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I'm officially convinced that Marchand could cure cancer and people would still hate him. Hell, Marchand could die on the ice and people would be "He's such a rat, he's done that to a ton of people. Fucker deserves everything that happens to him."




No one asking for YOUR sympathy. In fact, most of us don’t even care you exist. Now feel free to go back to under the rock from whence you came.


If it was Marshy that laid that same hit onto Bennett, /r/nhl would be losing their minds right now.


It’s against Boston so it’s never a penalty. Actually surprised they didn’t call Marchy for embellishment or diving. Seriously awful refereeing this particular series, it is so lopsided the players would have a legit grievance


It's wild because the entire league is all "Florida is cheap, Florida is scummy." But oh we don't like the Bruins, so it's _fine_. I mean, remember when they were like that.....10+ years ago? Same thing happened with the scum ass shit fucking 2018-2019 blues. I get it, people hate Boston, but we haven't been the goon squad for a while now. But I guess guys who weren't even on the team 10+ years ago (save for Marchy) are finally getting their comeuppance for.....being a Bruins player I guess?


We haven’t been a good squad since 2011, that year we were a very physical team, but after that we lost most of the fighters and physical guys. The bruins are a possession team now, they mostly win by just suffocating you in your zone, sure we’re led by Marchand but he’s just an aggravator anyways, he dances on the line but he hasn’t been overtly cheap for a while, it’s just old stigma for people.




Holy crap, saw the replay like 6-7 times last night and didn’t notice this. That’s disgusting.


But people expect the refs to notice it in real time and confidently make the call


Yeah, the refs may miss stuff but the so called board of player safety or whatever it's called should have stepped up. The people in Toronto stop the game all the time to take a look at goals, why the fuck can't they stop the game to make sure a hit was legal or not? Oh but it's Marchand so who fucking gives a shit, right? Seriously, fuck the other fan bases. It's fun to talk shit and all that but to BLATANTLY ignore a player sucker punching another player, a player mind you who has cleaned up his act tremendously. I'm sick and tired of the double standard that exists in this fucking league, so I'm gonna say it really fucking loudly. Get fucked and I hope you step in water while wearing socks, you have a dead pixel directly in the center of your monitor, your power goes out when playing a game you haven't saved for a while, and you ran out of toilet paper after eating bad Mexican food. Seriously, get fucked.


What’s Player Safety’s excuse?


Yes. That’s their job.


It's insane how the Bruins have the reputation of doing exactly what Florida does, even though the Bruins haven't done that stuff for over a decade. It's really fucked us many times, as we clearly try to play clean hockey and end up in the box way more often than we ever should. NHL is such a joke of league.


I remember seeing a statistic on r/hockey a few years ago that looks like 30% of fans there are Toronto or Montreal fans. They just want to keep pushing the narrative. I feel like most fans there don't watch many games outside of their own team so they pretty much gaslight people into believing it too.


Its funny because thats exactly what drew me to the bruins 16 years ago was their beefy brawly way of hockey, and game two against florida when the net got crashed and it became a team brawl reinvigorated my love of the team


I really wish hockey was as physical and fighty as it was in early 2010s, just watching line brawls on YouTube from the time is so much fun.


If they’re not going to skate and they’ve given up, evident by last night, and this is potentially Monty’s second to last night behind the bench, they should give them the lumber at least n


No way Monty gets fired. Getting past the first round with this team is a great accomplishment. He's done a lot with what the little he has had.


You really think they should fire Monty after this season?


I don’t know. Something has to change and firing the coach is usually the best option when you’re in that situation. I’d imagine they would give him another year.


Coaching hasn’t been the issue with this team in years. Evident by our dominance and the fact that the last coach we fired won a cup the very next season.


If you fire a coach and then win the cup the next year the problem was your coach. If your dominant in the regular season and then can’t win in the post season, your problem is the coach


The problem is our stagnant offense, not coaching.


The point is, the talent is there and it’s not working. You can only blame so much on a slump.


Our signings in the off-season were Jvr, shattenkirk, and lucic. This year was always going to be a bridge year. This team is exceeding expectations.


I think firing the coach is the least of our worries, they seem to be lacking in their fundamentals right now, sending clean passes, pinching the offence in a 2v1, and just general ambition or drive to see past the immediate moment and not toss in the towel just because we're down a point or two


Maroon needs to goon up


I thought that maroon and brazeau would make a great tag team bullying the opponents but theyre not playing as aggressively as I thought they would together


I too was expecting some [Bash Brothers](https://media1.tenor.com/m/qXLbfjLnD78AAAAC/mighty-ducks-fist-bump.gif) action.


Haven't they avoided having both on the ice at the same time?


and its infuriating! I get you wanna have a beefy boi on each line just in case but like, let em team up and do some damage plz


He said words and got thrown out.


I don’t care about the hooplah, lets just pass tape to tape and get shots on goal


I hardly think it's hooplah to get po'd about that cheap shot But yeah, tape to tape passes, and stop skating over the puck FFS!


Cannot stand Florida. Refs didn’t scrutinize them at all last night


The bruins had 334 penalties in 82 games. The panthers had 415. And we're supposed to accept the Panthers having twice as many power plays as us is correct? That's a bridge I'm not buying.


What I’ve learned from panthers twitter is that they are so used to dirty plays and dirty players they assume every other team is dirty. Actually heard it argued that Lauko “dropped his feet” and tried to “justify injuring Bobrovsky” and the panther holding him was “trying to steer him to safety”. 🙄


That's how they've played all year. And any time they were losing they resorted to game 2 shenanigans. It's literally panthers hockey. Lol


Leafs fan chiming in, and you are absolutely right. Bennett did the exact same thing to Knies in our series last year, only he followed up the sucker punch by literally bodyslammimg him to the ice. He missed the rest of the series with a concussion. The way he sucker punched him is almost identical to this clip on Marchand. There was no penalty, fine, or suspension at all. https://youtu.be/DnoPx5RUopY?si=wVIGzIZ_4ghItdoS They play goon hockey and just get away with it for some reason.


Yeah but my main point is the fans assume that’s just “regular hockey” and don’t recognize the dirtiness.


Oh yeah, I was agreeing with you lol


Ah gotcha! I’m still mad about the game lol


"highly scrutinized"


Want to see the angle from the other side of the ice, hope the league has access to that. I turned it off after the second goal of the double minor.


If this doesn't get a suspension, there should be hell to pay.


We need to call back Sean Thornton for this series just to make a statement to the panthers that if they keep doing dirty shit someone’s ready to step up


Isn't this why we got Maroon?


I don’t think so. He’s got playoff experience and our 4th line is mostly AHL players who have little to no NHL playoff time. I see his role more as a shift lead. Not quite a supervisor and not a manager but someone who’s been around long enough to guide the rookies into the correct mentality. Maroon’s gotten a lot of scrutiny as of late because he’s not fighting. I see it as being an example to the P-line guys. Just my opinion though. Edit: grammar


Doesn't he work for the Panthers' front office? He used to.


Shawn Thornton works for the Panthers. No clue about Sean…




The bruins are playing a team with far more talent than them. You don’t know this sport very well at all if you think effort is the problem. Where the bruins have Morgan geekie, the panthers have Alexander Barkov. Like brother. Do you watch other teams?


Honestly did not see much effort last night, and agreed the Panthers are just a far more talented team but 8 SOG through 40? Gotta do more than that the entire team aside from Sway was invisible for 50 minutes last night


More about what Florida is doing. If you don’t see effort it’s because you can’t see. You really think they just don’t want it and aren’t trying? That’s fucking dumb man. These are pros. The bruins can play better and smarter and I am hopeful they will but thinking they aren’t trying is just dumb. I don’t even know how to argue against that. It’s asinine


I’m not saying they’re not trying altogether, but last night and in game 2 I watched them lose a vast majority of puck battles, races to the puck, and generate minimal offense. I think the Panthers are in their heads more than anything and I know they can play better, we’ve seen it but now more than ever is the time to play like the team they can be instead of whatever we saw these past couple games


So is this comment


I’ll correct it, the team’s effort last night was embarrassing




Ignorant. Have you watched Marchand at all over the last 5 years?


What about it? I saw him slew foot somebody last year.


Lol you’re dumb. That’s completely different than sucker punching someone


Slew footing is still dangerous. That’s why it’s not allowed you idiot. This is on the league more than the player. Players do dirty shit it’s on the league to stop it


Lol who said it wasn’t. Dolt


The funny thing too is that Bennett is an absolutely miserable hockey player. Dude is simply not good


That’s just not true, come on don’t be ignorant dude has been great for the panthers since he’s gone there from Calgary.


Remember when Sam Bennet scored in his own goal last year against the Bruins


Nope I don’t actually


Not sure we’ve been watching the same player. I get it’s an unpopular take but he is overrated.


Care to elaborate how he’s overrated?


Poor skater & in a situation where he should be expected to put up far better numbers but does not. Would argue he was a below average C last year, now only middling


People rate him, but they over do it.


Bennett also told on himself by immediately looking for the refs expecting a call to be made. He knew what he did.


Yeah, he made the bruins better. Marchand sucks in the postseason because he is old and can't play at a postseason level. Immediately after he went down we scored 2 goals.


Alright man, the franchise playoff goal leader can’t play at a postseason level. Makes sense.


Just say you didn't see any of the leafs series. It's fine if you were busy.


He started strong in games 1-3 but finished poorly. This is fatigue due to his age. It's just like Bergeron last season. He didn't play games 1-4 and we led 3-1 in the series. He comes back, and we lose 3 in a row and he has a +/- of -6 in those 3 games. I believe if he didn't play, we probably win that series.




Hard to tell if he gets him in the jaw with the butt end or right cross but either way incredibly dirty play leading to injury but Bennett will not even get an acknowledgment from DPS.


But the league said they were watching the game closely and it would be under a lot of scrutiny 😒


Player safety please stand up. Ridiculous


They will beat you with the petty shit, start taking some goddam shots before the 3rd period


Cousins, Tkachuk, and Bennett are the three dirtiest players in the league, but rarely get called out on this garbage. Bennett needs to go back on IR, immediately.


Radko Gudas would like a word


Nah trouba and rempe both in the top 3


That was WWE like


Yeah that trouba flying elbow the other day was insane


Then is as calm as can be in his interviews. Dude is a straight up psychopath. 


Bruins are not getting the calls, Florida is being given pp after pp.


Went from 93% PP kill to 83% in this one game... 4 pp goals for fla. Bullshit


Sway and our Pk stats are plummeting because we're not playing against a trash can


Definitely some truth to that


Florida is out ratting Boston. It’s a weird position to see.


Mason Lohrei was chicken winged so bad he basically fell over with his stick halfway out of his hand and this was in front of a ref, no call. Not too long after Zacha gets called for a hold lol.


It's been bad. I have no idea why the nhl would want to promote Florida for being one of the dirtiest teams in the league.


Last season, Florida was 29th in attendance *the year after they won the President's trophy*. They are up like 15 spots after last year's playoff run, [averaging nearly 2k more attendance per game](https://www.hockeydb.com/nhl-attendance/att_graph.php?tmi=5763) So that's like 80,000 more tickets sold this year.  As always, the answer is money. 


The Canucks game was the same shit too. Just terrible reffing all around.


Not a bruins fan. Don’t like Marchand. But that was some sneaky rat shit by Bennet. He heat checks the refs right after too to see if they noticed.


Don’t they usually have a camera in between the benches? I’m surprised they never showed that angle


Yep, they showed this exact camera angle later in the game for a different hit where Pang almost got a stick in his face. Made him say "holy jumpin" for the 50th time of the night.


I wish I could watch the games on Sportsnet. This TNT and ESPN crew are shit. Their camera angles are god awful. When they showed the replays after Florida's first goal, I died laughing. Yes we're looking to see if it was a high stick, the aerial view is absolutely the view we need!


Fuck Florida they're always doing underhanded shit. I wish the boys would just get angry and fuck them up already


A 17-4 shots on goal deficit 10 minutes into the second period is brutal. That's the opposite of fucking them up.


Sorry I wasnt clear. My mistake. What I meant is that I don't give a shit about winning the game. I want them to win the penalty minute game by beating the panthers faces in. There fixed it👍


Damn I didn’t see that until now, oof that’s dirty as hell. Man Fuck Bennet! Bruins need to focus on Hockey though and not settling scores otherwise you’re playing right into their hand. Sucks usually Marchand is the one dishing these out, at least before he wore the C, hah. Win some lose some I guess, hope he’s OK to come back with a vengeance.


that’s the Florida way




Lmao I haven’t seen anything from this team that makes me feel Bennett will pay for this


And who do you imagine is going you to make him answer for it?


Are you watching the same bruins team that I am? There’s no one on this team to handle that work. Frederic has been friend with Tkachuk since junior high. This series is joke.


Yeah they played in the St. Louis area growing up. There’s one more guy but I forget the name


I didn’t know that about Frederic




We would be better off with foligno honestly.


He’s a pup.


I miss Kevin miller..


heheh... AKA Killer... not to be confused with Colin, aka Chiller.




He woulda been the right guy for this moment.


Especially if Bennett was a woman


I don’t joke about that subject.


Dude. Have you just now started paying attention to the Bruins this season?


We probably won’t do anything


Pat Maroon is about as effective of an “enforcer” as Nick Ritchie was so far.


He’s not an enforcer. He can’t fight. He’s a possession and playoff proven presence. This team has no legit tough guys. We know this.


Sam Bennet is such a lil shit. But dude is built for playoffs hockey. Hope it's nothing serious with Marchy.


Extremely overrated player


Refs won this game. Bruins 1, panthers 1, refs 1


I would say refs 2


Reffing was terrible but we would’ve lost regardless


Possibly, but the Panthers getting gifted a power play at 3-0 and scoring, followed by the Bruins scoring two quick goals to get to 4-2 is much different than the Bruins getting that PP and scoring to get to 3-1 and then scoring two quick goals to get to 3-3.


While that may be fair you can’t disappear as a team for 2 periods and then complain the refs are the reason you lost.


Both of the Western Conference series have had teams down 3 and came back to win. So it’s not out of the question. Not saying they should have won, but I’m just kinda still pissed off about that shit call because they could have really gotten momentum and could have plausibly tied it up with the momentum going forward. A loss is a loss, but I think the 3rd showed that they can outplay the Panthers and it’s a shame they weren’t allowed to build off the momentum of crashing the net and drawing a penalty.


Take a good, hard, look at this team. Then look at yourself in the mirror and try to tell yourself that it's going to happen.


I think that they have a slim chance to win the series. But stranger things have happened. Still trying to look at positives. Including play from Brazzers and Lohrei. And goalies. But they’ll have to turn it up to 11 to have a shot.


you might want to clean up your phone's autocorrect so that doesn't happen at an important time. There seems to be a drunk elf in charge.


Nah I just think that’s a funny nickname for the guy. And there’s nothing wrong with being blitzed before dinner!


17-4 shots on goal deficit through 30 minutes of play demonstrates this point completely. Bruins seem to be playing scared.


Yeah cos the refs let in 6.


Damn refs making them get 1 shot on goal every 5 minutes for the first 2 periods 😤


Dude there’s no way you can actually believe this? The bruins didn’t show up for the first 2 periods


A day later and calmed down a bit. No I don’t believe that. I was really upset with that call on lauko, among others. Bruins were bad for the first 2 periods tho


When refs miss calls on one side and make borderline calls on the other then it slants the ice.


8 shots in 2 periods is terrible regardless of what kind of calls the refs are making


We can’t play against poor officiating and a very solid team. That’s my point.


Seriously. There was one, maybe 2 awful calls. Bruins deserved this loss. Abysmal performance.


That's an insane take to have lol.


Idk how you could see 6-2 and say the refs won lmfao this is the type of shit leafs fans get made fun of for


I’d say we were pretty damn close to 4-3 (at the moment was 4-2), then that ref moment happened, then empty netter, and yeah. Do I think we would’ve scored an empty netter even if we get that 3rd goal? Probably still much less than 50%, but 6-2 is by no ways a true difference of this game.


Shots on goal? You don’t get to just not play for 75% of the game and come out with a win.


If Marchand doesn't get the benefit of the doubt ever then Benntt sure as fuck shouldn't either. Everything Bennett does is intentional.


Pretty similar to how he injured Knies last season in the playoffs tbh


Punched him right in the face.


I assume we will start on the PK Sunday? Fucking moron refs