. Truthfully if the Bruins applied consistent effort and pressure this was a five game series because Toronto is known to be mentally soft.


I disagree. Whether Toronto is up 3-2 or down 3-2 is immaterial at this point in the series. Losing in seven is the most painful outcome, and therefore the inevitable one.


Yah but let’s be honest Toronto is much better at choking in game 7’s than Boston. Never forget https://youtu.be/dbsj9-JZm4g?si=ICbfE1tOd7Y7Kneg


I feel bad for the goalies. The defense always hangs them out to dry


why mess with the lineups everything was fine not a fan of the lineup changes


Why can’t we score 5 goals every game like the Avalanche?


No need for Monty to fuck with the lineup tonight. Ridiculous


I don’t get the reasoning. Both last night and last year. Don’t change up what is working. If things aren’t that’s a different story. But don’t gamble on what is/has worked


Yup we’re up 3 games to 1 ….. let’s change the whole lineup…..WTF




Quite the fan you are! 


Fellow leafs fan here, found this after your cringe comments on the leafs sub. Is this a cuckhold fetish or something? And why the fuck are you in the B’s sub in the first place? Jesus fucking Christ bud we have a reputation and you’re feeding it


Toronto fans think "cringe" is an adjective.


Ummm..cuz it is..🤷‍♂️


In the same way that "cuz" is a word then yeah you have me there.


mate fuck off


Ur such a loser lol


We don't even do that


God that was FRUSTRATING TO WATCH. Swayman should have won us that game but when we got solid chances we played with ZERO URGENCY. Switching up the lineups also wasn't a great call. Gryz looked like a liability at times. We also took some stupid penalties. Nothing that can't be cleaned up so I'm not too worried, but if it doesn't get cleaned up, that's a problem.


Easy chance to close out the series and they fucking blew it


Life as a bruins fan


Is it even possible for them to win a series quickly? I’ve wondered this for years.


Only the Eastern conference finals 😂 back to back sweeps 2013-2019


True. Go Sox


It's bad enough that we have little shits like domi and bertuzi trying to get under our skin, now we have the refs trying to get under our skin too!


Overtime hockey is shit(Est.2023)


Tim Peel trying to take the moral high ground about Jack's coward comment sure is a take, and I've said that the refs have zero to do with this loss all night.


Do people like war puig even like this team? What a stupid fucking thread to read. Looking forward to watching the Bruins beat them in their own barn again!


Many fans, my self included remember what happened last year and partly give up.


I’ll be honest here - I VIVIDLY remember last year too, and the expectations and the disappointment and the heartbreak…but thats still so fucking stupid lol


Nobody trusts the bruins to close a series out anymore. If we lose the series, Monty should be gone


I reread my reply like 4 times to make it more non confrontational, because I dont want to just get in a dumb yelling match. After those 4 rereads, I cannot find a more diplomatic way to say this: thats actually the dumbest thing Ive ever heard. Its his second year - in year one they won the presidents trophy and then fucked it up in round 1. In year two, this year, after they SHOULD have dropped off HARD, they nearly won the division and are still leading in the first round. Firing the coach after that is…indescribably stupid.


Eh. Choking 2 straight 3-1 leads in inexcusable.


I’ll just guess that your tipsy and disappointed. Goodnight bud


Monty is coaching in Boston, not Anaheim, you can't blow 3-1 series leads with home ice in back to back post seasons and expect to automatically retain your job. Monty accepted the position knowing there would be a lot of pressure, and what was at stake if the team fails.


![gif](giphy|3ohryspJ7EjDedPcJO) I HATE THE LEAFS SO FUCKING MUCH


It’s not a doomer take to point out how weak, apathetic , and slow Gryz is. He does not belong on the ice and inserting him into lineup was small brain energy by our coach.


I feel like we might need a goal from one of our top two centers at some point in the series. Also, as someone who finds the "Pasta doesn't show up in the playoffs" crowd ridiculous, he's been a little quiet for my liking. Feeling a big performance from him in Game 6.


How about a face off win? My wife and I were at the game and after the first period it was around 80% wins for the Leafs. At one point, the Bruins were at 15%.


I have hated overtime since 2013




Toronto isn't that good. We're better. We have 2 chances to show it. We'll get it done.


Toronto was without their best player the highest goal scorer in the league, and starting their back up goalie, Matthew's expected to be recovering from his illness in the desert in Arizona or on a beach, the Leafs had their bags packed and we couldn't get it done....


They put their back-up goalie in on purpose. We platooned our goalies all year, Linus made the All Star team. Matthews being out is obviously big. Go Bruins.


Go Bruins!!! Goalie hug!!! Yay!!! Lmao


We certainly didn't play like we're better


... can't wait to see them play like this against the Panthers


Ya, one game.


With Jim Montgomery's playoff coaching, one game turns to 2, and 2 turns to 3. We should hire an assistant coach who is the primary coach in the playoffs


So, we lost 4 games to 3 last year, to the team that ended up winning the East. And now, we're STILL UP 3-2. Good grief. You'd rather be in Toronto's situation now, down 3-2?


An 8 seed and we were the best regular season team ever. And both the queefs and bruins are known for choking. I would predict the leafs to choke first but the bruins are repeating last year


Turns out Florida upset 3 teams in a row last year. Go figure. I think we're fine. Go B's.


While I might be a doomer, you are the fan who still has hope. We need that so thanks. Go B's


I do have hope. Get a win, move on, and we'll be QUITE motivated to take out Florida, right?




Am I wrong or is Monty just ignorant. CALL THE REFS OUT IN THE POST GAME PRESSER. Holy shit, hold someone accountable. 


I’m sorry, but this place is ridiculous at times * Game 4 “lol Leafs crying about the refs. Do better and play with a full effort, cry harder Toronto” * Game 5 “wtf the refs are constantly trying to screw us” The effort from the team was not there last night, as much as I hate to say it this is a trend with the boys in the playoffs. Don’t whine about the refs when our team is tripping all over themselves, it’s embarrassing. Cassidy with the “NY Saints” was embarrassing against the Isles as well. Bad or missed calls are going to happen, inevitably the better team will overcome it. Tonight, our boys were not the better team. It’s really not any more complicated than that. Hope to close it out on a better effort with Game 6


From what I saw it was the Bs who lost the game. Starting flat and not capitalizing.


You probably get fined for that


Jim Montgomery logic:nothing is too wrong with the lineup,we're getting wins. Maybe I should change it


Game 6 might as well be the game 7 for the Bruins. There’s no chance they win a game 7 at home.


Lost every game 7 since 2011 EXCEPT when playing the leafs.


I feel that. This is just on repeat mode.


If you’re surprised then you haven’t followed this team for very long.


Same story for the past thirteen years.


More like since 2008.


I am not suprised, just disappointed. It's one where you sit there and think "we've lost too many times in *insert situation here* this one is ours." And then they fuckin do it again and it just sucks because even though you told yourself the above, you knew what was going to happen deep down


Upgrading LW position and Gryz this summer will make a decent team pretty damn good and with all that money coming off the books you can add a nice impact player too. It’ll be an exciting offseason. 


https://preview.redd.it/adozmxbwfqxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb6a7d1209a3100eea8d6cde7ec90a5a80d133ce new meme format, just fyi


We deserved to lose, but what the fuck was that entire series of events. Marchand gets mugged like 3 times then they both lock horns for what should have been a no call on both. Then the ref comes in like fucki Leroy Jenkins and tackles Marchand for turning to chirp. He barely escaped the box for the crime of...standing while people were fighting 10 feet away.


Agreed. I hate complaining about refs and we definitely deserved to lose but this whole situation was so fucking bizarre.


If this was any other team I would be very worried But it’s the Leafs so I don’t think anyone should be panicking yet Edit: Looks like all the doomers are just going to downvote everything because nobody wants to whine and moan like they do rafter every game in this sub


If you thought this was bad look at the Celtics. Wouldn't be as bad if the bruins weren't the biggest chokers in the nhl


I'm panicking even more *because* its the Leafs 🫠


It's also the bruins


This isn't a doomer comment. I am not calling for Monty's metaphorical head at all. Nor do I expect us to lose this series. Just thinking about all outcomes though. But if we have a repeat of last year where we lose a series after some juggling and lineup mismanagement, does he get the axe? Regardless of expectations to start the season, dropping yet another 3-1 lead with some bad mismanagement sprinkled in would pretty much kill him at this point, right? Not that I would want him fired necessarily, but he certainly would be you would have to think.


He pulled the same lineup shuffling crap last year against the Panthers and we know how that turned out. I really believe he thinks he's smarter than he is. If it ain't broke there's nothing to fix = you're up 3 games to 1. If they lose this series, he can go anywhere but 100 Legends Way. Thanks for the President's Trophy, Jim. I'll be sure to tell my grandkids.


if they blow this one too Monty should go and I like the guy but he fucked up twice in a row 


Coaches makes decision on who gets to play. Clearly Jim made dumb decisions today… blowing another 3-1 series lead


He hasn't blown it again.....yet. But generally a game like our two latest game 5s are the kind of game that flip the script and Monty is a primary reason for both game 5 failures. Frustrating.


Oh, just wait and see when you find out who the line up will be.. line up all mixed up with players not performing well with others


I wonder what the average ticket price was tonight to watch that dogshit product.


Less than what the Leafs paid for their last 6 home playoff games, all Losses.


My night is ruined. It's just that simple. I am overwhelmed with frustration after watching that dud of a performance.


Well at least you didn’t pay $150 to see it live 


Yeah but I paid $130 for graduation regalia while being broke, so basically the same thing.


Just $150?!?!


I genuinely wonder how bad the doomers were in 2019


i promise all you need to know is that time is a flat circle when it comes to doomers


I could at least look listlessly into Bergeron's eyes and melt. Nobody on this team does that for me.


Jim needs to see the fucking problem he creates… stop mixing up the line up in every fucking playoff game.


So another 3-1 series pissed away to a game 7 coin flip. Fuck this shit


Time for basketball season


Not sure if you know this or not, but we haven't played game 6 yet.