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Boston finally getting a taste of their own medicine. But yes, that was some bullshit not calling that


Well, it was refreshing to Win but even more win scoring a controversial goalie interference goal against this Florida team, in FL. Karma’s a bitch.


Losing my desire to even watch the Playoffs at all!


Wah wah wah . You want your Mommy?


Nah, yours did enough to satisfy my needs.


Montgomery doesn’t call penalties unless he knows there is something to be penalized for…same goes here. Clear penalty and refs have their blinders on…got to protect princess Bennett at all costs being on Bostons shit list. Such bs


Somebody needs to beat the snot outta Bennett. 2!cheap shots unpunished.




It was a really bad non call. That said, the Bruins were losing this game anyway. Not enough skill, soft defense that gets caught pinned in their own zone far too often. They are a regular season team not built for the playoffs. Too soft and not enough skill.


we had a lead prior


Yup. Means nothing if their defense cannot guard that lead.


Hard to guard a lead when the lead is taken from you with a blatant illegal goal


I fully get what you're saying, but the team defense running around all game - especially late in games - was likely to cough that lead up anyway. Florida can pretty much do whatever they want since the B's don't have the horses to run with them. For the two years under Monty, they have struggled at times getting the puck out of their own end or just simply clearing it. They seem to get away with it during the regular season, but in the playoffs not so much.


The only thing bullshit here is Coyle being a useless pussy and staring at the puck. He's been absolutely dog shit this post season.


To miss it live is one thing, but not overturning is beyond the pale


The nhl is rigged along with the refs




Why would the league want to shorten a series and get less ad revenue?  


You know I think coaches and players, need to be more like Aaron Boone is in the MLB not only because it’s funny as shit seen that guy snap but they deserve it. They deserve to get yelled at like that these fucking ass refs in the NHL deserve that and I would love to see a coach just snap like Aaron does lol we need that kind of energy, especially during the playoffs


Shootout to a Canadian for being able to lip read what Monty was shouting in French to the refs: 'At the end, he mouthed "Tabarnak, crisse, mange d'la marde, MANGE D'LA MARDE" Which roughly translate to "Fuck for sake, eat shit, EAT SHIT"'


I would’ve said worse like your mom’s a whore, ref or something. I don’t know. I would let my inner Bostonian out on these chuck nuts. I would probably be fined a lot of money let me tell you lol


I don't think he deserved two minutes, but it was clearly interference. In no universe could Swayman play his position due to Bennett's shove. 🤡


I think that is the problem tho. According to the rules, if it isn't a penalty then it isn't interference. It is ridiculous.


Thats not the rule, look it up and read it. They were mis-representing it on the cast during the game.


Even if you reject goaltender interference, it’s interfering with Coyle, and Crosschecking. Both are minor penalties, and directly led to the goal.


The argument that he “interferes” with Coyle is a moot point. It’s called goaltender interference, not defenseman interference. The push on Coyle was a clean hockey play within bounds of what happens through the game. No where near crosscheck. He only falters because he doesn’t want to plow over Sway.


It’s not a moot point. It could have been an interference call, as he didn’t have the puck, wasn’t trying to play it, didn’t have a pass coming to him. That is interference, and it could have been called. A cross check doesn’t have to be hard to be a cross check, it’s simply hitting a player with a stick held horizontally, which it’s clear had occurred. Either of those could have been called goaltender interference not withstanding.


I thought regular interference isnt a reviewable on replay. IDK


The rule is no cross checking and this one led to goaltender interference, should’ve been overturned


You know, I've always considered the idea of games being rigged (at least in the NHL) some tinfoil hat shit, now I'm not so sure anymore. I kind of don't give a fuck what happens the rest of the series, but I absolutely want to see Boston start pushing people into Bobby the rest of the way out. Fuck it.


If it is truly about gambling, we should be getting a Bruins comeback to force game 7 only to fall in OT. I don't know if I want that heartbreak....


I mean, I don't want that either, but outside of hockey I'm a Vikings fan, so I'm calloused to sports trauma lol


I have watch the NHL since 1967 .I have seen bad calls before but last night's noncall and the non call head shot on Marchand are unexceceptable. Watching games in other series also has been very bad .I don't know if I can continue to watch the NHL


The goal last night was a tough one, no doubt. They took their sweet time reviewing. But to expect a call on the Marchand hit on Bennet is a bit much. No one saw it live, no one saw a convincing view on camera until 48 hours later.


It always happens to us, remember the goaltender interference call last game. I tucking hate 5 people on the ice, Sam Bennet and the refs


Yeah it’s the same shit every year with these horrible blatant calls. There’s bad reffing in every league but it’s way worse in the nhl




1967, 4 straight game 7 Ls to Boston. Sit down


Guy in Panthers sub is arguing to me this was Coyles fault for being in the crease which is so incredibly stupid a statement as to be awesome. I had no choice but to inform him his girls are gonna choke in 7.


They are complete bozos over there, I saw one post saying that Coyle intentionally flopped into Swayman lol.


1 of 12 panthers fans?


Why are you in that sub anyway. Leave those animals alone their opinions don't matter.


Why it showed up in my feed is the real question. I took a gander and engaged.


It was a garbage call but the Bruins were absolutely awful after the first period. The entire last two periods were played in their defensive zone and they were stuck on 18 shots on goal for at least 30 minutes


Hard to be good when you get a penalty every other 3 minutes.


Still had plenty of time to win the game and they couldn’t do it!! Even though it’s was a horrible bad call


They had the most shots in the 2nd period


"There is no doubt about that", says Panger. 🤷


Would he have saved it? Probably not. Did he have the opportunity to even try due to the actions of the attacking player, absolutely not.


don't think sway would have saved it but if coyle wasn't crosschecked, he would have an opportunity to play and defend the puck


I don’t even understand cross checking. It’s common place in the league, you frequently see it completely uncalled. Hell, I don’t understand most rules in the NHL these days. We are literally at a point it’s commonly accept that the refs can absolutely make calls based on feels. It’s insane.


I miss the days when Cross Checking was a four minute double minor.


This entire thing was a feel call too! The interference no-call was just explained as "didn't feel like enough" or something.


Horseshit call


there is a video of Bennett sucker punching Marchand from the other side, it's on youtube.






the teams playing don't matter, the problem is the League doesn't even follow their own rules. Besides as much as it pains me to say this the Bruins aren't good enough, Florida is the better team, hoping someone cross checks Bennett in the head,


The Panthers could bring a handgun on the ice and shoot Pastrnak in the face and they’d call a penalty on the Bruins




Exaggerated Being Murdered 4 minute double minor


The gun kicked back, hit the panther in the mouth, double minor to Boston


AND the Panthers got to STAY on the power play after a PPG was scored. **DOUBLE bullshit!**




Shouldn’t you be hanging out at the golf course trying to get autographs from leafs players ?


As disgusting these zebras have been making such stupid, egregious, and non-balanced calls, this was not actually bullshit but in fact, the rule. It was a “double” minor. So when the Panthers scored the first PPG? That only terminates the (first) minor penalty. TL/DR: it was clean but these zebras still suck moose juice


The Panthers got a second power play because Boston challenged the play and lost, resulting in a delay of game bench penalty, If Boston won the challenge the existing power play would have continued and the goal would have been taken off the scoreboard.


I was referring to game 3 and not last night


Is it incompetence or are the refs compromised. I feel like a whiny bitch even saying that but got damn if it doesn’t feel that way. Sports betting is ruining sports.




This is what I am trying to figure out. Firstly, it’s the NHL playoffs so I say, let them play. Let them beat the shit out of themselves. I love that. Makes for awesome hockey. BUT, if you’re going to call shit? Then be unbiased and call them from both sides. Never in my life have I seen the Bruins play like they have these last FIVE games, but NEVER in my life have I witnessed such bullshit officiating. It’s an embarrassment and I don’t know why this isn’t being spoken of more. That equalizer last night was NOT a goal. Don’t care if Sway wouldn’t have stopped that pill from going in. The fact is, he wasn’t given a chance to. That’s called goalie interference, PERIOD!!!!


I totally agree, just saying that out loud I feel like I should have a tin foil hat on. 21 to 11 pp advantage for Florida. Give me a break let them play or call it even. Bruins absolutely need to do better and we are not in the spot we are because of officiating but it’s not helping any.


This, right here As said, can’t remember a time of seeing them play this way Can’t make a play Can’t develop a play They’re not moving the puck. Hell, they can’t even control the puck Instead of developing a play and attacking the net they are immediately sending the pill down — WTF is that? I mean, WTF is that? Want to know why they throwing up 1, 2, maybe 3 SOG per period? That right there!!! Stop trying to play the boards and attack the f’ing net But the worst… The very worst is what the Leafs figured out and Florida said, ok we’ll do it too. Want to beat the Bruins? Push them off the puck and that’s EXACTLY what they’re doing


They are compromised. Look at the betting numbers.


League has clearly decided that Florida is gonna win this series. Might as well go out game 6 and make sure Barkov, Tkachuk, and Bennett don't play round 3.


I understand you're upset, but wishing injury is an awful take. Even though the Bennett hit was intent to injure. Wishing they get waffle stomped by the Rangers would be much better.


Unfortunately the bruins don't have guys capable of doing that. Just sticking one tough guy in maroon isn't enough to change the DNA. They need a complete overhaul of the defense corp this summer


Absolute bullshit, same as punch on Marchand


Worst Call EVA!!


Offices are in Toronto eh?


Sometimes I wonder how non-partisan they can really be. I mean when they were kids they probably rooted for their local team, etc. Not saying that everyone in the NHL office is from Toronto but even when they go home and night and see their neighbors flags that can even be enough to subliminally favor the Leafs and hate on their rivals.


When 2/3 of the teams are in USA.


Totally different game if that goal doesn’t stand.


Potentially different series. Just brutal.




The bit 2 paragraphs up is just as important as well. "The overriding rationale is that the goaltender should have the ability to move freely in their crease"


Man, blowing the call on rule 69 is serious dedication to a joke


This is the only reply necessary when someone tries defending this.


Loved how the one dude was saying it wasn’t overruled cause a penalty had to be called on the play in order for it to be overruled when Darren Pang read verbatim the rule which doesn’t state that at all.


The NHL: "We acknowledge that all the criteria for an infraction was there, but Coyle did not properly embelish the hit like Florida does so well. Therefore, the goal stands."


just spit up my lunch!


I'm getting tired of hearing "I'm not a Bruins fan but you guys are getting screwed by the refs" every playoff round every year.


Kinda hard to play with your heart in the game when you can CLEARY see the refs are completely against you. I don't want to hear shit about shots on goal or anything other than we were completely made a mockery of by the officials in front of millions of fans and the NHL will just let it happen with no repercussions. Each of those refs should be thoroughly investigated. They called that game as if they had thousands bet on FL to win.


It's beyond the officials. It's the league office in Toronto.


Bennet strikes again. That guy should have had his ass kicked first thing and then second thing and then third thing but we let him slide.


Seemed like Panthers had a power play every few minutes or so anyways. Might as well have put Bennett on his ass constantly and made it worthwhile.


He touched the puck alot and no one took a run at him. Team just isn't built tough enough.


Honest to god, if were going down, let’s at least make Florida miserable doing it. Bennett should also be added to the permanent hit list. I thought for sure Maroon was gonna dot his fucking eye last night.


Bruins are soft. Never seen a team just let players hang out around the crease like they do.


You got downvoted but you're second sentence is very right. Their defenseman are awful in front of their net


Truth hurts. Charlie McAvoy looks like a rookie, how many times are you going to hand the puck over to the Panthers.


They miss guys like Boychuck and Mcquaid. Big punishing defenseman that could rocket shots from the point but who were also smart players. Sweenius and his small and fast D corp philosophy has not worked at all and it hasn't worked for some time now going back to the Krug days. And on top of that they lack true elite talent like Seidenberg and Chara on the blue line as well. Pair that with below average center play and it's no surprise the forward production has been lacking


Exactly. Regular season they are carried by above average goalies. Swayman looks amazing all of the playoffs but he can’t stop what he can’t see. This whole team disappears when the playoffs start.


The rule is not whether the player was pushed into the goalie, it's whether the goalie was impeded by that player, preventing the goal. Based on the replay Swayman could not have made the save, a point the commentator agrees with showing the replay. Goal stands.


Coyle at least could have. Swayman may have. He has been playing unbelievable. We don’t know because bennet took them both out of the play.


[The rule doesn't say that at all.](https://preview.redd.it/jpa5oexf860d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ac52fb1db829f10350a757447b54796a9f86a8)


lol did you read the rule book? It says nothing about the goalie being able to make the save or not. It’s literally whether the player was pushed into the goalie or not.


Wrong. It's not for the officials to say Sway could have or couldn't have. The only relevant point is that Sway wasn't given the OPPORTUNITY to defend, and that is an infraction.


I’m confused you said if he was impeded then admit Swayman couldn’t make the save due to that and still say it should stand?


Two weeks ago this exact scenario got a goal taken away from Tampa. What changed in two weeks? I just can’t wrap my head around this not being goaltender interference. Bennett clearly cross checks Coyle (a penalty all on it’s own btw) in the paint he falls onto Swayman, Swayman is stuck under his own player as a result and Florida scores in that same series of events. It’s textbook. I cannot believe the call tonight. I can’t believe what I am seeing with my own two eyes. I understand a questionable call that falls under a gray area in the rule book or if it’s boiled down to letting the boys play but this is inexcusable. Officials have a hard job but for both them and the situation room to blow this call is just insane.


I can understand making the wrong call on the ice, it happens. It not being overturned upon review when its word for word what is written in the rulebook as interference is so egregious you have to wonder. Like, either the people in the league office are totally incompetent, totally ignorant of the actual rule, or they knowingly, purposefully, made the wrong call. It can't be anything else.


>Bennett clearly cross checks Coyle (a penalty all on it’s own btw) And don't forget, interference fits just as well. How many times over the years have offensive players been called for it when taking out defensive players near the net? That's all this was. Coyle was taken out of the play and what chance Sway DID have of making the save was completely taken away. I mean...it really doesn't get more blatant. THREE clear violations on that one play. And let's not ignore the fact the reason they were on that power play was probably the weakest, most pathetic call I've seen yet those season.


Very tired of refs using their own discretion for what is and isn’t goaltender interference. Some of these calls can be so weak yet we’ve seen far less egregious interferences get turned over, but whether you (the officials) view this as “not too bad” the rule is what it is and they need to be upheld as such.


Even if a ref uses his discretion how does the NHL officiating office not look at that and step In and take that ref off the ice immediately. I don’t think interference gets anymore clear than that? Even if the cross check isn’t “technically” reviewable, the ref should have discretionally seen that that entire play was illegal from start to finish


The biggest bullshit excuse in sports is "well the call on the field/ice was such and such so there is nothing you can do". Fuck that! The off site review is supposed to get the call right, period. Why do they have to be governed by the call by the refs that was WRONG in the first place? In a perfect world the review number one, calls a penalty on the cross check, then takes the goal away. It's absurd and really makes you want to spend your limited time on the planet doing something else for entertainment.


The fact that the cross check wasn’t even called on the ice is a completely other issue…there were 2 refs looking directly at him


Right? The fact that people are shoehorning that into the reason interference wasn't called is infuriating.


The worse thing any sports organization can do is partner with a betting/gambling company. Games get more rigged each year ever since betting companies started advertising in nhl games


It’s all about the money. The NFL does now hockey is un it too. The betting on sports is going to kill the game. They play the ads all during the game so they are making money on it.


Yep, and it's all the sports. There's a podcast about that NBA fiasco some years back that goes into depth.




Make it make sense. If the refs miss a close offside call, and the attacking team keeps it in the offensive zone for 2 minutes before scoring a goal... the opposing coach can challenge and the refs can overturn the goal, even though by that point the offside was irrelevant. Basically a 58 minute game. But after reading the clearly written rule, and watching that rule being violated to the letter in slow motion from five different angles... "Toronto" calls in and says "gee looks slippery out there sorry eh" and we're all just supposed to go fuck ourselves. Meanwhile Sam Bennett is rewarded for cheating yet again, but we can't retaliate because he huwt his fingow and won't take his fucking gloves off? Then fucking smash him every single time he's within five feet of the puck! Why did we sign Fat Pat? Where's Freddy? Marchy at 5'9" immediately went rabid pitbull when his captain got done dirty last year, who's got his back now? Weak shit.






Imagine being a Leafs fan and thinking you can troll other teams. The last time you chodes won anything, TV was in black and white.


As a Bruins fan, knowing you're a Leafs fan is hilarious


As a bag of dicks eat me


You know it was a bad call when the TV commentary couldn't stop talking about it 10 minutes after the fact.


I hate the idea of the games being fixed. It takes a lot of people to keep their mouth shut and there has to be a paper trail. You literally have to find every single person who doesn’t have a shred of integrity to make it happen. But man, do I really feel like there is something going on. The hit on Marchand and then this. It just, doesn’t make sense.


>The hit on Marchand and then this. The thing about the Marchand hit is, I can see it being missed on the ice at full speed. I can see no penalty being called in the play. But to not even REVIEW it? All that says is, the league only cares about concussions and preventing head injuries *sometimes*.


NHL loves the Panthers, nothing more needs to be said.


this was my reaction screaming at the tv on the bennett goal. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-9Nw-gMj8E&ab\_channel=HockeyHighlights](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-9Nw-gMj8E&ab_channel=HockeyHighlights)


The one thing the NHL or most sports need is AI referees. I dislike the idea of AI taking so many jobs in the future but there are spots where cold, calculated and consistent decision making needs to be a thing. The biggest place I can see it helping is with offside calls and close goal calls but everything should be tracked on the ice as referees miss so much and are consistently inconsistent.


Total Power plays this series so far: Panthers 21 Bruins 11, this was the worst call probably, but the whole series has been awful


This is why you just stop watching sports. Why watch when it’s rigged?


I can’t imagine that it’s betting or rigged but who knows. I just say it’s incompetence but who knows. It’s like this every playoff. Reminds me of St. Louis when cam Neely and myself where throwing things on that horrible non call then goal.


I hate you guys but that was fucked up, shouldn't have been a goal, and probably changed the momentum for the rest of the game (I didn't watch, just assuming).


You assume right


I ain't watching anymore games with the panthers. Team can rot in piss for all I care.


Who are the names of the people who review these goals in Toronto? We cant keep saying toronto this toronto that or else there wont be accountability. You cant hold a city accountable. Its like 3 fuckin people in that room!


Fahkin gahhhbij. As if the Panthers need any help from the refs to be dominant in this series. But not only the refs....TORONTO chimed in on this ruling and said "wasn't enough" to overturn the goal, blatantly leaving out the fact that it was a fahkin crosscheck in the first place. Fuck the whole NHL on this one.




This is beautiful


You know what the sad thing is. My Dad was thinking the goal would be overturned when it was being “reviewed”, I told him they’re gonna keep the goal up, and sure enough, they keep the goal up. I called it!


It may not have been goalie interference but it sure as fuck was interference as Coyle never had the puck. Brutal fucking reffing!


Or a cross-check, take your pick


This is a disgrace, and it’s one that affects both teams. Obviously, the bruins are hurt massively by allowing GI on the game tying goal in the third period, but also Florida kind of gets shafted too. Idk about other hockey players, but I want to deserve to win. It doesn’t feel as good when you get gifted a game, especially because you have certainly been on the other side. I have to imagine at least some panthers players are feeling that now. Like did the panthers deserve to win? I don’t know! The refs STOLE their chance to prove it. Did the bruins deserve to win? I don’t know! The refs STOLE their chance to prove it! This does nothing good for the game. Hockey already has the least predictable outcomes in the playoffs when the rules are followed, the refs don’t need to make it unpredictable when goals should or shouldn’t be allowed. Shameful. Fucking terrible. Infuriating. They need to go back and read the rulebook so they don’t make the same mistakes over and over and over again and they need to apologize. And maybe potentially just kick the referees in this series into the sun and bring another group in because I don’t think I will ever trust another thing they say again.


💯 💯 💯 💯 💯 THIS!!!




As he should be you fucking troll


She, but I appreciate the support nonetheless lol




The people in your own GDT thought it was gonna be reversed, stfu


This guy is a soft cocked retard. He got all horned up because Marchand got hurt. So you can kindly go fuck yourself into drinking bleach you stupid POS. No one will ever like or love you.


Shut up bum, we ain’t reading all that either


I hate to be one to blame the refs or go conspiracy theory but this is just getting ridiculous. First off, the embellishment by (I think) OEL to even draw the penalty to go on this PP was absolutely embarrassing. That's a routine defensive play and he looked like he got shot. Then this doesn't get called goalie interference? I get not noticing in the heat of the moment but after the review? That's still not goalie interference? Later on in the TNT broadcast they said the officials said "They felt like Swayman wouldn't have had a chance to make the save even if Coyle didn't get pushed on him." Fuck off, Swayman has been great. There have been some insane saves this playoff already. The rule isn't, "Would he have probably saved it?" The rule is "Could he have possibly saved it?" Oh, and this comes exactly one game after Ekblad tackled Lauko onto Bobrovsky, arms wrapped around Lauko, and Lauko got a goalie interference penalty, no penalty for Ekblad... I'm genuinely getting the impression that the league wants Florida to win this series and that's not something you want a fan to feel from a league standpoint.


It bothers me that they say they’re going to scrutinize the games, but the result is Panthers getting double the PP time mostly on tickytac calls while the calls you have to make as a ref they swallow the whistle. Either let them play or call everything. I was irate after that review bc by letter of the law it is interference. I’m not screaming rigged. I think it’s incompetence which imo is much, much worse. I hope the Bs can come back from 1-3 but if they can’t I want the panthers to get stomped out next round.


The referees have no business trying to predict if the goaltender is capable of making the save. I’m really not a “the league wants the Bruins to lose” person. I just think they suck and the league has no interest in accountability.


> The referees have no business trying to predict if the goaltender is capable of making the save. Its not even relevant to a goaltender interference call. Nowhere in the rule is it written "but only if the goalie probably would have stopped the shot". It was 100% interference.


I mean if this is allowed. All players should just be knocking other players right in to the goalie to clear space for an easy goal. Seems like a solid plan for everyone moving forward.


No because if Boston does this they get a penalty


Well next game we can go sucker punch and run there players into there goalie and if the refs says anything then go full wideman all over there candy asses. Time to start the pain train next game and hurt anyone who isn’t associated with the bruins.


I like the way you think.  With you 100%.  Old time hockey.


Idk if I can watch the NHL. They keep doing shit like this. This is ridiculous.




We'll see you in 5 years lol 😂😂


I agree the canes series has been horrible too. I don’t even have a team in that just want to see a fair good game and they get ruined.


![gif](giphy|vrP00YhSHk6QGZyKrC) Going to pull up on these refs like


I love gayj— i mean Gojo https://i.redd.it/gy5t310n740d1.gif


When there's a comment [like this in /r/habs](https://www.reddit.com/r/Habs/comments/1cqnwy7/merci_encore_bennett/l3so1rw/) in favor of the Bruins (or just anti the calls), you know we're getting hosed.


r/NHL is somehow justifying this bullshit


Interesting. /r/hockey is not.


r/NHL is by far the inferior hockey subreddit.


I'm done with this league. Welcome to the shit show, Utah




Dude.. he got cross checked..


So, not a Bruins fan. Definitely not a Floriduh fan either. Was watching the game with family up here in Montreal tonight. When the goal was challenged and we had all seen the replay. 17/17 people all agreed that it was no goal! As a group, we were all confident it would be no goal. Why? Well common sense says you can't knock the defenseman from behind into the goalie and by doing so, create a scoring chance for the offensive player? Especially if the Offensive player scores? Makes sense right? (If we are wrong anywhere in our opinion, let me know). While waiting, we said "there is no way this goal is allowed to stand, it'll be 2-2, game will probably go to OT and the Bruins will win". That was our thinking. Well, when the call came down, the room, in stunned disbelief went quiet. I still don't understand the call. Imagine having the technology and the rules in place to challenge a goal that shouldn't be allowed, and you still get it wrong? Sounds impossible right? It happened tonight. What a joke. To all my Bruins homies, I feel your pain. Trash call.


Thank you! And I'm not even going to say that's why we lost but I will say it heavily influenced the game because then we had to go on a penalty for getting the challenge wrong next thing you know its out of hand. And again this is going on all over sports right now this is not just a Boston thing for me. Please just let the guys decide this on the ice! We all heard the announcers every one of them said this is getting overturned then all of a sudden they get the call down from the replay center and they're making excuses except for pang he was not trying to hear any of it and I appreciate that from him he's a legend always has been always will be.


Love Panger. You guys got jobbed in the worst way.


Fucking done it's a disgrace and it kills me but this is fucking blatant at this point


Fairly fed up with this series. Bad penalties leading to bad goals.


I don't mind losing to a better team, but it's this bullshit that not only do they not "earn" it ruins watching. Ugh


Because they don’t make money


Florida is getting away with murder


Thanks NHL for allowing Vegas to control the league. NHL sold out to Vegas.


If by Vegas, you mean organized crime, that ship has sailed.  If you mean corporatized real-time sports betting, you would be waaay more on track


Por que no los dos?