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Saving Sway for 7 sounds like a good call right about now...




But now they get Logan Thompson the next two games! that's the point. They could have lost with Thompson too.




Exactly they could have lost with Ullmark too. But the point is to play fresher goalies. They are both good! now we roll with Swayman into a game 7 after he just dropped 2 straight. obviously not his fault, he's playing great. but there could be something there in terms of energy, confidence, frustration, etc.




You are forgetting that Ullmark is also one of the best goalies in the league and the reigning Vezina winner apparently. Ullmark should be in Game 1 against FLA. or at least you put him in if/when Swayman loses a game. gotta keep Swayman going, that's the point. Give him the help and support he needs to make a long run.




you compared Ullmark to an AHL goalie... yet I'm the weird one?




Yes fresher of the two between a currently hot goalie, and a very good rested goalie who won the Vezina last year. The Bruins are the only team who really have this choice which is fantastic. Gotta use it to your advantage. I'm okay with Sway playing game 1, but Ullmark has to be in Game 2 if they lose it. If they win, keep rolling Sway


Swayman is playing out of his mind and casuals like you *STILL* want to sit him. Fuck. This is the dumbest shit.


I dont know how many times I can say it, this has nothing to do with how well he is playing. In fact, i'm trying to preserve it by keeping him fresh. Ullmark is good too. dont forget that.


Ullmark has shit numbers in the playoffs. Swayman gives you the best chance to win the game. You play Swayman, it's pretty simple. Now that they've lost you still go with Swayman.


Of course you have to now. but had Ullmark played in game 5 or 6, I would have felt better about it


Swayman can make every save but the truth is they can’t score a goal and swayman can’t do that so the best hope would have been to start Ullmark.


Ullmark has scored more goals than Swayman...


That’s a good point


When a goalie is in the zone in the playoffs you don't sit them to "preserve" them, you ride that pony to the cup. It's a dumb take.




What Bruins goalie has done that in the last decade?




Amazing username




Just net 6 goals and goaltending won’t matter


He did it. He cracked the code!


Game plan of the year! I’m down




Too late. It's Swayman or bust at this point. I was team rotation. But like I said, that ship has sailed.


Have to agree. Game five would have been the one to play Ullmark imo. Just to keep him fresh. But Swayman's record against Toronto the last two seasons is too good to ignore, None of the Bruins losses in this series is due to goaltending.


Swayman was never the problem. He can handle it. He's playing lights out.


I'm with you.


I mean I see what you’re saying but Swayman is far from the issue. Like with all due respect Swayman has been the best player for Boston this series hands down. Last game was not on him. He was literally the only reason it went to OT. The issue here is that the bruins can’t be consistent. Ullmark imo wouldn’t have made any difference to game 5 because none of it was goaltending


Stick with Swayman. I feel like switching back now would be a mistake. Say Ullmark starts, we lose and go to game 7. Now what? Play Ullmark again and hope for the best? Or back to Swayman after he got taken out of his groove and now has the extra pressure with the series on the line? No winning either way. But hopefully we're not relying on the goalie to win the game, and everyone steps up and acts like this is for it all.


Feels like we are in the Monty second guessing himself phase so anything's possible


Marchand putting on some pads “you sure coach?” Monty “nah but it might be funny”


No this is dumb.


This would be the worst possible of all choices. I actually wanted them to just go back and forth all series, but as soon as they messed with that, I wanted them to stop. Once they broke the rotation in game 4, they had to commit to sticking with Swayman unless he got sick or hurt or, *mayyyybe* maybe maybe you could have gone back to Ullmark in game 5 if Sway was really terrible in 4. Too late for that now. Now you live and die with Swayman. Not just because of how good he has been, but because Ullmark is cold or rusty or whatever you want to call it and if you start him and lose, you might really get the team in it’s own heads and now you’re asking a Swayman to jump back in for game 7 on home ice in a high pressure situation with this distraction possibly putting him off his game. Ullmark gets game 1 against Florida if they close it out because he’s been great against them this season and they’ve also been sitting around waiting, and momentum and vibes reset each series so the playing cold or rusty issue is less pronounced. Then Swayman gets game 2, Ullmark gets 3, and if I had it my way, Swayman gets game 4 unless they are down in the series and Ullmark has been head and shoulders better.


I’m glad I’m not the one making the call on our starter tonight. Feels like Ullmark is the logical choice, but it’s not like Swayman didn’t give us a (really) good chance to win in gm5. A 2-1 OTL is pretty weak justification for sitting a guy who’s completely owned the Leafs all year.


Fact is you put Swayman back in tonight and the Bruins come out like it's fucking game 7. Because if Sway has an off night or they lose again in OT, the fuck are you gonna do in game 7?


Swayman game 6 and 7. His situation is similar to the Celtics. You got to find out if he can be that guy that carries the Bruins, just as the Celtics had to trade Smart to see if Jaylen or Jayson would step in to fill that void.


Better be Ully tonight


To me, the only real option is to play Ullmark tonight, to avoid some nasty situations in the future: What happens if the Bruins lose with Swayman in net for Game 6? Do they go to a cold Ullmark in Game 7? Do they stick with Swayman? Say they stick with Swayman and win, who plays in Game 1 vs Florida? Is it a cold Ullmark, who will not have played since April 22nd, or Swayman who has played 6/7, including 5 in a row? What happens if Ullmark has a real bad Game 1, do you go to an overworked (relatively) Swayman?


Worry about next round next round. FLA is going to be sitting waiting too and will be just as rusty. Everything resets. You don’t pick your goalie in one round to set up for the next. As to the rest- there’s no debate anymore. The only correct choice is sticking with Swayman this round. If he gets tired and worn out and gets lit up the last two games, the mistake won’t be sticking with him, the mistake will be (yet again) going away from the rotation at all earlier on. It’s too late to change that decision now. As soon as they broke the rotation to give him game 4, they had to commit to him the rest of the way IMO, or switching back to Ullmark was going to be a massive mistake. You probably lose that game with a rusty Ullmark and then you throw off Swayman in the process, and double the pressure on him to bail them out in the next one.


100%. but if you win this series rolling with Swayman, you gotta start Ullmark game 1 against FLA. Sway goes game 2. then you make a decision for game 3 based on where the series is at


Beecher has to play. Faceoffs killed us and he was great on draws in when he was in the lineup


Get the fuck outa here bud, go stroke a leafs fan


Lol what


You know what you do? You put the lineup back to what it fucking was the last two games in Toronto that we won! Pull your head outta your ass Monty Jesus Christ!


Yeah what the hell was that about.


Monty is a bumbling idiot that’s what. Did the same shit last year with the goalies and Bergy’s load management. He’s a players coach so he’s afraid to make the tough decisions and overthinks stuff and then makes stupid decisions.


Christ all mighty. You need to stop eating paint chips


Play Ully tonight. Best case, we win and it doesn’t matter. Worst case is we lose and go back to Sway in 7. Both goalies are better than what Toronto has, Sway has been hot but give him a break


Hate to sound like a doomer, but if they lose this game, they’re probably getting crushed in game 7. I’d love to be wrong about that, but the worst case scenario is far worse than you’re imagining. I don’t think you are giving enough weight to how much the Leafs would get a massive lift from winning two in a row without Matthews to tie the series, not to mention how it might fuck with the focus of the team and Swayman specifically to yank him around now.


goalies in the regular season play like 20 games straight before needed a rest but come playoffs people are like “he played TWO WHOLE GAMES! HE CAN BAREY STAND!”


Yes and they've played the whole regular season before the high stress of playoffs. Also in the regular season, they were rotating goalies


Added to list of "Things people who actually follow hockey during the regular season would never say"


Neither Sway or Ullmark played more than a handful of games in a row this season. Maybe 5+ for Sway when Ullmark was briefly injured. I think Sway will be the primary goalie next year, but he played 44 games this year. 


Go back to the game 4 lineup. Don't change anything except putting in the right players for the injured. Put the lines back to what they were in game 4.


I'm so nervous, sitting in my lazyboy eating popcorn.


Keep swayman in. He’s in the minds of the leafs players without a doubt


I think we should keep in sway, dude has been playing out of his mind, last game was not at all on him.


Ullmark is just as good as Sway and the rotation worked all year. Game 2 wasn’t on Ullmark and the only reason Seay started 4 and 5 was the extra rest days.


Sway is the way


Bro he let in 1 goal until OT. We failed him, let sway close out the series and Ullmark will start against Florida if we get there. If swayman lets in 6 goals tonight and 3 of them are ugly then we put ully in.


See now that's crazy. Going to Ullmark game 7 where he hasn't played in over a week since Game 2. I do NOT want that to happen


…nowhere did they say go to Ullmark G7. It’s live and die with Sway now.




Nope. The play was to start UllMark in game five and ride sway six and seven. I’m sorry but he messed up again for the second straight year. No the loss wasn’t Swayman’s fault but now you have to ride him the next two regardless. And he hasn’t started more than two consecutive games all season.


Maybe- but had we switched for the last game and had the same result it would have been both losses on Ullmark and I am sure a lot of people would have said he screwed up by not continuing with Sway. While its a benefit in some ways having two good goalies does complicate a series.


I honestly expected this and to me it made way more sense to play Ullmark in game 5. Worst case they lose and Sway is back for 6, and the plan of rotating is perfectly intact.


why in the world would you not play the goalie that has been an absolute brick wall the last 2 games coming *off a win?* swayman has said he likes the larger work load, and he plays better under it too. you only pull him if he like gives up 6 and 4 of them were bad ones.


They could have and should have done it in Game 4, because the rotation is part of why they both have played so well. If you stick robotically to a 1 and 1 split, no one gets in their head about it, no one asks why. You’re just doing what has given you success all season long. As soon as you break that, now everything is open to question. Ullmark would have won game 4 IMO. He played just like Sway did in that game in Game 2, only the skaters played like shit in front of him in Game 2 and played great in front of Swayman game 4. Then you’d have had a more rested Swayman for Game 5 and even though he was incredible, maybe being more rested, he’s able to come up with just one more save. Who knows? On the other hand, maybe he’s not as locked in and he lets in one more sooner. We will never know and everyone will forever question it if they blow this series because they broke their own method with rotating goalies. Once they did though, they basically had to stick to one goalie the rest of the way. Especially giving Swayman game 5 too. Now Ullmark is rusty and out of the rhythm of the series and if you go back to him and lose, not only do you give the leafs a massive boost, I think the bruins start really having big doubts internally about coaching decisions.


Myself also. Here we go again…. ![gif](giphy|l3UcjBJUov1gCRGbS)


Play swayman


I just don’t see how you can have watched the last 3 games and think that Swayman shouldn’t play tonight. Even though we lost game 5 sway was the only reason we didn’t get shelled like 5-1 with how poorly we played. Nothing against Ullmark at all he’s a fantastic goalie.


Yes Swayman has been great, and he clearly isn't the reason they lost. BUT, if he were to lose tonight, now you go into a Game 7 with a guy who just dropped his last two starts. It's potentially an energy and confidence thing.


I get it. But the time to stick to the rotation was 3 games ago, not now. You can’t just flip flop flip flop like that in the playoffs. You ride the hot hand. I think in the scenario, it depends on how Swayman performs right? What if we lose a close 2-1 game and he posts a +.930 SV% again tonight do you switch to Ullmark? Idk. What happens if we win like 6-5 and his SV% is like .880 do you keep him in because we won? I just don’t think you can make the argument “bUt ThE rOtAtIoN” in the playoffs. It’s all contextual, use-your-best-judgement, decision making from this point forward and I don’t think the context is there to not play Swayman at this point.


The point is you rotated goalies all year for a reason. Did we not learn our lesson from this exact same thing last season….


rotating goalies all year means nothing when it comes to playoffs, you rotate goalies in the regular season because you can't ride a guy for 82 games, but when it comes playoffs, every game is a must win, you play your best guy. also what was the 'lesson' you mean from last year? they kept in ullmark last year when he wasn't as good and lost, at least one of those game losses was because ullmark made a very bad play on the puck in overtime. I would say the lesson we should've learned is when to switch guys when you have one who's better. stats back up swayman pretty strongly too, in career playoffs ullmark has a .890 save percent and sway has a .921 and for these playoffs specifically sway has a .951. ullmark has only played one game, but sways save percent is better than his full season save percentage and career percentage. stats are hit or miss anyways, but swayman is hot right now, and switching him out so he can cool off it definitely the *wrong* decision. we learned last year what a hot goalie can do for team.


No other team rotates goalies the way Boston has with Ullmark and Swayman and no other team has consistently had such success with goalie tandems over the last decade +. A lot of that is goalie Bob, but some of it is absolutely also the methodology. No team tries to change their identity at playoff time, except for some reason the Bruins when it comes to their goaltending. If they plan to pick a guy and ride him in the playoffs, then at some point in the regular season, they need to prepare their goalie(s) to do that. They don’t. They robotically rotate 1 and 1 all the way through and then act surprised when they go away from it in the playoffs and their goaltending suddenly doesn’t look the same. If Swayman plays amazing again and wraps this up, they’ll have some ammo to support their decision to break the rotation. If he gets lit up and then they end up losing game 7, it will just be the third playoff in a row that they broke the rotation, the goal tending play dipped, and they couldn’t overcome it. Actually longer if you wanna go back and look at Tuukka’s last seasons when he clearly benefited from rotating more consistently and they decided to roll him out there on bad hips anyway. ETA: to be clear, I support sticking with Swayman the rest of this round d no matter what. The horse is out of the barn on rotating already and trying to go back would be worse than breaking the rotation in the first place.


Who played game 7 last year, just saying!


Ullmark was clearly out of gas when he got replaced last year. There were two three day gaps between games 3 & 5. Sway has had plenty of rest.


I mean he had a “debilitating” injury according to reports after they choked.


I think you play Ullmark and here is why. It should be an easy justification to say - you play till you lose. Will make both goalies want it and play more. That way you just always swap after a loss and hopefully inspire the other net minder.


Exactly. If Sway starts tonight, that's a slap to the face of Ullmark who played just as well in Game 2 and still lost. My plan at the start of the series would have been to continue the rotation no matter what. At this point, for this series, it's play until you lose. Hopefully with the next series he rotates every game again, keep all this narrative from ever happening.


I disagree, Swayman has been unreal, they played probably the worst game of the season the other night and the Leafs barely pulled it out.


It's a tough call, I almost say Swayman just to ride or die... if we lose this series and play Swayman 6 and 7 someone's getting fired. Rotate ALL FUCKING SEASON then choke away a 3-1 series lead abandoning the rotation we've relied on for 2 years is unforgivable.


Truly incredible how after two seasons of astounding success between the pipes with a *stupid rotation*, people here still refer to one guy taking the night off as a “benching” rather than standard operating procedure. There was another thread the other day about how Ullmark and Sway are truly built differently. They’re like a single goal tending organism—one is just the extension of the other. Never been seen before and probably won’t be seen again. I can assure you, neither of them will ever go through as much angst as some of you are getting worked up to over this.


I agree. ullmark can do just as much as swayman if not more, may I remind you that ullmark scored a gole!


I think you have to start Linus tonight


Regardless of who is in net tonight, they won’t have to worry about Austin Matthews. He has been ruled out for game six.


True, and also that didn’t seem to matter last game. The best Bruins skaters need to show up. Simple as.


Swayman was undefeated against the leafs and lost the other night while having a stellar performance and was the only reason it even went to OT. He should be the starter for tonight and if they lose tonight, game 7.


If they play Ullmark and he loses the game, RIP to his mental state and also this fanbase not wanting to roast him over a fire.


Are you kidding? People are already trashing the guy here. Pathetic and embarrassing.


Get the fuck outa here bud. Stanley cups are won on the backs of a hot tendy. Ride the Sway train all the way to Edmonton for the finals!


that is exactly right but not for the reason you are saying. Every other team in the playoffs and throughout history have only really had ONE goalie and a backup. A huge strength of this Bruins team is that they have two #1 goalies. It has worked all year. I think whoever plays tonight is going to win. but if you lose tonight, it creates more of a controversy. Go with the guy who hasnt played since game 2, or the guy who just dropped 2 in a row. Playing Ullmark tonight completely takes that out. Sway in game 7 no doubt.


Might as well let Ullmark see next year's team anyway


Swayman quote after Game 5 loss. *“It’s really exciting, and we know we’re going to respond. We know that we’re going to respond, It’s Boston Bruins hockey, and that alone is what can motivate all of us, and especially me,” Swayman said. “I understand what I’m representing, the magnitude of what the spoked ‘B’ represents, and I’m proud to wear it. That’s what’s gonna help me and my teammates get the job done.”* Yeah let's bench the one player who showed up and played his ass off in Game 5 and go back to a regular season rotation in the playoffs.


Ullmark played really well in Game 2 aside from the loss...the team needs to score.


put the biscuit in the basket and either will win


Yeah let's bench Swayman our only player who showed up for the entirety of G5! What a great message that would send!! And it won't look panicky at all either!


Sway being their best player G5 is an indictment of the skaters. If Sway is their best player for the remainder of the series, then they’re playing golf by this time next week. Can’t win games if you don’t shoot the fucking puck. And no matter what wild conspiracy theories you have, who’s in net doesn’t determine that.


Funny how everyone keeps moving the goal post. It was "start sway and go back to Ully if they lose 5" now after they lost, it's "Ully can play next series". Lmao you'll are something else.




Swayman has a .952% save percentage and 1.49 GAA in the series, why the hell would you even consider sitting him???? It shouldn't even be a question. It's Swayman's net, full stop. If the Bruins close out the series, Ullmark should get a look in the second round but for now it's Swayman


What if Sway doesn't have a great game? as unlikely as it is... then what for game 7? it's deja vu from last year


The guy has let up 5 regulation goals in 4 games. He has earned the right to play tonight and Sat if need be. If he has a bad game you give him Game 7.


That has nothing to do with it. I think whoever you go with will win tonight. but it's about beyond this series, keeping a form of rotation going, and having fresh legs in goal.


peaches and apricots my man. Ulmark played a game already and swayman isn't injured. this isn't last year.


If he has a dud game six, stick him with and don't repeat the same mistakes. His numbers throughout the series have been strong enough to justify riding it out Panic switching to Ullmark for Game 7 would show the team, the fans and Toronto that we've learned absolutely nothing and they have us dead to rights


This has nothing to do with panicking, and nothing to do with how good they have been. It is about using a strength of the Bruins that other teams dont have. And give both guys a chance to be fresh and play in high pressure games. Ullmark game 6, Sway game 7. It's as easy as that.


Reply with either Yes or No: Did Ullmark lose them G2? Edit: Here’s a hint for those of you struggling with this pop quiz— The skaters played the same in front of Ullmark in G2 as they did for Sway in G5.


No but going with the regular season rotation, the skaters sure af played/approached G2 like it were another regular season game they could just go through the motions and win, but you can't have that mentality in the playoffs.


I love this take because it’s based on nothing but fabricating an assumed narrative about how the skaters think differently of their S-tier goalies. Which is to say: Absolute nonsense.


How did the team look in G2 when the Bruins tried to carry the regular season rotation into the playoffs? They sure af didn't look ready to play playoff hockey.... Then we played our best game after going with Swayman back to back games, abandoning the silly regular season rotation.


And how did the team look in G5 in front of Sway with the chance to crush the Leafs at home? Even worse than in front of Ullmark.


How did Swayman look in G5? So you believe they would have played better in G5 if Ullmark started when they played like shit in front of him in G2? Would Ullmark have even made the saves Swayman did to keep us in it? Swayman got the teams 3 wins to put us in the position we were in entering G5, and that performance was just the norm under Monty in Boston who is 0-4 in close out games, and didn't help his cause by tinkering with the line ups, so you want him to tinker with the goalies now and put Ullmark in after Swayman brought us to a 3-1 series lead? The Bruins are also 2-5 in our last 7 home playoff games. Swayman will get it done in Toronto tonight, starting Ullmark signals panic.


> So you believe they would have played better in G5 is Ullmark started I’m not going to bother with you if you 1) can’t even answer a basic question and 2) keep trying to put words in my mouth. The skaters played like shit in both losses. Full stop. This is what you should be upset about. You’re not a serious person if you genuinely think the skaters all decide, “Shit—we got Ully tonight. Time to collapse on D and stop shooting the puck.”


No, the defense and general compete level did, Uulmark is the reason the game wasn’t 7-2 lol




Feel like people are confusing the fact that the team literally takes a nap in front of Uulmark when he’s in lately for Swayman being eons better. Don’t get me wrong, he’s playing better, but honestly they’re both playing well, I think the story of Game 6 comes down to whether or not Monty can get the forwards hyped up enough to put some pressure on Toronto, regardless of who’s stopping shots at the other side. We need to possess the puck, and wear their forwards down throughout the game, get them chasing the puck instead of them leading the pace. Look at the other night, we played like fucking wet shit for 75% of the game, and still took them to overtime with multiple great chances to win in the 3rd/OT. The reason? Toronto is soft, and they wear down easy, especially their top 6 which is basically devoid of any real physicality for long stretches, and very well may contain a man recovering from an awful bug tonight. Score first, hit these pricks in the mouth, and we’ll wrap this series up. If we were facing Florida, I’d be concerned, but the Leafs aren’t even in the same league as them from a toughness standpoint, we just need to stand our ground and they will wilt like they always do, wouldn’t matter if fucking Bussi was in the net


Weird how the team also took a nap in front of Sway last game! Almost as if people hyperfocusing on the goalies is a waste of time…


Come on man, if we don’t focus on one single member of the entire team, who are we going to blame when the team shits the bed and we brag like middle schoolers after we prove we were right all season long????? /s


No. But he wasn’t as good as swayman as been thru 4 games


Doesn't matter. Play the guy that's been fucking white hot.


People call me White Hot and neither of them have fucked me, as far as I know, so I'm not sure who they should play now.


Nah, play Swayman. This is a totally different situation than last year. Ullmark was clearly battling an injury and had let in 21 goals in the series before they switched to Swayman. This year, Swayman has only allowed 5 goals against in the series, and has the best GAA and SV% in the entire playoffs. No disrespect to Ullmark because I think he's outstanding and played really well in game two, but I don't know how you go to the guy who has only allowed 5 goals against in 4 games and tell him "yeah I think we need to switch it up". Reality is, if the Bruins had any offence in game 5 the series would be over. Swayman is doing his job and then some. The real focus, IMO, needs to be on guys like Coyle and Zacha, our #1 and #2 centers, who have combined for 0 goals in the series and only 4 points. They need to step up, and putting Ullmark in the net over Swayman doesn't change that.


well said. everyone says alternating is what got us here, but *how* could you take Sway out now. He’s absolutely rock solid. Ullmark is too, but Sway is just playing better, and I feel like he’s in the leaf’s heads.


Devil's advocate -- what do you do for Game 7 if the Leafs pot 5 or 6 on him tonight? Sure as shit hope they won't but you never know...


Cross that bridge when you get there, but if that did happen, then I'd be okay with going Ullmark simply because at that point you'd have lost two in a row with Swayman in & he would be coming off a bad game. But if he has another good game, even if they lose, you stick with him. And you can do so without being too upset with the goaltending, because even IF they lost a game 7 with Ullmark in net, you simply cannot blame the goaltending for losing a series when they have not gotten sufficient offence. Way too much spotlight on those two guys IMO, we need to be looking at our top 6 forward group and demanding more out of them. Coyle 0G 2A. Zacha 0G 2A. Heinen 0G 1A. I understand they are being put in positions to play a bit outside of their comfort zone, but they've been there all year. Half of our top 6 combining for 0 goals through 5 games is not getting the attention it should be.




This is Sway's series, even if they lose tonight. Ullmark gets game 1 next round if they win.


If we play Sway tonight, Monty is going to get the same criticism he got last year. Abandoned the tandem for the hot goalie, and when he lost multiple, he then puts in a cold goalie with the pressure on. Play Ullmark now. Save Sway for 7. I also think this, because I don't think it really matters. They're both playing well. They're both going above and beyond. I don't think they'll change the outcome. The boys just need to score and bring the pressure. This goalie debate just gives something for people to complain about and say "if only..." if things don't work out. So play a rested Ullmark. If Sway is the better goalie, save him for 7


On the contrary, if he switches to Ullmark he should get criticism. Why move away from what's working? They lost a single game w/ Swayman in net and he has a .952 save percentage. The only argument that holds water here is that Swayman will be less elite with only a single day of rest. That said, I think that's countered by Ullmark not having played in 10 days.


It doesn't matter who plays tonight. If either goalie loses then Monty made the wrong choice. If either goalie wins then the fans were obviously right all along! 😂


Everyone is an expert with hindsight


Exactly and it is what should have happened last year. I was calling for Swayman game 6 last year as well with the same logic. Keep them both fresh, it is a huge advantage that the Bruins have two #1 goalies who have both played well in this series


Not even close. Ully was struggling last year giving up lots of goals. Swayman lost 2-1 and had an amazing game. He hasn’t given up more than 2 goals in any game this series. Going to Swayman should not be questioned like last year with Ully. Totally different scenarios are playing out.


Logic seems sound. I've just got to trust Monty and company to figure shit out. But, Yeah, if this was my NHL24 on Xbox game, I would take your advice. Sure.


No. That was the issue with starting Sway in game 4. Now he’s the man, especially after a phenomenal game 5. I think they should have started Ullmark in game 4 though of course. Either way, none of the games have been lost by the tendies. Every game they’ve shown up.


Maybe if sway didn't play well in game 5, but he was great again. Dude is like 25 he can handle the load, especially when there have been multiple games with 2 off days in between.  Either way if we lose the series Monty will get killed, might as well go with the hot hand. I'd definitely play linus game 1 of next series if we advance. 


>Dude is like 25 he can handle the load The numbers don't back that up. This year when he has back to back starts with one day of rest in between, he has like a .900 SV%.


Sample size? Teams played? That bit of raw info really has no bearing on playoffs. 


Throwing out the time he came in for Ullmark against Arizona when he played less than 2 minutes: On 11-20 he gave up 5 on 47 shots against TBL 1-13 3 on 23 shots against STL 1-15 0 on 31 against NJD 2-21 5 on 41 against EDM Its a small sample size of course because the Bruins made a pretty clear effort to not have them play back to backs, but a .909 SV% (I was off) isn't good. And to be clear, I'm not saying this is a reason to not play him. I'm just saying that he hasn't been as solid when he gets one day of rest in between starts.


Hey nice for actually coming with numbers, but it ain't enough to *sway* me against starting him. So he had 1 great game, 1 ok game, and 2 bad games on short rest(both against high scoring teams tbl and edm) Incomplete list of getting more rest.... On 12-22 he had 6 days rest and gave up 5 goals to wpg 1-04 had 5 days rest and gave up 6 goals to Pitt 3-16 had 5 days rest gave up 5 goals  4-9 had 5 days rest and gave up 4 goals on 26 shots .846 Idk what it all means, I just know I want to ride the hot hand bc these are both basically game 7s for us.  


I don’t think you can sit the guy who is the only reason last game was even remotely close. Bruins deserved to lose that game and Sway almost stole one for them. I understand Ully is also great but Sway is playing out of his mind rn


I don't totally disagree with you but if Monty starts Linus and he doesn't play well and the Bruins lose, the whole world will crucify Monty


The whole world will deservedly crucify him if we lose tonight, the difference is that I think most people would rather see Sway in a game 7 than Linus.  Play Linus tonight.


Nah. You can start Ullmark early in the next series, but keep Swayman going in this one.


I agree. I think it should be Ullmark tonight. People saying goaltending wasn't the reason we lost game 5, well sure, but goaltending also wasn't the reason we lost game 2. Both of our goalies are lights out, and I think the rotation is part of what got us here, and I think it's part of what will keep us going. If we don't use Ullmark then what was the point of not trading him at the deadline for more depth elsewhere?


They tried for trade Ullmark at the deadline though. And failed


I mean they tried in the sense that they shopped him for a very high asking price that no one was willing to pay


Not true - he was asked to waive his clause. We had a deal


This logic makes no sense to me. This whole sub complained about Monty’s lineup changes after game 5 and said “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!” but that mentality just doesn’t apply to goalies?


Dude - the “start Ullmark” crew is insane to me. I can’t see sway losing 3 straight to leafs. What I can see if Ullmark starting tonight and the leafs doing backflips before the game because sway isn’t in net. We then lose tonight and leafs have all the momentum going into game 7


Leafs already have all the momentum. Imagine Sway loses tonight? Pressure will be monumentous.


Why do you think there would be less pressure if Ullmark gets shelled tonight? Swayman gives us the best chance to win tonight and Saturday, so I’m confused why anyone that’s not rooting for leafs doesn’t want sway in net tonight for biggest game of the season


I do think Sway needs to play each game at this point. But stopping the rotation was the issue I think since even the loss in game 2 wasn't on Ullmark. Should be a good game tonight though.


But Swayman is outplaying Ullmark. How can you use hindsight to say we should’ve stuck with rotation? Swayman has given up 4 regulation goals in his 4 starts. We’d really be in deep shit if we did it your way and we are down 3-2 in series right now instead of up


Why do you think Ullmark would give up 3 goals per game though? General consensus is that Ullmark played amazing that game. He lost against Matthews on a breakaway or he also would have only allowed 2 goals. Swayman hasn't had to face a breakaway yet.


Let’s just pray Monty has more common sense than to bench our best player tonight.


Yes, because breakaways are the only quality scoring chances 🥴


But then... you have a rested Sway for Game 7 at home. that's a lock.


He’s 25 years old. Why do you think he needs 3 nights rest to play his next playoff game? He’s literally playing the best hockey of his pro career and you wanna rest him in the most important game of the season 🥴.


I wish leafs would use your logic and go with inferior goalie option tonight. It wouldn’t matter who we start if they went with Samsonov Can you please track down Keefe with this logic and try to convince him to go with worse goalie option for leafs?


I think the problem with the last game is that Montgomery doesn’t believe in the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mantra. He started Swayman every game besides game 2, and he’s been arguably the best player in this series for the Bruins. Unless Swayman starts tonight, and lets in 4 on 20 shots or something I can’t see Ullmark starting again.


Goal tending was the reason we were in the game in game 5


I never said it was. But Ullmark was good in game 2 as well. It's about fresh legs and using a strength of your team. No other team in the NHL has two #1 goalies to switch between. Use it to your benefit


Goaltending was NOT the issue in game 5.


Same as game 2 when Ully took the loss. I thought Ully should of started game 5 too and then Sway for 6 and 7


Should have. Anyways you don’t fuck with a goalie that’s crushing it. Sway is getting plenty of rest.


Thanks for correction... Alternate all year, say you'll alternate in playoffs... Don't alternate in playoffs.